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Sakmongkol ak 47

Saturday, 30 January 2021

Reforming UMNO.

1. A famous poet once said. 'Give me a tongue. I want to speak freely. Like the pounding waves. On the independent shore. For so long we die in loyalty. It's time we live in rebellion. Things must be questioned one by one. Lest we be blind followers'.

2. These words were spoken by the late Kassim Ahmad. They were contained in a book consisting of an anthology of poems and short stories. The book is 'kemarau dilembah'. I read it in 1975. The younger generation should read it

3. That reversal of thinking should be our true north to avoid being blind followers. Every assumption and narratives by discrepit UMNO leaders must be re-examined.

4. We are actually caught in between the terrible clash of democracy and autocracy. Democracy is shared truths while autocracy entails shared lies. Unfortunately now autocracy is on the ascendency.

5. For over 60 years while UMNO was in power, we were constantly fed with lies. They left a permanent imprint in our minds. Lies about fake selective persecution when they are deserved, lies about corruption being just a perception when they are true and cancerous to the lies about xenophobic nationalism masking systemic racism. When are we going to end these lies?

6. The lies are repeated over and over again in Goebells like fashion that they are accepted as true. They are accepted as that by servile Malay minds. It's a crying shame.

7. The purveyors of these lies are the defunct UMNO leaders such as Tajuddin, Nazri Aziz, Ahmad Maslan, the fake Tengku, 'empty vessel' Bung et al. And of course the liars in chiefs Najib and Zahid.

8. While this abberation of an UMNO leadership is embraced by the UMNO rank and file, sane, rational and colllected leaders such as Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, Noraini Ahmad and Shamsul Nasrah and others are sidelined and ignored.

9. That lunacy is the consequence of indoctrination by crooked UMNO leaders.

10. The objective then is to be free from the doctrinaire dictatorship of the defunct leadership.

11. Know that these leaders are not indispensable. If any of them were to be expelled the sun will surely rise tomorrow.

12. Let us now debunk some of these false narratives one by one. Stripped of their lies they are nothing but extensions of their author's bigotry and hate ideology.

13. Take for example the oft repeated lies about selective persecution. What's so selective when the crime justifies the prosecution? We are diverted astray by the adjective 'selective' to ignore the crime commited. Don't fall for the verbal sleight of hand.

14. Was the prosecution against Najib selective when he stole from SRC? He was the sole perpetrator. There was a crime. Would it not be selective if we were to prosecute Jinjang Joe instead of Najib? That would be stupid of us wouldn't it if we were to do that.

15. Was it selective of us to prosecute Teuku Adnan when it was he who committed corruption?

16. The lies about selective prosecution were all balderdash and sour-grapish of the perpetrators and their lackeys. When you don't know how to dance you complain that the floor is not level.

17. Another lie often bandied around is that corruption is just a perception. Its real and actual. Malaysia has even dropped further the corruption scale! So perception my foot!

18. Not only corruption is no longer just a perception and mere suspicion, it appears to be unbridled during the COVID-19 pandemic. It's like scooping in muddy waters. We learnt that Iris Corporation just got RM1.16billion contract.

19. I am sure there is more than meets the eye at this miraculous success of Iris Corp.

20. Just a few days ago we heard 'bully boy' Tajuddin lamenting about Non-Malay cartel of the meat industry. For good measure why not extend it to the vegetable cartel and business in general?

21. Who enabled the Non Malays to form the cartel? Why won't the Malays do the business themselves? Making such an accusation is just part of systemic racism so loved by Tajuddin and his ilk.

22. What would people like Tajuddin would have us do? Throw all the Chinese in the ocean? Create our own Hitlerian final solution? Have our own pogrom.

23. The hypocrisy of beating the racist drum should be obvious to us. We are asked to hate the Chinese while people like Tajuddin have Chinese business partners and bed partners.

24. So reject the sham politics of these tricksters. Didn't the Quran tell us that God created the different races, males and females so that we could befriend each other? Hating each other is man made, so it can be unmade.

25. UMNO members are told to care more about what's happening to najib, zahid, adnan mansor and so on. Hey these people are rich beyond imagination. You are poor. To hell with them!

26. Not many people are talking about reforming UMNO to save UMNO. Bring the good people like Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah and others to the fore. We have no time to lose.

Thursday, 28 January 2021

Masa Depan Orang Melayu.

1. Kata sang penyajak: berikan aku lidah, aku mahu berkata kata, bagaikan ombak yang menghempas pantai yang merdeka. Sekian lama kita mati dalam setia, kali ini kita hidup dalam durhaka! Perlu satu persatu diperkatakan kembali.

2. Kita mesti mempunyai rasa percaya diri yang tinggi supaya membebaskan pemikiran kita dari belengu minda golongan elitis dan bourgeois dalam umno.

3. Sekian lama sejarah dan halatuju umno ditulis oleh golongan bourgeois sedangkan ia tidak perlu begitu. Kerana 90% ahli umno adalah orang biasa. Makanya jalancerita dan halatuju umno harus ditulis oleh golongan lumpenproletariat- yakni golongan yang sebetulnya jahil mengenai politik tapi mengikut trend secara kawanan.

4. Kita berada dalam pertembungan dasyat antara demokrasi dan otokrasi. Dan ketika ini otokrasi sedang menang. Ia menjadi falsafah umno.

5. Demokrasi dan otokrasi dalam konteks perbincangan kita adalah perkongsian kebenaran manakala otokrasi adalah perkongsian pembohongan.

6. Hari demi hari kita disajikan dengan pembohongan. Rakyatlah yang dibodohkan. Otokrasi berlaku bila kita dihukum hanya bila kita memikirkan sesuatu yang berlainan! Cis!sekarang berfikir dibenarkan. Biar kita hidup dalam durhaka.

7. Jurucakap golongan reaksioner adalah pemimpin2 lapok seperti Najib, Zahid ,Tajuddin, Bung 'tin kosong' Mokhtar, T Adnan Mansor dll.

8. Reaksioner maksudnya jelas-yakni penentang kemajuan politik dan sosial atau reform. Golongan ini sebenarnya menyekat kemajuan rakyat marhaen.

9. Salah satu akibat pentololan kebawah atau dumbing down ini, ialah membenarkan golongan Melayu bourgeois memeras, memicit serta mengeksploitasi orang Melayu.

10. Orang Melayu 'have got themselves to blame' mendapati diri mereka ditindas dan diperlakukan sebagai 'putty' dibentuk sesuka hati. Padan muka kamu!

11. Kebenaran nya ialah golongan Melayu atasanlah yang menjahanamkan bangsa Melayu sendiri. Bagaimana mereka melakukan nya? Dengan mengontrol jalan fikir bangsa Melayu dengan pembohongan demi pembohongan.

12. Misalnya bersatulah wahai bangsa Melayu itu apa erti nya? Supaya golongan atasan Melayu merompak orang Melayu marhaen?

13. Apa ertinya hak keistimewaan orang Melayu jika keistimewaan2 itu sebenarnya di sakau oleh segelintir bangsa Melayu?

14. Yakni Melayu2 yang istimewa. Hidup bumiputera! Bumi dibelakangkan, Putera didepankan! Putera2 bangsawan, putera2 raja, putera2 pemimpin politik, pemimpin2 GLC iaitu alat2 rompakan bangsa Melayu. Dan Napolean kecil penjawat2 awam.

15. Semua ini adalah slogan2 untuk mengabsahkan penindasan bangsa Melayu. Itu sebetulnya!

16. Salah satu pembohongan yang dipasarkan dan dilacurkan ialah berlakunya pendakwaan terpilih kepada pemimpin2 bangsa Melayu. Ini semua angkara bukan Melayu. Ada betulkah itu macha?

17. Apa yang terpilihnya apabila kita mendakwa Najib? Bukankah dia telah mengapur duit SRC dan akan terbukti, mencuri wang 1MDB? Apa yang selective nya kita mendakwa Wak Jahid apabila dia pecah amanah dan rasuah? Apa yang terpilihnya bila kita mendakwa Tengku palsu apabila dia rasuah?

18. Integriti kita dalam membezakan antara kebenaran dan kepalsuan, antara buruk dan baik, antara intan dan kaca bukan untuk pelacuran. Betapa hebat pun pemasaran nya, kita enggan jadi pelanggan nya.

19. Maafkan saya tidak berbasa basi dalam perbahasan ini. Hanya bahasa yang kesat dan langsung sahaja yang difahami oleh penindas.

20. Sikap saya seperti yang dianjurkan oleh Al Quran. Janganlah kamu menyembunyikan kebenaran dengan kepalsuan dan berkata benarlah kamu, terutama bila kamu mengetahui akan kebenaran nya.

Tuesday, 26 January 2021

Competency and suitability:- UMNO and PPBM

1. I want readers to know that I am not conjuring up the word kakistocracy. Such a word does exist. It's not a derivative of the Malay word kaki.

2. If you google up the word it means a government by the least competent or suitable of our citizens.

3. For practical purposes, the least competent means you don't have the basic educational and technical skills to do a particular job.

4. An example is the choice between an MCE/SPM holder and a degree holder. Would you choose the former? You would have to explain a concept or idea to that person repeatedly. Or a 3rd class honours lawyer facing a first Class lawyer in court. Who do you think would likely win?

5. Therefore, competence is the possession of the necessary technical skills. Suitability on the other hand is your aptitude, your fit, compassion and so on. It's the measure of you as to whether you are a square peg in a round hole.

6. The two requirements are what I see coming into play in Muhyi's cabinet. It's as though these matters are irresponsibly ignored.

7. How I see the cabinet is aptly described as follows:-


Researchers in Bolehland have discovered the densest element yet known to science.
The new element, Gomenbutonium (symbol=Gb), has one moron, 25 assistant morons, 88 deputy morons and 198 assistant deputy morons, giving it an atomic moron mass of 312.

These 312 particles are held together by forces of self-interest, which are surrounded by vast quantities of clingon-like particles called macais.

Since Gomenbutonium has no electrons, it is inert. However, it can be detected, because it impedes every reaction with which it comes into contact.

A tiny amount of Gomenbutonium can cause a reaction that would normally take less than a second, to take from 4 days to 4 years to complete.

Gomenbutonium has a normal half-life of 2 to 6 years. It does not decay, but instead undergoes a reorganisation in which a portion of the assistant morons and deputy morons exchange places.
In fact, Gomenbutonium's mass will actually increase over time, since each reorganisation will cause more self-interest to increase morons, forming isodopes.

This characteristic of increased moron multiplication leads some scientists to believe that Gomenbutonium is formed whenever minor morons reach a critical concentration. This hypothetical quantity is referred to as a critical moronassery.

When catalysed with money, Gomenbutonium becomes Administranium (symbol=Ad), an element that radiates just as much energy as Gomenbutonium, since it has half as many macais but with twice as much self-interest. Administranium is known to be heavily populated by minor morons seeking promotion to Gomenbutonium.

8. One of the things mentioned by Michael Porter, famous for his books on competitive strategies and so on, says that how we configure our demand determines the outcome. If we demand mediocrity we get mediocrity.

9. This principle is so universally true and simple that it is usually ignored. That if we demand duds we get duds and nincompoops and dolts. It's like the Arab proverb that says we reap what we sow. So demand the righteous and altruistic. Feel free to choose.

10. If however, the umno rank and file chose crooks like Najib and empty vessels like Bung and money lovers like Teuku Adnan school bullies like Tajuddin and untrustworthiness like Zahid, then they have to live with their choice. They are free to be uninformed idiots.

11. Their choice however reflects confusion in their morality and a highly reduced values system. Throw out the teachings of morals and righteousness. All those pontifications and preachings of Islamic values are just mere verbiage giving the speakers their 5-minute fame.

12. Applying it to umno further, over 60 years of dumbing down by the crook leadership has produced unthinking dolts. Such that making a simple choice between good and evil is so difficult. That's how umno is destroyed. Carry on!

13. The choice before umno is clear. Choose upright and altruistic leaders. Its back to the fundamentals and first principles. Reject the bad apples.

14. The umno rank and file should consider people like Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah to resuscitate a drowning umno. This may sound like a naked and brazen proposition. I make no apologies for that. What is that compared to the urgent need of saving umno from the evil clutches of the new school umno leaders?

15. What right have I as a non umno member to speak about umno?
I speak as a detached person and more so as a Malay. That gives me the right. As a Malay I have the right to demand from a political party that claims it alone speaks for the Malays, to reject mediocrity. For so long we die because of blind loyalty, now we rebel to live.

16. Unfortunately the same inimical buffoonery is continued by swollen face Muhyi. He continues to recruit the least competent and least suitable to fill up his government. Nero fiddles while Rome burns. Muhyi golfs while Malaysia goes to the dogs. Long live kakistocracy!

Friday, 22 January 2021

Umno: Adaptasi atau Hancur.

1. Saya heran orang2 bercakap perihal pemimpin haprak umno-Zahid, Najib Tajuddn, Bung Moktar, Tengku Adnan dll.

2. Sejarah orang Melayu seolah2nya berulang lagi. Penceritaan orang Melayu berligar dikalangan istana. Kali ini ia berligar dikalangan puak elitis yang neo fiudalis.

3. Ianya tidak perlu begitu. Umno itu sifatnya merakyat. Majoriti penyokong dan pendukung nya adalah rakyat biasa-lumpenproleriat. Perlu satu2 nya di bonkar dan dirombak.

4. Yang lebih perlu di bahaskan ialah menyelamat dan mereformasikan umno. Bukan berceloteh mengenai pemimpin2 haprak umno.

5. Mula dengan membuang pemimpin2 haprak umno. Jangan merasa sentimenal tentang mereka. Fikirkan tentang kemudaratan yang mereka sebabkan. Masa depan umno ditulis oleh rakyat biasa oleh golongan lumpenproleariat.

6. Mari kita menanam minat yang lebih mendalam mengenai politik. Terutama siapa yang kita hendak beri kuasa. Jika tidak kita mendapati diri kita dipimpin oleh mereka yang lebih bodoh dari kita,pencuri dan perasuah.

7. Tidakkah kita meluat dan loya dengan orang2 yang berkap manis didepan kita tapi dibelakang kita melakukan 1001 kerusakan?

8. Masa sentiasa tepat untuk melakukan kebaikan. Kita mahukan pemimpin yang bukan mencintai wang tapi keadilan. Kita mahukan pemimpin yang bukan mengejar pablisiti tapi mempromosi kemanusiaan.

9. Dan tidak ada tempat yang mengatakan pemimpin2 seperti ini mesti datang dari golongan elit. Faktanya umno tidak memerlukan golongan seperti ini untuk berfungsi.

10. Jadi kalau umno tiada pemimpin2 seperti Najib, Zahid, Tajuddin, Bung Mokhtar Hishamudin, tak menjadi hal. Ia bukannya satu kemestian.

11. Untuk masa yang lama pemimpin2 elit umno mengawal idea2 ahli umno dibawah rejim yang straightjacket. Berfikiran merdeka tidak dibenarkan.

12. Oleh itu perwatakan umno diwarnai oleh pimpinan bourgeois yang reaksioner, mengekang kemajuan bangsa Melayu. Disinilah kita melihat penjelmaan pimpinan demokrasi dan autokrasi.

13. Kita boleh dengan mudah membezakan dua stail kepimpinan ini. Pimpinan yang demokratik melibatkan shared truths. Pimpinan yang autokratik dan kediktatoran mempraktikkan shared lies. Inilah yang disajikan untuk santapan orang umno selama ini.

14. Yakni pembohongan demi pembohongan yang di indoktrinasi didalam kepala ahli umno yang polos/naive.

15. Lihat saja hipokrasi pemimpin atasan umno mendidik orang umno memusuhi bangsa lain terutama bangsa Cina. Sedangkan mereka mempunyai rakan niaga Cina dan rakan ranjang ahmoi.

16. Jadi apa masaalah pokok umno? Tidak lain dan tidak bukan soal kepimpinan. Umno memerlukan pemimpin yang tidak hipokrit. Seperti yang disebut diatas mereka tidak memerlukan pimpinan yang mencintai kedudukan untuk membuat wang tapi tidak berminat melakukan kebaikan pada rakyat semaksima mungkin.

17. Janganlah di belengui dgn ingatan bahawa umno akan hanya bernyawa dengan pemimpin2 haprak yang kita sebut. Apakah matahari akan membenam jika tiada pemimpin2 seperti Najib, Zahid, Adnan Mansor, Bung, Anuar Musa atau pembuli Tajuddin? Jika begitu 3.2 juta ahli hanyalah kuanti tidak ada kualiti.

18. 3.2 juta ahli tidak bermakna apa2 jika keahlian nya terdiri dari riff raff pemimpinnya haprak dan organisasi nya tidak tersusun. Ada 18 juta orang Melayu dan 30 juta rakyat Malaysia. Umno mesti memimpin rakyat Malaysia. Kita lahir dari rahim yang sama-rahim ibu pertiwi.

19. Organisasi yang kecil dapat mengalahkan yang lebih besar jika yang besar itu penuh kebobrokan dan pimpinan nya haprak. Al Quran menyatakan banyak kali pasukan yang kecil mengalahkan pasukan yang lebih besar.

20. Tugas umno yang utama selain dari mereformasikan umno ialah mencari pemimpin2 yang berprinsip. Kerana itu akan mengembalikan keyakinan rakyat Malaysia.

21. Kepada saya tokoh yang boleh menyelamatkan umno ialah Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. Dan pemimpin2 umno lain yang progresif. Saya tidak fikir orang2 seperti Noraini Ahmad dan Ashraf Wajdi orang2 yang racist.

Monday, 18 January 2021

The Use and Misuse of Whataboutism.

1. Whataboutism or whataboutery is a technique in arguments used by persons and propagandists to discredit the story or Testony of another party. It is done by berating, cannibalising and besmirching the latter without actually disproving one's own guilt.

2. For example when the Russians are asked about their Gulags, labour and forced camps they will say what about the American slavery, lynching and Jim Crow laws?

3. When you are asked to account for your corruption, you start telling about what Mahathir did. Mahathir or his son are not on trial here. You are an asshole!

4. You are accused of pillaging, suddenly there is a huge conspiracy to trap you. Why would we conspire to enable you to steal billions to trap you. That's preposterous!

5. You are accused of embezzling billions, you berate and cannibalise a witness. The witness is not on trial. You are!

6. You are sacked from office. Then you start washing dirty linen. If that is your emotional disposition you deserved to be sacked from any office.

7. It is also whataboutism when a man who stands accused of massive corruption suddenly asks sanctimoniously what about the corruption alleged about guan Eng's dam project in Penang?

8. Most repressive is using whataboutism to justify oppression and a boxed in attitude. A speech by Zahid Hamidi typifies this attitude.

9. In a speech in Gombak recently, in a show of extreme brinkmanship, Zahid weaponised hate towards the Malaysian Chinese.

10. The price of Malays being kind is to create ungrateful, arrogant, biadap and kurang ajar but wealthy Malaysian Chinese. So said Zahid.

11. 'What about the Chinese' is used to justify oppressive policies and uber nationalism across the board. Example. Economic nationalism. Economic pursuits named for Malays but grabbed by Malay elites.

12. We must at once recognise that the speech was incendiary and flammable. It's setting off one Malaysian community against the other.

13. It seems that Zahid cannot accept open contest and competition unless UMNO wins. It ropes in Malaysian Indians isolating Malaysian Chinese as public enemy number one.

14. Zahid's use of whataboutism has enabled hate and bigotism and communal racism to prosper.

15. What essentially he has done was to incite. As a response we need strict laws on incitement. Zahid should be hauled in for incitement.

Friday, 8 January 2021

The little dictator.

1. I was listening to the interview with Ahmad Maslan. I am convinced that the UMNO world is full of dullards whose existence is only liked by like- minded people.

2. He was puzzled why atrocious cases against UMNO leaders are continued. These cases were started by Dr Mahathir and took place during the time of Tommy Thomas and Lateefa Koya.

3. Is this sec gen material? Has he heard of in personam and in rem?

4. I am sure many lawyers are LOLRF at his imbecility. The law is not extinguishable just because the tenure of the government for the time being has expired.

5. In rem means against the whole world, anywhere and anytime. The exit of Mahathir Tommy Thomas or Lateefa Koya does not mean the end of the cases against UMNO leaders if they are deserving so.

6. The truth of a line of thinking does not depend on it being said in a baritone voice or said as a matter-of-factly. As Ahmad Maslan did.

7. Legal cases are never extinguished just because of a change in government. More so by fiat. That could only happen in a totalitarian state. Anyone who subscribe to Ahmad Maslan's line of thinking must also have totalitarian inclinations.

8. Stripped of all histrionics what we have is just a closet totalitarian. This person will extinguish cases if he thinks they are cruel. He is better off being a monk.

9. The things he mentioned were disturbing. It suggests the executive can interfere in court cases. If that is so the independence of the judiciary is farcical.

10. It also suggests that we are a nation ruled by man not by law.
That's highly anarchic. Stealing and abuse of power in elected office are not dismissible just because people like Ahmad Maslan doesn't like it!

11. We must not trivialise matters like kleptocratic stealing of money and abuse of public office. These can't be brushed aside whimsically just because we don't like it.

12. Coming from a learned Malay like Ahmad Maslan reveals many things about the Malay race.

13. The most damaging thing is the Malays seemed to be generally dismissive of law and order. They seemed to enjoy living under a regime of beraja dimata bersultan dihati. Are they sexually perverted?

Wednesday, 6 January 2021

Covid Issues.

1. There are more competent people who have written and can write on the issue of COVID-19 pandemic from several aspects. I am sure of that. Medical professionals and well-informed people and so on.

2. I am merely raising some questions that are a cause of concern. I ask these questions directly and in a straightforward manner. They require equally straight answers. No BS and no verbiage.

3. How is the vaccination taking place? Is it through government hospitals? Then provide us a complete list of the hospitals. Will the government create special purpose centres for vaccination? Will the vaccination be also provided by private medical clinics? Can pharmacies create special booths for vaccination? Do we have to pay for the vaccination?

4. I am distressed to hear of the science minister using non-disclosure agreements with suppliers as an excuse for not disclosing the price of the vaccines. See? The minister is siding with the big bucks instead of the people. You are the government for God’s sake!

5. Is the minister fooling us? If he is reluctant to disclose to us the price, information about the price of vaccines is freely available. The price of Pfizer is less than RM100. Belgium pays RM60 for one.
If the price is freely available then the minister is lying about non-disclosure agreement with suppliers. Also, its inconceivable for suppliers to hide the price, would they? Its a world pandemic is it not? We are not commuters on the Clapham omnibus la minister. We don't live under coconut shells. 

6. So, is the minister doing ambulance chasing? Is he afflicted with a bout of schadenfreude?  Profiteering on the misery of other people?

7. If that is so it's unconscionable. Is he creating a monopsonist and monopolist for the vaccines? Why should the Malaysian centre of biotechnology be the sole party handling the purchase? We don't care if it's managed by Zaki Zahid or Joe Doe. If these people commit any wrongdoings we will go after them later.

8. I assume the government is taking care of the logistics too? The Pfizer vaccines require special storage facilities.  We therefore assume the government has special distribution and storage facilities for them. These require additional budgets, don't they? I am sure it's more than just dry ice. 

9. It's our money fool! You can shove your confidentiality vis a vis your beloved suppliers to that part of your anatomy where the sun never shines. Where our money is concerned however, we demand you be forthcoming. Faham? The price to the rest of the world is an open secret.

10. So tell us honestly what is the exact budget for the vaccines and their infrastructure. You are answerable to the people not the bloodsucking pharmaceutical companies.

11. The concerns raised by Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah are also asked by many others. They must be taken seriously.

Is the vaccine- whether it be Pfizer, Moderna or Oxford Zeneca safe? It's a well known fact that the vaccine is a rush job. People just want to live normally again and dont care whether it's a snake oil solution.

12. Some of the concerns are:-
A. Is the vaccine safe in the long run?
B. Other alternatives.
C. Legal immunity issues.
D. Enforcements of MCO.
E. Who first to vaccinate.

13. It is true we cannot underestimate the ingenuity and sense of urgency among our scientists. I am not going to say it's absolutely impossible to come out with a vaccine.

14. But we must take cognizance of the fact that historically, a vaccine takes a long time to come to fruition. Its possible that in our rush to return to normalcy in our lives, we rush headlong to lap up a not 100% efficacy vaccine.

15. A rushed up vaccine may have side effects we may not comprehend. It's also possible that the vaccines developed by Pfizer and Moderna may suppress the symptoms of the pandemic but not its contagiousness. I hope I am wrong.

16. Know that the production of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines were under intense pressure by President Trump who was more motivated  by his own political exigencies.

17. Because of that, the 2 vaccines may have sidestepped old and tried testing methods. Such that the 2 vaccines offering over 90% efficacy are considered enough. Are we content with  placebo than real effects? It's necessary for us to ensure absolute safety. Better safe than sorry.

18. The speed by which the vaccines is rushed, is a cause of possible concern. Historically vaccines take a long time to emerge. The vaccine for Mumps for example, took 4 years to develop and for Ebola 5 years.

Political Awareness

Read Sak-Mong-Kol AK47
For your political reality check.

Bacalah Sak-Mong-Kol AK47
Untuk cerita politik tulin.

Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Umno dan PN. Prinsip dan Maruah.

1. Beberapa minggu yang lalu saya membaca satu kajian yang mengatakan 137 bahagian dari 191 menyokong pendapat ku li supaya menolak bersatu abahmoo.

2. Hari ini jumlah bahagian yang menyokong pendapat tersebut ialah 157. Antara bahagian yang bersetuju ialah Ketereh. Bahagian Anuar Moo. Gedebe politik Kelate. It's not that I love Ku Li less, but I love UMNO more.

3. Hal tersebut tidaklah mengherankan. Sejak dari dulu kita tahu Anuar Musa suka berlindung disebalik semantics.

4. Hari ini dia menyokong abahmoo kerana dia Menteri dan tahu sebelah mana roti dia dimentegakan. Akan tetapi dia cepat berada pada kedudukan irrelevance.

5. Suka atau tidak the man of the hour ialah Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. Yang awal2 secara konsisten menolak Muhyi dan PN. Kenalah ahli UMNO yang rasional memperakui kebijaksanaan pemikiran ahli parlimen Gua Musang tersebut.

6. Bandingkan dengan apa yang dicernakan oleh Anuar Musa. Ibarat sesuatu yang sepatutnya keluar dari lubang mulut tapi keluar dari lubang bawah. Tak habis2 apolejetik mengapa harus menyokong abahmoo.

7. Yang menyokong kerjasama dengan abahmoo adalah bahagian2 yang mahukan rejim business as usual. Disamping ketua2 bahagian mungkin ada jawatan sebagai menteri2 atau ketua2 GLC mereka melihat persikataran yang di ujudkan oleh Wak Muhyi adalah terbaik untuk kleptokrasi. Atau mereka cenderung kearah itu.

8. Kleptokrasi datang dari perkataan Yunani yang bermakna pencuri atau penyamun dan krasi adalah kuasa. Maka kleptokrasi adalah pemerintahan dimana pencuri2 menggunakan kuasa politik untuk menyakau kekayaan negara.

9. Kleptes itu bermakna pencuri dan kratia adalah kuasa. Golongan ini secara tipikal mencuri melalui kickbacks, rasuah, pemberian2 hak istimewa atau menghalakan peruntukan kepada diri mereka sendiri atau kroni2 mereka.

10. Oleh itu kita tahu apa yang dilakukan oleh geng2 penyamun tarbus ini. Yang paling terkemuka antara mereka adalah amirul munafik Najib Razak. Amat mengherankan masih ada orang2 yang sentimental terhadap golongan ini dan mengharapkan mereka kembali berkuasa. Astagha!
Ada golongan yang menjilat bibir dan terliur mahu terus menyokong kerjasama dengan Kickbacks King Muhyi al Pagoh!

11. Biarlah kita call a spade a spade. Mereka yang menyokong Muhyi tidak berprinsip. Maka ia adalah udara yang menyegarkan masih ada dalam UMNO orang2 yang berprinsip seperti Tengku Razaleigh dan 137 143 atau 157 bahagian. Ini termasuk tokoh seperti Nurjazlan khalid Samad,
Khalid Nordin dll.

12. Ia harus memakan masa, untuk yang lain bersamaan dengan pandangan Ku Li. Saya sedar bersamaan pandangan tidak terterjemah kepada sokongan kepada Ku Li, tapi sekurang kurangnya mereka masih ada prinsip.

13. Ini tidaklah bermakna pencuri2 dan perasuah dalam UMNO ada prinsip. Keberadaan mereka ialah mahu mencuri. Realiti dan practicality politik menuntut mereka berpisah dengan Muhyi.

14. Jika mereka ada prinsip peribadi, mereka harus melakukan pengorbanan.

15. Prinsip yang kita maksudkan ialah sesiapa yang ada kes mahkamah, wajib keluar dari UMNO  seketika. Bahkan fasal ini patut dimasukkan dalam perlambagaan UMNO. Supaya mereka2 ini tidak menggunakan perlindungan politik bagi tujuan peribadi. Mesej pada tokoh2 seperti Zahid, Najib, Teuku Adnan dll adalah jelas. Jangan buat tak reti bahasa.

16. Saya sedar bahawa sebagai ahli parti lain, saya tidak berhak mencampuri hal UMNO. Tapi saya berkomentator sebagai penganalisis dan sebagai seorang Melayu. Apa2 yang menggugat bangsa Melayu adalah hak saya. Dan kalau tidak suka komentari saya,jangan baca.

17. Sejak bermula prinsip Ku Li ialah tidak boleh berkerjasama dengan parti yang tidak sah atau illegitimate. Maka jika UMNO parti yang mempunyai prinsip ia patut bersikap demikian juga.

18. Orang2 lain mungkin ada variasi prinsip ini. Tidak boleh berkerjasama dengan parti yang tidak memberi muka kepada UMNO, parti yang tidak ada majoriti dll.

19. Kalau tokoh2 UMNO ada maruah mereka patut keluar dari kabinet dan GLC2. Kalau ada maruah! Suatu barang yang sangat berkurang. Itu yang dikatakan Ku Li sejak dulu lagi.

20. Tapi yang lebih penting kepada saya ialah mesej yang dihantar oleh 137 atau 143 atau 157 bahagian UMNO.

21. Pertama, ialah UMNO ada maruah, prinsip dan sense of self-worth. Ada ini bererti tidak boleh jadi pak pacak kepada drama Wak Muhyi.

22. Ahli2 UMNO menolak korapsi dan kleptokrasi yang diamalkan tanpa malu oleh rejim Wak Muhyi.

23. Bermakna ahli UMNO bersedia melakukan reformasi kepada UMNO itu sendiri. Mereka boleh menolak kleptoktasi dan rasuah. Itu bererti masa depan yang gelap pada golongan penyamun dalam UMNO. Nama awak Najib ke, Zahid ke, Tajuddin ke- semua itu tidak berguna . Itu jalan selamat untuk UMNO. Adaptasi atau musnah!

Sunday, 3 January 2021

Fungsi Fungsi Utama Kerajaan.

1. Lihatlah apa umno telah lakukan kepada orang Melayu. Menerapkan faham xenophobic nationalism, Malay chauvinism and supremacism menerima rasuah sebagai amar makruf, mengamalkan kakistocracy dan membenarkan kita dipimpin oleh puak neo fiudalis yang reaksioner.

2. Kepada saya sesiapa yang menyambung dasar2 pemerintahan umno, seperti yang dilakukan oleh abahmoo akan membawa kepada cara buruk mengurus negara ini.

3. Tugas kerajaan ialah mengurus negara dengan adil, saksama dan efisyen. Yang lain hanya ngembikan lembu saja.

4. Sesekali revolusi mesti berlaku. Dan ini bermula dengan membuang kaki2 busuk dari mendapat kuasa. Mula dengan membuang orang2 seperti Najib, Zahid, Teuku Adnan, Bung, Tajuddin, Abahcow dan ramai lagi yang rasuah.

5. Janganlah kita meromantiskan keberadaan pemimpin2 seperti ini. Takkan orang Melayu mati kalau tidak berketuakan kaki2 busuk ini. Jangan beritahu saya antara 18 juta Melayu tak ada orang yang mampu mengurus negara ini dengan baik. Dan antara 32 juta rakyat Malaysia tidak ada orang yang tulus ikhlas dan jujur.

6. Kalau kita mendesaknuntut/demand kepimpinan oleh mereka yang bebal dan korap itulah yang kita dapat. Yakni pemerintahan oleh mereka yang terburuk atau kakistocracy.

7. Sebaliknya kalau kita percaya pada meritocracy kita akan mendesaknuntut yang terbaik memerintah kita. Jadi mula dengan menentukan desaknuntuk kita. Kalau kita mahukan yang terburuk atau terbaik semua bergantung kepada kita.

8. Ingat, Tuhan tidak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum itu sehingga kaum itu mengubah apa yang ada dalam diri mereka sendiri terlebih dahulu.

9. Pertama dan utama, nyahkan dinasor2 dalam masyarakat kita. Yakni yang rasuah yang anti marhaen dan yang menyebelahi kaum penindas. Najib2, Zahid2, Adnan Mansor2, Bung2, Tajuddin2. Berhenti menagung2kan mereka.

10. Sebagai contoh masa kini kita lihat jawapan dumb ass yang datang dari pemimpin yang koro.

11. Jawapan dumb ass apa ini? Ianya hanya boleh datang dari seorang politisyen yang dumb ass juga. Jutaan umat Islam yang telah memekan daging beku yang palsu bagaimana? Mamat ini menyebelahi pihak mana? Yang ditindas atau yang menindas?

12. Sensivity jutaan umat Islam yang mungkin telah memakan daging haram itu enteng dibandingkan dengan imej syarikat yang tercalar?

13. Ia nya menunjukkan bahawa JAKIM, felda, immigration, GLC2 penuh dengan shitheads yang patut disingkir.

14. Seperti Rhett Butler dalam Gone With The Wind, saya pun akan berkata I dont give a damn siapa yang memerintah. Asal saja dia functional. Jelas mereka yang rasuah ,salah guna kuasa dan baru sekarang mengaku mengutamakan rakyat, semua tak berguna lagi.

15. Kita dah meluat mendengar cerita2 sensasi mengenai Najib, Zahid, umno, ppbm ,Tun dll. Persoalan yang lebih penting ialah adakah kerjajaan berkerja untuk rakyat?

16. Dulu saya dah cakap saya tak kisah cara abahmoo rampas kuasa. Dia nampak peluang dan mengambilnya. Tapi dia pun tak boleh marah jika dia dijatuhkan dengan cara yang unscrupulous juga.

17. Tapi bila dah jadi PM, dia diserang oleh sindrom Morarji Desai yakni minum air kencing sendiri. Dia lepas tangan dan main dengan diri sendiri.

18. Apabila kepedulian nya merudum, apabila kita jadi mangsa rasuah yang tidak terbendung, mangsa pada cabul kuasa, mangsa kepada pengerusan yang dungu, saya tidak dapat menyokong nya lagi. Mandate from heaven tiada lagi.

19. Apa yang dikehendaki oleh kita? Kita mahukan stabiliti dan keselamatan. Apabila kedua2 ini tergugat ia kepada saya memberitahu saya, awak tidak tahu mengurus. Awak gagal.

20. Apabila kamu gagal membendung korapsi dan rasuah, kamu menggugat kestabilan dan keselamatan negara. That's a strict no no. Ia memberitahu saya, yang kamu bersubahat. Kami mangsa kamu.

21. Bagaimana kita menjaga perkara yang lebih besar seperti i'tikad kita apabila institusi yang menjaga agama, rasuah dan membiarkan kita melantak daging haram?

22. Tamak dan haloba mereka tiada sempadan. Tidak syak lagi mereka golongan berani untuk masuk neraka! Semoga maju jaya.

23. Bagaimana tentera kita mahu mempetahankan Malaysia, apabila mereka dibekalkan dengan asset2 sub standard?

24. Bolehkah kita mengurus negara dengan baik apabila yang terburuk dikalangan kita membayar jalan untuk berkuasa?

25. Kita mahu mempertahankan integriti negara kita bila pegawai imigrasi korap dan membenarkan riff raff, perogol dan penjenayah masuk dalam negara kita secara haram?

26. Bolehkah Polis menjaga keamanan dan ketenteraman bila ada pegawai2 nya berkolusi dengan penjenayah?

27. Dan kita mahu meleluhurkan undang2 bila ada pendakwa raya dan hakim2 yang rasuah? Mereka bukan melindungi kita dari perasuah tapi melindungi perasuah dari kita.

28. Bahkan peruntukan untuk pendidikan pun disapu oleh golongan tamak haloba ini. Peruntukan untuk nembeli buku, peralatan makmal, solar panel, komputer riba, membina sekolah semua di sakau.

29. Pemakanan untuk anak2 dan tentera kita tidak terkecuali dari tamak dan haloba golongan korap ini. Harga untuk perbekalan bahan2 makanan di umnokan untuk membayar politisyen2 tamak dan bini2 mereka.

30. Tidak syak lagi rasuah dan korapsi merupakan musuh utama yang menggugat stabiliti dan keselamatan negara kita. Jika kerajaan tidak dapat melindungi kita dari nya, kerajaan itu mesti ditukar. Jangan kita berhiba mengenai nya.

31. Didalam bab 2 saya akan menghuraikan beberapa perkara yang saya rasa menggugat fungsi utama kerajaan yakni menjaga stabiliti dan keselamatan negara.

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