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Sakmongkol ak 47

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Rahim Tamby Chik dan Kebarangkalian politik Malaysia

ALOR GAJAH: Bekas Ketua Menteri Melaka, Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Tamby Chik mendakwa beliau ada maklumat pihak tertentu mempelawa Ahli Parlimen Gua Musang, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah menjadi Perdana Menteri jika pembangkang menang atau wujud keadaan 50-50 dalam Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU-13).

Demikian observasi Rahim Tamby Chik(RTC) terhadap kebarangkalian politik yang mungkin benar2 terjadi. Saya tidak mahu mengulas kecemasan dari pandangan tersebut tapi mahu menganalisa implikasi jika ia benar benar terjadi dan bagaimana ianya boleh terjadi. Jika sebuah kerajaan korap dan incompetent, memang patut pun ianya di ganti. Ini berlaku di seluruh dunia dan Malaysia tidak terkecuali daripada kesan ini.  Dan mungkin ianya terjadi di Malaysia sebab Dr Mahathir sendiri sudah menyatakan kepimpinan UMNO incompetent dan korap.

Bagaimana bentuk parlimen yang tergantung itu? parlimen tergantung atau juga di sebut sebagai parliament seimbang( balanced parliament) berlaku bila mana, tidak ada satu pun parti politik secara sendirian dapat membentuk kerajaan kerana secara sendirian, parti tersebut gagal mendapat majority yang di kehendaki.

Sebagai contoh: Pada PRU  Mei 2010 di England, satu parlimen tergantung telah di ujudkan dengan party Torries atau konservatif sebagai parti dengan jumlah kerusi yang terbesar. 2 parti pembangkang yang lain iaitu Parti Buruh dan Parti Liberal Demokrat secara berasingan mendapat kerusi parlimen kurang dari parti konservatif tapi, secara gabungan mempunyai kerusi parlimen yang lebih besar. Keputusan PRU 2010 adalah seperti berikut: Konservativ - 307, Parti Buruh( Labour) - 258, Liberal Democrats - 57.

Dalam contoh diatas, Parti Konservatif secara sendirian mempunyai jumlah kerusi terbesar. Tapi ianya tidak mempunyai majority di parlimen iaitu sebanyak 326 kerusi dan yang demikian tidak dapat membentuk kerajaan. Jumlah semua kerusi parlimen di UK ialah 650 kerusi. Majority yang di kehendaki ialah separuh dari 650 + 1 iaitu 326.

Bila keadaan ini berlaku, mana mana parti boleh bergabung untuk mengujudkan kerajaan campuran. Walaupun parti konservatif secara sendirian mempunyai kerusi terbanyak, ia tidak di beri hak pertama membentuk kerajaan. Dalam keadaan UK pada tahun 2010, parti Buruh( incumbent) telah mengambil hak pertama cuba memujuk parti Liberal Demokrat untuk membentuk kerajaan. Tapi perbincangan tersebut gagal mendapat permuafakatan dan oleh kerana itu, PM terdahulu dari parti Buruh, Gordon Brown meletakkan jawatan. Ini membuka jalan untuk parti Konservatif mengadakan perbincangan dengan Liberal Demokrat.

Prinsip yang di pakai disini ialah bukan nya parti yang incumbent atau yang memerintah dalam penggal terdahulu yang berhak mendapat peluang pertama berbincang dengan rakan prospektif untuk membentuk kerajaan, tapi parti yang secara sendirian mendapat majority yang terbanyak. Ini prinsip yang lebih praktikal dan yang akhir nya berjaya.  

Bagaimana ia dapat membentuk kerajaan? Ia dapat berbuat demikian jika ia mengujudkan kerajaan campuran dengan memujuk parti Liberal menyertai kerajaan. Pujukan tersebut di buat dalam bentuk merangka dasar legislative yang di sepakati bersama dan dengan memberi parti liberal kedudukan dalam cabinet atau kerajaan.
Adakah keadaan demikian menujudkan ketidakstabilan negara?  Jawapan nya tidak jika semua orang terutama ahli parlimen berpegang kepada prinsip undang undang dan tata cara orang berparlimen. Kerajaan campuran England hari ini tidak pula hura hara dan tidak juga tidak stabil.
Jadi, kegusaran RTC sebetulnya, bukan mencerminkan kecemasan untuk negara, bahkan ianya rasa cemas, untuk  UMNO sebenarnya. Jika UMNO mendapat kerusi terbanyak tapi bukan majority, maka ia terpaksa berurus niaga dengan parti lain.
Cuba kita bayangkan perkara begini. Dalam PRU yang akan datang UMNO secara sendirian mendapat 70 kerusi. DAP dapat 45, PAS 43, PKR 30, PBB katalah 12. Parti2 lain dapatlah sedikit lagi kerusi. Sebagai parti yang secara sendirian UMNO tidak boleh membentuk kerajaan kerana ia tidak dapat majority 112 kerusi. Tapi oleh kerana ia mempunyai kerusi terbanyak, maka UMNO mendapat hak pertama untuk berbincang dengan mana mana parti politik yang lain. Ia boleh sebagai contoh, berbincang dengan PBB untuk memasukkan 12 MP PBB kedalam kerajaan. Tapi dengan 82 kerusi belum dapat membentuk kerajaan. Terpaksalah UMNO mempelawa parti2 lain untuk mendapat 40 kerusi lain. Katalah UMNO dapat kautim parti2 kecil yang lain, dan menambah jumlah kerusi nya sebanyak 15 lagi. Jumlah UMNO+PBB + lain2 = 97. Tak cukup lagi.
Jika UMNO dan BN gagal dalam masa yang pratikal( satu minggu?) maka presiden UMNO dan pengerusi BN harus mengadap Agung dan menyatakan mereka tidak dapat membentuk kerajaan.
Katalah, UMNO mencuba last desperate act iaitu cuba kautim dengan PAS, PKR dan DAP(PR). Apa kemungkinan2 nya?
Kita boleh gerenti DAP tidak akan termasuk dalam perbincangan tersebut. Maka rakan prospektif ialah PAS atau PKR. Adakah PAS akan termakan dengan pujukan UMNO?
UMNO akan menggunakan kepentingan Islam dan orang Melayu sebagai asas permuafakatan dengan PAS. Mungkin ada setengah bahagian dalam PAS terpengaruh dengan prinsip perbincangan tersebut, tapi tidak cukup untuk mempengaruhi sikap keseluruhan untuk tidak menyertai UMNO. Selagi NIK Aziz dan penyokong Anwar ada dalam PAS, parti tersebut tidak akan masuk UMNO. Lagi pun, PAS akan menyedari bahawa mereka have been doing allright dalam segi memperjuangkan kepentingan Islam dan orang Melayu selama ini tanpa UMNO. Jadi apa perlu mereka kepada UMNO?
PKR bagaimana? Mungkin PKR akan termakan dengan pujukan UMNO jika UMNO menggunakan hujjah bahawa pimpinan PKR pun kebanyakan nya ex UMNO. Maka mereka mempunyai citarasa yang sama dan persamaan tersebut memungkinkan kesepakatan. Apatah lagi jika asas perbincangan memasukkan faedah untuk Anwar Ibrahim sebagai perencah penting. Mungkin PKR akan melupakan kesepakatan antara nya dengan PAS dan DAP untuk menjadi kerajaan.
Tapi saya rasa kemungkinan2 yang melibatkan PAS, DAP dan PKR tidak akan berlaku kerana pada asas nya, punca mereka berpakat ialah menjatuhkan UMNO dan BN. maka adalah sangat tidak lojik, jika mana mana antara 3 parti ini, melukahkan diri mahu berpakat dengan UMNO.
Ke3 parti tersebut akan melihat dengan jelas, bahawa adalah lebih pratikal dan pantas jika ke3 mereka bergabung kerana dengan gabungan mereka, DAP +PAS + PKR ada 118 kerusi. Itu sudah memberi mereka majoriti dalam parlimen. Ke3 parti ini tidak memerlukan UMNO. Bahkan jika mereka berjaya pula memujuk parti2 lain yang di satukan dengan rasa meluat kepada UMNO, mereka akan menambahkan jumlah kerusi parlimen mereka.
Juga, jika mereka berkuasa, untuk melincinkan lompatan MP UMNO dan BN kedalam kumpulan mereka amat mudah sekali. Belum habis secawan teh tarik, pasti MP UMNO dah lompat.
Jika ke3 parti ini dapat berpakat, macam mana pula timbul scenario seperti yang di cemasi oleh RTC yakni, macam mana timbulnya nama Tengku Razaliegh sebagai PM?
TRH masih UMNO dan oleh kerana itu mustahil lah jadi PM kerana dia yang masih UMNO ketika itu, berada dalam kumpulan yang tidak di ingini oleh PR.  Kedua, mengapa perlu PR menjemput TRH jadi PM walhal mereka semua mempunyai pemimpin tersendiri dan disana ada Anwar Ibrahim yang semua orang kata, akan jadi PM. DAP pun dah sebut beri Anwar peluang jadi PM.
Ia boleh terjadi, dalam keadaan PR walaupun ada majoriti kerusi dalam parlimen, setelah mencongak dan bermuhasabah diri, mendapati tidak ada seorang pun pemimpin dari kalangan mereka ada PM material. Pemimpin DAP misalnya, ramai yang berkaliber tapi saya rasa mereka realistik juga memperakui bahawa tidak mungkin orang Cina di terima sebagai PM dalam negara yang majorti nya orang Melayu. Saya bukan nya rasis disini tapi menyatakan kemungkinan pimpinan DAP bersifat realistic dan praktikal. Mereka sedar tidak ada pemimpin bukan Melayu boleh jadi PM. DAP tidak mungkin dapat memerima pemimpin PAS jadi PM. Jadi mereka tidak akan bersetuju dengan PAS jika tokoh dari PAS di cadangkan untuk PM.
PAS pula saya rasa mengakui bahawa walaupun mereka ada pemimpin, had mereka ialah setakatjadi MB atau menteri biasa. Hal ini saya cakap secara terus terang- saya rasa pimpinan PAS akan memperkui bahawa mereka tidak ada PM material untuk memimpin negara.
apa masaalah nya dengan Anwar Ibrahim? Saya rasa when it comes to the acid test, Anwar pun tidak mempunyai material untuk jadi PM. Anwar mungkin crowd puller tapi kualiti ini sahaja tidak menjamin dia jadi PM. Lagi pun, dan factor yang penting juga, saya rasa pimpinan DAP dan PAS dan rakyat terbanyak tidak mampu mempunyai seorang PM yang 24 jam menangkis pelbagai tuduhan seperti pertuduhan sekarang ini. Habis masa Malaysia melayan tuduhan2 tersebut. Kita tidak mampu ada PM seperti ini.
Jadi golongan ini akan mencari seorang tokoh yang dirasakan di terima oleh kebanyakan ahli parlimen dan rakyat sebagai berkaliber untuk memimpin negara. Katalah, tokoh itu, seperti yang di katakan oleh RTC ialah Tengku Razaleigh.
Jika Tengku Razaleigh, apa salah nya? Dia masih dari UMNO dan jika TRH ialah UMNO kenapa RTC mahu mempertikaikan nya. Juga, ia membuktikan bahawa walaupun UMNO di genangi dengan pelbagai mudaharat dan sakit, orang lain masih meyakini bahawa dalam UMNO masih ada tokoh yang terbaik dan layak jadi PM. Jika ini terjadi saya, rasa orang UMNO patut menyokong bukan merasa cemas.
Untuk hal ini berlaku, beberapa syarat mestilah ujud dahulu. Pertama jika TRH masih UMNO, dia mestilah memimpin suatu faksi dalam UMNO. Ertinya, ada 20-30 orang MP UMNO yang mengiktiraf TRH sebagai pemimpin mereka.  Dalam keadaan sekarang, amat sukar kita mencari 20-30 orang dalam UMNO yang berkiblat pada TRH. Lagi pun, UMNO presiden yang sekarang sudah tentu memadamkan kareer mana mana pemimpin UMNO yang pro TRH.
Jadi di mana TRH mempunyai 20-30 orang seperti yang di maklumatkan kepada RTC? RTC jawab, kumpulan 20-30 ini berada di luar UMNO. Di mana? Di DAP, PAS atau PKR. Jika kumpulan 20-30 ini sudah berada dalam kem yang menang, apa faedah nya dan perlu nya mereka menyokong TRH?
Kecuali lah jika TRH berpakat dengan PR meletakkan calun2 nya dalam 20-30 tempat supaya memberi TRH kekuatan moral untuk bersetuju dengan jemputan PR. Saya tidak fikir TRH akan bersetuju, jika dia hanya keseorangan dalam scenario yang di gambarkan oleh RTC.
Maka scenario yang di gambarkan oleh RTC hanya terjadi jika, TRH sebenar benar nya mempunyai kumpulan 20-30 yang bertanding dalam PRU 13. Jika mereka menang daam PRU utu, ertinya, TRH ada kekuatan 20-30 orang dan tidak terkonteng konteng di beri peluang untuk jadi PM. Tanpa ada pasukan sendiri, saya tidak fikir TRH akan terima tawaran PR untuk jadi PM walaupun menjadi PM iru di katakan, impian TRH yang tidak pernah padam. Dan apa salah nya seseorang itu tetap dengan cita cita untuk jadi PM. Apataah lagi TRH mempunyai kredibiliti dan standing serta kepabiliti untuk jadi PM.  
Tapi tidakah kepentingan terpenting ialah (1) memastikan PM orang Melayu dan (2) tokoh UMNO. Dan siapa yang lebih UMNO semangat nya dari TRH pada hari ini? Negara dan orang Melayu sudah tentu akan mengecapi hasil pengalaman, kebolehan dan standing Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. Dan saya merasakan jika lah TRH di jemput untuk jadi PM, semua orang Melayu patut menyokong nya.


Anonymous,  22 November 2011 at 08:31  

TRH is a good man but he has not burned his bridges with UMNO like Anwar did. So no, I would not like TRH to become PM. He did not work hard enough for it

Anonymous,  22 November 2011 at 09:53  

ku li as premier irrespective its a bn or pr goverment.....after the 13th general election,good proposition from pak sak.....

John Labu,  22 November 2011 at 10:35  


Kita kena tanya Rahim ni, berdasarkan pengalaman dan kredibiliti TRH sendiri, kenapa dia seolah-olah takut sangat jika ditakdirkan TRH naik sebagai PM?

OneMalaysian,  22 November 2011 at 11:11  

Dear Sakmongkol

You have done an interesting analysis about the various permutations of how a government might be formed if BN fails to get a simple majority. Sure, constitutionally or at least by convention (not done here before, though) the Agong will invite UMNO to have a first go. We cannot predict with absolute certainty what PAS or PKR might do, but you are right to say UMNO will appeal to PAS ensure the supremacy of Islam and pitch to PKR to maintain Ketuanan Melayu.

Well, I am quite confident that both PAS and PKR will reject any such approaches. If they are interested they would already have joined a weakened UMNO to fight the elections, but having wrestled the crown from them after a bitter fight they are not about to play second fiddle to UMNO in a coalition government. They want to evict Rosmah and Najib from Seri Perdana and move in. Also, we should not under-estimate the fact that these 3 are quite principled parties. They have all said Anwar will be their choice of PM, and that is Anwar’s ultimate desire to lay claim to the highest political prize. So, no, there will be no deal.

We should also consider the sentiments of the public. They sent this opposition bunch into government so that we can change the direction this country is heading. They want to end corruption. They want to end cronyism. They want an end to racism. They want to end religious strife. They want a fair economic deal for all Malaysians, not based on a flawed and abused NEP, but one based on the real needs of the less able. They want to cut waste and increase our national competitiveness with a return to meritocracy. They want to revamp a biased judiciary, strengthen law enforcement, and put a fearless anti-corruption agency to replace the discredited MACC. UMNO/BN are not interested in any of this. In fact they caused all those problems. That’s why to ensure real, lasting changes UMNO must be out of government. It is that simple.

Will there be frogs? Of course there would be a few. Expect that. But hopefully it would not lead to a repeat of the disgraceful Perak incident, where the will of the people was trampled on by a few leaping reptiles.

As for Tengku Razaleigh, he won’t be PM if PR wins. If they won without him, why hand him the prize? If UMNO/BN loses but hands over leadership to TR to try forge a coalition, this too won’t work because PR would want to rule on its own. If TR seriously wants a crack at being PM, then he should immediately disband AMANAH and bring 10-15 MPs with him to join PR. That would show his commitment to bring about real change. But he cannot sit on the fence ready to jump to the winning side. The Chinese say, one cannot have a foot on two boats.

Anonymous,  22 November 2011 at 11:12  



Berdasarkan congak seperti yg Dato' huraikan, mungkin itu yang menjadi sebab Presiden KITA berangan-angan nak ke Putrajaya.

Saya tak ada masalah dgn TR sbg PM tetapi saya tak setuju dgn pandangan Dato' yg PAS tak ada PM material. Ramai yang boleh menyaingi PM dan TPM sekarang.

Kita cuba try test dulu, boleh?

Anonymous,  22 November 2011 at 12:07  

kalau dah takdir TRH akan jadi PM, maka beliau akan jadi tapi kalau kalau dah ditakdirkan beliau tak akan jadi buat macam mana pun maka sorry lah. bak kata orang manusia hanya merancang tapi tuhan yang menentukan. saperti mana yang terjadi apabila Tun M jadi PM dulu. sapa sangka sebab konon nya TRH anak emas Tun Razak sepatutnya jadi PM tapi Tun M yang jadi PM. ini memang kehendak Allah sebab Allah Maha Mengetahui!!!

Anonymous,  22 November 2011 at 12:12  

i think TRH sell by date has expired. so all his ardent supportes like aspan and sak please campaign elsewhere. maybe Timbuktu ok!! here, PAS and DAP will have a say ok. PKR and TRH will have to heave ho and hi ho into sunset!!!

hidup PAS dan DAP!!!!

Anonymous,  22 November 2011 at 13:10  

Sekiranya keputusan pilihanraya ke 13 berakhir dengan parlimen tergantung, isyarat yg diberikan rakyat ialah mereka tidak mahu UMNO memerintah lagi. Kalau bincang punya bincang, jolok punya jolok, hasilnya UMNO juga yang memerintah negara ini, rakyat akan marah kerana mereka terpaksa menderita 4 tahun lagi sebelum mandapat peluang membuang UMNO. Naya.


Anonymous,  22 November 2011 at 13:53  

Pas memang tiada PM quality. Tengak lah Kedah dan kelantan sebagai contoh. Asyik cakap pasal Hudud and banyak syarat ditentukan berprinsip Islam yang tidak akan menarik pelaburan seperti Penang and selangor.

Kepada PAS, Sila tunjukan kebolehan di negeri yang diperintah sebelum hendak memenrintah negara.

Malaysia bukan untuk testing "ground" dan Anwar atau LGE(Penang) telah bukti kebolehan mereka.

Anonymous,  22 November 2011 at 14:11  

Rahim thamby takut TRH jadi PM sebab TRH akan mengamamalkan budaya 'rule of law' balik yg selama ni dipunah olih Mahathir.

Jadi kes rasuah dan kes rogol Rahim Thamby yg ditutup atas arahan Mahathir munkin dikaji semula. Bagitu juga dng kes Rafidah Aziz dan kes2 lain2 menteri Umno yg diperapkan olih Gani Patail.

Dlm sistem perundangan kita selagi kes2 itu tidak dibicarakan dimahkamah dan orang2 yang dituduh tidak dilepaskan dan dibebaskan( discharge and acquitted) kes2 yang dipendam tu akan menghantui mereka.

Ini juga scenarionya sekiranya PR ambil alih Fed Gov't. Kes2 yg dipendam atas arahan Mahathir akan muncul semula.

Itulah ketakutan Rahim Thamby dan geng2 Umno yg korup yg kes mereka dipendamkan.

Anonymous,  22 November 2011 at 15:11  

TRH merupakan satu satunya pemimpin yang boleh membawa Malaysia keluar dari lubang neraka yang kita sedang tujui. Saya harap beliau cepat membuat keputusan untuk mengambil tanggungjawab ini demi kepentingan negara yang berbilang kaum ini.Jika tidak, saya takut Malaysia akan menjadi Greece Asia, dan semua rakyat, tanpa kira kaum, akan mengalami kesusahan yang tak terhingga.

Quiet Despair,  22 November 2011 at 17:24  

Nauzubillah lah jika hung Parliament yang discenariokan Tuan berlaku di negara ini.
Nauzubillah juga jika negara begitu terdesak hingga si peliwat Anu-War jadi PM seperti yang dibayakangkan oleh you saudara ku.
Sebagai penyokong tegar and a believer of UMNO/BN, I think that it will not happen. Insya-Allah.
We are not England where we can form a coalition government of different ideologies. There will be problems later on like what is surfacing in the UK now.
I fear most that we will end up like Egypt where almost a year to the Spring revolt, the political situation is murkier.
So let's pray that this Arab Spring hoped for by PKR supporters like old fogey Din Merican and Zorro and their ilks will never happen here.
Anyhow I am all for Ku Li becoming the PM if worse comes to the worse.
I think he is banking on that too. That is why he is registering his Amanah movement as an NGO.
He is politically cunning not to register it as a political entity for fear it will look upon as an opposition party by his UMNO supporters.
So let's see who are his hard-core UMNO supporters with him.
I have posted on some blogs including in Aspan's why is Ku Li flip-flopping on his stand with UMNO. He's criticizing it and yet categorically stating that he will ensure BN victory in the coming GE.
Now things are becoming clearer.
I think Ku Li should not be shy or afraid to state to UMNO and us rakyat that he wants to become PM on an UMNO ticket.
Present to the people an either/or stituation. The ball is really at his feet.
He's got nothing to lose really. Make it a last bid supaya taklah kempunan nak jadi PM walaupun sehari.
I don't like you saying that should it be a hung parliament, BN MPs will join the opposition before finishing their cup of coffee.
I think it's the ex-UMNO in PKR like Azmin and Khalid who can be easily bought to ditch Anwar whom they will bid good-bye shortly to Sungai Buloh.
(If you notice, only DAP is saying they want si Anu to be PM even if he is in jail).
The world will laugh at us that a sodomist, an adulterer who is in jail is our desperate choice to be PM.
And I see no difficulty in PAS leaders like Hadi, Mustapha or Hassan Ali joining the BN government.
Hadi knows he has no cutting for PM.
Nik Aziz will go and DAP will be left alone as oppostion voice in parliament.
That is my predicted scenario in the event of a hung parliament. God forbid.
P.S. There's a typo in your sentence on hung parliament. The word tidak is missing before seimbang. Tx

Anonymous,  22 November 2011 at 20:37  

Whether THR becomes PM is irrelevant. Not only that, whoever the PM, he will be powerless and just become a puppet in the worst case scenario of a hung Parliament. How can he be effective when he is PM based on goodwill of the various vested component parties. A threat to quit by any of the component parties will cause him to reverse whatever decision he made. Unlike UK, Australia and other western countries, a hung Parliament will spell economic and political disaster for Malaysia.

Anonymous,  22 November 2011 at 21:55  


Inilah minda rakyat Malaysia yang selama lebih daripada 50 tahun dikongkong oleh propaganda UMNO.

Kalau nak jadi Menteri mesti datang daripada UMNO,kalau nak jadi TPM mesti dari UMNO,kalau nak jadi PM pun mesti datang daripada UMNO..Oh!!!please.... Awat UMNO ni baguih sangatkah?

Hello,rakyat jelata bukalah mata dan minda,kita dah ada 6 orang menteri dari R.A.H.M.A.N dan kesemua ini sedikit sebanyak ada rekod.

Yang paling teruk rekod adalah PM yang bermula dengan M diikuti A dan akhirnya N yang terpalit dengan skandal itu dan ini.

Di luar sana ada ramai yang mempunyai potensi utk menjadi PM dan tak semestinya mereka ini orang UMNO,mungkin dari PAS,PKR,DAP atau dari NGO2 yang ada.

Kita dah muak dengan perangai UMNO ni.Muhyiddin pun bukan candidate yang baik utk PM,juga terpalit dengan pelbagai isu.

Jadi dah sampai masanya,kita ubah,tolak UMNO/BN pilih parti lain utk memerintah dan pilih PM lain yang bukan orang UMNO that includes Tengku Razaleigh!!!

I am so sick of UMNO!!!!,though I am an UMNO member.

Saya doa apa yang Dato ramalkan itu akan menjadi reality!

Ahli UMNO Kpg.Jawa

Anonymous,  22 November 2011 at 22:08  

And until then Dato', we will bleed the country like nobody's business...

Who else besides MAS we haven't robbed?MAHB? EPF...plenty of money still, FELDA, FELCRA, done that...Petronas you say..good idea. Dato' Shamsul, Kencana is always there to help you meet your ermmm...other KPI

The sun will never set on UMNO elites and it's partners in crime as long as the Malays are kept on subsidies and insecurities.

4 million RM per month for supply of salted peanuts to MAS Dato'...even the Jews will bow to UMNO when it comes to hypocrisy...


Anonymous,  22 November 2011 at 22:19  

Saya kurang setuju yang PAS tiada pemimpin yang boleh menerajui Kerajaan Malaysia jika diberi mandat oleh rakyat dalam PRU 13 akan datang.Sepertimana kerajaan negeri yang diterajui sekarang PR dapat menimbangi pentadbiran negeri dengan baik. Jika kita duk tengok dagi segi negetif sampai bila kita tak akan nampak potensi PM dari parti ini.Yang penting perkongsian kuasa dalam pentadbiran negara dapat diagih dengan sebaik mungkin dalam bentuk mesyuarah. Telah sekian lama mereka dalam PR berjuang untuk memperbetulkan pemerintahan dalam kerajaan yang dilantik oleh rakyat, jadi jika di beri mandat dalam PRU 13 nanti berilah mereka peluang mentadbir negara cara mereka dengan sokongan parti dalam PR.Yang mungkin menjadi masalah besar apabila kerajaan baru memerintah adalah bebanan hutang negara yang tinggi yang perlu diurus lanjutan peningalan kerajaan korup sekarang. Mana-mana pergipun memang susah cuci tahi yang ditinggalkan oleh puak-puak "shit" ini.Bagilah peluang sekali...

Red Alfa 23 November 2011 at 11:04  

Salam Dato'

That we must have a leader who shall be a paragon of so many characters puts us as just having a third world mindset that will only be just giving way to the very most devillish of us to entitle himself as the PM.

We should disagree from first hand experience the wannabe likes of Mahathir to be our PM especially if he could be by default of party politics. (that self-indulging brilliantly manupulative PM had done more damage than the 3 PMs before him and 2 PMs after him combined)

Our first choice should be the apolitical and technocrat type like the late Tun Dr Ismail. God knows how far down the road we are already going the Greece way that we must soon be very appreciative of such technocrat PM as the God-send!

Failing which we must quickly and overwhelmingly agree to having that God fearing, people beholding, self respecting and no nonsense person as the PM who shall uncompromisingly stand for government of meritocracy, zero corruption, independent judiciary, free press and unfettered democracy ... and that's just for a start.

Yes, we certainly should go the way to vote our future PMs.

walla 23 November 2011 at 17:23  

If Yingluck for Thailand, why not Nurul Izzah for Malaysia?

TRH can morph his Amanah into an enlargeable mentor committee to advise her in Putrajaya, thereby providing balance to partisan orientations.

Nurul as PM will achieve everything in one stroke.

First, she will corner all young and new voters. I consider these cohorts extremely important, moving forward.

Frankly, Khairy has permanently disappointed all of us, first as an oxford graduate, second as a politician, and, most damning of all, third as a human being. As the same with Muhyiddin, Khairy must not make PM because he is in the same mould in political character as that meat-Loaf, patron of Muhyiddin, Ibrahim Ali and the other riff-raff unmentionables.

And Hishamuddin, Mukhriz and Nazri are like yesterday's poisonous toadstools; the IQs and EQs are so low the testers will have to be bribed to save the country's reputation from going below bottom-line.

So, there's no one from Barisan. The young voters in Barisan who would have supported these four jokers will now easily see Nurul standing head and shoulder above all of them in every category of leadership-with-character. Betul, tak?

Second, a young PM will reinforce my jeremiad message - namely, the elders of Umno, especially that moribund anaconda, have completely screwed up the future of our young.

Now is the time for our young to select their leader to command a new destiny for this nation, first by blocking the Umno clique from the federal decision-making process, second by injecting fresh minds, new ideas and more brains into the administration of this country, and third by keeping a closer eye on the state of our national finances upon which their future, and the future of their children, depend.

Tell me, which great grandpa won't lift up his cangkul to protest the siphoning and defoliation of our national finances?

Therefore, make that final break from the chains to Umno that are dragging everyone into the drowning waters.

But why a young female, a trembling voice timidly asks at the back?

Because 70 percent of our undergraduates are women so this country might as well drum up the massive swing in votes and erupt the tectonic shift to more brains in one stroke.

Do you, voice at the back, still want this country to be led by any of the present lot of our alfalfa-fed Umno ubi kayu's?

And would you she be rather someone from Umno Wanita, say Shahrizat, perhaps?

Here's a bottle of red bull for some courage to answer the questions... And no, the drink is not from the National Feedlot Corporation.

walla 23 November 2011 at 17:23  


Third, Nurul will personify the bridge between two aspects - acceptance of Pakatan and closure on the Anwar question.

Her father can still work to provide inputs, support and the occasional stage presence. Occasional because of age.

But she holds the fort, captains the ship and bestrides all three coalition parties - PKR, DAP and PAS - so that their young aspirants to various national leadership positions can also join hands to mobilize a brand-new, efficient and effective structure that will lift this nation out of our present Umno-cooked morass.

Tell me, aren't there plenty of energetic, intelligent and committed youngsters from IIU, public uni's, Mara, and the private universities and colleges who can help define and build a new Malaysia and put a definitive end to the stultifying, forked-tongue, flip-flopping, heart-breaking, mind-numbing, and blood-sucking plundering by Umno?

Please supply a God-fearing answer.

And yet some will opine Nurul's no Margaret Thatcher. But then again us Malaysians are no brits.

The rakyat are sincere, simple, good-natured, hard-working and caring folks.

They just want out of all this mess.

They are tired of only word spins from foreign PR companies paid handsome sums to whitewash recurring problems swept under the carpets of our mainstream media.

And they are livid with rage that the PM can promise supposedly best-in-class democratic liberties today and then tighten the noose around the necks of all rakyat tomorrow, including those who want to protest the rape and pillage of Malaysia and her institutions.

The young will have the foresight, energy and willpower to carry the torch of protest, resistance and uprising against those who are scared of a Malaysian summer but only because they have seen how the Arab spring has evicted those of the same mould and ilk as themselves!

Isn't that sufficient self-proof that the integrity of our local present leaders is immediately called into question by they themselves?!

After reading this, TC Rahim like Ezam Noor and his seven boxes will smell the winds of change, realize their mistakes and mend their ways.

And after Zamry moves aside to avoid having to answer why those investment promises are failing to appear, Nizar can return to contribute to a new national leadership for this country and achieve for Perak what Lim has achieved for Penang.

Lastly, if we cannot do the right thing for the young, at the least do it for those whose lives have been terminated - TSK.

Mr Teoh, En Sarbaini and Mr Kugan.

i go nap now.

bruno,  23 November 2011 at 22:07  

Dato,whether BN will cling on to power will depend on how much Umno can squeeze off the GLC's,or rather milking the lembus till their milk ran dry.FGV's business is mostly overseas,mostly in the Middle East.So it will be difficult to monitor their financial activities.

One thing is for sure,Isa Samad was put there at FGV for a purpose.And his job was to ensure Umno has abundant cash at hand ready for this coming GE.That means billions of the rakyat's money,for Umno's election warchest.That is why in the first few years of FGV's lifespan it was rumoured to have lost billions.

Najib did not appoint Isa to FGV to look after the Felda settlers well being.If it was,Isa would be standing behind lines of thousands of better suitable candidates.It was like appointing a fox to look after the henhouse.To empty the henhouse means a few billion ringgit for them.

This coming GE will be the most expensive and dirtiest GE in Malaysian history.It is a do or die thing for Umno.Die means boarding the midnight flight for Zimbabwe or holding PR in Kamunting.

A few billions from FGV and a few billions from other GLC's and the BN will be stuffed with cash.With so much cash on hand BN might be able to cling on marginally to power or have a hung parliament.

If the opposition can wake up the 50-100 ringgit takers to up the ante to 1-2 thousand ringgit,then maybe BN will go broke before and totally lose the whole election.

If Tengku Razaleigh wants to be the next PM he has to make his stand now.But TR will never leave Umno.If he could he would have left two decades ago.If he did maybe he would have been the PM today.

Anonymous,  23 November 2011 at 22:23  

Nurul a leader????? Ha ha ha ha very funny indeed!!!

bruno,  23 November 2011 at 22:59  

Dato,Walla couldn't be more right when he said why not Nurul Izzah for PM.Nurul would have been a better choice for Umno supporters who are fed up with Umno GOM but would not vote for PR because of Anwar or Azmin.These fed up Umno supporters have nowhere to go,so they hang around for the 50-100 ringgit notes.

If DAP can have so many young well
educated professionals as upcoming potential party leaders,why not PKR.Even PAS have voted in liberals.PKR leadership consists of old past the hill leadership from Umno.And look what has happened to Umno.It is stuck with Ministers tainted with dirty stinky linen that even stray street mongrels tried to avoid.

Can anyone please single out any present Cabinet Minister who hasn't taken tens of millions that does not belong to him or her.Or any male Muslim cabinet minister who did not cheat on their wives while holding cabinet posts.So why all the fuss about Anwar having sex in a hotel room,even if it was Anwar.

PKR is supposed to be the lead party in PR,and they will except Anwar as PM if PR wins the next elections.But if Anwar is not available and Azmin takes over, all hell will break loose.Nurul would definitely be a better candidate for PM.

Quiet Despair,  23 November 2011 at 23:23  

Oh Lordy, wonders never cease. The love for the father is extended to the daughter.
Asking the daughter is like asking the father to lead the nation.
Jawapnya musnahlah negara.
Father now commanding the wife on how to run PKR, now you want the princess to govern Malaysia.
Haha, we will be the laughing stock of the whole world. Setakat jadi Puteri Reformasi alam PKR, bolehlah
Ask the young who knows her and you will get the answer she's not as smart as potrayed or propped to be.
Yingluck? She's got Ying but no luck. She's on the way out.
How the Thais cursed her for her ineptness to handle the flood havoc there.
Nurul will also be in her situaiton if God Forbid she ever becomes PM.
I think we have many blind followers of Anu-war who thinks his progeny can do it if he can't.
That man is the start of all the trouble in this country and we want him to further create chaos by proxy.
Give me LKS or son. We have lived with them long enough to know they are just racists but not trouble-makers.
At least they don't pretend to be what they are not.

bruno,  24 November 2011 at 01:32  

Quiet Despair

Hi buddy,what so grumpy against a nice petite lady like Nurul.Is it because she is the daughter of your favourite politician,Anuwar.Most probably is because Nurul can rally the fence-sitters and the fed-ups with nowhere to go Umno supporters.This is what is getting die hards in Umno getting panicky about the mentioning of Nurul's name.

Nurul may be young,but in politics it is all about public perception that counts.If the majority,that includes the disgruntled in Umno thinks that she will be a good leader,to them she will always be a good leader.That is 70% of the battle won.The remaining 30% we will leave it up to the advisers.

By now you should have accepted the hard facts and given up hope on the leaders in Umno.Just look at the present crop of Umnoputras.Old past the hill corrupted politicos with half past sixes advisers.Scandals after scandals coming out every few weeks of Umno politicians and their cronies.We even have an Umno lady minister's family robbing the cows high and dry too.What more can be said of Umno,we have to dig deep into the gutters to know.

Maybe it is time to put Nurul to the test of her leadership capabilities.If she can reached out to convince the Malays that it is time for change,and caused an exodus of members from Umno into PKR than her leadership calibre will never be in doubt again.

It is fair to say Malaysians would prefer Nurul as the PM instead of the likes of Muhyiddin,Hishahmuddin,Shahrizat and gang.No need to worry about Anwar or Azmin.In her cabinet Azmin would be in charge of cows.Anwar will retired from politics.

Anonymous,  24 November 2011 at 06:18  

If we want someone perfect we are not going to get it. If we think it's easy to lead, we who sit comfortably infront of our laptops and criticize everything under the sun, we are definitely wrong. There are so many things I want to do for the country, but I can't even manage a houseful of cats. So, hats off to all those in the political frontline, like anwar, nurul, tony, lim guan eng, tian chua and the rest who work their butts off just so that we get cheaper water or all the little, little things that matter in my life, if not yours

Red Alfa 24 November 2011 at 14:01  

Salam Dato'

When I had offered "..God fearing, people beholding, self respecting and no nonsense person as the PM who shall uncompromisingly stand for government of meritocracy, zero corruption, independent judiciary, free press and unfettered democracy .." I had wondered no one could possibly imagined Nurul Izzah who was the future PM that I had in mind!

Now that the detractors as well as Walla, etc who said why/why not Nurul Izzah(!); please PR people consider her to be that uniting and synergistic factor for who shall be the future PM.

I would repeat we don't need really need any of the older leadership who would turn out to be just another anaconda. Also, what technocrat is there who can survive in todays politics?

Well, what we need is the re-set button and the real opportunity to experiment with the ideals of the Malaysian young who are increasingly dismayed and now convinced we the old foggies are the problem.

Quiet Despair,  24 November 2011 at 16:28  

Yo buddy Bruno

I have nothing against Izzah. She's a good friend.
I am on her FB, e-mail and phone contact lists. Never fail to get invitation from her including her recent B-day.
I did follow her campaigning during the 2008 elections.
But to have her as my PM, I am sorry.
Sometimes sins of the father will revisit the child.
If she ever dream of being PM, the Malays will make ulam out of her. Trust me.
I don't want her to be hurt. As to her dad, I am sorry. Can't even stand the sight of him.

Anonymous,  27 November 2011 at 02:18  

mmmmmmm!!!! let me do the maths again// possible i guess !!

Teropong Buruk,  30 November 2011 at 05:33  

Apakah kita mudah lupa dengan kewibawaannya semasa menjadi menteri kewangan dahulu? TRH dirobek perbagai tuduhan oleh orang UMNO sendiri tentang ketirisan semasa menjadi menteri kewangan dahulu. Rakyat tidak lupa. Tambahan pula generasi sekarang tidak suka kepada pemimpin-pemimpin ibarat 'katak' untuk menjadi orang no.1 tambahan pula TRH mempunyai citarasa hampir sama dengan najib yang hidup mewah dimenara gading.

Tak salah memilih siapa saja pemimpin dari PAS untuk menjadi PM (kiranya formula Datuk dijadikan ukuran). Yang pasti, negara tidak lagi dipimpin oleh manusia-manusia yang pentingkan duniawi dan perasuah. Sekurang-kurangnya urustadbir negara ada sedikit ketelusan atau pemimpin perasuah dapat dikurangkan.

Bagi saya, anuar sudah tidak lagi releven atau paling tidak kalau hendak diberi jawatan PM juga,hendaklah bersyarat hanya sepenggal. Dia sudah menjadi leabiliti pada pakatan tetapi ada 'aura' dikalangan pemimpin DAP.

Pemimpin PAS boleh menjadi PM, sekiranya boleh mengambil kesempatan diatas 'aura' anuar itu mempengaruhi DAP untuk mencuba PM PAS yang pasti orang melayu menerimanya. Itu pun kalau anuar mahu berkompromi dengan PAS.

Bagaimana pula kalau anuar masuk penjara? Ini yang diidam-idamkan oleh skrip Najib dan kuncu-kuncunya. PKR akan terkontang-konteng. Kekuatan PKR terletak padanya. Azmin dan Azizah tidak mempunyai ketokohan sebagai seorang pemimpin yang disegani, baik dari PAS mahu pun DAP. Skrip berlainan langskap politik Malaysia akan berubah. Disini UMNO ada balik kekuatannya kecuali rakyat membuat undi protes berkaitan isu semasa sebagaimana berlaku dalam PRU12 lalu.

Dikalangan pengundi muda saluran 3 dan 4 (Khasnya Melayu), mereka mahukan pemimpin yang islamik,berintergriti,amanah,telus, jujur dan yang paling penting memahami jiwa remaja atau generasi baru dalam mengejar cita-cita kerana merekalah yang akan menentukan langskap politik masa depan.

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