The theory of stupidity. Tales by an unknown blogger no. 39
1. 2 events prompt me to write this article. The article is called ' the theory of stupidity '. I draw much material from Cipollo and Bonhoeffer. If you don't know who these 2 mamats are, that's not my problem.
2. The 2 events are the AGC's proposal to apply from the court, a gag order on discussing the 'addendum issue. The purported addendum.
3. The other is mad dog Akmal's ham issue. With kk mart again. KKK minded person attacking kk mart.
4. These make Cipollo's 2nd law of stupidity true. It's that stupidity is independent of the characteristics of people. They may be lawyers or doctors, but they can do stupid things .
5. It also makes Bonhoeffer's observation that stupidity is more dangerous than malice .
6. Because with stupid people you can't reason, litigate, argue or debate with them. They will stubbornly cling to their erroneous preconceived opinions, come what may. We are defenseless.
7. Don't you think people from the AGC are behaving stupidly? They can make an affidavit for a gag order. But a stout judge will weight that request against the freedom of speech of those discussing the purported addendum issue. Irrespective of how obnoxious they may be. It's not like these people are discussing a hostile ideology. That endangers our society like the ideology of Daish, ISIS or Boko Haram.
8. Would oberleutenant Akmal back down if told that ham can also be chicken or beef ham. There's also beef bacon.
9. Or for the fun of it, lets ban hot dog because it must be of ground dog meat infused with chili and peppers. Ban also beer jawa and beer kocok. Because of the word beer. Although they are made entirely from an amalgam of spices .
10. There you have it. The stupid actions of otherwise intelligent people in terms of their paper qualifications and their status and positions they hold .
11. I am sure the people in AGC are intelligent people, respected for their positions, hold important posts
12. They have law degrees, some with masters and others may have doctorates. Yet they are asking a judge to issue a gag order to prevent people from talking about the purported addendum. Can we close the opening of the earthen urn? Can we close mulut tempayan?
13. Similarly, Akmal is a medical doctor by position. He also the ketua pemuda UMNO Malaysia. Plus he is an EXCO in Melaka.
14. Yet his characters do not prevent him from doing a stupid thing. Clinging stubbornly to his misconception and refusing to believe that ham can also be made from bahan2 suci.
15. He clings stubbornly to his misconception as though his life depends on it. What's even more dangerous he succeeds in herding others into groupthink.
16. Others follow a dominant idea, read his idea fearing that a dissenting idea will lead them to being ostracized. You see the danger a person like Akmal generates? He is a doctor, ketua pemuda UMNO and a Melaka EXCO. The higher you are, the more harm comes from your stupid actions.
17. In the next article, we shall see what Carlo Cipolla and Bonhoeffer say about stupidity.
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