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Sakmongkol ak 47

Thursday, 30 January 2025

The temporal and ecclesiastical hypocrites. Malays and the DAP. Tales by an unknown blogger. No 44

56. After the ceramah I asked him," shekh, enta belajar mesir or negeri2 Arab ke"?

57. Taklah, he said. I am an ex banker..I was a bank officer before. He answered in English.

58. I have this hobby of reading the Quran. Looking for verses and applying them to real life political situations, he continued.

59. His rendition of the Quranic verses differ from the renditions of other ustazs Al retards .

60. He provides rational and logical explanation as to how life situations are related to the Verses.

61. The other ustazs mostly just regurgitate the Quranic verses and literally force ask us to accept their etched in stone truths. Simply because they are the words of God.

62. In this age of sains and Tekno-COLI, this push down your throat style is no longer suitable. Tablay la itu macam tambi.

63. Perhaps I too, a secular and a samdol bastard, will also find the answers I am looking for.

65. The answers to the something the dap has mentioned by tuan guru Nik Aziz sometime before my encounter with Ustaz Shahril long.

66. Even though for me then, the answers to my questions are post hoc as I had then already joined the DAP.

67. But at least I can now justify the reasons as to why I joined the much maligned DAP.

68. The reasons why I masuk the DAP in response to ' that something which the Dap has'. Yes, that something that made me become a DAPig, and an infidel, Lim kit siangs running dog etc. Woof woof!

69. These were some actual honoraric titles given me after I had joined the DAP.

70. Well, I got news for these right wing and kkk minded idiots. The name callings were badges of honour , boh!

71. After the encounter with the Shahril long kind, I resolved to read the Quran as often as I could. Not religiously, but as often as I could.

72. Hey, didn't I say I am a secular and a samdol bastard? Aku ini binatang jalang/ Dari kumpulan nya terbuang/ Luka dan duka ku bawa berlari lari/ hingga hilang pedih peri.

73. The 1st verse which I found relevant for my purpose was in an Nisa Quran 4:76.

74. Which to me simply says-- what's stopping you people from fighting in the cause of Allah ( your sacred duty) to fight for the interests of oppressed people who are subjected to all forms of social injustices.

75. The oppressed people are the mustad-afins, the lumpenproletariats

76. These people constantly pray to God for Him to send people who will fight for them saving them from governmental oppression and from people who caused all kinds of havoc and brings this world asunder .

76. And cause this world asunder 77 . If you look at UMNO, it has none of this . What you have is the imposition of melayu Uber allies on its version of nationalism, religion and loyalty to the king.

78. And lately UMNO has added 1 ignominous thing to it's repertoire. That is fighting for special interests that undermine the rule of law and the constitution .

79. The rights of the crook in chief. The rights to be above the law, to get pardoned and to be deserving of house arrest 80. For the last 10 years, UMNO does nothing but every turn uses extrajudicial means to exonerate the putera in the term bumiputera - the crook in chief.

81. Always claiming it's part of perjuangan bangsa, agama dan tanah air. That's cockwomblish isn't it?

82. If you look at pas and it's baldatun warrabbun ghafur concept, there's also no specific mention of fighting for the lumpenproletariats nor fighting against social injustices.

83. Yes, its an all encompassing concept easily claiming to cap to capture all forms of political struggle but lately pas is doing exactly the opposite.

84. Now pas supports corruption and the person doing it, supports crime and the criminal, supports slanderers and liars

85. If contributing money to the slanderer is considered jihad, does that mean supporting slanders is also jihad?

86. If you look at the DAP, it states expressly in it's constitution, to fight against all forms of social injustices. The poor, powerless& the mustad-afins are usually at the end of the short stick. Here comes the DAP to champion them

87. The melayu Uber allies groups and the KKK minded groups focus and amplify only the DAP s secular principles and it's Malaysian Malaysia intent but are silenced on the more important social aims.

88. On the other hand, most of us can relate to social justice aims.

89. This is the 'something the DAP has' that attracts malays like me to join the DAP. I may not know of it when I first joined the DAP, but in due course I find the justification for joining. And it was to me the right decision.

90. There are perfectly rational reasons for malays to join the DAP. And to reject the secular and ecclesiastical hypocrites!

91. To be continued in part 4 of 4.


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