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Sakmongkol ak 47

Friday 14 November 2014

Islam Kita diancam

Ketiadaan kepimpinan menyebabkan huru hara.

Ada banyak pola atau trend dalam masyarakat kita yang memerlukan intervensi tegas dari pemimpin negara. Sekali lagi Najib gagal menunjukkan kepimpinan yang berani. Iaitu mengambil tindakan keatas mereka yang, oleh kerana pengaruh mereka, boleh menyebabkan huru hara dalam masyarakat. 
Siapa 'mereka' ini? Mereka yang seperti bekas hakim, pemimpin NGO, pertubuhan bawahtanah atau organisasi berperwatakan bawahtanah yang menggugat kestabilan.

Oleh kerana Najib tidak ada ketegasan pimpinan, trend2 ini berjaya menggugat kestabilan negara. Najib yang terkenal sebagai the PM who does nothing- melakukan apa yang menepati deskripsi tentang nya- tak buat apa apa. Inilah sifat yang diagung agungkan oleh pengikut UMNO.

Sebagai contoh- jeritan cemas bahawa Islam digugat dan diancam jika tidak dibendung segera akan menyebabkan huru hara dalam masyarakat. Siapa dalam Malaysia ini yang mengancam Islam?

Islam yang diamalkan secara sederhana seperti yang kita orang awam fahami, diancam oleh anasir dalam Islam sendiri. Iaitu dari golongan berminda militen yang ingin mengenakan Islam versi mereka sendiri keatas orang lain. Dan kita pun sudah dengar alasan yang mereka berikan- Islam tidak ada versi lain tapi hanya se-Islam nya; inilah argumentasi yang digunakan diseluruh dunia Islam iaitu Islam seperti yang Tuhan hendakkan yang menyebabkan pembunuhan sesama sendiri, penindasan keatas wanita, kezaliman keatas umat mereka sendiri. Islam yang di poliskan oleh lasykar2 Islam yang berkeliaran dalam kampung dan Bandar mengkoreksi perlakuan dan perbuatan yang dianggap mereka sebagai tidak Islamik.

Mereka ini yang hijack Islam dan yang mengancam kredibiliti Islam. Jika Islam tidak dapat dipertahankan oleh nilai universal dan sarwajagat nya dan mesej kemanusiaan nya , tapi memerlukan skuad penyelamat dan pengsuci Islam- maka ini membayangkan kerapuhan Islam itu sendiri bukan?

Islam tidak diancam oleh golongan bukan Islam dalam negara kita ini tapi oleh orang Islam sendiri.  Islam seperti yang orang awam seperti kita faham, diancam kerana dirampas oleh para ustaz yang berminda militen. Islam diancam oleh golongan yang merasakan diri mereka mewakili Tuhan di muka bumi. Islam diancam oleh mereka yang menghukum tatkala Tuhan sendiri menangguh hukum Nya dihari akhirat.

Islam diancam oleh gologan ini bukan oleh golongan bukan Islam dalam negara kita. Perkara ini sepatutnya nyata dan terang sangat kepada sesiapa yang berfikiran waras.

Golongan minority mana yang berani ancam agama yang dianuti oleh 60% penduduk Negara ini? Islam agama yang dijaga dengan cemburunya ileh 60% penduduk Negara, oleh bala tentera dan polis, oleh apparatus berkerajaan, oleh Raja2 Melayu? Mustahil agama seperti ini diancam.

Islam diancam oleh orang India dan Cina? Jika mereka ada pilihan- mereka akan jauhkan diri dari memberi komen pun terhadap Islam. Kerana mereka tahu jika mereka berbuat demikian- alamat mendapat respons yang ganas dari puak2 Muslim berminda militen.

Bekas ketua Hakim negera yang sekarang mengisi masa dinihari nya dengan penglibatan dalam pertubuhan PERKASA sepatutnya lebih cemas dengan ancaman puak berminda militen keatas masyarakat negara ini. Sungguh heran bagaimana orang yang berminda bigotted macam Tun Hamid ini berjaya menaiki kareer nya dalam system penghakiman Negara kita dan menjadi ketua hakim Negara.

Jika hakim kita mempuyai minda tidak stabil seperti yang diperlihat oleh Tun Hamid ini, apa masa depan yang rakyat ada bila pergi ke mahmah untuk dapatkan keadilan?


Anonymous,  14 November 2014 at 07:54  

Datuk Sak

All Muslim parents in Malaysia should worry about the possibility that their impressionable teenage or early adult children may become radicalised and turn up in the Middle East fighting on the side of religious extremists !
(In other words, foolishly taking part in other people's civil wars)

Phua Kai Lit

Sumpitan Emas,  14 November 2014 at 08:17  

Thank God you are back, Dato'. Thank you for including my latest threads.

Let us all stay on course for a better, more equitable and RATIONAL Malaysia.

OUT, OUT pseudo-patriots!

Anonymous,  14 November 2014 at 09:09  

It is indeed sad that the majority of Muslims (including the ulamas) do not really know what Islam is all about.The do not bother to find out and understand the beautiful religion. They just absorb what was given to them without a computer.

What is hear and see nowadays in Malaysia is antithesis of Islam.

Don't the political and religious leaders (incl. the judges) realize that they will be held accountable (in the Hereafter) for their action and "inaction" on issues that affect the religion and society as a whole that are responsible for?

Don't they know that they are given powers by Allah which comes with a heavy responsibility and accountability?

If they knew, they would not behave what they are behaving now!

Anonymous,  14 November 2014 at 12:56  

As-salam Tok Sak...

Maaf off topic...

Harap Tok Sak dapat hurai panjang lebar bajet Penang yang sekali ganda lebih dari tahun lepas malah dua kali ganda lebih dari bajet pertama selepas DAP mengambil alih k'jaan Penang...

Saya rasa agak musykil apakah rasionalnya kenaikan bajet sebegitu mendadak...

Apakah *kenaikan harga* diesel dan petrol ron95 baru-baru ini turut menyumbang kepada kenaikan mendadak tersebut?

sila baca *pengurangan subsidi*

Anonymous,  14 November 2014 at 14:18  

It is really been quite a while since your last article. Welcome back, we need more sane voices now.....

Anonymous,  14 November 2014 at 16:44  

Thanks for coming back buddy.

Anonymous,  14 November 2014 at 18:57  

Islam itu indah bila manusia yang dicipta yang maha esa itu mengetahui hanya adam dan hawa sahaja.

Sumpitan Emas,  15 November 2014 at 01:47  

Siapa yang terancam dan siapakah yang mengancam?

Dua buah petikan daripada tulisan dua tokoh intelektual Melayu. Yang satu tentang kelemahan system pentadbiran dan pendidikan, dan cara yang paling baik untuk menempatkan pelajar-pelajar kita di universiti-universiti yang terbaik di dunia, dan yang satu lagi tentang kekayaan yang tak sama rata.

Bahagian I
“Strip the rhetoric and those expressions of frus (“Manglish” for frustration) and fury are understandable if not predictable. We are frustrated because with the BILLIONS spent on us and the ever-generous special privileges heaped upon us, we still LAG behind the OTHERS. We are furious because despite NOT being mollycoddled by the government, they THRIVE… ¶ There is an art in helping. Done RIGHT and you open the door to the WORLD for those you help; done wrong and you have a DEPENDENT INVALID… ¶ Because we are NOT productive, our hard work does NOT generate COMMENSURATE returns. That DISHEARTENS us. To aggravate matters, those whom we deem “successful” get there NOT through their own effort but CONNECTIONS, CORRUPTION, and other CLASSIC MANIFESTATIONS of a RENTIER economy. That discourages us even MORE; worse, it encourages us to emulate them, meaning, DO ANYTHING BUT AN HONEST DAY’S JOB…¶ SBPs* get the TOP students, BEST teachers, and MORE than their fair share of resources. However, visit the TOP universities and the Malaysians there are from OTHER THAN our supposedly ELITE SBPs. This sorry state should alarm those champions of KETUANAN MELAYU… ¶ Consider the oldest SBP, Malay College Kuala Kangsar (MCKK). It only recently started its International Baccalaureate (IB) program. Prior to that the school, like most SBPs, was but a GLORIFIED middle school…¶ It is a sad commentary that in over a CENTURY MCKK managed to send only a very FEW to the IVY LEAGUE, fewer than peas in a pod…¶ Mahathir and his wards SBPs are expensive, so we must explore innovations to reduce the cost so many MORE COULD BENEFIT. These include DISPENSING with the boarding component, inviting private sector participation, and making those who COULD afford PAY their way. ¶ Take the last item. To non-Malays, the BILLIONS spent on SBPs are for MALAYS; there is NO denying that. However, VISIT ANY SBP on weekends; the parking lots and BEYOND are filled with EXPENSIVE LATE-MODEL CARS of WEALTHY PARENTS. ¶ If I had been spared my children’s educational expenses I could have a new Lamborghini and more EVERY year. If those rich Malay parents had been made to PAY the FULL freight, they would NOT send their children to SBPs, thus OPENING MORE SLOTS FOR deserving POOR kampong kids. That would truly be helping Malays… ¶ CONTRARY to popular perception, making SBP free does NOT “help” Malays. Far from it! As well-to-do parents do NOT factor in the costs of their children’s education, they do NOT save. In the aggregate that contributes to the DECLINING SAVINGS RATE; and with that, CAPITAL FORMATION that is SO ESSENTIAL to economic growth. Worse, we CORRUPT the values and mindset of those WEALTHY Malays, turning them into WELFARE RECIPIENTS. They in turn transmit those values to their children; the SUBSIDY MENTALITY and CULTURE OF DEPENDENCY ingrained FOR GENERATIONS. THAT IS THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE PART.” (*SBP = Sekolah Berasrama Penuh / Fully Residential School)

Untuk makalah penuh sila ke oleh Dr Bakri Musa, Bahagian Pertama daripada Tiga Bahagian.

Sumpitan Emas,  15 November 2014 at 01:49  

Bahagian II

“On a quiet, ordinary day on December 17, 2010, a young man — driven to defeat and hopelessness — set himself on fire in the middle of a busy intersection in a small rural town in Tunisia. Little did the man — by the name of MOHAMED BOUAZIZI — realise that his self-immolation would spark of the MOST unexpected REVOLUTIONS in modern history…It was the same theme that gave birth to the French revolution in the late 18th century…and the Arab Spring that Bouazizi unleashed: that the HUGE ECONOMIC DISPARITY between citizens had created a POWDERKEG which, once ignited, would create an ENORMOUSLY costly, and invariably bloody, social and political stability.” (m/s xi)

“Although Malaysia has made GREAT strides in reducing poverty and inequality (especially between ethnic groups) from 1970 to 1990, the WEALTH GAP remains HIGH post-1990. And it has remained almost at the same level for the past twenty years. The relative income gap between urban and rural has STAGNATED during the same period. In fact, the relative income gap between URBAN and RURAL in 2012 is the SAME as the year Malaysia obtained its independence from the British — in 1957!...The gap between the rich and the poor remains WIDE and equally HIGH across ALL ethnic groups. Latest available figures show that income inequality is the HIGHEST among the INDIANS community, followed by the CHINESE, and then by the BUMIPUTRA.” (m/s xii)

“The LOW level of financial assets among Malaysians, although shocking, is NOT surprising. If we look at the distribution of Amanah Saham Bumiputra (ASB), using it as a proxy for investments among Bumiputra, the distribution is equally SKEWED. The distribution of ASB for the year 2013 shows that while the AVERAGE investments of the depositors is Rm15,402, about 72 per cent of the unit holders own about Rm554, equivalent to 2.6 per cent of the entire fund size, while the TOP 0.2 per cent have 1,308 times at Rm725,122…In other words, the top 0.2 per cent, which is equal to about 14,000 individuals, have MORE savings than the ENTIRE investment of nearly 6.5 million Bumiputra individuals that have investments in ASB.” (m/s 119)

“Another set of pressure groups that CAN ensure that the Bumiputra ECONOMIC AGENDA is implemented and PROPERLY monitored is the youth wing of UMNO. However, as with their senior party officers, UMNO Youth also do NOT appear to have SERIOUS INTEREST in the issues. An interview with an UMNO Executive Council member, who is in charge of the economic bureau, revealed that NOT only are they NOT INTERESTED in Bumiputra economic issues, but instead PUT the blame on the Bumiputra community for their own LACK of independence or LACK of assets.” (m/s 151)


Buku ini merupakan satu kajian yang sangat ilmiah berkenaan dengan masalah pendapatan tak sama-rata di kalangan rakyat Malaysia dari segi ethnic, taraf sosial, pendapatan dan kemewahan.


saksama,  15 November 2014 at 05:43  

Saya setuju dengan pendapat Datuk/Tuan, kembali kepada Alquran dan sunnah itu jalan yang terbaik dalam memahami Islam sebenar.Harapan saya suatu hari dapat berjumpa dan berbincang dengan Dtk/Tn mengenai perkara ini.......salam dr insan biasa Sabah

Sumpitan Emas,  15 November 2014 at 09:15  

The book by Dr Muhammed Abdul Khalid, who is Director of Research in a local think tank in Kuala Lumpur should be required reading for ALL lawmakers, be they from Parliament or DUNs. About 250 pages of facts and figures articulated in plain, unemotional language and a Foreword by DR JUST FAALAND, Bergen, Norway, must immediately signal the quality of the contents of this scholar who, “obtained his PhD (magna cum laude) from Institute d’études Politiques de Paris (Science Po)”.

“[Tan Sri Professor Emeritus Dr Just Faaland, the then Director of Harvard University Advisory Services Malaysia Project, is one of the key architects responsible for the formulation of New Economic Policy in 1971…He is the winner of the Tokoh Merdeka 2010 Award for Outstanding Contribution to the People of Malaysia.]”

Sumpitan Emas,  15 November 2014 at 11:30  


...a POWDERKEG which, once ignited, would create an ENORMOUSLY costly, and invariably bloody, social and political instability

the mean machine,  16 November 2014 at 22:25  

Playing race and religion can be a double edge sword.

For example take the Selangor bibles issue.As far as palace insiders are concern,politicians were not invited or welcomed by the Selangor sultan to take part in negotiations.

But the as usual shoot first think later,DAP Selangor chairman Tony Pua was singing praises about how savvy and reliable Azmin was to get the bibles back.

Then we have the unstoppable LGE still harping on Hadi and PAS for the MB wannabe Azizah fiasco.

Do not these DAP leaders LGE,Tony Pua and others realised months after the Kajang move fiasco that the fu*king Kajang move was a real failure and the shit has hit the fan and back into their faces.

For these brainless politicians there are better things to do in life,then crying and wailing over spilled milk.Grow up,you crying babies.

Sumpitan Emas,  18 November 2014 at 14:03  

Mean machine, spot on.

Two shitting stories by Dato' from his December 2008 post: ...if you're warm and happy in a pile of shit, keep your mouth shut.

Just Shitting Along

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