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Sakmongkol ak 47

Wednesday 9 July 2008

David and Goliath.


Dato Seri Anwar has lodged a report to the FT religious department of a fitnah by his erstwhile personal assistant, Saiful Bukhari Azlan. It was a feeble attempt to salvage what is a fast diminishing credibility on his part. Why ask the impossible?

Saiful bukhahri will never be able to produce 4 witnesses who watched the alleged offense. No one in their right mind will watch or carry out a peeping tour of duty. The problem is, Saiful ratted on Dato Seri Anwar. The report to FT religious department is one borne of vengeance.

The puzzle is why doesn’t Dato Seri Anwar report it to the police? Then the police will be able to carry out a thorough investigation into the veracity of Saiful’s claims. Ah ha, but Dato Seri Anwar does not trust the police. But is he sure, the ulamaks who head the religious department of FT are credible ulamaks?

Saiful bukhari in the meantime has e-mailed TV3 saying he is ready to face off Dato Seri Anwar in performing the mubahalah. Dato Seri Anwar too has said he is willing to do the same but the event must be supervised by credible ulamaks. Ai ya- latuk Seeli, why the qualifications lo!

Saiful does not need to wait for Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim to be present to do his part of the mubahalah. It’s like Waiting For Godot. He can do it alone and leave your suitor on his own to atone for his sins. Clear your bloody name first.

On the other hand, maybe doing the mubahalah serves no purpose. A liar is not afraid to lie a second time. Perhaps, a liar can take solace in knowing that divine retributions, most of the time are delayed.

So lie baby lie. In the meantime, we are Raptus regaliter- royally screwed!


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