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Sakmongkol ak 47

Sunday, 22 March 2009

Squeezing Blood from the UMNO Disciplinary Board.

Latine loqui coactus sum( you can't squeeze blood from stone in Latin)

Many people are livid about the judgements given by the UMNO's DB. They say the DB is doing a shoddy work. It is not serious about wanting to stamp out corruption. I think such accusations are misplaced.

The UMNO DB makes it decisions based on facts. They are guided by the principle that justice rushed is justice buried. They must be absolutely certain before arriving at a decision. The chairman of the Board, Tengku Ahmad Rithaudeen is of course aware of the saying by the English jurist, William Blackstone. "Better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer,"

The litmus test of not a Kangaroo Court is to arrive at a decision based on facts. It cannot based its decision on hearsay or impute meanings on perceptions. If the basis of deciding is perceptions, then it is foreseeable that the entire group of people offering themselves for UMNO posts be barred. Everyone is tainted in one way or another.

Consider for instance the situation of Khir Toyo. The general perception is that KT is waist deep or even neck deep in money politics. But the facts ascertaining that perception were never strong enough to nail him. Without facts, the Board is never able to provide the flesh to the bones of perception.

Hence even though we despise the outcome of the Board's findings as regards to KT, the facts were just not there. The outcome of the findings of the board does not free KT from taint. What it has proven is that KT is one step ahead of the Board. He has proven himself an accomplished master in the art of Machiavellian skulduggery.

The seriousness by which UMNO wants to stamp out money politics is not measurable by the judgements and punishments of the UMNO DB. If UMNO is serious about wanting to eliminate money politics, the new PM will need to overhaul completely the UMNO elections system. He needs to look into election by the entire membership of UMNO. Perhaps he may want to consider the slew of reforms proffered by Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.


Premium Business 22 March 2009 at 05:57  

Bermula sebagai seorang yang berwibawa dan berkemampuan Najib wajar meneruskan kepimpinan negara dalam satu tahap kesimpulan idea dan pemikiran sebenarnya tanpa banyak dipengaruhi pelbagai pandangan dan saranan - tidak perlu ada hipokrik dan bayang ketakutan dalam mentadbir negara.

Jika Paklah dapat mentadbir negara dengan bantuan si Kj 'genius' dan lewat kebelakangan ini mendapat sokongan luar biasa pembangkang untuk terus kekal maka tidak ada sebab Najib yang dianggap lebih cerdik tidak mampu melakukan sesuatu yang lebih baik dari Paklah.

Secerdik cerdik Anwar - dia rebah sebelum sempat menjamah kerusi Perdana Menteri.

Dalam amalan rasuah yang melaut, bukan sahaja terdapat di dalam UMNO tetapi juga di hampir semua pemimpin politik dan Pegawai Kerajaan - Najib tidak mampu melakukan semua kerja pembersihan - rakyat jangan bebankan segalanya atas apa yang ditinggalkan pemimpin terdahulu kepada Najib.

Premium Business 22 March 2009 at 06:02  

.... dan jangan lupa Najib juga merupakan sebahagian dari pemimpin terdahulu.

..dan Najib mula tercalar dengan banyaknya sejurus selepas seekor singa lapar terlepas dan dilepaskan dari kandang...satu kebetulan yang terancang.

Anonymous,  22 March 2009 at 07:38  

Dato' macam cuba nak menegakkan benang yang basah.

Decision was based on facts. Enough facts have been found to decide KJ was guilty but failed to get him red-carded.

A murderer is a murderer whether he stabbed a guy once or 100 times...the guy stabbed is still dead.....

Relaks lah Dato'.....


Anonymous,  22 March 2009 at 07:44  

anon 07:38.

budak kecikpergi jauh jauh.. jangan main dengan orang tua. pergi!

Anonymous,  22 March 2009 at 09:34  


Disagree with you and with William Blackstone. A more apt quote is "Better not let 10 guilty persons escape and create greater havoc on society". Or, "To avoid the innocent suffer, let the experts handle the cases - MACC or AG".

Why have a kangaroo court? We must avoid a dictatorship of the masses. The premise is UMNO is corrupt to the core. A continued state of denial will make the whole nation, not just UMNO, suffer. Because UMNO is the traditional power source of the country. Surely UMNO doesn't want to see a radical change in the power source? Why protest at the MACC? Why allow treating corruption like a football to be kicked here and there? Totally irresponsible acts by so-called leaders.

What? Money politics is now back to merely UMNO party matter and not corruption? Such skewed and warped thinking. For God's sake, and for everybody's sake, it's high time the authorities tackle this societal menace by the
horn. We must conntinue to search for and promote leaders who are not corrupt and willing to do it.

Anonymous,  22 March 2009 at 10:25  

engko ni suka betul menyangkut tunggang terbalik dekat blog Dato.Kami cuma nak ingatkan.Ikat kuat2 sikit kain pelekat tu!Nanti engko jugak yang malu terbagi 'free show'!Kami tumpang kesian kat engko!!

Anonymous,  22 March 2009 at 11:14  

tok sak adalah sorang yg setia pada pilihan. tak goyah dan tak melatah. sangat konsisten walau pun tahu KJ tak sepopular dari yg lain dari segi kesucian. tok sak sorang pemikir serius. susah nak cari ciri2 ini dalam umno hari ni.

tapi konsistensi tok sak menyubur bibit perjuangan pada org2 muda. berpegang teguh pada kawan walau pun teruk di tekan. saya berdiri dibelakang dato'. KJ jadi pilihan saya.

Ti Lian Ker 22 March 2009 at 11:59  

Bruther! In jurisprudence we are talking of rule skeptics and fact skeptics. The same set of facts may produce different set of results.

Nostradamus 22 March 2009 at 12:43  

"Takdir atau Ramalan?" (Destiny or Predictions?)

Bacalah di

Premium Business 22 March 2009 at 18:25  

Sak, KJ tu bagueh.
Ada potensi.
Ada karisma.
Berpelajaran tinggi.
Tak ego
Tak sombong
Setaraf ulamak

anon 10.25-- harap puashati.

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