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Sakmongkol ak 47

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Sakmongkol AK47 speaks with Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.

YM Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah(taken on 4th March 2009)

As a person approaches the residence located at 31 Jalan Langgak Golf, he or she immediately recognises its resemblance to the White House in America. The White House is the official residence and office of the US president. The White House at 31 Jalan Langgak Golf is the personal residence and office of Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. He is a former finance Minister of Malaysia. He is also a former vice president of UMNO. He was Chairman of BBMB, Petronas, Pernas, Etc. The list goes on and on.

The white house in the USA is the symbol of world democracy just as the Parthenon was for Ancient Greece. The white house in Langgak Golf in some ways remains a symbol of Malaysian democracy. For in that place resides, the sanest voice in Malaysian politics, a true gentleman in politics and a person committed to the principles of democracy, rule of law and the integrity of the constitution. I am speaking of course of Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.

Some would say he is arguably the ablest finance minister we had. I Sakmongkol have even said, TRH is the PM we never had. He is a member of the Kelantan Royalty. His ancestral home in KB, the Palm Manor sits regally in one the priciest part of KB.

I was in Kuala Lumpur on some errands. I sent an e mail to John Pang, TRH's minder and assistant. Last week; readers will remember I got to see Tun Daim Zainuddin. This time, I wanted to see whether I can get to meet up with Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. John called back and told me TRH can accommodate me. It was set as 3.30pm at 31 Langgak Golf. The date is 4th March 2009.

I arrived before 3.30 so that John Pang and I could have some time before I see TRH. John Pang turned out to be a young very handsome Chinese man, urbane, very articulate with excellent spoken English. He has lived abroad most of his life. I suspect he writes very well too.

I was ushered into an unpretentious waiting room. TRH was having a lunch appointment in the city and will be back soon. I seated myself comfortably in one of the sofas and went through some notes that I wrote. I was preparing to make full use of the time allotted to me with TRH.

At around 3.30, in walked Dato Hassan Ahmad a former Chairman of Dewan Bahasa, I think. I know of him from previous readings and he is here to see TRH about a gathering of Bahasa Melayu champions. We exchanged pleasantries and talked lightly on politics.

Although I had an appointment set with TRH, I gave way to Dato Hassan Ahmad so that he can get to see TRH ahead of me. He being an older person and it is part of the Malay constitution to give deference to the elder. This minor observance will later assume a greater significance when I talked at great length with TRH. For that my dear readers, you have to be patient.


de minimis 5 March 2009 at 01:24  

Goodness, bro, you really know how to start the pilot episode. I am on my tenterhooks already. Please have a good rest, clear your mind and, then, start the next instalment pronto! :D

Sans 5 March 2009 at 01:32  

Well, it would be interesting to hear what TRH has to say. He has been vocal via his blogs and statements, so what he wanted to say is pretty clear but I wonder what your questions are that go beyond the scope

P.S - Giving way to elders is a custom throughout Asia and indeed almost everywhere I have been including Europe.

Anonymous,  5 March 2009 at 01:50  

Dato, my respect for you has gone up another notch simply becos you made the effort to meet with and blog about the only respectable leader left in UMNO. The other one has left the party. I wont be surprised that he will be forced to leave the party too becos of his recent criticisms. Hope you dont mind me saying that your time is much better spent supporting real leaders like Ku Li instead of you know who. Can't wait to read your next episode.

Anonymous,  5 March 2009 at 02:55  

Salam Tok Sak,
Can't wait to read your nx posting!

Premium Business 5 March 2009 at 09:55  

Berbanding dengan TDZ, pandangan TRH mudah untuk kita jangkakan kerana dia masih aktif dalam politik, masih bercita cita dalam politik dan sering mengutarakan pendapat.

Kita berharap ada kelainan, ada keinginan menyokong partinya, menyokong Presidennya atau setidak tidaknya pandangan tentang apa yang wajar Najib lakukan.

Apa yang menarik apakah TRH berpendapat Abdullah akan melepaskan jawatan PM dengan mudah kepada Najib atau Najib terpaska berulang alik ke Istana Negara dan politik Malaysia sekali lagi berkecamuk.

Anonymous,  5 March 2009 at 11:15  

UMNO today and TRH are what we call mutually exclusive.

That is why TRH can never head UMNO.

UMNO with its last fews years more to go, just has not changed nor will change. The current path is the only one they know... for foundamentally they are based on such.

TRH will be more apt to be in Pakatan.

Anonymous,  5 March 2009 at 16:36  

He was denied the chance to be PM once in 1987 and again denied the chance of even contesting in 2009 because he refused to pay monies to those who can nominate him. Such is the ways of UMNO that great leaders just go to waste while the rotten ones continue to lead because they have massive war chest gathered via dubious mean.
He will remain the PM that we shall never have unless UMNO delegates wake up from being intoxicated with money being shoved down their throat to buy their votes.
Pak Zed

Anonymous,  5 March 2009 at 19:43  

I watched TRH on youtube , a speech he gave many years ago. His message is still the same. Now viewing it again, I would be proud to have him as the new Prime MInsiuter of Malaysia. Nobody in UMNO (maybe even Malaysia) can speak with such credibility and integrity as TRH today. Those interested please visit -

Anonymous,  5 March 2009 at 20:04  

Money politics started when musa fought ku li...and continued when ku li fought dr M and escalated with Anwar's fight for the second spot.

And we nearly had Ku Li as the number one if not for the last minute reversal by PM2B.

And if one trace the roots of most umno leaders now..they're either musa's,ku li's or anwar's men.

Get rid of all of them and go back to scratch...myb there will be peace.

Anonymous,  6 March 2009 at 14:55  

Anonymous 20:04

How to get rid of them? No leader with balls or who is uncorrupt to do it.

Maybe we keep talking about it until there is a leader who finds his balls.

Meantime can we narrow down the classification or description of those Musa's, Ku Li's or Anwar's men who might have been involved in money politics. Mahathir's men presumably also involved?

What kind, what posts, divisions/ branches, which state mostly. Without mentioning names, who were the paymasters, the promissers, cash or kind.

Perhaps by narrowing down the search they will fear finger pointing and desist.

Anonymous,  6 March 2009 at 21:25  

anon 20.04...

If ur looking for an umno leader not into money politics find one who does not smoke cigar or drink perrier,wear cheap clothes and Bata shoes,owns a double storey terrace house in selayang or shah alam (and no other property ),children in local schools,drives a waja with a 4 digit numberplate and can do parallel parking well.

I hv been looking around and thus far not met any.

Anonymous,  6 March 2009 at 21:58  

Anon 20:04
Anon 24:55
Anon 21:25

What can we do? What do we do?

Can some one please tell me.

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