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Sakmongkol ak 47

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

KJ-The New Ketua Pemuda.

Today, the 25th of March 2008, pemuda delegates will elect its leadership. We have heard all the unlikely admonitions about saving UMNO by preserving the status quo. We have heard the distended arguments of choosing certain leaders. In desperation, certain quarters even attempted to read their own agenda into the speech given by DS Najib. DS Najib officiated the opening o the Pemuda, Wanita and Puteri Conventions. They are nothing more that fearful voices.

There was one which imputes the message of dare to change in DS Najib's speech, which is of course the battle cry of sun setting Mukhriz Mahathir. That is of course nonsensical for there is none. What we heard was unmistakably a humbled awareness for UMNO to conduct structural changes . That is not the same with the superficial and at times farcical calls by Mukhriz Mahathir. We actually heard calls to appreciate intelligence which is getting scarce in UMNO.

Examine the exhortations built around the rallying call of Mukhriz Mahathir. What are they? They are nothing more than a disguise for a return to less democracy and more autocracy. It is an attempt to bring back the unquestioned principle of choosing a leader because of who they are.

Think about this. Think of KJ representing the opening of doors for people like you and I (in my case my sons) who don't have that pedigree background to offer. What is KJ representing? He is representing the opportunities opened to ordinary Joes without having to resort to which family we belonged to, what office we held before or which group we identify with. We offer our own merits.

The Pemuda delegates are voting for a desire for total change. Your votes must install a leadership dedicated for revolutionary changes to help UMNO.

Can change come by mere declaration? You very well know that change will never come by way of cosmetic and superficial re-arrangements. It will not come by way of mere declaration that you dare to change. The change that is ushered or intended only by way of changing one or two people will never be sufficient.

It is the culture and system that needs attacking. In order to usher in a desire for genuine change, you must elect a leadership that is determined, courageous, wilful, able to bond with you, can articulate your fears and aspirations, and who are serious about wanting to change.

The journey to change UMNO and save UMNO must begin in the hearts of the Pemuda today. You must identify who the leader who best represents the spirit of Pemuda.

Right now, the man with the plan is KJ. What is the message you get from MM? Some mumbo jumbo and marbles-in-the-mouth speech about dare to change. Change to Mukhriz is represented by one thing only- kicking out Pak Lah. We have already punished Pak Lah sufficiently. We don't go around kicking a dead horse.

UMNO's eroded credibility is travelling further south despite Pak Lah and not because of Pak Lah. Its credibility is so because UMNO itself is self-inducing paralysis.

Asking Pak Lah to go- well, that's about the most earth shaking thing that has issued forth from the sun that is setting.

It is the UMNO culture that needs addressing of. And right now, it is the UMNO culture that must be thought about by the Ketua Pemuda. Everyone can talk about wanting to bring change but they have not defined what kind of change they want to bring. Consider these.

The idea of liberalising the way we elect and choose UMNO leadership is a fundamental change. Allowing direct election of leaders, dismantling the archaic and undemocratic quota system is a fundamental change; re-structuring the work ethics of the Pemuda is a fundamental change. Insisting on quality values is a fundamental change.

Asking for the removal of one or two fellows is not a change. Returning to the old business as usual system is not the change we are looking for. Reinforcing rogue nationalism which is nothing but fearful admission of our own deep-seated vulnerabilities and collective insecurity is not the change we are after. Indeed, the verbal pronouncements of people like Mukhriz and Khir Toyo indicate they don't know what changes the Pemuda must take. What does encouraging dissent in UMNO means? Do they mean the structural changes we actually want?

Let us first begin with the very basic and fundamental step. Move away from evaluating our leaders based on who they are. Abandon the idea that leadership is reserved for certain people. Insist on the idea that we evaluate people on the basis of what they can do to the movement. The fundamental changes we want are moves that liberate us from feudal, personality cult-based politics.

So far, we hear only one person personifying the real willingness to change. That's Khairy Jamaludin. So today, you Pemuda delegates, honour the ideas that he represents by voting in Khairy Jamaluddin. Accepting any other is an unmitigated disaster.


Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 08:20  

Masyaalah dato'

Saya ingatkan dato' akan bukak buku baru lepas dengar speech. Tapi masih lagi nak sebut nama Mukriz dan suruh org pilih Khairy.

Dato' tunggu jawatan ke, kalau khairy menang?.

Pemimpin cam ginilah yg saya tak suka tengok. What is past, is past dato'. Please look forward.

Kalau dah najis kita berciciran di belakang. Buat apa kisahkan najis yg tercicir. Kisahkan bagaimana supaya lain kali najis kita tak tercicir lagi.

Kalau lebih lama dato' nak salahkan org lain dalam journey ke puncak. Maka, semakin kuranglah rasa hormat org pada dato'

You never grow up la dato'. Pity dah uban pun tak dewasa lagi.

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 08:26  

anak datuk dapat peluang kerana KJ tolong!
Tak pa la datuk,
saya tolong anak saya tanpa pertolongan ahli UMNO lain. saya sekolah kan dia pun duit keje kuat saya. Kalau KJ offer tolong pun, mukhriz pun, saya tolak. Nanti termakan budi tergadai body.

ahli UMNO temerloh

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 08:32  

Anon 8.20
Kalau awak menyebelahi MM dan Dato menyebelahi Khairy, jangan hina atau jijikkan pandangan orang.Takpulak Dato tuduh awak mendapat jawatan kalau menyokong MM kan?Takbpulak Dato mentaikkan pandangan awak.
Hormatlah blog orang encik!

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 08:37  

courageous last stand dato sak.. my salute to you. you be in my saf any time.

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 08:47  

Yelah, tak kisah lah sokong siapa. Yg pasti perjuangan kena sama. Yg dipilih/bertanding tu UMNO juga.

Yang org rakyat lihat, dalam UMNO pun masih nak burukkan UMNO yg lain. Ni la adengan yg tak larat kita lihat. Pembangkang pun apalagi tepuk tangan la. Pastu yg tak kaji kesilapan sendiri tapi kaji kesilapan org, marah pulak dia, pada pembangkang buat cerita palsu.

Abis, dah ditengok yg dalaman pun semakin meluka, itu pasal org bubuh garam lagi.

Dah nama pun pembangkang, dorang cari peluang la. Yang kita-kita ni beri peluang apa pasal?

Sedangkan UMNO sendiri "set" kan style memburukkan ahli sendiri. Pembangkang ikutlah style UMNO. Taktik la tu.

Sesama UMNO pun tak reti nak hormat org yg pernah berjasa. Nakkan sangat pangkat jawatan 1, sanggup ni makan ahli sendiri dan menepikan objektif utama parti.

Sebut plak yg buruk2 pasal org tu. dah namanya manusia, mmgla ada kesalahan, melainkan org tu nabi atau malaikat. Jasa ditabur banyak2pun, boleh pulak buat2 lupa.

Inila pasal org meluat UMNO. Dah tua2 ganyut pun masih gegediks lagi. Kalau tak reti gegediks tolong belajar ya. Kita generasi muda takda masa nak ajar org2 lama yg lambat berubah.

Pak Sak pasai sakit benar hati dengan TDM dan anaknya.. bawak2 sabar ya.

Premium Business 25 March 2009 at 08:50  

Semasa KJ menjadi Naib Ketua Pemuda di bawah Hishammudin adakah dia tidak punya cukup ruang untuk membuat perubahan seperti Dato dan KJ sama2 impikan.

Bukankah semasa itu KJ kelihatan lebih kedepan dari ketuanya atau lebih tepat - lebih sudu dari kuah - dan bukankah KJ pada masa itu bapa mertuanya seorang PM untuk dia lebih berkesan melakukan banyak perkara yang terbaik untuk orang Melayu.

Apa beza liabiliti KJ dan Paklah kepada UMNO. Seperti kata Dato' We have already punished Pak Lah sufficiently. We don't go around kicking a dead horse.

Dengan hanya menghukum kuda tanpa mengambil apa apa tindakan drastik kepada orang yang menunggangnya sungguh tidak adil kerana dia lebih berbahaya dari kuda itu sendiri.

Saolan yang lebih penting hari ini adakah ada potensi untuk UMNO kembali gagah di persada politik tanah air jika KJ atau KT dinobatkan sebagai Ketua Pemuda dan adakah itu perubahan yang ahli UMNO akar umbi dan rakyat mahu lihat.

Pandangan Dato' dan saya bakal dibakulsampahkan jika kita menafikan kehendak sebenar rakyat atau Dato' dan saya masih bersikap denial macam Paklah.

straycat's strut 25 March 2009 at 08:58  

Dato', going for broke eh?

I had been reading your arguments and honestly Dato', you worked too hard on defending and promoting KJ and everyone can sense it. When you saw someone worked too hard or "beria-ia" sangat on something, it starts to look a bit fishy.

I would probably buy a detergent from a salesman who convinced me that it will make my clothes cleaner. However, if he start to tell me that I can also put it in the petrol tank of my car and it will turn into a rocket, then I would simply walk away.

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 09:15  

Rakyat gelak la baca ni ... "Right now, the man with the plan is KJ."

Plan pekebenda? Plan membesarkan poket sendiri. Plan mementingkan diri sendiri.

Ni la untungnya hantar ke oksepod maklum saya org kampung, sebut english pun tak betul)..

Bangga sangat ni budak oksepod. Betul la cerdik. Cerdik mengaut untung sendiri.

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 09:25  

Anon 8.47
Bila pulak Dato' sak sakit hati pada TDM dan anaknya?
Engko ingat enko sorang hormat pemimpin yang berjasa? Tapi tatkala tak menyokong anak jantan jadi KP engko terus melenting marah kenapa? Jasa TDM tak dinafikan.
Menggunakan jasa2 ini sebagai weapon untuk berkempen untuk anaknya yang merosakkan dan sangat kotor!
Engko nak jilat tapak kaki TDM takperlah.Tapi jangan takpasal2 tuduh orang lain tak hormat hanya kerana sanggup mencium tangan TDM

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 09:33  

Anon 9.15
Alahai..bestnya kalau anak aku pun dapat ijazah dari Oxford.Tapi takper..dapat dari mana2 UK universiti pun takper.
Aku memang hormat pada orang otak geliga macam TDM dan KJ.Cuma TDM dah sudah.Sekarang turn KJ pulak!Dato Seri Najib kena asuh budak ni baik2.Ramai sangat dengki khianat kat dia.Tak kena anak sendiri takpaa lah.Cuba anak hang bertanding datang TDM melutu!Engko senyum aje??

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 09:38  

This is the first time I come visiting. I respect you for posting those comments that do not agree with what you are saying.

But haven't you been listening to the deafening chorus of the rakyat or if you like , the common guys & gals who are dead set against Dollah's son-above-law? KJ has gotten to where he is now solely based on his father-in-law being the Prime Minister of this country.

Next to KJ, MM seems more in touch with the commoners and definitely more refined and cultured. This is the kind of Malay that we want to represent us. For all his pedigreed background, we at least know where MM comes from. Who is this KJ that you have put on your pedestal? He has been very scatchy and evasive about his background.

As for me, I am not going to punish a decent chap like MM just because his dad is TDM. And I am not going to reward KJ just because he and you would like us to believe that he is just as common as I am.

Wake up Sakmongkol AK47 and smell the coffee.


Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 09:46  

Nasihat DS Najib supaya perihatin kapada "language of the cyber community" amat baik. Saya tak tahu berapa orang Perwakilan yang sempat buka laptop dan baca komen2 saperti ini. Kebanyakan nya di Dewan Mesyuarat, tempat2 makan, kedai2 kopi hotel, dsb nya.

Tapi kita masih boleh cuba teruskan kempen cyber lagi.

KJ tak boleh jadi KP Pemuda sebab dia di dapati Lembaga Disiplin bersalah politik wang. DS Najib dah kata kita mesti kikis politik wang sampai ke akar umbi.

Kalau dia jadi KP, secara otomatik dia jadi Naib Pengerusi dan, biasa nya di beri jawatan Menteri. DS Najib minta Perwakilan pilih untuk nya orang yang ada ketulusan, kejujuran, keikhlasan atau "integrity".

Yang dua di atas ini ia lah sebab2 yang paling kuat kenapa tak boleh pilih KJ jadi KP.

Sebab2 lain termasuk so'al adab, hormat orang tua, hormat hak Kerajaan (berkempen di Seri Perdana dsb nya), ...

Perkara "opening doors" - kalau yang membuka pintu kurang integriti nya, tentu yang masuk banyak yang kurang integriti juga. Kalu begitu, macam mana nak kurang kan politik wang, meluaskan pasukan yang berintegriti, penuh bertanggung jawab dan berdedikasi kapada tugas, bangsa dan negara.

Berganjak dari menilaikan pemimpin kita berdasarkan siapa dia? Ini bahaya. Yang kita tahu siapa dia pun, boleh jadi syaitan bila dapat kuasa dan peluang buat duit. Lagikan yang kita tak tahu siapa dia.

Setuju kita mesti buangkan pemikiran yang mengatakan kepimpinan itu di khaskan unntuk sekian maanusia sahaja. Tapi yang tak bagus, yang dah di dapati main politik wang mesti di singkirkan.

Kalau kita tak pasti yang lain bagus atau tidak, kita hantar undi kosong. Tak salah. Kita berkecuali salepas kita mmemikir - dalam bahasa Inggeris "conscientious abstention". Supaya pihak berkuasa tahu ada protes politik wang dsb nya. Sehingga masa ada calun yang kita yaakin bagus.

Ini so'al masa depan kita, anak cucu kita, bangsa Melayu, dan masa depan negara Malaysia kerana Melayu pegang teraju kepimpinan negara. Amat penting Perwakilan fikir sapenuh nya bila mengundi.

mantra-indeeptots 25 March 2009 at 09:55  

Salam Dato'

Najib in his last address to Youth, Wanita and Puteri, "....we must change for the benefit of the people. We must dare to change "


Isn't it crystal clear?

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 09:55  

Rakyat akan lebih aman kalau KJ tidak ada dalam mana2 bahagian pun. Kabinet pun jangan letak.

Kalau tak selagi tu la org tak suka UMNO.

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 10:04  

if ever KJ were to be elected, its the end for pemuda UMNO. he was found guilty of money politics, what else can change your mind ?. how can such a person be our future leader !.
We are not as blind/deaf or stupid,,,are we ?

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 10:08  

Para bloggers,
(1) So much accusation spouted so early in the morning.
Ok some Anti Khairy is 100% Anti Khairy, just like some people are also anti Najib, anti Anwar, anti Mawi, etc. So they come with some very disgusting posting mentioning 'taik' and all sorts of very unpleasent things. Nothing much more to say,

(2) KJ - Natural Born Leader.
Some say KJ was too daring during Hishammudins time. So - does it not show that actually he is a natural born leader? Was not all great leaders the sort who take risk and you can see it from a young age, and all BORN LOSER lembik, weak and always following what other people say?

(3) The biggest joke is that KJs opinion has amongst the rakyat is the reason why UMNO is losing.
Nobody knows, cos nobody is taken a poll. The only poll with a substantial sample was that by KPMU where KJ has over 60,0000 votes. So this is just pure lies, lies, lies. If you ask kaum lain, of course they hate KJ, because they know KJ is not the sort of people to kowtow easily. This is not for Mr. Popular, this is for Ketua Pemuda.

(4) Dato has consistently written about KJ's strong points and tried to make you see KJ supposed weaknesss from another point.

I don't think he said KJ can make your car fly. He is making a more important point, if we are always just going to vote for this person because he is that mans son, then we will be left as a weak society with weak leaders. This is such a stupid policy, respect KJ because he came up using his own smarts. Maybe most of you want to knock KJ down because your jealous what a anak biasa from Rembau can do, wherelse you'll live your life kissing, and grovelling at the feet of some anak Tan Sri or Dato or Tun, so that one day they may recognize your existence and treat you as a human being.

If you want to accept 100% what Tun says without thinking for yourself, its ok, its your right. But here in Internet, we can debate and argue, the more stupid your argument is, the stupider you and your cause appears.

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 10:10  

And all those who talk about money politic and all of that, grow up lah. Thats all i say, grow up. Don't think the rest of the country or the world looks at the now self appointed Crusader against Corruption and say, wahhh that man is clean. During his time, no hanky panky, everything above board. Pooorah

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 10:11  

Masalahnya UMNO tak nampak apa yg rakyat mahukan. Duduk situ pun, rakyat yg pilih. Bila dia kalah, dia cakap pasal anak muda ramai mengakses blog.

Dia pun konon nak ikut trend, pun bukak blog. Tapi bukak blog utk golongan tua mcm dia ajalah. Tak menyelami apa yg kita maukan.

Speech promoting cam sebelah ni, mmg kira harakiri nyalah. Zaman skrg ni tak main la tok style ni. Ketinggalan zaman.

Message TDM ada benarnya, setiap yg dicakap melambangkan kehendak rakyat zaman ni. Mana dia tau? Aku rasa sebab dia dah bercampur dengan org ramai sebab itu dia lebih memahami.

He can sense the trend of change that ppl want. But you guys dont want to listen. Aku pity dengan dia, he's trying to send this messages to you guys, tapi takda sapa org2 diperingkat atas yg mahu mendengar.

Seperti seorang ayah yg mahu hidup anaknya aman damai, tak henti berusaha walaupun anaknya menjadi anak derhaka.

Dia mmg bekas PM dan kini telah menjadi rakyat yg prihatin. Dek kerana jawatan nya terdahulu sebagai PM, menjadi penghalang kepada suaranya kini sehingga menjadi ejekan dan hentaman org2 yg rasa dirinya lebih sempurna dan betul dari org yg dah tua.

Dia berusaha untuk memberi pemahaman, cakap nya selari dengan kemahuan kami. Semangatnya jitu walaupun telah berusia dan masih disalah anggap.

Saya harap Malaysia atau Tanah yg menjadi kebanggaan Melayu ini selamat.

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 10:14  

wenger! its not too late for you to switch camps you know. :)

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 10:17  

eh wenger boy, you ni tak faham perumpamaan la.. lawak aku baca point kau..

patutla boleh jadi penyokong..rupanya cant see things behind it...

need left and right brain working together..kurang imaginasi la bro

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 10:19  

To anon 10.14
wenger and all of us plus Dato' sak will sink and swim together.Maybe you'll care to jump ship soon??

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 10:20  
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 10:22  

Dah mengaku ship kecik pulak.. rupanya sedar diri juga ya..patut backing beriya-iya.

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 10:27  

Pembetulan komen 09:46 -

Bukan Naib Pengerusi. Naib Presiden.

Jangan undi saya jadi KP. Gopoh sangat hingga tersalah taip. Ma'af.

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 10:28  

wenger nya kenyataan pasal keciknya ship tu dah ilang...hehe

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 10:28  

To anon 10:14,

A lot of people say that our ship is very small. A lot of people say that Khairy cannot win. A lot of people say this say that, say a lot of things.

But delegates know, who is KJ. They know when it comes to a hot issue, KJ has the fortitude to make his point known early on.

Take the Perak SG issue. KJ very early on in an interview with the Nut Graph made his point clear that this was not going to be pretty. What guts! Most of the UMNO leadership all kept quiet. Then after all the disaster, Tun agreed with him, and went further on to say that the move was 'in conflict with law'. So I respect both for saying the truth, but I respect KJ more for saying it early on and having more to lose.

So feel free to join ship when the winner is announced, who knows you can pretend that you were KJ strongest supporter, and hope for some position.

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 10:31  

wenger ilang jap, gi mintak budjet dari KJ nk beli kapal besar kahkahkah!

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 10:32  

In terms of politik, tak mustahil juga kalau KJ pun pegi tambah itu that dia nampak ke depan..

Aku ingat lagi article sebelah yg menyebut KJ kaki plan nya org..

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 10:37  

Hmm tak sangka flip flop ni, kira hereditary juga ya..leh pass ke penyokong..

Jawapan Wenger:
Well, demokrasi terpimpin.. hehe(sebabak ayat dalam Madu 3)

Jawapan Balas:
(Sila lengkapkan.....)

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 10:58  

Dato Sak and Wenger could write lengthy compositions but yet... LESS IS ALWAYS MORE


Who dictated that? Its UMNO DC

Who is to blame for that statement?

Dato' and Wenger will blame it on perception and deny reality

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 11:12  

wenger at 10:14

apa ko ni nak menipu?

tun dgn kuli ckp lebih awal pasal kes perak.. dua dua tak setuju dgn cara umno..

kj interview dlm nut graph 3 minggu berikutnya..

apahal ko nak kata tun setuju dgn kj? aku rasa kj yg copy apa tun dan kuli ckp..

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 11:32  

Aduhai Dato,

With all due respect to you, as I admire your writtings. But this time your reasoning is flawed la Dato'. How can you equate KJ to being an ordinary Joe lah Dato?

He is far from ordinary actually. Son in Law of to the number 1 of the country, rised to fame when he won uncontested to be #2 youth leader, hand picked to become number 2 in football association of Malaysia, allegation of immense wealth through buying and selling of shares...etc etc....

if thats ordinary joe, then i must be very insufficient as a man..

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 11:35  


Wenger is just a banger. A back 'back-door' banger.

Dato' SAK,

I understand your desperation. But its just a sure lose battle for you. How disheartening to see you fall like this.

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 11:36  

I just log in and the first comment from anonymous 8:20 already make me want to puke.

You can see that the call for voting in leaders on merit isn't going to go down well with the likes of sycopants and boot-lickers tagging on for posts. They are like ants swarming around sugar.

I don't think dato is after a post just because he is promoting KJ. I personally don't like KJ and don't mind engaging in a debate with Kj without any fearof repercussion. But MM is hiding under the protection of TDM. Why should I vote for MM because he's proven nothing substantial for me to see him as future PM material. Unless of course you see that he is the son of TDM so he deserves to be PM. Just like now Najib deserves to be PM because he is the son of TARazak.

Dato is hitting the nail on its head and the truth certainly hurts. We are saying again and again that leaders must be chosen for their intelligence and capabilities and not to ridiculously protect a dynasty. look at the way TDM is unashamedly promoting his son and unfailry degrading the competition. I think voters are no fools unless of cause they are corrupted or afraid.

so don't be small-minded and accuse dato of eyeing a position. It's a bout time we all support true democracy not autocracy and despotism.

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 11:36  

Anonymous at 11:12,

Kao ni suka nak memutar belitkan fakta, tapi di Internet kita tak boleh berbohong dan berdusta.

Sila baca link ni
Defections unethical 3 HB FEBURARI

Ni pula komen Tun

Satu komen bulan 2, satu komen bulan 3.

Aku tau kao ni tak suka pada mereka yg pandai sikit, lebih gemar, mereka yg lingkup SPM, tetapi, jangan nak tunjuk kebbodohan terang terang.

Ooops, I terlupa, dasar pengkomen anonymous....

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 11:46  

tok sak,
nampak ramai sgt yg anti kj kat blog ni. sampai bertaik-taik pulak bahasanya. ini kah generasi pemikir dan pendebat yg rasional.

kita bebas untuk memilih dan menyokong siapa yg kita nak pilih. tak salah sebab kita ni manusia.

sedang di zaman para sahabat pun masing2 ada pilihan pemimpin sendiri.

saya tabik dengan tok sak yg berpegang pada satu prinsip dan pilihan. org2 yg bertempik dalam blog ni kenapa tak pergi saja kat rumah2 org PAS atau PKR ajak dia org sokong kerajaan jika handal sangat berhujjah.

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 11:55  

org2 yg bertempik dalam blog ni kenapa tak pergi saja kat rumah2 org PAS atau PKR ajak dia org sokong kerajaan jika handal sangat berhujjah.

hahaha gelinya bila I baca para ini. I bet they'd be torn to shreds because it is easy to throw stones in your own backyard.

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 11:58  

baguslah kalau dua dua dah kutuk pak lah pasal kes perak..

dua dua komen dalam bulan februari

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 12:03  

Aku berpendapat "taik" yang disebut tu perumpamaan/bidalan/kiasan tentang sesuatu yg tidak elok.

Perkara2 tidak elok/busuk sprt menjaja kesilapan org lain, membuka aib org, sedangkan diri sendiri sedang membuat onar juga, iaitu buka aib org (menjadi satu panduan dalam islam utk perpaduan ummah) Inilah perkara busuk yg kita tak patut ungkit.

Takkan la ini pun nak kena tunjuk ajar. Kecoh la lu mamat. Dah habis idea nak backing KJ?

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 12:05  

Sesama UMNO pun nak gaduh..patutlah...

Wong Pencen 25 March 2009 at 12:11  

"Let us first begin with the very basic and fundamental step. Move away from evaluating our leaders based on who they are. Abandon the idea that leadership is reserved for certain people. Insist on the idea that we evaluate people on the basis of what they can do to the movement."

How can you suggest for us to move away from evaluating our leaders based on who they are? I agree with you for us to evaluate base on what they can do.

How do we know what they can do without taking into consideration his track records?. Who they are, up to now?

You are suggesting for us to just listen to and consider what they 'say' they will do? What if this particular person says that he will fight corrupt practice when voted as a leader, right after he was found guilty of involvement in corrupt practice?

Clearly, SAKMONGKOL AK47, on his last posting before the voting, is firing his AK47.

n.b: He did not say he will fight corrupt practice, or did he?

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 12:12  

Apala korang ni pasal "taik" pun mau gaduh...

Sudah pukul 3 pagi. org mau tidur...hehe

Sikit punya hal, pergi cuci sajalah aya...

Wenger : Poh Poh Poh

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 12:17  

Wenger 10:08 & 10:10

Daringness = natural born leader? Temujin or Genghis Khan style? Demonstration without permit? Belom ada kuasa Menteri pun sudah buat begitu. Kalau jadi Menteri, orang macam ini jahnam lah negara.

Even Temujin gave respect to his Council of Elders. He consulted them.

Daringness = natural born leader? What about the Malay way? Some deference to elders, to Ketuas like Hishamudin, some consultation. You can feed your boss the points, persuade him to do the things, even in the ways you want, but not upstage him, steal the thunder from him. That's respect, that's the Malay way and people will find out your role and appreciate you. No doubt KJ was brought up a lot abroad, his father in the diplomatic service, but has lost touch with the Malay way?

Even the British Oxbridge fellows respect the seniors. Gordon Brown, though not Oxbridge, grinned and waited for his turn from Tony Blair.

The man is so young, tunggu lah sikit. Tun Razak also waited and grinned when T A Rahman so-called "kicked" Singapore out (he sent the Army to Kelantan when PAS tried to be funny). We lost Singapore but that's the Malay way. In any case, KJ's contacts with S'pore, his FIL allowing Batu Puteh to ICJ and Spore AF planes flying over Johor air space - if he was that daring, why didn't he tell his FIL or arrange demos not to do those? That would have been a natural SIL!

Do you mean that without KJ Pemuda would kowtow easily? Other Cttee members and rank & file would not ensure the alternative KP not to kowtow?

Agree with you the stupidier the argument is, the stupidier your cause appears. Just repeating what you said, no offence.

But implying that the corruption crusader is not clean shows a shallow mind. You don't even know who he/she is, do you? And saying Poorah is unbecoming of you Wenger.

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 12:26  

dato' mmg best la...supporter khairy yg paling kuat...layak jd 'setiakawan' dah nie...
dah terang2 semlm umno nak bersihkan politik wang...lagi nak sokong....dasyat betul la.... die hard fan betul....

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 12:43  

Lets hope for the best.These anti-Kjs are getting rowdy and mumbling loads of rubbish.Let them froth in their mouths! Jangan layan these morons!Don't waste time!Let them caci and hina KJ if that satisfy their stressful lives!

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 12:47  

SCOMI SCOMI, bila nak tutup kedai..

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 12:58  

I really hope KJ kalah dan takda dalam kabinet. Kalau menang org tak suka, kalau kalah dan masih dalam kabinet, lagi org tak suka.

Tamatlah riwayat UMNO.

Keylee Daud 25 March 2009 at 12:59  

harap2nya kj menang la yer..baru ramai reamaja dapat berhibur...

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 13:13  

Anon 12.58
UMNO dibenci kerana TDM! Sebabtu lahirnya PKR.Ramai orang UMNO lari ikut DSAI! Pertama kali parti UMNO ada UMNO baru dan UMNO lama kerana TDM jugak! Jadi janganlah nak kata orang benci UMNO kerana KJ! Otak engko letak kat mana huh? Semua engko nak salahkan budak ini! Knapa?
Engko dengki dia jadi menantu Pak Lah?

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 13:46  

toks ak,
bila you tulis mengampu mm org akan hentam u jugak sampai kena bapak dia sekali. bila u hentam kt org akan hentam u jugak konon nak buat plastic surgery free.

so bila u pilih sokong kj tak heran org mm dan kt akan hentam u sebab u tak sokong calon dia org.

jadi tok sak, i rasa elok jgn tulis apa2 jadi org2 ni akan cari blog lain yg dia org boleh hentam lepas perasaan. tok sak hanya tulis pasal ekonomi dan pelajaran biar dia org jemu nak nak komen.

sesiapa bebas beri sokongan pada pilihan mereka. i hormat pendirian tok sak. tak goyah...

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 13:56  

pendirian TDM pun tak goyah

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 13:57  

hendaknya kalahlah KJ... hendaknya kalah lah KJ..

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 14:06  

To Anonymous 12:17,

Saying 'poorah' to reflect the feeling of disgust at an act of hypocrisy, who blatantly argues against corruption, when it is now clear from a open, fair and transparent hearing, that there was gross elements of inteference in the judiciary by the executive, yes is 'unbecoming.' For those who just don't get it, you could be the most corrupt person on the earth, but as long as the court does not find you guilty, does it mean you can go and say, hey the court never found me guilty, so I am not corrupt, but you are corrupt fella.

Unfortunately, I cannot think of another word to sum the appropriate response.

(2) On waiting your turn.
Gordon Brown was the biggest brooder of all. The tales of his outburst and vitroil aimed at Tony Blair was legendary. Not that I feel any of those two are capable leaders, just setting the record straight on the example.

Some people say 'wait for turn.' Others say 'seize the moment.' But I think, that should be the decision of the individual. If someone wants to wait, let him wait. If someone, wants to run, let him run. Lets see who wins, isn't that what matters in the end?

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 14:08  

Anon 12.43

Dah tak ada modal bahas lagi ke?

Aku tau puak KJ banyak modal wang.

Itu pasal tak mau sokong dia. Takut nanti banyak benar jutawan dan bilionwan di Malaysia. Cekut dari dana negara. Pakai kemudahan Kerajaan. Guna pengaroh dan kuasa.

ECM Libra, Scomi dan macam macam lagi. Tak pernah dapat kemudahan Kerajaan? Tak pernah guna pengaruh dan kuasa? Orang lain pun ada buat? Tak boleh guna alasan tu.

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 14:14  

singkat betul pemikiran u sak
tak sangka betul!
agaknya masih marah kerna terlambat dapat title dato berbanding rakan2 yang lain kot jadi dendam kesumat dilampiaskan sekarang
atau agakan sayalah, dato sak ni macam disula dengan wangringgit/projek jer....


Premium Business 25 March 2009 at 14:16  

Kerja kerja Dato' dalam mempertahan dan cuba memperindahkan sesuatu yang sudah dikira menjadi taik dan kurap ini patut dipandang mulia dan murni tetapi janganlah sampai Dato' terjun bangunan bersamanya.

Seperti TDM, elok Dato' kerap ke surau dan masjid untuk beristighfar..saya pun akan ikut.

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 14:20  

We don't want him to wait, we don't want him to run, we don't want him to win.

We want him to stop. Down with KJ.

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 14:20  

Ooi para bloggers,
Proses pengundiaan dah tamat. Kalau berbeza politik, jangan sampai nak menyerang peribadi orang. Tu kira kurang sopan, kita tunggu dan lihatlah siapa yang menang dan siapa yang kalah. Yang kira menang tu, jangan jadi bongkak, yang kalah tu jangan asyik mengumpat. Ok?

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 14:22  

Aku pun rasa macam dia ada dendam..

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 14:24  

Hi there Mr Wenger, Dah lunch belum?

Jangan lah hina budak tak lulus SPM, masa pilihanraya budak2 tak lulus spm ni kalau dah umur 21 thn boleh mengundi. Kau bijak belajar kat univeristi oxpod pun bole tumbang kalau dia orang benci.

Promoting that KJ is clever and brilliant is implying the rest are stupid. Stop using this being highly educated and brilliant as your strategy. It has become a little bit annoying.

If I were KJ, I would concentrate on attracting the young people out there to join UMNO during KJ tenure as Hisamudin deputy. But that didn’t happen.

Hey if you want to support KJ…go ahead but never undermine Mukhriz just because he has a father that we wish we had.

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 14:28  

I read Bro Jinggos commentary of the UMNO GA at and was very happy.

GO KJ! KJ ! KJ! He is so cute!

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 14:31  

Pukul 14:20 baru hang sedaq selama ni yg org dok cakap jangan menyerang peribadi..(samalah mcm hang condemn TDM)

Pity tengok... Setakat gah oxford je..facts hancur...pakai logic konon..kalau dah penyokong rupa ni..yg jadi ketua apatah lagi...

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 14:31  

Hey Are You Gonna My Way,

Thanks for asking. I had a bite, how about you.

Can't really comment whether or not to take your opinion seriously. Old man once said, when dog barks, its tail is wagging, but its teeth are showing.

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 14:46  


You may by now have exhausted all your means to ensure KJ's victory. What's left perhaps your fervent hope and prayer.Your tenacity is indeed beyond reproach. Anyway this is addressed to MM's and KT's loyalists as well.

We propose, Allah disposes.

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 14:47  

Salam Dato'

Kenapa Tun Dr.MM berhenti jadi PM? Dia tahu sekiranya dia menerajui negara, BN dan UMNO akan kalah teruk dalam pilihanraya. That is a fact.
UMNO masih tidak terima kenyataan ini dan faham keadaan semasa itu. UMNO masih tidak mahu mengkaji sentimen rakyat.
Kalau UMNO salah pilih pemimpin, besar kemungkinan ia akan mengalami kekalahan dalam PRU.
Mungkin sestengah ahli atau penyokong UMNO akan gembira dan berkokok atas kemenangan para ketua mereka tapi hahikatnya parti yang akan rugi besar bila calon yang dipilh tiada wawasan dan hanya ada satu objektif dalam perjuangan mereka.
Di antara MM, KT dan KJ there is not much to choose from but one wrong choice and its kaput for UMNO. So think and choose wisely.
Malangnya ahli UMNO terutamanya pemuda lebih suka memilih ikut trend dan emosi. Look and the bigger picture.Please.

Pemuda Mersing

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 15:00  

u are a dato'? must be given by sultan kepulauan riau-lingga...hehehe...hey dude, stop using your knee to think and start using the god-given brain la....


Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 15:02  

Saya rasa ramai org salah tanggapan, masih memandang rendah org kecil, org besar, org tua, org muda.

Tapi bila time nak mengundi ramai yg terkejar2 golongan tua yg pada mereka boleh dihembus2 ayat, supaya menyokong mereka.

Orang tua pun dah lama hidup dan masak dengan asam garam dunia.

Apa kata kita semua fikir yang semua org ni sama sahaja. Jangan fikir samada dia punya oxford, UK, USA, universiti dalam negeri, kolej, atau SPM atau yg tak lulus SPM sebagai kayu pengukur.

Reason being, keperluan hidup sama, kita hirup udara yg sama, tiada pengkelasan. Jika kita hormat setiap individu, pendapat nya kita hargai.

Perangai manusia bernafsu kepada kejahatan sama saja tak kira walau besar kecil, kaya miskin org tu.

Berpegang kepada agama yg membuatkan seseorang itu lebih mulia di sisi Allah. Allah tak tanya pun lulusan apa dari mana. Ini semua dunia saja. Islam besar jangkauan ilmunya, bukan sekadar ibadah, tapi melitupi soal pekerjaan, perniagaan, kemasyarakatan, adil & saksama jika seorang itu pemerintah dan mengikut cara2 islam.

Bagaimana seorang islam tu bekerja, apa yg boleh dan tak boleh dan sebagainya. Kalau kita ikut ni, insyaallah selamat dan org pun suka.

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 15:03  

Anonymous said...
i do not hate KJ but I thank him for giving Pak lah good advice which was to give the public greater freedom. KJ is a Oxford graduate and he knows it is better to have democracy then dictatorship. FOR WHAT EVER HIS FAILING , HE WILL BE REMEMBERED AND JUDGE BY HISTORY AS THE MAN WHO TRANSFORMED THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE IN THIS COUNTRY BY ADVISING PAK LAH TO GIVE THE PUBLIC A VOICE TO VOICE OUT THEIR OPINIONS.

I hope he suceeds in his ambition.

KJ'S Fan

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 15:08  

Tak payah oxford...tak oxford pun tau..

Yup, beri kebebasan bersuara, kemudian takut dengan kebebasan suara itu sendiri.

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 15:10  


For the record, I never accused you to be corrupt. But now you have accused me to be corrupt. You don't even know me.

I rest my case. Literally want to rest.

As you said, they have already voted. Let's hope and pray it turns out the way we want it.

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 15:18  

Yupp Wenger....I dah kenyang,

ahaks...I always cover my tail...

"A good enemy is a better person than a false friend"


mamasita 25 March 2009 at 15:43  

you don't have to be sarcastic and nasty.Firstly, Dato' Ariff is the first among the XYBs to receive a Datoship..Alhamdullillah MB Pahang recognised and thanked his wonderful contribution.Dapat bersyukur tapi masa belum dapat dia takpun berdendam mister.

A project? Di sula dengan wang ringgit? Come over to Kuantan and see for yourself kaya setakat mana we all? So please jangan be foul-mouthed sangat ok? Thanks.
Sorry your parents didn't teach you enough manners!

You sokong MM dapat ke projek dan wang ringgit? Waaah!Bestnya!

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 16:02  

bini dia (mamasita) pun dah panas dok baca apa yg org komen.... datin relax la....apa yg semua org kata menggambarkan ketidaksokongan terhadap KJ yg rakus tu... btw...KJ mmg best la....a true kasanova yg bermatlamat....semua anak TPM dia nak sapu....


Mat Cendana 25 March 2009 at 16:12  

To Dato' Sakmongkol: CONGRATULATIONS!
When I finally came to see this latest post (sibuk hal mahkamah. no, I'm NOT a lawyer), there were already 71 comments in 7 hours!

And many, if not most, are `negative'; in that they are against Khairy Jamaludin. Some are ad hominem, non sequitur... What does that mean? [Select the answer below. Ni aku nak buat korang ni macam budak Form 3E nak ambik LCE kat Sekolah Men Dato' Mat Cendana, Gambang, Pahang. Belok kiri kat "Stop Oil"]:

A) They have gotten jittery and really think Khairy stands a very good chance against the preferred choice
B) They harbour the (mistaken) belief that readers' opinion will swing their way when they shout loud enough
C) They don't have the ability to engage in a debate by rebutting the points
D) They indirecly and unwittingly acknowledge that Sakmongkol's posts are extremely influential

ad hominem, non sequitur: Fuh! Korang tengok sikit punya STANDARD ke perkataan yang orang kampung kat Pasir Mas pakai! Apa makna dia? Korang pergi download FREE desktop dictionary WordWeb kat Ni kira aku tolong sesama Melayu - tak nak setakat PANDAI KUTUK aje tapi takde buat sesuatu yang constructive.

Oh, what if you aren't Malay? It's okay and doesn't matter: this is also for the Bangsa Malaysia - and I mean the genuine kind as espoused by KijangMas of the Demi Negara blog.

I'll quote some of these comments later; in the hope that those who wrote them will feel ashamed and strive to improve their conduct and attitude on Blogosphere... if I have time and feel like it. Harap-harap takde orang marah sangat kat aku ye. Okay, Bye-Bye: Aku nak pergi makan nasi bungkus daging goreng + sayur RM3 and then buat kerja.

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 16:14  

saya dengar Zaid kaki mabuk tu dah nak buat parti baru, KJ will be joining him soon...well, too bad dato..masyuk baik punya kan dato.

Bukan semua Dato kaya kan?

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 16:19  

ala lawaknya ad hominem, non sequitur, heheh

bagus sangat la ye.. anyway latin words..ada aku kisah...

cakap pakai points, apa kena mengena latin words dan tolong org melayu..

Dah aku agak..berlagak lagi .... so kau yg cuba berlagak pandai tapi tak la pandai sangat ... mungkin nampaknya kalah dengan bahasa bersahaja ala spontan melayu yg pendek, ringkas tapi menggigit.

Well, lain kali cubalah sayang skit bahasa malaysia.. ni nak cuba alih plak cakap latin.

Tapi setakat 2 kerat aje kan? hehe lawak..lawak...

Kang aku cakap arab habis2an kang...baru ko tau...

Ini la melayu, bangga dengan ilmu org lain...

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 16:23  

Sepatutnya, org yg pandai diberi allah otak yg cerdik gunakan ilmu utk org yg tak kemampuan, org susah, org yg tak berapa cerdik..

Aku rasa nak gelak bila org pandai yeke) nak tunjuk pandai kat org yg memang kekurangan.. nak tunjuk kat bebudak..

Nampaknya kau dah levelkan dirikau sama level dengan takda mana pun duduk letak tempat kau..

Kalau kau tolong yg tak pandai, ada mungkin aku upgradekan skit kepandaian kau tu.

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 16:26  

Dorang marah, sebab penat2 tulis ayat bunga2 bahasa inggeris tapi point nya sekelumit aja..leh jatuh terduduk dek pukulan bahasa melayu yg ringkas tapi leh mencakupi semua makna tersirat..

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 16:32  

Org komen sebab nak bagi tau, kitaorg tak suka perangai mengutuk sesuka hati, pastu backing KJ yg tak seberapa pun..

Just nak penyokong2 KJ aware, ada org yg kisah...bila dia melutu TDM..

Rakyat's message..

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 16:51  

tidak rasmi - KJ menang ketua pemuda!!!!

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 16:53  

KJ ordinary Joe?

Alamak !! sat yer..aku nak kentut jap...


Ordinary Joe? kah kah kah!!!!

aduhai..nak propoganda pun jgn la insult intelligence kami tok!!

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 16:57  



A.John 25 March 2009 at 16:59  

Dato Sak,

Why so much of hate ? Afterall we choose the best candidate to lead based on his merit; past achievement & potential. If one feels a candidate is not fit enough to lead, then don't vote him in. That's all. Anger & hate will only consume the beholder !

zorro 25 March 2009 at 17:01  

The path UMNO will take will always be the footprints of the UMNO Youth chief. UMNO has deteriorated such because the pantheon of Pemuda chiefs have been bland, fire-breathing fire-brands....nothing deep. The late Datuk Harun had a vision but along the way it got blemished. Yes, I will give KJ a chance...the other two? One is corrupt to the core whilst the other is an anachronistic extension cord.

Premium Business 25 March 2009 at 17:48  

KJ di umumkan secara tidak rasmi sebagai Ketua Pemuda selepas pengundian... siapa yang mengumum setakat ini tidak diketahui..

tup..tup..malam ni di umumkan nama orang lain pula....haaa... ini tentu tipu, konspirasi..

Siapa lagi kalau ini bukan kerja Najib..

Apa apa pun tahniah kerana apa yang Dato' tulis dan perjuangkan akhirnya menjadi kenyataan dan lebih hebat lagi apabila Datin pun masuk campur. Ada gaya Rosmah - tak sangka pula Dato' pun ada ciri ciri Najib.

Oooopppsss...terlupa pula pesanan penaja (WengerJKhairy), jangan hendam peribadi, dia saja yang dibolehkan.

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 17:52  

When TDM announced and proclaimed that UMNO is corrupted and on the verge of destruction, it was not by magic that such a thing happened. Much of the destruction started or grew root and allowed to grow root under TDM. As such the 2004 election was as much a resounding boon for Pak Lah, it was also a wake up call for TDM that he was not wanted then. I just wished TDM had run the 2004 election before he calls the kettle black.

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 17:55  

Udah-udahla tu...PRU13 nanti pun allah dah tentukan kaput..

Cukupla ya..

Donplaypuks® 25 March 2009 at 17:57  

Thank God the era of Kerismudin is over. Posterity will surely judge that he was one of the main reasons UMNO/MCA/MIC lost huge ground at GE 2008.

But first you must explain how he became the richest unemployed
/unemployable multi millionaire in the country.

Then we can decide if he's fit to hold any kind of public or party office.

But among KJ, Firaun Mark II and Pendatang, I thing settling for KJ as the least of 3 evils may be the only option, given Hobson's choice!!

God save UMNO Youth and UMNO.

Donplaypuks® 25 March 2009 at 17:58  

OOPs, I meant 'how KJ became the richest....'

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 18:38  


(1) To all those who were offended by my posting, I do apologize, I purposely went and did something else for a couple of hours to reflect over my conduct. If accused anyone of being corrupt, I do apologize, no commentator is called corrupt.

(2) If I have hentam Tun Dr Mahathir personally, I do apologize, maybe I sumarize by saying, 'he is entitled to his opinion, I have mine. One believes A is worse than B, i believer B is worse than A.' Thats it. Let the delegates decide

(3) Its up to Batman to decide whether he wants to do the same.

(4) Thanks Dato for all your article. Must have been difficult, however, it was not in vain.


Wenger Khairy

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 18:43  

Malaysiakini melaporkan Kj mendahlui dalam pengiraan awal....YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH

mamasita 25 March 2009 at 18:44  

I ada gaya Datin Seri Rosmah?
Awww..thanks.I take that as a sweet compliment! Thankyou bat/bag/Badman!

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 18:45  

Kenapa takda kris pulak? Aku terlepas cerita ni la...Inikan lambang melayu.. Tanah melayu ni memang begitu..

Takkan nak hilang identiti tanah melayu kot..Aku tak setuju la

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 18:46  

Gaya datin rosmah bukan satu pujian la..

Cemana datin leh terlentuk dengan pujian...


mamasita 25 March 2009 at 18:52  

Entahlah! Datin Seri tak pernah kasar and selalu friendly.And she selalu layan we all politely.Taktahulah bab mana you nak hentam?I kenal only her good and strong points.A very good wife and a very loving mom.

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 19:39  

I am with you Dato' for KJ but right now, non-UMNO people just don't want him. The perception of him being involved with money politics must be taken into notice. Because this perception will translate into votes in the next GE.

KJ must clean his image 1st. Come back in the next Umno GE.

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 21:28  

berita kp apa makna khairy putting up a good fight, leading atau kebelakang

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 21:49  


You all ada rasa tak Wenger J Khairy ni KJ?

KJ suker jerit-jerit mcm Wenger J Khairy nih.


Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 22:54  

mukhriz won by 12 votes

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 23:12  

WE WON!!!!!

Saiful Indera 25 March 2009 at 23:21  

Syabas, Dato. Your ramalan tepat sekali.

Stephen Doss 25 March 2009 at 23:32  


Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 23:36  



Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 23:40  

saya harap yg terjerit2 maki hamun tok sak dan kj sebelum ni harus terima hakikat yg cacian dan kebencian yg kita lemparkan pada seseorang tu allah balas dengan rahmat.

kita kena ingat untuk pilihan seseorang pemimpin tu adalah urusan allah. manusia hanya merancang...

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 23:40  

Congratulations Dato. You won.

I don't like it. But there is nothing I can do about it.

You worked so hard for it. You deserve to be happy.

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 23:46  

Alhamdullillah syukur KJ menang! You never wavered despite the threat of walking down a lonely road had the opposite happened.Great job Tok!
KJ's success is undoubtedly your success in helping UMNO groom many more strong and highly capable future leaders!
Congrats dear KJ!

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 23:47  

Omg, you're right. I think the hardest part now is for both camps to reconcile..

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 23:51  

""So far, we hear only one person personifying the real willingness to change. That's Khairy Jamaludin. So today, you Pemuda delegates, honour the ideas that he represents by voting in Khairy Jamaluddin. Accepting any other is an unmitigated disaster.""

I do respect you Sak, but I think the above is the funniest thing I've heard this week.

Saya kesal (regret) jika anda tersinggung.

Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 23:56  

tok sak,

blogger lain tak seberani u nyatakan pilihan mereka. masing2 hentam semua atau puji semua takut2 tersalah pilih. tapi u tegas dan tak berganjak.

blog u banyak merubah minda pembaca senyap. cuba tengok majoriti menghentam u dan kj sampai bertaik2 bahasanya.

tapi pembaca senyap yg menilai tahap pemikiran u dan komentar pembaca.


Anonymous,  25 March 2009 at 23:58  

Laugh all you wantlah, Bright Eyes, but the fact is we won.

Mat Cendana 26 March 2009 at 00:07  

"You all ada rasa tak Wenger J Khairy ni KJ?"

Err, takdok serha pun.
Wenger J Khairy ni adalah penulis post "Battle of Kuala Terengganu" dulu. Tak materialise 100% macam dia forecast... tapi a very entertaining and creative post and ideas.

Anonymous,  26 March 2009 at 00:16  

KJ wins with MM last in the race. Wow!!!

Anonymous,  26 March 2009 at 00:16  

Congaratulation !!!

KJ the new KP for UMNO….now close ranks everybody……..there are places for everybody to contribute for a stronger UMNO and MALAY and MALAYSIA…

Congratulation also to Dato Ariff Sabri…….and maaf kalau terkasar bahasa…

And last but not lease Congratulation to ……. Wenger J Khairy…..

Anonymous,  26 March 2009 at 00:29  

KJ won!

Mari lah semua kita mula menghafal lagu kebangsaan singapura. Sebab mungkin tak lama lagi, ia akan menjadi lagu kebangsaan kami juga.

Ya Allah, selamat kan lah kami

Anonymous,  26 March 2009 at 00:44  
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous,  26 March 2009 at 00:45  

Thanks Are You Gonna Go My Way, and my apologies to you to and to all other bloggers if I have said anything to offend or hurt you.

This should be a victory for everybody to show people never leave a friend when he is down, never stab people in the back and most important, NEVER STOP FIGHTING TILL THE FIGHT IS WON!!!

Ti Lian Ker 26 March 2009 at 01:52  

Padan muka Mahathir kerana cuba mengungkit perasaan perkauman untuk memancing undi demi anaknya.
Like i said, the old man is out. Not in sync with the times. The Melayu baru are smarter and cleverer now. Their feelings are not easily manipulated by the ultras of the 60s and now in their 80s. If the old man is still calling the shots, malu la kita…
Plz Stop using the Chinese as the Bogeyman..enough is enough!

Demi Bangsa, Negara dan Agama!
Marilah kita sama-sama kerjasama.
Kalau kita mau harumkan negara dan nama...
Janganlah balik-balik guna senjata lama.

Anonymous,  26 March 2009 at 02:12  


Congrats to your choice winning. What do you think of Najib's speech? If he is serious in transforming UMNO he should resign to show he means what he meant. He's carrying too much baggage. Difficult for people to accept the call for transformation if the leader himself is under clouds of suspicion. In fact allow me to recall the call for the whole UMNO Supreme Council to resign after the last GE to account for the disastrous results. Seems to me what we have is too many politicians but too few statesmen.

Budak Oxfjord

Mat Cendana 26 March 2009 at 02:48  

Anonymous PEKAK 25 March 2009 16:19 & Co
Okay, aku bagi korang level playing field dan jawap kok Melayu; sebab memang jelas ni suku-sakat GMP yang Past Tense, Present Tense tak tahu amenda.

Siksa dan tertekan jugak jiwa bila terasa dan terjadi inferiority complex ni ye... nak cakap, nak tulih omputih tak berani; sebab tahu pembaca AKAN GELAK. Then cuba nak buat joke pandai Latin dengan Arab - ni kira nervous joke Hahaha! Tapi ada hati nak comment mengata ke tuanpunya blog ni. Sorry ye - korang ni bukan lagi "inferiority complex", tapi memang inferior pun!

Memandangkan nak bubuh nickname pun tak boleh, maka aku terpaksa tolong bagi nama - PEKAK sounds fair, kan?

BTW terima kasih kerana secara tak langsung iktiraf aku sebagai pandai dari korang. Memang aku sendiri dah tahu - cuma, bila compare dengan PEKAK punya level, aku ni kira kelas intelligent betul lah. Ni macam Tottenham Hotspurs kat EPL lah aku ni - tapi kalau lawan dengan division Swindon Town (@PEKAK), nampak macam `Barcelona level' pulak.

Kepada Anonymous-Anonymous yang jenih nih: Bukan aku nak hina lah, tapi kalau setakat ni ajer korang punya intellectual level, korang silap division ni dengan Sakmongkol. Kalau buat Comment dalam omputih, tentu kena sembelih dan cincang sekali... Kalau dalam Melayu pun, aku rasa Sakmongkol boleh reply jadi macam kena himpit sampai keluar tahik!

So, ada satu alternative lagi jer - buat Comment yang setaraf dengan mentaliti korang lah... biadap, memfitnah, hasad dengki. Walhal tahu yang Sakmongkol takkan jawab balik - sebab takder benda yang perlu jawab pun; dia bukan jenis HAPRAK macam korang. Jadi, korang boleh buat sedap hati, dabik dada yang "Aku bagi pukulan maut, Sakmongkol diam, lumpuh!" FUH! Hebat wei, Anonymous PEKAK!

Anonymous,  26 March 2009 at 02:55  

@Ti Lian Ker

Selagi kaum kau tidak mahu menyerap ke dalam budaya kami, selagi itu pejuang-pejuang macam Tun akan menghantui kamu semua.

Apa masalah kau kalau Tun nak bangkitkan perasaan keMelayuan?

Apa masalah kau kami nak mengenang masalah yang melanda kaum kami?

Apa kau takut kalau orang Melayu bersatu?

Kaum kau aku pasti akan bercakap perkara berkaitan kaum dengan nada yang lebih dashyat lagi di dalam bahasa kebangsaan China tu.

Demi agama, bangsa dan negara konon. Bangsa apa? Cina? Cakap bahasa kebangsaan negara asing? Bahasa kebangsaan sendiri cakap macam baru sampai seminggu 2 minggu.

Janganlah buat benda murahan kau nak mengejek Tun. Kau tu ibarat semut je pada Tun.


Mat Cendana 26 March 2009 at 04:03  

To Dato' Sakmongkol
This has been a rough and tough campaign for you from Day One, and right until today, when you chose to openly and unabashedly come in support of a most unpopular figure in some circles on Blogosphere and in the offline world.

That was a bold decision indeed, for there's sure to be intense pressure and abuses from a few quarters and angles: From Umno supporters itself; in the tend-to-be-rabid and vicious pro-Mukhriz camp... From Pakatan Rakyat types who wouldn't care which of the three is supported.

Given the sustained hostility and unprincipled cowardly personal attacks against you, it's a marvel and a lesson in courage of how you were unwavering and persevered. Well, it's a significant entry in your resume - and all of us will bear witness, including those who had opposed, abused and had thrown everything towards you including the kitchen sink. And the packet of Axion.

And Khairy Jamaludin won! It's hard to quantify how much you and this blog had contributed - heck, it's possible that many of the delegates who voted didn't even know this blog or you existed!

But before some distractor with a grudge would attempt to belittle and dismiss with a "Khairy menang takde kena mengena dengan blog ni sikit habuk!... Sakmongkol dok syok sendiri jer...", the crucial importance of "indirect" and "residual" influences must be mentioned and noted.

These delegates might not read the blog - but their immediate superior/leader might. Or their close friends, family members, relatives, supporters... and these people would use the points and opinions they had read here to influence the delegate... And remember that the reader of today might be a delegate tomorrow... or a leader even. At the very least, a voter in a GE. This is where the residual value kicks in - of him remembering something from here, and making a decision based on that.

As for some of the commentators - especially the small-minded and abusive types - I feel that I should mention these too: Firstly, that's a sign of how widespread the readership is, and the different kinds of people the blog has attracted - marketers would love this for it's a sign of "laku"!... having an effect.

BTW this is also one of the few top SoPo blog that does not have comment moderation. I don't know what you intend to do, for we have seen the pros and cons, of course. But to me, there's a certain attraction with an unmoderated blog - the pleasure of seeing your comment appearing immediately. Yes, it's a nice feeling.

But this matter of those cowardly types who make personal attacks: This is something that you'll have to put up with - the higher you get, the more visible you become. And some people somehow see this as "someone to have a potshot at".

Yes, it's that sifat which many Orang Melayu have: Kalau tengok sesama bangsa semakin meningkat, jenih menatae ni DENGKI... Don't be too shocked if a few of the vicious Anonymous here are people whom you actually know!

Yes, mulut manis, senyum macam kambing tua in front of you... at night, they don the anonymity cloak and send in spiteful comments; getting a temporary respite from the DENGKI that's eating them inside.

And now, the candidate you had strong supported has won - the pain inside them is even greater and they'll try to snatch away some of what you have. Would you believe that even *I*, a graduate of the Gambang Institute, faces this too!? The stories I could tell you...

BTW I had actually been online a lot longer than I often make myself out to be (ask Mekyam about this, she knows). I've learned one thing, and since you have not put in 12 months on a forum yet (I presume?), I should tell you this: Don't let the vicious types get to you - the ones also filled with and fuelled by DENGKI.

And you do this by NOT replying to their comments. The way towards not being moved to reply and waste time and mental energy is by: "Read them - the words, line by line - BUT NOT FEEL"... of not attaching yourself to THE SPITEFUL & NEGATIVE WORDS. This neutralises whatever is written. I hope I'm making sense here:-)

Don't forget this (I see that you have not used this utility, for some reason): YOU are the OWNER of this blog... DELETE these. Let Datin Mamasita or someone else - it sure hurts the one who had spent minutes on it to see his masterpiece disappear:-)

Pak Zawi 26 March 2009 at 06:10  

You are spot on! Congratulations for supporting the right horse. KJ is a winner.

Anonymous,  26 March 2009 at 07:36  

Tahniah KJ

Rata2 rakyat Malaysia mengucapkan tahniah kepada KJ...

Tahniah kerana MENTALKINKAN UMNO...

Buktikan di dalam 3 pilihanraya kecil akan datang...

Inilah keputusan yang sangat2 ditunggu oleh pihak pembangkang... Tahniah merealisasikan impian pembangkang!

Anonymous,  26 March 2009 at 08:31  

Yeah, Tahniah merealisasikan perkuburan UMNO.

Dari 2 perkara yg dapat kita saksikan di dalam senario dan ucapan setiap perwakilan :-

Pertama, Shahrizat menang 500 lebih undi, tapi aku dapati yg bersorak bunyi macam 100 aja..

Kedua, adengan yg tak sedap dilihat dan dengar, Sharizat mengeluarkan kata lebih kurang "Kejayaan nya kerana sokongan suami dan anak2. Tidak akan berjaya org yg tidak dapat sokongan daripada sesiapa"

Aku menggelengkan kepala. Apa yg aku boleh harapkan dengan unsur sindiran begini? Is this the kind of leader that we want for future generation? especially for the Malays?

Dalam hati aku, kau hanya menang sorak aja..Itupun setakat 100 punya sorak..

Untuk bahagian Puteri :-
Nampak seperti ada team satu kumpulan. Bagus, tapi yg menang bersorak2 dan gembira, bagaikan gembira kerana mendapat pangkat.

Aku terfikir.. Suka kerana pangkat? Bukankah patutnya merasa beban besar yg akan digalas, future yg belum pasti. Satu cabaran hebat. Kalau mereka tau apa yg akan mereka hadapi nanti, adakah begini gaya sukanya?

Bahagian Pemuda:-
Sebab org dah besarkan sangat Oxfordnya, aku meletakkan benchmark tinggi untuk KJ (aku sememang tak suka KJ). He go to proof something to me to gain my respect. But ah!.. benarlah seperti cakap komentar2 ini, indah kabar dari rupa. Org tak oxford pun ada yg bleh cakap lebih baik dari itu. Well, mungkin agaknya penyokong KJ akan cakap aku tak adil memberi persepsi dari hal debate, tak semua org ahli bidang ini. Kalau begitu apa kata, kita lihat apa sumbangannya nanti.
Cabaran ni, kalau tak mampu, sanggupkah turun padang dan beri peluang. Hehehe

Nanti2, aku teringat dia bercakap seperti ini. Berkobar2 ni. Dia akan pertahankan Pemuda sehingga titisan darah terakhir. Well, dia tak mau turun2 la tu...heheh

Bukankah dia patut cakap, akan pertahan org melayu dan tanah negara. Pertahan pemuda. Adakah maknanya masuk kocek pemuda.

Tepat telahan aku, Tak boleh pakai KJ ni. Sebab tu aku nak ucapkan tahniah. hehe

Aku pun tak suka bila dia quote ayat al-quran lepastu bagi pengertian dalam melayu, hehe bunyi sebutan arab pun pitching dan tempo lari..Kemudian dia matanya macam liar memandang. Adakah org notice perasaan aku tahap ini. He looks unsure when he said it. heheh...

Plastic la...Org tau background kau oxford. hehehe

Rumusan aku : Tolong jangan berkun ustaz when u didnt practice what u say.. Aku dengar kaki parti...

Memualkan bila disebut oleh org sprt itu. Get real la.

I dont think rakyat suka org plastic. Plastic man dah tak boleh jual dah. Malah nampak lawak.

I thought im gonna like it this time. But again, Im dissapointed.

Anonymous,  26 March 2009 at 08:42  

Dalam suasana skrg, aku rasa kita patut kurangkan org. Tapis2 org tak perlu bahagian wanita dan puteri sebegitu ramai kalau puteri kerja angkat dulang.

Zaman Tengku Abdul Rahman. Yg core hanya beberapa saja. Bukan apa, untuk kurangkan benda2 merapu dan pengkasaan UMNO.

Sedangkan bahagian2 ni hanya menjadikan bahagian itu sebagai landasan menuju ke no 1 negara.

Tak nampak insan2 yg perihatin kepada negara walaupun cakap berdegar2 pasal negara.

Kalau ini lah dia barisan nya, rasa belum cukup kuat. Yg ada hanyalah parasites.

Buat sesuatu sebelum terlambat.

Anonymous,  26 March 2009 at 08:43  

dato' are you happy now.

Anonymous,  26 March 2009 at 08:48  

Yes I said earlier yesterday that KJ will win by landslide and have inside info.

UMNO youth is hostory now

Anonymous,  26 March 2009 at 08:58  

Aku terasa-rasa cam ada konspirasi. Takkan pak sak ni berani letak tajuk ni kalau dia tak benar2 pasti. Kalau salah malu besar beb.

Kaki mengampu tak punya keberanian to that level.

Anonymous,  26 March 2009 at 09:40  

Mungkin ada yg ambil point dari sini, mmg ada dengar forum dan few delegates bercakap point yg sama.

Bagus juga ambil good points utk kebaikan bersama semua melayu dan keuntungan kepada negara. Komen disini utk menyedarkan dan dissemination maklumat/signs.
Itu pun tujuan org memberi komen. Apa yg tak puas hati dilampiaskan. Kalau dah sedang sakit hati, tentu ada yg marah, nature manusia. Sila juga punyai ciri pengasih penyayang, pengampun. Ini ciri asas manusia Islam. Takkan lupa kot.

Takkan nakkan rakyat kasihkan anda, sedangkan anda pun tidak menunjuk kasihkan rakyat. omputih kata, "What you give, you get back". Inilah yg dikatakan pemimpin yg berwawasan.

Bagus bila berfikiran terbuka dan tidak menyimpan sakit hati. Apalagi kita ni rakyat anda dan anda perlu undi kami.

Mungkin boleh ambil iktibar dari cerita nabi muhammad yg memberi makan kepada seorang buta yg sentiasa mencacinya sehingga kehari wafatnya nabi.

Sedia berubah!

Please walk your talk.

Anonymous,  26 March 2009 at 13:18  

Assalamualai'kum Dato' Sak and Datin,Wenger, AYGGMW, (dearest) MC.

Congratulation to Dato' sebab tak sia2 Dato' promote KJ selama ini..

Truthfully, there are things that you said in all your articles on KJ that i agree and disagree.

And people who know me would know that i support Mukhriz openly..

I feel sad that Mukhriz tak menang but life and future of UMNO must go on.. i know ppl might says that cepat betul i lompat katak, that is not the case but if they call themselves a true UMNO supporters, you must at least give that person a chance to show his true leadership by supporting him 100%. After that (IF) he fumbles then everybody can start kicking him.. i mean really kick him..(which I hope will not be too late)

So, now, like I’ve said in other blog, in the name of UMNO, I will give him a chance to prove himself.. I hope he will deliver…

p.s. MC!!! Wanna change to be Liverpool supporter ker tak ni!!! HAHAHAHHA

Anonymous,  26 March 2009 at 17:42  

@anakmudaumur22tahundarahpanas (Anonymous 02:55)

"...betapa bahayanya perkauman dan nilai fasis yang bahaya...biarlah orang Melayu jangan menjadi ekstrem, jangan menjadi ganas, dan jangan menjadi budak upahan pemimpin politik yang tidak bertanggungjawab yang selalu mengapi-apikan perpecahan dan perkauman. Kita kaum dan bangsa yang bermaruah, dan inilah masanya kita tunjuk kepada mereka yang rakus kuasa dan sombong bahawa Melayu ada harga diri dan Melayu mahukan keamanan dan kesejahteraaan untuk semua."

Petikan dari buku "Saya Pun Melayu" oleh Datuk Zaid Ibrahim. Bacalah...

Anonymous,  26 March 2009 at 19:42  


I believe to have read in your blog some time ago how 'unfriendly' was Datin Rosmah towards some of you ladies, a change of heart now I guess.......

mamasita 26 March 2009 at 19:53  

anon 19.42
whatever..people are friendly and unfriendly at times.But thats normal right?You and I can be like that too when we're not in the mood right? Thanks for dropping by my blog ye?

Anonymous,  26 March 2009 at 20:10  


I do scan through some of the blogs, ladies owned especially, and... you're welcome.

Anonymous,  26 March 2009 at 20:36  

Hi all,

Anyone has news on the Deputy President post, who's leading at the moment, TSMY or MM.

mantra-indeeptots 27 March 2009 at 01:18  

Opening the doors for us all... and that will be - RASUAH.. RASUAH... AND MORE RASUAH.

KJ was given a warm tribute from grassroots... history crafted in UMNO!

Anonymous,  27 March 2009 at 14:58  

Mat Cendana ke mat cendawan ni...

Punyala bijak sampai bercendawan..hehe.. mesti ko yg tulis latin 2 kerat tu kan...hehehe

Alahai..memangla aku tak pandai omputih ni ha, tetapi ada ke sebab aku pandai cakap melayu aja aku bodoh, aku main hangguk aje ke org lain cakap..koman2 aku paham apa article ni pak sak ni tulis.. aku mana pandai tulis gaya penceritaan cam dia..

Agaknya korang ni fikir, bila org tu cakap melayu, dia langsung takde kemahiran berfikir.

Disini bukan pasal kemahiran berbahasa, org nak cakap pasal apa yg rakyat mahukan. Bahasa medium komunikasi.

Aku rasa omputih pun gelak nengok kau..

Dorang pun tak gelak kat melayu, malah try to understand and help whichever they can if someone yg broken english trying to talk to them..

Moral of the story, they didnt laugh at ppl when that person cant speak english that well, unlike some malays who think and perceive themselves as elit class...

Your type or your class of generation, or so called "elit" will be vanished in thin air sooner or later. Read that and understand that carefully.

I bet the mat salleh also didntnt respect engkau. What a loser. What are you made of?

Let me try to understand this, A Malay figthing for Malay in an organisation so-called "UMNO" with an alphabet M that stands for "Malay", lobying they are the best organisation that can help malays; and there we found ppl like you, killing their own ppl over their own language and still laughing and laughing and mad..

A traitor - do you know that!! Same application but different situation or issue. Like those who try to gain Japanese army's trust by making friends or work for them and scorn their own ppl.

You are no longer in that decade. Its history friend. The British are not here anymore. You don't have to prove anything to them. But, in the 21st century you need to prove to your own ppl. Cant you see what's going on all over the world.

After 50 years, it looks like, we can't managed our own country anymore. Our leader has lost interest in performing their job but busy harvesting wealth. While, the ordinary ppl on the other side, you perceived as stupid, is also harvesting, but, they are harvesting knowledge, information, ideas, looking for true path have also lost their trust to their own leaders.

How can our ppl, the Malays choose you again when you are denying your own language and called them stupid just because of their shortcoming.

I mean, our ppl need help and since the elits claim themselves better than any of us, we want you to improve things. But, things are not improving.

Why make such a noise over bahasa melayu when other ppl writings in malay...? What are you trying to catch.. Whatever you trying is not relevant anymore in this century.

Im sure you akan bercendawan tak lama lagi..sorry beb..we have to call you this. For justice.

Bolehkah dengan bahasa berbunga2, kamu jadi pemimpin?

Pemerintah lebih kepada membuat keputusan yg tepat, strategi dsb

With all these attitude u have, we wonder, how come you still have balls and still become a Malaysian or Tanah Melayu citizen when majority of us are still conversing in Malay. Our country do not want to have a man like you. Sangatlah bercendawan.

We know, to some extent in different situation, you also speak Malay to your mom and dad or maybe to your grandfather and grandmother. I wonder do you call them stupid? Do you really laugh at them and start calling names?

Aku akan bahagia kalau nenek dan atok kau melempang kau sampai...

Ko memang Melayu yg sungguh BUSUKK

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