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Sakmongkol ak 47

Sunday, 4 July 2010

UMNO wants its members to behave like the Opposition.

UMNO wants its members to behave like the opposition while the opposition wants to behave like UMNO. We do indeed live in interesting times. actually Mr. DPM, it actually could be...
Oh what a tangled web we weave
When first we practice to deceive

Today, UMNO Bahagian Pekan holds its annual Mesyuarat Perwakilan UMNO Bahagian Pekan.
In his opening speech the PM speaks about the usual normal things. He exhorts the UMNO loyalists to work harder and not take things for granted. He wants UMNO members to adopt the UMNO spirit as when it was formed in 1946 and as when it was during Tunku Abdul Rahman's time. You have UMNO members dedicated to a cause and committed to public service.
He says UMNO members must realize that even favorite football teams such as Brazil and Argentina can lose. By the way, while Brazil played Holland the other day, I, who is a kaki bangku when it comes to football, predicted that Brazil will lose. On the same day I predicted that Argentina will also lose. As I see it, Brazil and Argentina depend on the brilliance of a few individuals while European teams play total football depending on each team member to play his role.
It's the same with UMNO Pekan, Mr Prime Minister. You depend on one or two individuals you die. Your treasurer is busy at business enriching himself on behalf of UMNO Pekan he says. But what can I say- he is the son of an ustaz just like DR Mahathir can't say anything about Pak Lah initially because Pak Lah is the son of an ulamak.
In fact as I see it, you have nobody but yourself. PM Najib is also the ketua UMNO Bahagian Pekan. He was also complaining that when the issue of Felda was widely debated, not a single Pekan UMNO feller defended FELDA. Who Mr. PM do you think have the intellectual smarts and articulate enough to defend the Felda issue in Pekan? Most of the AJK UMNO Bahagian people are more interested n getting contracts. Ketua cawangans market your signature for RM 20,000 per endorsement.
Admittedly you have an ADUN who is a Felda settler himself. With due respect to this colleague of mine, I don't think he knows the Felda issue. In any case why should the PM be relying on his UMNO bahagian people to defend the FELDA issue when he has highly paid special officers who have the resources to defend the FELDA issue? The sad but true fact is, the PM is essentially a lone ranger with no majordomo. I hear Dr Jomo Kwame Sundaram met the PM recently and told him more or less the same thing- that in carrying out his duties and vision, PM Najib is essentially a lone ranger.
The delegates will respond warmly. They do so in the normal Pavlovian way of responding. Because they know the PM is a Santa Claus who can offer them material rewards. The PM's presence induces the conditioned psychic responses in the UMNO members. His presence simply means, something can be gotten. Once this thinking sets in, what the PM articulates as his fears fall on deaf ears. Delegates will trip over each other in salivating, ululating and saying how good he is.
Everyone will get into an orgy of congratulatory and facilitations love fest. We love you and I love you kind of thing. A variation of lu tolong gua, gua tolong lu heady stuff. It will be intoxicating.
He exhorts the committee members to carry out activities. It's a sad case really- the committees he has established are hardly functioning at all. The Information committee is all but dead since 2004.
Yet, his scheming UMNO Bahagian number two says, only one or two cawangan did not carry out the required annual meetings. The nearer to the truth fact is that over 70% of the cawangans in his Bahagian held meetings on paper. This guy should be kicked out the next round.
In the meantime, what has the deputy UMNO president been saying? His deputy is on record sang that UMNO must now behave like an opposition. The opposition? How so?
By that I take it to mean to adopt a selfless sacrificing behavior, driven to a cause. UMNO doesn't know how to behave like this Mr. DPM if you have the same kind of leadership and the same structure that breeds mediocrity. Just look at how UMNO behaves in Selangor, Kedah, Kelantan, WP, and Penang? They ARE the opposition yet we don't see them behaving like how the DPM wants them to. UMNO is suffering from muscular dystrophy mein DPM. It's inherited from the leadership.
Just how does the opposition behave? Willing to make sacrifices, driven by ideals and a sense of justice? Work hard, select quality leadership? Be actively involved in society's affairs? Doing work all year round?
UMNO will have only done a small part in rescuing itself. It has widened the party voter base but it hasn't widened its leadership talent pool. It widens the voting base to select the same people in the party. Every 3 years, the same will vie for the top posts at divisions and national levels.
The Pemuda UMNO, the more active members at division and national levels are motivated by the overriding thought of what's in for me? Many are more interested to get contracts. Indeed the PM has just stated that contractors lot is with the BN government.
The PKR is not stupid alter all. Now, it reorganizes itself in Selangor to ensure as winner and the state government it too can channel enriching resources to its supporters. It needs to do this to save itself. The party supporters and party members look up to their government to distribute enriching resources. If Khalid Ibrahim doesn't understand this basic need, he deserves to be booted out.
So, actually we cannot behave like the opposition because the opposition will soon be behaving like UMNO. We have to behave like the original UMNO- dedicated to a cause and committed to public service.


Red Alfa 4 July 2010 at 15:42  

Salam Dato'

What you have described in UMNO Bahagian Pekan describes the going ons in many other Bahagians one which I can speak about here in Orchard Road, Selangor, sans names you have described all the office bearers and Cawangans; except perhaps Orchard Road was already dysfunctional and it is now totally after UMNO lost Selangor.

Pekan would go the same way from next GE?

Just look at the "active" UMNO members, office bearers, they only support/deserve each other - main cause of the dysfunction. Remaining and 'inactive' members had that long ago been classified by them as "hostile and opposition" because they were not supporting the right and proper "respective business camps".

Because of such and further compounding nonsenses, loyal UMNO members have long ago have become the "opposition" and (after voting PAS' Dr Mariah) is now very much for/with the govt.(!) Having known her as MP since, they now know and want personal sacrifices and dedication to public service.

Can today's UMNO leadership ranks and grassroots demonstrate and provide such basic attributes?

Does UMNO everywhere else like as that UMNO Orchard Road even has anyone left?

Anonymous,  4 July 2010 at 16:21  

Should try to follow advise of DPM...BN will lose the next election and will be opposition so better start practising now.

Pekan AJK ada big premium problem to have dinner kat Mandarin Oriental

Red Alfa 4 July 2010 at 17:04  

Salam Dato

I really fudged my last sentence/parting question, didn't I?

It was meant ...Isn't UMNO everywhere else the same as UMNO Orchard Road?

Would there still be anyone left to re-build it?

Anonymous,  4 July 2010 at 18:59  


You said;
"The sad but true fact is, the PM is essentially a lone ranger with no majordomo."

That's not entirely True.

DS Najib has a TEAM, but it is an "Outsider" Team, i,e the Likes of Idris Jala, Tsu Koon, Amirsham, and a Plethora of Deputy Ministers resembling a bunch of ragtag remnant stragglers from a retreating army. Imaging a Football Team comprising feller's just picked off the streets.

None of the UMNO Veterans and Sharpshooters wants to be associated with this Band of Ragtag Stragglers and Bumblers. Look at the Deputy Minister defending FELDA....He has one foot in his mouth and another in the shithole.

What's DS Najib's hope of winning the next elections? Depends on whether the DPM knows which army he belongs to as well as the kind of support he gets from the Ragtag Team of stragglers from MCA and MIC!!

Joe Black

Premium Business 4 July 2010 at 20:42  

UMNO di bawah kepimpinan Najib hanya mengharapkans satu malapetaka buruk semulajadi akan berlaku kepada pembangkang untuk mereka (UMNO) dilihat telah berubah.

UMNO terlalu yakin pembangkang akan 'mempus' dengan sendiri apatah lagi lewat kebelakangan ini media sedang menjinjing keburukan Anwar, PKR Selangor dilihat sedang bobrok, Melayu Pulau Pinang kena tekan, perpecahan kepimpinan dalam PAS di muktamar tahun depan.

Mereka cukup percaya Najib akan mempengaruhi mahkamah untuk menyumbat Anwar ke Sungai Buloh dengan sekurang kurangnya 4 tahun seperti German membelasah Argentina 4-0. Mitos ini cukup meyakinkan mereka akan ada jalan mudah di PRU13 nanti.

Inilah isu isu yang menjadi modal untuk UMNO merasa gah dan rasa menang dan sekaligus mereka mendabik dada untuk menyatakan UMNO telah berubah dan UMNO adalah yang terbaik.

UMNO itu akan kuat bukan kerana perubahan tetapi akan kuat jika tidak berganjak kepada perjuangan asal.

UMNO harus 'behave' macam DAP yang terus kuat bukan kerana bergabung dengan PAS atau PKR tetapi kerana tidak berganjak dengan perjuangan perkaumannya.

Malaysian 4 July 2010 at 20:54  

Not only UMNO but MCA, MIC, Gerakan still weak in Pakatan state!

we want a 2 party system to rule Malaysia...

Liza,  4 July 2010 at 22:39  

I am your fan but if next election, Datuk seat under PR and serves for rakyat, not only me is your fan for sure all Pahang people will be your fan

Quiet Dspair,  4 July 2010 at 23:07  

Sdra Sak

What you cited is a similar overall picutre in the UMNO divisions and not only Pekan.
I have been in UMNO long enough to know and verify this.
Who among us minions in the divisions dare to stick our necks out in voicing our displeasures over issues.
Who wants to take the rap for langgar towkay. Miss soru lah.
Most of us nod our heads in agreement when the PM, DPM or any top guns open our meetings.
In Felda case, nobody dares to talk about it.
Firstly many don't know the real situation and dont bother to find out.
The Felda board members and also directors must go round the country, briefing UMNO members so that we are in the picture to counter all claims on FELDA so called bankruptcy by the opposition.
Remember, FELDA is a volatile place - we have two camps - rabid supporters of UMNO and equally rabid supporters of PKR.
Now it looks like TV3 is the Felda settlers champion and the mouth-piece in portraying the so-called revolt by Felda settlers and second generation of anak Felda like Rozali at Suara Keadilan.
On 8pm news just now,there was this Mak Chik saying vehemently:"Mak Cik hidup lumayan.Dapat elaun RM1.000, tak payah usaha apa-apa."
I dont know whether to laugh or to cry.
P.S. I was looking out for you on TV. I wonder whether you got the ears of the PM on your sincere grouses of UMNO.
As a Pahangnite and UMNO supporter, Sak, I fear you will be mis-understood by your division people.
You know how politicians - not only UMNO mind you, cannot tolerate people whom they think are smarter than them.
I am sure there are people in your division who are now trying to back-stab you, if they are not already are.
You know too they there are many pengampus rather than people who spoke the truth among politicans the world over.
Najib said there should be no prima-donnas who carry their own balls.
What? Everyone is for self-promotion and self-glorifcation.
Not everyone wants to be the fall guy or the sitting duck like Nazri.
My praise goes to Nazri. He took the blame when almost everyone talked as though the government already approved the new Parliament proposal.
But when the people are not in support of the move, all kept quiet and try to find excuses.
Foremost among them is Shaziman.
Nazri took it in his stride to accept mistake without blaming anyone.

Masam manis,  4 July 2010 at 23:12  


Based on your article and recent PM & DPM statements to UMNO members sounded either the UMNO members are no longer in-tune with the leadership or the leaderships are currently under siege by those who have self-serving interest. Either way it is not really promising for future of UMNO.

My 2 cents opinion is that PM & DPM need to convince the rakyat as top priority for UMNO/BN survival. After all isn't it they are rakyat 1st UMNO member 2nd.

flyer168 5 July 2010 at 03:12  


Rhetorics & Talk is cheap...BUT has Jibby & his deputy got what it takes to be "Effective"....

Where is that "Leadership by Honourable Examplary Role model Qualities” which is the BASIS for good Leadership?"

Sadly UMNO/BN is only as good as its CORRUPTED "Jaguh Kampung Gutter Politic" Ketuanan Leaders...

We are all the Anak Bangsa Malaysia Malays, Chinese, Indians, Ibans, etc vs the Ketuanan UMNOputras who have been trying to divide & rule the citizens...

You be the judge.


Non-partisan,  5 July 2010 at 11:25  

The Felda issue has been brewing over a period of time. It could have been nibbed in the bud had those in authority either from the Felda Board or the ministry show concern or sensitivity by responding towards the allegations with facts and figures. Unless of course they have something to hide they wouldn't be able to come up with a plausible answer.

Instead they allowed the issue to escalate and blow out of proportion before deciding to take action by using the strong arm of the law to ban Suara Keadilan and orchestrating a series of anti-PKR demonstrations.

These actions condemned by the oppositions as high-handedness will further put Felda and the government in bad light. It may also erode the support of the Felda settlers especially those who have been disgruntled with the govt.

PKR is not that stupid not to know that Felda is not bankrupt in the real sense of the word. What it has been doing is just to provoke for answers to the alleged Felda's mismanagement, complicities and the loss of big chunk of money from its coffer.

From your piece too, I would assume that DSNTR is sailing over troubled water. Immediate remedial actions have to be taken to prevent him and BN from being swallowed by the whirlpool.

Towards that, he needs solid intelligence from highly reliable sources to ascertain the intrigues and the polemics within the party AND the reality of the life of all strata of the society in all nook and corner of the country.

Those who are tagging around him and those arm-chair analysts may only be useful to give him a sense of good feeling.

Anonymous,  5 July 2010 at 16:32  

Dato Sak
Please make up your mind. If you want to be still in UMNO, then go play 'kow tow' with the PM or you will just be left barking on your own will. They don't consider you a threat anyway. Just like they chucked you out of the DUN and not offering you a second term base on some unreliable source that you are not popular in your DUN and if you stand there UMNO will lOSE.
You are no Rocky who finally got what he wanted and thus has stopped barking, and instead always wags its tail in favor of them. I wonder what
you want. Just guessing.
Anyway, this time around., PKR is not accepting any dissatisfied UMNO goon for they have learnt their lesson well. So where does this leave you.???
If I am an opposition leader, I wouldn't accept UMNO goons who are attacking UMNO from the inside because they are just trying to get attention of their President so that that they can make two and two together. The way I see it you are criticizing the leadership to improve the party and leadership in the hope that they think that you are sincere and will offer you something. Thats all to it Dato. I don't see you doing it for the people and the country. Why? I think the people and country is more important. Don't you??
Please be positive in your stand. If you are a sincere man you would standby the country and its people.I do hope you publish my comments.

Anonymous,  6 July 2010 at 07:18  

Non Partisan says, " FELDA issue should have been nibbed in the bud, meaning that the issue should have been quickly 'swept under the carpet', before it reaches the public ears. So, hide all wrong doings just because its done by the UMNO because exposing wrong doings of the Malay would mean that non Malays are exposing the Malays and its racial. Can you believe that. Hello! Only Malays pay taxes to the govt. Well, its taxpayers money and this involves all citizens of this country. The govt has to show transparency when dealing with public funds. Anyway, its not UMNO funds we are discussing. Its public funds and when public funds are Mismanaged, the country suffers. FELDA money is not supposed to be given away to any Tom Dick and Harry and just because its done by the govt, the citizens should remain shut. This is not right.
Look around you, see how the BN govt manages this country. Firstly, they divide us by race then they divide us by rural and urban boundaries. Then they try to manage the rural areas because thats where they 'feel' lies the UMNO's strength. Thats why you see the rural Ministry, manages the roads in the villages, 'kampongs' right to the doorsteps of the houses compared to urban area roads that are only taken care of when there is an impending general or 'buy' election. Well, all this is not right for the country. There are many issues out there where tho govt has Mismanaged the public funds leading to critical situations. For example, the various govt contracts awarded to cronies ending up in disaster. Ex. the collapse of stadium, mosque, schools, school labs, bridges, bus stations etc.
Now if all these contracts were awarded to genuine people, govt spending would have been saved and these savings can be spent on the welfare of the people. Now each disaster is causing the people more taxes. Is this right?
Today the govt is looking at the uncollected compounds on traffic offences. These uncollected compunds is not the fault of the people, its the police inefficiency in locating the offenders and serving them the summons. Example, they wait in a bush to 'shoot' you for over speeding. They the govt fixed 110km and most of the drivers who are summoned are eight caught doing 115 or 120km. Now, Is this over speeding? The worst part is the policemen will sit at a downhill to catch you for that offence. Any stupid person can tell you that going downhill, the vehicle is definitely bound to go extra km not because the driver is accelerating but its because the gradient that contributes to the factor.
Back to the point, they the govt looks at a figure about 2 billion if all summons are collected without giving any leeway, example, making a plea for leniency. Recently, the KSN directed the police to collect the maximum fine of 300.00 for speeding and no leniency to be entertained. Today we find the PDRM jumping the gun, instead of issuing summons to the thousands of offenders, they use their speed offenders data and have blacklisted them. So, my friends if you go to renew your road tax, you will find that you are blacklisted and are required to settle all your existing summons.Imagine if you are a regular traveler and not a speedster, you will find that you might have 10 summonses or maybe more. So, if summons, 10 x 300=RM3000. If you don't have that kind of money be prepared to walk to work or take a hike because we do not have a good public transport system.
The police department concerned is wrong in black listing the vehicles. They are finding the traffic offenders guilty without trial. It should be proper that they look for these offenders and bring them to court and when all avenues are used up only the court can blacklist these vehicles. Where are all our civic conscious NGO's. This definitely is a case for Human Rights body to fight for us the victims.Please somebody out there, stand up for these victims. Johan

Anonymous,  6 July 2010 at 07:21  

With all the MISmanagements, the govt coffers drying up,today the govt is looking at other means to fill their coffers. They are looking at the uncollected compounds on traffic offences. In the first place, these uncollected compunds is not the fault of the people, its the police inefficiency in locating the offenders and serving them the summons. Example, they wait in a bush to 'shoot' you for over speeding. They the govt fixed 110km and most of the drivers who are summoned are eight caught doing 115 or 120km. Now, Is this over speeding? The worst part is the policemen will sit at a downhill to catch you for that offence. Any stupid person can tell you that going downhill, the vehicle is definitely bound to go extra km not because the driver is accelerating but its because the gradient that contributes to the factor.
Back to the point, they the govt looks at a figure about 2 billion if all summons are collected without giving any leeway, example, making a plea for leniency. Recently, the KSN directed the police to collect the maximum fine of 300.00 for speeding and no leniency to be entertained. Today we find the PDRM jumping the gun, instead of issuing summons to the thousands of offenders, they use their speed offenders data and have blacklisted them. So, my friends if you go to renew your road tax, you will find that you are blacklisted and are required to settle all your existing summons.Imagine if you are a regular traveler and not a speedster, you will find that you might have 10 summonses or maybe more. So, if summons, 10 x 300=RM3000. If you don't have that kind of money be prepared to walk to work or take a hike because we do not have a good public transport system.
The police department concerned is wrong in black listing the vehicles. They are finding the traffic offenders guilty without trial. It should be proper that they look for these offenders and bring them to court and when all avenues are used up only the court can blacklist these vehicles. Where are all our civic conscious NGO's. This definitely is a case for Human Rights body to fight for us the victims.Please somebody out there, stand up for these victims. Johan

Non-partisan,  6 July 2010 at 14:08  

Anon 7:18

Pl read the whole para to understand what I meant by 'the Felda issue could have been nibbed in the bud.'

It's plain and simple. But perhaps because of your extreme racial biasness you become pre-judgemental and miss the message totally.

Anonymous,  1 August 2010 at 07:59  

I would like to exchange links with your site
Is this possible?

flyer168 1 August 2010 at 09:03  


May I recap our nation's Great Historical struggles by our Forefathers towards our 1st Independence in 1957...

Hartal in 1947 by the Malayan citizens (Malays, Chinese, Indians, etc together) then, against the Colonial Administration's exploitation & abuse of power....

Was a Peaceful Protest of Disobedience that produced results & relevant to the situations then !

The British educated & trained Intellectuals, Professionals, Economists, etc together with all the Rayaat's "Unsung Heroes"...

In 1957 FINALLY gained our Independence from the "Colonial British Rulers" through the citizen's "concerted" struggle undere Able Leadership of our Bapak Merdeka Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra & his 1st Malayan cabinet of TRUE TUANS managing the system of Westminster style Democracy with the Rule of Law in 1957,

That was the UMNO "Asal" (led by Tunku), MCA (lead by Tun Tan Cheng Lock) & MIC (lead by Tun Sambanthan) under the banner of the "Perikatan/Alliance" government.

The "Better & Smarter" choice by the Leadership of our Bapak Merdeka Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra & his 1st Malayan cabinet of TRUE TUANS....

Through INTELLIGENT POLITICAL NEGOTIATIONS & INTELLIGENT POLITICAL SOLUTIONS leading to a "Bloodless" handover & the Independence of Malaya!

It proves a point that "Educated, Intelligent, Smart & Wise" leaders do not have to resort to Threats, Militancy & unnecessary Battles with collateral damage & bloodshed to the citizens!

I was there at the Dataran Merdeka to witness the occassion on 31st August 1957 - the joy, tears & jubilation of Tunku, his cabinet & every Malay, Chinese, Indian, etc citizen of Malaya !

I hope we can accept the fact that our forefathers suffered but persevered & did not give up the struggle for Independence...until it was achieved !

Yes, Tunku & his Malaysian cabinet of TRUE TUANS, EARNED the RESPECT, TRUST & SUPPORT of ALL the Malayan citizens.

It was in 1969 our Bapak Merdeka/ Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra & his Malaysian cabinet of TRUE TUANS were "Betrayed" with the "13th May 1969 BLOODY "coup d’état" by the "Elite UMNO Ketetuanan BEGGARS"....

- some of those are still "Alive, Kicking & Mentoring ALL the New Ketetuanan Beggar Wannabes."

Just to share some of my historical video collections....

Remembering Malaysian Leaders esp YAB Dato'Onn Jaafar -

Great Malaysian Leaders- Tunku, Sardon, Ibu Zain, Senu,etc..

Tunku Abdul Rahman - Interview 1987 Story of Merdeka from YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman

A Rare Interview with Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj in 1987 – UMNO -
Watch this video from RTM about our Bapa Merdeka himself. Al-Fatihah to YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman and all our beloved Leaders and Rakyat who loved Malaya / Malaysia.

Tun Hussein Onn 1987 - Nasihat untuk UMNO Pemilihan Pemimpin UMNO

Tunku Abdul Rahman 1988 - Pengharaman & Usaha Menyatukan UMNO

Selagi ada hayat, saya lawan untuk kembali balik demokrasi – Tunku Abdul Rahman -

If MAN does NOT WANT to WAKE-UP & NOT WANT to LEARN to take Positive Steps...

History will keep REPEATING itself & MAN will continue to be Sheeples aka Goyim!

Yes, we are the suckers that allowed the System to create our nation's ills as well since 1969, so please wake up & get out of the Bolehland mindset to see the bigger picture!

You be the judge.


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