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Sakmongkol ak 47

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

UMNO leadership series: Kuantan

The UMNO Malays are elated to hear that Kuantan parliamentary seat will be given back to UMNO. Hooray for that. It is an open secret that at the 12th GE, the MCA incumbent, failed because Malay voters rejected him. The Chinese voters were not backing him fully either. They have their own domestic tsunami.
But I fear, their elation is a hollow one. Who in UMNO Kuantan can be offered as a serious candidate to win from Fauziah Salleh? Fuziah is the PKR MP. She is the second opposition figure to represent Kuantan area. In the 60s, two PSRM ADUNs represented Kuantan. What I am saying is, Kuantan has a tradition to go against the tide. Or go against the wind. Because Kuantan people are also pragmatic, they know a kite ascends highest when going against the wind, no along it. Having Fauziah Salleh as Kuantan's current MP places Kuantan in the high profile league. It has also elevated Fauziah on a personal level. She is the PKR's national elections director.
UMNO Kuantan's chief, Wan Adnan was once an UMNO MP representing BN. His only memorable speech in Parliament was the one he made about his daughter being reprimanded in school for not wearing tudung. Presently, his lacking and shortcomings are fortunately shielded behind his position as EXCO. When he spoke about that issue in Parliament, my MCA ADUN friends had a field day, mocking me about the quality of my party's candidate. Hoi, lu punya orang, ini macam punya cakap kah. Baik cakap pasal dia punya isteri isteri maa.
In 2008 elections, Wan Adnan stood as an ADUN for Tanjung Lumpur replacing my friend DR. Nasarudin who had to exit because of health reasons. Wan Adnan won by a whisker. Now I hear if he stands again in Tanjung Lumpur, he will be kicked out. Generally speaking, people in his constituency are fed up with this absentee ADUN. He is never around. He can't speak, he is never around, he can't work. What do you have here? A recipe for disaster.
UMNO must not misread the political temperature of the times. Nowadays, Malay voters are selective. They want a credible candidate who can articulate their aspirations fearlessly. They also want a quality candidate. Unfortunately, Wan Adnan fails in all respects. No disrespect to him, but here we have an ADUN, a former MP who can't even string a good sentence.
UMNO people are joking that Wan Adnan share similar facial expressions as that bungling fool of an UMNO Minister, Noh Omar. The facial expressions of people suffering from Down syndrome. This is a very malicious characterization but UMNO leadership can't ignore this. I must hasten to say, I have no ill feelings towards Down Syndrome sufferers. They deserve all the care in their proper setting.
UMNO people want personality too. You can't have this kind of candidate be the face of UMNO. UMNO will also face a similar dilemma if it fields a candidate like Mustafa Long, the MB's special officer in Kuala Lipis. Sorry Mus, but this what the people are saying. No hunchback of Notre Dame please.
UMNO can never hope to capture Kuantan, if Wan Adnan becomes the candidate. It is also an open secret that he became an EXCO because he has strong relations with more traditional sources of power. He wasn't selected on account of his intrinsic abilities.  If the MB has a choice, he wouldn't touch Wan Adnan with a 10 foot pole.
The truth of the matter is UMNO Kuantan hasn't got any leadership material to offer as a credible candidate to stand against Fauziah Salleh. What has UMNO Kuantan under the leadership of Wan Adnan done to balance what Fauziah Salleh has been doing? It hasn't done anything of merit.
Each week or monthly, on a regular basis Fauziah Salleh's election machinery is distributing rice bags to people around Kuantan. UMNO people are busy looking for contracts and arranging karaoke sessions. The diminutive Naib Ketua Bahagian, Shafik Fauzan is busy warding off attacks from supporters of Wan Adnan and Hamid Mandela. And Fauziah Salleh touches base with the intellectual side of her voters through her blog while the UMNO leadership rely on the old ways. Wan Adnan says he doesn't do blogs, only his wife does.
The deputy head of Kuantan UMNO division is Hamid Nazahar or more popularly known as Hamid Mandela. He resembles Mandela in skin color only and that's where the similarities end. He is the political secretary to the Home Minister, Hishamudin Hussein. He was probably appointed polsec because of his perceived abilities to mingle with the grassroots of UMNO operatives. You know the kind- little education, short in substance and long in form, hail hearty well met fellow. Good for arranging karaoke and talk cock sessions but nothing beyond these. If Hamid Mandela were to be chosen as UMNO candidate in Kuantan, UMNO would have wished it didn't want Kuantan in the first place.
The candidate chosen by UMNO to represent Kuantan must reflect the general desire of today's voting public to have a candidate with sound credentials. Good education, articulate and fearless and hard worker. They demand a serious, determined and driven leader.
UMNO just hasn't got the luxury to offer passable candidates.
The general rule now is, whenever the Chinese form 60% of the electorate, BN will lose that seat. All the opposition needs to do is to secure 80% of Chinese votes and just 30% of the balance. That would give them 60% of the total votes in that area. If they secure 70% of Chinese votes, the opposition can still get though. Of course if the opposition gets more than 30% of Malay votes, the situation will tilt favorably more to the opposition.
Kuantan is the capital city of Pahang. It was said to be founded in the early 18th century by Malays from Sumatra. They settled in an area now still known as Teruntum. Historically Kuantan has always been a Malay majority area. Its parliamentary seat has been helmed by both UMNO and MCA leaders. Lim Ah Lek , a former minister was once the MP of Kuantan. UMNO was also represented by its MPs in Kuantan- Khalil Yaakob, Fauzi Rahman, the late Rahim Bakar were also MPs of Kuantan.
In the elastic elections of 2008, the seat was captured by Keadilan's Fauziah Salleh. Now she is the elections director of PKR but she was virtually an unknown quantity the last time. She stood against Khalil Yaakob once and that was the time, she became relatively known as a combative and tenacious politician. People want this kind of qualities. This time around she won because of the buildup of general resentment against BN politics. Foo Ah Kiaw lost also because, the majority of the Malays didn't want him.
While my theory of 60% and 40% holds true for the opposition, it will not necessarily hold true for BN. What I mean in this. If the voters are split into 60% Malays and 40% Chinese , a Malay candidate can win. I say a Malay candidate, not necessarily an UMNO candidate. Fauziah Saleh wasn't from UMNO but she won precisely because the voting profile in Kuantan is 60% Malay and 40% Chinese. Generally speaking, Chinese will not vote for BN anymore.
The Chinese finds more resonance with the objectives fought by DAP. They are no longer concerned with rice issues but with idealistic issues such as good governance, fairness, justice, transparency, less crime, equal representation etc. These are not MCA issues. The issues fought for by MCA are yesterday's' issues.


Premium Business 6 July 2010 at 07:40  

UMNO Bahagian Kuantan bermimpi di siang hari.

Anonymous,  6 July 2010 at 07:41  

No worry dato'. UMNO as most powerfool corrupt party got a lot of money which they still can swindle from the people of malaysia. They still in the corridor of power in this "Boleh ke? land". Their grassroot still sing the same song " kami ada kuasa, sukahati kami la nak samun, rompak dan menyangak".

Idopp UMNO... hehehe..

Anonymous,  6 July 2010 at 08:07  

The way you put it sir, might as well tell PM to throw in his towel.
But gua caya lu la Dato'
So take care of your health.

Anonymous,  6 July 2010 at 08:41  

You write well friend - incisive,critical, relevant, accurate and factual.
Journalists from Utusan, Berita and NST must go to you for a course in writing political stories.
There is one thing I detest when I see the palace interfering in politics. Is it any of their business who should be chosen as a candidate.
In fact the sultan has been known to ask the people to support BN. (Will you agree with me on this?)
Now this is very very wrong.
It invites unnecessary criticism and devalues one position.

Anonymous,  6 July 2010 at 09:56  


Wow! Dato' You sure know all about the going ons in UMNO Kuantan...
Like they say, The Devil is in the Details...

DS Najib's MANAGEMENT BY SLOGANEERING is all against the details...

Now that APCO has been reappointed get ready to be bombarded by new slogans....

Joe Black

Anonymous,  6 July 2010 at 10:30  

We marvel at your writings! You write like a sword with its two sided blades real sharp to inflict insults and sarcism.Guess you have low tolerences for idiots in umno!

Quiet Despair,  6 July 2010 at 10:31  

Jiks benar apa yang saudara katakan, sebagai anak Pahang saya rasa amat dukacita.
Malu company aje nama-nama yang bro sebut tu.
Takkanlah kita orang Pahang yang ramai cerdik pandai melihat kepada personaliti yang macam itu.
Malulah kita sebagai keturunan Mat Kilau dan Datuk Bahaman.
Bukan tak ada yang intelektual tapi dicantas supaya tak bertunas.
Mengenai campurtangan pihak Istana, DS Najib sebagai Orang Kaya Indera Shahbandar yang paling dekat dengan Tuanku boleh menyelesaikannya.
Beliau dan MB Adnan boleh merafak sembah terlebih dahulu tentang senarai bakal calon yang dipilih.
They can convince Tuanku on the merits of the chosen candidates. Our Sultan is reasonable enough to accept this.
Kita tak mahu berulangnya kes Rahim Bakar yang tidak diperkenan Sultan dan juga Ghazali Jawi di Perak dan MB Ghani Osman yang terus kekal kerana Almarhum Sultan Johor sukakannya.

P.S. You and bro Aspan, on the other blog, are now writng on your respective states.
Being close friends, I guess you compare notes on what ails UMNO.
Grim notes on reality checks. It pains me to read about our beloved party.
I wouldnt like to be in Najib's shoes now. My heart goes out to him.
But I still feel he can pull it through.

Red Alfa 6 July 2010 at 10:49  

Salam Dato'

This is how it should have been and shall be. Like in the USA, our leaders must past muster on the critical criteria. Do go deep and personal, Islam allows this.

Just as the father has the right of veto on his daughter's suitor, the People has the right to critically review a person offered/offering himself for nomination of public office.

By all means measure our candidate including using the opposition figure as the benchmark; . And ACCEPT her should we do not have as good a candidate. That should be the message of the quality as to be expected from our candidates who wish to aspire in the next round of selection.

No compromises on leadership qualities, the issues should only to agree on the selection criteria. Unfortunately, in UMNO/Malay circles the devil is in the details.

Anonymous,  6 July 2010 at 12:15  

You are absolutely right that the Chinese care about national issues. But its not just the Chinese. Young urban Malay voters also are not trapped in the propaganda of UMNO. The racist attitudes of Perkasa is not the fundamental attitudes of Malays - its a perversion of mamak Mahathir. With increasing numbers more see that corruption and abuse of UMNO is worst than any fear of others who speaks their language.

nstman,  6 July 2010 at 13:02  

Melayus busy looking for contracts, where got time to win over the people.

schenker78 6 July 2010 at 13:08  

Dato. Sak,

I cannot comment about Malay royalty as I am neutral on this. But many of my malay friends in the late 20s and mid 30s dont like the them. Some even says so bad things that I cannot write here about the future.

I feel the royals should not get involved in pemilihan Exco even if its UMNO's state. They should just get the incentives from the state and should not get involved in politics or business like one lady in Gamuda.

Be like the royals in the UK. They have changed and even pay taxes and reduced their expenditures and can be scrutinized by the public. No ISA in UK for questioning Queen Elizabeth.

I dont see any royals in Msia do humanitarian like Princess Diana except for Raja Zarith Sofiah.

Anonymous,  6 July 2010 at 13:42  


Excellent analysis of UMNO Kuantan leadership dilemma.

Unless a strong, capable and credible leader emerges in UMNO Kuantan, BN has little hope of recapturing Kuantan.

Anonymous,  6 July 2010 at 14:16  

You have crossed the line, Dato, so said Najib's fawning sycophants. Predictably his minions will come a calling on you and ostracize you to zip up your mouth.

That's how they react all these years of their political diatribes.

But if you have the guts and gumption to say your piece without fear or favour, then your political future will be bright. Brighter still if you align yourself with PR.

The political landscape has evolved with the advent of the virtual blogosphere and the presence of young and independent minded youths of today.

It would be in your interest to do some indepth reflection on what your plans for your political future if you plan to stage a comeback. More so with your critical and intelligent economic analytical skillsets.

You will be closedly watched, if not by the Najib camp, PR will touch base with you - that is if you want to contribute to national service - the CAT way.

Anonymous,  6 July 2010 at 14:30  

teruskan dato' cerita umno leadership series ni. lepas ni tulis pasal umno bahagian indera mahkota dan rompin pulak.banyak kebenaran dlm tulisan dato' di 2 posting terakhir ini. kami orang melayu sayangkan umno tapi nampak gaya nya pemimpin di atas tak kira lah di peringkat bahagian atau di peringkat yg lebih tinggi semuanya berjuang utk poket masing2!

Anonymous,  6 July 2010 at 14:40  

A good article.. Thumbs up !

Ariff Sabri 6 July 2010 at 15:16  

yes, siri kepimpinan UMNO ini akan di teruskan. oleh kerana saya tinggal di Kuantan, saya mulakanlah dengan Kuantan. saya akan menyentuh kepimpinan UMNO di semua bahagian. Indera Mahkota, Paya Besar, Pekan, Rompin, Maran, Temerloh, Bera, Lipis, Jerantut, Raub, dan termasuk di kawasan MB sendiri, Bentong. Cameron Higlands juga. tak boleh lari punya.
i am playing the role of a demanding consumer- we demand the best product so that suppliers adapt to our demand standards. kalau rakyat meminta wakil yang koro dan tidak menegaskan piawai yang tinggi, maka selama nya lah wakil UMNO terdiri dari half past six characetesr.
dalam emsyuarat Bahagian UMNO Kuantan baru baru ini, pimpinan UMNO Kuantan sudah ada pasang cita cita.
saya suka lah mengingatkan bahawa kerusi parlimen Ktn hari ini bukan lah milik UMNO tapi milik PKR. kalau program parti tak buat macam mana rakyat mahu sukakan parti UMNO.

Anonymous,  6 July 2010 at 15:19  

The only UMNO candidate credible enough to win Kuantan parliamentary seat is.....jeng..jengjeng.....none other than Dato'Ariff Sabri..( standing ovation )

Alfred E Neumann

Anonymous,  6 July 2010 at 16:06  

Dato, what coincidence.

Baru cerita about the ADUN, sudah keluar dalam TV/Berita rumah kena rompak.

Anonymous,  6 July 2010 at 17:00  

Dato' Sak for Kuantan Parliament.
Pak Tua

Anonymous,  6 July 2010 at 17:06  

Melayus busy looking for contracts, where got time to win over the people.

Now nstman ,

this is what I like . U r being frank showing your hatred towards Malays as a race rather than saying Umno this and that. Especially upon reading a blogs of Umno man critical of their own party. Hard to see this in your own PR camps that will eat shit if Anwar says it taste like caviar.

Dah Panas

sniper,  6 July 2010 at 17:52  


Can the happy hour in Kuantan will be over soon?

Anonymous,  6 July 2010 at 19:31  


I have not missed reading any of your
writes. From my heart, I ask - haven't they noticed you? Are you a threat to Kuantan's UMNO leadership, whoever they may be? What have you done to have been excluded from contributing to UMNO?


Anonymous,  6 July 2010 at 19:40  

Dato Halim Ibrahim will be the chosen one & will be next Pahang MB.

Anonymous,  6 July 2010 at 19:55  


A good perspective on what's happening in Kuantan and elsewhere. Isn't this Wan Adnan the same guy who was a victim of an attempted robbery this week? It was reported that the robbers had attempted to rob up to $300,000 (cash) from him in his house. Makes you wonder erh? Where has all this money come from?

Also, Dato..can we move away from a race-based analysis and try to think more as Malaysians?

Chin Chai Lah

Anonymous,  6 July 2010 at 20:15  

Good evening Dato
Everyday you post a GEM... If only all members of UMNO have your insight n vision.... unfortunately..sigh..
In every party there are the villains/dumbos/misfits/dickheads..somehow UMNO seems to have more than its fair share... almost

Quiet Despair,  6 July 2010 at 21:15  

Anon 19.40
Ya ke? How come i didnt know.
Dia tu saudara saya.

Pak Tua

I second that motion.
But if Sak contest a state seat, better still.
He can become the next MB.

Quiet Despair,  6 July 2010 at 21:51  


Here you go again casting aspersions on the Malays.
I see you leaving your racist comments everywhere.
You can't lampoon PKR and al-Juburi in the PKR blogs.
Here you have carte blanche to condemn the Melayus.
Podah chi.

Chin Chai Lah

Yep. The one and only Wan Adnan.
Four robbers were shot dead during the robbery.
RM300,000 kept at home.
How much in the bank do you think?

Hang Jebat Jr,  6 July 2010 at 21:53  

sama juga dengan golongan profesional, graduan universiti, pekerja swasta.. mereka tidak perlukan gigi palsu, atau kain pelikat walaupun percuma, kredibiliti Najib terutama di Pekan mula goyah, masakan tidak, beliau masih sanggup pimpin ibunya Toh Puan untuk memancing undi.. BERANI UBAH

Anonymous,  6 July 2010 at 22:49  

say no to hamed mandela!!! we know who u are!!!

Habib RAK 6 July 2010 at 22:54  

AK47, What about u as a candidate for UMNO. You are bright, articulate, level headed, prepared to call a spade a spade and many other positive qualities. Further, you still believe in UMNO despite your critical assessment. Perhaps, UMNO simply prefers a "Wan Adnan" type coz easier to manage with sweets.

Anonymous 7 July 2010 at 00:08  

Orang Kuantan tak perlukan shopping mall yang jaraknya tak sampai 1km dari shopping mall yang lain.

Anonymous,  7 July 2010 at 02:03  

Chin Chai Lah ,

I think Malaysian are racist by nature.With or without politics.Even as in the same race you see them create clans.Try to mix Kelantanese and Johorean Malays. Maybe they show poker face smiling at each other but the northern guy will say the southern guy are loose in religion and the latter will say northern are backward thinking.
In Chinese , Teo Chew and Hokkien the hardworking one , Hakka are stingy and Hainanese are crazy.

Admit it.I listen to everyone daily.

I understand speaks Mandarin , sit around UMNOs,PKR's, and whatever . Make it easier for me to fool anyone I don't look chinese or pure Malay or even Indian. I got a mixed bloody of all of you with extra not from this region.Except Indian.maybe my grandkid will if my daughters decided to and the boy is fine.

Stop being hypocrites.All of you will try to protect your own race interest and benefits in whatever form you can.Sad ? NO . Its a fact of life here.Behind the smile there is always mistrusts.

Along the line under the we protect the race ... or protect the marhaen whatever in the case or PR/PKR , they sees the car they want,lifestyle they wish they have .. then mark up happens .. sand scandal etc . People have needs and GREED. Oh another thing about us is so funny.
I had a older friend who just love to drive without hand free.Asked him to use one he said he got eyes sharp as an eagle to detect police.We were stopped once. He bribed immediately . Passed the 5km from the incident he called again ...without had free again to his wife saying how corrupted the police are.How ironic.

Man , politics are all the same anyway even you change new party or whatever. I just need the older generation to be wipe out dead for us the young one that are so sick of your repulsive antics to take charge.

Anonymous,  7 July 2010 at 03:29  

Dato wan Adnan is a very pious and religious man...he doesn't like the banking system >>so he keeps ALL his very2 hard earned money under the pillow.

Please don't shoot in the dark and talk nonsense..casting nasty remarks about a man who is as white as cotton and whose only interest is to work for the rakyat.

God bless Dato Wan..

Anonymous,  7 July 2010 at 03:33  

Sorry to say but I think it will be difficult for Dato Sak to make a comeback to Pahang politics..myb he should be appointed a Senator and then Minister.20X better then Jala except bab main guitar.

Ganti Yorais ok kok?

Anonymous,  7 July 2010 at 03:34  

Hamid Mandela tu asal usul dia darimana?Nama dia tu best..macam the man from South Africa ya,

Kenapa lu tak minat dia?Kan dia tu fleedom lawan punya lo.

Anonymous,  7 July 2010 at 11:00  

Chin Chai Lah ,

I think Malaysian are racist by nature.With or without politics.Even as in the same race you see them create clans.Try to mix Kelantanese and Johorean Malays. Maybe they show poker face smiling at each other but the northern guy will say the southern guy are loose in religion and the latter will say northern are backward thinking.
In Chinese , Teo Chew and Hokkien the hardworking one , Hakka are stingy and Hainanese are crazy.

Admit it.I listen to everyone daily.

I understand speaks Mandarin , sit around UMNOs,PKR's, and whatever . Make it easier for me to fool anyone I don't look chinese or pure Malay or even Indian. I got a mixed bloody of all of you with extra not from this region.Except Indian.maybe my grandkid will if my daughters decided to and the boy is fine.

Stop being hypocrites.All of you will try to protect your own race interest and benefits in whatever form you can.Sad ? NO . Its a fact of life here.Behind the smile there is always mistrusts.

Along the line under the we protect the race ... or protect the marhaen whatever in the case or PR/PKR , they sees the car they want,lifestyle they wish they have .. then mark up happens .. sand scandal etc . People have needs and GREED. Oh another thing about us is so funny.
I had a older friend who just love to drive without hand free.Asked him to use one he said he got eyes sharp as an eagle to detect police.We were stopped once. He bribed immediately . Passed the 5km from the incident he called again ...without had free again to his wife saying how corrupted the police are.How ironic.

Man , politics are all the same anyway even you change new party or whatever. I just need the older generation to be wipe out dead for us the young one that are so sick of your repulsive antics to take charge.

Muhammad Bahir 7 July 2010 at 13:24  

The Chinese finds more resonance with the objectives fought by DAP. They are no longer concerned with rice issues but with idealistic issues such as good governance, fairness, justice, transparency, less crime, equal representation etc.

I agree with most of your observation - except for that very last line.

Let me qualify myself - I'm a Kuantanese and a malay through and through. Many family members are naturally UMNO loyalist.

But us younger generations, especially in urban areas, have grown up in a more open information landscape. We continuously learn from history, observe the politics of the world and we interact with professionals from lawyers right to econmists - from their writings and dialogue especially on the net.

Those issues that you highlighted in the last paragraph, is no longer a Chinese issue. We have grown up and learn that these issues, beyond all else, makes up the core characteristic that makes a peaceful and blooming democratic country.

The times of crossing our votes through party allegiance has long past. In the past UMNO fought hard for democracy. But today that fight has been taken over by the other guys. Who knows what may happen in the future.

For now, UMNO through is top brass seems more and more pathetic. Ditching out personal attacks, uncommitted to democracy and worst of all, they seem almost begging us to vote for them if anything - just to give them another chance, just because their predecessors fought hard for this country.

All in all, to recapture Kuantan, it's not just the Chinese UMNO have to convince. We Malay too need a lot of convincing. Unfortunately although most of us Malays are already changing our mindset for the better, UMNO are still structurally backwards.

The sad thing is, the new guys, my generation, the pemuda UMNO - they too seem to choose to be blinded by the cry for change.

sakmongolot,  8 July 2010 at 22:22  

DATO', so much of a commentator you are. it's funny how you keep attacking their physicals. i wonder, if u were so much better than them, how come u only served for only one single term? just sayin' bro.

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