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Sakmongkol ak 47

Sunday, 2 November 2008

Envelope Politics and Journalism

Shabery cheek can continue living in his own warped world when he says there’s no envelope or red enveloped journalism. This is a practice employed by many politicians bribing journalists to write good stories on them.

The most important asset for a politician is publicity. They must be in the news all the time to stay relevant. Sometimes, even the most mundane things done by the politicians received extensive coverage.

If journalists were to report on politicians based on merits alone, they wouldn’t have anything to report on. Politicians know this and the only way to remain in the limelight is to pay journalists. The practice of cavorting with journalists, giving money, paying for trips, keeping them on retainer, are widely practiced. They are not reported yes, but that does not mean, they do not take place.

In the absence of official and formal reports against backshish, mordida, tumbuk rusuk, rasuah, one relies on anecdotal information. Sakmongkol knows of a well known journalist who was paid RM1 million to defend a leading TELCO's competence as a broadband player. Sakmongkol also knows of a certain female journalist almost on retainer by a spouse of a leading politician. Her principal job is as an apple polisher. Otherwise also known as a spin meister. Also known as putar alam. Sakmongkol prefers to call them prostitute journalists..

Meanwhile, shabery cheek as the misinformed information minster can go on believing there’s no envelope journalism. Its like asking us to believe that in the current UMNO elections, there’s no envelope delegates. Perhaps, a more suited term for the money politics in UMNO to buy delegates, is angpow politics. We live in a world of red envelope politics.


Son of My Parents 2 November 2008 at 13:31  

Salam Dato',

I think Shabery Cheek (what's with that double 'e', i.e., Reezal Merican, Abdul Azeez and Cheek", anyways?) is aware that he was lying outright by saying there are no envelope journalism. Say that there ain't such a thing and move on lah - senang. The general public shouldn't know the truth. The general public can't handle the truth, perhaps.

Does one become altered when one becomes a politician, especially with the ruling party? Some things you can tell John Q public and some things you can't because it's just too much for them? They're just 'children' who won't understand how complicated things can be in running the government so they just have to be left in the dark sometimes?

Probably it would be better to for Shabery to say, "I admit that this is not a utopian government or society and there exists elements of envelope this and envelope that, but that doesn't mean we condone it." and going on to say that we should all do our level best to curb it. Maybe that'll be more appeasing. However, he can't say that. He's a politician.

Thank you.

Premium Business 2 November 2008 at 13:58  

Tumpang laluan:


Kami memerlukan usahawan semua bangsa untuk membuka restoran 100 Jenis Bijiran Nasi Goreng dan Minuman Menggunakan Madu (tanpa gula tebu) seluruh Malaysia/Singapura/Brunai secara francise.

Operasi akan bermula seawal 6 bulan dari sekarang dengan membuat beberapa tapisan yang perlu kepada semua calon. Calon calon yang berjaya akan disediakan RM60 ribu oleh syarikat untuk ubahsuai dan sebagainya selepas mematuhi terma dan syarat.

Calon calon tidak memerlukan persediaan modal awal yang banyak. Keutamaan akan diberi kepada calon calon yang tekun dan berminat serta memenuhi program syarikat.

Yang berminat, sila email Nama, No. Mycard, Alamat dan No. Telefon yang boleh dihubungi ke alamat email berikut:

Anonymous,  2 November 2008 at 14:13  

Saudara Dato' Sakmongkol,

I run a political website and I am very taken by your writing. I hope you can feature us and we will do the same. Our site is hope you can pop by and tell us what you think abour our site. Thank you sir and pls have a good weekend.


Editor KP

Saya... 2 November 2008 at 21:48  


RM1 million. I must tell the long suffering prostitutes of Jalan Bukit Bintang and Haji Taib that they are being s@@@wed big time. They MUST form a union and demand better pay.

These journalists sit in Starbucks and sip lattes, while the women lie on grungy beds and deal with abusive clients.

Tak aci.

Some journos sure are taking over the oldest profession real fast...

Sometimes even I get confused as to what is spin and what is not.

Anonymous,  2 November 2008 at 22:11  

Total agree with this article. Shabery Cheek must be dim witted not to realise this is happening. Some Malaysian journalists are not the most honourable people as they pretend to be. Both sides of the house are paying these journalists.

Why do Anwar Ibrahim get all sympathetic media reporting?

Pak Zawi 3 November 2008 at 07:32  

Shabery Cheek had the cheek to deny something which is an open secret. His statements only make it more people know about just like the story of Abu Jahal who wrote a note "Di sini tidak ada duit" (There is no money here) and place it on a spot where he hid the money.
I know of a half past six politician who bought an expensive broadcasting standard TV camera for his cameraman who is on his payroll to cover his every movements and send them to tv stations for his publicity.

mekyam 3 November 2008 at 08:00  

erotomania said... Probably it would be better to for Shabery to say, "I admit that this is not a utopian government or society and there exists elements of envelope this and envelope that, but that doesn't mean we condone it." and going on to say that we should all do our level best to curb it.

i agree. even if we don't know if he means it, we will at least know he thinks of our sensibilities. or that he doesn't take us all for suckers. so much for being MoC!


zawi said... just like the story of Abu Jahal who wrote a note "Di sini tidak ada duit" (There is no money here) and place it on a spot where he hid the money.

keno atah butir tuh, en zawi! :D

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