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Sakmongkol ak 47

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Bajet Terbaeek sejak Nabi Adam( 2)

Please be patient. There will be an essay on this 2013 budget in the English language. Right now I am tackling the Bahasa Melayu readers.

Hari Jummat lalu, ketua otobot, Optimus Prime Najib telah membentangkan bajet. membawa usul dalam parlimen untuk mengeluarkan suatu jumlah wang dari kumpulan wang yang disatukan untuk pelbagai tujuan.
Erti nya, Najib memohon kelulusan duit rakyat untuk diperlakukan ikut program yang kerajaan dia telah plan. so, please ingat. bajet 2013 is not Najib's gift to Malaysians. its our money that he plans to use. the old rule still stays- our money is best managed by us instead of a deceiving Optimus Prime, chief TRansformer.   we manage it, by keeping a close tab on how his government uses OUR money.
Kita tidak sedar, kerajaan Najib menyusun kehidupan negara keliling hutang. Kita membangun diatas hutang yang kian menimbun. Ini sudah tahun ke 14, ekonomi kita dalam defisit- kita belanja lebih dari pendapatan. lain negara sudah diistihar muflis. Pemimpin negara kita kata ok. 
We structure the life of the country around debt. Even when the economy is good, we still borrow instead if using increased revenues when the economy was good to pay off our obligations. When we do that, it means, debt is structural.
Walaupun ekonomi bagus, Najib tetap juga berhutang dan tidak menggunakan pertambahan pendapatan ketika ekonomi baik untuk mengurangkan hutang. Ertinya, kerajaan Najib membudayakan hutang dalam kehidupan negara. Bila ekonomi teruk, kita berhutang. Bila ekonomi dah baik pun kita berhutang. Ini dinamakan hutang kita dah jadi hutang structural. Dah jadi darah daging. Ini wasathiyah Najib.
Maka PM Najib pun tak kira lah. Asyik berhutang dan terus meyakinkan kita , ekonomi akan pulih dan kita akan bayar. Bayar dengan apa? Hasil kutipan cukai tidak berkembang. Hasil menyewa harta benda rakyat tidak boleh diperlakukan sewenang wenang nya. Kalau boleh, Malaysia dikasi sewa kepada Singapura. Hasil dari keuntungan minyak Petronas pun akan mengurang. Jadi nak bayar dengan apa? Lama kelamaan, base cukai akan dikembangkan- Najib akan kenakan GST kepada kita semua. Kalau tak, nak dapat mana duit nak bayar hutang?
Memanglah meminjam bukan lah perkara yang seburuk yang disangka. Hutang kerajaan Singapura misalnya pun amat besar. Semua orang berhutang. Tapi ada beza nya. Kemampuan bayar semula kita lain. Hutang mesti dikaitkan dengan prestasi negara dari sudut pendapatan hasil atau revenue. Kemampuan membayar tentulah dicerminkan oleh surut atau naik pendapatan. 
Berapa anggaran revenue negara?  Kerajaan Najib anggarkan revenue naik dari RM 207.2 billion kepada RM 208.6 billion untuk tahun 2013. Ini peningkatan sebanyak 0.7%.  punya lah cakap besar. Ekonomi lestari itu dan ini. transformasi dah berjaya. Dah mendatangkan buah.  Najib tidak juga beritahu kita, inilah peningkatan yang paling perlahan dalam sejarah ekonomi kita sejak tahun 1999.Belanja dicadangkan RM251.6 billion. Makna nya, sekali lagi defisit sebanyak RM43 billion. 

Kerajaan wasathiyah dan Optimus Prime Transformer Najib menanggung hutang yang kian meningkat kerana hendak membiayai pelbagai macam fikiran mabuk dia. Hutang kerajaan meningkat dari RM363 billion dalam 2009 dan RM456 billion in 2011. Untuk tahun 2012, hutang kerajaan pusat yang dianggarkan ialah ialah RM502 billion. Ertinya, sejak 8 tahun yang lalu, hutang kerajaan pusat meningkat ke tahap 107.4%. 
Kerajaan Najib sibuk bila kerajaan Kelantan atau Selangor atau Kedah atau Pulau Pinang berhutang. Tapi bila kerajaan PM sendiri berhutang dia orang semua buat donno sahaja. Mereka akan kata kerajaan berhutang sebab nak tolong rakyat dan membangunkan negara. Soalan: bukan itu juga boleh dijadikan alasan mengapa negeri PR pun turut berhutang? Kelantan tidak ada hutang dengan kerajaan Federal. Selangor tidak ada. Penang hanya sedikit sahaja tinggal. Kedah tidak berhutang. 
Yang bahaya nya, ialah hutang kerajaan kita sekarang ialah hutang structural. Hutang structural berbeza dengan hutang cyclical yang turun naik disebabkan pendapatan ada turun dan naik. Hutang structural ialah hutang yang ujud walaupun pada masa masa ekonomi baik. 
Dalam keadaan ekonomi kuat, kerajaan terus berhutang. Bila pendapatan kita lebih dari perbelanjaan, kita terus juga bergantung kepada hutang. Ertinya, hutang structural berlaku walaupun ekonomi bagus. Kerajaan terus belanja melebihi pendapatan nya.  Ini berbeza dengan hutang cyclical. Hutang cylical berlaku bila ekonomi lemah kerana kutipan cukai jatuh misalnya. Bila ekonomi mengembang, kita kutip cukai dan bayar hutang sementara yang kita telah ambil. Ini cara berhemah dan wasathiyah. Ini tidak- bila hutang sudah menjadi sebahagian dari budaya berkerajaan, PM Najib pengurus ekonomi KITA,  tidak mahu bayar hutang bila ekonomi bertambah baik. Walupun ada lebihan atau surplus, mereka terus hutang lagi. 
kita menyusun kehidupan negara keliling hutang- dengan cara melengkapi hidup kita dengan menghias negara kita dengan projek yang menyebabkan kita berhutang.  Kita nak river of life sedangkan rakyat Melayu di kampong dan desa masih memerlukan kemudahan asas. Kita nak bina MRT yang kos nya sudah pun lebih dari RM50 Billion untuk keselesaan penduduk bandar. Penduduk kampong yang rata2 nya orang Melayu bagaimana? 
Kita tidak memerlukan sebuah kerajaan yang berhutang. Kita ada pilihan untuk menyertai budaya berhutang ini atau tidak. Keputusan untuk mengarah halatuju hidup kita memerlukan hanya satu cara sahaja- menolak kerajaan PM Najib. Ia boleh di lakukan.
Bagaimana kita nak betulkan keadaan? Dengan dasar ekonomi yang betul yang memerlukan dasar yang nyata dan direct. Hutang structural hanya boleh di tangani dnegan cara mengurangkan perbelanjaan, menaikkan cukai atau melebarkan base bayaran cukai. Kita kena buat. Kurangkan belanja keatas kos operasi yang tidak perlu. Menyerapkan anggota rela, kemas, jasa semua meningkatkan kos operasi. Mengapa kita perlu ejen2 UMNO ni? Kita boleh potong paling kurang 70% dari kelompok ini dan mengurangkan perbelanjaan operasi. We don’t need 10 people to look after one cow.
Potong juga belanja keatas projek2 mewah. Program dibawah Permata berlian, emas, perak atau zamrud tu semua tidak berguna. Setelah belanja banyak, apa results nya yang kita dapat?
Najib tak beritahu kita. Memang cara dia deceive rakyat. Hutang yang kian meningkat dan bayaran yang kita kena buat tentulah akan menyekat perbelanjaan mengurus dan membangun pada masa hadapan. Tambah lagi, kadar pertubuhan dalam revenue atau hasil yang dah mula perlahan. Kita takde duit dah.  Dalam tahun 2003, kita bayar 10.5 billion hutang kerajaan. Dalam tahun 2008, kita bayar RM 12.8 billion. Dari tahun 2008 sampai ke 2013 nanti, kadar servis hutang kerajaan meningkat 73%.
Hutang kerajaan kita sudah sampai 53.7%. hanya 1.3% dari had 55% yang dibenarkan. Tapi angka ini pun tak betul. Najib sembunyi lagi. Sebab dia tak beritahu, angka ini kurang tepat sebab hutang kerajaan yang tak lansung pun menggunung. Bagaimana? Dia tidak beritahu kita bahawa kerajaan ada contingent liabilities yang bernilai RM117 billion setakat December 2011. Dan contigent liabilities ini akibat beri gerenti hutang kroni2 akan makin menggunung dalam tahun 2013 kerana perbelanjaan keatas projek MRT yang setakat ini berkos RM53 billion. Kita tak campur lagi jaminan kerajaan kepada projek2 mega yang lain.
Yang bahaya nya, ialah perbelanjaan2 ini semua belanja  off-balance sheet  dan tidak dikira sebagai hutang rasmi. Tapi semua nya di biayai oleh kerajaan dengan hutang.
Kalau kita tak tolak kerajaan Najib, Najib akan bawak kita kearah negara Eropah yang bangkrap. Spanyol ada nisbah hutang/GDP sebanyak 68.5%. macam kita lah ada nisbah hutang-GDP hanya 53%. Tapi Spanyol sebab ada pelbagai contingent liabilities dan menebus hutang syarikat2 kroni, nisbah sebenar hutang/GDP menyebakan ekonomi tersebut hancur lebur. Kita mesi tolak program ekonomi Najib sebab dia akan membawa kehancuran kepada ekonomi kita.


Anonymous,  30 September 2012 at 13:45  

Salam Dato',

Just to add to your comments. Berhutang tu okay. Lebih-lebih lagi pada zaman sekarang ini. Kebanyakan dari kita di lazimkan dengan teori time value of money ~ a dollar today is worth more than a dollar tommorow.

Untuk memahami keadaan ini dengan lebih mudah, kita lihat dulu from the micro point of view. Saya ambil contoh institusi kekeluargaan. Kita sebagai ibu dan ayah. Allah beri kita amanah untuk menjaga anak-anak kita dengan sebaik mungkin. Provide them with good food, good education (duniawi dan ukhrawi), tempat tinggal yang selesa, kalau sakit pening kita bawa pegi hospital atau klinik.

Untuk menjalankan amanah yang diberikan oleh Allah kepada kita, Allah beri kita rezeki. Jadi tugas kita adalah menguruskan rezeki yang Allah beri untuk menunaikan tanggungjawab yang terpikul atas bahu kita.

Jadi mengambil kira konsep time value of money, walaupun kita ada berjuta Ringgit, in normal circumstances, kita tak mungkin akan beli rumah atau kereta dengan membayar tunai. Sebab kita boleh earn income (dalam bentuk keuntungan perniagaan, dsb) dari kekayaan kita. Tetapi bezanya adalah kita berhutang untuk menunaikkan tanggungjawab dengan baik.

Kita pun tidaklah sesekali merasa bangga sebab dapat menyediakan makan, pakai, tempat tinggal, pendidikan (duniawi dan ukrawi) kepada anak-anak dan isteri kita. Sebab sememangnya itu sudah jadi tanggungjawab kita sebagai ayah dan suami kepada isteri kita. Tetapi kalau kita tak dapat menyediakannya dengan sempurna, kita adalah tergolong dalam manusia yang gagal menguruskan amanah Allah dengan baik.

Jadi sekarang ni kita tengok pula dalam konteks yang lebih makro. Institusi kerajaan. Yang diamanahkan oleh rakyat untuk menguruskan harta kekayaan negara. Adakah rakyat marah atau merasa dukacita sekiranya kerajaan berhutang? Pada pendapat saya yang tak berapa bijak ni, sekiranya kerajaan berhutang untuk menyediakan keperluan asas kepada rakyat ~ makan pakai (dalam bentuk subsidi), pendidikan (pembinaan sekolah-sekolah), tempat tinggal (rumah-rumah mampu milik), tak siapa akan marah. Cuma yang tak berapa tepat adalah bila kita ni duit tak berapa nak ada tapi bercita-cita besar nak kasi sedekah pada orang lain. Sedangkan yang sepatutnya menjadi tanggungjawab pun kita semput-semput nak tunaikan.

Soal yang kedua adalah, sudah menjadi tanggungjawab la pada government of the day to provide basic infra to the people. Macam tugas ibu dan ayah. Kena la provide basic infra to our children. Dan tak perlu la kita cakap kat anak-anak kita yang janji kita telah ditepati sebab kasi mereka makan, kasi pakaian untuk pakai, sediakan tempat tinggal, atau hantar mereka pegi sekolah. Dah memang jadi tanggungjawab kita.

So, bila cerita pasal hutang negara rakyat terbanyak kena la lihat betul-betul. Kemana duit tu nak dibelanjakan. Adakah ianya untuk basic infra (which is untuk menunaikan tanggungjawab) atau untuk bersedekah jariah sedangkan tanggungjawab banyak yang belum tertunai (i.e. katanya penduduk Jengka ramai yang komplen tak dak air selalu).


Anonymous,  30 September 2012 at 13:46  

Alangkah baiknya kalau kerajaan berhutang untuk menaik taraf teknologi perikanan misalnya supaya nelayan Malaysia boleh compete dengan nelayan Thai di laut dalam i.e. Penggunaan teknologi moden di bot-bot. So, boleh la negara kurangkan import bil ikan dari Thailand misalnya. Atau spend more on R&D to improve pengeluaran padi. So,dapat la peladang-peladang padi mengeluarkan hasil padi yang lebih lumayan dan over the long term mengurangkan import bil beras dari Thailand.

Semua ini adalah jauh lebih baik dari kita spent money on mencantikkan Sungai Kelang. Which as you correctly pointed out tak akan dapat membantu rakyat terbanyak di luar bandar. Hanya untuk rasa megah ibarat kita-kita yang bergaji RM3,000 tapi berhutang beli rumah RM1.5 juta sebab nak berlagak macam orang kaya tapi anak makan pun kena catu dan pakaian tak berganti (kalau ganti pun setahun sekali masa nak Raya ~ itupun beli kat pasar malam yang juak-juak Indonesia jual).

What we need now is a government which can think of how to increase the income of households, particularly in the rural areas dan bukan yang kasi gula-gula 4-5 tahun sekali and brag about it. Sedangkan sudah sememangnya itu menjadi tanggungjawab sebuah kerajaan untuk menyediakan basic infra for the people or rakyat sepertimana kita menyediakan basic infra untuk anak-anak dan isteri yang diamanahkan oleh Allah.


walla 30 September 2012 at 14:17  

I share with Sak all his anxiety and anger. I cannot write it better than how he has expressed it.

Some have said he's merely ranting. Let these side-swiping jokers come out and say instead how they are going to reduce the debt so that people can make more on their own and not depend on a corrupt government year after year, debasing themselves and extending official syndicated crime in the process.

Let them suggest how to improve Malaysia's productivity, now only twenty-five percent that of a puny neighbour.

Let them suggest what they will immediately do to cut off the serpent head of high-level corruption that has sapped away the life-force of this nation and killed the future of the children.

You already know they will have no suggestions; at best they only know how to talk about how much they admire M, seeing only his racist aspect which has served their own personal semi-insecure inclinations, ignoring all else that is reality.

Could it conceivably be because they have benefited personally from Umno's crimes, even if indirectly? Again no response. Again yapping about other things of no decisive consequence to the lot of most citizens.

Since these are supposedly well-heeled, educated, traveled and worldly men, what diagnosis can one make of their character? Juvenile hypocrites? Let's move on....

For a number of reasons, we cannot just emotionally jump with joy if a government gives bonus and sweets:

(1) It's All Your Own Money

First, who will be paying for them? All of us, including the recipients of those election goodies, are the ones paying for them. Umno didn't make the money for you. It only knows how to spend your money to win your vote to elect it so that it can continue to (a) debase, (b) enslave and (c) rip you off.

The money comes from taxes collected by workers just like you.

The money comes from the 1 million taxpayers who are only 10 percent of the 10 million workforce.

The money comes from taxes collected from businesses and industries. The people doing the work to build their companies to pay the taxes that go into the budget are workers like you.

More money would have come from taxes collected from the GLCs if they had been profitable. They have not, and you know why.

The money also comes from the asset wealth of the land - mining, timber, agriculture, fishery. The workers doing all the work are people like you. Not the three thousand political muleheads at the Umno general assembly.

Therefore, whatever Najib Tun Razak gives is again nothing but the rakyats' own money.

It is certainly not out of his own pocket or out of Umno.

It is also certainly not out of the pocket of his second minister who could and would not explain how RM5.7 Billion of the national coffers could be blown playing his co-author (M)'s gambling game.

That sum at present inflation is easily RM20 Billion so that if you're pissed over Shahrizat's RM250 million cowgate, consider taking some antacid now when it is RM20,000 million.

I repeat for the last time. Any money or goodies given to you comes from the general pool created by and belonging to all of you.

In this case, it also comes from the future as well - what should have been saved for use in the future of your young.

walla 30 September 2012 at 14:19  


And the way Umno has been doling out the cash, you must not deny anymore the national debt has hit the roof so that future borrowings and bond-listings will incur higher financing charges which will have to be added to the debt, making it even more difficult to discharge the liability.

In the end, all the earnings to be made in the future will be just to service the interest rates and not the principal loans. This is not sustainable. It is a vicious spiral downhill to bankruptcy.

(2) The Spectre Of The Asian Greece

Those of you who have been to Greece will return with some sadness. A country with a rich heritage reduced to economic slump. Drive along the highways and you will see homes - nice but empty. Many of its factories have closed down. Together with Spain, Italy, Portugal, Great Britain and soon to add even Germany heading into recession, they make up the sick men of Europe.

Today, Greece's main income stream is tourism. And maybe olive oil and yoghurt. It's productivity is extremely low; its bureaucracy corrupt and bloated. Yet the cheapest cotton tee by the roadside sells for 20 euros, rm80.

You ask how they can sustain a high-cost, low-productivity, economy for long. Their crisis has answered your question - they can't.

By these factors, no country can. By the opposite of these factors, any country can. But that you already knew long ago, no?

Profile-wise, we are also low on productivity, bloated in bureaucracy, and corrupt from top to bottom.

The only thing holding up temporarily for us are plantations and oil. Manufacturing you can hollow out since it seems we are good these days only for producing condoms, coffee and crapshoot.

Now, those playing FGVH will now tell you plantations are a yo-yo game with price and therefore profit set by foreigners.

Those in oil will tell you once Petronas has to start squeezing even the old fields, it means there are no new finds of any significant commercial size. If yes, produce the list and size.

Therefore don't be too complacent once we become net oil importer. The NEAC said that's by 2014. How far away is that, you can ask those dependent on SapuraKencana, made of Sapura(M crony) & Kencana(M family).

If Umno's government depends fifty percent of its revenue on oil, and oil is going to be scarce, how much revenue will it have to pay the salaries what more the bonuses of our BTN-to-the-power-of-n civil servants?

All it needs is some cathartic event. Those who had gone through the Asian crisis will remember when it had happened for us. It happened when M announced the Bakun Dam project. Immediately analysts, bankers, industrialists and environmentalists expressed their horror and said enough-is-enough; there were too many over-exuberant mega-projects reeking of crony-capitalism.

Soon after that, the bubble burst and twenty percent of our GDP was wiped out overnight. Some may say the bubble burst elsewhere first and we were caught on the tailwind but if M could later retract that Soros was the cause, you will have to ask him for the real answer. Expect surreal ones instead.

(3) The Danger Of Economic Indicators

The process is simple. Aggregate, then average out for some nice numbers that can be spun. But in the real world, wealth is unevenly distributed.

Today, you can say Syed Albukhary is the second richest man after Taib Mahmud. But the former's wealth is debt which some will comfortably excuse as only contingent liability in the same manner that corruption can be excused because it is hard to determine and also because it has spinoff positive effects on employment!

And the latter's wealth is abuse of state office for plain theft of state funds that would have accrued to the poor citizens of Sarawak.

So you still want to sum up all the money and then average out per capita of total population and then say we are cool?

walla 30 September 2012 at 14:20  


What real wealth does the majority of the population have in contrast to the few cronies who have benefited from their devilish association with Umno, party of the Malays, government of all Malaysians, and long-serving public-sector criminals of first choice?

You already know all our numbers have been propped up. One prop is subsidy. Just chill yourselves to the bone when you answer for yourself what will the real economic performance be as indicated by normal-market data if one day all subsidies are removed.

That 5% GDP growth rate would look differently if only for the reason it is projected from artificially propped up numbers - all the way back.

Note that World Bank took the numbers from us so don't go quoting World Bank data. Kaput, mein fraulein?

(4) The Only-We-Can Crap

Najib thumped that only Umno can deliver. How did he come to that conclusion? If Pakatan is not holding the reins on federal funds, how can he know Pakatan cannot perform better? In fact, no voter can deny Pakatan has already performed better in at least two states, Penang and Selangor.

And this PM was the one who said we aspire to be one of the world's best democracies. Yet his government can bash marchers, handcuff a young girl for stomping on his portrait while looking the other way on what his thugs had done to others, fail to provide adequate clarification on his administration's treatment of Altantuya, Teoh, Sarbiani, Kugan, Suaram, Malaysiakini, Rafizi, Lynas and Pengerang, to name but a few and off the cuff (maaf, out of breath).

If Najib says Umno is only we can, why does Nazri have to excuse not presenting the Auditor-General's report first on the ground of not causing distraction on the Budget? Isn't it logical to discuss first how last year's budget was really spent for lessons to be learned that can be used when discussing this year's Budget? Or is it to prevent queries that will stop the crimes to be committed once this year's Budget is approved, for the thirteenth time in the history of this nation?

If any member of Umno can answer those questions intelligibly, they may assign to themselves immediately IQ75.

walla 30 September 2012 at 14:20  


(5) The Psychological Make-Up of the Pliant Citizen

The pliant citizen is not interested in hardy work of finding root causes. He (or she) just accepts what comes along. He points happy fingers at the tv screen when he sees the finance minister announces yet another bonus.

He disdains to ask where the money will be coming from, for that matter how taking it now will affect the future of his children sitting on the floor next to him.

He closes his ears and mind if someone were to say normally bonuses are given based only on performance, both of the person as well as the organization in which he works, for any contractual bonuses as a contrary case are actually degraded fragments of the salary that should have been paid but held back to year end so that employer can have a hold on employee's tenure.

His logic is limited only to: "So long as the wheel of fortune turns to me this time, why should i care what happens next? Money in hand is real and i must be grateful".

This is the mindset of the preciouss serf, the servant who has auctioned his own faculties for morsel here, handout there, so pained is his lot he can suspend even the slightest iota of critical thinking.

He doesn't ask if a government has to do this, what is not wrong about the system it maintains that would enable him not to need it.

It will be the same again and again, each time inflation eating into the extras, raising prices all the time, ignoring the basic tenet of public finance planning which is to stave off inflation, not fuel it until extras end up with even less that can be bought because those fine poly-notes will have less value.

PT Barnum will like such pliant citizens a lot. Maybe it's because PT Barnum critters write their "g's" with a big loop which handwriting analysts will tell you signify selfish, greedy, acquisitive, hidden characters. Note how Najib wrote his 'g' in his "CominG soon".


Anonymous,  30 September 2012 at 15:21  


Appreciate your thought-provoking articles. You should by now start meet the people sessions... have ceramahs,...dialogue sessions with the voters in Kuantan...and surrounding areas.

Do you need help to organize this functions for you.... ? especially for the English and B.M. speaking community.

I will send you an email address to get in touch.. I suppose the DAP Branch here are doing something about this... but I believe most of them are Chinese-educated base and may face logistics challenges.


Anonymous,  30 September 2012 at 16:39  

Budget oleh ketua penyamun untuk ahli penyamun.

Anonymous,  30 September 2012 at 17:03  

Salam Sdr Sak,

Maaf jika bahasa kurang protokol, tapi bagi saya "title" feudal yang di bangga oleh orang Melayu tidak diada dalam itika hidup saya.

PM kita yang cakap macam2 pasal ekonomi ini, Dia faham ke?.
Banyak "saya cadangkan" semasa pembentangan tidak selari dengan apa yang kita ada, yang boleh pinjam, yang keperluan rakyat, yang keperluan negara.
Jangan2 pakai baca saja kot tanpa menyemak dan memahami.
Ada perkara yang dirangka langsung tidak ada kene-mengena dengan belanjawan negara.Bila hutang ditanggung oleh rakyat.
Isu subsidi gula yang ditarik balik(cadangan) macam nak bagi untung pengimpot saja. Ke nak "cover" lubang2 bocor di Felda?
Kalau PM tak pandai, orang2 umno lagi tak pandai kerana melantin yang tak pandai jadi ketua mereka...

Anonymous,  30 September 2012 at 17:36  

Bikin malu orang kampong je Najib ni tok. Dia bentang bajet ke ceramah kelompok.
Taakde ummph punya PM memalukan kaum.

Anonymous,  30 September 2012 at 18:32  

Rakyat dapat kacang putih-- cronies dapat billions.. nh a ha hi hi

Anonymous,  30 September 2012 at 19:36  

Criticizing for the sake of criticizing in the guise "of highly intellectual commentary". Ha ha ha...

Anonymous,  30 September 2012 at 21:44  

Salam Dato,

Saya menulis cara layman. Bajet PM bagi saya Bajet taik kucing. Katanya dengan beri BR1M dia telah tepati janji.Bila pula yang dia janji dengan rakyat nak beri wang percuma?Sebab kedudukan dia sebagai PM pun boleh rakyat pertikai.Dia tidak mendapat mandat dari rakyat untuk jadi PM. Pak Lah lebih jantan dari dia,membubar Parlimen selepas beberapa bulan selepas DrM turun,tapi Najib sampai sekarang tak berani nak bubar.Jadi bajet dia pun macam dia juga.Bajet lemah tenaga syahwat!

Nazry,  1 October 2012 at 01:45  

Salam Dato',

saya setuju dengan pandangan supaya Dato' sendiri turun padang utk berceramah dan tumpukan dalam negeri Pahang. Sepanjang 3 bulan saya duduk di salah satu Felda di Lanchang, Temerloh, pemerhatian saya merumuskan peneroka2 masih hidup dalam kelopmok seharian mereka dan isu-isu nasional tiada memberi impak. Dato' bersama Dato' Fauzi sebagai bekas pemimpin UMNO mampu menyelami pemikiran peneroka2 dan berhujah mengikut perspektif mereka. Di samping itu, gunakan resources markaz2 PAS utk pentas ceramah. Secara tidak langsung,hubungan kerjasama antara parti PR di Pahang dapat diperkukuhkan. Ketika ini, ia agak lemah di sini dilihat melalui program2 ceramah dan bendera2 berkibar di felda/kampung yang tertumpu kepada parti2 masing2 sahaja.Dgn cara ini, peneroka2 akan lebih tertarik utk mengetahui pandangan Dato' dan Dato' Fauzi, masing2 mewakili DAP dan PKR di atas pentas PAS coz they still have high regards for both of you. Saya akan pastikan keluarga mentua saya (8 pengundi) berhijrah ke PR. Insyallah - Pengundi dr Seremban

Anonymous,  1 October 2012 at 03:25  

Zaman TDM kufur nikmat, zaman Pak Lah terima padah, zaman DSN kufur nikmat lagi, kalau ada zaman DSAI bukan saja terima padah, bala pun akan diterima. Akhirnya, memperdaya & menzalimi diri sendiri kerana kejahilan diri sendiri dgn membutakan mata & memekakkan telinga serta kelabu hati nurani....

nick 1 October 2012 at 08:24  

I listen with great cynicism and with even greater skepticism the assurances of an UMNO minister from Kelantan(?) who "confidently" proclaimed that our(?) debts are still within our(?) limits, that is to say that it is manageable and the government is "confident" of its ability to repay those debts. Er..Mr Minister, did you left your brain in your other trouser today? UMNO government can repay those debt when they, year after year (for a straight consecutive 14 years) kept increasing the debt? In other words, what UMNO PM does every year was to service the interest of those debts AND kept on borrowing with even bigger amount!

That's not showing the ability to repay a debt but merely reinforcing the picture of a man and an organization that have not the intellectual capacity and moral integrity to honestly and prudently manage the country finances, Mr Minister and MR Pee M! That shows our PM as someone who is not even fit to be a housewife in charge of the household budget let alone be employed as an employee in any enterprise, anywhere! I dare say if Najib was not born of Tun Razak, he would be a bum and that is an insult to bums everywhere!

Truth be told, Najib only talent and ability is spending money and spending it frivolously especially other people's money. It was revealed recently that Najib had spent RM9 million of our money just to charter an Airbus plane just so he could spend his holiday in Perth in style and prestige! A PM who threw away RM9 millions of the people money so that he can look prestigious for the locals to gawk at? How utterly contemptible and and disgusting! And he is asking us for another term? Yeah right, and we the rakyat should thank him for our more than half a trillion debt! No thank you Mr Pee M! Rather than giving you the duty of managing our finances, I would be wiser to placed it in the hand of a malay "pasar malam" trader who at least know the basic principle of accounting such as debit and credit, and who knows that living with credits is stupid and suicidal.

Why is it that we have so many "malay" ministers who have numerous PhD and whatever but none of them seem to have one thing that is most important...a brain? That minister was talking crap parroting najib's inane babble about our ability to repay our debt! Najib was talking crap about fulfilling his promises with his "bunga takde telo" budget (giving those pakcik, makcik, abg, kakak and adik2 a one off payment of RM1,000 when he and his family spent RM9million on a chattered plane to enjoy his holiday)? What crap! And these people are pleading to us to elect them for another term of inanity, ignominy, profanity, rapacity, voracity, embracery, knavery, miscreancy, skulduggery and above all, felony! No thank you Najib and UMNO! next GE we will A.B.U you!


bruno,  1 October 2012 at 09:11  

Dato,for a country so blessed with vast natural resources,and the gomen is borrowing with no end in sight and pawning the nation's future generations asses off.

Singapore has one port,with no natural resources and they are doing so well.Their leaders have brains,minimal corruption by some rouge politicians,when caught went flying out the windows of high rise buildings like UFO's on their own accord.

Malaysia have four ports,vast natural resources,rampant corruption by the cabinet members and cronies,and when they are caught blame others and substituted others in their place to go flying out the windows of MACC buildings.And they called it forced suicides.What better people to serve Umno/BN lovers,who deserved them as bedfellows.

Anonymous,  1 October 2012 at 10:11  

Anon30Sep2012 21:44-Dia tidak mendapat mandat dari rakyat untuk jadi PM-

Tepat sekali.Bagi saya Tun Abdullah dihalau keluar Apa yang dipersetujui dan tidak dipersetuji antara dua-dua tak penting sekarang. Yang penting Najib jangan buat-buat seperti dia dapat mandat sah dan laku seperti mereka sebelumnya. Tersepit di antara dua Tun, Najib nampak tertekan bukan daripada Tun yang telah usahakan pembayaran sejumlah wang kepada hakim-hakim yang telah dipecat bahkan oleh satu-satunya Tun yang melakukan pemecatan. Saat di mana peralihan kuasa itu berlaku membawa banyak persoalan- apakah Tun rela atau tidak rakyat mungkin tak akan mengetahuinya, akan tetapi rakyat akan ingat segalanya yang berlaku pada tahun 2006 dan sebelumnya.

Gentleman sahaja yang 'walk away' daripada sesuatu yang boleh mengancam sifat keperimanusiaan - biarlah masa perlahan-perlahan menyembuhkan keadaan, jika boleh. Terpulang kepada Najib membalas budi kepada Tun sebelumnya bukan kepada Tun yang Dua Kali Sebelumnya. Dah cukup melantik anak Tun DKS yang juga mengikut protokol UMNO tak layak jadi Timbalan Menteri. Tertekan bukan?

Apa sebab Tun DKS ingin sangat anaknya jadi MB Kedah buat PRU 13, dan kemudianya mengguna jawatan itu sebagai batu loncatan untuk hadiah termewah sekali, ia itu Perdana Menteri. Segala-gala yang hitam, tak sah, akan terkubur. Yang baik dan nyata semuanya di atas permukaan bumi, Putrajaya, Cyberjaya, KLIA, dsb untuk di sebut-sebut bahawa inilah kejayaan konkrit Tun DKS. Saya akui ini kejayaan Tun DKS, tapi manusia-manusia mana,yang baik dan tidak sehaluan dengannya, dikorbankan?

BN bukan takut Anwar jadi PM, BN takut sesiapa sahaja daripada PAS atau PKR jadi PM - ramai akan jadi penghuni rumah kebajikan di Sungei Buluh dan lain tempat. Makanan di sana mungkin lebih baik daripada yang saya pernah nikmati di maktab kerajaan dulu - negara kita dah lebih kaya kerana UMNO kan?

Kepada Tun Abdullah saya ucapkan berbanyak-banyak terima kasih kerana memperperimanusiakan kerajaan walaupun begitu singkat masanya kerana komplot-komplot mereka yang didakwa saudara seperjuangan.

Anonymous,  1 October 2012 at 10:28  

Dear Dato,
The budget from both Pakatan and BN is only about public expenditure. Where is the revenue to support the expenditure. If there is a short fall in revenue how are we going to spend as budgeted or to borrow to support our expenditure. In future I wish both BN and PR prepare a Revenue and Expenditur Budget for the raayat to make comparison.

Concerned Malaysian

Anonymous,  1 October 2012 at 10:28  

Salam Dato',

Kerajaan guna duit rakyat dan untuk mengurus dan untuk segala projek pembangunan ~ bina sekolah, hospital, jalan raya, etc. Saya ulangi Duit Rakyat. Pembayar cukai.

As a matter of fact, their allowance pun kita yang bayar. Kita bayar mereka (semua jemaah menteri) untuk menguruskan wang kita dengan amanah dan baik.

Jadi soalnya sekarang, siapa yang sepatutnya balas budi? Kita atau kerajaan? We appoint them to manage the country's resources, including our money (tax payers money) and they ask us to balas budi? Hairan betul statement tu. Ibaratnya macam kita pegi interview, dapat keje tu, dibayar gaji dan cukup bulan kita kata pada majikan masa untuk balas budi.

By the way, ada ke negara lain yang kerajaan suruh rakyatnya balas budi. Rasanya kerajaan yang sebut pada rakyat terimakasih sebab melantik kami sebagai agen mengurus hasil negara.

Anonymous,  1 October 2012 at 14:46  

anon -1 October 2012 10:28-"Jadi soalnya sekarang, siapa yang sepatutnya balas budi? Kita atau kerajaan? We appoint them to manage the country's resources, including our money (tax payers money) and they ask us to balas budi?"

Excellent! I would like to follow through on this by asking a question: Is there Implied Warranty of the proper and legal delivery of a product or service when buyers/voters buy/vote what was promised at the time of sale, i.e in this instance, all that is contained in the Election Manifesto? I say there is, and UMNO cannot pretend that there isn’t. The question of balas budi does not arise at all and any suggestion that the buyer of a product, through twisted logic, is obliged to return the favour to the seller– balas budi, is utter nonsense and smacks of high-handedness from a group of bullies who can’t differentiate from what is decent and acceptable and what is not.

“Integral part of every normal sales transaction, implied warranty is conferred by custom or law, and has the same effect as an express-warranty. Unless clearly negated through agreement or a disclaimer, implied warranties are always present and are enforceable even if the seller (or provider or manufacturer) is unaware of, or is unable to, discover the defect in the product (good or service). The seller remains liable for the breach of warranty penalties, because such warranties are based not on the presence of an inherent fault but on the public policy of protecting the buyer or legality of the venture.”

BN has consistently delivered numerous defective products and and services over the last 30 or so years, effectively denying that Implied Warranty exists. The operative words begin from the second sentence and ends at “ …. such warranties are based not on the presence of an inherent fault but on the public policy of protecting the buyer or legality of the venture”

Balas budi, my foot!

average joe 1 October 2012 at 15:11  

apa yg u-bn buat, berbelas tahun melaksanakan belanjawan berbentuk defisit besar malah semakin membesar tanpa ada usaha jitu untuk mengurangkan hutang atau sekurang2nya mengurangkan kadar hutang,
perumpamaan mudahnya ialah seseorang yang bertahun2 saban bulan berbelanja lebih dari pendapatannya dengan berhutang menerusi kad kredit atas alasan lembik, tapi didendangkan pada telinga sendiri dan pada orang2 yg bertanya, sebagai satu tindakan perlu demi menampung belanja2 keperluan seperti beli petrol dan beli groceries (sedangkan hakikat yg dikaburkan ialah wangtunai yg dimiliki iaitu gaji bulanannya telah diperhabis untuk bayaran ansuran kereta yg lebih mahal dari yg sebenarnya dia mampu, untuk makanminum mewah atau berharga mahal di cafe berjenama di fastfood restaurants atau di hotel bistro, bukannya di gerai2 biasa atau di rumah, dsbnya), selepas itu membayarbalik setiap bulan hanya pada kadar minima atau setakat separuh sahaja.

semua tahu ini resipi utk keruntuhan kewangan, malah kerajaan sendiri mengeluarkan iklan2 dan kenyataan2 memberi peringatan pada orgramai supaya jangan berbuat sebegini.

bila orgramai pula sudah berbuih2mulut beri peringatan pada kerajaan u-bn supaya tidak melakukan tindakan serupa dalam berbelanja duit negara, tetapi tidak dipedulikan mereka,
maka tidak ada pilihan kecuali mengundi pakatan untuk mengambil tempat mengemudi pentadbiran kewangan negara supaya tidak lagi menuju keruntuhan.


-average joe-
klakka-la.blogspot: TANYALAH USTAZ, EH HAKIM

Anonymous,  1 October 2012 at 21:49  

average joe,'bila orgramai pula sudah berbuih2mulut beri peringatan pada kerajaan u-bn supaya tidak melakukan tindakan serupa dalam berbelanja duit negara, tetapi tidak dipedulikan mereka', sebab mereka ni anggap dirinya malaikat yang baru turun ke bumi tak boleh ditegur. Malaikat yang keluar makan angin di AS dan Kazahkstan tak malu suruh rakyat bayar. Nak kita percaya janjinya ditepati dah syiok makan steak 5-bintang dari NFC di bistro, dan saya terpaksa puas dengan capati, dah sakit kerongkong menelan capati bebola mata pun nak melayang keluar.

Pi lah balas budi kpd u-bn. Nanti kita semua dah jalan ku nak jumpa semua yang makan

Anonymous,  1 October 2012 at 21:54  

Pi lah balas budi kpd u-bn. Nanti kita semua dah jalan ku nak jumpa semua yang makan steak 5-bintang - sampai di tempat yang sama juga. Mungkin saya di tempat yang cantik dan sunyi dan mereka kaki steak 5-bintang kena salai!

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