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Sakmongkol ak 47

Wednesday 10 September 2008

The General Speaks!

Heil !mein general!

Will the government censor the army chief for making political sound bites?

A few days ago, I read a report carrying the statement by general Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Zainal, urging the government to take stern action on those who instigate racial tensions.

Most probably, the good general was referring to the recent very public brouhaha involving Dato Ahmad Ismail of the Bukit Bendera UMNO division in Penang.

Perhaps, the military authorities should look into whether such a political statement is appropriate for the military chief to make.

Malaysia does not have a tradition, where the military reconnoitres into civil and political terrains and thereafter comments on political matters. Unless of course, the army, has intentions to become more politically active.

Will Dato Najib , being the minister in charge of defence maintains a deafening silence and blackened blindness to this military intrusion in political life? Or will he allow such a statement because it furthers his own political interest?.

Finally as Jed Yoong asks, is the general speaking as a private citizen or as a ranking officer?


OTAI (Otak Tenang Akal Inovatif) 10 September 2008 at 09:59  

boleh jadi dia mau kasi ingat supaya jaga baik-baik. kalau orang politik dah tak boleh selesai masaalah cara politik, maka ada satu lagi cara.....macam 13 mei 1969 dulu... tak kan tak tau?

Anonymous,  10 September 2008 at 13:09  

In this instance, in my view elok gak cakap sepatah.

Kalau tetiba jek, dah emergency nanti cakap awat tak habaq dulu pulak.

Sekarang bagi tau siang2 supaya SEMUA pihak dpt menilai dan menghalusi buruk baik dsbnya.

Jd pandai2lah behave accordingly, tak cukup lagikah "mabuk" sambutan "kemenangan PRU12" (Ini dah 6 bulan beb).

Politik politik jugak. Nak demokrasi, demokrasilah tp ada had batas sempadan sesuai dgn norma-norma Malaysia yg "roh"nya berpaksikan dominan Melayu/Islam.

Dulu ckp nak deny 2/3rd majority, nak check excesses pemerintah sekarang. La ni backddor pun ok pulak. Hai biar betul, tak sabar ke?

Kawan pun sebenarnya, kalau ada pilihan, bukanlah suka sgt diperintah askar. Justeru itu sama2lah kita harap dan berdoa agar regu Tun M - Ku Li - MY akan diterima baik semua pihak.

Sistem quota utk pemilihan UMNO yg outdated tu buang sajalah jauh-jauh...Baru sat Tg Rithaudden, Husin Ahmad dan Ahmad Said cakap elok dinyahkan sistem yg tak relevan lg tu.

Anonymous,  12 September 2008 at 07:11  

Peristiwa lanun menawan kapal MISC memberi kita 2 pengajaran

1. Tugas ATM dan Gen.Abdul Aziz Zainal yang lebih utama ialah menjaga nyawa rakyat Malaysia dan aset negara di luar negara. Bukannya melemahkan pihak yang mahu menyaingi Barsan Nasional dalam pilihanraya.

2. Mengapakah ATM tidak mampu menawan lanun dan menyelamat tebusan seperti dalam peristiwa Al Maunah di Bukit Jenalik? Adakah peristiwa Al Maunah di Bukit Jenalik memang satu sandiwara atau peristiwa tawanan lanun Somalia pula yang merupakan sandiwara?

Dalam peristiwa Al Maunah di Bukit Jenalik, ATM bertindak tanpa teragak-agak. Tetapi dalam menghadapi lanun Somalia, ATM sangat bersopan-santun.

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