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Sakmongkol ak 47

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Sahibussamahah Mufti Pahang dan fatwa politiknya.

Sekali lagi kita ber-issue dengan sahibussamahah mufti Pahang. Saya nak respons kepada kenyataan sahibussamahah mufti kerajaan negeri Pahang Dato Abdul Rahman. Sebelum ini dia telah keluarkan fatwa mengenai GST- dia faham hanya bahagian T dibelakang nya. Taat kepada kerajaan yang memfulusi gaji nya.
Mungkin kalau tuan mufti kaji  lapuran Kastam Malaysia- hasil dari cukai kastam dan eksais dan cukai jualan dan perkhidmatan sekarang ini sekitar RM16-17 billion setahun. Bila GST dilaksanakan, tambahan kepada hasil cukai kastam dan eskais dan GST ialah RM6-7 billion. Bayar BR1M yakni rasuah politik oleh kerajaan Najib ialah sebanyak RM4-5 billion hampir2 melenyapkan tambahan dari hasil GST. baki RM2-3 blllion hendak menampung deficit kita sebanyak RM40 billion? Tuan mufti ada faham perkara ini?
Kali ini, al fadhil sahibussamahah telah  mengeluarkan fatwa adalah haram menggulingkan kerajaan.  masyaAllah! Saya sokong kalau fatwa itu turut sama memasukkan kerajaan Pulau Pinang, Kelantan, Selangor. Kerajaan2 ini semua haram juga digulingkan atau ditukar. Bukan begitu tuan mufti? Saya harap orang2 UMNO boleh patuh kepada fatwa politik tuan mufti Pahang ini.
Ini satu kenyataan yang sarat dengan prasangka dan menyembunyikan selera politik tuan mufti. Ternyata dia mendepankan agenda politik kerajaan yang membiayai gaji nya. Tok saya, seorang guru agama kata, antara golongan yang pertama masuk neraka ialah mufti dan tok kadhi. Saya doakan tuan mufti Pahang tidak termasuk golongan al munafiquun wal munafiqa yang disebut dalam Al Quran.
Agak nya tuan mufti menggunakan ayat Quran 4:59; Allah menggesa orang2 yang beriman taat kepada Allah, Rasul dan ulil amri. Adakah ketaatan kepada Allah dan Rasul itu sama dengan ketaatan kepada manusia? Manakala ketaatan kepada  Allah dan Rasul semestinya ketaatan yang mutlak, taat kepada manusia mesti tidak boleh sama- sebab manusia penuh dengan kecacatan, kebelan dan kekurangan. Kecuali manusia itu bertaraf rasul. Saya tidak fikir tuan mufti Pahang dan pemimpin Pahang dan Malaysia bertaraf rasul.
Yang ulamak UMNO selalu lupa membaca dan memberi ingatan ialah ayat sebelum nya iaitu Quran 4:58; dimana Allah beritahu dengan tegas kita berikan amanah kepada mereka yang berhak menerima nya. tanpa melakukan syarahan agama yang panjang lebar( tambahan pula golongan agamawan kata kita tidak ada kelayakan bercakap mengenai agama) yang hak itu bererti- pemberian amanah, kepercayaan semua nya mesti bersyarat. Sebagi contoh kita memilih pemimpin yang berkelayakan; siuman, kuat akal dan sebagainya. Dan yang paling penting seperti tersebut dalam Quran 4:58 bila kita menjalankan penghukuman ianya mesti adil dan saksama.
Adakah penukaran kerajaan diangap penggulingan jika ianya dilakukan secara demokrasi? Mufti tidak tahukah penukaran kerajaan dibenarkan oleh undang2?
Kalau mengikut kaedah mufti Pahang, penukaran kerajaan adalah keberangkalian yang mustahil; sebab jika kerajaan lemah dan zalim dan rasuah, kita tidak boleh menukar kerajaan hanya boleh menegur mereka. Jahanam kita dengar pandangan ustaz Man ini.
Tujuan politik semuanya mendapatkan kuasa dan mengekalkan kuasa. Usaha Tuan Mufti tidak lain dan tidak bukan mempertahankan kerajaan yang dia setujui dan membayar gaji nya. pendirian tersebut boleh kita terima. Tapi pandangan nya tidak mempunyai aplikasi universal. Ia menunjukkan selera politik nya sahaja.
Ini bukan objektif politik- objektif politik ialah mengujudkan sebab2 mengapa kerajaan harus ditukar. Adakah fatwa Mufti hanya untuk BN atau semua kerajaan? Adakah ianya juga haram menukar kerajaan PR di Selangor, kerajaan PR bawah DAP di Penang dan kerajaan PR dibawah PAS di Kelantan?
Suatu pandangan yang betaraf fatwa mesti konsisten dan aplikasi nya bersifat universal atau sejagat- jika haram menjatuhkan kerajaan BN maka juga haram menjatuhkan kerajaan bukan BN. bukan begitu?
Dia berhak memegang pendapat yang demikian. Apa yang menyebabkan pandangan nya mendapat liputan ialah dia mempunyai jawatan mufti. Pengucapan nya pula disiarkan oleh media yang di miliki oleh kerajaan.
Elok lah kita mulakan perbincangan dengan menyebut bahawa kerajaan diujudkan oleh manusia yakni anggota masyarakat. Kerajaan mendapat kuasa dari mereka yang dikerajaani iaitu rakyat melalui persetujuan mereka. Rakyat beri kepercayaan, rakyat berhak menarik balik kepercayaan tersebut. Saya harap tuan mufti faham prinsip ini. 
Bila mana2 bentuk kerajaan menyalahguna kuasa dan meruntuhkan persetujuan, maka adalah menjadi hak rakyat membatalkan kerajaan tersebut dan membentuk kerajaan yang baru. kerajaan yang baru dibentuk atas prinsip bahawa tujuan kerajaan ialah mendapatkan keselamatan dan kesjahteraan rakyat.
Rasa tanggung jawab dan hemah menuntut bahawa kerajaan tidak boleh diguling dan ditukar sewenang wenang nya hanya kerana sebab2 picisan dan bersifat laluan. Sejarah telah menunjukkan bahawa masyarakat secara umum nya sanggup menanggung kesusahan dan kesakitan daripada mahu menggulingkan kerajaan yang mereka sudah biasa. Mufti Pahang misalnya sudah biasa dengan pemerintahan BN di negeri Pahang, maka pandangan nya tentulah menyokong pengekalan kerajaan yang dia sudah biasa.
Akan tetapi, apabila terdapat rentetan yang berterusan salah guna kuasa, korupsi, dan membawa kepada penindasan dan kekejaman, maka adalah menjadi tanggung jawab dan hak masyarakat membuang kerajaan yang sedemikian. Keadaan inilah yang terjadi dan fatwa dari sahubussamahah mencerminkan rasa cemas pendukung kerajaan yang menyebabkan kesusahan kepada rakyat.
Sukalah saya ingatkan tuan mufti bahawa tidak ada orang mencadangkan bahawa kita menggulingkan kerajaan secara kekerasan atau cara bersenjata. Kita mahu gulingkan kerajaan Najib secara demokratik dan mengikut undang2.


Pok Li,  6 May 2014 at 11:07  

Maka berdosa besar lah Najib yang telah menggulingkan kerajaan Perak dulu secara paksa dan rasuah. Tetapi tiada pula kedengaran komen daripada Sahibussamahah Mufti-Mufti.

Golongan Agamawan sebeginilah yang menyebabkan umat semakin menjauhi diri dari institusi keAgamaan yang di taja kerajaan.

Adakah salah sekiranya orang jahil macam saya mempunyai perasaan "bias" terhadap sesetengah golongan "Ulamak" apabila mereka berbicara mengenai hal-hal ekonomi dan politik? Sudah sampai masanya subjek ekonomi juga dimasukkan kedalam kurikulum pengajian Agama terutama di peringkat Diploma keatas.

Anonymous,  6 May 2014 at 11:37  

Dato, you have all points covered to whack this mufti fella from Pahang. All know how he rose up to be the mufti Pahang. What are his credentials compared to so many that were sidelined. Dato, I suggest you write an open letter to this fella stating all reasons why GST is only good for people in his bracket and all the rest in the higher brackets. It's not good for me and my family and millions of others who are living from hand to mouth. A salary of RM2000 gets a person no where.
Today we are already paying multiple taxes, GST is another structure that covers everybody's backside even. So please write an open letter to all Mufti's, Imams who read the weekly sermon on Friday prayers. Abn open letter with simple malay will be suffice.

OneMalaysian,  6 May 2014 at 11:58  

Dear Sakmongkol

One of the reasons why Hudud should be opposed is that it gives greater play to clerics. This Pahang Mufti makes a good example.

Economics and taxation are very big, complex issues. Even trained economists and tax experts differ as to what are good economic and tax policies. In economics there are several major schools of thought. How on earth can a cleric unschooled in any of these subjects make head or tail of them?

If we became a theocracy, we would hand over governance to a group of people least qualified to rule. Piety and holiness by themselves do not qualify one for political office. It is not about “good” men; politics is about attaining and wielding power in a way that benefits the people.

But there is an underlying assumption here: it is that since this is a “Malay” government (at least majority controlled) then any policy emanating out of Putrajaya must be good for the Malays. What simple thinking! Marcos was Filipino; what did he do to the Philippines? And Suharto was Indonesian (pribumi, too) and what did he do to Indonesia that send girls overseas to work as maids? And so were those Burmese generals. Were they not Burmese enough? Yet the corruption and abuse of power drove millions of Burmese to flee, hundreds of thousands to our shores. It is a great mistake to assume that the people can trust governments to do the right things. If it were so then this earth would have become heaven long ago.

Anonymous,  6 May 2014 at 12:47  

Tuan mufti ini diberi berapa gaji sebulan atau diberi berapa banyak duit rasuah oleh UMNO/BN?

Anonymous,  6 May 2014 at 15:29  

Salam Dato'
Mohon laluan berbicara. Saya fikir inilah kelemahan kerajaan dalam memberikan justifikasi kepada segala mcm polisi baru yang akan diamalkan, termasuk isu "GST" ini. Saya bukannya bodoh dan bukan juga telah dibodohkan kerajaan dalam isu ini. Saya fikir isu GST tidak lebih sebagai polemik bersifat sementara dan tidak kekal untuk menjadi suatu isu rakyat yang ampuh. Kelemahan terletak di pihak kerajaan dan juga pembangkang (terutama YB-YB ahli Parlimen dan DUN) yang gagal dalam memberikan penerangan secukupnya kepada rakyat, melangkaui batas emosi berpolitik. Kesal dengan pemimpin politik yang berucap di perhimpunan anti-GST di ibu negara tempoh hari. Rakyat sanggup datang berbondong-bondong membawa anak dan isteri mengharapkan suatu pencerahan, namun telah diperbodohkan oleh beberapa ahli politik dangkal yang berucap berhubung hudud, hatta menempelak institusi Mahkamah berhubung isu peribadi. Adakah ini bukan suatu tindakan yang memperbodohkan dan membuang masa rakyat? Harap dapat penjelasan sewajarnya. Sekian. (M Zahari-Pembayar cukai berjadual & Pengundi berdaftar, Shah Alam, Selangor)

Anonymous,  6 May 2014 at 16:29  

Yg ni tak kena mengena dgn Allah atau keadilan, yg mufti tahu cukup bulan dapat gaji & pangkat terjamin. Kesaksamaan ekonomi, hah? Idealisme agama,falsafah, apa benda tuu semua?

Keje kita mudah je: meng"amin" tindak tanduk pihak yg berkuasa dan menjamin kedudukan diri dan keluarga. Kita akan bermuka-muka dan bersandiwara sampai akhir masa.

Sumpitan Emas,  6 May 2014 at 22:17  

Dato' dan Pok Li, sedikit-sebanyak daripada pemenang hadiah Nobel dalam jurusan fisik, Allahyarham Prof Abdus Salam, pemenang tunggal hadiah fisik Nobel dari dunia Islam.

Foreword by Prof Mohammed Abdus Salam – Nobel Laureate pg x:
“…. One of the most perceptive sections in this book concerns the position of the ulema in Islam. As the author says, ‘Islam has no church, no formal centre of tyrannical religious authority. Paradoxically, a superior moral position — the right of the individual to interpret doctrine without the aid of priests — appears to have led to a systemic organizational weakness which proved to be fatal to Islamic political and economic — not to speak of scientific and technological — in the long run.’

This, in my opinion, has come about through the wielding of the weapon of excommunication (TAKFIR). The list of those who have been excommunicated at some time or other includes such luminaries as Iman Ali — the Kharjites did that — Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Malik bin Anas, founders of two of the four recognized schools of Islamic theology; Imam Ghazali, Sheikh-ul-Akbar Ibni-i-Arabi, Imam Ibni-i-Taymiyya, Sayyid Muhammad Jonpuri and scientists like Ibn Rushd, Abu Ali Sina, Ibn-ul Haitham, and others. However, sentences of death were carried out; among those actually martyred were mystics like Mansur Al Hallaj, Sheikh-ul- Ashraq Shahabuddin Suhrawardi, Sheikh Alaaee and Sarmad. All these happened despite the absence of an organized clergy within Sunni Islam. In recounting the martyrdom of Sarmad, Abul-Kalam Azad wrote:

During the last 1300 years, the pens of jurisprudents have always acted like a drawn sword, and the
blood of many of the chosen ones of God have stained their persons…this martyrdom was not
limited to Sufis and the free thinkers — even the greatest Muslim men of orthodox scholarship suffered.

Thus, not having a priesthood in Sunni Islam has not helped us much because of this propensity of the ulema to wield the weapon of excommunication and for our rulers and the general public to listen to them. What, then, is the remedy so that TAKFIR does not recur — at least so far as scientific beliefs are concerned?

One remedy would be to try to deal with the two classes of so-called ulema separately. First, there are the lay preachers whose major task is to lead prayers in the rural mosques and who earn their living by performing such functions as officiating at marriage, death and circumcision ceremonies and looking after the upkeep of the mosques. This is a professional class who should have scant interest in fundamentalist persecution once their livelihood is secured. If this can be guaranteed them (like the Christian priests whom they resemble) they would not retard the progress of science and technology.”

Sumpitan Emas,  6 May 2014 at 22:18  


“The second category of ulema is the damaging one. These are men (without spiritual pretensions) who claim to interpret the Holy Quran, issue excommunication FATWAS — something the Holy Prophet – Peace be upon him —never did — and give their views on ALL subjects — politics, economics, law — in their Friday sermons.

Lest it should be objected that there is no priestly class in (Sunni) Islam, one must state clearly that, in this respect, Islam has had the worst deal of all the great religions of humankind. In most Islamic countries, a class of near illiterate men have, in practice, habitually appropriated to themselves the status of a priestly class without possessing even a rudimentary knowledge of this great and tolerant religion. The arrogance , the rapacity, and the low level of commonsense displayed by this class, as well as its intolerance, has been derided by all poets and writers of any consequence in Persia, India, Central Asis and Turkey. This is the class which has been responsible for rabble-rousing throughout the history of Islam and for the repression which matched (fortunately, only sometimes) the systemic persecution perpetrated by the Inquisition in Christian societies. The LONG-TERM remedy for the situation is to deprive these persons of their power to make mischief through their Friday sermons which, instead of being spiritually elevating, are usually political tirades. This politicizing should be stopped.

I have been asking the ulema why their sermons should not exhort Muslims to take the subjects of science and technology, considering that one-eighth of the Holy Book speaks of TAFFAQUR and TASKHEER — science and technology. Most have replied that they would like to do so but they do not know enough modern science. They only know the science of the age of Avicenna. The Third World Academy of Sciences (which has the privilege of partly sponsoring Hoodbhoy’s book) has been trying to remedy this situation through commissioning books which may be introduced into their religious seminaries.

To summarise, I would say the following are the important considerations for building up science and technology in our Islamic countries:
(1) The number of scientists and technologists to be trained should be pitched at a fairly large figure so as to be ‘critical’ — and they should be encouraged by the state to make up communities for research and development with their own modalities of operation.
(2) We desperately need basic scientists, at least to teach and serve as reference points for the applied scientists and high technologists.
(3) It must be remembered that, in the conditions of today, applied sciences and high technology are the money spinners. Once this is demonstrated within our societies, there will be less temptation on the part on rulers as well as the ulema to tamper with the scientists’ and technologists’ work.
(4) Men of science, and women of science, must keep international contact with their peers abroad in order to have the same standards of science and technology as obtain outside the Muslim countries.
(5) Finally, there is hope yet. For example, after 25 years’ preaching, for the first time some funds have become available for science from the Gulf. The Trieste Centre this year received a quarter of a million dollars for Arabs from the Kuwait-based Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development. If we can obtain similar funds for Muslims in general, this may make a big difference to the prospects for physics in the Islamic countries.”

Foreword from “Islam and Science – Religious Orthodoxy and the Battle for Rationality” by Prof Pervez Hoodbhoy – 1991 Zed Books Ltd London) 1990

Anonymous,  7 May 2014 at 09:16  

What else do you expect from the UMNO Clerics...they will use religion as a tools to justifies what their UMNGOK leaders are saying. Things are clearly wrong will be make wright by they're the UMNO'S lapdogs.

Sumpitan Emas,  7 May 2014 at 09:20  

First, a small correction: last line in first paragraph should read: …appears to have led to a systemic organizational weakness which proved to be fatal to Islamic political and economic — not to speak of scientific and technological — power in the long run.’

Second, all words which had appeared in upper case are in italics in the original.

I cannot resist but repeat part of what I wrote on 26 Feb 2014 in your piece on “The Kajang Move- Part 2 of 3” - The reason is that I would like to pay tribute to the late Prof Mohammed Abdus Salam by providing the contrast between his hopes and dreams in the 1990s and the changes now taking place, happily, at least in a few Muslim countries, not including, sadly, Malaysia.

[YEAR 2013: from The Economist 26 Jan 2013 – “Islam and science – The road to renewal” – After centuries of stagnation science is making a comeback in the Islamic world.

“The sleep has been long and deep. In 2005 Harvard University produced more scientific papers than 17 Arabic-speaking countries combined. The world’s 1.6 billion of Muslims have produced only two Nobel laureates in chemistry and physics. Both moved to the West: the only living one, the chemist Ahmed Hassan Zewail, is at the California Institute of Technology. By contrast Jews, outnumbered 100 to one by Muslims, have won 79. The 57 countries of the Organisation of Islamic Conference spend a puny 0.81% of GDP on research and development, about a third of the world average. America which has the world’s biggest science budget spends 2.9%; Israel lavishes 4.4%.

Many blame Islam’s supposed innate hostility to science. Some universities seem keener on prayer than study. Quaid-i-Azam in Islamabad, for example, has three mosques on campus, with a fourth planned, but no bookshop.
… The caricature of Islam’s endemic backwardness is easily dispelled. Between the eighth and 13th centuries, while Europe stumbled through the dark ages, science thrived in Muslim lands. The Abbasid caliphs showered money on learning…Abu Raihan al-Biruni, a Persian, calculated the earth’s circumference to within 1%. And Muslim scholars did much to preserve the intellectual heritage of ancient Greece; centuries later it helped sparked Europe’s scientific revolution… Tens of thousands flocked to “1001 Inventions”, a touring exhibition about the golden age of Islamic science, in the Qatari capital, Doha, in the autumn. More importantly, however, rulers are realising the economic value of scientific research and have started to splurge accordingly. Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, which opened in2009, has a $20 billion endowment that even rich American universities would envy…The rulers of neighbouring Qatar are bumping up research spending from 0.8% to a planned 2.8% of GDP …that could reach $5 billion a year… The tide of money is bearing a fleet of results. In the 2000 to 2009 period Turkey’s output of scientific papers rose from barely 5,000 to 22,000; with less cash, Iran went from 1,300 to 15,000. Quantity does not imply quality, but the papers are getting better too. Scientific journals, and not just the few based in the Islamic world, are citing these papers more frequently. A study by Thomson Reuters, an information firm, shows that in the early 1990s other publishers cited scientific papers from Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Turkey (the most prolific Muslim countries) four times less often than the global average. By 2009 it was only half as often. In the category of best-regarded Mathematics papers, Iran now performs well above average, with 1.7% of its papers among the most cited 1%, with Egypt and Saudi Arabia doing well. Turkey scores highly in engineering.”]

In tribute to, and memory of, a great Muslim scientist.

May his soul Rest in Peace.

Anonymous,  7 May 2014 at 10:51  

Semua ahli politi menggunakan ugama untuk kepentingan sendiri.
Sebelum berkuasa , berjanji akan menjalan hudud esok pagi jika menang. Bila berkuasa , beri alasan hudud hanya 0.1% dari hukum islam. Tak pentinglah.
Sebelum ni fatwa siapa yang undi bukan islam hukumnya berdosa dan masuk neraka. Sekarang sudah tukar. Tak salah undi orang kafir.
Kesimpulan. Kebanyakkan ulama politik tak leh pakai.

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