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Sakmongkol ak 47

Saturday, 15 August 2015

Orang Melayu dan UMNO Najib.

Kemelayuan Ismail Sabri Yaakob.
Ini isiu yang penting. Saya cuba huraikan dengan bahasa yang semudahnya. Jika ia melibatkan orang Melayu dalam UMNO sahaja, ia bukan hal saya.
Tapi ia melibatkan keseluruhan bangsa Melayu. Ada yang sokong UMNO, ada yang tidak sokong. Kita hormatilah perbezaan. ini bukan soal aqidah sehingga kita hendak berbunuhan sesama sendiri.
 Sahabat saya ahli parlimen Bera, DS Ismail Sabri Yaakob baru2 ini mengistiharkan bahawa masa depan orang Melayu hanya dengan UMNO.Ini kenyataan yang menarik. 
Hanya di Malaysia masa depan sesuatu bangsa itu bergantung kepada parti politik. Ditempat lain, masa depan sesuatu kaum bergantung kepada kaum itu sendiri.
Tuhan pun ada menyebut Dia tidak mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum sehingga mereka mengubah apa yang ada dalam diri mereka. Dia tidak sebut sehinga mengubah UMNO atau kekal UMNO.
Maka yang penting kita tanya, adakah mereka ada dalam diri mereka itu, himpunan nilai2 untuk membangun dan memajukan?
Terjemah kedalam politik, ia bererti sama ada mereka ada system nilai yang membentuk sebuah kerajaan yang didirikan diatas system perintah ikut hukum dikendalikan oleh yang terbaik dari kalangan kaum tersebut.Bila tuhan lantik Talut jadi raja dan pemimpin, kaum mereka protes. Meraka kata Talut tidak kaya dan bukan dari klik mereka. Tuhan nyatakan 2 syarat penting ialah sihat tubuh badan dan kuat minda nya. Melihat kepada apa yang Najib lakukan hari ini, macam ada sedikit sakit mental.
Hanya di Malaysia ianya lain. Bergantung mutlak kepada UMNO- sebuah parti politik. Tidak kira sama ada UMNO ada system nilai atau tidak, tidak kira pimpinan UMNO itu terbaik atau tidak dan tidak kira sama ada pimpinan UMNO itu korap atau tidak.
Agak nya, atas semangat itulah maka dia keluar kenyataan mahu bina Low Yatt untuk Melayu. Peniaga Melayu , pembeli nya Melayu. Dia lupa bahawa master distributor dan principals semua Cina.
Ini suatu pandangan yang haibat. Cukup haibat. Saya sangat alu alukan bila pemimpin UMNO bercakap mengenai Melayu.
Elok juga pemimpn UMNO bercakap mengenai pasaraya untuk Melayu, kedai runcit untuk Melayu( mamak mydin pun tak boleh) kopi tiam untuk melayu.
Paling elok, bikin undang2 mengharam orang Melayu beli daripada kedai bukan Melayu.
Namakan dasar ini,  Jihad pengguna.
Atas nama keadilan, kalau kita dilarang beli dari kedai cina,larangan serupa mesti dikenakan keatas pekedai India. Haramkan makan nasi daun pisang.
Pemimpin UMNO bila bercakap memang bersemangat mengenai semua Melayu. Tapi bila melaksanakan dasar, rakan kongsi Cina belaka. Mereka bercakap mengenai perkara2 meMelayukan itu ini, sudah 45 tahun sejak 1970.
Apa yang terjadi sejak itu? Pegangan ekwiti Melayu secara individu sekitar 19%. Hanya memasukkan GLC, ekwiti Melayu tinggi. Itupun kalau kita anggap GLC mewakili kepentingan Melayu.
Berapa perniagaan yang sudah di divest oleh GLC kepada peniaga Melayu?
Ternyata GLC kayakan segelintir Melayu. Bagaimana kita atasi? Dengan mengurangkan perniagaan diberi kepada GLC. 
Dan GLC seringkali berfungsi sebagai atm elit UMNO.
Nilai saham yang diberi kepada individu Melayu 1970-1990 bernilai RM54 billion, sekarang hanya RM2 billion. Mereka yang dapat borang pink , saham percuma, saham anugerah pada harga anugerah dengan pembiayaan anugerah, sudah jual masa depan bangsa Melayu.
Melayu menjual diri mereka sendiri. Melayu tidak berminat membina sumber aliran kekayaan berterusan. Dasar mengayakan segelintir Melayu dengan harapan terjadi lelehan kebawah, tidak berjaya.
Tapi itulah yang terjadi dalam dasar ekonomi yang UMNO laksanakan.UMNO memuliakan trickle down economics.
Bagaimana kesenjangan pendapatan antara kumpulan 20% teratas dengan kumpulan 40% terbawah atau dengan kita selebihnya ini? Kumpulan T20 pemilik pendapatan purata bulanan RM12,000; kita punya pendapatan purata mungkin hanya Rm2000. RM1686 untuk B40.
Makanya, semua cakap besar mengenai meMelayukan ini dan itu, semua nya omongan kosong.
Selagi sumber pengkayaan tidak diletakkan kedalam tangan ejen2 ekonomik secara lansung, mala masaalah ekonomi orang Melayu akan begitulah juga.
Ismail Sabri memang ada semangat untuk bercakap mengenai semua nya Melayu. Suatu ketika saya cukup kagum dengan usaha dia mahu menjadikan pengurangan dan penghapusan orang tengah sebagai suatu dasar. Maka lahirlah jihad orang tengah.
Tapi saya lihat pegawai Mardi di Raub beli buah durian bukan secara lansung dari petani Melayu, tapi beli dari pemungut dan pusat kumpulan durian yang dimiliki oleh orang Cina.
Penanam dapat untung 4 sekilo, orang tengah dapat untung RM6, MARDI dapat untung RM 10.
Siapa jadi orang tengah? Cina dan MARDI. Orang tengah bernama Si Mardi ini pula menjual; Di Singapura, sekilo RM60. Di Hong Kong RM70 sekilo. jika kos mardi ialah 70%, maka untung kasar sekilo si Mardi menjadi RM18-RM21 sekilo.
Mardi institusi kerajaan. Mereka boleh beli secara lansung jika pegawai nya rajin masuk bukit dan kampong Melayu.
Mengenai Ismail Sabri, dia ahli umno dan menteri UMNO maka kenyataan nya boleh kita simpati dan faham. Namun, kenyataan nya boleh dilihat sebagai self-serving juga. Kalau dia tak kata demikian, apa yang hendak dikata?
Perlukah Pengundi Melayu pada UMNO.
Kita telah buktikan bahawa , kita tidak musnah kerana tidak sokong UMNO dalam PRU13. Malah, bencana menimpa kita dengan kita mengekal Najib dan UMNO sebagai kerajaan.
Izinkan saya ulang sekali lagi. Daripada 11 juta pengundi dalam PRU13, 65% atau lebih adalah orang Melayu. Yakni 7.2 juta.
Jika semua undi yang UMNO dapat sebanyak 3.2 juta itu Melayu, orang Melayu yang tidak undi UMNO ialah 4.0 juta. Mengapa lah susah sangat orang UMNO faham bahawa pengundi Melayu yang tidak menyokong mereka lebih ramai daripada yang menyokong?
Perhatikan lagi. Mustahil 100% pengundi Melayu undi UMNO. Saya orang Melayu calun DAP pun dapat undi orang Melayu. Mungkin mereka mengundi saya sebab saya seperti mereka, adalah sesama Melayu, sesama beragama Islam dan sesama bertaat setia juga kepada Raja Melayu saya. Kepada mereka, ini pertimbangan yang lebih utama daripada melihat saya calun UMNO atau tidak. Ini bukti orang Melayu sedia sokong calun asalkan dia Melayu walaupun bukan dari UMNO.
Katalah daripada 3.2 juta yang undi UMNO itu 85% orang Melayu- maka jumlah yang mengundi UMNO ialah 2.72 juta Melayu.
Itu bererti jumlah Melayu yang tidak menyokong UMNO daripada 7.2juta ialah 4.5 juta.
Apa point saya?
Biarkan Melayu UMNO sahaja sokong kebathilan dan kemungkaran.
Point saya ialah kita sesama Melayu, sesama agama dan sesama Raja lebih baik biarkan semua ahli UMNO sokong apa yang presiden parti mereka lakukan. Kita jangan tercemar dengan kotoran dan daki yang umno bawa. 
Kalau mereka anggap apa presiden parti buat tidak salah apa2, apa kita hendak sibuk?
Kecuali kita Melayu yang diluar UMNO tidak memerlukan sebuah parti yang memuliakan korapsi, salah guna kuasa, dan kerendahan akal budi. Kita tidak memerlukan parti seperti ini kerana ia bertentangan dengan nilai yang kita pegang.
Ia bukan parti Onn Jaafar, bukan UMNO Tengku Abdul Rahman dan bukan UMNO Tun Razak.
Bila mereka lakukan demikian, ertinya orang Melayu dalam UMNO akan mempertahankan pesalah, perasuah, pemimpin yang korap, penyamun dan perompak, pemimpin zalim dan pemimpin yang membodohkan rakyat khususnya orang Melayu.
Biarlah orang Melayu UMNO sahaja yang memaafkan penyonglap wang dan pemimpin bodoh-  manakala kita, majoriti orang Melayu jangan mengikat diri kita dengan UMNO.


Anonymous,  15 August 2015 at 13:44  

Dato sak,This is GEORGE CHOO

YESTERDAY US dollar closed at 4.08.Singapore dollar closed at 2.93.

2 weeks back it was reported that foreign funds shareholding in Bursa is rm 15 Billion.

On monday the star reported that Foreigners holding of Malaysian govt Securities is

a staggering rm 206 Billion.

As long as ROSMAH is the PM,the foreigners DOES NOT TRUST THE GOVT and they will

continue to sell their Shares and Bonds and the ringgit will GO DOWN FURTHER.

I betted with my friend over a table of MAKAN that the ringgit will go down

to 4.25 before Merdeka day because the foreigners are leaving Malaysia not because

of the impending US interest rate hike but because they do not trust NAJIB and UMNO.

THEY are implying that Najib will be another MUGABE.

The stock market will continue to go down and if the foreigner just dispose of 20%


That is why the MALAYS MUST WAKE UP as we the chinese cannot push UMNO out of the

Govt.Only the malays can save Malaysia.


Premium Business 15 August 2015 at 15:47  

1. Setuju jihat dan undang2 Melayu.
2. Tukar bangsa "Melayu" kepada "UMNO"
3. Cuma derma boleh ditetima dari tok arab

Firestone 15 August 2015 at 17:57  

Dato Sak,

Politikus-politikus yang mencadangkan Low Yat 2 itu semuanya sama saja - mereka tidak paham kehidupan rakyat Malaysia secara amnya. Low Yat itu bukan hal bangsa. Low Yat is not about Chinese or about a race. Low Yat itu ialah tempat dimana terdapat gadget2 yang terkini, termoden, termurah dan satu tempat dimana peminat2 IT dan elektronik suka berkumpul mencari, membeli dan mempelajari semua benda berkaitan dengan IT, teknoloji dan semuanya...

Sama juga dengan Pertama Complex. Pertama Complex is not about Malay complex or a complex where all the LGBT congregates... I am a Chinese myself and if I want to make team jerseys for my football team in my housing estate, if I want to make embroidery badges or if I want to make stickers for my bike helmets or for my bikes, I go to Pertama Complex... because this is the place for all these stuff. It has nothing to do with race. It has nothing to do even with LGBTs... they might be LGBTs but they are talented and skilful in making embroidery badges, stickers and all those things... why can't we see these people as just normal HUMANS?

Malaysia is a lovely country if we do not have people like Ismail Sabri, Rani Kulup, Ridhuan Tee, Zulkifli Noordin etc to pollute it with their brand of racism. We must all stand up together and destroy this kind of racism and bigotry that is destroying the very fabrics of harmony and peace between the races.

Make sure we all vote responsibly come GE-14.... Jangan kita biarkan Negara kita dihancurkan orang-orang yang otak nya sempit saperti Ismail Sabri...

Anonymous,  15 August 2015 at 20:09  

Salam Dato SAK,
Dahulu saya telah diindoktrinasikan tentang bagaimana UMNO telah menjadi tunggak orang Melayu dan parti yang telah memberi kemerdekaan. Ini benar pada zaman dahulu bukan sekarang. Konsep untuk 'king and country' telah lenyap diganti dengan kepentingan peribadi dan kroni. DEB telah dirogol oleh golongan elit yang tamak haloba dan kita sebagai bangsa Melayu masih dibelakang. Yang banyak menjerit tentang DEB adalah golongan yang memerlukannya untuk kepentingan peribadi dan bukan bangsa. Semoga Allah SWT memberi kekuatan kepada kita semua.

Cahaya Qalbu,  15 August 2015 at 23:05  

UMNO/BN leaders’ real faces and behaviours are nothing short populated by self serving hypocrites. They are nothing but an organized lynch mob of swindlers banding together for the explicit purpose of fulfilling their own individual selfish aim, lust and greed.

For 3 decades or more, Malaysia is NOT administered by a collection of decent law abiding citizens adhered to the rule of law, following the strict path of constitutional government and above all, conscientiously observing the rights of humanity and citizens but are ruled by licensed crooks that is unprincipled, untrustworthy and above all loyal to no one but themselves only.
That is the true meaning of hypocrites and Msia has the misfortune of having a government managed by a group of people committed and are firm believer of the hypocrite way of life. In other words, those who voted UMNO/BN have elected a mob who cares little for the nation but more for the power to rule and the wealth that comes with absolute power.

Nothing last forever, not the darkness of unconsciousness and not the bliss of ignorance. The dawn of realization and comprehension of consciousness, though it shines slowly and reluctantly, eventually an inescapable fact and a basic element of sentient existence.
After decades of darkness and comatose, those Msians who are still asleep must wake up from their coma and embraced the truth of existence and being; to finally realize that they are not like UMNO/BN.

Their conscience must be different from UMNO/BN and most importantly, to comprehend that those who do not share the rakyat aspiration, principle and conscience cannot be Msian’s leaders; cannot be the government and of course cannot be true Malaysians.

And from that realization and comprehension, they have no choice but to dethrone UMNO from power for their families and generations’ future, to get back their purpose in life and to live as united Msian.

It is a new beginning that must not include UMNO/BN…
And any beginning that doesn't include UMNO/BN is a good beginning !!!


Anonymous,  16 August 2015 at 01:26  

Angkat tangan! Aik, tergejut nampak. Takut le tu, pasal kau buat salah. Tak payah takut. Kau orang besar boleh kautim punya. Macam2 akta kau boleh pinda. Sampai dah jadi caca merba dan bencana. Ada ke patut orang melapor kena tangkap. Orang yang disyakki pula bebas dan dapat tabik hormat. Gila.

Aku suruh angkat tangan supaya kau berdoa dan bertaubat. Pasal takut dengan tuhan itu lebih afdal. Nanti kau mesti balik jumpa tuhan kau. Kau tak boleh kautim dengan tuhan atas apa2 dosa sesama manusia. Kau kena minta maap di dunia ini sebelum kau mati.

Berapa juta punya manusia akan lanyak kau di sana. Kau mesti lunyai dan papa kedana punya. Tak ade sikit pun kau rasa takut ke?

Oo. Ada juga rasa takut ye. Bagus. Pergi minta maap pada manusia2 yang kau rembat hak dia. Pergi balik ke kampung asal kau. Makmurkan masjid dan duduk buat amal sambil taubat elok2.

Anonymous,  16 August 2015 at 09:18  

Assalamualaikum Dato'

Memang ramai yang merasa resah dengan corak kepimpinan yang ada sekarang. Namun begitu, senario di Raub mungkin agak berbeza dari apa yang Dato' tulis di atas. Secara ringkasnya, UMNO memang ada kelebihan kerana kebanyakan orang kampung hanya menerima maklumat terkini dari siaran media perdana, sama ada TV, surat khabar dan sebagainya yang semuanya dikawal oleh UMNO. PAS pula mempunyai pengaruh yang kuat terhadap 'pembenci UMNO'. PKR boleh dikatakan tiada taring dalam kalangan orang Melayu di Raub.

Sekiranya PAS bergabung dengan UMNO, kekuatan UMNO akan meningkat pada kadar 30 - 40 peratus kerana tidak semua ahli PAS akan mematuhi arahan penguasa tertinggi PAS. Namun begitu, tidak semua dari baki 60 - 70 peratus ahli PAS yang menentang dasar parti mereka akan menyokong wakil PR.

Usaha perlu dimulakan dari sekarang, sama ada dengan mengukuhkan PKR atau dengan menghidupkan GHB untuk menyerap sebanyak mungkin ahli PAS yang enggan mengundi UMNO.


M F Muhammed 16 August 2015 at 09:18  


Sokong 100% anjuran Dato'.

Anonymous,  16 August 2015 at 11:53  

Satu undi untuk UMNO ada lah satu undi untuk kebodohan.

Anonymous,  16 August 2015 at 12:17  


Ada perbezaan di antara menyokong najib dan pemimpin UMNO yg korup dgn menyokong UMNO sebagai badan penyatuan Melayu dan kepentingqn Melayu. Ini telah terbukti selama ini dan AKS juga turut mendokongnya. Yg perlu skrg adalah membersihkan umno. Ini yg perlu kita jelas dan inilah hasrat kebanyakan org melayu.

walla 16 August 2015 at 14:28  

U: Promise me you won't give me another drubbing.

B: I promise.

U: Then what do you think about this ISY's suggestion to start a Mara-based Malay-only IT mall?

B: Oh, he did? Would it be in Australia? You know, real estate prices there are a "steal" these days. No? (eyes blink innocently)

U: (reddening) You must agree he has a point. He was only thinking about our Malay youths in the mall incident.

B: Oh, he did? Let's see now. They stole, destroyed and rioted. Therefore in making the suggestion for mall II only for Malays, he is indirectly saying those actions were excusable because our Malays don't have their own IT mall, otherwise why make that particular suggestion immediately after the incident?

U: (sh@#$)

B: Let's see again. He was minister of youth and sports until 2009. If you can agree to what i have just concluded, was his suggestion therefore representative of Umno's modus screwyouonli and befitting of a federal minister promoting the right norms for youths besides being sporting about communal relations?

U: (fulamak)

B: Continue?

U: Yes, please (takes out salonpas)

B: Then until 2013, he was minister of domestic trade and consumerism. Now i ask you. Why didn't he make that suggestion then if he was so concerned about our Malays? You see my point? He only made that suggestion now for political mileage.

U: Errh..

B: And you know that is a reasonable conclusion because he is presently agro-minister. Last one checked, agriculture has as much to do with IT retailing as Alam Flora has to do with Umno. Oh, forgive me, did i just make a faux pas?

U: Well, he made that statement as an Umno supreme council member. Ok or not, reasonable, acceptable?

B: My fine-feathered friend. First, it is neither supreme nor a council and, looking at things, it looks kinda dismembered, don't you think too? By the way, exactly what contribution has he made as a minister in any of those portfolios in keeping with his pay grade? Name one.

Second, what are our ministers' primary role? Are they federal first or political first?

In that incident as in the previous one when he called for the boycott of Chinese traders, he was certainly, exclusively and politically Umno first and last. In other words, racialistic.

Why, does he aspire to be the next minister of disunity and longkang politics of Malaysia, a multiracial nation of the first rank (counting from below upwards)?

U: I can vouch he was only having a good...

B: Good what? Good time? Good bodek? Good sandiwara? Good at raking racial sentiments? Good at showing arrogance he and his puppeteers can again and again be Umno-privileged to be insulated from the standards of legal enforcement denied the very rakyat who in the full madness of their minds had accidentally voted for the likes of such detritus of our multiracial society?

If you're going to say he was only having a good intention to stem profiteering, let me nail the matter for you from two new angles.

One, if Ibrahim Ali of Perkasa had once worked for such so-called profiteers, why he kept quiet about Ibali? For that matter, why Ibali no say nuthin' when he made that suggestion? Similarly, why that Zaik of Isma said nothing for or against? For that matter, why that papagomo or ali tinto never said anything about Ibali, failing which his patron?

Go ahead, make my day, gimme an answer. Any answer will do.

walla 16 August 2015 at 14:29  


U: (applies second salonpas) What about the second point?

B: The thing about retailing is choice, not who is making more or less profit. If you don't like the price or product, go somewhere else. Given the pervasiveness of retail these days including online portals, that place isn't the only choice to get a product at the quality, authenticity and price desired.

Where profiteering comes in are in controlled items but those are pre-regulated and everyone knows the prices including people like Syed-Bukhary (tongue rolls out)....

By the way, do you know who controls the prices of oil and mandarin oranges?

U: That would be our Umno government...(oops, bites tongue)

B: Then ISY should take his case to his own gomen and demand satisfaction, shouldn't he? And he should do it in front of all races, in keeping with his legally-trained mind as a federal minister, shouldn't he, wouldn't he, can he?

U: (peels off salon pas' and gulps down half a bottle of tonik cap gajah).

B: Don't take it too hard on yourself. I was just thinking Noh Omar of Umno selangor was also trained to be a lawyer. Amazing, isn't it? After some lawyers join politics, they end up as either thugs or racists. One finds that unfathomable. After all, lawyers are normally trained to be wise, judicious and fair. All the time. Maybe it's the company they keep after they join. Good becomes bad. Bad becomes rancid.

U: So how do our Malays come up then? Say it, i dare you!

B: Discipline, knowledge, and branding, all three bouncing, if i may be so bold as to borrow an analogy, from a trampoline. Not our so-called NEP social safety brimmed net.

U: Please explain yourself. And slowly. This tonik is taking some effect on me.

B: Poor thing. Take some garlic pills. To fend off those vampires, you know, who are sucking the life-blood out of poor old euthanizing Malaysia.

And i am so disappointed in you, architect of our Malay-first policies. You're asking me forty over years after the policies have been exclusively applied on our Malays at the expense of all the other equally-needy segments of the other non-Malay communities who are also the life-blood of our apa-nama negara?

U: (reddening a hue darker still). We make mistakes....we..

B: Oh no. Not this time. Did any of you happen to make any wonderful mistakes such that you can afford an Audemars Piguet Royal Oak at seratus empat puluh sembilan ribu tiga ratus sembilan ringgit termasuk GST ( If yes, i and twenty nine million nine hundred and ninety seven thousand malaysians excluding the three point five million foreign workers would also like to make mistakes. The bigger the better. After all, that's too cheap a watch for an Umno minister. By the standards of the same.

walla 16 August 2015 at 14:29  


U: (puts on shades; coughs mildly)

B: The first thing is discipline, in absence of which use supermax or kosong-kosong dua. Always remember if income is fixed but dependents are increasing, allocation per head will drop until it reaches the minimum required for each to overcome the fates of life. If the allocation drops below that minimum, they will not make it for lack of proper nutrition, education and guidance over an extended period of character and progress formation.

It's got nothing to do with genes. You can make it if you try honestly hard and with self-discipline. If you don't make it today, you will make it tomorrow. Trust me, luck changes all the time. Harder you work, less unlucky you'll get (rolls out tongue again). Kerja, bukan 'main'.

The second thing is knowledge. Learn the other languages so that you can acquire real-world knowledge on your own. Afterlife knowledge twenty percent, real-world knowledge eighty percent. Too often, knowledge has been one hundred twenty percent afterlife only as if the extra twenty percent can be placed as reserves. There, the currency doesn't drop in value unlike a place we know so no need to buffer.

The third thing is branding. You need to stop Umno in its track right now because it has destroyed the Malaysian brand completely. Even those of our youths who get to go to some of the more developed countries these days are shocked at how far behind we are in every aspect. You know a country is in deep shit when even its own citizens pretend they are some other country's citizens when asked overseas.

U: But what about place of retailing?

B: I always lament it when seeing retail shops along the rural roads. They all sell the same thing so that if a potential customer stops at one shop and doesn't like the good or its price, he or she is not going to go to the next one because he has already concluded they are all doing the same and won't be pricing themselves differently. The only conclusion is that the Umno supplier wants to make more so he sells the same by multiplying the same ware for his own volume-based profits.

By the same token if you go to a non shop and the good is priced higher these days, normally it's the higher rental and operating costs because owners and distributors have also suffered the same tax model of multiple-level multiplier effect which obviously the 3.85's of Umno have completely omitted in the fullness of their folly.

There is one other thing about retailing. The more customers, the better. More customers means more free word-of-mouth credentials. People believe others who have done the same thing. So if this ISY proposal ends up only with Malays as customers, how will the Malay retailer break even at the end of the month? And if he doesn't break-even, how will he build his own credential in order to get more choices of goods that will distinguish his shop from others in the same mall? He too is a customer - but to his distributor. No? So i can only comment on that suggestion with a question in the same way people have asked about baganlatuk's brother - name all the working siblings of ISY. Before it's too late, folks.

walla 16 August 2015 at 14:29  


U: What is your philosophy for us?

B: What you talkin'? Simple thing lah. Just be happy to see and to have done something to help your fellowmen come up in life so that everyone can share in the dignity and nobleness of being an honest and self-independent contributor towards nation-building.

U: That sounds good. So where are we today with Umno? Just one word to sum it all up will do (said with a generous wave of the arm across the horizon).

B: Fooklamak. That's the word.

U: Oi, you promised no drubbing!

B: "I lied" (

U: But you haven't lied before.

B: If Umno leaders can unconscionably do so with wild abandon until even bank governors have to offer themselves to Colonel Sanders, who am i not to follow?

But that's because a government illegally elected using funds taken illegally from the rakyat and laundered secretly with the connivance of enforcement organizations has been allowed to continue running a country whose finances are going down the tubes and whose industries will soon be wholesale destroyed by a currency dropping like a stone by the day.

Think of the young, please.

Unknown 16 August 2015 at 17:49  

Dato', RPK mentioned you in his last posting..something about a Plan D. Hope you can respond to this omputih celup.

Anonymous,  17 August 2015 at 14:54  

Great comments by Walla here.

Hope he continues to favour us with more of them.

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