The Racial component of Bersih 4 and Political Funding.
As expected, Utusan
Malaysia plays the race card. Bersih 4 is dominated by the DAP screamed the headlines.
. That is one. The colour of Bersih 4.
It must be defined in terms of racial composition. The usual propaganda employed by UMNO. We must reject this racial stereotyping.
It must be defined in terms of racial composition. The usual propaganda employed by UMNO. We must reject this racial stereotyping.
Two, the size of
the crowd. The police says, the crowd was only 57,000 strong. That is true if
the police counts only the area around Sogo at 1pm on Saturday. There were 10
other places like the one in Sogo at 1pm. So there were 570,000 Bersih 4
supporters on Saturday.
600,000 went to the
streets forcing Najib to label these people as unpatriotic. Because they marched? No because they want to
save the country from the number 1 menace to the country. The man known as
Najib Tun Razak.
The DAP is not
the organiser of Bersih. It supported the march towards more Democracy as it always
has. Plus it is the most organised political party around. That is why Utusan Malaysia fears the DAP.
It will write a
familiar story line. That Bersih 4 is a protest movement by the Chinese against
a Malay UMNO dominated government. To add to the doomsday scenario on the Malays, Utusan has to assign blame/credit to DAP.
The people who attended
Bersih 4 yesterday and today won’t have their intelligence insulted by the
likes of Utusan Malaysia. It blinds itself to the sea of Malaysian Malays who
participated in great numbers at Bersih 4. If I were to put down a number, the
Malay participants constitute probably around 55%.
By casting
aspersions to the DAP. Utusan Malaysia, the mouthpiece of UMNO continues the acknowledgement
of DAP as a party that is drawing traction and allegiance.
Just a few weeks ago a stupid deputy minister said the Rm2.6 billion was a donation to fight against Jews and DAP.That was a maniacal statement.
Just a few weeks ago a stupid deputy minister said the Rm2.6 billion was a donation to fight against Jews and DAP.That was a maniacal statement.
I say, that’s an
acknowledgement of DAP as a party that is fast gaining traction. The UMNO
needed a huge war chest to fight the DAP. The DAP has repeatedly challenged
UMNO and the government to tell all about donations to political parties
If the amount spent was - I am told RM3 billion or more to pulverise the DAP and it still cannot succeed,
the UMNO is doomed.
So allow me to
tell readers how DAP gets its donation. As far as I know, sympathisers from all
walks of life including business people donated to DAP. But let me tell the reader
how DAP MPs and ADUns spend.
They spend entirely
their own money. When I contested Raub, all I got from secretary General Lim
Guan Eng was the appointment letter and the words, Raub is all yours. I am sure
the same was repeated to all the other DAP candidates. Here’s the surat tauliah
and its your baby now.
That was it. All
MPs spend their own money to pay for ALL expenses. That started with the deposit
with the elections Commission and the deposits to the local council. Expenses on
posters and flags, expenditures on party workers and helpers. All used their
own money. The contribution from the party was zero. It gave no money to
So I am perplexed
why UMNO and BN candidates needed huge amount of money. My opponent in Raub for
example, reported to the BN chief in Pahang which is the MB, he has run out of
money half way the election period. So he reportedly asked more money from the
MB. The MB should have asked me how much I spent on the Raub election. He was
lied to.
The truth is,
all the BN candidates during the elections fleeced money from the Chief of BN. After
the elections they went on holidays, bought new expensive cars and still complained
they won or lost by having to spend huge amounts of money.
The Bersih 4
March is a sea of humanity. It is a sea of yellow shirted Malaysians. Of all
races, all political creeds and personal values. All are united with the desire
to save the country. They marched to demand more democracy. The person standing in between is the clueless PM.
To save our country from who? From the
PM and his band of arrogant leaders who are clearly standing on the side
opposite the rakyat. The rakyat include
also members of UMNO, one of whom has stared legal proceedings to compel Najib
to tell the story of the Rm2.6 billion donation. This is unprecedented!
Next , more of my
impression on Bersih 4.