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Sakmongkol ak 47

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Anwar and the softporn clip.

A journalist from Star called me. I assumed she is. She asked for my reaction to the portion of the Anwar video that has been put up. Earlier today, a former PKR stalwart sent me an sms message. Video is up. Watch it now.

So I watched. Because it's up. I have my own take on this. First reaction: it is Anwar. But then, after years of reading Sherlock Holmes, I sensed something is not right.

Back to the journalist. So, how do you defend Anwar now she asked? Huh? I have never defended him regarding his private life. I have written about the way his case is handled and about the supporting cast in the video starring Anwar.

So I answered, why should I defend him? I have never defended him I protested. In my first article about this thing, I write about the issue of loyalty. Even among thieves there is honor. I find it farcical and hypocritical for this Eskay fellow to suddenly receive a blinding flash of enlightenment to claim, national interest overrides everything else. Its called patriotism he says. Saving the country from a sex maniac. Maybe we can coin a new term- sextriotism.

In another time, people who read Lee Kuan Yew will remember his admiration for Tanaka having so many mistresses. That, says LKY may not be a bad thing.

I wasn't defending Anwar at all. But I lament the death of loyalty. Especially from someone whom you have showered so many business opportunities. When I wrote that the only way Anwar can regard Eskay is like a friend he brings to the house, but later goes to bed with the host's wife. Some people got riled up about this description.

If I were to defend Anwar as asked, I will say this.

It's a fake. I will humor you since you asked me how I would defend him. Of course I am conscious of the way journalists play their exclusion game. You are one of us if you subscribe to our ways; you are our enemy if you as much mention some reservations about how we describe things as they are. You know the pretentious world of journalists- they think they rule the world.

Look at the video. What's the white bar at the bottom doing there? Is this a production in Thailand? If so, then the film was done with respectable technical panache, but the post production bit is Jinjang quality.

It seems to me, there are at least 3 video recorders. One to record the movements of the director, who looked like Eskay, has Eskay's physique but it may not be him. Bur Eskay said he was in the video. So it must be him.

Two, a video recorder of Anwar undressing. This may be taken on any other occasion where Anwar was less modest such as in the company of male friends.

Three- another recorder taking pictures of a lady- Chinese? Thai perhaps?

It could be a recoding done in December. Another done in January. Another done in February. The director comes to fuse them together to make it seem a seamless recording. Why would a director be around? To signal the cues. Such as to direct where Anwar's eye contact was; to direct where the woman's eye contact should be. To place every scene on cue.

But then Eskay is no film director. He is just a masseuse. That would explain the Jinjang quality.

It seems to me to be 3 or more recordings cascaded or piled onto one another. Hence Eskay the director appeared larger than average. Maybe he's in the latest video. Anwar is in the second recording. Eye contact between Anwar and the lady tramp never matched. Anwar wasn't looking at a lady positioned as the lady in the video was. The man resembling Anwar appeared to be walking past and through the lady as though she wasn't there. The man resembling Anwar appear bigger suggesting that a different camera is used to show Anwar in the foreground. Anything nearer to the camera appears bigger. The lady is always in the background. She appears smaller. You can impose clips from one camera on top of each other so that , the one on top will appear bigger as it is in the foreground nearest to the camera. The male figure appears disproportionately larger than the female figure when the two embraced.

So you asked how I would defend Anwar. I have given you a hypothetical scenario. Go dispute it. Convince me. I am not defending Anwar. I am reacting to your cynicism. When you called, you are like saying- take that you bastard.


Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 10:45  

First of all, you must be blind to even say the video is Anwar. I saw the video too on youtube last night. I play it a few times and I am totally convinced that the man IS NOT Anwar. Reason, the man has a bigger pot belly and much older than Anwar. Side profile looks a little like Anwar but on second look, he is not. Then, who in the sane mind would have other men involved if they want to go for a romp with a whore. The man seems to orchestrate the scene - a director of this act. Lastly, I saw it with my own eyes now and I am convinced 100% and more that IT IS NOT ANWAR!!!

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 10:49  

what about the main it the fusion of two different recordings...of duration about 20

fairplay,  5 April 2011 at 10:54  

good one uncle.

Ariff Sabri 5 April 2011 at 11:02  

anon 10:45.

maybe i should put a headline banner on my blog: stupid people need not read?

what say you. you don't understand what i wrote do you?

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 11:14  

yeah, take that you bastard!!

clearly you one delusional dude......

its anwar la bahlul

otoote 5 April 2011 at 11:20  

Shazly 'Larry'Eskay '...already spent most of the RM20m he's 'supposed to earn from the Crooked Bridge'. I supposed he is a desperate man looking for revenge bcoz a few days before Dato T's PC, he went to beg DSAI to be his witness in his trial-which was refused.
Rahim 'Moe'TC- I would understand- pushed off from Malacca's CM seat and watching Ali Rustam getting all the accolades all these these years grinding his teeth.
But Shuib 'Curly' Lazim- I cant really figure out why other than to guess that he's wealth is from some political/biz figures in Kedah and thus pressured to tag along to suggest that Perkasa is also in support.Let's see....who from Kedah is trying to turn Anwar into minced meat..... a Tun... Tun....Which Tun will the 3 rushed to when whistled?

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 11:22  

Sak said: "The video is a fake".

IGP Ismail who when asked by reporters why there is no arrest asked back what offence has been committed..ah by the 3 stooges, said: " The video is authentic."

I don't know who is the nincompoop here. No wonder Musa Hasan went around saying Ismail looks like a kampong fool.
That 'she' Star reporter must be Mumtaz's friend then. So we could surmise that not only Najib's but Rosmah's dirty fingers are seen all over the video sex screening in Carcosa. And now you know why Rahim, the underaged girl rapist, and Rsida Chairman, stupidly got himself involved.

Ariff Sabri 5 April 2011 at 11:25  

anon 11:14
today i am feeling charitable. so i put you in only to be able to say YOU ARE THE BASTARD.

i said its Anwar but the video on the whole is faked. take that you useless bastard.

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 11:34  

Hmmm, hmmm and triple hmmmmm

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 11:37  

you say its faked because???

oh its because you said so, is it??

and who are you? arif the great?? hahahah

what a joke you are!!

let the public decide la, you moron!!

your take is like listening to anwar!!

Unknown 5 April 2011 at 11:43  

i recalled a certain someone said a few days ago "This business of writing about the alleged sexcapades of Anwar Ibrahim is tiring".

u're not so tired now r u?

when it comes to anwar, people just can't help themselves...

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 11:44  

Dear Dato',

This is just my 2 cts. Remember when we went to school and they taught us about the concept of the "Golden Mean", fibonacci etc.? Our body has proportions to it; each person is nonetheless unique; an expert can perform the body ratio comparisons very accurately to determine whether the physical built is the same.

I am little surprised why Dato' did not propose this as it is very elementary.

I see no point for all to be guessing around and start losing our hairs.

There are many, many more issues of gargantuan proportions that worry us as a Rakyat.

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 11:51  

Something is not right about this clip. Is Anwar that stupid? I am no fan of Anwar but lets be fair. Looks like him but I'm not 100% sure its him.

One more thing. No need to call anyone bastard. Disagree as much as you like. But behave. Show some manners. Unless your mother did'nt teach you any.

Unknown 5 April 2011 at 11:51  

i recall a certain someone said a few days ago "This business of writing about the alleged sexcapades of Anwar Ibrahim is tiring"

u're not so tired now r u?

it amazes me how most people always find the energy when it comes to anwar eg. pikul tilam n bantal, buat video, blogs pasal dia dll

rexuan 5 April 2011 at 11:51  

hehe someone's cool is getting loosier.. i think you dato' sould take heed the police's statement of the video's genuinity..

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 11:52  

Datuk glad to see you having a good day with a good sense of humour , walop these stupid commentors who do not understand english. Yes what you said makes sense. I have watch porn and looks like a school boy production.

My take on this is that some people are very very afraid if PR wins the sarawak elections all the BN MP's in sarwak will hop to pR for their own survival and even the Sabah BN MP's will also hop to PR and leaving Najib with the prospect of early election , resignation , vote of no confidence or a incident to declare martial law.

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 11:55  

Cuba lihat bayang2 di dinding, bila berseorang dan bila berdua. Bolehkah 2 gambar yg ditindankan menghasilkan bayang yg sama besar.

Mohd 5 April 2011 at 11:57  

Anwar must insist that the video be shown in Parliament and let the YBs decide as in the case of Vijanderan.
Why the fuss?
Let the people elected by the people judge the man in the video to be Anwar or not.

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 12:11  

salam to all, if all of you all ni islam, buat je solat istikharah, sebaik-baiknya buat istikharah selepas solat isyak and terus tidur, minta allah tunjukkan whether it is anwar or not, insyaallah akan ada petunjuk yg baik dan benar krn ianya dari allah. tak guna kita manusia biasa ni dok berbalah sesama sendiri untuk perkara yg kita tak tau benar atau palsu. mohon dgn hati dan niat yg ikhlas, allah akan tunjukkan. but ingat, kalau niat salah allah takkan kasi petunjuk, it happened to me, until saya betulkan niat saya buat istikharah alhamdulillah 2 kali istikharah dah dpt petunjuk, subhanaallah

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 12:14  


You need to forgive these people since they did not read Sherlock Homes as you did. And sure they must read at least 4-5 times to understand what you're trying to write.

Hey guys!! come onlah... at least you all tengok Detective Conan hahaha.

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 12:23  

thats anwar la

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 12:23  

Dato, you qualify to be a detective, better that those morons in PDRM, including the IGP.
This IGP moron says the video is authentic!!!

I too detected what you did... the quality, the disproportionate size of the stars in the clip etc.
But I was wondering why would the prostitute, who is surely a Thai, would want to be covered. It was time for action and she was paid to expose and open up. AND THERE WAS NO LIP MOVEMENTS!!
Was she paid extra to filmed?

Now coming back to the caller from Star. Is she Sira Habibu, the one mentioned in my post to you yesterday.
(... mamak woman from Penang - now in Star PJ hq. She is very close to Mukhriz and if you notice, all PKR/DAP bashing story is by her. She is hell bent on helping to destroy the opposition. She is a very pro-Mahahtir writer....)

True, journalist think they rule the world. They put words into your mouth to get the response they want so that fill in the blanks in their already pre-planned article.
She would have succeeded with Samy Velu.
Please tell her to hang herself by her ba**s.

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 12:27  

Ambik la kau........SAK shared the bastard among you all. Tulis omputih bukan main tapi baca tak paham surat......BASTARDSSSS.....ada banyak tuuuuu....

susah,  5 April 2011 at 12:27  

check with those techie.

the thai wording in the white bar, that is no big deal, it is add-on option in post production. macam the subtitles lah in movies.

as for the perut puncit, this probably a "distortion" effect from the lens used, can be corrected by using professional software.

what the 2 min youtube video meant is probably just a teaser, made up of combination of few shots from the original tape/s to trap the response from Pakatan and Anwar supporter.

The original tape made have clearer footages on the face of the person concerned.

from tbe short glimpse of the youtube, ini case manyak susah la!!!

BCTan266 5 April 2011 at 12:31  

Dear AK47,
Susah juga nak melayan orang macam anon 10.49 and 11.15. They are kurang betul by much. They know not what they read...teach them. With a bazooka or AK47, I leave to you the weapon of choice.

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 12:32  

Is this the man who is going to save Petronas and the country?

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 12:38  

My take goes in the same breath with Sakmongkol.

What is he (director) doing in that so called hidden clip if it were to frame Anwar.
and if I were Anwar himself, I wont be that too exposed to make fool out of myself knowing I was about to commit yet another BIGGEST sin known to man and share the moments at least before the romps begin with other male companions. Sure potong stim!


Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 12:43  

Dato good analysis but put a banner on your side bar,blog to be read by people who passed their english in mce.LOL.

Red Alfa 5 April 2011 at 12:51  

Salam Dato'

I did not and will never want to see the video so I am pleased that you had... so I can say believing 100% you said the video is faked.

But why softporn surely it must be hardporn? An jinjang production to give just that non-HD video so as it must be but Anwar to the public who wants to suspect him?

But humble me cannot but only want to believe you; more so the Police is that much of damaged goods and now is utterly wanting of any credibility.

Did IGP had meant to say the video was authenticly amateur effort?

TheSeer,  5 April 2011 at 12:55  

TheSeer:You are confusing everyone,including yourself.One-up-manship with the jounalist? Feeling insulted with Annonymous,ego problem?It's either Anwar or it's not.What say you?

Quiet Despair,  5 April 2011 at 12:56  

Whoosh. As usual, when it comes to Anwar, sanity and caution are thrown to the wind. We become rabid. Stark, staring, raving mad.

We break out into spewing vulgar words and profanities. The B and F words become common. We forget our ethics, etiquettes and start quarreling among ourselves.

We can never agree. Puaka betul lah dia. He thought us to become kurang ajar and so we become one.

We all see the video. But our reactions implied as though we see different ones.

How can we believe ya since he's anugerah Allah. Macam wali Allah di muka bumi ni.

If it's Najib, we will immediately pounce upon him although with a different face and different body.

We all see clearly that's him. His physique, his mannerisms, his walk, his gestures. No paunch, brothers and sisters.

The verdict from Mak Munah, the lemak seller down the street where I live: "Mak Chik dah lama tau itu Anwar. EEi gelinya."

And my cousin's 12-year old boy who told his dad: "Ada video best. Jom Papa tengok U-tube."

That is also the reaction of most regular Malaysians from Perlis to Sabah.

So the message from Datuk T has gotten across - that Anwar is unfit to be PM.

And being normal Minah and Mat, they do not have the reasoning like Sak nor do they read Sherlock Holmes. But one thing's for sure, they are the voters of BN.

We can pose all kind of rationales that it's not Saint Nuar. The video has since been taken off U-tube. But damage has been done.

To me tak de hal lah. That is Anwar and his pleasures. Why should we care?

The only person who should care is Wan Azizah. Wonder whether the good woman who do not like porn movies has seen it?

She should know her hubby's apparatus better right? Maybe she believes it's him. But of course she will say no in public.

The onus really is on Anwar to prove it's not him. If he refuses, fine. Let Allah be the judge.

Let us move on from this tired old story. The government should not bow down to Karpal's request for it be shown in Parliament.

What is his motive aside from bringing the issue alive to constantly keep Anwar on our political radar.

The MPS who view it will will come out saying it's Anwar and it's not Anwar, depending on their political affiliations. Check-mate. No purpose really.

The only sad thing from this episode is once again Najib and UMNO leaders are blamed. Do you see any UMNO leaders commenting on the issue?

UMNO has distanced itself from this from the very start. The video purveying was unsolicited, done by trying to please retired politicians. I guess Rahim has already got a mouthful from his party bosses.

How about if we just ignore Anwar altogether no matter what disgusting issue will follow after this? He craves attention and we shold stop entertaining him. Consider him as politically finished.

He's really bad news.If I have magical powers I like for him to disappear.

It's from him that our young kids know sodomy and now the obscenity which is fed to us, day in and day out.

Bro Sak, consider yourself a somebody for journalist to solicit your response. It shows you matter.

It's not only the press who wants to rule the world. It's also your Anwaritas here who wants to be one too.

May,  5 April 2011 at 13:08  

i agree with u Datuk.

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 13:10  

Did you see the door frame of the bathroom? The door frame isn't straight, so it's probably a fish-eye lens that distorts the picture. Siapa yang pakai fish-eye lens dalam CCTV ? Why the Thai caption if the video wasn't initially produced for the Thai market ?


donplaypuks 5 April 2011 at 13:19  

The Government should carry out a very high level inquiry to find out who from our law enforcement & investigative agencies is/are leaking out all this info and videos to which only a few are supposed to have highly restricted access.

There are major national security implications to worry about!

It happened in the Teoh Boon Hock case with the setting up of an anonymous blog T4TBH (Truth For TBH) when info from TBH’s computers (copy invoices) which were in the custody of ONLY MACC was published online and other bits and pieces appeared in several pro-UMNO bloggers’ sites well ahead of the coroner’s inquiry and the RCI. Similarly with the Saiful sodomy case e.g info on semen/DNA.

It’s obvious there is/are scurrilous moles within Government whose objectives are to unduly influence public opinion in favour of the govt. They need to be ferreted out for undermining due process.

As for the scurrilous sex video, why in B&W? That makes the whole thing sus[icious, especially since they pruportedly had 4 cameras and money was not a problem. And why should Eskay direct anything like towel change etc. You mean, these China Dolls and (if) DSAI don't know how to get down to business without Eskay showing them which batang goes into which lobang? Sheesh, what a D-grade movie and IQ!

Yes, you are also right. The STAR reporter should be spat upon for sub-standard journalistic integrity. Seems even they are only up to playing up 'cock, tits snd bum' pathetic news!

we are all of 1 Race, the Human Race

KK,  5 April 2011 at 13:26  

Heys people lets be civilised and agree to disagree in a cultivated manner.

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 13:28  

Dato', I feel so sorry if such despicable video recording is done to discredit Anwar. If it is done by the UMNO people then it will be strong possibility of the end of UMNO. The way out is for the UMNO President to act strongly and get those 3 stooges soonest and charge them or else Jibby you are not up to the position you're holding now and get out let someone who has better Malay/Muslim direction to be in charge!
Forget about UMNO, PKR, DAP and PAS but be as the PM of Malaysia and just do it as Prime Minister or else history will describe how the nation was run by an idiot! once upon a time after the sleeping goon!

verine,  5 April 2011 at 13:29  

After reading what you said, it all make sense. Bottom line is, it is a fake by a collective frames of videos to make it look like one act of sex by Anuar. I sense that this is only the top of the iceberg.

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 13:41  

sapa yang kata u defend anwar tu memang bastard laa...
sape kata lu defend anwar, you hanya nak spin camane mahu menyalahkan mahathir kan kan kan kan bloody bastard!
sorry ye YBhg. Dato', saya hanya mahu mempertahankan Dato' saja

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 13:44  


We have one hell of a messed up Muslim Society...Maybe they should all give up on what they have been taught and just read the following:

The fool who knows he is a fool
Is that Much Wiser.
The fool who thinks he is wise
Is a fool indeed

The fool is his own enemy
The mischief he does is his undoing
How bitterly he suffers

For a while the fool's mischief
Tastes sweet, sweet as honey
But in the end it turns bitter
And how bitterly he suffers

Whatever a fool learns
It only makes him duller
Knowledge cleaves his head

(The Dhammapada)

Joe Black

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 13:52  

mm.....quite obvious is not anwar...while quite obvious there is some thai banner there... i wonder what the police chief said the other day the video is ORIGINAL....means....original is not anwar? or original is a thai production? or....original is real is anwar? Not trying to defend anyone, but somebody is making himself or themselves a fool here with this whole piece of drama.....

Arif,  5 April 2011 at 13:54  

Basically there are those who make their mind up without (1) an open mind (2) without properly analyzing the clip.

As you wrote quite eloquently - the whole clip seems a complete mish mash and badly edited. Some of it looks like Anwar but at same time the man actually resembles Eskay - so it could be either.
The scenes are not that clear either.

Thus in a situation where one has to be proven guilty without a shadow of doubt - my only conclusion it can't be Anwar doing the 'deed' as there is too much doubt and lack of credible evidence. Heck - one of my uncles resembles the man doing the 'deed' - so maybe I need to check his diary.

Now can we get back to the real business of actually sorting out what ails this nation.....?

nahraf 5 April 2011 at 13:58  

what about that manboobs, how can a thin person like Anwar have that kind of manboobs, care to explain about that?, and why is it Anwar purported scandals only popup close to major elections??

What about the hypothetical scenario that you are convinced that it is really Anwar, care to give your reasoning, not just give ridiculous reasoning just to spite detractors of the video and call them names, that is quite mean and sneaky Dato' Sak :)

Nevermind, it is useless to change the opinion of die-hard supporters of either camps by this video it seems.

The battle is to convince the would be supporter and fence-sitter, we'll see how that will play out.

I wholeheartedly agree with you on the third party experts dato' Sak, The final round of this game of perception will be on the neutral foreign third party experts (RCI is useless) only they have the clout and authority to have the power to persuade the supporters to change their opinion.

Only Datuk trio and Anwar knows the truth, the side that lies can only bluff so much, the truth will come out eventually.

It is interesting on how the accuser keep raising the stakes, first by confessing about masterminding the video airing at Carcossa, and then leaking an edited version of the video, each time they raise the stakes they will either gain or lose more believer.

Eventually the audience will get tired of this game of perception and demand an end to this. When the third party experts is called in and made their judgement then we shall see who is bluffing

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 14:10  

If I had the whole video, just looking at shadows and light casting, you can easily tell if this was a doctored clip. A trained eye can catch lots of things that normal joe's dont see. This is why, 'they' are hesitant to give us the whole thing to take apart. In any case, this is a private affair and should NOT have surfaced.

If the Speaker of Dewan Rakyat could say that viewing of this porn clip is HARAM for MUSLIMS, where then do we place the Dato T trio, all being MUSLIMS? Pray tell!

Suci Dalam Debu 5 April 2011 at 14:11  


The original plan was quite simple. Create something to blackmail DSAI. The video was supposed to be viewed only by Azizah & family and thinking that the lady is "stupid", would swallow it hook line & sinker and then pressure her hubby to quit.

Unfortunately, the plan went horribly wrong when the identity of Datuk T was revealed. Datuk T have no choice but to surrender the video to the police and we now know that Sir, yes, you can do a much better job than the IGP.

We don't even have to use a lot of grey matter to prove how stupid the Dato Trio were. The presence of the "Thai Bar" versus just a time clock on a previous version indicates that there are a lot of creative works in there, albeit a poor job.

Biasalah orang UMNO, nak TIPU pun tak pandai, tetapi mencuri harta rakyat, First Class.

fatcat,  5 April 2011 at 14:11  

Dato, some of the best carpenters comes from jinjang nonetheless don't know about video editors lol When people solicit for a sex worker most of them are very discreet and especially if you're DSAI you just can't go anyway and not being recognize and moreover you don't bring along a director to film the whole episode for posterity , verdict : not him

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 14:58  

Come to think of it, it must be him. Otherwise RTC would'nt dare.

Pai 5 April 2011 at 15:05  

forget all the politics..a boy was killed by his teacher who 20 y.o older..this is what we should concern about..i am calling all bloggers...put this teacher into shame...

impartial,  5 April 2011 at 15:05  

I wish readers will read carefully what the author has written before they comment. Sometimes you have to really write to the point otherwise some readers will be lost and confused somewhere along the way. Don't lose heart, AK47

sameOLsameOL,  5 April 2011 at 15:42  

All this anwar thing and politician thing is wasting malaysian time & money.
This is my suggestion : why dont all of you quit and let the new generation lead the way. Damn wasting my time...

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 15:56  


I like your diagnosis of the "Anwar" video. However I remembered reading from the MSM that Yusry of KRU studio "confirmed" the video as authentic and could not be doctored as it is impossible to doctor a 21-22 minutes video. So either Yusry of KRU studio does not know anything about film/video production or you should take over from Yusry as the Chief Creative Officer of KRU (no pun intended sir).

Wenger J Khairy,  5 April 2011 at 16:12  

My reaction is that its not Anwar.

Eskay showed his hand. 3 J, a King and a Queen.

Anwar's hand 9,10,J,Q with the last face down.

My gut feel is that Anwar has an 8 and will win the pot with a straight to Q.

After all, now we know from RPK's expose that the real target was Najib.

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 16:19  

Why are Malaysians too obsessed with Anwar's sins?The Datuk trio are men of despicable character and they have become the standard emblem of UMNO elites now.War of the shits are actually poisoning our young to become despicable or haprak.The person is Anwar but the video is fake is very good spin statement.The video was intended to be Anwar by the Datuk trio but was not Anwar because it was a fake one or what?I suggest we hold a national referendum to determine the real actor and the sins of Anwar should be a compulsory reading list for MA on Malay Leadership at the University of Malaya.

Nik,  5 April 2011 at 16:21  

People with closed mind believe what they want to without evidence.
The Pro Najib lot will damn Anwar even if it was a goat humping the hooker because of its resemeblance to Anwar's goatee...

At end of day - this was a botched job which really sheds no real light on who the person in the video really is.

And frankly I think the public are getting a bit immune from morality plays especially if the accusers are a bunch of dimwits and child rapists. Credibility is important if you want to go after Anwar.

Oh well...lets wait for the next installment of this saga. The more they throw crap the more you build up Anwar's morale.

The best thing is to actually have the PM debate policy and governance with him openly. Then let the public decide who has the better vision and leadership. Or is Najib too afraid to do so?

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 16:29  

Video ini dirakam di KL atau Thailand?

Yang Eskay tayang di Carcosa dan kemundian serah kpd polis dikatakannya dirakam di KL. Tapi yang upload di Youtube beralamat di Thailand?

Mungkinkah Eskay beli video di Thailand dan bawa untuk diedit di KL?

Atau mungkin video diupload oleh polis atau Eskay sendiri daripada 'copy' yang dia simpan?

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 16:41  

Hi Dato',

I like this comment:"stupid people need not read?" and I think Bastard too... Hahaha

STS,  5 April 2011 at 16:48  

it looks like Anwar alright, but the potbelly is very unlike Anwar. Dont think Anwar ever has that kind of built.

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 16:50  

You would think if they got the real thing on Anwar they will show the whole thing and give it to the authority the complete tape to fix that fellow good and proper.
Surely the bits and pieces is to cover up any obvious descrepencies in the missing sections.
It is the same as all the intended manufactured report by MACC. Take statements then manipulated later in the write up to incriminate TBH boss.
Those evil people just do try the same deceit every time.

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 17:15  

To some people, it matters whether the person in the video is the Opposition leader or not.

But really it doesn't matter at all. Becos the more dirty tricks these fatheads dream up to frame him, the more the people will like him. The more support he'll get.

What's more the video is a fake. This fact itself will increase support for the opposition hugely.
One question now, Dato, how can I identify a Malay who wont sell me out after taking my money.

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 17:21  

Salam bro.
A thoughtful analysis from you. I watched it a few times. Did you noticed the toilet wall is curved? I think the cctv lens are wide-angle type. Thats why object/figure nearer to the camera appears larger n tummy looks more boroi(hehe). Just my 2 sen opinion.
BTW you sound angry brother.Be cool or your blood pressure goes skyhigh.
From Bromal

rance,  5 April 2011 at 17:35  

Dear Dato'Sak, I did not see the s..tape i dont know why. Having read your comments and many others they seem to have done a bad job of it. Is that why it is in black n white? Easy to superimpose. Should have called in James Cameron of Avatar.

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 17:39  

Yeah, give it to him AK47.
Some people just don't understand English ... Ha Ha

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 18:05  

I have too watched the video. That short clip seems to be cut into three parts joined together. The first two part of the video, the man in towel indeed looks like Anwar. The third part isn't. What matters is what happened in the third part when the man in towel hugged that lady that's when the clip ends. So from what I've observed the men in towel from the third part onwards 100 percent isn't Anwar supported by the pot belly of the actor. The released of this clip actually strengthened people's perception towards Anwar that he's a victim. Now I'm more convince that Anwar is a victim of a well-planned conspiracy to bring him down.

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 18:48  

When incident like this happened to CSL, the authorities warned that no one is allowed to keep the video. But when it happens to Anwar, different instructions were given by the authorities

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 18:53  

let all agree to differ and be adult enough and not be vulgar.
what is of interest is what going to happen to Datuk T `S. what happens in the confines of a bedroom is not of our concern but between the family concerned. if it is spliced video again what happens to Datuk T`s.
how someone bonks does not give any inkling as to how good is one at their professional duties.
i bonk a lot , and am considered very good at my work.
p.s i bonk legal and otherwise.

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 19:21  

Its the police role that keep this sex video incident swirling around. They're the real culprit when the KPN himself so stupid cant interprate the laws that have been broken by the trio datuks who confess to possess and screening the porn video. Words that fit them best is POLIS RAJA DI MALAYSIA or PRDM instead of POLIS DIRAJA MALAYSIA or PDRM)


Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 19:21  

Look at "Anwar's" hair during the early part of the recording. The hair looks like Samy Velu's.

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 19:38  

"First reaction: it is Anwar."

"The man resembling Anwar appear bigger suggesting that a different camera is used to show Anwar in the foreground. Anything nearer to the camera appears bigger. The lady is always in the background. She appears smaller. You can impose clips from one camera on top of each other so that , the one on top will appear bigger as it is in the foreground nearest to the camera. The male figure appears disproportionately larger than the female figure when the two embraced."

Dato': By far the most logical analysis and explanation.

What irks me, how low can these guys stoop? Sad that this country has become a laughing stock. Penchant for gutter politics has taken deep root that my heart really cries out. What next?

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 20:17  


If you say the Video is fake. But IGP come out swiftly saying that the video was not doctored but never say anything about the identity. What would you say?

Ciara 5 April 2011 at 20:25  

this is embarrassing and i think it must be really stupid for anwar to actually do that- accounting the sodomy trial he face and monumental responsibility he has been burdened. I dont think he want to make a fool of himself

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 20:27  

Dato, you are wrong! It is definitely anwar. It doesn't matter what you say or what others say. It has to be Anwar because the video is supposed to implicate Anwar.

In days to come, the IGP and the AG will say all evidence leads to Anwar and they will arrest him. It is all in the script.

Don't believe me? Buy me teh tarik if I am right.

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 20:45  

Firstly, I don't think there is any imposing of images or layering of videos involved. The lens used is a powerful fish-eye lens that makes the images in the foreground appear far bigger than they actually are. It also makes the objects in the background appear far smaller than their actual size. And it makes people walking in a straight line look like they are walking in a curved line.These distortions might make you think that the images were superimposed.

Since the UMNO leaders, IGP, etc are so keen to have the video analysed by experts, you cannot be too sure that they would risk detection by producing layered or superimposed video images. Probably the video is genuine.

The next and more important question is, whether the man wearing the towel is actually Anwar. He is wearing his towel so high in order to hide his potbelly. Why the modesty in front of a prostitute and a blue film director?

I must admit that when I first viewed the video, I did notice a striking resemblance to Anwar, especially the face. But after viewing it several times, I realised my mistake. When I first watched the video, I wanted to know whether the man was really Anwar. I already had Anwar's image loaded from my memory into my brain's CPU and ready to make the comparison. When anyone watches the video with this frame of mind and views it only once, I would not be surprised if most people come to the conclusion that it IS Anwar. You need to watch the video several times and without Anwar's image in your mind in order to arrive at an objective evaluation.

That's precisely why this video is psychologically dangerous. It abuses your sense of visual perception and recognition.

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 20:47  


Debat pun tak guna, dpt dosa kering je;

1. Yang dah termakan budi UMNO sampai mampus pun kata2 tu mcm wahyu.. follow buta..

2. Yang menyokong Anuar tu sebahagiannya dah tak kesah apa UMNO nak buat kat Anuar; janji UMNO ditumbangkan.

3. Melihat gelagat UMNO macam ne, benci kat UMNO bertambah2.

Hentikan bicara sek ne. Kalau UMNO terror sangat; pikir la camnya nak mengelakkan rakyat berhutang kerana nak hidup.

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 21:04  




Ariff Sabri 5 April 2011 at 22:04  

anon 20:17.

when i said the video is fake- its spoken in context- answering the question:- is the video really showing Anwar engaging in sexual acts? i answer no- the video has been manufactured to tell the story line.
is that Anwar- yes. is that eskay? yes. is that a woman pros? yes.
but i am pointing to the possibility of 3 different clips with the said persons have been fused into one film with one desired storyline.
again i am stressing , i am not defending Anwar. i wrote that article in response to question- how would you defend Anwar.

rocky,  5 April 2011 at 22:07  

really if you want to up Anwar, easy la, get him a hooker as they claimed to have done and the call the tok imam to raid the room. It is easy as ABC and a very malay way. no need to record etc. and if done so, Anwar is gone. correct? why need for video etc. too much work la. so why didn't they use the easy way since they have access to Anwar's escapades?

bashir 5 April 2011 at 22:12  

Dato, i kind of agree with you. i dont like him but we have to accept the fact

Premium Business 5 April 2011 at 22:24  

Kenapalah nak penatkan kepala otak untuk ulas video yang tidak sepenuhnya itu, apalagi bukan yang tulin.

Motif disiarkan dan kemudian dipadamkan tentulah ada agenda tersendiri.

Ramai yang terperangkap menjadi doktor, bomoh dan pengulas yang tidak bertauliah.

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 22:33  

The video could be fake too even though the authority said it was genuine .

A good example was Rahim Noor , the former IGP who after beating up DSAI and while DSAI was languishing with the infamous black eye , he (RN) told the whole world that DSAI was well and fine .

Quiet Despair,  5 April 2011 at 22:37  

Malaysia saw tonight on TV mother and daughter defending Anwar with the expected reply it was not him in the video.
At least they are not alone in the pity patter party as MB Khalid was there for morale support.
Wan Azizah looked work up and at times nearly lost her cool. Why on earth did she have to stand in for hubby who was the one being accused. He's happily doing his ceramah rounds in Sarawak.
The laughable part was when she said Anwar is always accompanied by his children during exercises and physiotheraphy for his back problem.
Not every exercise is open to wife and childen lor.
It's not convincing enough. She should have replied Anwar is not bothered, so why should you all be.
That will shut all the press up.
If they cannot be Bill and Hillary Clinton, at least be like CSL and wife.
Look how rejuvenate CSL is now. Suddenly he's got the confidence to make so much noise.
Anwar has got rabid followers who will easily forgive and forget.
In CSL's case no one is asking how the video is uploaded on U-tube which has now become a new issue.
No one question how it's sold in pasar malam and distributed in mail-boxes.
The only good thing to emerge from the press conference was they rejected the setting up of the Royal Commission of Inquiry.
And the Speaker of the Dewan Rakyat has shot down Karpal's proposal to show the video in Parliament.
It's a very good move. Our parliament is already a circus and we cannot afford to have a tiger show.

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 22:40  

this is not about Anwar or loyalty or UMNO...

this is about what you wrote, "...You can impose clips from one camera on top of each other so that , the one on top will appear bigger as it is in the foreground nearest to the camera..."

despite film experts and the IGP saying to the contrary, you repeated your conjecture in the comments section, "...but i am pointing to the possibility of 3 different clips with the said persons have been fused into one film..."

evidently you know absolutely nothing about camera lenses and the processes involved in video editing.

notwithstanding, you had the gall to write, "...But then Eskay is no film director. He is just a masseuse. That would explain the Jinjang quality..."

so, what does this makes you, Datuk?

Datuk Conjecture!

Quiet Despair,  5 April 2011 at 23:08  

Anon 20.27

Your sarcasm is duly noted.
Anwar will not be arrested. Why should he be arrested?
It's not a crime in the law of our land to have sex with prostitutes.
He's not the only man guilty of it.
You fail to see the message of the video i.e. Hey look this is your beloved pious Muslim leader and do you still want him to be your PM.
That has been proven and believed by some (of course not you guys) Malays who are the main voters of BN. His non-pareil Muslim image is dented.
Datuk T clearly wants Anwar to admit it.
If you read between the lines, the police knows who the man is.
Anwar has to prove his innocence.
It's fine if he does not want to do it.
It does not matter to some Anwaristas who have declared even if Anwar were to bonk a pig or their own wife, they still love him.

You have to treat me to a 10-course Chinese dinner at Shangri-La!
Teh Tarik tak mainlah.

Anonymous,  5 April 2011 at 23:29  

Don't you guys realise something if the origin of this tape states in Thai writing in the video ‘Phaholyothin Road Bangkok, Thailand 10400, Copyright 2011.’ & Anwar was twitting at home at the same time than he cannot be in Thailand and Malaysia at the same time. THE TAPE IS A FAKE. THINK ABOUT IT.

Hans 5 April 2011 at 23:43  

You are saying that the video is not authentic whereas the police has confirmed otherwise. And they are willing to let experts from outside to verify the person involved.

Anonymous,  6 April 2011 at 00:20  

See Dato', this is why our movie industry is not successful.

The plot is too simple any Joe can cook up he story.

Can't they find something more credible a la the Nixon tape on Anwar.

As for Yusry and the IGP, dual tak boleh pakai puny orang.

Satu pengarah film tapi tak tahu membezakan yang mana betul, yang mana tipi.

Yang satu lagi makan gaji buta saja. Undang undang dah jells tapi tak jalankan tugas

If najib play this by the book, and abandon the three trios maybe he'll get a few points from the rakyat from a scandal manufactured to kill off anwar primarily and indirectly at the pm for his weak handling of the issue.

Anonymous,  6 April 2011 at 00:34  

If really there is a video that shows Anwar banging a prostitute, why can't I buy the video in Pasar Malam?

For sure by now every corner of Malaysia you will find this video.

The government is also currently charging Anwar banging this Saiful boy. If doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the government wants Anwar's balls, and wants them badly.

You may not agree with Anwar politically, but those tactics are getting old, and frankly tiring.

If BN is a government that should be respected, they would clear Anwar's name. Treat him with respect.

Then have debates with Anwar publicly on how BN can manage the country better. Tell us how the government intend to improve the quality of lives of the ordinary rakyat. They would not engage in schoolboys activities like this, whom we called morons activities if they are conducted by adults.

And come to think about it, the whole incident also explains why M'sia is in such a sorry state.

Anonymous,  6 April 2011 at 00:49  

Dato Sak,
Many fair minded readers of your blog respect you for your frank and impartial views on the Anwar tape.
May the almighty continue to give you the courage to tell the truth and the wisdom to discern right from wrong.

Anonymous,  6 April 2011 at 01:02  

Hey people,

The key to the answer whether it Bro ABI or not is the omega watch stupid. This is the undisputed evidence. Azizah already confirmed that she got it but did not even show it. She could have easily won the heart of all malaysian just by showing the watch and proof that it the real one.

Just give it some time, the omega watch will be the final nail to the coffin. By the way have anyone who comments here have seen the full version.What you saw is only the montag

Wanmalini 6 April 2011 at 01:10  

Well.... not to care about all the rude comments that Anonymous - that's really saying the actor is Anwar (*should I give you a nickname called 'COWARD'..??) wrote... i just wanna say that : Reading your article, answered my questions about the video.... TQ very much. We have the same opinion... so that I'll be OK with all stupid thoughts of the Coward... Good job, Sir...

Anonymous,  6 April 2011 at 02:48  

Whether one hate or love this blog, I think almost all would respect this Dato' Sak for being true to himself and allow all comments be posted ( except of course for those which are downright abusive and incredibly rude/crude).

This is definately one-of-a-kind 'Umno' blogger.

Totally unlike those like Di-Luar Kotak (or is it Kotek?), Anjing-Besar and such like. It is so pathetic seeing these bloggers sieving out those comments which they deemed anti Umno and anti their own views. And the articles they posted, especially those that bashed the Opposition parties ( the fav now being Anwar and wife, Lim Guan Eng, and Karpal Singh ) are truly cringe-worthy, especially when the irony escaped these paid mercenaries when they start ampu-ing and praising rapists, womanisers, racists and robbers in Umno.

There's allegations that these bloggers are paid quite handsomely ( rm 35k to rm 45k per month ). And they have the gall to quote verse and chapters from the Koran and go all piety and self righteous.

They said hell is reserved for the fence sitters and those who allow evil doers to wreck havoc without trying to intervene. Methinks the 2nd spot in hell should be reserved to these mercenary bloggers and journalists.

andi,  6 April 2011 at 08:17  

my question is how can this video be realese when the investigation is still on going by our police? PDRM should take serious about this, it only show that there is another copy outside there beside the one that have been given to the police as stated by the dato T, and as for the 2 minute show my 2cents is the video is true, the different from the ori(the spoken one) was edited to become short and focus on specific part.

i will go with suruhanjaya diraja for this one, this is not a trivial matter as claim by the so great kapal nak karam

Anonymous,  6 April 2011 at 09:16  

Entah entah anuwar sendiri memang tau di videokan untuk santapan sendiri. Itu yg ada arahan dari seseorang macam director tu. Semua dalam video tuu tahu, termasuk china doll, sebab mata dorang mcm kerling2 buat2 nampak tak nampak memandang ke meja dari mana kita melihat video itu.

Anonymous,  6 April 2011 at 09:29  

Anon 2:48 said:

Totally unlike those like Di-Luar Kotak (or is it Kotek?), Anjing-Besar and such like

I was surprised too, esp with Di Luar Kotak.

I thought I posted a neutral comment about focussing on the demeanour and gait of the man in the video and see if they belong to a man used to authority or that of an two-bit actor. Two-bit because a professional actor would not use his own demeanour and gait but would try to duplicate the demeanour of an educated man and the gait of a man used to be in charge.

I also pondered on the larger picture - what this is doing to our values and mores, especially of our young.

I queried the establishment ulama who chose to remain silent on this issue which is clearly against Islam; how then are we going to accept their pronoucements from now on without cynicism?

Syed Outside The Box chose not to pass through my comment to give a counterbalance to his rather strongly worded perspective on the video.

In this matter, I believe some personal princples have been compromised(and I am not referring to mine). And like you I am deeply disappointed.


Anonymous,  6 April 2011 at 09:37  

My first reaction, it is not anwar.

After viewing it several times, it looks like anwar.

Tengoklah cara berjalan, cara berdiri yg condong sikit, memang macam anwar. Susah susah sangat suruh ajer anwar pakai tuala labuh ikat kat pinggang tinggi2 camtu. Ini lebih senang dari bagi DNA dan sumpah2.

Aku tergelak gak tengok azizah nya pc, its not about video tu original or not, its not anwar? Maknanya kalau video tu ori pun, jijah kata bukan anwar gak. Hmm

Jangan layan sangat drama anwar ni, ni semua sebab nak mendapat undi simpati, cam akedemi fantasia pulak.

Kita semua boleh decide waima sbb undi simpati ke atau nak kenakan umno ke. Yg penting org dalam tu menyerupai 99.99% anwar dan cakap2kurang enak sebelum ni terbukti benar.

Anonymous,  6 April 2011 at 09:54  

Datuk respect you for being impartial on the comments that support either side of the political divide even though you are from Umno.

Unlike some other bloggers who only publish comments that bash PR and not those that are critical of BN.

Well done Sir.

Anonymous,  6 April 2011 at 10:16  

I gave a comment on the " Club of Doom " blog about Rahim Noor went on to lie to the whole wide world about Anwar Ibrahim well being while AI was languishing with a black eye in detention.

My point was to show that the same thing might be happening now, but the blogger chose not to publish my contention.

Now I will not read his blog again as it is a waste of time as it lacks independence and integrity.

Anonymous,  6 April 2011 at 10:29  

From what you wrote, Dato, the Star reporter sounds like Jocelyn Tan. She's that type.. the bitchy type.

Anonymous,  6 April 2011 at 10:39  

Do you realize that the alleged Anwar in the tape is bit too tall?
Get an expert to assess his height and I am sure this guy (whoever he is) is taller than Anwar Ibrahim.

We will only know the truth after the Sarawak elections? Datuk T fate will also be known then.

Anonymous,  6 April 2011 at 11:04  

Didapati kini bahawa seluruh tanda-tanda kecil telah muncul dan terbukti seperti yang dinyatakan dalam hadis seperti Sahih Muslim, Sahih Bukhari dan Riwayat Tarmizi.

• Zina bermaharajalela
• Pemimpin yang terdiri dari orang yang jahil dan fasik
• Bermaharajalela alat muzik
• Ramai orang menuntut ilmu kerana pangkat dan kedudukan
• Orang hina mendapat kedudukan terhormat
• Banyak dusta dan tidak tepat dalam menyampaikan berita "Pada akhir zaman akan muncul pembohong-pembohong besar yang datang kepadamu dengan membawa berita-berita yang belum pernah kamu dengar dan belum pernah didengar oleh bapa-bapa kamu sebelumnya, kerana itu jauhkanlah dirimu dari mereka agar mereka tidak menyesatkanmu dan memfitnahmu" - Sahih Muslim
• Banyak saksi palsu dan menyimpan kesaksian yang benar "Sesungguhnya sebelum datangnya hari kiamat akan banyak kesaksian palsu dan disembunyikan kesaksian yang benar" - Riwayat Ahmad

Wallahualam bi shawab.


Anonymous,  6 April 2011 at 11:06  

Lets assume for a moment that the video is true and DSAI was the actor, would the accusers not have released explicit footage confirming their allegations by now instead of sending out teasers. The trio has lots to loose if it was a fake right.
In my humble opinion, originally the trio tried a bluff, then it got too big to handle, they then tried to sent out a teaser hoping they can placard all of us. They are now at a horrendous mess and a complete loss.
Just ponder, if you had the real stuff as claimed by the trio, why wait to show at this stage.
Its now a checkmate, no?

Anonymous,  6 April 2011 at 11:13  

Some one compared the picture of the 'porn actor' as captured on the sex video which was taken at 11pm on 21.2.2011 and the picture of Anwar when he attended his Sodomy 2 court hearing the next day at 10.00am on 22.2.2011. Visit Tranungkite.

Result: The porn actor was a clean shaven individual while Anwar sports a moustache and a goatee. He dismisses the porn actor as Anwar. This clearly reinforce some people's belief that the actor in the video whose face looks like Anwar is not Anwar.

I suspect this sex video must he produced by a Thai Blue film Production company and is meant only for the Thai's market. Eskay in one of his sojourn at the Bangkok's red-light district must have bought this tape and was surprised to find that the actor looks like his good friend, Anwar. He informed Rahim TC and they foolishly decided to inform Najib who thinks that this is a political coup. They think malaysians are so stupid like Rahim who can't differentiate between an overaged girl and an underaged girl. The rest is history and is still in the making.

Anonymous,  6 April 2011 at 11:31  

Salam Dato,

Walaupun di canang berulang-ulang kali bahawa Najib telah meningkat sokongan di kalangan rakyat dan PR semakin merosot sokongan begitu juga dgn Anwar namun sebenarnya mereka sedar akan propaganda mereka itu tidak menjadi.

Isu sebenarnya ialah Rakyat semakin matang dan bersedia untuk membuat perubahan drastik dgn memberikan kemenangan kepada PR utk membolehkan Anwar jadi PM. Jika benar Anwar jadi PM diibaratkan gempa bumi yg dahsyat akan berlaku kpd pemimpin umnobn yg korup. Pada mereka Anwar tidak boleh jadi PM at all cost. Seluruh jentera di kerahkan untuk memastikan mimpi ngeri ini tidak menjadi kenyataan seperti SPR, Polis, Sprm, AG, KDN
Dan Mahkamah.

Kenapa Anwar tidak boleh jadi PM? Jika Anwar jadi PM mereka menjadi amat gerun apabila semua pemmpin Umnobn yg korup akan di heret ke mahkamah untuk di adili dari mana datangnya sumber kekayaan mereka yang melampau selama umnobn memerintah.

Jika didapati bersalah segala harta mereka akan dirampas dan disita.

Kegerunan ini membuatkan pemimpin yg korup ini akan berbuat apa saja untuk kekal berkuasa. Dengan wang yg mereka perolehi secara haram akan digunakan utk mengupah penulis upahan, pengarah dan pelakon video, ugutan bunuh, c4, rasuah pegawai2 yg berkaitan dan sebagainya utk terus berkuasa.

Golongan desperate akan mengatur rancangan secara berkala merekacipta mengenai perilaku Anwar utk di canangkan kepada rakyat. Golongan desperate ini dgn bantuan Apco masih berkeyakinan bahawa jika di ulangtayang berkali-kali dan di sulami dgn kenyataan pemimpin2 berkaitan dan jabatan tunggangan pastinya rakyat akan keliru dan akhirnya percaya. Tak cukup dgn itu mereka juga yakin komponen PR juga akhirnya akan percaya.

Jika rakyat sudah percaya dengan propaganda dan di tambah pula oleh komponen PR tentunya golongan umno ini akan dapat mandat sekali lagi utk memerintah.

Kepada rakyat dan ahli-ahli umnobn yg benar-benar sayangkan negara, cukuplah! Jangan biarkan lagi pemimpin2 umnobn ini memimpin utk merompak keringat rakyat untuk memperkayakan diri mereka dan kroni secara melampau. Enough is enough. Cukuplah selama ini rakyat memberikan peluang kepada mereka selama ini. Cukuplah selama ini mereka menggunakan bangsa untuk memperkayakan segelintir dari mereka.

Salam dr; rakyat yg bosan dipermainkan

Anonymous,  6 April 2011 at 14:41  

anon 2.48 just put in words what i had in mind to the t. i have also just been to RPK website and what he has said is also worrying ie what all the Ms are up to. I just hope what he predicts would turn out to be untrue.

Unknown 6 April 2011 at 15:23  


I don't care whether the person is Anwar or not. Come PRU time I will still vote PR. btw, I read that the whole thing is Tun M's clever way of getting Mukhriz to be the next PM. Makes sense?

Anonymous,  6 April 2011 at 17:23  


Since those who have chosen to ignore ther own Muslim counsel;

Messers T and their Mentor the Dr in the House should take heed of the following:

Turn away from mischief.
Again and again turn away,
Before sorrow befalls you.

A fool is happy
until his mischief turns against him.
And a good man may suffer
Until his goodness flowers.

Do not make light of your failings
Saying,"What are they to me?"
A jug fills drop by drop.
So the fool becomes brimful of folly.

Do not belittle your virtues
Saying,"They are nothing."
A jug fills drop by drop.
So the wise man becomes brimful of virtue.

As the rich merchant with few servants
Shuns a dangerous road
And the man who loves life shuns poison,
Beware the dangers of folly and mischief.

But as dust thrown against the wind,
Mischief is blown back in the face
Of the fool who wrongs the pure and harmless.

Not in the sky,
Nor in the midst of the sea,
Nor deep in the mountains,
Can you hide from your own mischief.

Not in the sky,
Nor in the midst of the ocean,
Nor deep in the mountains,
Can you hide from your own death.

(The Dhammapada)

Joe Black

Unknown 6 April 2011 at 19:31  


malaysian assholes care more about saiful,s ass, this thai bimbo, anwars's cock and semen than taib's rapes, najib's scorpene, pkfz, inflation, no free media, gestapo government, macc deaths, less job creation and competitiveness....

what a truly asia country.......f*** u all.....

Anonymous,  6 April 2011 at 19:31  

this is about warped-logic ala PKR-cybertroopers.

and the nominees are:

1. The video could be fake too even though the authority said it was genuine .

PKR-cybertrooper warped-logic: only PKR can declare what is genuine or assinine.


2. I too detected what you did... the quality, the disproportionate size of the stars in the clip etc. But I was wondering why would the prostitute, who is surely a Thai, would want to be covered. It was time for action and she was paid to expose and open up. AND THERE WAS NO LIP MOVEMENTS!!

PKR-cybertrooper warped-logic: Thai prostitutes are always naked and multi-lingual and very, very chatty.


3. and if I were Anwar himself, I wont be that too exposed to make fool out of myself knowing I was about to commit yet another BIGGEST sin known to man and share the moments at least before the romps begin with other male companions. Sure potong stim!

PKR-cybertrooper warped-logic: he is not "Anwar himself."


4. Siapa yang pakai fish-eye lens dalam CCTV?

PKR-cybertrooper warped-logic: there are no CCTV's with fish-eye lens


5. As for the scurrilous sex video, why in B&W? That makes the whole thing sus[icious, especially since they pruportedly had 4 cameras and money was not a problem... Sheesh, what a D-grade movie and IQ!

PKR-cybertrooper warped-logic: money brings colour to the world along with high IQ's.


6. quite obvious is not anwar...while quite obvious there is some thai banner there...

PKR-cybertrooper warped-logic: Thai banner, therefore not Anwar. Q.E.D.


7. But after viewing it several times, I realised my mistake. When I first watched the video, I wanted to know whether the man was really Anwar. I already had Anwar's image loaded from my memory into my brain's CPU and ready to make the comparison. When anyone watches the video with this frame of mind and views it only once, I would not be surprised if most people come to the conclusion that it IS Anwar. You need to watch the video several times and without Anwar's image in your mind in order to arrive at an objective evaluation.

PKR-cybertrooper warped-logic: I am in love with Anwar so much that I already had Anwar's image loaded from my memory into my brain's CPU


8.Don't you guys realise something if the origin of this tape states in Thai writing in the video ‘Phaholyothin Road Bangkok, Thailand 10400, Copyright 2011.’ & Anwar was twitting at home at the same time than he cannot be in Thailand and Malaysia at the same time. THE TAPE IS A FAKE. THINK ABOUT IT.

PKR-cybertrooper warped-logic: if the origin of this tape states in Thai writing in the video ‘Phaholyothin Road Bangkok, Thailand 10400, Copyright 2011... it also indicates the time that I wish it to be. Also, twitting can only be done at home by a twit.


9.if really there is a video that shows Anwar banging a prostitute, why can't I buy the video in Pasar Malam?

PKR-cybertrooper warped-logic: Pasar Malam is the ultra-ultimate porn store!


and the winner is...

Unknown 6 April 2011 at 19:40  

Quiet Despair,

I wonder, why people like u, who claim born n bred in the USA, have a typical fucked up mentality....

screw u, its people like u who have spoilt this country...

u know how many men and women rosmah and najib slept with.... go n find out....

ur top two umno pm n first Laaaaady who are the biggest kaki bukak zip and kaki kangkang geng with ziana and deepaakkkk.... wuek....

how many chicks u screwed b4 and after marriage?? are u an alim guy?? or hypocrite??

talk about economics not sex u stupid cow brains...

Anonymous,  6 April 2011 at 19:55  

Dear Datuk Ak47 ,
Please make a visit to Jinjang. It has improved a lot.
My apartment is 3 km from Jinjang and I pass by Jinjang whenever I need to go to Kuala Lumpur.
To exemplify Jinjang in a derogatory manner is certainly unbecoming from a person who appear to be intelligent.

Anonymous,  6 April 2011 at 20:47  

I am convinced by Dato's writing that super impose could have done by virtue of the disproportionateness despite IGP's statement on the video as 'tulin'. However I and the public will be convinced that the man was Anwar. DNA tests on the Omega (watch) will match that of Anwar as will be produced in the coming RCI.

Anonymous,  6 April 2011 at 21:32  


Anwar ke bukan anuar, pangkah PR, humban UMNO.

Anonymous,  6 April 2011 at 22:01  

is this the largest number of comments any of your posts have received?

not a very good reflection on what interests malaysians!


fed up,  6 April 2011 at 22:05  

anon 2047

dna test on omega watch???

where did u go to school???
Is the omega watch going to feed u and ur children ??

wat is so important about sex??
millions of people having sex tonight... some legally with their wife, some illegally with pelacur, pengkid, pondan, bapuk, lembut, anjing kurap, datin, datuk, cucu, anak.....

What a fucked up malaysia....

fed up..,  6 April 2011 at 22:11  

tengok berita tv3 tadi, sunguh jijik.... tunjuk klips sex lagi kt berita perdana... lain kali letak rating 18sx so ibu bapa bole tutup tv.... malu la kalau anak2 umo 7 thn pi skolah cakap pasal seks najib dan anwar ni....

TV3 pi mampus....

waliz 6 April 2011 at 22:21  

i am glad at least somebody in BN is not as insane as others.

Anonymous,  6 April 2011 at 22:51  

This weekend me and my friend will be doing some scouting around. We will start from Chow Kit and then to some 'upper class' pimps dealing in 3,4, 5, Stars Hotels.

We will also try our luck with some prominent mama san in CBD KL.

There is a chance we will get to book that particular lady.

Then we will ask her " Did you really sleep with that man in the video ? "


Anonymous,  7 April 2011 at 00:01  

It's Anwar, no doubts about it.The distortion is because of the wide angle barrel, the jinjang quality is because it had been edited to exclude the too hot to handle and was converted to .flv or 3gp video format which tend to loose quality. If someone say it is a super imposed recording then that guy/gay is totally stupid. How a still frame by frame you have to edit for the duration of 21 minutes and 4 CCTV camera recording. And by the way, you can monitor your CCTV from your smartphone anyway and anytime. And why it is in black and white is because it using the infra red.So many stupid question and stupid people who know nothing about cctv, lenses and technologies.

sam/PRAY, it works,  7 April 2011 at 08:12  

The straight and narrow is not easy to walk. But you are walking it. Continue to do so, my friend.

Anonymous,  7 April 2011 at 08:47  


UMNO dah busuk sampai usus, tanam je supaya tak melarat. Madey dulu kata sikit2 potong je kaki supaya tak melarat, tapi kali ne dah berjangkit teruk so tanam je..

Anonymous,  7 April 2011 at 09:54  

Projek Lumayan RM20juta

Kepada sesiapa yang berminat dlm pembikinan video lcah sila;

1. Hantar Sinopsis dgn kadar segera
2. Tajuk; Ranjang panas di Tilam
3. Pelakon Utama lelaki; Anwar atau yg benar-benar seiras dgn nya.

4. Pelakon Wanita; badan warna gelap menyerupai seorang wanita India

5. Had Tayangan; 20 minit

6. Adegan mesti cukup panas dari pelbagai posisi.

7. Tayangan Perdana; Parlimen Malaysia dan Putrajaya.

8. Quality filem; Jinjang atau jln pasar quality. Colour tidak di benarkan utk mengelakkan pelakon ori di kenalpasti.
Segala penyertaan ada strictly confidential. Kelulusan oleh lembaga penapis filem Negara, Mufti-mufti, dan dilindungi oleh Umnobn dan parti komponennya seperti KDN, Polis, AG, SPRM tanpa dakwa dakwi.

Sinopsis boleh lah dihantar terus kepada anak thamby diatas kapasiti berpengalaman dalam merogol remaja bawah umur atau Putrajaya C4 kerana tidak dikenakan tindakan polis.


Anonymous,  7 April 2011 at 10:46  

Wow!! no body actually mentioned anything when the person resemblance anwar hug the girl at then of the clip? Dato' can you tell me how they do that if there are 3 different video? and if its anwar like you said, who is anwar hugging? and to get the 3 different video interlace at same position, same place, same height.. wow!!! this must be hell of production.....

please dato answer this based on your theory......or do want to ask Yusry KRU how its done like Tom Hanks did in Forest Gump? Please learn more on movie production to support your hypothetical theory..

Ariff Sabri 7 April 2011 at 11:08  

anon 10:46

this is a theory. in any case wow your head. didn't i write something when the two people embraced each other? or you don't the meaning of embrace?

fed up,  7 April 2011 at 11:16  


can we go into buku jingga and bn's whatever blue book and discuss policy, mrt, cost, economic, etc instead of video lucah??

no wonder malaysia ranks lower than indonesia and singapore... gila seks, gila tahyul dan khayal dgn hiburan tong sampah mcm Akademi Fantasia ....aper punya rakyat....

Quiet Despair,  7 April 2011 at 11:22  

Congrats Sak for the deluge of comments. You top all the other blogs.
Of the 120 comments so far, only few come from anti-Anwar people. Thanks for entertaining the Anwaristas.
Wish we were that lucky in Anwar lover blogs. Mere mention of Anwar's misdeeds, pap goes the delete button.
Hebatlah you bro. But my papa lagi hebat you. Macam anak muda.
My mama said my papa anugerah Allah.
Yalah sampai mama tergamam tak terkata-kata bila ditanya tentang Omega watch itu.
"You are not the prosecutor," her curt reply.
Aunt Wan, why scold reporters? They are just scribes.
Is the watch really with you, lost in safe-keeping or you will get a new one to replace it before the RCI is convened?
And is someone keeping track on the China Doll. She's the best witness aside from the watch.

fed up,  7 April 2011 at 11:26  

maaf lari topik...

moslems rarely commit suicide....
unlike non moslems...

Sarbani died because of somebody in MAC dun want the document that he brought be known to the public ???

Who killed sarbani??
Why need to commit suicide in public place... he can do it in his house eating sleeping pill... die without pain in sleep....

langitbiru,  7 April 2011 at 14:08  

Assalamualaikum Dato’

MENUDUH seseorang Muslim melakukan salahlaku seks atau ZINA, amat berat di sisi agama Islam. Kerana ianya melibatkan maruah diri dan keluarga.

Dalam Islam, perkara ini amat jelas, PENUDUH wajib mengemukakan 4 orang saksi yang berwibawa dan bukan saksi yang fasik. Ini termasuk dalam Hukum Qazaf. Di dalam Islam, beban sebenarnya jatuh kepada PENUDUH, bukan TERTUDUH.

Ayat 4 Surah An-Nour menjelaskan,

"Dan orang-orang yang menuduh wanita-wanita yang baik-baik (berbuat zina) dan mereka tidak mendatangkan EMPAT ORANG SAKSI, maka deralah mereka (yang menuduh itu) delapan puluh kali dera, dan janganlah kamu terima kesaksian mereka buat selama-lamanya. Dan mereka itulah orang-orang yang fasik.

PERHATIKAN, orang-orang FASIK, Allah swt menolak kesaksian mereka selama-lamanya.

Al-Hujurat ayat 6, "Hai orang-orang yang beriman, jika datang kepadamu ORANG FASIK membawa suatu berita, maka periksalah dengan teliti, agar kamu tidak menimpakan suatu musibah kepada suatu kaum tanpa mengetahui keadaannya yang menyebabkan kamu menyesal atas perbuatanmu itu".

Jika menuduh Muslim lain berzina tanpa mengemukakan 4 orang saksi yang berwibawa dari segi Syariat adalah ORANG YANG FASIK, maka orang yang berzina juga ORANG YANG FASIK.



Sekiranya pencuri dirakam melalui CCTV dan disabitkan kesalahan berdasarkan CCTV tersebut, saya tidak ragu-ragu menerimanya.
KERANA, pemilik kedai tiada kena mengena atau tiada kenal satu sama lain dengan pencuri, tiada elemen elemen yang sangsi antara keduanya. Yang berlaku, si pencuri mencuri di kedainya dan dirakam melalui CCTV yang jelas terpasang di kedai.

Dalam kes video seks ini, DAto’ T amat jelas mempunyai motif tertentu, TERMASUK mahu mengugut Anwar dan Azizah berundur dari politik. MOTIFnya jelas, DAN mereka bertiga terbukti ‘bermusuh’ atau ada dendam kesumat yang perlu dibayar. Dan mereka adalah ‘MUSUH’ kepada Anwar yang mempunyai pertalian yang amat jelas TIDAK sepertimana pencuri dan pekedai di atas. MAKA, video itu diragui kerana pengadunya adalah kepentingan diri dan bermusuh dengan yang dituduh. Pada masa yang sama, latar belakang 3 pengadu tersebut juga amat diragui!!

Oleh kerana DUNIA teknologi yang serba canggih, musuh politik dan musuh peribadi mengemukakan video seks sebagai bahan bukti, amat sukar bagi saya menerimanya sebagai bahan bukti.

BAGI SAYA, mereka bertiga tidak layak diterima kesaksian mereka sebagai saksi. Mereka bukan saksi yang berwibawa.

TruthSeeker,  7 April 2011 at 23:37  

Yes, tak pasal2 suma org jadi expert video editing, walhal takde any professional experience to prove otherwise

Anonymous,  8 April 2011 at 10:34  

Dato' Ade aku peduli Vedio tu Anwar ke Idak???...

Aku peduli bila Minyak Naik harga,
Aku peduli jika Beras Naik Harga,
Aku peduli jika Gula Naik harga,
Aku peduli jika Ayam Naik harga,
Aku peduli bila bill Letrik naik harga,
Aku peduli jika Gaji aku naik,
Aku peduli jika Yuran Sekolah rendah,
Aku peduli jika bayaran perubatan rendah,
Aku peduli jika kompound saman ekor rendah,
Aku peduli jika YB semua pentingkan Rakyat dari Towkey,
Aku peduli jika TV3 suku siarkan berita yang adil,
Aku peduli jika Utusan tulis berita yang adil...

Susah sangat ke Mereka ini memPedulikan Rintihan Aku ini...hanya kerana satu Undi tak mampu mengubah Malaysia...

Yang Kamu dok sebok hanya tentang Batang-batang Anwar Ibrahim adakah ia benar atau tak...ha ha ha..

Bodohnya mereka..biarkan-biarkan.. biarkan-biarkan...

Anonymous,  8 April 2011 at 12:10  

saya join anon 8 April 2011 10:34

Kami dah tak peduli, janji bungkuskan umno dulu, hal lain belakang cite.

umno dah melampau..

Anonymous,  8 April 2011 at 16:26  

have u all analyzed the 1599 frame in this video? have u all painstakingly analyzed all the line,lighting?

if not,shut ur mouth,do ur fuckin research first

Anonymous,  10 April 2011 at 00:34  

to quiet despair,

jgn malukan diri sendiri la, bingai..

lau hebat sgt, knape semua takot ngan Anwar sorg je..?? hari2 hentam, tp mane2 Anwar pegi dpt sambutan...

c'mon la...youngsters nowadays dah boleh nilai sendiri dah...tggu je election ke-13 nanti..

kite tgk sape yg tumbang ngan tersungkur...

Anonymous,  14 April 2011 at 12:06  

Raja Petra Kamuruddin

To begin, Your Slogan to your blog “Source of Independent News” is but a laugh!!!! For your blog swears by The Most Lob-side news that is merely to promote you and your one-track mind

In response to your claim that you did not accused and implicate Dato Najib and Rosmah with the killing of Altantuya;

RPK, once and for all stop being a fake, you have been a phony all your life. You cannot be counted with the rest of your Malaysian, so you had to seek an attention seeking way out – write rubbish to get into the news.

From your days at VI you have been troublesome. It was your father’s influence that saw to your admission at VI never on merit. Then when you became a misfit among the brighter students, you turned into a frenzied attention-seeking maniac. And you ran into trouble at every nook and corner at school.

As an adult, your failure in life, again saw you turn into the same attention-seeking maniac. You began to hide behind the skirt of your wife to strike out al all others.

Everyone was wrong in your eyes except the failed megalomaniac in you. The history of Malaysian was wrong, Independence of Malaysia was wrong, May 13th accounts was wrong, Tun Dr Mahathir was wrong, Abdullah Badawi was wrong and then, Dato Najib is wrong, only Raha Retra is the righ one.

After having dragged Najib and Rosmah through the dirt now you come up that you never collaborated or character assinated by publishing degradotory article and printed false photographs of the PM.

So you are not merely a fake and a bluff but a traitor! - A traitor is one who would abandon and ditch his sons and daughters and run away to safety to save his own neck. One who runs not wanting to fight another day but to criticize from afar! One who saves his soul to live in comfort when financed my some greedy jealous zealot.

MalaysianPotpourri 15 April 2011 at 20:34  

Raja Petra Kamuruddin

To begin, RPK’s slogan to your blog “Source of Independent News” is but a laugh!!!! For his blog swears by The Most Lob-side news that is merely to promote him and his one-track mind

In response to his claim that he did not accuse and implicate Datuk Najib and Rosmah with the killing of Altantuyu;

RPK, once and for all stop being a fake, you have been a phony all your life. You cannot be counted with the rest of us Malaysians, so you had to seek an attention seeking way out – write rubbish to get into the news.

From your days at VI you have been troublesome. It was your father’s pushy influence that saw to your admission at VI never on merit. Then when you became a misfit among the brighter students, you turned into a frenzied attention-seeking maniac. And you ran into trouble at every nook and corner at school.

As an adult, your failure in life, again saw you turn into the same attention-seeking maniac. You began to hide behind the skirt of your wife to strike out al all others.

Everyone was wrong in your eyes except the failed megalomaniac in you. The history of Malaysia is wrong, Independence of Malaysia was wrong, May 13th accounts were wrong, Tun Dr Mahathir was wrong, Abdullah Badawi was wrong and then, Datuk Najib is wrong, only Raja Petra is the right.

After having dragged Najib and Rosmah through the dirt, now you declare that you never collaborated or character assassinated by publishing depredatory articles and printing doctored false photographs of the PM. (what more by a elected opposition member) What more, he went through the trouble of taking out a Statutory Declaration. What a bogus sham you are!

You are not merely a fake and a bluff but a traitor! - A traitor is one who would abandon and ditch his daughters and sons and run away to safety, to save his own neck. One who runs not wanting to fight another day but to criticise from afar! Living out of the money of others. One who saves his soul to live in comfort when financed by some greedy jealous zealot?

Next, RPK has the audacity to talk of credibility!
When his own credibility is the most dubious in Malaysia!

This fellow took so much trouble to swear and take out a Statutory Declaration to implicate Datin Rosmah with the murder of Altantuyu, which he later published.

He had abetted to accuse Rosmah of being involved in the murder by saying that ever the 'flip-flop' PM of that time had with him a report from Military Intelligence, which was in the safe hands of Khairi of the incident.

Further he had collaborated by mentioning that that the Rulers were in the know of the matter.

Having gone through so much trouble to implicate, point, imply, insinuate and accuse Rosmah and Najib of being the “murderers” of Altantuyu, now he tries to absolve himself – so much for his credibility and honesty.

Credibility and Honesty has always been the furthest thing associated with the bluffing RPK to get into the news. He would even murder his own mother to get into the news!

gs,  15 April 2011 at 22:37  

last anon comment about altantuya....
1) so we should ask that anon idiot,
what was the motive of the Najib's UTK to kill and blow up altantuya??

2) why razak baginda left the country??

3) why prosecutor no appeal??

4) why judge let razak go??

5)who instruct utk to KILL???

6) was altantuya pregnant with razak baginda or najib raka 's child??

7) she was a intrepretor in buying the submarine?? why That son of a bitch, najib not arrested for corruption paid to perimekar, fucked up bastard company....

GO to hell NAJIS-ROSMA...

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