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Sakmongkol ak 47

Monday, 20 September 2010

Nazri Aziz is what Nazri Aziz does


Nazri Aziz, the man who I called UMNO's Wyatt Earp, is an enigma. How do we handle him? Supporters of Dr. Mahathir would like to hang him by his testicles, if they can. He once called Ibrahim Ali his friend or BN's friend. But he will not hesitate to mix it up with Ibrahim Ali if the situation demands it.
I don't agree with the vitriol and caustic retorts he gave Dr Mahathir as I think they are not civil. And I will not hesitate to slam him for that.
But lately, he has redeemed himself over so many things. What he has said over the last few months, seem to have earned him grudging admiration. To me, it proves one thing- which is very important; all UMNO and BN leaders need to do, is to show some leadership to lessen the opposition's credibility. By speaking politically correct things. He is undercutting much of the Oppositionspeake.
Nazri has been a consistent Rottweilerish critic of Tun Mahathir. He has spoken against the seemingly 'racist' headmistress even though, I believe he hasn't got all the facts. He has shown gumption when other UMNO and BN leaders were timorous souls.
He has spoken against the capital punishment of the death sentence saying that is inherently wrong for another person to take another's life. Whether he is correct or not, that is another matter. He seems to embrace as morally wrong for the state to take another's life. It would be interesting to see how he sees another person- not a state entity, takes another's life.
Most important, he has been an unwavering supporter of the 1 Malaysia concept. Perhaps among the many UMNO leaders, he is the only one who understands what 1 Malaysia is.
For that, the UMNO president calls him brother. Others call him chief. Maybe Najib needs more people like him in the cabinet after all. if Najib is wimpish, he needs others to provide him with the sinew to his bones.


Anonymous,  20 September 2010 at 12:02  

i cant recall him slamming the opposition lately.

He is in fact wolf in sheep skin!

ever wonder why opposition and rakyat loathe him?

They still do.

Are you being paid to defend Nazri? Coz this article seem half hearted and seem like you dont believe it.

Anonymous,  20 September 2010 at 12:04  

nazri aziz congratulated by Kit Siang.

I rest my case..

Nazri is a wolf in sheep skin and he will be the downfall of BN; just like Pak Lah and KJ.

Titomi,  20 September 2010 at 12:54  

Nazri panglima perang, so's KJ, its deplorable that najib's aides dont see this. Maybe time for them to move on and set their own agenda's.

Anonymous,  20 September 2010 at 13:28  

Monday, 20 September 2010
Surat terbuka Nazri Aziz kepada Awang Selamat-Utusan

BUCHAREST, Sept 20 — Saya ada membaca komen Awang Selamat terhadap saya dalam kolumnya. Saya ingin membuat beberapa penjelasan supaya pembaca tidak menganggap apa yang dia tulis itu adalah betul.

Pertama, saya tidak pernah takut untuk dikritik oleh pembangkang. Saya mahu Awang datang ke Parlimen dan melihat dan mendengar dengan sendiri ucapan-ucapan yang menyakitkan hati dan serangan yang saya terima ketika saya mempertahankan kerajaan berhubung isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan Perdana Menteri. Sepanjang tempoh 33 tahun pembabitan saya dalam politik, saya tidak terlepas daripada kritikan mana-mana pihak termasuk komen terbaru daripada Awang. Saya sendiri tidak tahu tentang Awang kerana saya tidak tahu siapa dia Awang. Saya harap dia juga seorang lelaki macam saya dan membuktikan bahawa dia tidak takut untuk berhadapan dengan kritikan dan bersembunyi di sebalik nama samaran yang dia gunakan.

Saya juga bukan anti Dr Mahathir. Bagi saya, setakat ini beliau adalah Perdana Menteri terbaik yang saya pernah berkhidmat. Bagaimanapun, sebagai seorang bekas Perdana Menteri juga ada banyak kekurangannya. Awang sewajarnya keluar daripada peredaran masa dan berhadapan dengan hakikat bahawa saya kini berada dalam kerajaan sebagai seorang Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri dan bukan sebaliknya. Justeru, yang mengkritik kerajaan ialah Tun Mahathir dan bukan sebaliknya. Sudah tentu, sesiapa sahaja tanpa mengira siapa yang mengkritik kerajaan akan menerima serangan dalam tindakan saya mempertahankan kerajaan, sebagimana yang telah saya lakukan ketika Tun Mahathir dan Tun Abdullah menjadi Perdana Menteri.

Anonymous,  20 September 2010 at 13:30  

Dengan mengatakan begitu, saya mahu Awang mengetahui bahawa saya sentiasa tahu siapa ketua saya. Ia buka Kit Siang ataupun Anwar kerana mereka bukan Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Pengerusi BN ataupun Presiden Umno. Saya tidak pasti sama ada Awang tahu siapa ketuanya kerana dia memperkecilkan dasar 1 Malaysia yang dibawa Perdana Menteri dan mempromosikan perkauman sempit Ibrahim Ali yang sememangnya bukan ahli Umno. Awang harus bertanya pada dirinya persoalan yang dia ajukan kepada saya.

Bersopan kepada pembangkang adalah tindkaan tepat untuk diambil dalam amalan demokrasi kerana seperti saya mereka juga dipilih oleh rakyat. Sudah tentu Awang terperangkap dalam peredaran waktu masa-masa lalu di mana ahli-ahli Parlimen kerajaan bukan sahaja tidak melibatkan mereka bersama, malah membenci mereka dalam kebanyakan masa. Awang tidak akan faham perkara ini kerana dia bukan seorang ahli Parlimen yang dipilih, diletakkan di Dewan menerusi suara rakyat. Awang tidak pernah terfikir bagaimana lima Ahli Parlimen PKR boleh melompat ke kumpulan anggota bebas kalau bukan kerana kesopanan yang diperlihatkan oleh saya kepada mereka selaku Meneri Hal Ehwal Parlimen. Bilangan mereka yang melompat untuk menyertai kokus bebas telah mengatasi satu-satunya wakil rakyat tunggal dari kawasan Pasir Mas, hero orang Melayu yang diagung-agungkan oleh Awang. Umno tidak pernah meminta ataupun memerlukan Ibrahim untuk membantu kami, tetapi kerjasama dengan dia hanya akan menyebabkan kami kehilangan undi. Tun Mahathir sendiri memberitahu kami bahawa beliau telah hilang 90 peratus undi di Kota Setar Selatan yang merupakan kerusi Parlimen majoritinya orang Melayu pada 1969 di tangan Yusof Rawa, di mana dilaporkan bahawa Tun mengatakan beliau tidak memerlukan undi orang Cina. Ini adalah perkara yang perlu dibelajari daripada peristiwa itu.

Sudah tentu, Awang tidak akan faham kerana dia bukan sahaja tidak pernah menawarkan dirinya sebagai calon pilihan raya, tetapi juga pembaca tidak tahu siapa dia sebenarnya. Ahli-ahli politik macam saya, yang telah bertanding empat pilihan raya dan yang telah menang, selalunya jelas dengan apa yang kami perkatakan dan tidak semberono macam Awang. Kita perlu menghimpunkan undi tanpa mengira kaum dan kami tidak duduk di zon selesa macam Awang. Dia boleh tulis dan mengatakan apa sahaja tanpa ada rasa tanggungjawab dan secara semberono dengan menyedari bahawa dia tidak akan dihukum oleh para pengundi.

Itu sebabnya mengapa Awang, jika anda bertanya apakah agenda saya, saya merasakan setiap budak sekolah akan tahu bahawa matlamatnya ialah mahu menang dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang dan Datuk Seri Najib kekal sebagai Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Saya berharap Awang juga mempunyai agenda yang sama melainkan ketuanya adalah orang lain.

Akhirnya, saya mahu menasihatkan Awang agar berpegang pada apa yang dia lakukan dan tahu apa yang terbaik dan tidak mencampuri politik negara yang pengetahuannya jelas cetek dan sifar pengalaman. Dia harus memberi tumpuan untuk menaikkan edaran akhbarnya yang terus merosot. Kedudukan itu dengan sendiri menunjukkan prestasi dan standardnya yang rendah di mana Utusan terpaksa merujuk kepada laporan media alternatif elektronik baru sedangkan ia seharusnya bertindak sebaliknya. Itu yang sepatutnya menjadi KPI dan ukuran kejayan dia dalam bidang yang dia mendakwa dia mewakili. Saya punya sudah pasti iaitu memenangi kerusi Padang Rengas bagi BN dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang tanpa mengira sama ada saya menjadi calonnya ataupun tidak. Sehingga itu kita harus terus melihat.

Dan, bagi saya, saya adalah rakyat Malaysia terlebih dahulu dan kemudian baru saya orang Melayu. Apakah mana-mana pentaksub ada masalah dengan soal ini?

Selayang Sokong Nazri

Hakiman,  20 September 2010 at 14:00  

Nazri Aziz has matured into an elder statesman in the last few months.

Three years ago, he was Malaysia's Village Idiot.Even then, there were traces of the elder statesman that he was but somehow the divisiveness of thecorporate culture did not allow statesmanship in Nazri to be expressed fully in the public domain.

Perhaps, Nazri Aziz has woken up to the fact that Malaysians of all races are not idiots who will agree everything a leader says, be it from BN or PR.

I do hope Nazri stays on track on his current political thinking because that is exactly the mood of the country today. PERKASA is taking back the country into the dark racially divisive days of the 1960s to the 1990s nurtured by the dictatorial imperatives of the Mahathir regime.

Even when he was labeled the country's Village Idiot then, I knew he had plenty of good sense and values of decent Malaysians.

Way to go, Datuk Nazri. Kick ass when situation demands even if it means having to go against the grain of UMNO's stereotypic attitude and behaviour.

schenker78 20 September 2010 at 14:05  

If there were 5 people to choose from BN, nazri would be one of them...

Premium Business 20 September 2010 at 14:17  

Untuk menghancurkan UMNO atau UMNO itu termusnah dengan sendiri, faktor DALAMAN adalah penentu, faktor Najib seorang sahaja tidak kuat dan tidak mencukupi, faktor Rosmah juga masih setakat membantu ke arah proses tersebut tetapi beberapa faktor dan elemen lain yang kuat masih diperlukan.

Nazri sekadar kekal sebagai elemen yang mempercepatkan lagi UMNO jahanam.

PERKASA dan Mahathir adalah faktor luaran yang sekadar menakutkan orang (UMNO) yang sudah ketakutan bayang2 sendiri.

Anonymous,  20 September 2010 at 16:06  

He is fighting for his survival, politically. He still has the stigna of his son being involved in the murder of a law student at Uncle Don's oulet at Sri Hartamas. Maybe thats why he is not in favour of the death penalty.

sri hartamas

Anonymous,  20 September 2010 at 16:28  

Nazri Aziz Wyatt Earp? bukan towkay permit taxi?

Bang! Bang! Bang!

-3 Line Power-

Quiet Qespair,  20 September 2010 at 17:04  

"I think you came here to make a fight with me, and if you did you can have one right here, right now." ---Wyatt Earp

Nazri is indeed UMNO's Wyatt Earp. The admirable quality in him is his loyalty.

Not ampu bodek in words like Rais Yatim who is more into saving his own skin.

Nazri is ever ready to stick his neck out in defence of his boss.

He had served loyally under his political masters, Mahathir and Abdullah. Now he is truly loyal to the government of the day.

He and Najib go back long ways together. So their relationship are more like brothers.

Najib can always count on him to do whatever dity work Najib can't do as the number one man.

Nazri is willing to be the fall guy. He earns himself the purple heart medal for political derring-dos.

He is the only one who boldly criticized Ibrahim Ali and Perkasa while the others are ambivalent.

Even Najib is not so vocal on Perkasa. Kelantan UMNO is not stopping members from supporting Perkasa.

Nazri is alone on the issue. Let's see whether this will be his Waterloo.

The irony is once he was hated by PKR lovers. Now he's being idolized.Wow, what a U-turn.

Remember the hullaballo about the aborted Parliament new building.

All others were gushing about it too. But when it was aborted, only Nazri took the flak while others sheepishly fade away from the issue.

Wyatt Earp had the inscriptions on his tomb-stone: "That nothing's so sacred as honor and nothing so loyal as love."

Nazri deserves one too.

Ariff Sabri 20 September 2010 at 19:36  


of course i am being paid. i am paid by way of 1 unit of Porsche Cayenne just like MUkhriz is using and i also wanted an X6.
Nazri has a lot of money, so i dont think he has problem in paying me in such manner, why dont you ask him?
are you being paid to be clairvoyant? you know this article is half hearted and know i dont believe in it?

dahserikngankeris 20 September 2010 at 19:55  

sarcasm dato, u calling nazri stupid ar? heheheheh

anyways, he's just like khairy, positioning themselves, which is good if ur a tactful politician.

now if he can be politically correct on the issues of corruption, isa and osa, then that would be the day i wave an umno flag with nazri aziz's face in the middle and shout 'HIDOUPPPPPP MELAYEEEEEIU'!

those in umno should just move pass sour grapes la, support the gomen of the day, because ur politicking is whats Fffing up the country, also the x umno goons in the opposition camp, please lah....melayu bergaduh, malaysia melingkup!

as for panglima perang, dulu dr.m punya panglima anwar ibrahim, tgk ape jadi kite punya negara?

Anonymous,  20 September 2010 at 20:00  

Everybody has their strength and weakness including "wyatt Earp Nazri".I dont want to talk about the weakness.Lets focus on is strength,which has been pointed out by blogowner , dato sak.
If the strength is beneficial and can bring good to many, then whats the issue here?
Calling a spade a spade is a trait we all should have.BERANI KERANA BENAR.Dont be too accomodating.Only then those who try to cross the line will think twice before doing so.Kalu kita flip-flop and accomodate or "chin chai" then we will be done for.
Dato sak is right, and we need more people yang TIDAK TAKUT DI

p/s beware of the real threat-the slyfox!

Anonymous,  20 September 2010 at 20:26  

so subtle of you sak, nazri a rottweiler hahaha... he truly is an attack dog no more no less.

he has matured? i don't think so...he has grown older yes but grown up hell no.

if you want to find a solution you must first identify and remove the problems.
nazri is a problem to umno...get rid of him and umno is one step closer of finding a solution.


Quiet Despair,  20 September 2010 at 21:29  

It's rather laughable that PKR lovers are seriously taking Nazri's stance the last few months to hail him as Da Man.
Comments in several blogs even positioned him as future PM.
So easy ya people change tacks just hearing sweet words from Nazri.
Be careful when lavising praise on him, my brothers.
I like the old and new Nazri because he has a point of view. shrewd or otherwise.
He is a true-blue UMNO man. If he is the only odd-man out in trying to be sooo politically correct, he will capitulate.
He will revert back to the main lawan pembangkang point-man.
In the final analysis, it's his periuk nasi and his political survival that matters.

Kim Jong Ill the 4th,  20 September 2010 at 22:44  

Sak, totally agree with Nazri, PM shld stand by his defenfers and not forsake them. Reward them and they will help push the reform agenda forward. Be bold.

schenker78 20 September 2010 at 23:51  

Quiet Despair, born in USA, age 40....

why talk about nazri... just go back USA and vote obama or Palin... get lost..

Malaysia bukan tanah tumpah darahmu.... hahahaha

kau adalah Pendatang....

Anonymous,  21 September 2010 at 00:59  

Huh! Bergegar Malaysia kena lu. Ada gempa bumi ka? Ini macam pemimpin kita Malaysia mau. Lu saya undi jadi PM.

Quiet Despair,  21 September 2010 at 11:33  

Hahaha Shankar, Shankar my kid brother.
You get all hot and bothered when people ask you pendatangs to go balik Tongsan or Kerala.
Now you call me pendatang and ask me to go home to Uncle Sam.
I am a Malay and I think I'm more Malaysian than you.
I speak and write BM well. I would have served my beloved government if I have the required BM papers.
It's by accident of birth that I was not born here due to the nature of my dad's job who was posted to many countries in the world.
P.S. I am celebrating my 40th birthday on Sunday. I am inviting you to help blow the candles
40 candles are too much to snuff for someone who is turning middle-aged.

Anonymous,  21 September 2010 at 21:17  


nazri can join zaid liberal

Anonymous,  8 December 2010 at 03:40  

Hi there

Thanks for writing this blog, loved reading it

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