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Sakmongkol ak 47

Friday 8 November 2013

MendiRajakan tidak menjamin kekebalan dari kemurungan

Giving Royal Charter does not guarantee immunity from mediocrity.
Semalam semasa menyampaikan ucapan nya dalam palimen, wakil parlimen Kuala Selangor mencadangkan supaya UITM dijadikan university diRaja. Alasan nya ialah apabila diRaja dibubuh pada nama UITM, tidak ada pihak lain akan mempersoalkan kedudukan insitusi Melayu tesrebut.
Penghujjahan ini hanya datang dari golongan right wing Melayu sahaja atau dari orang yang ingin menampakkan mereka lebih Melayu dari Melayu lain. Mereka memikirkan jika menaruh istilah Raja disana, orang akan takut mengkritik dan mempersoalkan pengurusan dan prestasi UITM. Tidak ada orang yang takut.
UITM setiap tahun membelanjakan RM3 billion- adakah rakyat akan senyap jika melihat dengan perbelanjaan ini, prestasi UITM tidak memuaskan? Mereka yang public spirited dari kalangan Melayu sendiri akan mempersoalkan UITM tanpa mengira samaada terdapat kalimah diRaja dihadapan nama UITM atau tidak. Dengan wang sebanyak itu, rakyat Melayu berhak bertanya penghasilan UITM yakni melahirkan graduan Melayu yang bermutu tinggi dan ranking UITM yang baik.
Kedudukan orang Melayu tidak akan dipersoalkan- tapi jika Melayu tidak menunjukkan kredibiliti mereka, bangsa lain akan memperlekehkan orang Melayu, sama ada orang Melayu suka atau tidak.
Cadagan ini rentetan dari spin yang dijajakan oleh UMNO- yakni bangsa Melayu sedang diserang dan diancam. Seolah olah, tidak cukup lagi Melayu dominen dalam kehidupan politik dan sosial dalam negara ini. Bahkan jika orang Melayu lemah dalam bidang ekonomi, kita orang Melayu berhak bertanya apa faedah dominasi social dan politik seperti yang ada sekarang? Mungkin kelemahan ekonomi Melayu sebetulnya disebabkan oleh cara Melayu menyusun diri mereka secara social dan politik dan membaiki keadaan ekonomi memerlukan bangsa Melayu menukar penyusunan social dan politik yang ada sekarang? Social dan political setting yang ada dibentuk oleh UMNO dan pembaikan ekonomi Melayu memerlukan penolakan UMNO sebenarnya.
Agaknya, kalau prefix diRaja diletakkan didepan UITM, maka UITM akan terlindung dari serangan. Kenapa lah orang UMNO enggan menerima bahawa UMNO tidak mempunyai monopoli keatas kesetiaan bangsa Melayu?
Kesetiaan bukan lagi diperolehi dengan perintah dan penggubalan undang2-apatah lagi dengan memangkalkan sesuatu nama itu dengan kalimah diRaja. kesetiaan diperolehi dengan melayakkan diri mereka mendapatkan kesetiaan tersebut. Jika UMNO mendukong sebuah kerajaan yang rasuah dan melakukan salahlaku, orang Melayu sendiri menolak UMNO.
Jika Melayu diancam, maka pendedahan kepada ancaman tersebut dicipta oleh UMNO sendiri. Dan ancaman terbesar datang bukan dari bangsa lain, tapi dari kalangan bangsa Melayu yang meluat dengan tingkah laku UMNO. Ia datang daripada rakyat yang rasa tertipu dengan angkara durjana UMNO mengayakan segelintir Melayu yang terpilih.
Wakil parlimen Kuala Selangor ini seorang yang cerdik, tapi dalam membuat cadangan ini, penghujjahan nya kurang cerdik. Inikah cara orang Melayu mahu mengunggulkan diri mereka- yakni dengan meletakkan suatu terma didepan insitusi dan menakutkan orang lain dari mengkritik? Saya rasa, kalau prestasi UITM merudum dan ranking nya jatuh, perkara tersebut lagi mencemarkan nama Raja2 Melayu. Lama kelamaan Raja2 Melayu itu lambang mediocrity dan orang akan mentertawakan nya. MedahuluMelayukan segala nya sekarang menjadi trademark wakil rakyat UMNO nampak nya.
Apabila pemimpin UMNO memekakkan telinga inilah akibat nya. mengheret isitutusi raja Melayu kedalam suatu langkah politik akan hanya mendedahkan Raja2 Melayu kepada serangan2.
Meletakkan prefix diRaja pada UITM tidak memberikan kekebalan daripada mediocrity institusi seperti UITM. Apalagi, bila ada cadangan untuk menambah pelajar2 UITM sehingga 250,000 pelajar. Kita akan kejar kuantiti dengan mengorbankan kualiti. Matlamat kita bukan hendak menguniversitikan semua orang Melayu- matlamat kita ialah melatih Melayu mengikut kemampuan mereka. Kalau kita beri kelayakan universiti kepada pelajar Melayu yang mempunyai kemampuan SRP, ini akan merugikan bangsa Melayu pada hitung panjang. Jika kita beri percuma kelayakan kepada yang tidak layak, mereka tidak memberi sumbangan yang selari dengan diploma atau digri yang diberi.  Bila ini berlaku, maka tersematlah dalam fikiran pasaran kerja, pelajar lepasan UITM tidak berguna.
Yang menjadikan UITM itu Raja ialah kualiti pembelajaran dan pemberian latihan dalam institusi tersebut. Janganlah kita menekankan angka dan jumlah pelajar Melayu sahaja tanpa mengira mutu pelajar yang dikeluarkan.  Ini nampak nya diluahkan oleh wakil parlimen Kuala Selangor dan naib cancellor UITM. Apabila dikemukakan dengan penurunan ranking institusi pengajian, perkara tersebut diperlekehkan dan dengan sombong orang2 yang sepemikiran VC UITM mengatakan bahawa ranking pengajian tinggi tidak releven.
Prinsip nya, kita tidak boleh menggubal melalui undang2 keunggulan pelajar2 kita. Keunggulan itu dicapai melalui pencapaian akademik yang tinggi dan kelayakan yang kompetitif. Kalau kita mengeluarkan pelajar seramai 250,000 semata mata kerana mahu meramaikan graduan Melayu tapi akhirnya, mereka tidak dapat perkerjaan bagaimana? Ertinya, oleh kerana keghairahan kita menggubal undang untuk mengunggulkan pelajar Melayu, kita hantar mereka untuk disembelih.
Janganlah kita singkat pemikiran kita mahu meRajakan langkah kita dengan harapan , ianya tidak diserang. Mungkin orang UMNO ini pekak atau apa- teguran dan serangan terhadap Raja2 Melayu pun datang dari orang Melayu sendiri. Tidak sedikit orang Melayu mempersoalkkan kesahihan keturunan beberapa orang Raja Melayu menjadi Sultan dan Raja. Maka jangalah kita membayangkan, kalau UITM dijadikan university diraja, maka ianya kebal dari kritikan dan serangan pandangan.
Sesuatu jadi raja jika ia melayakkan diri nya dengan meningkatkan kredibiliti dan standing nya sebaris dengan universiti2 antara bangsa. Saya cukup yakin bahawa UITM berkemampuan menghasilkan graduan2 yang bermutu tinggi. Bahkan kalau kita lihat , kelayakan masuk kesetengah kursus amat tinggi dan hanya pelajar yang mencapai kecermelangan sahaja yang ditawarkan tempat. Jadi apa perlu pada nama diRaja didepan UITM?
Jika kita mahu mendiRajakan UITM, maka VC dan UITM mesti berkerja keras untuk meningkatkan mutu kelayakan graduan nya. dengan demikian, ianya akan membisukan segala kritkan terhadap UITM. Jangan kita jadikan UITM degree mill dan sebagai langkah dangkal mengebalkan UITM kita cadangkan ianya diRajakan.  Saya juga berharap kerana mengejar jumlah, janganlah kita kompromi kelayakan masuk pelajar2 Melayu. Punah dan musnah bangsa kita.


Anonymous,  8 November 2013 at 07:24  

Perkasa DiRaja, Ramli burger DiRaja, Burger Kaw2 DiRaja, Sate Kajang DiRaja Utusan Malaysia Diraja, Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja, Taska Permata Diraja .......

Unknown 8 November 2013 at 07:27  

Dato perasan tak yang Menteri Pengajian Tinggi kita mendapat MBA beliau dari University of New Haven yang tidak termasuk dalam senarai universities accredited by The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).

Hamdan 8 November 2013 at 07:57  

Samalah apabila passing mark bahasa inggeris di turunkan supsya nampak keberkesanan pembelajaran bahada inggeris satu ketika. Pelajar tersebut apabila diterima masuk ke pusat pengajian tinggi walaupun tak layak, tidak mampu untuk membuat presentation dalam bahasa Inggeris dan merugikan mereka dalam bentuk masa dan wang ringgit

Anonymous,  8 November 2013 at 08:08  

Selagi politik murahan meresap & menyerap minda anak2 Melayu di UiTM, selagi itu lah kualiti pelajar ketinggaln. Pelajar2 dihayak dan diangkut ke sana kemari mengikuti prog umno. Lebih baik suruh pelajar UiTM buat kajian BRIM cukup utk belanja setahun spt mana dakwaan Najib!
Status DiRaja yg diberi kpd Kastam, Polis, Askar Melayu ada tujuannya. Tetapi Suruhanjaya Diraja masih dipersoalkn byak pihak. Mengapa SPRM perlu lapor kpd Najib? Apa cite NFC selepas SPRM siap laporan ke Najib?

nick 8 November 2013 at 08:13  



One important fact that UMNO leaders and their flunkies would not want to be widely known, much less admit is that they are in a state of panic...utter panic. Why? They are panicking big time because if the trend continues, by the time of the next GE, UMNO will lose more than half of it's current Malay support (especially after the tabling of the "screw the people" budget by Najib the chicken who spends 100million flying and "" for recognition).

It is a very worrying problem for UMNO or should I say to the corrupt leaders of UMNO, that they have begun a two prong strategy to try and deceive the Malay people..again! Haven't they heard the saying "you can fool some of the people all the time but you cannot fool all the people all the time"? Well, desperate time requires desperate but tried and tested effort. UMNO ONCE again is trying to fool the people that they are the true defender of ISLAM and MELAYU". The ultimate champion no less (according to them)!

Thus the Malays were subjected to the fictitious controversy regarding the use of the word "ALLAH" and subsequently the mind numbing court ruling that on its own is quite unintelligible but add that with UMNO leaders statement trying to be both Ultra religious and became a joke that is heard all around the world. All that effort and what did UMNO get in return? An egg to their faces and worse, Malays and bumiputeras understood that UMNO cannot be trusted to defend religion because they lack the most important trait.. sincerity!

What do we expect? A party that is based on nationalistic (it's a front is more for the elite and by the elite) core will put religion first against their own interest? Not a chance! The proof? Malaysia was once known to have the biggest casino in SE Asia if not the northern hemisphere even though at the same time claiming to be an Islamic state that practices Islamic law and justice! A claim that has been repeated until this day! If not for Singapore we would have hold on to that title until now!

The establishment of that huge gambling resort is proof that UMNO will put its own interest way above religion (Islam and any religion for that matter) given that those gambling establishment are a major source of income for many UMNO leaders and more importantly they ARE the biggest contributors to UMNO election funds! Hoping that UMNO will defend Islam, the county, the Malays? The likelihood that UMNO will put Islam first and above its own interest is the same as the likelihood that UMNO leaders will declare their assets and wealth to the public. Never going to happen! Period! 2/2

nick 8 November 2013 at 08:15  

Continued ..Page2/2

The second strategy they are trying now is to sell the Malays the idea of "Malay unity" as a "cure all medicine" that will somehow make all of the Malays problem of poverty, destitution and wealth disparity between the poor and the elite rich, go away in a flash (when UMNO after 50 years in power could not even ensure ordinary Malays could afford a decent income of RM3000 and above and not beg for BR1M).

We have heard quite often now the song of unity being played by UMNO especially after 2008 and of course after 2013GE. It only come to reason that those song even though very much campy and lack certain melodic resonance in this WiFi age, will be frequently use by UMNO to try and deceive the Malays yet again to return to UMNO's fold.

Some UMNO leaders and their flunkies might even breakout in a different song. More liberal song with less campy music and more current melody but make no mistake, the intent is the same. Malay unity is good but only if it is done with UMNO. Nice try but many of us Malays remember history very well and a total and solid "unity" between mankind is impossible. Even in the time of great Islamic civilization there never was a complete and solid unity. There are always friction and faction. And there will always be disagreement between man (even between husband and wife or better yet the malay proverb explain it best "sedangkan lidah lagikan tergigit").

It is however quite interesting that the song of Malay unity was never heard or even composed when UMNO was at their height of popularity in the 80's or when TDM was discriminating against the Malay dominated govt of PAS in Terengganu and Kelantan or when UMNO was giving PAS a kick on the backside out of the coalition. At that time no one was singing about "Melayu Bersatu"! No one was crying blood that Mahathir was being cruel and discriminatory against fellow Malays and muslim in Terengganu and Kelantan. No one was crying about unity when Pas was unceremoniously kick out of the coalition!

Back then nobody was concerned that many Malays were treated unjustly by UMNO and TDM. Back then, no one was concerned that UMNO was dividing the Malays into faction and groups. Back then when UMNO was strong and powerful, no one cared an iota about MALAY UNITY! No one care and not especially UMNO leaders. BUT NOW? When UMNO is weak and on the verge of dying, UMNO is SINCERELY ADVOCATING Malay unity? SORRY! Not buying it!

A note to UMNO! Do not think that the Malays (non UMNO members) are stupid. We are quite clever and our numbers are already the majority. We are the true silent majority and we will not fall for your stupid trick on using the word ALLAH and Malay unity. We already know who are our friends and after the 2014 budget, most Malays already knows that UMNO is not a friend of the people.

Time is on our side and we will see UMNO fall and hopefully for the benefit of this country, extinct. This a democracy and if the majority wishes ultra goons or even some samseng ministers of UMNO can intimidate all of us. We will prevail and at that time we will ensure that the saying "the government should be afraid of its people and not the other way around" will be the guiding principle of the Malays..heading to a new future!


Anonymous,  8 November 2013 at 09:06  

apa punya mp la ni...aku agak sbb menipu pilihanraya maka lahirlah mp2 jenis lembu???melayu bebal sebab umno penuh dengan lanun2 melayu yg macam pandai tapi bodoh bila diajak berfikir jauh sedikit...apa yang mereka sebuk ialah berapa hasil lanunan mereka selama jadi mp????anak2 depa w/pun bodoh dapat biasiswa utk belajar di luar negeri,bila balik hidup senang lenang dady kasi projek w/pun bodoh!!!melayu terbanyak jadi tukag sorak,tepuk dan kaki pukul???

Anonymous,  8 November 2013 at 09:23  

There is an open secret that no outsiders (outside UiTM) know about & the insiders pretended NOT to know - 90% of the courses conducted in UiTM is in English!

One would thought that the prime language of instruction in this 'higher' institution is Bahasa Melayu.

Then the funny thing is that closed to 85% of the UiTM graduates have a 'D' in communication English!

What's takes?????

Here r some of the interesting facts;

1)Due to poor command of English, most the the graduates r given 'markah tambahan' to complete the course.

2)The mean passing mark has been distorted, making the normalised Bell-curve looks more like plateau with sharp central high peak. Statistician would know this as even the playing field. The key word of the umno-ers!

3)Bcoz of 1&2 above, one can expect the current 'workable' quality of the UiTM graduates. They r wayx2 behind the old UiTM graduates of the 60s & early 70s.

4)UiTM has the biggest chunk of govt cash input. That's besides the normal educational expenditure. Others special & non-transparent contributions NOT included. Yet it's wayxn behind other local universities with farx2 less govt expenditures in any international & local standings! Any wonder why it's name never appear whenever whatever lists r been mentioned?

What gives?

Perhaps these r the reasons why someone want to 'MendiRajakan' UiTM. Bcoz in their simple mind (??), anything to do with the Raja CANNOT be questioned in Bolihland.

Even when everyone is been cheated openly!

The Bottom 40%-ners included, while a large section of the middle 40%-ners r its products. Forget about the top 20%-ners. Their children is 'too good' to be the UiTM graduates. Moreover, to them it's a known fact that UiTMers r 'No Standard'. Fit for blur-sotongs to be used as tools.

Anonymous,  8 November 2013 at 13:08  

Is UiTM fully sponsored by Umno? They seem to think so don't they?

Anonymous,  8 November 2013 at 14:32  

Let them propose to decree UITM as DIRAJA. In fact anyone can propose anything these days in Parliment. No need to debate on the reason..waste of time debating it.

I was reading Nick comment on the UMNO and his 'reading' of the 2 prong strategist... another waste of time..if UMNO is panicking they would have change the whole UMNO line-up in the last PAU.

How can dead party be panicking?

Anonymous,  8 November 2013 at 14:39  

Mentaliti Najib yg rendah & pendek akal telah meresap di kepala pemimpin bawahannya. Najib suka melaung2kn perubahan & nak popular cepat. Najib menolong anak umno Kelantan yg tercicir dlm SPM & dikerahnya masuk UiTM. Najib menolong anak2 peneroka yg lemah dlm SPM & meminta Limkokweng bantu. Lalu diasingkn anak2 peneroka ini dgn pelajar asing dgn tujuan bole dpat Diploma cemerlng. Kosnya sudah tentu mahal & Najib melaungkn anak Melayu sudah berjaya taraf dunia bercampur gaul pelajar asing di Cyber Jaya. Memang handal Najib bab2 mengumum!
Najib pentingkn kuantiti. Biar lebih asal bergaya. Biar mahal tali dari beruk, mcm Najib bentang bajet. Permata dpat bajet mewah sehebat ofis Najib. Hasil blkg kira, org bising lain cite, rakyat komplain BRIM ada...

Anonymous,  8 November 2013 at 15:04  

Bukan ke bagus pemimpin UMNO desak si Najib menjadikan Majlis Fatwa DiRaja? Bila tambah perkataan ini tiada siapa bole bantah kalau ada ketetapan sesuatu hukum Islam. Contohnya majlis bole beri nasihat pemerintahan yg adil, belanja hemah, tanggngjwab pemimpin, bayar zakat harta, dsb. Setidak2nya majlis bole menegur Najib boros, amaran kpd perasuah dll...

walla 8 November 2013 at 21:47  

U: Any development?
B: Nein.
U: That bad, huh?
B: Kaput.
U: Give her time.
B: You don't know her.
U: Wait a minute. By development, i meant progress of our Malays.
B: Mistake.
U: Why do you say that?
B: Because you are trying to be exclusive.
U: And why is that so wrong?
B: Don't be naive. We are all inter-dependent. The four musketeers we are, through thick and thin. Mostly thin these days, though.
U: And who be you?
B: D'Artagnan, of course. The swashbuckling and handsome one.
U: Oh, i must have been dense somewhere.
B: Don't worry. You'll come around.
U: So how do we help our Malays, i mean Malaysians?
B: You need an ecosystem for development.
U: Let me annotate that.
B: Note carefully i said ecosystem. I didn't say egosystem. Which incidentally is what is propagated by Umno.
U: Point taken.
B: Like all other race-based programs and projects, Uitm was originally meant to provide our Malays means to an education to lift them out of poverty.
U: But?
B: But poverty is a macrosocial problem in two dimensions. One, a global problem caused by global forces over which few can take cover from. Two, a local problem which can only be solved by incremental and sustained effort.
U: You mean?
B: I mean we can take steps to insulate ourselves as a nation against the global problem if we understand that what is important is not to depend on our natural resources but to build upon our natural resourcefulness which if you think about it is the only antidote anywhere in the world against global problems.
U: I see. But the local problem?
B: That's where the Umno government has blundered. It embedded Malay exclusivity as a reaction to its perception that the others were making better progress predicated on asset wealth alone.
U: But assets are a sure sign of wealth, no?
B: No. They are just one of five essential things one must have in order to fight local poverty which will abate when people become self-reliant and leverage on all the five factors in one go.
U: What are the other four factors?
B: Institutional, social, human and organizational.
U: By institution, you mean something like UiTM?
B: No. By institution, i mean something that provides stability and meaning to social life.
U: Such as?
B: Faith, values, motivation.
U: And social?
B: Relationships with others. In this case, other Malaysians.
U: And human?
B: Knowledge and skills. See how education is now only one out of five?
U: Hmm, and organizational?
B: How we coordinate all together in a certain direction. That's also why i am repulsed by divisiveness. It's draining of the motive force needed for nation-building.
U: But without education, job and money, how to accumulate assets in order to ordain wealth so as to abate poverty?

walla 8 November 2013 at 21:48  


B: Remember, the market, whether global or local, is always an ecosystem. On the other hand, the Umno brand of exclusivity is merely an elitist egosystem. See how their politicians use taxpayers money to bribe and taunt voters who have already seen how the same money has already been siphoned until today Najibnomics is running on vaporware because the rate of money coming in is slowing down but the rate of money going out is accelerating with the only recourse left as ponzi and spin. Exactly what you see today.

So i ask you back. If the ecosystem is against racial exclusivity, how can any program or project to be implemented in it make real headway and sustain itself in that ecosystem which only operates by self-reliance?
U: But our Malays have come up compared to where they were before, no?
B: It depends on what you mean by progress. It's like climbing the stairs. You need extra effort as you go higher because earlier effort has already expended your original store of energy. Another way of seeing it is quantum leap. You need an exact amount of a specific energy in order to break the barrier to the next higher level. Those who are less endowed with that energy level need all the help they can get from others. That's why cooperation and unity are important and ultra-ism is out.
U: But what about exclusivity in the others?
B: Be honest. Trace your own line of thought when you asked that question. How did you conclude that the others were exclusive? They worked hard and earned their wealth and built on that, whether it be money or knowledge or relationships. Did they steal from anyone? Did they not pay their taxes and obey the law as good citizens and tried to be friendly and collegial? Your deeming them exclusive was only to create a reason to excuse your own exclusive policies, no? In any case, who can blame them when the only thing they have gotten was the destruction of the fullest potential of entire generations which otherwise would have helped lift this common nation out of its present mire. Yes?
U: What else can i say?
B: Me neither. Whether royal or loyal makes no difference if the five factors are not cohered towards self-reliance. And you know why there is no coherence?
U: Why?
B: Nothing in life coheres when one loses the moral conscience of not wanting to benefit at the expense of others.

maae 8 November 2013 at 22:00  

UITM memang untuk anak-anak Melayu. Ia lahir dari orang-orang politik Melayu yang berjiwa dan memiliki kesedaran mengharung masa depan.

Kini ia telah terbukti. Graduan lepasan UITM, sebelum nya ITM sebelum nya ITK , di terima baik dalam pasaran pekerjaan. Tidak kurang juga yang berjaya dalam perniagaan, rata-rata nya dulu setakat diploma. Malah UITM menaikkan gred advance diploma (amalan ITM dulu) di iktiraf Ijazah.

Dalam masa yang sama UM yang di terajui Bukan Melayu, rata-rata tenaga pengajar dalam kalangan bukan melayu, terutama kejuruteraan, telah begitu ghairah menggagalkan Melayu Cemerlang. Ibarat barah. Dalam kuasa mereka, Melayu di 'downgraded' kan. Mustahil mereka tidak bijak dan berjaya menapak di UM. Alam pendidikan telah merubah Kerajaan menghantar anak-anak Melayu bijak di taja biasiswa penuh kerajaan melanjutkan pelajaran di luar negara. Waktu saya dahulu, hampir kesemua di tawarkan tempat yang di iktiraf. Mereka balik dan bekerja dengan Petronas yang baru, LLN dan institusi kerajaan lain yang memerlukan tenaga kepakaran mereka. Kini, setakat PHD, ramai yang telah di hasilkan. Sebahagian nya lulusan ITM (UITM).

Prestij UITM untuk anak-anak Melayu. Semoga kerajaan tidak jemu dengan memperkasakan UITM. Ini salah satu ' trademark'. Ia umpama jenama Politeknik Terkenal ( tak perlu saya sebut ) di US, sehingga sekarang.

Jangan sesekali menghancurkan JENAMA UITM. Datuk juga tidak ingin melihat nya punah di depan mata, seperti artikel yang di tulis. T. Kasih.

Greenbug 9 November 2013 at 02:37  

Putting a "DiRaja" for UiTM is like "menghalalkan yang haram" to protect anything wrong from being scrutinized or analysed. Malays will continue to lose out if they adopt this exclusivity.

Just look at the comments posted by maae at 22:00 on 8 Nov 2013. Blaming poor performance of students at the engineering department in UM on non-Malay lecturers victimizing these students, how pathetic. The truth is the Malay students in the Engine Fact in UM have poor foundation in subject matter and command of English, to actually excel in their studies.

Non-Malays get into Engine Fact with at least 3 principal As and 2 Bs, Malays get in with much less. With such vast difference at the starting line, can we expect Malay students to top the non-Malay students?

Anonymous,  9 November 2013 at 04:49  

MIT please LAH on the basis of repulsive exclusiveness in terms of its distinguished faculty members and brilliant students intake from the cream of the crops in India to Malaysia to Euro ? As a young Malay, both my far - sighted parents had neither encouraged nor have i wanted to learn in such a narrow minded exclusiveness and self - entitlement academic setting at the expense of causing divisiveness and denying others' rights to education (!?). And denying self in seeking the best quality of knowledge, having intense academic discource with multiracial lecturers, professors and varsity mates, working and reapplying knowledge on projects, carrying out research both independently and in collaboration with the best of fellow Malaysians.

The brains of any nations will not not want to subject themselves to studying in complacency in any of our "exclusive" local universities. There are options in developed neighboring countries or beyond, no ? More of a feudalist kind of menara gading rhino aka stalin big brothers with More Equal rights in George Orwell's world - renowned masterpiece whereby mollies eat sugar from fat palms. And boxers -rakyat biasa punah bila tenaga serta keringat muda habis diperah.

Welcome to the reality of life predestined by Umno Diraja serta Melayu ekslusif aka elit bertentangan dengan ajaran sebenarnya dalam agama - do things Right and Just at all times according to ones' obedience in demonstrating His attributes as a way of life, no ? Cease bluffing self and others.

Anonymous,  9 November 2013 at 06:58  

Perhaps in the span of 15 to 18 years, the instant citizens will masuk universiti- universiti tempatan kita and demand scholarships on the basis they are Melayu and having embraced the religion. Hence I would highly recommend them to enrol in the exclusive UITM DiRaja, MCKK, RMC and Mara boarding schools. Definitely Malays will predominantly obtain first class from A to Z majors.

Here I would also like to extend sincere thanks to the brilliant author of the phrase “polaroid citizens” which was used once, rcently; sorry without obtaining prior permission; after nearly two years of safe guarding them. Terima Kasih.

Anonymous,  9 November 2013 at 07:46  

Ye..YB Datuk Arif,

Apa sangat ada pada nama, yang memperkasakan dan terkenal nya Universiti atau IPT itu adalah apa yang di hasilkan, yakni Graduan nya , hasil R&D nya, publikasinya malahan tenaga pengajar nya yang berkualiti lagi maha cerdik pandai. Instutusi dan pemimpin IPT memfokus kepada pendidikan, pembelajaran dan R&D not for sake for research tapi berpijak kepada bumi yang nyata, bukan nya berpolitik dan bermain politik. Pada saya prudak yang di hasilkan yang penting bukan kepada nama atau Brand, jadi tak perlu mendiRajakan semua.


Lihat saja buah pemikiran dalam wacana isu tertentu dalam Astro Awani, tv 3 , tv 1 dan Bernama TV tak nampak perbezaan dari segi penghujahan yang dilontar oleh,yang bernama P, PU, PM,.

Soal nya kita mementing sangat nama itu dan ini. Apa yang penting nya produk...produk itu yang dinilai oleh massa lebih-lebih lagi dalam kntek negara kita yang berbilang bangsa , agama dan budaya.

Lain dulu lain sekarang, dulu sikit sekarang melambak, dulu aliran sains dinanti sekarang merintih nak kerja.masa dah berubah.pengisian penting.

Anonymous,  9 November 2013 at 10:59  

In the years, not long ago, our Malay brains from local universities are of great substance and character, on par with fellow Malaysians.

Mungkinkah satu sebab yang tak boleh dinafikan - ramai adalah by-products of mission schools whose faculty members are top – notch, accepting to teach us Malays the best like to their own without partially, these distinguished multiracial educators had produced top notch normal minded Malay brains – only they have that Grace to do what many so called teachers in the local schools could not produce in the past 15 years, but causing more rifts and contentions – patutlah punah system pendidikan negara. Apalah sgt dengan matrikulasi sedangan anak2 elit Melayu dah enrol dalam International Baccalaureate (IB) in exclusive international schools here and abroad ? In preparation of inheriting the reign of the decade UMNO regime ? Please check the intensity of IB out and make an honest comparison to the matriculation syllabus.

I must address that some mature non Malays and outstanding Malay brains with character those with Haris Ibrahim or Dr. Azly’s type of DNA will certainly not suffer from personal head damage having attaining IB catch the drift?
It is just another brand with enhanced substance, but again, perhaps, it is just a hype, if you ask fellow top contemporaries aka student brains from developed western countries, sitting alongside us during lectures; not even Taiwanese brains unlike Korean kinases and some Singaporeans who go to their temples to ask for divine intervention over SAT or IB testings.

I certainly agree with the real brains - Sak, Walla, I bring up their names with due respect; the young Nick, Greenbug and the new brain,“ soal nya kita mementing sangat nama itu dan ini. Apa yang penting nya produk...produk itu yang dinilai oleh massa lebih-lebih lagi dalam kntek negara kita yang berbilang bangsa,agama dan budaya. ”

Yes, Nothing beats quality, deep convictions in giving back to society in equality upon graduation even from our local universities, it is honest truth with eternity value. But are we modern Malays, outside UMNOO willing to let those “ closed - minded teachers hiding behind the charades of agama and bangsa- graduates from sek pondok aka sek gua Perkasa“ to continue enslaving us in the age of darkness and auction off our martabat and barricade us from illuminating the pathway to learning and working alongside young fellow Malaysians in sek - sek keb, universiti- universiti local, in harmony without spewing insane racial slurs and prejudice against them, buat malu lebih je, so juvenile ! Or these sek will reap the fruits of their injustice - semua yg keluar adalah half past six, tom, ali and hartonos.

Let’s ponder this text below by Rev Lawrence Andrew and be honest about it, “…. back in the old days, the Malay and Muslim community had no issue with the use of the word by non-Muslims. He said it was accepted, in the same way the community accepted the Chinese, Indians and Europeans who came to Malaya before Independence.

"They were all friends. Just ask your grandparents, in the old days, they would sit together and chat while drinking tea and eating nasi lemak with the Chinese and Indians, without any racial or religious disharmony."

"They would also visit each other's homes. Back then, my Malay friends would come to my house and we would eat together, but now Muslims do not want to visit the homes of non-Muslims." Rev Lawrence Andrew.

The ending text certainly pulls a cord, it doesn’t ?? Then ones must be spiritually dead, punah.

Ai say keep on inviting us, don't give up on us, thousands of Malays are real good and decent, I for one, will not only makan nasi lemak, nasi biru with fellow Malaysians, but I will reciprocate likewise - belanja you makan simple but sedap - sedap, it has never been an issue, neither will it ever be.

nick 9 November 2013 at 11:20  

As an ex-student of ITM (long before it was mutated into UiTM), I'm saddened with the falling standard of its graduates. It used to be that ITM student are much sought after because of its students high standard of written and conversational English but now, most of them are avoided like the plague by MNC.

We might ask what happen but can we blame the decline of standard when UMNO hijacked it and filled its policy makers and academic staff with UMNO friendly "scholar" who are at best "kangkungs" and nothing else! Most of those staff are sycophants and many do not know how to use their own brain let alone utilize rational thinking in teaching young minds. And to expect UiTM to be a top notch university...Fat chance!

When mediocrity sets in, standards will fall. We all know the reason for that! Just like everything in this country, when UMNO touches it with its corrupt fingers... bad thing will happen. Just like everything else fall apart when UMNO is involved. UiTM is going the same way as KUB and all other enterprises that was taken over by UMNO... total ruin! It just a matter of time for this country to be destroyed too. As long as UMNO is in charge, we are all doomed! Abandon ship or throw the captain over board? Let decide carefully in the next GE, shall we!


Anonymous,  9 November 2013 at 12:03  


‘Graduan lepasan UITM, sebelum nya ITM sebelum nya ITK , di terima baik dalam pasaran pekerjaan.’

Kalau majang tu, mengapa umemployment yg terlalu tinggi di antaara graduan Melayu? Yg mereka tu, semua dikelarkan dari univeriti lain kan?


‘Dalam masa yang sama UM yang di terajui Bukan Melayu, rata-rata tenaga pengajar dalam kalangan bukan melayu, terutama kejuruteraan, telah begitu ghairah menggagalkan Melayu Cemerlang. Ibarat barah. Dalam kuasa mereka, Melayu di 'downgraded' kan.’

CB, Melayu yg di 'downgraded' kan.’? Hal tu dialih olih kuasa bosan diri sendiri, Markah buta di tambah. Passing mean di ‘adjusted’ kan supaya lebih banyak graduan kangkong dapat di luluskan.

Teaching tak pandia, tapi memainkan statistic Gaussian distribution cemerlang! Pariah!

Memang banyak anak-anak Melayu bijak di taja biasiswa penuh kerajaan melanjutkan pelajaran di luar negara. Tapi, lebih banyak yg di hantar luar negeri adalah caronX2 yg known-who, tapi otak kosong.

Recently, TNB incurred a lot in foreign exchange of close to RM600M. Just imagine iff the ‘brain’ in TNB/Govt can ‘think’ then they would have hired some FX expert ( ingat EXPERT, bukan kangkong known-who paper-pushing, OK?) at RM10M a year to remove this predicted loses. What’s 10 in 600? Cant do the business calculation? Then why r u sitting at the money side of a monopolistic business?

This businesses sustain NOT bcoz they have good people. Most of the time they just made do with the momentum of monopolistic force & gigantic size in company setup. It would die, given time. Remember, Renong? Bank Bumiputra? MAS?

And who r the people behind these organization?? Cases like these r NOT alone!!!!

Here, they r – ‘Mereka balik dan bekerja dengan Petronas yang baru, LLN dan institusi kerajaan lain yang memerlukan tenaga kepakaran mereka. Kini, setakat PHD, ramai yang telah di hasilkan. Sebahagian nya lulusan ITM (UITM).’

‘UITM. Ini salah satu ' trademark'. Ia umpama jenama Politeknik Terkenal ( tak perlu saya sebut ) di US, sehingga sekarang.’

Dulu, seketika masa memang ITM dikenalkan seperti MIT. Tapi, pangiran tu diperhentikan bila MIT yg original tu hantar surat loyar kepada ITM. Sebab jenama Politeknik Terkenal tu rasa MARU yg ada sedikit nubongan dengan ITM.

Tau tak?

Anonymous,  9 November 2013 at 15:34  

Our public education in the 60s and 70s was a good foudation for national integration and nation building.

That was destroyed by decades of experiment by grossly incompetent politicians, instead of building from what we have achieved so far.

Other great institutions suffered the same fate.

Anonymous,  9 November 2013 at 16:00  

Bravo Nick, Bravo Nov 9 2013, 12:03 !!

kaangkoong ! tanpa belacan - premium dish at Mdm Kwan's hahaha.

Anonymous,  9 November 2013 at 17:04  

Realizing aspirations by Jabatan Perdana Menteri

Look at the advertisements below placed in the Star, Sat Nov 9, 2013.

Position 1 Peneraju Skil - Juruteknik Pesawat Berlesen
Position 2 Peneraju Profesional – Jurutera Pesawat Berlesen
Only open to Malaysian Bumiputera ?

Academic Qualifications: Minium grade C in BM, English, Math and Physics for Position 1
whilst minimum grade B in the required subjects for Position 2.

The big question is why the discrimination against fellow Malaysian youth in such a critical field which involves invaluable human lives, ( maut mengenal bangsa ke ? ) safety and big investments in aircrafts!?? What a bodoh policy ?!

Should be rephrased as Realizing Prejudice & Discrimination by Jamb_ _ Perdana Menteri.

Anonymous,  12 November 2013 at 12:08  

Dato, apa tidaknya tengoklah UiTM dimana mana pun kita lihat penubuhannya demi untuk mengkayakan kroni sahaja apabila dikalangan mereka kerugian contoh mereka ada bangunan dan bangunan tak dapat keluarkan hasil hutang kena bayar!!!? jadinya tiada pilihan lain selain kemudian mereka akan serahkan kepada MARA untuk dibuat UiTM

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