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Sakmongkol ak 47

Sunday 28 July 2024

Further notes to the white feather article. Tales by an unknown Malaysian. No. 8

1. Declaring the 6 seats as not vacant and therefore there will be no by elections, is a bad strategy.

2. It is a bad strategy because you have interrupted the enemy, PN from making mistakes which would otherwise diminished PN.

3. By declaring that there will be no by elections, you have # you have robbed us an opportunity to say PN is a bloody hypothetical party. # you have robbed us the opportunity to say PN practises political infanticide. # you have prevented natural forces from inflicting immeasurable loss to UMNO.

4. Didn't PN carry out the Sheraton move where it betrayed the 2nd che Det government and caused it's downfall?

5. Back then betrayal was a virtue, a means necessary to gain control. Now when it itself is betrayed, betrayal is a sin.

6. Where got road like this. PN moves from virtue to sin effortlessly.

7. The only thing that can explain the bizzare and erratic behavior of PN is that it is a hypocritical party.

8. We can't believe a hypocrite party can we? Betrayal is in in DNA.

9. Now you can't say all those nasty things about PN as in during elections can we? Because the ubi kayu speaker has ruled that they won't be any by elections. The PM has accentuated that idiocy with a childish riposte. The Renaissance man is not bright after all, is he?

10. Don't listen to lawyers' narratives about the act. One lawyer can say X and another Y. The world doesn't revolve around them. Conflicting views by lawyers means the issue is not settled. You can ignore them .

11. You make a judgment call on it. If it's contested let it be done in court by the force of arguments and not just theatrics and empty assertions.

12. What does it matter if the acts were incorporated in a party's constitution before or after GE15. What is more important is the intent of the act, not when it's dated . If one can say it's not retrospective, you can also say it's prospective. Let the court decides .

13. When the ubi kayu speaker says that the seats are not vacant and there shall be no ensuing by elections, only there can be erections, he is actually shielding PN from being hentam by us to our heart's contents.

14. PN would have make mistakes if the seats are declared vacant but the speaker has interrupted the enemy from doing so. Obviously he has not read Napoleon nor did Nana Non.

15. What do you make of PNs intention to have by elections, err erections? It is practising political infanticide. Killing its own children to secure power at all costs .

16 . It's a Party you cannot trust, greedy and rapacious like catfish-mouthed mahiadin. Can we trust this kind of party to lead us?

17. What is PN anyway? It's an unholy alliance of a wannabe LPG dealer with a party of ularmaks from party ajaran sonsang and a party of a village grocer to wash their bottoms.

18. It really is a spectre haunting us and must be exorcised from our lives.

19. Why LPG dealer? An LPG dealer sells gas right? Gas is used for gaslighting. Gaslighting is an English term meaning preying and manipulating the emotions of people in order to make them follow our bidding.

20. Isn't that what UMNO has been doing all this while? Gaslighting? Preying and manipulating the emotions of the Malays in particular?

21. Terrifying, scaring and instilling irrational fearfulness in the Malays that the nons would overwhelm them. That despite the fact that in a few years time Malays would form 80% of the population? Sheesh!

22. Terrifying and scaring Malay Muslims that the nons have a christianizarion agenda ignoring the fact that most of the time, Islam is threatened from within. Scaring Malays that the government is controlled by DAP. Bollocks!

23. Thinking that their own loyalty to Malay kings is undisputed when compared to the loyalty of the nons. Never in the history of Malay sultans, have the institution being destroyed by the disloyalty of the nons. Except in the case of si kitol during the Malacca Sultanate and that probably happed after he bribed some Malay officials who claimed their loyalty is unquestioned. Bull!

24. This is what UMNO has been doing for over 60 years. So, PN in imitating what UMNO is doing, IE gaslighting is just a wannabe LPG dealer. Let it contest for this uneviable title with UMNO.

25. Again, we won't be able to say these things because the ubi kayu speaker has actually shielded PN from demonisation.

26. It's a minus point, that PKR in particular, doesn't have a Cao Cao character in its ranks, with a devellish and devious mind thinking how to stay in power while weakening it's enemies.

27. Wouldn't it be an opportunity to let PN deliver a 6-0 loss to UMNO had by elections allowed to take place? Then PKR would never have to do anything but watch UMNO being pulverized? PKR should have carried out its own DNAA - do nothing at all and just tengok UMNO be massacred. Then ' it would borrow someone's knife, to kill an enemy'. I doubt the speaker has read the 36 strategems.

28. Many of us feel that the speaker has made an unwise decision. He should have applied DNAA - do nothing at all and allowed PN to be condemned as a hypocritical , greedy and untrustworthy party. Strategically, he should have allowed PN to deal a mortal blow to UMNO. It's now a wasted opportunity.


Wednesday 24 July 2024

White Feather in parliament. Tales by an unknown Malaysian. No. 7

1. The conduct of the speaker over the party hopping issue is ignominious. I thought that total disregard of public odium could never be surpassed until I heard the PM's comment on the issue .

2. When the PM said that it's the fault of Bersatu, that the seats occupied by the 6 Benedict Arnolds could not be declared vacant, I think that that was a not so clever statement.

3. The speaker can insert a white feather in the speakers songkok and Anwar can wear a bandana also with a white feather inserted .

4. The white feather is of course a symbol of cowardice and that is what it represents by the conduct of the ubi kayu speaker and Nana Non.

5. The gol dan gincu and the grandfather bicycle in the office rider can deny all he wants that it's not cowardice, but people can see the farce. It IS cowardice!

6. The idiocy of the statement by the ubi kayu speaker is superseded only by the lunacy of Nana Nons State. To the ordinary man, the literal intention of the anti hopping act is clear .

7. The intention of the act is to ensure that MPs who fundamentally disagree or don't toe party principles must resign their post. That will allow elections to take place

8. If a minister disagrees fundamentally with the PM, he ought to resign doesn't he? That's the principle of cabinet collective responsibility. Similarly if an MP doesn't toe party lines he ought to resign. Let's call it party collective responsibility.

9. It's not for the speaker or PM to frustrate the intention of the Act by verbal gymnastics or manipulations. If the oppose the act as parliamentarians, they ought to be referred to the rights and privileges committee. This is because they do so with malice aforethought

10. The only concussion we can deduce from their contumulious acts , is that want to avoid PH and PKR in particular from suffering a 6 telur trashing.

11. Are you not scornful of their cowardly conduct?

12. It's not the business of the ph government to interfere into the affairs of opposition parties using constitutional constructs. The act ought to be given its intention. It's not there to wash the speakers bottom .

13. If today, the UMNO presideng decides to expel it's maniacal youth head, we wouldn't care would we? Like Napoleon said, if the enemy makes mistakes we wouldn't interrupt. UMNO wants to implode , let's ease them!

14. Hip hip hooray, belts off , pants down, dicks out, isn't life's a scream?

15. If that were to happen to UMNO, I would do the mission impossible thing, walk away from the destructive tape

16. As to the infamous 6, the scoundrels, the urchins don't you be gloating. Don't count your chickens before the eggs are hatched. Or the Malays say, don't pour water from the earthen jar upon hearing the thunder .

17. The betrayal to your party reveals your true nature. You are men with no honour, amour-propre and are a distrustful lot.

18. When you don't toe the line of your your party, you cease to be a member of your party. Effectively you have self expelled yourself. We say self expelled to stop these now proven degenerate people from saying they are expelled from the party by others . Stop them from saying they are passive victims .

19. Without the enabling structure which allows you to become MP no longer exists, it behooves you to vacate your position as MP.

20. Vacating their positions as MP is the right thing to do. Even an idiot knows to differentiate between what is right and wrong. Lets not talk about honour and dishonor. For by now, it's obvious that the infamous 6 have none.

21. Don't be saying your betrayal is justified because you put the welfare of the people in your constituency first. That doesn't make your betrayal any nobler. Besides the other MPs will say the same thing

22. Ali baba stole and perhaps helped destitutes. But he stole. Robbin hood stole from the rich and helped the poor. So, that is the myth. But he stole. Najib stole from SRC and claimed he helped orphans, widows and single mothers. The act of stealing does not become virtuous. Similarly he plundered through 1MDB and gave some to UMNO people and BN parties. These doesn't make his plundering any nobler , does it?

23. The same principle applies to the betrayal of the 6 scoundrels. Claiming they did what they do because of some gratuitous care of the people is so farcical. And securing such by declaring support for your opponent which is so fundamentally against your own party, is unconscionable and shameless.

24. In truth, these 6 idiots are privileged and entitled scumbags. They feel entitled to change party as and when they so feel like to. They view the services they provide as MPs as a privilege to the people. Plus they are dishonorable.

25. If they betrayed PN, they can also betray PH. In the end they are trusted by none. The people ought to be weary of them. Their loyalty is fluid, whimsical and ephemeral.

26. The 2 protagonists in the party hopping saga are PH and PN. PH is sending the wrong Message. It's encouraging and celebrating, not pragmatic support but opportunistic support secured through the acts of betrayal

27. The underhanded support for the acts of betrayal, shows that PH is an unprincipled, unscrupulous and an opportunistic political grouping. It shows that PH is an expert in turning over .

28. The party hopping episode is particularly scandalous to PKR in particular. It's not beneath using underhanded means to secure what turns out to be a phyrric victory. It damages the esteem of PKR more.

29. In securing that temporary triumph, pH and in particular PKR, shows its more into form than substance. A party doing that shows its incapable of delivering substantial's and instead focuses on image building to hide it's deficiencies.

30. PN of course will make political capital of PH's political faux pas, telling all sorry of unproven narratives and lies. The solution is to bring the matter to court. Admittedly they will profit from PH's faux pas.

31. The ubi kayu speaker has made an interpretation of the law. He may have erred. The final arbiter is the court. This is where PN should go , instead of gas lighting the public on this issue.

32. I used the term ubi kayu not as a symbol of people's resilience but a symbol bringing derogatory connotations. It means imbecilic, stupid, idiotic , useless and many more.

33. It pains me to speak ill against allies; I have been to ceramah at Sungai petani a few times as I did with the PM on a number of occasions. But this is something wrong I feel PKR has committed and I would be remiss in my duty to not speak honestly about this.

34. They may revile and despise me now but I don't give 2 hoots about's no skin off my nose. In the words of a famous poet:- Aku ini binatang jalang Dari kumpulannya terbuang Biar peluru menembus kulitku Aku tetap neradang menerjang

Luka Dan duka kubawa berlari berlari

Hingga hilang pedih peri

Dan Aku akan lebih tidak peduli

Aku mau hidup seribu tahun lagi!


Wednesday 10 July 2024

Sungai Bakap. PH's shattered dreams. Tales by an unknown Malaysian. No. 6

1. I interrupt my articles on the Najib issue. Here are my comments on the Sungai bakap election. I hasten to add that I don't give a damn as to how you see the comments. I'll be brutally Frank. The opinions expressed here are my own anyway.

2. Like Lee Kuan Yew said,' I am not interested to be politically correct, I want to be correct.

3. When someone said that Nana Non has got 3 years to avoid ending like mapilay Rishi sunak, that upsets me.

4. The comparison to Rishi sunak is unfair, farcical and even hypocritical.

5. Dei thamby- Rishi ji, is a British Indian, an aney,Macha and a mapilay . The British conservative leaders set aside the question of race and chose Rishi as PM.

6. Here, race is the cornerstone of every decision. The mere mention of non Malay, especially a Chinese and a DAPig occupying an important ministerial post will spark mindless hue and cry from the Malays, especially from UMNO fascists.

7. PKR in particular is really using UMNO to say publicly what it won't. UMNO is the useful idiot, PKR is the string puller.

8. Sunak is the first British Asian, read thamby to become Britain's PM . Since it does not bother Nana Non, he is the first ex con to be PM of our nation. And perhaps Anwar too has Indian DNA. Is his name really is Anwar bin Ebraheem?

9. A lot of people voted for change. Anwar represented a change agent. But apparently not enough people voted for change. A substantial number were weary of UMNOs master race and fascist politics. I said the number wasn't enough, for the decadent and discredited party still remains. What worries us, is that party has wormed itself as part of the government.

10. Anwar's longevity as a symbol of change depends on whether he has broken the faith people have in him and whether he has fulfilled many of the promises he made .

11. To many of the people in Sungai bakap he is just a charlatan. The PN won by more than 4000. 53% of Chinese and 42% Indian voters did not come out to vote. Out of the 70% Malay voters, a majority of them think of him as an auta.

12. Almost half of the 39,000 voters in Sungai bakap were and still are just weary of his cakap tak serupa bikin. They showed that in the vote pattern.

13. The first mistake PH made was to invite the party that symbolizes fascism and corruption, UMNO to campaign in Sungai bakap.and not cognizant of that perception against the party, one fellow said that the reason they lost was because Najib, the embezzler in chief isn't freed.

14. We won't fall for that dirty trick. PN who won majority Malay support didn't campaign on the Najib issue. And because of this annoying regard of the Najib factor will cause PH to lose. People find it obnoxious that justice to Najib means to completely free him. That's balderdash!

15. People will respect PH more if it removes the pardon and rubbish -binned the house arrest request. And restore the 47 charges against the Javanese neanderthal.

16. When people voted for PH, they voted for a renewal of this country and a move away from politics to public service. When the gap between the sacrifices people made and the service given to them by politicians actually widens, people become angry.

17. 30% of the Malays, 42% of the Indians and 53% of the Chinese who did not vote reminded Anwar:- * Not to break the faith people have in him as a real change agent * Fulfill many of the promises you made. * Narrow the gap between public service and the actions of politicians. * Jettison UMNO off PH.

18. Let me remind Nana Non that change requires action not words. The artful rendition, mesmerize and intoxicate people with words about a certain topic and giving it the name Madani, is no substitute for real service.

19. Sure, we know that change is not like putting off and on the switch. It requires time but you must start yesterday. You must be up and running from the word go. No 100 day recess and no honeymoon period.

20. Like a friend used to say, even when you want to take a piss you need time too. You've got to unzip your pants, take our your dick and point it to the bidet and urinals. Except in anwars case, kita yang Kena kencing.
21. Honeymoon period, holidays soirée and jamborees are for the kaki enjoy who will sing their hearts out , the songs Azizah or Kuch Kuch Hota Hai.

22. To avoid ending like Rishi sunak, Nana Non has to re-set the country in many ways.

23. You can do all the introspection you want. You can even used magnifying glasses to see what you have done wrong and be honest admitting them. But I am afraid if you use superpower full magnifying and accidentally look downwards, you may faint.

24. I am afraid if you carry out self introspection, you will not be truthful. You will mistake the woods for the trees. You will tend to over rationalise. Accordingly, you need a person outside looking in. To be brutally frank and tell you candidly and with candour.

25.what is Nana Non's vision for Malaysia?

  • To turn Malaysia into a high income country and to carry out fairer income distribution thereafter? *To turn Malaysia into an economic dynamo?
  • To lower the cost of living?
  • To attain food security and sufficiency?
  • To build first class educational, social, build affordable housing for working class people?
  • Build excellent health and transport facilities
  • Make Malaysia a harmonious and multi racial country with shared prosperity?
  • Etc.

26. * Safer streets and secure borders? #excellent public service with efficiency, honesty and integrity?

27. Most importantly, a belief n the people that if they worked hard and play by the rules, this government will make way that they go on . The people who didn't vote in Sungai Bakap didn't think so?

28. The government must build the infrastructure of opportunity and make people believe in that system. The reward system must be based on meritocracy.

29. One politician says we have lost the narrative? Hello towkay, what narrative Lu ciakap? What we heard were unintelligible noises from your and your friends's mouth. Tiu Nia Seng!

30. Can you narrate to the people , the hike in the cost of living, increasing utility rates and the withdrawal of subsidies? You don't have the narrative to begin with. You lost something you yourself didn't understand.

31. Hey towkay, when comrade Lim lip eng announced at a dinner that PN had won, that announcement was met with a thunderous applause from the majority Chinese attendees. Was the significance of that response lost on you?

32. If you don't know the significance, let me tell you. The Chinese in kepong or Jinjang or balakong might as well be in Sungai bakap . They too will probably stay out of the election. Apa pasal?

33. The Chinese are disappointed and don't believe in the political environment. If they worked hard and play by the rules , they still won't get their just dues.

34. Everyday they get demonised, blamed and faulted for any misfortunes that befall others especially the Malays. They want to treated fairly not like a prima Donna like Najib.

35. Hence consider that Chinese who did not vote in Sungai bakap as dispirited, miffed and chagrined at being treated as non Malaysians. The same can happen elsewhere.

36. A principal reason as to why PH lost in Sungai bakap may be due to the presence of UMNO with their blame others for their shortcomings, paranoia ,xenophobic and fascist principles.

37. So for an UMNO fascist a-hole to blame the DAP for failing to encourage the 53% Chinese in Sungai bakap to vote, tell yourself that maybe they did not come out because of the presence of UMNO.

38.. UMNO sirs, is a liability to PH. Blaming the DAP for their losses is simply a stupid reason In the last election they lost heavily without associating with the DAP whatsoever. The reasons for their loss are in themselves really.

39. So for the DAP secgen to say that he welcomed BN's resolve to strengthen PH in the next election is just an exercise in futility. It's just a politically right thing to say and an olive branch offered to UMNO. He will soon discover that his peace overtures is like giving flowers to an ape.

40. UMNO only won 20 seats in Malaya and 6 more seats in Sabah. Yet it pushes its weight around. Perhaps it's time for every party to recognize their place. If UMNO is so full of itself and behaves cockily, maybe they should leave PH. Or perhaps DAP takes stock of itself and recognised that maybe it's better to be on their own and be a conscionable opposition.


Saturday 6 July 2024

Tales by an unknown Malaysian. No.5

1. Just when we think it's safe to get into the waters, a bull shark lunges out of the water and bit off a chunk of flesh from our thigh. Just as I am thinking to stand down and refrain from writing about Ali babavum Najib, somethings happened preventing I from doing so .

2. First, is a political narrative by an ex UMNO inbred about the addendum issue .

3. Second is the seemingly pompous and triumphant chest beating declaration that Ali babavum Najib is allowed to dispute the bar councils assertion that his pardon is wrong and his quest for house arrest is unconstitutional and therefore unlawful.

4. First we will deal with the expelled UMNO inbred who speaks like a stupid jock and is probably actually stupider.

5. His beef with Zahid is well documented. Perhaps he harbours vindictiveness over his expulsion. Looks like that .

6. Actually we don't care about the politics of UMNO. It's in their nature to quarrel with everyone. When they run out with outside people to quarrel, they quarrel with each other.

7. The going ons in UMNO, who buttfucks who, is a spectator sport for us. They are just out-fascisting each other. To see who is more fascist than the other. Isn't UMNO the United Malay fascists organization?

8. The spin he makes about the addendum is disingenuous. But it is attention engrossing and jaw dropping to some Malays.

9. That's part of his deceitful persona. Embellishing a possible lie. But his incredulous tale appeals to a certain type of Malays.

10. This is the type of Malays resembling the pre-felda settler Malays. Malays who inhabit a world of spirits behind everything, who inhabit a world full of demons, elves, pelesit, polong, penanggal, toyol, hantu Raya etc.

11. This is the gullible type, opened-mourh when told a story by the ex UMNO inbred. They would pull up their blankets to the eyes like the ignorant type

12. Let's expose the chinks in the armor of his story line. He was told by X, an UMNO apparatchik that an addendum existed.

13. What if X lied?. X who is close to wak jahid, repeated the lie to Zahid. And Zahid built on that lie and attested that lie in an affidavit.

14. Here is the chain of lie. The ex UMNO inbred is stupid because by definition he is an inbred. Did he do anything to establish the veracity of the information given to him by X? It shows he has no credibility .

15. X lied twice. He lied to the expelled UMNO inbred. He repeated the lie to jahid. Would he repeat the information under oath and in court? Probably not .

16. Zahid attested to that lie in an affidavit. He has potentially commited a written perjury. He has shown to be a careless leader loved only by Nana Non.

17. For committing a written perjury, Zahid has committed a serious offence. That's probably a jailable offence. He can be sent to jail and it's more than 1 year or is fined more than 1k, he loses his MP status.

18. Then we shall have a welcomed by election in Bagan latoh. It will be our opportunity to correct our mistake in choosing a careless, lying and a not so bright DPM . Ever wondered why Malaysia dropped from 27th to 34th placing in competitiveness ranking?

19. And Ali babavum Najib, an interested party and a man by his own admission, doesn't know anything, is suddenly intelligent enough to ask the court to deliberate on a possible lie. As lawyers are wont to say, that's a vexatious endeavor.

20. The tangled web woven by the expelled UMNO inbred got more bizzare . He went on to say, Zahid invented the addendum as a fiction.

21. To appease the anger of the najibers in UMNO, Zahid invented the existence of an addendum. By creating a story about the existence of a hidden chalice in the form of an addendum and submitting and affidavit therewith, Zahid accomplishes several things.

22. First he manages to calm down the najibers in UMNO. Then by creating a story about an addendum, the hidden chalice Najib drank from and submitting an affidavit therefrom, Zahid demonstrated, that he is doing, any means necessary to exonerate Najib.

23. Can you imagine Zahid in front of the rostrum saying pompously:-

24. " Friends, umno-ans and Malay A- holes, lend me your ears".

25. " I did invent the affidavit to defend Najib. We must not allow the good that Najib does be interred with him during his sojourn in at Kajang Hilton. It's our duty to defend him. Defy the law. Najib's unfair incarceration is the work of the Brutuses among us. Najib is indeed the noblest among us crooks ".

26. Don't you see the ridiculousness of the storyline narrated by the expelled UMNO inbred?

27. On the one hand,he believes that an addendum exists. He believes Mr X . Mr X is an UMNO man. Mr X is close to Zahid. Mr X is a noble man. He said is believable.

28. On the other hand he believes that the addendum is just a creation of Zahid. To appease the najibers and to show everyone that's he's fighting all-out to save Clyde Najib. Which is which? Does he believe an addendum exist or does he not?

29. Which means he has no credibility. He is not to be believed. His story is concocted. It's nonsensical and irrelevant.

30. He might as well do a pee-wee Herman. Stand on a table and masturbate in front of the public. No one cares!

Next. The Bar Council , the pardons board and Najib. Title.


Wednesday 3 July 2024

Tales by an unknown Malaysian. No. 4

1. The state of our law, as Alice in Wonderland would have said is curiouser and curiouser . I am much surprised, I forgot to speak proper English. I speak some English, truth be told. But not Queen's English.

2. Let's not digress. Our law is like a huge spider's web. Small animals get caught in it, big animals get away. The poor and powerless get un-mercilessly dealt with, the rich and powerful get away and hero-worshipped.

3. Some rich and powerful folks are making us as bloody fools. Not just fools. But bloody.

4. Off with their heads. Disqualify the lawyers. Now it's recuse the judge. 5. The inbred social media journalists are quick to declare this a triumph. Suddenly the judge is pictured as bias and unfit to adjudicate.

6. The application to recuse, is the typical look down attitude by the rich and powerful upon those who can judge them .

7. But we know the application to recuse, is nothing but a ruse, red herring to delay the trial and the inevitable.

8. The rich and powerful will use every loophole and lacuna in the lay to extend the duration of the trial.

9. It's just a legal filibuster, telling all cock and bull story and inventing the slightest perception of questionability to delay the court trial.

10. But we also know that stupidity and mistakes fill up the time available. The application to recuse will be filled up with assinine mistakes.

11. It will just be an exercise in futility. The servile social media doesn't realised they are made into useful idiots.

12. And being useful idiots to the rich and powerful is just part of the social character of the lower classes especially the naturally subservient Malays. The rich and powerful are entitled to break laws and commit legal infractions. That's alright and shall be accepted as normal and in character of the rich and powerful.

13. The rich and powerful do classy things, the poor people do plebeian things. The rich and powerful clinically copulate, the poor just dirtily breed like rabbits.

14. I say it's time we discard the subservient, servile and toadish attitude. If the rich and powerful commit and legal transgressions and infractions let them bear the consequences. Let's not trip over one another and rush to their defense.

15. Instead of casting aspersions on the character of the judge, let's examine exhaustively the motives of the recusal applicant.

16. The character of the applicant may be less than meritorious. When I as a ceramah speaker in Perak, the Perak yeops recited to me some quatrains or pantun 4 rangkap. These were liberally adapted from the pantuns of Hashim Gera.

17. Two of the memorable ones I remember till today are as follows:-

18. Satu dua Tiga empat/one two three four/miss x cincin besor/Rakyat jelata apa dapat?

19. The other one is as follows. Pergi berkelah di Pantai remis/ singgah sebentar membeli roti/miss x beg Hermes/Rakyat jelata bergigit Jari.

20. Of course, I don't fucking know who miss x is. Do you? If you do, it's confirmed. You are smarter than me.

21. A casual acquaintance between the judge and the recusal applicant or an official encounter with the applicant is not a strong reason to have the judge recused.

22. It's also based on the erroneous assumption that the said judge will not be capable of forming objective opinions. That's patently wrong.

23. Our own limitations, subjective perceptions, wisdom and experience are not the the measure by which we judge others

24. So what you say and alleged is not am gospel truth. It will be answered in due course.

25. The reality is the Bonnie and Clyde couple of Malaysia are making bloody fools of us. They mocked our judicial process make fun of it. The time spent ding-donging at the court stage, far outweighs the time actually spent in jail.

26. The situation prompts us to parrot what Mr Bumble said. The law is a ass, a idiot. The people responsible for this judicial comedy are the lawyers. Hence, following what Dick the butcher says, the first thing we do, is kill all the lawyers!


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