Kepercayaan adalah hasil usaha, bukan di desak!
Baru2 ini saya membaca berita bahawa UMNO Kelantan akan meminta nasihat Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah menggenai usaha mereka merampas Kelantan. Kita tumpang gembira, UMNO mempunyai keyakinan seperti ini. Tapi ramai orang juga tahu, bahawa UMNO tidak ada pilihan lain kecuali bercakap besar. Jika tidak, semangat soldadu UMNO akan berkecai. Belum lagi masuk gelanggang, kita sudah tewas.
Tapi seperti kata orang Inggeris- mungkin Dato Mustapa has bitten more than he can chew. Sesudah memberitahu satu dunia yang UMNO akan rampas semula 23 kerusi, mungkin Tok Pa berfikir- bagaimana cara nya? PAS dan para penyokong nya dan rakyat Kelantan bukan nya lembu. Bagaimana meyakinkan mereka? Bolehkah rakyat Kelantan di sogok dan di rasuah dengan pemberian RM500?
Mana mungkin mereka akan melupakan penganiayaan kerajaan UMNO dan BN menafikan rakyat Kelantan hak keatas royalty minyak? Bayangkan apa dapat di manfaatkan jika pendapatan negeri bertambah 400-500 juta setahun diatas yang sedia ada? Kelantan akan membangun dengan pesat sebab negeri ini mempunyai asset yang termahal- rakyat yang kental semangat. Mengenai sifat keusahawanan mereka, tidak perlu di ceritakan.
Ketika mengistiharkan bahawa mereka akan merampas 23 kerusi DUN di Kelantan, adakah Perhubungan UMNO Kelantan yang di ketuai oleh Datuk Mustapha Mohamad meminta nasihat Tengku Razaleigh?
Saya rasa tidak kerana kita juga membaca bahawa Tengku Razaleigh jarang di kehendaki hadhir di mesyuarat perhubungan. Jika saya memahami minda orang UMNO, ketika mesyuarat itu di jalankan, jika Tengku Razaleigh tidak di jemput, lagi baik. Ini cara UMNO menyelesaikan masaalah nya, mengenepikan sumber percanggahan pendapat. UMNO simply cant manage difference of opinions kecuali dengan cara bermusuhan sampai mati.
Dato Mustapha atau Tok Pa adalah seorang teknokrat yang baik. Dia kuat berkerja. Saya juga yakin, Tok Pa orang yang baik. Namun dari segi personality, tiang lampu LLN atau TNB lagi banyak personality. As a politician, Tok Pa is colorless. Kita tak tahu dia marah atau gembira. Saya pernah bertanya dengan Tok Pa- adakah dia tahu bercakap loghat Kelantan? Jika kita dengar pertuturan Tok Pa, sukar kita mengagak dia berasal dari Kelantan. Muka dia bersehaja dan begitu sahaja. Jadi bila dia kata dia berkehendakkan nasihat Tengku Razaleigh, kita tak tahu maksud dia yang sebenar. Dia benar2 hendak atau tidak?
Adakah dia mengeluarkan kenyataan mahukan nasihat Ku Li untuk menutup kelalaian UMNO Perhubungan Kelantan memastikan orang yang mempunyai pengaruh besar di Kelantan telah TIDAK di panggil untuk mesyuarat Perhubungan?
Masaalah di Kelantan, setiap ketua bahagian UMNO bersangkaan mereka lah pemimpin besar sehinggalah tiba hari pilihanraya.
Tapi cuba kita kaji keadaan negeri Kelantan dan jawab sama ada teriakan Tok Pa dan UMNO Kelantan hanya omongan kosong. Saya baru sahaja balik dari Kelantan dan sempat meninjau keadaan di sana. Apa yang kita lihat?
Kita lihat sebuah masyarakat yang vibrant dan segar. Kemajuan dan pembangunan berlaku secara organic. Organic ini maksudnya, datang secara majoriti nya dari usaha dan kudrat sendiri dengan galakan kerajaan yang minima. Kerajaan negeri Kelantan mungkin hanya berjaya mengadakan pendapatan negeri sebanyak RM 400-450 juta setahun. Ini suatu jumlah yang sangat kecil. Bahkan jika di bandingkan dengan bajet sebuah university, university pun ada bajet 700-800 juta setahun. Beza nya ialah, rakyat Kelantan ada disposable income. Duit dalam tangan mereka sendiri. Pengajaran yang paling besar ialah, jika ada sesiapa yang terbaik untuk mengurus wang kita, maka sesiapa yang dimaksudkan itu ialah kita sendiri. Dengan wang boleh guna dalam tangan sendiri rakyat Kelantan telah memacu kemajuan dan pembanguan sendiri.
Tapi ada penjaran politik yang ada disini. Dengan ada nya otonomi ekonomi, rakyat Kelantan mempunyai ruang pilihan yang lebih luas. Kepada saya ini suatu petanda besar bahawa rakyat Kelantan tidak memerlukan politik naungan sebuah pemerintah seperti UMNO untuk membangun. Orang Kelantan telah lama belajar dan tahu bahawa kerajaan hanyalah suatu wadah yang melalui nya, mereka mencapai objektif kehidupan.
Dengan otonomi ekonomi, rakyat Kelantan mampu bersetia kepada pemerintahan yang di bina di atas nilai2, diatas convictions dan diatas keyakinan. Kita yakin kepada perjuangan sebuah parti politik yang berjuang untuk suatu seruan.
Dalam konteks ini, UMNO itu berjuang untuk apa? Seruan memperjuangkan kepentingan bangsa Melayu di ganti dengan perjuangan kepentingan peribadi. Kebajikan rakyat yang di laungkan oleh UMNO sebetulnya bermaksud kebajikan korporat besar. Tender di beri kepada mereka tanpa pembidaan terbuka atau melalui tender terhad. Tender terhad pun terdedah kepada pelbagai macam manipulasi dan putar belit.
Kita mesti sedar mengenai resam UMNO. Apabila terdesak dan tergugat, maka ketika itu sahajalah UMNO bercakap mengenai perpaduan Melayu dan Islam serta kepentingan bangsa. Kita boleh menunjukkan suatu contoh yang amat mudah untuk mendedahkan hipokrasi UMNO bila bercakap mengenai bangsa Melayu.
Kalau sesebuah parti bercakap mengenai memperjuangkan kepentingan bangsa Melayu, pengucapan tersebut mestilah tidak bersyarat. Erti nya, kalau nak bantu Melayu, jangan mensyaratkan Melayu itu mesti Melayu UMNO. Melayu DAP pun Melayu. Melayu dalam PAS tidak syak lagi, juga orang Melayu.
Jadi bila UMNO bercakap menggenai Melayu, itu suatu pembohongan besar. Untuk mengaku mereka mewakili orang Melayu pun, UMNO sudah tidak mampu. Dalam tahun 2008, jumlah pengundi Melayu ialah 5.7 juta. Calun2 UMNO hanya mendapat 2 juta undi orang Melayu. Bererti 3.7 juta orang Melayu tidak menyokong UMNO sebuah parti yang memperjuangkan kepentingan bangsa Melayu.
Kenapa terjadi demikian? Sebab bila UMNO menyebut dia berjang untuk orang Melayu, rakyat tahu itu suatu pembohongan dan penipuan. UMNO hanya berjuang untuk kepentingan dan kebajikan syarikat besar dan Melayu yang terpilih.
Kepada saya isiu nya mudah- jika UMNO benar2 berjuang untuk orang Melayu- megapa royalty minyak kepada rakyat Kelantan dan Terengganu di nafikan? Sedangkan majoriti rakyat dalam 2 negeri tersebut adalah orang Melayu.
Jadi saya hendak ingatkan rakyat Kelantan dan Terennganu bahawa, ketika menerima BR1M sebanyak RM 500( duit rakyat punya juga) jangan lupa kepada kezaliman dan penganiayaan yang di lakukan oleh UMNO kepada rakyat Kelantan dan Terengganu. Jangan terima kepentingan jangka pendek yang bernilai RM 500 itu dengan kepentingan mendapatkan hak keatas royalty minyak. Harga masa depan anak cucu bukan RM 500!
Bolehkan kita percaya, sebuah kerajaan yang sudah pun memerteraikan perjanjian secara hitam putih, yang sekarang ini menafikan hak rakyat Kelantan dan Terengganu?
Kepercayaan, YAB Dato Sri Presiden UMNO, adalah sesuatu yang diusahakan, bukan di desak! Trust, Mr UMNO President, is earned not demanded!
Kepercayaan, YAB Dato Sri Presiden UMNO, adalah sesuatu yang diusahakan, bukan di desak! Trust, Mr UMNO President, is earned not demanded!
Untuk membuktikan UMNO Melayu 'lebih Melayu' daripada Melayu-Melayu lain, maka paip-paip minyak (royalti minyak)yang disalurkan ke Kelanatan dan Terengganu terpaksa ditutuplah!
Salam Dato'.
Kepada QD and KAMPUNG MAN,
Pilihanraya 2008 dulu,tukang kempen umno telah pergi kerumah bekas ADUN yang tidak terpilih untuk meminta peruntukkan untuk berkempen bg calon baru,apabila dihulur RM2500,mereka pun bertanyalah"takkan banyak ni jer Dato?".Maka Dato pun menjawablah"dah banyak tu,kempen sebanyak tu dah ler"
Pemimpin2 UMNO telah mengkhianati Pak Lah disebabkan perasaan tidak puas hati oleh pembahagian projek dan tender yang katanya dipelopori oleh KJ and the Gang(OXBRIDGE)jadi merekalah yang sebenarnya membuka mata kebanyakkan orang melayu tentang sikap sebenar pemimpin2 ini,yang cuma memandang apakah yang mereka dapat untuk kepentingan mereka,bukan untuk rakyat.
Jujur saya tanya pendapat anda,jika Shahrizat berjasa kepada penduduk Bangsar sahaja,apakah guna dia menjadi seorang menteri? Apakah pula jasa Nazeri Tan Sri Aziz selain dari mengeluarkan statement2 bodoh?
Apa pula pendapat anda berdua mengenai pengistiharan aset2 semua menteri dan pasangan mereka?
Saya rasa pendapat anda semestinya sama dengan Tuan2 anda.
Dear Sak, Orang umno semua pandai dan kebanyakan daripada mereka KAYARAYA kerana mereka adalah terdiri daripada KAKI RASUAH YANG BUAT KERJA TIPU.
Lately,they have added HYPOCRISY as their character.
Umno people like Quiet Despair is jealous when they know I make a small contribution to you. They said I RASUAH YOU.
This is the attitude of KAKI RASUAH YANG BUAT KERJA TIPU.
Kalau saya teringat Kelantan, saya teringat wilayah Aceh yg terletak di Sumatera Utara yg kaya dengan hasil minyak tetapi rakyatnya boleh dikatakan paling miskin kalau dibandingkan diantara wilayah2 yg terdapat di Indonesia.
Seperti di Kelantan, Aceh merupakan "Serambi Mekah" dimana Islamnya agak pekat dan dihayati dengan begitu kuat sekali disana. Hasil minyak disedut oleh Regim Suharto yg berpengkalan di Pulau Jawa.
Minyak merupakan anugerah Allah kepada orang2 Islam. Selain negara2 Arab, rantau sebelah Asia Timur minyak hanya terdapat di negara2 Islam seperti Indonesia, Malaysia & Brunei sahaja. Malah Allah memilih Kelantan & Terenganu dimana umat Islamnya melebihi 80%dan tidak di Selangor atau di Johor.
Boleh kita simpulkan disini bahawa Kerajaan UMNO selama ini terang2 telah menginaya rakyat Kelantan khususnya orang2 Islam disana. Bonus dari Allah iaitu minyak kepada rakyat Kelantan di rompak sama seperti rakyat Aceh.
1. Sebagai orang kelantan, izinkan saya membetulkan persepsi kebanyakan orang terutamanya orang UMNO Baru di luar kelantan bahawa orang kelantan bukan taksub dengan PAS atau membenci UMNO baru. Sebenarnya orang kelantan agak neutral dalam isu memilih samada PAS atau UMNO baru.
Buktinya keduanya pernah dan diberi peluang memerintah Kelantan. Kalau orang kelantan taksub PAS, takkan UMNO boleh memerintah Kelantan dari 1978 hingga 1990!
Juga kerajaan PAS juga pernah ditendang oleh orang kelantan
2. Basically, seperti kata sak, by nature ,orang kelantan is free from any political patronage, samada patronage UMNO Baru atau PAS. They earn their living by their own efforts tanpa meminta dari sesiapa.
3. Orang Kelantan menhargai fair play, kejujuran dsbnya. Bila seseorang atau mana-mana parti dah mengkhianati asas-asas ini, orang kelantan dengan tegas akan menolak mereka.
Ini berlaku kepada kerajaan PAs PADA TAHUN 1978 dulu. Bila kerajaan dah mula angkuh, PAS kena tendang dan UMNO dibawah Tan sri mohamad yaakub diberi mandat. Same thing happened in 1990, UMNO Baru diberi telor ayam ( kalah semua DUN dan Parlimen) juga bila mula mengkhianati rakyat. Mula berbalah sesama sendiri, menyusahkan rakyat sehingga membabitkan sultan.
3. Melihat gelagat pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO Kelantan yang ada hari ini, tipis sekali harapan mereka untuk menang dengan cara biasa. Malah saya rasa mereka lebih suka menjadi pembangkang dari memjadi kerajaan kerana dalam keadaan sekarang, mereka boleh membolot dan memfaraidkan projek-projek pembangunan yang disalurkan oleh kerajaan persekutuan melalui Jabatan Pembangunan Persekutuan. Mereka boleh agih sesama mereka harta-harta ghanimah ini.
Jika mereka menjadi kerajaan dan pemimpin-pemimpin negeri memfaraidkan projek-projek pembangunan negeri dan persekutuan - alamtnya dalam PRU 14 mereka akan diberi telor ayam lagilah!
3. Cara UMNO baru nak ambil kelantan , depa kena buat macamana UMNO mengambil sabah dari PBS dulu dengan kebanjiran pendatang luar yang diberi kad pengenalan dan didaftar sebagai pengundi di kelantan.
Dengan pelbagai imej buruk UMNO baru hari ini dan perangai pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO negeri yang ada hari ini, no way UMNO Baru boleh menang secara gentleman.
Hatta jika UMNO baru mencurahkan berkapal-kapal duit sekalipun. Orang kelantan akan ambil duit tersebut dan akan mengundi PAS.
Dato' SAK,
Isu dan masalah nya kerana peranan tok dalang dan tukang kipas serta tukang pulas sangat berleluasa dalam partai yang dato' perkatakan itu...dulu,kini dan selama nya.
Fakta nya tiada yang kekal untuk terus kekal.Pertanyaan ku adakah yang menganti akan tudak begitu ?, apa kah bila dapat kuasa ianya tidak begitu?. apakah tok karut,tok dalang dan tok kipas tidak ujud dalam pengganti?.
Apakah parti baru Datok tu tidak ada spesis itu?. Aku kuatir atau was was spesis itu berjangkit seperti kulat,panau dan kurap.
Itu lah dia nya.
There has never been news of integrity of our government leaders and heads of its associated corporations,
There has never been consistent news of good management of public funds, public trust, checks and balances, fair and prompt distribution of public funds to the opposition alliance and the Rakyat, fair distributions of job, education and business opportunities, accountability,
only sporadic in the media through the decades, so much more of the reverse !!
The time is now, GE 13 or never to vote to materialise our dreams for a better Malaysia for every race, from the cities, to the suburbs, to the rural areas inclusive of the interior !
Before we become the endangered Malaysian race of facing bankruptcy !
Haha Dato'.. Joke of the day:
''Tok Pa mencanangkan keserata dunia yang UMNO akan menang 23 kerusi, kemudian meminta pandangan Ku Li bagaimana caranya'
It's great to know UMNO Kelantan is employing Ku Li's expertise and resources to wrest the state.
Why not? It's a good move since he's the grand old man of UMNO there.
he has led by-elections and also elections which gave BN victory.
And the Prince of Palm Manor is respected by PAS too, being a royalty.
He's not going anywhere. Ye old UMNO faithful. So much for the opposition hopes that he will jump into your bandwagon.
I think Najib and other outsiders should not interfere so much in Kelantan. Leave the Kelantan UMNO to deal with their people.
We gotta watch the interesting happenings unfolding in Kelantan.
Yesterday, the ex-wakil rakyats and persatuan veteran UMNO Kelantan bersetuju untuk bergabung.
It means what? The wakil rakyats are from PAS too besides from UMNO. It includes Ibrahim Perkasa and Zaid Ibrahim, the on-again, off again moribund Kita Party.
It's a sign that they are working together.
And Tok Guru has invited Zaid to be with him in the coming GE. I can see Anu-war's wrath. This sure make Anu-War and LGE jittery.
This can only happen in Kelantan where oghe kita lebih penting dari oghe luor.
I agree with you on the resourcefulness of the Kelantanese and Tok Pa's character.
Yep. Awe and Mek kelate pandai berdikari. Mereka pandai bertukang kayu, buat bengkel body kereta dan bekerja sendiri.
Mek dan mok Chiknya pula berniaga di Pasar Khadijah. They are also taking over our pasar sari in Pahang.
But you must also understand their diaspora. Hok kito, tok sek oghe lain. Make pasir pun takpe. Budupun boleh jadi lauk.
And they can live with drinking dirty water for 35 years already. They are happy having Tok Guru untuk negeri serambi Mekah.
Though they fail to see that their Tok Guru is becoming a tokoh ulamak politik day by day. Sampaikan azan di KBpun tak berapa kuat banding kat KL. You realise this while you are there?
They are very parochial people. That is why PAS can eternally have a stanglehold on them.
Even in a small Iowan town pop. 500, they have their own associaition, excluding other
And Tok Pa, he's very mild-mannered and colorless like you said. Like a card-board cut-up figure.
Yes, unlike Awang Adek who has strong Kelantese accent, he does not speak the Kelantan lingo.
You never hear takdi (for tadi) coming from him, though Ku Li and Zaid Ibrahim occasionally slipped into takdi Kelantan speak.
You hear takdi and you know they are Kelantese however hard they try not to speak their dialect.
You are misleading your readers in saying that the Federal government is not helping Kelantan.
Some days back the government issued a long list of aids to Kelantan which I don't have to repeat.
Allocations do not matter much to Kelantanese. You can give them the sun and the moon and you are not sure they on your side.
They are made differently than you and me.
Quite Despair,
yes buddy,keep on spinning.I agree Tengku Razazeigh is a well respected politician.He will win in whatever constituency he stands.That is the respect that he still commands among Kelantanese. But we have to wonder if he is still interested in Umno politics,and will offer himself as a candidate this coming GE.
Just because the people respect and will vote for Kuli doesn't meant that they will automatically support Umno/BN.Kelantan will still be under PAS when the dust have settled.At least you still have hope as long as you are still hoping.Keep on dreaming,buddy.
Quite despair,
minah said that she robbed the crook to pay the lady i said.hehehe.
Satu posting yang cukup dan banyak kebenarannya. Saya setuju sangat2. Terang dan jelas bahawa pimpinan UMNO BN ni kaki putar alam dan pakar belit. Warna yang jelas dah putih diolah mereka menjadi hitam, maklumlah segalanya dikawal mereka.
Lebih sedihnya kerana majoriti yang kena belit & putar ni adalah Melayu. Dalam kes royalti minyak Kelantan & Terengganu, Ku Li yang ikut terbabit terlibat dalam perjanjian antara petronas & kerajaan Kelantan telah menjelaskan Kelantan & Terengganu mempunyai hak mengikut perjanjian.
Sebab pemimpim UMNO BN jenis kulit muka tebal ( tak pasti samada setebal kulit babi ), mereka buat bodoh jer. Hari ni lagi sekali menampakkan muka tebal mereka, bertemu Ku Li utk strategi tawan Kelantan. Memang dasar pemimpin tak sedar diri. Kalau Ku Li bagi kerjasama dengan mereka, maknanya Ku Li menggadai maruah diri pada golongan ini. Tak tau lah kalau maruah Ku Li boleh dijual beli.
Sama2 kita lihat samada Ku Li nak bantu parti karat ini yang dia sendiri akui dah rosak teruk.
quite despair,
quite despair,minah said she robbed the crook to pay the cook.paati robbed ros mama to pay her tailor.Umno donate to julie,and julie donated to DAP.and what did QD get.a blushed red face.
Trust and dignity, a valuable human traits not easily obtained and can never be bought. And unfortunately for UMNO (good fortune for us Malaysian), they have lost both of those valuable traits and are now currently trying to obtain it through money and coercion. Never a good idea and as history has shown with the kelantanese people attitude and loathing for UMNO as proof, it will never work. To Tok Pa and to those hungry UMNO tender-preneur and rent seeker salivating on the potential oil revenue windfall (royalty payment to Kelantan should it fall to UMNO), keep on dreaming! I think even Ku Li wouldn't want Kelantan to be in the greasy hands of UMNO pirates and thieves (so despite all the boasting and empty promises, Kelantan is safe in the hand of its people).
Actually, in every GE since the 90's we had UMNO talking big about taking over Kelantan. We had TDM and AAB, promising the sun, the moon and everything their hypocritical mind can churn out AND still UMNO lost. Each and every time, the Kelantan people kept their dignity and honor and never once succumb to the worldly temptation offered by TDM and AAB (with a sharp dagger clutched behind their back no doubt). Not once did the Kelantanese people sold themselves and traded it for corruption and exploitation. And it was those kind of dignity and determination that has given the rest of Malaysia a glimpse of what it means to be free from the greasy and corrupt clutches of UMNO. Life in Kelantan without UMNO might be devoid of huge towers, massive highways and gigantic bridges but it is also devoid of corruption, exploitation, discrimination, intimidation and especially thievery of people's land and property. If given a choice, most of us (non UMNO folks) would choose to live our lives in Kelantan.
And that is why UMNO is so desperate to again take over Kelantan, Penang and especially Selangor. It's not about the simple reason of money. It's about the living proof of life without UMNO is good! Life under a non UMNO state govt is wonderfully humane and socially conscionable. Life under a non UMNO and BN govt offer security, prosperity and freedom of thoughts and action. In short, life without UMNO is great! It is proven and those state currently under PR governance is the proof of the pudding. And what the people have to do now is to eat it. And that is why UMNO is so afraid! Once Malaysian have experience life without UMNO, they will never go back and thus UMNO is doomed.
Once Malaysia is govern by a fresh and trustworthy people, just once, and UMNO will never again be the government. UMNO knows that, their leaders knows that, heck even the despairing village simpleton knows that. And what's more frightening, they know that the time for that to happen is drawing near. And it couldn't happen in our life time if not for the honorable and dignified people of kelantan who dared to show us that UMNO is a rotten government who needs to be thrown out! We owe a debt of gratitude to the kelantanese people and their maturity in politic and loyalty to state and country. Thanks a lot and we will repay you when we kick UMNO and BN out of Putrajaya. That's a promise!
"Kita lihat sebuah masyarakat yang vibrant dan segar. Kemajuan dan pembangunan berlaku secara organic."
Habis... muhidin tu bohonglah bila kata kelantan mundur tiada kemajuan???
All said and spin it is always UMNO/BN that finally prevail as can be seen for all these years for Malaysia.Try harder PR,good luck.
To deny the rakyat ,just because of their political ideology is similar to a communist mentality.
Freedom means,one does not deprives others from enjoying their own freedom.
We can debate and argue till the next eclipse of the moon.The bottom line is,PR is better than BN in governing,as shown and proven in the current 4 states.If only the federal govt,follows and respects the spirit of true democracy............sigh.
Dear buddy Bruno
I am never a dreamer like you Pakatan supporters. Always a realist.
I am so unlike you all. You want BN to fall and you dream it will be true.Wanting it to happen and realizing it are two different things.
Never once did I say Kelantan will go back to BN. And so is Penang. I kept on repeating like a broken record that it's pointless BN wasting its time on the two states. But no harm trying. Maybe can dent some, right.
And I always said Selangor and Kedah can revert back to BN. The alleged sand corruption among Keadilan leaders and Azizan not following PAS orders will hasten Pakatan's fall in the two states.
But in Kelantan anything can happen. Only in Kelantan. Can you imagine the scenario of PAS and UMNO cooperating to form a coalition government there?
Who's to say without a clear majority on both sides, they will band together. Ku Li can work this out. If not, why are the past and present MPs having a joint commitee to ensure BN's victory?
After all, they are all Kelantanese and that matters to them by virtue of their parochialism.
Even fellow countrymen Zaid and Ibrahim Ali are accepted by Saint Nick.
If not for Nik Aziz who is the stumbling block to PAS-UMNO unity, it will happen a long time ago. If it was Fadzil Noor, PAS will be back in BN. (Abdullah Badawi did call PAS to band together when Pakatan won Selangor. It nearly happened until a last minute change of mind on PAS side).
It's a long way to a May GE, yet you see Nik Aziz plotting to put Salahuddin in Johor. There are already rumblings among PAS Kelantan.
And LGE is not allowing Chua Jui Meng to contest in DAP's coveted Bakri seat in Johor.
Yeah, why should he surrender it to Anu-war's clone who will not win.
From these two instances, it is clear to the rakyat that Pakatan cannot agree on seat distribution.
It's a forewarning that IF (big IF) Pakatan wins, they will be squabbling over Cabinet seats and state MBs and CMs and exco seats.
I have always said DAP should stand alone without the excess baggage of Keadilan and Anu-war's questionable morals.
Since my factual earller post last night was not approved i am now softened it hoping that this one will.Essentially these are the gists:
1) Ku Li will not leave UMNO unlike my STAROBA buddy Zaid Ibrahim who cannot seem to fit anywhere.Tak ada PERJUANGAN yang kekal.
2) Overall BN will have difficulty to win Kelantan but it is not something impossible.We will see an improvemet in BN seats for both federal and DUN.
3) Sak figures on Malay votes is inaccurate and misleading.
4) I disagee with Sak statement on Tok Pa personality when he relate that with the tiang LLN and TNB .
UMNO baru tak mungkin dapat menawan Kelantan dalam keadaan biasa. Kerusi PAS dan UMNO baru, paling-paling akan mengekalkan status quo pasca PRU 2008 melaainkan UMNO BAru menggunakan tektik kotor seperti di sabah dalam tahun 1990an ( bawa masuk pengundi luar yang diberi kad pengenalan dan diberi hak mengundi).
2. mengapa saya berkata begitu. Sebab utama adalah kerana pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO Baru Kelantan semuanya tidak mempunyai kredibiliti di mata rakyat. Semuanya orang kelantan kata " jenis ayam berak kapur, tak boleh pakai".
2. Sebabya senang, berapa banyak program parti yang melibatkan rakyat dianjurkan oleh mana-mana pemimpin UMNO baru Kelantan dalam setahun? Jarang2...hanya sekali sekala. Itupun tidak mendapat tidak sambutan. Bukan sahaja rakyat kebanyakan tak memberi sokongan, malah sesama mereka pun tetapi klik berlainan tak beri sokongan.
Pemimpin UMNO Kelantan pun tak bersatu padu kerana masing-masing semua berlumba-lumba sesama mereka berebut projek-projek persekutuan di kelantan dan luar Kelantan.
3. atas sebab ini juga rasanya, mereka pun tak berminat sangat nak rampas kerajaan negeri dari PAS. Dengan menjadi pembangkang, ia memberi ruang untuk mereka pulun projek-projek, boleh pi jumpa PM minta projek dsb. Makna mereka lebih senang dan lebih kaya jika UMNO baru jadi pembangkang kat kelantan.
Kalau UMNO jadi kerajaan negeri, hilanglah peluang-peluang ini.
wokah che yeh
kg man.
it should be obvious why yr comments yesterday were not posted. you don't have the though process and reasoning. i say poe-tar-toes, you say per-tay-toes. i say por-tay-toe, you say per-tay-ters. so, we cant debate.
also, your pompous humility is evident day by day. i wouldn't dare say my comments are factual. its for others to judge them to be so. but you, have no qualms in saying so. the other day, you were saying you have to go bcos you wanted to perform subuh prayers, good for you but nobody's asking.
now, in 2008, according to SPR- UMNO candidates got 2.39 million. you have to minus abt 300k from there bcos non malays did also vote for UMNO candidates. that leaves UMNO candidates getting 2 million votes. the total nmbr of Malay voters in 2008 was 5.7 million.
now, as to the description of tok pa- its an opinion. and opinion, even to an engineer shld be clear- its not factual.
it would be nice if you open up yr own blog so that we can debate your extended ideas.
its not often i reply to comments from readers. but for u, i make an exception. tq
kg man.
it should be obvious why yr comments yesterday were not posted. you don't have the though process and reasoning. i say poe-tar-toes, you say per-tay-toes. i say por-tay-toe, you say per-tay-ters. so, we cant debate.
also, your pompous humility is evident day by day. i wouldn't dare say my comments are factual. its for others to judge them to be so. but you, have no qualms in saying so. the other day, you were saying you have to go bcos you wanted to perform subuh prayers, good for you but nobody's asking.
now, in 2008, according to SPR- UMNO candidates got 2.39 million. you have to minus abt 300k from there bcos non malays did also vote for UMNO candidates. that leaves UMNO candidates getting 2 million votes. the total nmbr of Malay voters in 2008 was 5.7 million.
now, as to the description of tok pa- its an opinion. and opinion, even to an engineer shld be clear- its not factual.
it would be nice if you open up yr own blog so that we can debate your extended ideas.
its not often i reply to comments from readers. but for u, i make an exception. tq
Thank you for approving my little comment.I have no problem for anyone to disagree with me.Cheers !
Kampong man,
you said that you are an engineer by training.And you paid your expats RM150,000 per month.Your gas and oil business have make you tons of money.You stay in Federal Hill.
By the way are you an Ali Baba.Because for a man to be in your position you have to be very smart.But by looking at your comments,you seem to be so blind and stupid.In fact,you are as childish and silly as that fool RPK.
RPK turned on Anwar because he cut off his allowance.So he is on a mission to discredit Anwar.Whatever wrong Anwar has done when he was in Umno,he has already paid the price.Being imprison for sodomy 1.Black eye and blue and black all over.Then sodomy 2 and the sex tapes and lots more.
So what is your problem with Sak.You by your comments seem personal and rude.You are beholdened to your Umno benefactors because without them,you will be a nobody today.But that is your personal belief that you owe Umno big time.
Because you think that way,it doesn't mean others have to follow you.Sak,Aspan and any other Malays can join any political parties they so wish.Can't you get this into your thick hide.If you don't talk so much people will not know that you are a fool.Now everybody knows that you are a fool.
Bila dah dekat pilihanraya baru nak minta nasihat Ku Li, semasa nak tubuh kabinet buat-buat lupa, Ku Li tak pernah kalah diGua Musang, walaupun org kuatnya Brahim Perkasa kalah.
Sepatutnya letak la Ku Li jd menteri tempat Shahrizat ke pun la mainan UMNO, dulu dgn PAS macam tu la sebab itu Nik aziz tak nak Pas bergabung dengan UMNO lagi masa susah cari masa senang tinggal begitu saja.
As I said I have no problem at all if you disagree with my views.I have NEVER use any abusive words and have been polite most of the time.Sometime I agree with Sak and of course most of the time being a pro Gomen I disagree and put forward my views.You may skip my silly views and laugh at it .
Many people write well like RPK does but he is a blogger and not a politician but I am not design to be a blogger and not even a politician like our buddy Sak and won't put
time to even be one as I enjoy doing what I enjoy doing ,business,hobbies and reading.If only we can all be open ,transparent and free and can exercise our freedom of expression in whatever blog that will be magnificent indeed..You see I never read Papagamo but his abusive comment in this blog I honestly disagree and I said it if you care to read.
Yes,I am a proud businessman that I must say.It is may I repeat because I do not use one sen of UMNO money and rely on Gomen projects like those people who join politics
as a gateway to richness,not all though.
My buddy QD and myself will give colour to an otherwise boring one way traffic blog here.You need to know the other side of the coin too folks at least before the anticipated election soon.Sak will then,he fully be a Penang deputy CM hopefully if ever this DAP is really a multiracial party to put a decent malay like Sak.Prove it !.Whatever
has happened to that PAS deputy CM before and now Ramasamy.Please expect power struggle within the PR if ever they secure Putrajaya.Selisih !
Let's not dwell on Anwar takut FITNAH pulak.He deserve to be whatever he had gone through.I wish him well dunia akhirat but not a PM for Malaysia.Thank you sir and Salam.
My, my, what have we here? Someone claiming to add color and "the other side of the coin" perspective and voice? How wonderfully liberal and democratic idea it is but does UMNO cyber troopers, instigators (batu api, to you and me) and racial arsonist really believe that Malaysian should be given the chance to hear both side of the story? Going by the way MSM is owned and kept on a leash by uMNO and BN, with the nation's government machinery being misused as "harta benda mak bapak" UMNO, jauh panggang dari api or more apt, "you can fool some of the people all the time, and all the people some of the time BUT you can't fool all the people ALL the time"! And right about now, UMNO found themselves in a situation where all the people (minus the rich Kampong man fools, the anonymous yet brainless cheerleaders and the Quietly despairing shit stirrer,) has wised up to UMNO's wretched and vile antics.
Thus we have a slew of lowlifes and parasitic element roaming the cyberspace trying to contaminate (pro PR) blogs "which are considered influential and ground shaker thus a danger to UMNO" with racial, lewd and useless fictitious, "facts" while wearing the democratic persona of "giving the people the other side story or perspective". But really what they are trying so hard to do is just "making mischief and mayhem, trying to instigate a situation where racial misunderstanding, lewd innuendos and public misinformation could be manipulated to destabilized the unity of the people, the cohesion of their hatred for UMNO and general fondness of anything NON UMNO (the opposition).
So in short, the kampong man who is boastful of his moneyed position and blissful with his general lack of mental faculty, claims of adding color and giving the people the view from the other side of the coin is NOTHING but NFC sponsored bull crap and a huge one at that.
Kampong man,
'it is may i repeat because i do not use one sen of umno money and rely on gomen projects like those people who joined politics as a gateway to riches,not all though'.
well,if not for petronas,you think that you will be what you are not petronas money gomen not gomen money umno money.well?you are using umno money after all,yeh.
Well,well,well ! The impolite Nick now has woken up like an angry and hungry tiger calling pro Gomen people fool,brainless and all the bad adjectives to describe them.I won't accuse people just because we have different opinions you silly ! Now you are the one who are being personal not me.
Nick ,why blame the MSM and the media.Now I know why you are too uptight and narrow minded.It is because you are too focus on PR blogs may be.Why putting blames on others .Everything seems wrong with this BN Gomen.You and me are only worth one vote ok !
.Come on!
Anon 1.43 ,12 Feb
My dear brother,
Ku Li jadi Menteri gantikan Shahrizat ? No,no,no Ku Li terlalu senior untuk tempat Shahrizat.Nothing less than the PM position for him really and that he cannot secure through UMNO now because
UMNO need a new energetic young blood.UMNO still has
high respect for this great leader but like Tun masa untuk mereka telah berlalu.Nasihat dan pandangan mereka
harus diambil kira bagi kebaikan parti.Ku Li punyai Roh UMNO dan kebaikan dan unity RAKYAT Malaysia berbilang bangsa, ugama dan KEHARMONIAN yang penting pada Ku Li bukan menggantikanan kerajaan BN, satu satunya objectif AMANAH di tubuhkan pada pandangan saya.
Saya tidak claim pun saya kaya dan itu bukan ukuran cuma saya bangga dengan business yang ada dan BUKAN Ali baba,100% equity Melayu jati dan apa juga rezeki yang tuhan beri pada saya,Shukran,Alhamdulillah.Salam.
Anon 1.20 ,12 Feb
"Sak,Aspan and other Malays can join any political party.."
Of course I agree with you .Have I ever said they should not.In fact I was the first to congratulate Sak.See I beat Bruno on that wish.Bruno ,jangan marah ! The only difference is that Aspan is my old buddy ,a housemate and Sak I know his family at least.That's all.Kenapa marah sangat dengan Kampong man.Just cool it ok.
know.Thanks bro.
mengapa kita tidak boleh merendah diri walaupun gaji kita rm1juta sebulan???
mungkin sebab nak tunjuk aku boleh buat tanpa pertolongan orang lain... (walaupun dapat dosa riak, ujub, takabbur...)
Kampongman: You don't have to pretend to be kuat beriman, pratices zero corruption and humble because we can all see through your lies or just plain ignorance.
I think you are nothing more than an Ali Baba who has taken unfair advantage of your skin and race. Without NEP, you will be.....oh well, can always say rezeki Allah SWT.
Insaflah kampongman. Melalui tulisan sdr, nampak jelas cobaan untuk menunjuk-nunjuk tere lah engkau konon. Ikutlah resmi penyu, telur beratus namun tak bangga. You can deny but I think you are an ayam jantan yang ekor bergelumang tahi.
Earn your keep, don't use your license to suck on the blood and sweat of others. In a level playing field, you will be nothing.
kampong man,
'of fact i was the first to congratulate Sak.see i beat bruno on that wish.bruno,jangan marah'.
then you came back on another posting and say why you cannot understand why Sak and Aspan choose DAP over PAS or that you are cornered,you are trying to weasel your way out.just like any other politician,although you are not least that is what you claim.
is is because you cannot take the heat to be a politician,so the only way you know is to hit below the belt.apa ini lah kampong man.double talk?politico,no?hahaha.
You all are getting personal.No wonder not many pro Government people are commenting here.Is it ? I suggest QD ,Kg man and other pro BN people to leave the blog and let them spin between themselves. They prefer it that way,between their own family.The number of comments will reduce and i bet after GE no one bother to comment.What is wrong having different opinions ? The fact that the pro BN people are here it should be welcome.My vote will go for BN.
Kampong man,
yes my buddy Kampong man.For a man whom politics is not my cup of tea,you seem to have gotten yourself into a real mess.Poor judgement or wrong placement of words,I might say.
We commenters make our views heard by penning our comments.We do not always agree,because we all have our own views.We have to disagree to sometimes agree.But sometimes your comments seem to be more sarcastic like and personal than just a simple disagreement.
You and our buddy QD are staunch supporters of the corrupt ruling elite,and will always be hiding and pretending under the guise that everything is fine.To you guys corruption is the right of the ruling elite.
If your thinking is this way,then you must have benefited a lot under this corrupted regime,to have happily condoned their corrupted practices.If you do not condoned corruption and think that corruption is not an issue,please feel free to name any present cabinet ministers you feel have not got their hands dirty robbing the cookie jar.
By the way anon feb 13th 00:18 has a point.You cannot have it both ways,buddy.Cheers and take it easy.
Angry, me? No, silly, it's you who are angry! Angry at me for exposing your true intent and your true purpose in commenting in this blog. For your information village man, my words aren't angry at all, far from it. In a war of words, it's harsh and it needed to be harsh to get through to some of the typical malays who still lives under a shell of ignorance and blind obedience and of course greed. And being personal, well, of course I'm being personal because to me the act of trying to misinform, hoodwink or incite hate in the heart of my fellow citizen is criminal, and as a muslim malay I have the obligation (personally) to oppose it.
I doubt very much that you are a very successful engineer who have made it big in the OG industry. And if indeed you're "successful", I would surmise that it's not from your hard work and initiative but more the case of a well rewarded sycophant and well connected party man. Come on, your "simpleton" argument and your "kelakar" use of "Glorious leader" in worshiping Najib reveals your standard and standing, mind wise. Furthermore, you even questioned me for blaming "the MSM and media" who is well known for spreading lies, malicious reporting and bias! And you are accusing me of being uptight and narrow minded? LOL!
And yes, everything is wrong with this UMNO government! PKFZ, PERWAJA, NFC, Bakun, Scorpene, Trillion of our money sent overseas, the economy is stagnating, Najib is busy catering to his wife penchant for shopping, APCO, FBC and so many others that cost us hundreds of billions and you still can't see what wrong with this government? Where have you been all this while? The moon? The international Space station or at the bottom of the sea looking for oil, maybe? Geez, the nerve of some people!
Wow, wow, wowee. Such audacity, such bravura. So gung-ho after so many ceepy crawlies come a vising here.
You are really a coward. A safety in numbers, kind of guy.
So much derringdo coming from a newbie in this blog.
You just came here when Sak is declared a Sak cadre. Before that you were only in Apan's blog.
You were the choice commentator there. Enjoying the glamor and celeb status as a prima-donna.
And now you want to leave your imprints here.
Confidently and conveniently dubbing Kampungman nd I as low-lifes and parasitic cyber-trooper trying to contaminate this Pro-Pakatan blog.
And calling me shit-stirrer. Trying to one-up me since I call your Al-Sod leader a shit-shitter.
Yeah right.
I was here long before, in fact years when Sak was still very much an UMNO believer.
Slowly he evolved into a hardened UMNO hater. Yet I like and respected him as I think he has got what it takes.
And also because Sak comes from the same state as my dad. Sak knows that too.
If you must know my family and I and friends and relatives have always believe Sak will be an independent candidate or a DAP member. Never in PAS or Keadilan. Please check my commnents two years ago.
Like I said when congratulating SAk when he joins DAP, it is no surpise. In fact I wish him well.
I want Sak to be someone important in DAP who can change the party from being a DAPig and racist entity caring only for the Chinese.
You guys are wanting to rid me and Kampungman fom this blog.Like Anon 01.31 said there are no pro-BN supporters here and he suggested we leave you all to self-congratulate among yourself. Wanna turn it to another Din Merican's syok sendiri forum.
No I will not. Sak and Aspan's blog are the only pro-Pakatan blogs I read and bother to comment.
Nick, by your very remarks, you are inadvertently insulting Sak.
Sak is a very savvy politician, so astute, so smart. You don't have to mengadu domba. To bodek or ampu. To be batu-api.
I am not in Sak's league. He can easily train his Ak-47 to fire me if my comments are way below the belt.
And who gave you the licence to join in bringing down Kampungman. Let it be between him and Sak since they are of the same age. At least Kampungman knows Sak and Aspan.
You and me do not know him from Adam. I missed the chance to greet and shake his hands in Bangsar several weeks ago.
I am a generation X who wants to learn and share my views here. It's a learning process for me. But I am schooled differently from you guys.
So Nick, don't be personal here. Jusrt shut your foul-mouth. Just present your views. You go your way. I go mine.
I have no problems with Walla. And neither with Bruno whom I regard as my friendly sparring partner to trade healthy yet different viewpoints.
You missed Kampungman's point. he is no braggart. He's just trying to say that his success is purely from his hard-work and self-made.
How many of us Malays get any riches or crumbs of wealth thrown in our way. Chinese businessmen are more rewarded than us.
So stop insinuating that I or Kampungman or other Malays have tongkat or crutches.
And we do pay zakat, several thousands yearly aside from Income tax.
It is really annoying to see you writing that Malays don't pay income tax.
It's the Chinese small traders, market traders and family owned business who do not pay taxes, okay.
I hate the notion of Malays being called a hands-out receiver race.
That is why I am so much against the BRM1. I want it to be for the poor, the disadvantaged and the unfortunates. Not for the rich who made fun of it and abuse the payout.
I am waiting for the statistics of the receivers of the BRM1 as proof which race got the most from BRM1.
My dear Bruno,
My buddy Aspan called me yesterday for tea but i could not make it as i was having other appointment.I said i will keep that rain check.Of course I did not asked him why he joined DAP because he has made that decision and i respect his choice.It is really impolite to be asking that question and i will not do it. Prefer to be good listener.Freedom of choice maa...I think we should value our friendship more than ones political belief.Remember the old days we used to write FRANCE,BURMA,ITALY and so forth at the back of the envelope that we sent to our penpals overseas.Do you know what those are ?.If you are a young chico asked your dad else i give you that answer the next posting . See i am open minded unlike that DAP fanatic Nick who even refuse to read MSM and RTM TV channels for fear of mind pollution.Anyway,Over the phone Aspan told me, not a lot though, why and i dont think i should share it here with everyone as it will not be fair and i understand.I love my buddy Aspan,being housemate once and i honestly want him to succeed in whatever undertaking he pursue.If PR win N9 i want him to be the MB but must and please do not place him for Kuala Pilah or any Malay dominated constituency that will be a disaster.You knowlah orang Nogori same as Kelantanese.It has to be a safe DAP seat.Don't assume and i said IF !
Personally,i am never a supporter of DAP just to be blunt simply because they champion Malaysian Malaysia like brother PAP and of course very chauvanistic and viewed by many as racist unlike MCA who are more moderate.That is why they only secure 28 Dewan Rakyat seats only out of 222 offrered.I must repeat this, even that poor PKR has more seats you see!.I hope Aspan and Sak can shift that perceptions so that more Melayu can accept DAP, for now regrettably few. Agree?.
DAP cannot expect to win many MP seats when they merely contest on 44 MP seats in 2008.Do you get me.Unless PAS and PKR are willing to compromise on seats allocation. Listen here all !DAP can only win in a chinese dominated area,period.
I forsee that they will improve their winning seats .Happy ?.
Bruno dear,when one said Politics is not his cup of tea it means he is not interested to be a POLITICIAN,get me.It is because he has no inclination for it BUT that does not mean we cannot express our independent political views as observers, right?.Good day .
@I hope this one will be approved. It is all opinion,opinion and opinion .To have Sak responding that is something.Che Det allows that freeflow no matter how much you hentam him .That is maturity from the old man no matter how much you dont like him or hate him.Cherio !
To me,kg man and QD does not have 1st hand knowledge of what really is going on.Reading too much UTUSAN and watching news like Buletin Utama will surely fade all the colors they want to add to SAK's blog.Truly..I think the only color that you are really adding is just the blue's and purple's in your bank account.
Let's hope u can take it with u in the next life...
Anon 13 February 2012 01:31
BN is not going to do anything different from what they are doing since TDM came into the picture. They claim that they want to clamp down on corruption. What have they done so far ? Only going after the has beens. What about the CJ, correct, correct, correct fiasco ? What tbout NFC now ? What about the shenanigans of the last Police Commissioner and the current AG ?
No one is putting a gun to your head to come here and read pro-opposition views. Go read Utusan, NST and Star if you want to hear good things about the government.
Nic, see what I told you. That Kampungman knows Aspan. Soon he will be meeting up Sak too.
That's what Malay Muslims are like. You remain friends despite having differing political beliefs.
So much for you tying to drive a wedge between Sak and Kpgman.
And what do you get? Mouth gasping and drooling with saliva. LOL.
LGE don't even know you.
Many here forgot what they wrote in Sak's blog when he was still in UMNO.
I remember in one posting Sak was standing up to the Malays. You all go Sak is a racist.
And then you all were cajoling him to join DAP. So now happy?? Like the Pahang saying sekarang penuh gantang cupak ya.
But don't start eating your words when down the road, Sak turns around and condemns the DAP.
You all will be rabid name-calling him again.
Learn to be like Rocky and other pro-UMNO bloggers, you all. They never dubbed Anwarista comemtators as paid cyer-troopers.
Infact, everyone has a space in his blog.
The fact that you called us paid cyber-troopers is enough to tell of your defeatist stance, Nick.
Kampung Man
Good for you to have a reunion with an old buddy. Can reminisce about the good old days where people are once so carefree.
I texted my mum. She said France is Friends Remain And Never Can End. Italy. I Trust And Love You.
But she has never heard of Burma. She hazard a guess that RMA is Remember Me Always. But don't know what BU stands for.
She asked me to see her autograph book containing all the old-school acronyms like France, Italy etc when I meet her.
R u sure u r a Melayu tulin?
What would yr nana said about that? Ouch!!!!
‘How many of us Malays get any riches or crumbs of wealth thrown in our way.’
Ya-loh, only mamak & constitutionalised Malay M’sians got the cream.
There r also some myrmidons & ball carriers of all races. Except unlike u, they got only crumbs, indeed. & yet they r happy????
Talk about roll-over & play dead, haaa!
Aku ingat Mamat Nick ni orang puteh sesat mana.Rupanya Nik dari Kelantan kot.Cuba ko tulis bahasa Melayu sikit.Ada angin juga mamat ni.Betul ke PR ni boleh tawan Putrajaya.Aku Ofis boy,tak pandai orang puteh.Aku sokong BN dahulu dan selamanya.Lantak engkaulah nak sokong PR Ada aku kesah.
Somebody said "It is really annoying to see you writing that Malays don't pay income tax. It's the Chinese small traders, market traders and family owned business who do not pay taxes, okay."
TDM said 90% of the income taxes were paid by the Chinese Malaysian.
They can't both be right so somebody is lying.
QD ,you are sharp and resourceful.My questions were for bruno but you have come with almost all right answers.It is good,in the course of all of us articulating here we pick up something new and I am also willing to learn from those of Gen x.I will try to keep it light and humorous in my comments as much as I can.
As one progress through life and age is catching up on you ,you will realise that you can count on your two hands the real friends that you have.It is not the new friends that matters,it is the old friends that you share your good and
the bad times as housemates or whatever together.The new friends are like plus "Touch and Go".Yes, They come and they go just like that.No attachment really.Not much to share and to relate.That is why I value that relationship with Aspan and hence this FRANCE (Friendship Remains And Never Can/Come End) .BURMA ( Between Us Remember Me Always ).You are right on that ITALY.Itulah dia zaman secondary school dengan cinta monyetnya.
Bruno buddy,do you know what "Slide Rule" is ? Don't forget to ask your dad.He..hee.Sorry this diversion.
1. Umno must be practising thick face black heart if it is now asking TRH for advice on how to wrestle Kelantan away from PAS. For hasn't TRH only recently complained Umno has blocked his voice?
TRH is a prince. Why is he being made a consultant-on-call by his own party?
Does Umno have a fair and non-opportunistic protocol for how it treats the meaning of loyalty to the party?
If it can do what it has done to a prince, what won't it do to all the paupers who are the general members of Umno?
2. Kelantan has majority Malays. Umno says it is working for Malay interest. So how come Kelantan is denied oil royalty by the stroke of Mahathir's pen delineating the boundary in such a way as to exclude its right?
Why crimp the development of our Kelantanese Malays for so many years just because they don't want to vote for a corrupt syndicate portrayed as a political party of choice?
Is the economic situation of our Malays to be subject to the political advantage of an Umno degraded by greed, racism and opportunism?
3. The torpedo that has sundered the Umno bulwark after GE12 was the realization by all the rakyat that the money which Umno has been spending rampantly and dangling like a carrot to the rakyat came from the rakyat.
All of it is the rakyats' money that the Umno government has been using.
It is the rakyats' money that the Umnoputra's have been misusing.
This fact Umno can never deny. This fact its MSM has never been able to negate. This fact no Umno or Barisan supporter has been able to deflect the rakyat from singularly staying focused on.
It dissembles every argument that Barisan can put forward.
4. Najib said we have achieved RM1 Trillion in trade. But that is merely the adding of both import and export values together, itself a muddying exercise.
That number says nothing of value because it says nothing of value added by effort in the country.
If need to spin, at least spin with intelligence. But don't use again the rakyats' money to buy the services of Apco, BBC or Blair's PR-men. It is an insult to both the country and the rest of the world. You cannot gain trust by buying spin. It is earned the hard and honest way.
5. Umno has been spending the rakyats' money so much it has to resort to using their retirement fund to bail out DBKL from the dicey political hot potato of otherwise having to evict low-cost apartment dwellers. What a crappy situation!
What returns can possibly come from such a proxy loan given out? What assurance do the EPF holders have that doing so won't set a new precedent for similar future disbursements?
If they default, who will pay the holders? The Umno government? Where will it get the money? The rakyat again?
6. There were three consulting reports on a national healthcare financing system. The last was done some twenty years ago. That's how far back the idea behind 1Care has been shelved. If we have 1Care in any form requiring any quantum of compulsory deduction from the rakyats' salary even if it is supplemented by contributions from the government and employer, the result will be dire.
We are going to have a global downturn this year; the effect will take a few more years to peter out, if ever. The GST is also planned. Its effect across board will converge with the effects of rolling out a minimum wage.
With TNB having now to import from elsewhere although through Petronas the petroleum gas needed to fire its powerplants and, strangely enough, those of the IPPs as well, the O&G supply side of this country is sliding as predicted.
A new net energy bill on the economy is therefore imminent. With direct impact on production costs and inflationary pressures.
It also means the forty percent oil revenue that the Umno government needs to run the public services is also under direct threat.
So much for promoting nurses to open vacancies to absorb new trainees because of a glut that was not planned for.
Add all this together and explain how employers and employees, households and families, even the public services sector, can survive the effect of Umno's grandiose spendings and piratization schemes on the financing cost to service all the loans against indeterminate income streams from a population where forty percent are subpar waged on productivity grounds.
Print more money and weaken the currency? Borrow more from the local banks but ponzi-pawn the future of the young?
7. Why not ask Umno Wanita and Umno Youth to suggest how to overcome such hurdles?
In the eyes of the voting rakyat, their stupid response to defend Shahrizat's NPC issue has only backfired on them completely. They have only showed they were part of the syndicate that is Umno in abusing its power and misusing the rakyats' money for the personal interests of some in Umno. That these two Umno branches have only defended the Deros-sized NPC fiasco is sufficient testimony that Umno is organized crime.
What explanation can they give to the kampung folks for the fat salaries, posh condos and luxury limousine bought with rakyat money and approved without due diligence by none other than the same minister now asked to solve the fiasco?!
Umno Wanita and Umno Youth need to answer this clearly in GE13.
8. I apologize for the error about those pillars near KLCC. They were part of the overhead pedestrian walkway now erected, and not for the monorail.
Which however remains shrouded in secrecy on its over-prices.
Last but not least, Nick - please carry on. You're doing great, and right.
Kampong man,
like I said in my previous comment referring to you.Poor judgement or wrong placement of words,I might say......but sometimes your comments seem to be more sarcastic and personal than just a simple disagreement.
That is the polite way of telling you off,that you have an attitude problem.But like Sak said...the other day........but nobody's asking.Now your recent comment ended suddenly with...right?Good day.Why feeling annoyed with my comments about you,you can also skip my silly comments if they bear no sense and laugh at it,like your good intending advice to Mr Nick.
Me a young chico.If not for Dr Mahathir's get rich millionaires list,you will still be smelling the dust from the boots of many hard working Malaysians.That is the arrogance shown by the lucky few shoved with the opportunities by Dr Mahathir's haste in creating Malay millionaires.If on a level playing field,you will be a midget compared to me.
People who got to be really successful on their own,do not talk or act like you.Going around acting arrogance,blowing hot air about how successful they are.Without the gomen or Petronas you will still be drawing a salary,or maybe unemployed too.
For myself,I am self employed and self sufficient,and happy with my independence.Nothing much to boast about.At least not like my very rich and very successful buddy Kampong man.Cheers and take it easy,buddy.
Kampong man 21:32
hahaha,you think that I will fall for your silly tricks and get offended by blowing steam off.You can try better than that.Anyway I just send a comment yet to be posted.
The way you talk,my buddy is like an immatured overaged undergrowing spoilt brat.Thinking to highly of oneself,think back what you have reaped from the corrupted ruling regime.When you reply to my earlier comments yet posted,that I will give you lots more good intending advice on how to grow up,hehehe.Enjoy the fun,buddy.
I am waiting to skype with some friends. But I nak joking-joking sikit dulu kat sini.
Anon 19.42
Bagus sekali posting anda. Tepat pada target. Short and sweet.
Sayapun ingat mamat Nick ni, omputih. Lepas dia cakap dua patah perkataan Melayu, baru tau dia Nik Melayu.
Rupa-rupanya Awe Kelate. Toksei kecek loghat sendiri. Mengalahkan omputih.
Ya, kawan (?) kita ni attitude problem.
Saudara Anon, teruskan undi BN. Mereka menghargai undi anda dan keluarga.
Mereka tak kisah anda ofis boy. UMNO untuk semua strata dan berjuang untuk semua.
Yes, my mom told me the F letter is for friendship, but I type wrongly.
Dan pernahkah anda dengar tentang acronym BENSON and Hedges. It was told to me by a cousin.
Something like Bilo ekau nak s... (forgot) orang nogori. etc etc which I dah lupa.
I can remeber only it's about perempuan Negeri Sembilan kikis harta when you marry them.
Kononnya girls Negeri materialistic. Wallahualam.
When a person can change his race, his skin is thick, and che det is one of them, hence how you hentam him he don't feels it, ok?
kublai khan
Hu hu,
Must have touch a raw nerve there! Never had the Quiet guy and The villageman gang up on me before. This is epic! A day in history! NOT! Coward? Just because I stood up to both of you and expose your sly and subtle tactics of misinformation, diversion and sleigh of hand? Come on, you've got to do better than that! BTW, why not call me a "traitorous Al Sod lover, malay coward" since all of you UMNO die hard fans loves to label any malay supporting DAP and PR as traitors and lover of Al Sod!
And what's with your penchant for writing that both of you knows SAK and Aspan personally? What's your purpose in declaring that? And furthermore, you were only fixated on my usage of words such as fools, ignoramus, instigators, shit stirrer, etc..etc but not once did both of you counter my arguments on the lacking of the government, the bias and selective reporting of the MSM and of course the various criminal action and corruption of the UMNO led government! Villageman was alluding to his role of conveying the voice from the other side, and you (QD) as the balancing opinion of the "vast majority malays supporting UMNO" BUT sadly and disappointingly neither of you even attempted to counter the argument posted here. What both of you love to do is write "feel good" stories of UMNo, paint the opposition as "the enemy in disguise" albeit without basis and of course, cook up imaginary situation that depicts UMNO in saintly garb and of course everyone else as immoral sodomiser, closet communist and backward Taliban out to cut off everyone's hands.
By the way QD, your story about meeting a 10 year old boy in a bank who shares your opinion about "ABU" and those who support it as "unschooled" still makes me laugh. I'm so happy that you found a kindred spirit in a 10 year old kid. BTW, do you know the meaning of the word "acronym"? Bet you that the boy has no clue either!
Kampong man,
just because your old buddy Aspan called up to have tea for old times sake,does not mean that he accepted the nonsence and garbage you have been sprewing out like a cow's mama scorned.go figure young man.cheers.
QD , I lived in Seremban early 80's for a good four years travelling KL-Seremban daily for work occasionally working offshore in Sarawak and Trengganu for Shell and for Esso then.I was even invited for Najib akad nikah ceremony nearby my house at Gedong Lalang ,Ampangan.Certainly ,I know cakap orang nogori.
Anyway, BENSON &HEDGES means Bila Eden Nikah Sama Orang Negori,Harta Eden Dan Gaji Eden Selesai !
I honestly sense that our new kid Nik Kelantan ni too desperate to win the election.Can you get him to slow down a bit takut sakit jantung pulak. let's take it easy andnot being stiff ! Things will fall in place whoever the RAKYAT decide finally,right.
My team Manchester United beat Liverpool 2-1.Poor Suarez refused to shake hand with Evra for some racist remarks and got banned for eight games.Hope we all happy family here can shake hands once PRU 13 is over.It will be a long time before we can reach that level of acceptance and tolerance because of the political divide and beliefs.Najib said 1Malaysia DAP said Malaysian
Malaysia.They tried hard to disrupt a proven and an
established system of government and also to destabilise the gomen of the day. Expect us to respond to Nik Kelantan comments when some investigations are in progress.Let the MACC,PDRM,JUDICIARY and the relevent authorities answer these and avoid speculation and accusation.They have the reports and I won't waste my time answering.We wouldn't know the truth unless those reports are available to the general public.It is the same old stories of corruption, cronyism Repeated times and times again .MSM is bad and anything BN is bad.It is really unfair.
Now assuming PR secured Putrajaya which I honestly doubt, how do you think PR is going to handle those agencies above and those gomen machineries after blaming them like hell.PR need to sort out their coalition issues first and prove that they are united like BN does barulah kita RAKYAT Malaysia boleh menerimanya sedikit demi sedikit.Wallahwualam.
Hmm, just because I have written my admiration of Kelantanese people in Pak Aspan blog and here, QD openly declared me as a Nik from Kelantan and as usual, his gangs follow suit in assuming me as a Kelantanese. You've got it wrong, guys. Not even close but then again going by the recent argument Villageman posted, can I expect something miraculous? I'm not that optimistic, for sure.
And for the record, Villageman, how do you qualify your glorious leader Najib's 1Malaysia as a proven and establish system of government? If you meant it as an established system of abusing and mismanaging the country then you are right on the money (did you get that..err.. pun?). DAP is destabilizing the government by promoting their own brand of governance. How fragile is this BN govt to be easily shaken with some promises and pledges? Lame and weak!
I'm a bit surprise too in reading your response about NOT giving any counter argument to those old stories of corruption and cronyism because you believe that it is the responsibility of PDRM, MACC and various law agencys to investigate, report and provide the answer. Well, you your self admitted that those are OLD stories with some have been committed decades ago and yet PDRM, SPRM with it's new face and name MACC, have been sitting on those cases for donkey years and to make matter worse, we have an Attorney General whose power are beyond that of the Parliament itself, arbitrarily chooses the cases to be prosecuted. And you want me to wait for those people to give me an answer? When will that be? After another 50 years of investigations and the AG office shelving the cases in favor of non political damaging cases involving UMNO bigwig and well after I'm dead?
And what's with your lament about the people not being fair to the MSM? Are you currently living in down under and sees thing upside down? Just who is it that have the power and the channels to spread their views far and wide? The MSM or the people? Is it the people's fault for not believing anything the MSM spout when it was proven umpteenth times that most of the news and gossip spread by MSM are blatant lies and half truth. Please ask Ku Li about fairness when he was maliciously portrayed as a christian agent by the MSM at the behest of TDM or was that malicious incident never really happen? You are crying about unfairness on behalf of the MSM? You really want me to start my day laughing , huh? Well, thank you very much for the slapstick comedy and the ensuing laughter.
Buddy Bruno,
Ha..ha..cought you.No need to get angry with me bro i was just kidding to let the steam off.Km was probably lucky to get involve in the O&G all his career life because he has no talent on futures and Bursa like you.I tried futures early days and almost ended up with lorries of red beans in front of my house.As a businessman the cycle of having money and not having money is a norm.The risk that one take to own business,the ups and down
The rich business people are not necessary those who had acquired university education anyway (Rich Dad Poor Dad ).A lot to learn from our Honda Boon Siew and late Genting Lim Goh Tong for an example if money is our ultimate and luck ,determination ,perseverence and hard work are a definite prerequisites .No business can guarantee automatic success anyway.If you have any tips I am willing to learn.Learning is a continuous process they say.I have paid my tuition fees on those failures in many other businesses and now conducting business courses for
those young graduates at the University of Hardknock and that University of Ontahmano.
@ Met a staunch PKR friend at Bangsar Mahboob this morning and he told me Raja Nong Chik will lose Lembah Pantai and that Azmin is tipped to be the next MB for Selangor and Nurul the deputy .I said Selangor will be a very close fight and we both laughed and went for that bawah pokok mamak stall behind TMC for a seven ringgit lunch for two.See Kampong man is a simple dude! because he is a kampong man. You need to queue like Penang Road Line Clear though.Take care buddy and cheers.
Sebanyak 4.1 juta penduduk Malaysia memohon BR1M, bermakna masih suku rakyat Malaysia berada pada tahap kemiskinan....
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