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Sakmongkol ak 47

Friday 16 August 2024

UMNO at Nenggiri. The charge of the light brigade seems a sound military decision. Tales by an unknown Malaysian. No. 12

1. Let me be crystal clear. In the nenggiri elections, it's not that I support pas. It's that I don't want UMNO to win.

2. When I hear pas or on campaigning, I hear a lot of rubbish. But with UMNO, what's supposed to come out from the posterior of the anatomy, comes out from its mouth .

3. It's therefore a question of a lesser of two evils. PN is less evil than UMNO at nenggiri.

4. Have you ever wondered about the more absence of Tengku Razaleigh? He's the pengarah pilihanraya Nenggiri. But his absence far outweighs his nominal presence. He was appointed the advisor to UMNO. But his advice is more often ignored . The elder statesman is just a trophy. Or like the malays say, he is like a Quran buruk .

5. You can use it. But you can't discard it away either. So you wrap it in a cloth and keep it high on a shelve. So that people or animals don't walk over it.

6. I am sure, how he is treated is not lost on the hermit of langgak golf.

7. The gentleman in Malaysian politics is the only leader who genuinely wants the malays move up the social ladder HONOURABLY. And for all Malaysians in general. Truly he is the PM we were denied.

8. He has lost UMNO of old. The UMNO now, is the UMNO hijacked by buccaneers, plunderers, robbers and men with no ethics. UMNO is the rancid food when consumed, gives you a violent tummy ache .

9. Umno is toxic and a cyanide poison to the Malay community. You gradually die or suffer instant death. Associating with UMNO robs you independent thinking. You become just digits to be manipulated by people like wak47 and bosskue

10. What accounts for this toxicity which UMNO brings? In a nutshell, is it's neo nazi version of the 3Rs .

11. But first we must get out of the mental rut and mental block of believing that only UMNO represents the ideal of race religion and royalty .

12. Every Malaysian has varying levels of affinity to the 3Rs. UMNO claims to be the sole spokesman for the 3Rs and more disastrous, gives the 3Rs the neo nazi flavour .

13. If you were to ask Ambiga and Kit Siang whether they are nationalists, they will unequivocally say yes they are. But not in the way UMNO wants them to be.

14. UMNO doesn't want us to be nationalists but neo Nazi nationalists. It's brand of nationalism finds expression in ordinary things, like condemning Hannah Yeoh for congratulating the Thai badminton player. Preventing Hannah from doing that is like condoning Hitler for not shaking Jesse Owens's hand.

15. Umno doesn't want people to have faith, but wants people to believe in the way it does.

16. UMNO doesn't want people to be loyal subjects to the king but unquestioning dolts like it wants people to be.

17. That's the neo nazi flavoured 3Rs UMNO wants us to live by. Well, in this zaman sains and Tekno coli, where people no longer live in the stone age, umno is becoming increasingly irrelevant.

18. Whatever UMNO does, all the sly and underhanded tactics at nenggiri, it's like the charge of the light brigade. An exercise in futility!

19. Not because pas is a better party. The campaigns done by the discredited Anuar Musang and friends and the ularmaks of pas were also rubbish . But pas is the lesser evil .

20. You can see the writing on the wall. When umno loses it will blame tengku razaleigh. TRH didn't perform as the pengarah pilihanraya. At nomination day he was not around. At the UMNO candidate's first walk about he didn't participate. It was wak47 who declared the candidate as TRH' s choice. Tengku did not say anything about this. Ever wondered why?

21. It means that even TRH thinks that the election at nenggiri is a gone case. How can a candidate mired in the scandals in felcra and Kedar be TRH's choice?

22. The people of nenggiri has been lied to by wak47. Lying is 2nd nature to the Javanese neanderthal. Here's why.

23. Didn't wak penorogo and the bugis modern day pirate go to TRH's house bringing the message that UMNOs politburo has endorsed the Kelantan prince as PM? 2 weeks later wak47 made a detour and endorsed weakling Ismail Sabri as PM.

24. Wak jahid must have realised that TRH is not a puppet with which you can pull strings or a buffalo whose nostrils you can shove a rope through. But with Ismail Sabri , UMNO and Zahid can disrespect and trivialize at any time .

25. That's the kind of UMNO that is being offered to the people of nenggiri. A party led by a habitual liar and a party which is a constellation of the bottom feeders of society. Umno has no future .

26. Some people say that UMNO can win X number of seats in GE16 and a feller from UMNO will be PM 11.

27. That's delusional thinking. With it's toxicity and neo Nazi 3Rs, UMNO will be lucky to win 15 seats.

28. It's also a kind of thinking that can't shake off it's entitlement mentality. A person from UMNO is somehow entitled as of right to become PM. God is an UMNO member kah?

29. Then there is this hope that UMNO will rise. That's a wet dream of that person. Hope is for losers. Winners work for something . Work, as opposed to being given gratuitously, is anathema to UMNO.

30. I am a Malay too. I just don't subscribe to UMNOs vulgar thinking. That's all!


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