Politik Bukan Perkauman
buku nya One Man’s View of The World, yang di tulis oleh Lee Kuan Yew,
ada satu bab yang bertajuk Malaysia: A Different Path. Dalam bab itulah Lee
Kuan Yew menyatakan bahawa jangan letak harapan yang tinggi kepada pembangkang
(PR) untuk melakukan perubahan kepada politik yang bersandarkan perkauman.
konteks yang dipercakapkan oleh Lee Kuan Yew. Kepada nya, pihak pembangkang
tidak mempunyai agenda besar bagaimana mahu menukar politk perkauman Malaysia. Kepada
Kuan Yew, penyatuan parti dalam PR adalah disebabkan oleh agenda asas untuk
menggantikan BN sebagai kerajaan. Dan bila PR menjadi kerajaan, dasar politik
perkauman yang mengutamakan orang Melayu akan terus dilaksanakan.
dilihat oleh Kuan Yew sebagai parti yang akan berdepan dengan tekanan2 dari
orang Melayu sebagaimana UMNO berdepan dengan nya. Sebagaimana UMNO tidak
berupaya membuat perubahan radikal kepada politik perkauman, PR juga akan
beroperasi demikian. PR belum diuji dan bila ujian getir tiba, maka ia akan
bertindak seperti UMNO dan BN.
dasar disini ialah bukan siapa akan perintah atau tidak. Isiu dasar nya ialah
adakah yang memerintah itu terdaya untuk melakukan perubahan kepada politik
perkauman yang ada sekarang. Mengikut Lee Kuan Yew, politik perkauman yang diamalkan
oleh Malaysia menyebabkan negara kita berada dalam keadaan tidak ada kelebihan.
Kenapa? Kerana dasar yang diamalkan oleh Malaysia akan meyebabkan kolam bakat
atau talent pool untuk membangunkan negara menjadi semakin kecil. Fakta nya,
mana2 negara pun memerlukan himpunan bakat dan kualiti manusia yang tinggi
untuk membangun. Amerika sebagai contoh membesarkan talent pool dengan kemasukan
pelbagai bangsa kedalam negara itu yang dijadikan rakyat Amerika.
perdana kita hanya menyebut bahawa pihak PR tidak akan mampu menjadi kerajaan
Malaysia. Itu pandnagan berat sebelah dari akhbar pertama yang melapurkan
mengenai interpretasi dari buku Lee Kuan Yew tersebut. Semua orang tahu apa
Bernama lakukan dan kepentingan siapa mereka wakili. Jadi pandangan berat
sebelah yang diberitakan oleh Bernama tidak menjadi suatu yang menghairankan.
sesiapa membaca buku tersebut, mereka juga diberitahu oleh Lee Kuan Yew bahawa
konsep 1Malaysia yang dicanangkan oleh Najib tidak pratikal dan tidak akan berjaya.
Kita berkongsi 1Malaysia tapi rakyat tetap hidup berasingan mengikut bangsa dan
kebangsaan mereka. Jika saya mahu, saya juga boleh menterjemahkan 1Malaysia
sebagai konsep angan2 Mat Jenin kerana Najib juga tidak mempunyai agenda besar
melainkan koleksi slogan2 yang mengembirakan hati sahaja tapi kosong dari segi
nilai perlaksanaan.
berpendapat bahawa orang Melayu tidak perlu takutkan politik bukan perkauman. Politik
bukan perkauman boleh diasaskan diatas negara yang mengamalkan perintah
mengikut undang2 dan bukan perintah ikut budibicara. Politik bukan perkauman
juga boleh dijayakan diatas system ekonomi yang ditentukan oleh tenaga pasaran
kaum mutakhir ialah Melayu dan Bumiputera adalah 69%. Bukan Melayu ialah 31%. Dikalangan
bukan Melayu, orang Cina merupakan glongan terbesar iaitu sebanyak 24%. Apa pun
yang akan terjadi, orang Cina dan India bangun dan sedar dan memahami bahawa
mereka hidup dalam negara yang majority Melayu. Oleh yang demikian mereka ada
suatu pilihan untuk mara kehadapan yakni dalam sebuah negara yang memperakui
bahwa negara ini adalah negara berbilang bangsa dimana setiap bangsa mempunyai
hak yang sama keatas negara ini.
perakuan bahawa semua kita mempunyai hak yang sama keatas negara ini meletakkan
orang Melayu pada landasan disadvantage atau kerugian? Kita fikirkan perkara
tidak fikir demikian kerana sesiapa yang memerintah akan memfaktorkan fakta ini
yakni apa pun mereka buat, mereka akan memperakui bahawa kupulan majority ialah
orang Melayu. Oleh kerana mereka majority tentulah kepentingan mereka akan
mendapat pengutamaan dari segi tekanan2. Ini memerlukan sebuah keajaan yang
tegas dan berani yang boleh mengimbangankan kepentingan2 bangsa.
kepentingan bersandarkan kepada kaum boleh diatasi jika kita memusatkan
perhatian kepada isu dan bukan kepada bangsa yang menjadi bahan isiu tersebut. Sebagai
conotoh: kemiskinan. Jika kita fokuskan kepada konsep kemiskinan itu sendiri
dan bukan siapa yang miskin, kita akan sedar bahawa kemiskinan melanda semua
kaum. Sesiapa yang dikategorikan sebagai miskin, mesti mendapat bantuan dalam
bentuk rupa yang disepakati bersama. Jika kemiskinan itu di tandakan oleh
pendapatan RM1500 sebulan, maka sesiapa sahaja yang mempunyai tahap pendapatan
yang demikian mempunyai hak yang sama untuk berharap tindakan penyelesaian yang
parti2 politik dalam negara kita bersedia untuk menukar politik perkauman dalam
negara kita? Dan soalan ini saya tujukan kepada
semua parti termasuk DAP parti saya.
permulaan, berani atau tidak kita bersetuju bahawa mana2 parti yang
mengemukakan calun dalam PRU mengemukakan pencalunan mengikut komposisi demografi?
Sebagai contoh- sanggupkah DAP mengemukakan calun nya mengikut kadar 69:24: 7
yakni 69% dari calun nya mesti Melayu/Bumputera, 24% Cina dan 7% India? Dan soalan yang serupa kepada UMNO. Sanggupkah
UMNO mengemukakan calun nya mengikut kadar yang serupa yakni 24% dari calun nya
mesti Cina, dan 7% calun nya India? Berani
atau tidak negara ini meluluskan undang PRU yang berkehendakkan bahawa mana2
pari yang mahu bertanding mesti mengemukakan calun mereka mengikut kadar ini? yang tidak berani melakukan demikian, tidak berhak bertanding dalam PRU?
kita tidak sanggup, maka kita mesti belajar unuk menghormati kepentingan yang
kita ada yang bersifat sama dari segi undang2.
I am reading your article legs up on a chair admiring my beautiful garden which I have been long taking it for granted withthe rising sunshine smack on my face and lots of oxygen and I am the least partisan
Having admiring many of you articles I must say this Dato that you are repeating hence stereotyping yourself most of the time about the racial topic.I was hoping for some ideas and solution rather than the mundane observation.Racial polarisation is no more an issue here.It is a problem heading for crisis stage. So what we require here is problem solving...
Piraaagh......Awak dan LKY boleh pergi mampuslah tak ada orang yang akan sedih.
Jawapan Sak lebeh berilmiah dari japan Anwar Ibrahim (yang lebeh obsolete dari LKY) dan Dr M (yang lebeh tua dari LKY). Rujuk http://warongpakyeh.blogspot.com/2013/08/anwar-drm-are-ningkompoops-when.html
Sudah tentu Sak lebeh berkaliber menjadi PM kita.
1. Jika kita ikut pandangan LKY, seperti seekor ayam jantan, kokok berderai ekor bergelumang tahi. Perspektif dari kacamata Melayu.
2. Dasar pembangunan nya memang bagus kerana beliau hanya membangunkan satu kaum. Cina. Apa jadi pada bangsa Melayu ? Semakin tersisih dalam acara halus. Memang di suruh bersaing. Bersaing dari segi apa? Realiti nya setiap peluang di nafikan dengan tegas ! Kebelakangan ini kita nampak Melayu Singapura mampu membeli kereta mewah. Mereka mendapat limpahan rahmat di Johor dengan menjadi ejen hartanah. Kaum lain seperti india, agak bernasib baik kerana mereka berada di kelompok yang sama. Islam ? Sebenar nya musuh yang nyata bagi mereka.
3. Ekonomi dan kedudukan Singapura amat penting dari dulu hingga sekarang. Kuasa besar seperti AS dan Eropah berebut untuk mengawal keadaan geografi ini. Apa lagi zionis. Tambahan China yang sudah membuka pintu ekonomi mereka yang penduduk sudah menghampiri billion. Malah Singapura amat beruntung tetapi kita boleh nampak ego atau keangkuhan LKY. Beliau menganggap diri sebagai "super" dalam setiap bidang dengan tidak fokus mengangkat China sebagai satu ekonomi berprestasi tinggi yang boleh memakmurkan Singapura. Singapura curi pakar-pakar mereka dengan tawaran tidak biasa siapa menolak. Kaum cina rakyat awal Singapura semakin terhimpit dengan undang-undang yang tegas.
4. Saya masih ingat cadangan Tun M ingin bekerjasama dengan Thailand membina terusan di sempadan. Apa reaksi Singapura ? Satu acah yang menyakinkan. Jika benar terjadi, apa akan jadi ? Jika di terbalikkan, Singapura negara Melayu Islam dan Malaysia di perintah cina, agak nya apa jadi pada kita ?
5. Berbalik Malaysia, LKY kurang yakin dengan Pakatan kerana wujud nya Melayu PKR dan PAS. Amanat isteri LKH supaya tidak mengiktiraf dan mempercayai bangsa Melayu, tidak kah ini jua amanat beliau untuk bangsa cina keseluruhan nya di sini? Jika jiwa busuk ini masih tersemat di hati dan di hidupkan selagi berbangsa cina, Melayu tetap tidak akan aman. Pembinaan Negara Malaysia di atas rakyat sejati(kecuali Melayu) akan sentiasa perkauman. Itu kerana Dr. Riduan Tee di ugut bunuh. Permainan gangster. Masih ada ghee hin dan haisan.
5. Itu kerana dalam apa jua keadaan, saya akan menyokong bangsa Melayu, Pemimpin Melayu, Maruah Islam yang berada di persada di Bumi Malaysia Bertuah ini. Manusia memang tamak dan benafsu besar. Tidak kira siapa, jika berkuasa akan mengguna kuasa nya sebahagian kebaikan dan sebahagian keburukan. Tiada yang sempurna. Tugas rakyat menegur setiap kemungkaran. Selain itu hanya Kuasa Allah SWT.
6. Pernah kita lihat bangsa cina dan india di Malaysia menjahanamkan bangsa mereka ? Berbeza Melayu, sudah di didik menjadi manusia berpelajaran, berilmu, menjawat jawatan besar bergaji lumayan, menjadi koporat segera, mendapat limpahan kemewahan hidup yang tidak pernah di mimpikan, majoriti dalam diam meracun dan membunuh bapa yang bersusah payah membesarkan, mengharungi derita menjadikan anak-anak Melayu berjaya. Maka cerita Si Tanggang memang benar untuk di hayati. Mengingkari Bapa yang menjaga keselamatan dan memberi nafkah.
Maaf Datuk. Ini pandangan peribadi. Saya menulis bedasarkan berpijak di bumi nyata dalam senario Malaysia sekarang.
Lihat Bandar Melayu tidak berapa buah yang di bina di atas dasar mengimbangi bandar-bandar parti sokongan Datuk, penghuni nya majoriti professional hasil dasar kerajaan Umno, sentiasa berpaling tadah ingin menguburkan bapa yang menanggung segala kesusahan.....
Maaf Zahir Bathin.
Again I reiterate .....Orang Melayu jangan berbangga kerana ramai. Ramai tidak menjamin kekuatan dan keutuhan. Orang Melayu juga jangan anggap yang sedikit itu lemah. Sedikit yang bijak dan bersatu akan memijak yang banyak tetapi bodoh sombong.
Bagi lee kuan yew..kenytaan tersebut serampang dua mata..masalah yg beliau lihat adalah islam dan raja raja melayu..kalo bn dan pakatan berkuasa..islam dan raja raja melayu tidak dpt dielakkan..
Mahathir sudah try hapuskan raja raja melayu..nasib baik ada pas yg membela raja melayu..skrg masih ada lagi pemimpin melayu yg harapkan mahathir walaupun mahathir bukan pm lagi..takut benar pemimpin ummno dgn mahathir..
............Orang Melayu jangan berbangga kerana ramai. Ramai tidak menjamin kekuatan dan keutuhan. Orang Melayu juga jangan anggap yang sedikit itu lemah. Sedikit yang bijak dan bersatu akan memijak yang banyak tetapi bodoh sombong....dan berpecah belah
BILA THE LIM s dah gone /the anwar s/
and the singh s ( karpal n company )/ gone..u dato, u stay ,they need u .,,oya one more thing ..bila PR dah join BARISAN NASIONAL ( new BN )..then we will c the true bangsa MALAYSIA ...WAT SAY U ??
Yes keep looking up the sky, so here’s to wishing “ Beaming Happy Merdeka ” to all fellow Malaysians !
Braking to reaffirm that as a Malay, I will definitely want to send future kid(s) to a mission school alike my alma mater, alternatively to a private school not necessarily paying more than 20K for annual fees ) whereby its teachers must be multiracial and of excellence( a convergent of progressing thinking seniors and young talents with teaching experience and dedication
- its academic syllabus is in English, BM and a third language, comprehensive and progressive focusing on :
- strong foundations in all subject matters, learning, analysing, applications, reevaluating, recognition of initial creators of ideas, from young being taught no plagarising or pilferings of ideas and contents, but working on it to create better innovations
- sports, music, arts, English literature and softskills
to meet the ever challenging market industries – all gearing to quality tertiary eduaction here or abroad, for some, the quality of education will be suffice to be accepted into non academic studies which is just as important to provide tasty nutritious food and drinks, to repair homes and cars worn out through tear and wear. Otherwise doctors, engineer us, blah have to sweat blood and things aren’t repaired efficiently, so comparing apples to oranges, in analog and again depending on the variety of apples and oranges, or crystalised candies in nice containers, yes ? no ?
- inculcates religion with awesome volunterism
Note @ RE: ED – with 100 volunteers from local universities going the extra miles to provide skills to fellow Malaysia – these volunteers are ACE !! Beaming with pride that there are Malays themselves volunteering in this ACE team of brilliant, diligent and sacrificial youngsters.
- including character building : humility, integrity and good values, service and respect to humanity in our neigborhoods nearby and outbound in Malaysia and abroad more so after reading PAGE’s chairperson’s views on Foresight of Bapa Malaysia. Moving beyond her views, why only focus on Malays in the column ? Congrats to her daughter for being accepted by University of London. Hence PAGE views should be more effective and encompassing views on young multiracial Malaysians, not necessarily exemplifying brilliant brains and talents, they will be spoilt rotten with entitlements towards parents, then to us, senior young professionals, to bosses, or when they become authoritative bosses and leaders or self- centered, petty co-workers.
Fast forward, for any society to thrive and to reduce the socio- economic- political gap- with foresight of an ageing population - many have had sacrificed blood, tears and sweat, paid taxes in the past to enable us to enjoy the present,
-reflecting more of the minority must be given a chance to study with Malays on par, learning from and with the best, there is healthy competition, provided recognition is given, or teens being youth will become“ kiamsiap”
Ha Sak knows the meaning, too. Then there is no need to plagarise, rather ones will be confident sufficiently, if not, why some, study in good universities here and abroad, and let some of the minority work in the civil service – fast forward in years to come, some nuts will charge them for not be nationalistic. No ?
Next, rather weird, how PAGE’s chairperson ( she definitely works so hard but ponder how much more effective things can be ) commented that studying in private schools will make ones less nationalistic? The familiar ringing tone. Or rather how not that parents and their kids are forced to navigate their educated choices to enrol there to receive a comprehensive quality eduaction, to become accepted or why did someone’s dear and smart kid study abroad like some of us in the past ? less nationalistic ? how is it ? or how nationalistic is it that some umno leaders with vested interests sold IDs and the most recent disputed court case ?
For positive changes to happen in the nation in proportionately, there has to be change of mindset of the young in schools, universities and colleges, young professsionals and fellow, no, yes ? otherwise it will be like salmons swimming against raging torrents, upstream, mate and die ( coined by reawakened Ceritalah, ) Ha, how unfortunate ? why not moving beyond extinction - after “mating” of ideas through the marriage of economics and social responsibilties, in preventing the future “bull” slowly envisioned in Singapore promoting more insurance premiums for more coverage for health care -logical yes, but honest actuarial thinking and common wisdom will sniff it out that it is never sufficient, more of the pound of hard - earned cash - squeezed out for the interested parties, and we feed on the pulps – crash like an obsolete computer.
or a change of mindset and the heart that is morbilising for a better unity, growth, convictions with eteranal values as in the agama, amongst all Malaysians from here - the urbanites, to the rurals here, to Sarawak and Sabah ?
I honestly think we must produce more of Sepi dlm Bayu ( ? oops sorry, can’t locate your good name, too much to scroll ) Sak, Walla, many fine men and women of multiracial Malaysians, my MP Hannah; wondering cucu- cicit like me, I wonder how Bapa Malaysia would think about his own cucu- cicit having his DNA – muhibbah, ikhlas, or has his DNA been reengineered to become exclusive and brewing with insanity of to privileges – camouflaged, rebranded in a different articulations for one like QD zooming on the super highway with his wife perched behind, holding on to her dear life; and QD paying loose change, what 10 RM ? peanuts to wash his premium bike ? ( pay RM 35 for normal wash ok )
while his uncle kg man using colored googles ( pun intended ) cruising on his high – teched bukit gasing aka kilimanjaro - mountain bike and not stopping to assist Bruno ( keep writing but as anon ) pausing frequently on his strikes to Penang with his faithful rex ? hark !
or kg man treating Walla and Sak as good as he treats himself but asyik minta tongkat aje, derma ( 50, 500, 5000 ) RM make headlines in the paper HA, from now, perhaps they will donate berjuta - juta RM quietly to Selangor Govt with eternity in mind. amin.
I do treat others as good as myself, ala follow the footprints of ayah emak, learn more of it in the process, and I will do more especially when I become so rich, but honestly don’t know when… spending so much on makan, this that, when coming back home here. Whoah contributing to the economy of fellow Malaysians… any Malaysians who love Malaysia will do it. Aisay why Muslims must help only Muslims, aisay, it is stunning to do beyond, how come didn’t know, it is written there, tak tau baca, itulah asyik dengar passively, bacalah sendiri, atau dengar org cerdikpandai, berhati mulia pengkritik2 sivil MP Pakatan, termasuklah Ad Liberté, Nazri, noo not whatever, ones’ mind will immediately become retarded and reprogrammed big time.
or right is right, wrong is wrong in moving with and emcompassing multiracial Malaysians like Nazri kita – the UK trained, no wonder outspoken the truth, but again many others (?) so he is rather exceptional, like it not - too inferior, nazri nak karate dgn bruce lee, Nazri sure looks as good as the realistic wax mannequins, but to have his son as speciiial officer, why not rephrase it as PA, habis cerita, no more dispute.
Next, the revamped MACC self- prophesied it is a tiger contained, say, learn to jump up at the appropriate time, but restrained at all times so as not to attack innocent rakyat and peaceful socio- political dissidents. Fast - track working on the elimination of gaps for Malaysians from deprived background regardless of ethnic.
All schools including vernacular schools, govt universities and their respective academic staff must be made accountable to and supported by parents and industries to decisively eliminate unproductive academic contents and to enhance values, not to sure, respond to the massive responsible comments and legitimate grievances, learn well from responsible experts, not necessarily things have to have legalities - time consuming and with glossy technicalities and refinements.
@ RE: ED fears about its reading program, fret not, fear not, just do it, so long it is legal and positive empowerment to all young Malaysians from the deprived background – let the mad pets meow or bark in their respective swanky abodes. Fear not, do more of great things, beginning with the first steps, you will outbeat those cruising by secret selective trainings, are you not aware ? Don’t just ignore, but skim thru utusan paper - used by the indons to wrap nasi bungkus, sungguh.
And if we continously choose to live, to work, to laugh, to wave high 5, to pray, to provide assistance as peaceful, compassionate, progressive Malaysians beginning in our neighborhood to our places of learning and work, hospitals, to makan places, this enriching decivisiveness will cause foreign tourists and appreciative expats here to love Malaysians like the crazy ways how the star editor relates to ; they will envy us, and perhaps, might as well emulate our multiracial unity and respect, and together, we also trash obnoxious disrespect, racism across the board. We, new Malaysians work towards standing tall in the eyes of Asia first, what to do …. dah downgraded by moronic policies, yes, yes, no ?
Selamat Hari Merdeka to all Malaysians ! ; D Mohon maaf, but again certainly no mayple syrup coated if ideas are meant for improvement.
Salam Sakmongkol AK47.
Satu perkara yang kita lupa tentang kaum yang makan menggunakan 'sepit' ini..
sesiapa yang makan menggunakan 'sepit', mereka tidak meninggalkan apa-apa 'fingerprint' atau cap jari ke atas makanan tersebut. Oleh itu, nanti bila ditanya siapa yang memakan makanan ini, mereka akan kata saya tidak mengambilnya kerana tiada kesan cap jari, namun realitinya merekalah yang memakannya..
Makanya, setiap individu perlu berhati-hati dengan budaya ini kerana sampai masanya, ia akan diketahui, dan janganlah pada masa itu, kita sudah tiada harapan lagi...
Politics is a strange animal. Where in the world can we get someone who is not of a certain race ending up being lauded as champion of that race by just playing on fear and greed?
Geopolitics is even more strange. LKY had a vision of a Malaysian Malaya. For that, Singapore was ejected. Now that Pakatan is the first to coalesce that vision, he rejects its coalition, to wit in favor of the splittism championed by Mahathir.
Yet there is consistency in the inconsistency of both. The consistency is personal interest. In the case of Mahathir, to establish a dynastic interest under his Umno baru that protects his own preset convictions about everything even against facts and reality. In the case of LKY, to ensure the very problem of talent impoverishment he has discerned in Malaysia translates into advantage for his island state which is hollowing out by population growth slowdown.
Yet neither sees the real problem is common to both nations. Despite the occasional diatribes, there are legacy, cultural, social and economic attachments that are unique in the world which cannot be easily separated just by drawing a border line. The real common problem is not about maintaining the dividing line so as to maintain the status quo of nationhood. It is about the preparation of new generations for the new challenges of this new century. That preparation is the stronger the closer the inter-racial ties. The very ties that, at least for this country soon in days to celebrate another Merdeka again, are being destroyed by the present Umno government using its hypocritical 1Umno 2Malay 3Malaysia unsporting toto of racial brinkmanship.
Pakatan represents the first combined heart-created effort by the rakyat of all races to bring about closure to the divisiveness of the past so that a new vista for Malaysia can be opened where all can become humane again because a better system will work for them by a uniform standard, not the present double standard, not even any fear stoked by the greed, power and mono-nationalism of an unrepentant recalcitrant.
This post, for anon 06:33.
anon 16:21,
please la dont think too highly of whoever this sak is? takeover PR? he cant even fend for himself!!!
Lim family will forever be controlling DAP, people like Anwar, Sangmangkok are just machai's for them!!!
Hey anon 06.40
Since you involved my precious name in your polemic, I earned the right to reply. Just a short one. Not my style to be quarrelsome.
You implied that I am a privileged Melayuputra. I wish. Dont own a Harley Davidson to be riding the breeze. Motorbike is my wife's bane.
You are super privilege than me as a full-fledged Melayu. I feel said that the Merdeka theme - Malaysia berdaulat. Tanah Tumpahnya Darahku is not inclusive of me.
Darah ku tak tumpah di sini. But I am a Malay since my dad is a Malay. To all intents and purposes I am a Malay and proud to be one. I love Malaysia too.
But I am regarded as lain-lain. Janganlah tak mengenang nasib untung. Stop whining. Wanna trade places?
Salam Sak,
This is my comment in DAKJ, The Scribe on LKY book I wrote about a month ago.LkY even said that Malaysia has become more ORTHODOX than before.He is too proud of his overly SECULAR Singapore.I won't take this man LKY seriously.Malaysia is not Singapore.We will determine our destiny. This is my view below if I can share it here.
"Salam Dato and friends here.
1.Lee Kuan Yew recent book ' One Man's view of the World ' will certainly make an interesting reading as it touches on the reality of Malaysian politics among others.I have not had one yet merely from papers.
2.On Malaysia race relations, LKY in summary said that:
a).It will be impossible for Najib to win Chinese, Indian backing without losing Malay votes.
b) Malaysia cannot count on Najib 1 Malaysia concept or even PR to do the same as it (the concept) is UNREALISTIC since the ground had not moved in tandem with Najib plan to unite all Malaysians and his push for racial harmony.This is nostalgic of the 60's and even 70's that I sorely miss - peaceful coexistence and harmony.
c).The chances of PR getting rid of Malay Special treatment are too next to nothing.Even when come to the crunch PR would not be able to do away with Malay Supremacy.Further, even if UMNO were to lose power any party that takes its place would not behave differently.Najib has to relook at his 1Malaysia concept for it to be well accepted by many if not all.
3.On Malaysia brain drain,despite various incentives being offered,the country continues loosing talents with Singapore being the major beneficiary.A recent 2011 World bank report revealed that 20% of Malaysian graduates opt to quit the country and these migrants are being replaced by unskilled and uneducated foreigners.LkY blame the NEP supposedly discriminatory policies for many non-Malays to find an exit.
Well, it is only LKY views from someone who lived outside Malaysia.We should have known better because we live here.The Malaysian education system must be damn good for Malaysians to be accepted by many countries No ? OR was it something else ?."
SELAMAT HARI RAYA.May the celebration brings all Malaysians together.Thank you."
@ Kampong man.
More UMNO trolls coming out from their tempurung?
Walla said....
"The very ties that, at least for this country soon in days to celebrate another Merdeka again, are being destroyed by the present Umno government using its hypocritical 1Umno 2Malay 3Malaysia unsporting toto of racial brinkmanship."
Destroyed ?.I disagree.Walla can keep his negative views to himself and not propagating political hatred anymore.The next election will be another four or five years down the road.
The govt has done so much to bring about racial unity with various transformations but there are some Malaysians from the opposition side who continue harbouring hatred by blaming solely to UMNO/BN and yet they (PR)do little to close the gap They blame the ruling govt led by UMNO. Even the PR coalition itself is more of marriage of convenient with diverse purpose.I look forward to a workable two party system BUT it looks like it will not be one even for the next two PRUs.
The fact remains UMNO/BN prevails despite heavy PR onslaught last election because the rakyat insist on a proven BN gomen.
Salam MERDEKA.Don't forget all houses, shops,buildings,factories,cars and lorries to fly Jalur Gemilang.Show our loyalty to Malaysia.Malaysia boleh maa..
Sam Yap
More UMNO trolls? Hey bro, who? It's you the DAP trolls who dominate this blog.
You mean to say trolls are only UMNO supporters? Get a life.
Sam Yapping.....
Eat your DAPork heart out!!! DAPork parti cakap tak serupa bikin lorr!!! Pemilihan CEC banyak tipu lorr!!!
Thanks so much Prof Walla ! for one prof whom i would come to lecture early and the last to leave, and submit meticulous researched assignments,
to someone who has stunning, utmost sincere and elegant wisdom. Reflecting on the feet and will do through meals again. When i read your posts before writing mine, i have nothing to write like today ;) perhaps i need to have apple and blackberry for breakfast more, bet you caught my drift.
look QD, you are not the only Malay in the nation, but it is the quality of the brain, mature empathy, and clear conscience, you are a whiner to nana as a couch potato when hearing selective words in the agama to suit your interests, hence no wonder you seem to enjoy entertaining biased perceptions toward the minorities of Malaysians. Having too many fingers to count the number of non Malays you have as good friends ?!!
you are obviously lacking in the deep and deeper areas of convictions and wide genre of beneficial intellects with justice for the insan in Malaysia, whatmore worlwide. You are rather thick after taking too much instant baby formulae at this stage, that you can't even perceive that those Melayu with big bikes are urged to pay more, like RM 35 per basic wash, and not peanuts to Malay, Indian bike washers ?!! Stop jumping and sit still on a hard stool ( pun intended ), hear and learn well from really brilliant brains with conscience, courage and perseverance to create the ripple of positive effects through the power, convergence and mating ( take it easy, don't be stupid and slide into vulgarlity ) of innovative ideas for the betterment of all Malaysians regardless of creed and religion which Malaysia is also tanah tumpah darah semua, not yours alone.
What about the dna, too dependent on tongkat dan dengki because you enjoy being programmed, you, for one !
I am a Malay, too, in the category of fellow Malays who are brilliant, muhibbah, highly conscientious, and strong to learn, work and share the expertise and work experiences in my fields with and alongside others, on merit. You are good enough to gawk in envy and syak wasangka.
look QD you are fine, what about other - sons and daughters of the soil - Bumiputra- yet still living without the basics - denied by the minority taib, are you dead or alive consciously not to recall your MISERY and having made it WITHOUT tongkat, relate to the deserving bumiputeras and the minorities who have lacks and assist them ? Maybe the " tongkat " has incapacitated you from thinking, challenging yourself and responding to the hardship of fellow Malaysians, YES !!
On the next flight out this evening to resume enjoying contributing to nations and homenation, Tanah Tumpah Darah kita semua.
I dont trust that oldman from Singapore ever since he paid homage to Rosmah. BN is good for Singapore as long as Najib is at the helm. Do not forget the CTV clip of the diamond exhibition in Singapore which would be ever handy.
Quote Quiet Despair;
'...Darah ku tak tumpah di sini.'
Obviously this guy is a two facer - holding greencard while silently retaining the M'sian citizenship.
Make up yr mind - M'sia doesnt allow dual citizenship!
So, if star&strip is for u, especially now the economy is looking up, f**k off & back to there & see whether u still can survive!
Dont come here & make noise, just so u can claimed to earn yr keep to the tongkat giver.
Hahaha! Wow! Good response!
Sam Yapping,
Jawab la why DAP CEC is manipulated? Takut sama Tokong ka?
Betulkah Melayu semakin ramai di malaysia, 69% ?. Statistik ini rasanya untuk menyedapkan hati. Orang Cina makin ramai di Pulau Pinang, sudah jadi majoriti. Perak sipi-sipi, begitu juga Selangor. Johor juga mula ditenggelami. Melayu mungkin bertambah ramai di Pantai timur tapi Cina makin ramai di sebelah barat semenanjung.
Salam Sak,
Anon 6.36 above is my comment, Kampong man.Thank you.
So start a rabbit breeding scheme with cash incentive.
cat M schedule - from cradle to grave, with 1st priority on ALL things within bolihland, supplemented with constant ali tongkat injections.
cat C&I - if they dare, let them shyok themselves with teowchew music!
As far as East M'sia goes, re-invent project M, to tackle S'wak. Sabah is already in the bag, mah!
Within 5yrs, not only sebelah barat semenanjung, would be swamped by cat M, E M'sia would be one, too.
Then, all problem solved.
Might is in quantity. All the alphabet soup coefficients in social science r irrelevant. As the poors, even now they r of the same race though of different class, can always be feed with pure AlifBaTa shits for contentment.
What say u?
Raja2 Melayu sekarang macam tak berfungsi langsung.Rasa macam dieorang tak ada buat apa2.Sibuk dengan hal dunia sahaja.Bukan saya mahu menghina atau memaki raja2 Melayu.Tapi dieorang langsung tak boleh dijadikan teladan.
Saya geram.Rakyat selalu mempertahankan ledaulatan dieorang tapi dieorang tak pernah nak ambil tahu.Nasib baiklah orang Melayu ni memang taat pada raja kalau tak dah lama raja kat Malaysia ni tak wujud.
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