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Sakmongkol ak 47

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

UMNO parti rasuah.

Kawan kawan saya dalam UMNO bercakap mengenai rasa cemas bila kerajaan yang di pimpin oleh UMNO menabur wang begitu banyak kepada rakyat. Bayaran RM 100, 200, dan sekarang ini RM 500 sedang rancak di jalankan. Tapi apa yang hendak di risaukan? Bukankah ini hasil pejuangan UMNO dan bukti UMNO dan BN amat perihatin kepada rakyat?
Mereka bertanya kepada saya, bayaran2 ini, adakah ianya meningkatkan peluang UMNO dan kerajaan BN menang? Saya cakap sudah tentu ia menngkat peluang- peluang untuk rakyat merasa sakit hati. Bila rakyat sakit hati, bertambah ramailah musuh2 UMNO.
Hah? Macam mana itu berlaku? Saya menyatakan bahawa dalam hal beri memberi ini, UMNO selalu menghadapi masaalah. Siapa yang menentukan siapa dapat RM 100, 200 dan RM 500? Selalu nya yang menentukan ialah ketua kampong.
Ketua kampong punya keutamaan ialah menyenaraikan adik beradik, saudara saudara terdekat, dan geng geng yang sebulu dengan mereka. Golongan yang terpinggir ramai daripada yang dapat imbuhan. Ini memang resam sesetangah ketua kampong. Semasa saya jadi ADUN dahulu, saya mempunyai masaalah dengan ketua2 kampung yang seperti inilah juga- yang jadi pagar yang memakan padi.
Kalau buka kawasan pembesaran kampong, lot2 tanah di sapu mereka dan keluarga mereka sendiri. Kalau ada rumah rakyat, rumah PPRT, sanak saudara di dahulukan. Bahkan lot2 tanah di beri kepada suku sakat mereka yang tidak pun tinggal dalam kawasan pemberian tanah.
Apabila saham Felcra di beri oleh kerajaan- yang sepatutnya di beri kepada KEPALA keluarga, pemimpin kampong mendesak di beri kepada anggota isi rumah. Kalau keluarga nya ada 5 orang, mereka mahu saham Felcra di beri kepada ke lima2 ahli keluarga nya. Apa akan jadi bila perkara seperti ini di biarkan? Ianya bermakna , 5 ketua keluarga yang lain di nafikan peluang untuk dapat saham felcra.
Nah , sekarang perkara yang serupa berlaku apabila pentadbiran Najib Razak membayar wang kepada rakyat. Ramai orang menerima wang tersebut tapi bilangan yang di nafikan hak untuk menikmati rezeki dari Najib Razak juga kian bertambah.
Jadi saya suka sangat Najib Razak buka lebih banyak fronts kebencian rakyat. Ini melanggar nasihat yang dia selalu beri kepada rakan2 dan ahli UMNO. Jangan open up fronts terlalu banyak untuk orang membenci kita.
Dan saya harap ada orang membawa perkara ini kepada mahkamah. Adakah pemberian wang ini suatu bentuk sogokan dan rasuah untuk mendapatkan undi rakyat? Kepada saya, ianya satu bentuk rasuah yang di lakukan dengan terang. Duit dan wang ini bukan UMNO yang punya. Ianya duit yang datang dari hasil pendapaatn kerajaan. Operasi menyampaikan wang tersebut sepatutnya di lakukan melalui pejabat pejabat daerah. Kenapa wang tersebut di sampaikan oleh ketua bahagian UMNO dan bakal bakal calun dari komponen BN?
Di Sentul Kuala Lumpur, penyampaian wang RM 500 ini menonjolkan bakal calun dari parti Gerakan yang akan menentang Tian Chua dalam PRU 13 nanti. Tapi jangan risau, kita sudah tahu outcome PRU tersebut.
Tian Chua yang berani membaringkan diri di hadapan jentera dan kenderaan polis tidak mungkin di kalahkan oleh rasuah Gerakan dan UMNO.
Sukalah saya mengingatkan dalam soal beri duit dan wang ini- ianya bukan lah suatu perkara yang luar biasa. Bahkan, inilah bukti yang saya suka sebut sebagai satu satu nya cara dan kaedah yang DS Najib tahu dan gunakan untuk menyelesaikan masaalah. Cara nya ialah membayar sana sini. Itu dia nya, cara parti UMNO dan pemimpin tertinggi nya menyelesaikan masaalah.
Elok kita biarkan UMNO mengamalkan cara merasuah rakyat. Sebab sebuah parti seperti UMNO yang sustain sokongan kepada nya melalui merasuah rakyat tidak akan kekal lama. Ini berbanding dengan parti politik yang mencerna dalam diri penyokong nilai nilai, keyakinan dan kepercayaan kepada seruan perjuangan.
Saya mahu orang Melayu sedar bahawa UMNO tidak mempunyai seruan perjuangan. Alif Ba Ta UMNO( Agama , Bangsa dan Tanah Air) sudah lama di singkirkan dan di gantikan dengan perjuangan kepentingan peribadi dan kelompok.
Adakah UMNO berjuang untuk kepentingan bangsa Melayu?
Ianya hanya suatu metos yang di bina oleh pemimpin2 haprak UMNO. Apabila keadaan cemas dan sesak, ketika itulah UMNO akan menjerit sana sini, bahawa hanya mereka lah yang melindungi kepentingan bangsa Mlayu, Agama dan Tanah Air.
Berhentilah dari menipu bangsa Melayu.
Jika UMNO berjuang untuk kepentingan Melayu, maka tidaklah mereka menafikan hak bangsa Melayu mendapat royalty minyak di Kelantan dan Terengganu. Penduduk dalam dua negeri ini majority nya Melayu,- tapi mengapakah royalty minyak tidak di beri secara lansung kepada rakyat kedua negeri itu secara lansung?
Rakyat Kelantan di nafikan hak mendapat royalty hanya semata mata rakyat negeri itu menyokong parti PAS. Dalam kes negeri Terengganu, orang UMNO sendiri tidak percaya kepada pemimpin UMNO negeri untuk mengendali pemberian wang royalty minyak. Orang UMNO tak percaya kepada orang UMNO sendiri kerana mereka tahu, jika royalty minyak Terengganu di kendalikan oleh Mat Said dan geng geng, wang tersebut akan masuk kedalam poket orang lain.
Maka nya, UMNO bukanlah memperjuangkan kepentingan bangsa Melayu secara keseluruhan. Pertama, orang Melayu yang di maksudkan oleh UMNO itu, tidak termasuk Melayu yang bukan dalam UMNO. Melayu yang di maksudkan oleh UMNO ialah Melayu dalam UMNO itulah jua. Dalam kamus UMNO orang Melayu hanya ahli UMNO yang 3 juta itu sahaja lah yang layak di gelar Melayu. Orang Pahang, bila tidak bersetuju dengan sesuatu pendapat akan berkata- kepala bapak awaok!. Maka bila orang UMNO kata mereka berjuang untuk orang Melayu, saya orang Pahang akan berkata, kepala bapak awaok!
Kedua, daripada 3 juta ahli itu, UMNO berjuang untuk kumpulan terpilih. Jika cawangan UMNO mempunyai 50 orang ahli, ketua cawangan akan berjuang untuk 30 orang sahaja. Itu terdiri dari yang se kabilah dengan nya. Amalan ini di lakukan di peringkat cawangan, bahagian dan seterusnya pada peringkat induk.
Bayangkan sebuah parti yang membina kekuatan nya diatas perpecahan yang bermula di peringkat cawangan lagi- adakah parti seperti ini layak bercakap mengenai perpaduan dan bersatu?
Dasar yang ada dan di amalkan oleh UMNO ialah dasar BUMIPUTERA- yang berada di hadapan mengaut dan memonopli segala hasil peuangan ialah putera2 pemimpin, putera raja, putera ahli politik, putera ketua cawangan, putera ketua bahagian, putera ahli MKT UMNO dan putera2 orang berkuasa dan bernama. BUmi? Anak Bumi ketinggalan di belakanng PUTERA tanpa apa apa selain dari memegang telur sendiri.


Anonymous,  31 January 2012 at 10:45  

Isu ketua kampung beri dulu kepada anak beranak mereka mmg saya sokong.Mmg terjadi di kampung saya.

Soal BR1M saya heran juga Dato,baru2 pun kawan saya yan mohon disuruh ambil duit kat ketua umno.Seolah-olah umno yg bagi bukan kerajaan yg bagi.

Anonymous,  31 January 2012 at 11:01  


Saya akur dakwaan Dato' berkenaan dengan cara kerja UMNO dalam posting ini. Sebagai seorang yang pernah hidup dalam lingkungan keluarga JKK dan Ketua Kampung lantikan UMNO, kepincangan ini berlaku di depan mata saya.

Masih segar dingatan saya sewaktu UMNO BN menawarkan 5,000 unit saham ASN percuma kepada rakyat, Ketua Kampung (JKK) ini telah kumpulkan kaum kerabatnya serta ahli keluarga terlebih dulu bagi memastikan agihan ini sampai kepada mereka. Keluarga didulukan, kaum kerabat diutamakan, yang lain2 pandai2lah korang.

Suatu ketika dulu di Selangor, Ketua Kampung (JKK) ini membentuk satu konsortium gabungan ketua2 kampung dan memohon ratusan hektar tanah bekas lombong untuk dibangunkan atas nama projek pembesaran kampung baru. Antara yang mendapat faedah besar dalam projek2 ini ialah YB YB dan ADUN serta ketua2 kampung itu sendiri dimana masing2 mendapat 1 unit rumah percuma lot termahal dan bebas pula memilih lokasi terbaik. Ahli keluarga terdekat mereka tidak terkecuali mendapat bahagian unit2 rumah dan memilih lokasi terbaik sebelum baki selebihnya dibuka dan dijual kepada orang ramai.

Sebelum projek kampung baru ini dibangunkan, golongan2 ini telah pun meraih hasil dengan penjualan pasir malah ketua kampung berkali2 mendapat saguhati dari kontraktor dan dihantar menunaikan umrah beberapa kali.

Sewaktu projek berkenaan sedang berjalan, pernah seorang MP dari utara semenanjung menghubungi JKK berkenaan dan meminta sebahagian dari keluasan tanah lombong berkenaan tetapi JKK dan kumpulan nya berkeras tidak mahu berkongsi.

Setelah projek berkenaan siap, baki rumah ( setelah rumah2 lokasi strategik telah dipilih kumpulan JKK ini ), dibuka kepada awam mengikut harga pasaran. Ramai orang2 luar yang bekerja dipersekitaran lokasi berkenaan telah membelinya.

Bila serahan kunci rumah dibuat maka ramailah yang mendiami penempatan baru berkenaan. Ketua Kampung dan JKK ini merasakan mereka berhak untuk menjadi pimpinan kawasan baru berkenaan dan merasa tidak puas hati bila majoriti pembeli2 rumah dari luar itu merupakan mereka2 yang mempunyai fahaman politik masing2 yang tidak selari dengan pegangan JKK. Ini menimbulkan suasana tidak harmonis. JKK menyuarakan rasa tdak puas hati atas alasan projek berkenaan dimulakan oleh mereka. Tetapi mereka harus menyedari bahawa walau pun majoriti pembeli2 rumah berkenaan adalah dari luar, tetapi mereka membayar harga rumah mengikut harga pasaran dan sebagai pembeli dan pemilik rumah serta tanah yang sah sebagai mana yang tercatat dalam geran, mereka berhak menentukan hala tuju dan fahaman politik mereka sendiri.

Pembeli2 rumah dari luar ini majoritinya adalah kumpulan terpelajar dan memegang jawatan tinggi dalam insttusi2 berhampiran dan tentunya mereka lebih dari cukup matang untuk menentukan pilihan mereka sendiri.

Ini adalah satu contoh sebenar bagaimana kumpulan Ketua Kampung dan JKK UMNO melaksanakan program mereka dimana famili sendiri, kaum kerabat dan handai taulan yang rapat mendapat keuntungan, sisanya baru ditawarkan kepada umum pada harga pasaran.

Jadi benarlah kata Dato', peruntukan2 berkenaan kelak akan berlegar dulu dikalangan juak2 mereka dan jika peruntukan masih berbaki..mungkin sisa tersebut baru sampai ke kelompok terbanyak iaitu orang2 awam yang tidak mempunyai pertalian dengan mereka.

Kita tunggu dan lihat !

Anonymous,  31 January 2012 at 11:50  

UMNO = skim cepat kaya

Anonymous,  31 January 2012 at 11:52  

salam Datuk...

ada orang kata...

peribahasa "harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi"...

ini peribahasa yang salah...

peribahasa yang betul ialah...

harapkan pegar, pegar makan padi?

PAPA GOMO 31 January 2012 at 12:08  

kesian, bagaikan sampah artikel ni yg tidak berfakta untuk dijadikan penyampaian yg berguna buat rakyat.

patut lu tulis lah, bila tak dicalonkan merajuk keluar parti. kan elok tu.

amacam telor lim guan eng.? sedap lu hisap?

Anonymous,  31 January 2012 at 12:13  

Salam Dato,

Ini merupakan kali pertama saya memberikan komen di dalam blog Dato.

Saya adalah seorang rakyat malaysia berbangsa KadazanDusun berasal dari Sabah.

Saya menetap di Pulau Pinang selama 10 tahun dan telah melihat bagaimana perubahan yang dilakukan oleh Kerajaan PR di sana adalah amat ketara sekali. To say LGE did a good job is clearly an understatement. However, there's only so much that can be done in only one term, I sincerely hope Rakyat will give another opportunity to LGE to continue his excellent service there.

Mengenai UMNO, pada pemerhatian saya, orang melayu sudah mula memahami taktik dan politik yang digunakan oleh Umno. Setiap kali melihat petikan ucapan pemimpin Umno di kaca tv seringkali rakyat dibrain washed bahawa mereka harus mengundi umno jika hendak terus maju, mereka juga harus menunjukkan rasa terima kasih kepada umno atas segala pemberian Umno and undi kepada umno merupakan balasan kepada jasa umno.

Saya juga sedih melihat bagaimana Umno di sabah. Bagi saya, Umno di Sabah hanyalah satu cara bagi Umno mengekalkan kuasa mereka di Persekutuan Malaysia. Bagi saya mereka merupakan sebuah persatuan yang hanya tahu memberikan project-project sahaja, saya tidak nampak mereka mempertahankan hak hak anak jati sabah.

Jika Putrajaya hendak ditawan, pastikan Sabah & Sarawak bukan lagi fixed deposit BN.

OneMalaysian,  31 January 2012 at 12:45  

Dear Sakmongkol

This question should be posed: do the RM100, RM200 and RM500 handouts constitute corrupt practice?

Politicians at election time make promises of benefits or one kind or another to get elected. This is normal, and legal. How is this different from politicians handing out wads of cash BEFORE the election?

The difference lies in the intent and the capacity of the giver. When UMNO or other BN politicians give money in their personal capacity to induce people to vote for them, that is bribery. It is corrupt electoral practice. If the money is given as government aid the poor, this is kosher. But the politician must first get elected into government to hand out any such goodies.

Would such a fine argument register with most the recipients of this once-in-5 years gift? I suspect not. I have been told that BN people are already busy handing out money in the rural parts of Sabah and Sarawak. Even the MCA has got into the game for the first time. Members who are 60 years or older get a RM100 cheque for “services to the party” even though they have never done anything for the party, and have actively voted the opposition. You get it so long as you call up and your name is in the register. And the president himself signs the cheques!

If Malaysians can be bought with such puny sums, it is a very sad reflection of the state of our economy and the destitution of a large portion of our population. If we were any richer, we would be insulted by such a blatant attempt at vote buying. The failure of the UMNO/BN government in 55 years of unbroken rule to enrich us makes a RM100 or RM500 palliative seems like a godsend. As we accept this little inducement, let’s not forget that the givers have just stolen from us RM100 million or RM500 million. So take the money but VOTE THEM OUT!

Anonymous,  31 January 2012 at 12:52  

The rakyat loves it so the politicians thinks its bribes. Who cares as long we rakyat got it. I as anyone else the rakyat we appreciated it cos we need it.So who are not happy then it is too bas. So thell what is the meaning of negara berkebajikan>

Hoping many more things like this in future. I dont care who is who going there and here jumping there and here as long we rakyat senang. Even foreigner jealous and some biasa try to be malaysian in order to get this so call rasuah (rasuha yang deketahui umum ok jugak, share ramia untuk yang tak mampu sorry dat6uk you tak termasuk)

Anonymous,  31 January 2012 at 13:08  

As salam, DATO saya dgr, ada YB yg bawa sendiri duit ne kpd rakyatx,adakah itu caranya. PRU 13 tetap PANGKAH masa PRU 12, bukan calun BN. ABU selamat dtg

Anonymous,  31 January 2012 at 13:39  

Bab2 beri bantuan kewangan malas nak komen sebab sebagai rakyat kami mengalu-alukan bantuan sedemikian dan bagi pembangkang setiap bantuan dan air percuma kami alu-alukan juga. Iada masaal h bagi rakyat seperti kami yang kurang mampu mendapat bantuan sebegini tapi bantuan2 seperti ini mungkin tidak di sukai oleh ahli2 politik. sekarang rakyat yang berkuasa menentu apa yang meraka mahu atau tidak setiap kerajaan harus peka kepada masaalah rakyat. tiada lagi politik seperti politik datuk yang lebih kepada isu politik bangsa ugama atau isu2 sosial. Bila susah rakyat tidak melihat siapa YB itu tapi cara bagaimana dia dapat memenuhi kehendak rakyat . Tiada bantuan yang boleh disifatkan sebagai rasuah sebab kita hanya terima tanpa ada apa2 perjanjian yang harus ditunaikan jadi itu bukan rasuah kalau tidak haram lah jadinya air yang digunakan di selangor contoh je tu. Sebagai rakyat kami pentingkan etika individu itu janji mesti dikotakan, humble dan penting mesra rakyat. mesra rakyat datangnye dari pemimpin yang mesra famili sebab pemimpin jenis ni tau hendak bagaiman nak mesra rakyat. Walaupun datuk ini sudah parti berlainan bagi saya jika datuk mesra rakyat dan mesra segala nya maka tida masaalh mendapat sokongan. Rakyat majoriti tidak aktif sangat pasal politik maka jenis yang tau cakap dan tau buat lebih kami gemar daripada yang hanya cakap memang menyakinkan tapi hampas, itu kami tolak.Memang sukar untuk melalui fasa politik sekrang sebab janji manis setiap parti politik memang menarik jadi rakyat sudah tetbiasa dengan all the goodies and berharap ia akan menjadi kenyataan. Segala adalah untuk rakyat itu isu sekarang .

Anonymous,  31 January 2012 at 13:50  

Baik sangatkah pemimpin DAP? Adakah pemimpin DAP akan memperjuangkan bangsa Melayu?
Usah mimpi la kaum Melayu selagi gagasan Malaysian Malaysia masih terselindung di sebalik tadbir. Tunggu sahaja la apabila DAP benar2 berkuasa. Pada masa itu nasi sudah menjadi bubur.

impiana cerating,  31 January 2012 at 16:17  

Papa Gomo,

Awak ini memang mempunyai sifat orang UMNO. Tidak tahu nak bahaskan apa yang ditulis oleh Sak, sebaliknya awok mencarut kotor.

awak ni tak ada mak bapak ke? siapa yang didik awok. Anak yatim yang tidak ada mak bapak pun tak seteruk awok? malulah sikit, jadilah seprang manusia bukannya jadi haiwan belaan.

Anonymous,  31 January 2012 at 16:34  


Saya sering ikuti posting di blog ini. Pada saya ini gaya sebenar blogger berkualiti, menulis berdasarkan realiti sebenar menggunakan ayat2 yang berhemah.

Peliknya UMNO BN lebih berselera menjadikan blog Papa Gomo sebagai rujukan walhal isi blog beliau serta bahasa yang digunakan amat nmeloyakan. Bsgaimana mungkin UMNO BN yang mendakwa mereka adalah sebuah parti yang bagus dan baik boleh menjadikan blog Papa Gomo sebagai rujukan utama.

Konklusi yang saya dapat dari situasi ini, bagaimana buruknya personaliti penulis blog Papa Gomo, begitulah juga peribadi pemimpin2 yang menjadikan blog tersebut sebagai rujukan..siap mempromosi blog berkenaan melalui TV.

Buat Dato' teruskan perjuangan dan tahniah juga kerana telah melakukan hijrah pada ketika majoriti rakyat sangat2 memerlukan pimpinan berkualiti.

Anonymous,  31 January 2012 at 16:38  

Papagomo hang ni cakap apa ? orang hisap telur Lim Guan Eng hang dok logat sangat buat apa ,yang hang ni hisap telur orang Umno boleh ? buto hang

Anonymous,  31 January 2012 at 16:40  

Pemberian wang sebanyak RM100,200, dan 500 mungkin tidak akan membantu BN untuk menang dalam PRU13 kelak.
Saya telah dengar ada penerima bantuan yang mengatakan bahawa mereka akan dapat lebih banyak bantuan jika PR menjadi lebih kuat dari BN, dan mereka mungkin tidak akan dapat apa apa saperti dahulu dimana BN menang lebih 2/3.Jadi pemberian bantuan mungkin akan jadi double edge sword yang cederakan BN sendiri. Kita tunggu dan lihat.

Anonymous,  31 January 2012 at 17:02  


Walau pun saya masih ahli UMNO tetapi saya terbuka untuk membaca maklumat yang disampaikan dikedua2 belah pihak.Hanya dengan mengakses dan bersedia mendengar dari kedua belah pihak, baru kita mampu menjadi hakim yang "adil" sewaktu mengundi.

So biarkan Papa Gomo dengan blognya. Bagi saya kandungan blog Papa Gomo sangat jijik, kaya dengan bahasa beliau bukannya membantu UMNO BN sebaliknya menyebabkan "reverse effect" dimana membuat pembaca lebih membenci UMNO BN. So biarlah dia berkarya sebelum beliau dihumban UMNO BN sendiri.

Untuk Dato'..teruskan menulis. Kami alu2kan tulisan Dato' agar lebih banyak sumber2 berkualiti dari kedua2 pihak boleh diakses oleh rakyat sebagai pertimbangan mereka sewaktu mengundi.

Anonymous,  31 January 2012 at 17:33  

At least papagomo acknowledges Lim Guan Eng ada telur...

Ketua Parti Melayu terbesar di Malaysia sekarang ni telur pun tak tentu lagi ada....

Dengan Berahim Ali yang petite pun kecut dalam hal NEP, dengan Anwar Berahim pun main baling batu sembunyi-sembunyi dalam kes sodo-mee tu, debat pun tak mahu..

Tak payah pikir panjang...mana ada dalam sejarah Malaysia, PM yang tak melalui proses memimpin partinya memenangi pilihanraya.

Julia Gillard pun lagi "jantan" dari PM kita ni

Donplaypuks® 31 January 2012 at 17:36  

"amacam telor lim guan eng.? sedap lu hisap?" Papa Gomo

Hisap telor Ahmad Zahedi, BUMNO, Rosemajib & Datuk Trio itu lebih sedap, kan? Wow, serial penghisap, Papa Gomo ini!

Pot calling the kettle black?

we are (sometimes regretably) all of 1 Race, the Human race

jeebong,  31 January 2012 at 17:46  

pasal beri sogokan begini memang dah jadi darah daging umno sejak dahulu kala lagi...

di kelantan hingga kan nik aziz kena nasihat...beri gula amik, beri kain amik beri pitih amik tapi masa menggundi undi lah PAS.... atau lebih kurang begitu lah...

Quiet Despair,  31 January 2012 at 18:52  

Heran ya Sak, perbuatan merasuah rakyat yang bro cakap sebagai umpan undi, juga menjadi ikutan Pakatan.
Kita dengar Sheikh Al-Sod berjanji beri royalti minyak 20 peratus to Sabah dan hapuskan pembiayaan PTPL.
It's like a scholarship for all. No meritocray needed. You get into U, you get free tuition.
This means that it's free education all the way from primary to varsity. Even the super rich US of A could not do this.
His serban counterpart pula janji beri tanah free to our state people - Pahangnites.
And jangan lupa yang your boss in Penang dah beri imbuhan semasa mula jadi CM, tapi dipulangkan oleh Melayu Penang yang cakap duit itu hasil haram.
Kalau sayalah jadi Mr Aljay dan orang kuat PAS dan DAP saya akan educate Malaysians that we are not a hands-out people. We are proud givers not receivers. It's better to give than to receive.
But I guess takpelah, they can promise anything, because they are not the Government. And Pakatan is not known to honor the promise. Janji atas angin.
But with Najib, he honored the promise, being the government of the day.
I am with you in not agreeing to this free-for-all disbursements of goodies to all and sundry.
Bukan tak setuju menolong yang tak berupaya. Tapi sedih tujuan murni BN dijadikan persendaan parti pembangkang.
Tengoklah the RMN500 aid. Opposition going round that it's the way of the Inland Revenue Department, to catch those not paying taxes.
If you go by this, you will not see Sungai Way market traders queueing up in the hundreds to get their cheques way before CNY.
Can bet you some of them earned more than us and did not pay income tax. And where they come from, they are not voters of BN.
You think BN tak tahu. They know but they are living up to their promise.
The same goes for the RM500 Bantuan 1Malaysia. I watch the news and read the papers and I see there are more Nons getting it.
I hope the government will come out with the statistics to prove that's true. That the ratio of Nons are more than the Malays who are he poorest in the country.
Then the book vouchers. It's not being appreciated. Its traded at Mudah.Com.
And the RM100 for pupils. It's to buy Barbie Dolls for the rich kids.
PTPL money are used to buy laptops and I-Pads.
So the government must put a stop to this. Give only to the needy. The ones who really value it.
And it's sad that in Kelantan 3,000 pupils did not get the RM100. Kerana dicucuk oleh PAS.
And you know, I call some of my sedara yang low income yang bertabur merata Pahang.
Most of them said Malas nak apply. Tak tentu dapat.
Yep, my reply to them Kepala Bapak Awok. At least Pahang people don't say Kepala Hotak Awak, like other states. LOL.
It's penyakit orang Melayu. Bodoh sombong. Takut orang kata kita papa kedana.
Kita mahu dilihat sebagai biar papa asal bergaya.
To all the Nons who love riobbing us for not paying income tax, that is the reply.
We don't take just because we are entitled to. If we are like you, there won't be enough for you to grab.
We have got to stop this misconception of the Malays.

Quiet Despair,  31 January 2012 at 19:28  

Here's an anecdote for you guys

My next-door neighbor is an ultra-rich man. The family has a mother and father in their 80s living with them.
But the couple have separate entrance for their units. Their son also gave them a car and driver for their personal use and to take them for medical check-ups to GH.
One day. the mum who addressed herself as Paatti, call me at the fence. She calls me Boy.

Paatti: Hey Boy, Paatti so happy I get in time to the Income Tax Dept to send in my RM500 aid.
Me: Paatti, you mean you applied? Why? Sure your son is rich enough to give you RM500.
Paatti: Yes. My son gives me more than that. But this one the government give what. Free some more.
Me: Ayoyo Paatti, they see your son's name and the address you are staying, sure cannot get one.
Paatti: Why not, it is my right la.
Me: Yeah, but you are not poor. Cannot be like that.
Paatti: Alaa can. Sure get. No harm applying. Get also can, don't get also can.
Me: If you get you tell me ok. And you must vote for BN.
Paatti: Oh don't worryla. Before you were born I already voted for BN when I stay at estate in Batang Berjuntai.

Oh my god, if I am so rich, I will feel bad if my parents apply for that aid.
I will also send my parents to a private hospital.
How I wish the poor Malays are like her.

borhan, KL,  31 January 2012 at 19:39  

Dato' Sak,

Who is this PAPA GOMO ya? Does he know that he brings down UMNO? Inilah rupanya orang yang menyokong umno? macam mana umno yang mendapat penghormatan masyarakat.

PAPAGOMO ni nampaknya sokong membawa rebah. Ini menunjukan umno tidak tahu menghampiri rakyat.

Siap mak bapak dia hah? Dia orang kafir ke Islam?

Anonymous,  31 January 2012 at 19:43  

alif ba ta UMNO ori: agama bangsa dan tanah air

alif ba ta UMNO baru: anak, bini dan teman-teman


Anonymous,  31 January 2012 at 20:31  

Salam Dato,

kpd: ANON 31 January 2012 13:50

Sdr ni ibaratkan takut hantu disenja hari. Mungkin akibat terlalu sangat percaya dgn Utusan Meloya, Berita Hairan, Kosmo, Metro, RTM, TV3 dan sewaktu dgnnya.

Sila buat kajian Mathematik sendiri.

1. Jika DAP menang pun disemua kawasan yang ditandingi DAP tidak akan dapat memerintah Negara ini.Kerana apa? kerana DAP tidak meletakkan calun di semua kawasan. DAP faham real politik Negara ini.

2. DAP boleh di sertai oleh semua kaum seperti juga PKR dan PAS. Tidak seperti umno, mca dan mic.

3. Kerajaan Pulau Pinang PR telah memperuntukkan rm30juta kepada Jabatan Agama Islam Negeri yg tertinggi jika dibandingkan dgn negeri-negeri lain yang di pimpin oleh melayu umno.

4. Laporan Audit Negara mencatatkan Negeri-negeri dibawah PR mencatatkan pertumbuhan yang tertinggi, perbelanjaan berimbang dan pembayar hutang yg terbaik jika dibandingkan dgn negeri-negeri dibawah pimpinan melayu elite umno yg terus mengalami deficit berterusan yang teruk.

5. Cuba tanya pemimpin melayu umno; siapa yg keluarkan tanah Singapura dari Malaysia?

6. Cuba tanya pemimpin melayu umno: Siapa yang hadiahkan dua lot kawasan minyak rmbillionxxx kepada Brunei.

7. Cuba tanya pemimpin Melayu umno; Siapa jual tanah Keretapi tanah MELAYU di Singapura. Hari ini Malaysia tidak lagi mempunyai tanah di Singapura.

8. Cuba tanya pemimpin Melayu umno; mana perginya Pulau Sipadan dan Seputih.

9. Cuba tanya pemimpin Melayu umno; Mana perginya rm500juta itu rasuah@komisen pembelian scorpene.

10. Cuba tanya pemimpin Melayu umno: Kenapa Alanthuya yg mengandung itu diletupkan dgn C4.

11. Cuba tanya pemimpin melayu umno; kenapa lembu boleh beli kondo di Negara ini dan di Singapura.

12. Cuba tanya pemimpin melayu umno; Jet sukhoi di padang pasir tu dah boleh terbang ke?

13. Cuba tanya pemimpin melayu: Satelit Razaksat dah ok ke?

13. Cuba tanya pemimpin Melayu umno; Segala pembelian keperluan Angkatan Tentera seperti Scorpene, Kereta kebal, kapal laut, kapal terbang berharga ratusan billon berganda harga jika dibandingkan dengan pembelian yang sama oleh negara lain di sebabkan rasuah@komisen, adakah menjamin keselamatan anggota ATM yang bertugas untuk mempertahankan negara?

ada banyak lagi...

drp: benci rasuah

Three Trees,  31 January 2012 at 21:29  

Dato,We're all having a good discussion and suddenly this 'papa otak'intrude with his low mentality,crude and disgusting comment.Kindly ignore him,with him around the road to Putrajaya is so much easier.Dia bagaikan satu titik dakwat dalam satu telaga susu.Let the scumbag parade his ignorance and we all have a good laugh.With paid cybertrooper like him it shows how desperate and despondent his master is.With him around the battle is already half won.

bruno,  31 January 2012 at 21:47  

Dato,since Umnoputras have stolen hundreds of billions of ringgit of the people's money and parked it offshore,why not repartriate some of these offshore 'haram wang' back to Malaysia and give $100,$200or even $500 to the needy and not so needy every other week until the elections.

It will be a good sending off farewell present to the needy people from the Umnoputras,as they will have no more use of the wealth.Since they will be spending the rest of their retirement in six stars Hotel Kamunting after the elections,they might as well give back the money they have stolen from the people.

bruno,  31 January 2012 at 21:51  

Dato,everybody who has visited your blog knows that my buddies QD and Kampong man are some of your diehard fans.But what they didn't know is Papa Gomo is one of them too.Cheers.

Anonymous,  31 January 2012 at 22:10  

Pk Sak..
Kalau begini la mentaliti penulis di bawah.. patut la rakyat benci UMNO..

heran la saya.. ini saja ke yang UMNO berjaya hasilkan selama 54 tahun?

kalau tak anak haram pu haramzadah

PAPA GOMO said...
kesian, bagaikan sampah artikel ni yg tidak berfakta untuk dijadikan penyampaian yg berguna buat rakyat.

patut lu tulis lah, bila tak dicalonkan merajuk keluar parti. kan elok tu.

amacam telor lim guan eng.? sedap lu hisap?

31 January 2012 12:08

bruno,  31 January 2012 at 23:32  

Quite Despair,

due to rumours of david letterman retiring,there is a vacancy for his wanna apply.intern's post is with free board and lodging only.

Anonymous,  1 February 2012 at 00:53  

Selaku ahli UMNO aku sendiri malu tengok cara blogger Papa Gomo menulis. Dalam UMNO pun ramai yang menyampah kat blogger perasan ni. Dan aku dengar rumors dikalangan MP, dia ni bakal ditendang keluar dari team Cyber Trooper.

Depa kata blog dia bukan membantu UMNO tapi makin menjahnamkan parti. Korang tengok lah nanti nasib dia. Pengunjung blog dia majoritinya geng bangkrap moral.

Anonymous,  1 February 2012 at 02:16  

Mahathir sendiri terang2 mengaku dan kata UMNO parti rasuah, nak pertikai apa lagi.

Bukankah UMNO baru parti Mahathir. Yang Papa Gomo nak marah kat Dato' apa ke hal ?. Minta dia tanya sendiri Mahathir pujaan hati dia tu.

Kau tu saper Papa Gomo ? Pengasas UMNO baru ker ?. Kalau pengasas sendiri dah terang2 mengaku parti tu busuk dengan rasuah dari kepala ke ekur, pencacai macam ko nak pertikai apa lagi ? INI FAKTA ! MAHATHIR YANG AKUI SENDIRI ! So kat mana sampahnya posting Dato' ?

Anti Pembelit,  1 February 2012 at 03:02  

Rm500 utk rakyat adalah sakibaki RM 1 trillion yg telah disapu oleh pemimpin2 BN.Gula2 merasuah rakyat supaya boleh terus berkuasa dan melanun.

Mana ada menteri2 BN yg tiada Syarikat Kaum Kerabat Sdn Bhd.Ahli2 bawahan dapat habuk kek jer.

Sorry AK47,out of topic comment below:

PAPA GOMO adalah lambang/minda majoriti penyokong2 UMNO.Parti melayu konon.Masuk rumah org tak beradab,macam rumah bapak dia.Kurang ajar.Org nak masuk parti mana org punya suka lah.Pemimpin2 UMNO terjerit-jerit kata demokrasi,tetapi rakyat tak boleh berlainan dari fikiran bodoh mereka.Mungkin AK47 terkopek salah satu kudis UMNO,maka terasa sakit sangat lalu anjing sekor ni menyalak.

Selama ni hanya dengar nama PAPA GOMO jer.Tapi hari ni baru kenal dia siapa.Spesis tumbuhan dilongkang rupanya.

Anonymous,  1 February 2012 at 05:26  

Use Money No Opposition (UMNO)

Anonymous,  1 February 2012 at 06:11  

Org UMNO hak risau tu sbb duit tu tak dpt dia pulas. Bagus usaha kerajaan tapi DAP tak bagi apa2 ke kat Penang? Perjuangan rakyat KM income double triple sapa ratusan ribu.

Apa yg baik sokongla, cari jalan kurangkan ketirisan. Bila melibatkan manusia, akan ada berlaku bocor sana sini.

Jika tak dapat membantu, jangan menghalang.

JJ 1 February 2012 at 06:33  


How do you tahan all these hypocrites here talking cock day in day out from both sides of their mouths ?

Like for example, this fella Buttercup...oops Quiet Despair declaring sanctimously..." Oh my god, if I am so rich, I will feel bad if my parents apply for that aid" and fleshing out his fake outrage with this cock & bullshitting story of his fictional neighbour Paatti calling him Boy ( ala those brits in those good old colonial days....haha).

But this QD aka Buttercup aka Bedul have been telling all and sundry that filthy rich millionaires/billionaires bumis are fully entitled to the 7.5% property discount.

So if a filthy rich bumi were to buy a rm7 million house and gets a rm525,000.00 discount.....QD will not 'feel bad'. But if his neighbour were to get rm 500 aid, he will feel sooo bad, especially if this neighbour is a non malay to boot.

If these pro umno supporters are trying to win over more people to vote for their beloved party, they have a long way to go.

nick 1 February 2012 at 07:39  

One thing for sure, UMNO is in a desperate situation that warrant the use of billions RM to bribe Malaysian well before the GE. It used to be and should I say the norm for UMNO to bribe people during the GE. Never before and especially not after (cos we know that after the GE and after they were back in power, UMNO once again became the "King John and his sidekick The sheriff of Nottingham", taxing people while leisurely oppressing them).

However I'm not really surprise nor curious about UMNO rationale and reasons for using RM to fish for vote (what else does UMNO know apart from bribery and more bribery, really!). What I am curious about is the opinion and the stand of our "Pak Imam", Mufti2, islamic scholars who are entrusted to "protect" islam and its teaching "ala-ala Hasan Ali". And so far none of these "very learned and pious" songkok tinggi wearer even uttered a mumble of protest and displeasure at the use of bribery as a tool of gaining power which is CLEARLY HARAM, unislamic and of course a criminal act according to our law and constitution. The very people who love to raid hotels, motels and massage parlor with the "noble intent" of protecting and securing the islamic faith are curiously silent as mouse when it comes to corruption and bribery but loud as a "bullfrog" when raiding a massage parlor (to prevent maksiat while enlarging their "private video" collection. Talk about killing two birds with one ball).

It baffles me to no end that not one pious man or imam or mufti or director of islamic dept, or Phd holder even stood out to cite UMNO for indulging in haram and criminal activity but then again, I remembered that we the Malay love to use "emergency", exigent situation and condition, the end justify the means to excuse our use of haram and sinful things (apart from eating pork that is). "In order to save the country from a foreign agent" is the excuse for using fabricated and false testimony for conviction and sentencing "the said enemy". "To save Islam by ensuring a Malay party win an election" is the rationale for permitting and "Not sinful" judgement on those using bribes to win an election. "In order to weakened and destroy a christian and chinese based party, slanderous accusation, baseless lies and malicious labeling is permitted by Islam" to protect Islam and spread through every means and measures possible (thus we have disgusting blogs such as Papa Gomo selling porn and slandering people for money.

In other words, Malays or should I say UMNO malays, have thousand and one excuse to use in absolving themselves from sin and help them peacefully sleep at night to (with dreams of going to heaven, no doubt). And with all that, is it any wonder that non muslim has a very low opinion about Islam and muslim (in Malaysia). Instead of trying hard and might I add enthusiastically in raiding hotels and motels, maybe those pious men should concentrate more on bringing down 'the devil in disguise" but I think it's hard to do that when those are the very people who paid their salary and appoint them too.


Anonymous,  1 February 2012 at 08:09  

Kalau nak kata UMNO parti rasuah terpulanglah kapada kita nak tafsirkan macam mana. Cuba fikirlah macam mana nak pisahkan UMNO dengan kerajaan.
Selain dari bantuan 1M yang macam-macam tu, cuba fikir,banyak mana dah kerajaan bagi macam-macam pun pada rakyat dalam macam-macam aspek selama ini spt persekolahan, perikanan,pertanian, kebajikan masyarakat dll, yang kita dah rasa pun sejak kecil, tak ingat ke kita? Janganlah kerana marah sangat kat Najib dan UMNO atau kerana seekor pijat kelambu dibakar. Saya lebih percaya kalau kita kritikal dalam UMNO biar sampai kita tak disukai pun, tak di pilih , biar tanpa jawatan, tanpa 'datukship', dinafikan lombong atau projek,diketepikan kerana dibimbangi, namun keilmuan kita tetap menjadi kepuasan dan harga diri.Mengapa kita harus tinggalkan perjuangan UMNO sedangkan hati kecil kita percaya bahawa,dasar-dasar UMNO tidak dapat dinafikan masih relevan demi Melayu-Islam dan kesetabilan.

Anonymous,  1 February 2012 at 08:39  

Untuk pengetahuan semua tak payah layan si papagomo ni...dia ini adalah seorang pemblog yang otak kosong dan bolehlah diumpamakan "tin kosong". memang patut sangatlah dia ni menjadi idola dan web rujukan semua ahli2 umno yang juga seronok membaca fitnah dan carutan dengan penuh kelucahan. Dan memang patut sangatlah dia ni mendapat upah dari najib untuk memaki hamun dan mencarut supaya ahli2 umno menjadi kyayal dengan isi blog yang penuh dengan unsur2 lucah dan maki hamun. Memang budaya umno begini. Yang menghairankan cerdik2 pandai bertaraf sampah dalam umno pun suka membaca stail blogging yang semacam ni. Mereka ni rata2 tidak mempunyai otak yang sesuai untuk berbahas dengan menggunakan fakta melainkan hanya carutan sahaja yang bermain dibibir mereka.

Anonymous,  1 February 2012 at 08:57  

qd what you said about the poor kampong malay is true, they are the most polite and helpful people until umno starts to change them into the most greedy and weak people with the free clutch if you are umno supporters policy.

papagomo, why you have no ball to defend youself?

Anonymous,  1 February 2012 at 09:05  

Dasar dan matlamat saja baik dan bagus tapi perlaksanaannya "hampeh" tak ada gunanya.

Kelambu kalau setakat koyak kecil kat bawah tak der masalah untuk dibaiki. Tapi kalau dah seluruh bumbung dan penutup atasnya dah koyak rabak, baik bakar jer buat pengjalau nyamuk dan ganti kelambu baru.

Tak ada Melayu yang cakap DEB tak baik, tak seorang pun cakap biasiswa tak bagus, masalahnya pimpinan UMNO sekarang dah tak sedar diri. Beberapa kerat pimpinan tinggi ni bermasalah dan yang mengikut kat bawah tak berkuasa untuk menendang mereka bermasalah ni keluar kerana masing2 mengemis habuan dari puak2 ini.

Perjuangan dan roh UMNO asal dah terlungkup dek Mahathir Kutty diganti UMNO baru. Jangan tak perasan pula...UMNO lama diasaskan Dato Onn sedangkan UMNO baru Kutty yang tubuhkan.

Apa dah jadi biasiswa anak2 Melayu sekarang. UMNO berpotensi melahirkan ramai anak2 melayu muda bangkrap kerana hutang PTTN. Taj cukup duit ke nak beri biasiswa..abis yang berbillion bocor keluar negara tu gara2 siapa tuan ?

Bukan soal orang2 UMNO dan rakyat tak kenang jasa2 UMNO dulu..masalahnya UMNO sekarang bukan UMNO dulu...roh UMNO sekarang bukan lagi roh UMNO dulu. PErnah dengar duit berbillion lesap zaman Tengku Abd Rahman, Hussain Onn dan Tun Razak...tak der kan ?

Yang banyak lesap berbillion tu zaman Mahathir..pengasas UMNO baru. Tak kan lah ini pun tak tahu dan tak sedar2 lagi. Kenang budi itu memang sifat baik tapi dek kerana budi nak membiarkan kerosakan bermaharaja lela...itu dah sangat2 tidak baik. Lu fikir baik2 beb !

Anonymous,  1 February 2012 at 09:11  

Quiet Despair,

Now, who’s talking!!!!!!

‘To all the Nons who love riobbing us for not paying income tax, that is the reply.

We don't take just because we are entitled to. If we are like you, there won't be enough for you to grab.’

1st, who has been paying all those taxes to produce ‘people’ like u?

U claimed to be educated in pama’s scholarship – then where’s yr pama’s fund came from?

Robbing the Nons blind, by getting 'gaji buta' & hand-outs – in form of seed money to all the so called ‘positive affirmative’ actions of the umno govt!!!!

At the end, how many of those needed Malay M’sian got the helps? The answer is in statement like – after 40+ yrs of NEP, 80+% of the Malaya M’sians remain living just above the poverty line, as defined by the bn govt!!!

So, most of the money, needed by these poor Malay M’sians, has been in-ashamefully channeled to people like u. & then people like u, r using the zakat to ‘out-smarted’ the tax system. Now who’s robbing who?????

Looking back all the goodies that people like u r getting, makes one wonder to whom this phrase ‘We don't take just because we are entitled to. If we are like you, there won't be enough for you to grab. ’ should be justly applied.

It’s fortunate that majority of the Malay M’sians r honorable enough not to just take without asking. So that a minority of Malay M’sian like u, can claimed the honour of saput all the cream, while leaving some crumbs to the myrmidons & cronies to syok-sendiri-ed.

Ha, talk about ‘It's penyakit orang Melayu. Bodoh sombong. Takut orang kata kita papa kedana.’ Where’s yr personal maruah? There is no maruah bangsa for u here.

Anonymous,  1 February 2012 at 09:48  

Setuju sangat dia orang tak bersatu dari dalam. kawan saya merungut yang ADUN dan AHLI PARLIMEN kat sini selalu beri ceramah agar MELAYU BERSATU. Yang peliknya katanya jarang jumpa dia dua orang bersatu... ada konflik dalaman. Baru2 ini ada naik kain rentang nak jatuhkan ADUN sedia ada dan ganti dengan orang kuat AP. Inilah satu contoh yang jelas. Tak perlu saya beritahu kat mana. Nak pasti boleh selidik sendiri.

Pasal duit RM500 pegawai bank pun dah naik mUAK, kena ikut program "POLITIK". kenapa x masuk saje dalam akaun lagi mudah dan selamat. Cara beri TUNAI amat risiko.... TAPI ITULAH cara nak tarik orang datang program.

Akhirnya kat MIRI beri kat 3,000 orang yang datang 10,000. Jadi 70% terpaksa menahan hati...

Ada cerita surat disimpan oleh Penghulu kerana x suka orang yang tertentu.

Itu sebab, taraf IKHLAS hanya hak ALLAH menentukan.

kee 1 February 2012 at 09:53  

I don't know who is this PAPA GOMO but from the contents of his comment, this PAPA GOMO appears to be an immature young kid.

I am surprised the owner of this blog allows immature under-aged kids to post comments here.

bat8 1 February 2012 at 10:54  

Anon 1 feb 08:09,

1. Nampaknya anda dah ketinggalan bas kat setesen. Yang sebahagian besar rakyat terutamanya orang melayu yang celik krtikal dan sedang meninggalkan neramai-ramai adalah UMNO BARU YANG DI TUBUHKAN OLEH MAHATHIR TAHUN 1988 DULU SETELAH DIA BIARKAN DENGAN PENUH SEDAR DAN SECARA PENUH MUSLIHAT UMNO YANG DITUBUH 1946 MATI!

UMNO BARU DAN UMNO adalah 2 parti berbeza. Yang menjadi payung orang melayu sejak tahun 1946 hingga 1987 adalah UMNO! Parti ini DAH TIADA!
UMNO BARU yang ditubuh oleh Mahathir tu adalah PARTI BUMIPUTRA setelah dibawa masuk ke Sabah pada awal 90an dulu. Saya rasa saudara seperti kebanyakan ahli biasa UMNO BARU di peringkat cawangan yang ikhlas berjuang pun tak tahu fakta ini.

2. Sejak ditubuhkan tahun 1988 dulu, perjuangan UMNO BARU tidak pernah mengenai perjuangan melayu. Ia adalah vehicle untuk.seorang pemimpin mengekallan kuasanya semata-mata, tak lebih tak kurang. Jika kita kaji perjalanan UMNO BARU ini, ianya tidak pernah disokongan sepenuhnya oleh orang melayu seperti UMNO lama yang dimatikan.
Mula-mula laungkan perjuangan melayu. Selepas PRU 1990, apabila Mahathir rasa sokongan orang melayu kepada UMNO BARUnya sudah tidak padu, dia bawa partinya ke sabah DAN MENUKARKANNYA MENJADI PARTI BUMIPUTRA!

3. Akhirannya, saudara berada dalam parti yang salah tanpa saudara sedari. Asas perjuangan yang sdra sebutkan itu bukan asas perjuangan parti sdra sekarang - tetapi asas perjuangan sebuah parti yang telah tiada.

Sebenarnya bukan saudara sahaja yang berada dalam parti yang salah. Ramai lagi orang melayu tulin( hari ini ramai sangat melayu palsu) juga tertipu seperti saudara yang dijadikan kuda oleh pemimpin2 untuk kayakan diri, keluarga dan kroni mereka.


Kampong man,  1 February 2012 at 11:37  

QD, you are humourous and keep it that way my man.The cyberspace do consist of irrespobsible people like Papa Gamo ,Ahmad @ Tong Sampah and certain Anons who will go all the way to incite racial sentiments to win votes and who are definitely very racist that we dont need in this country if we were to move on.

I don't really know what rasuah is because i have NEVER practise one and not even a single sen because i will give no room for it.The industry i am in do not practise this,not my organisation atleast.They have this constant reminders on Business Ethics drumming into our head most of the time.That was what ESSO,SHELL and PETRONAS preached us long ago.Sak knows this especially for the upstream sectors.

You mention Batang Berjuntai the old sleepy time town where Khalid come from and where i have lived for sometime being anak polis.I remember the younger days as children we mix a lot between us chinese,indians and malay playing all sort of game like football and Basketball especially .It was wonderful really that i am still colour blind today actually but i am very melayu .I could walk for a chinese funeral procession for a ten sen token,a fan and some goodies like a free umbrella and it was fun being children then.It was Batang Berjuntai with many British Socsfin and Guthrie estates and Berjuntai Tin dredges there .I would enjoy the free open space wayang with indian movies starring MGR of course in the estate every saturday night.There was no cineflex and no discos .Why all this anectdote you may ask.Honestly, i am more for a united Malaysian really.The different political ideologies has now pushed us far apart.There are obviuosly many disappointment, unhappiness by many with various issues and that difficulty to please everyone in this wonderful land and it is certainly difficult to achieve fully but it gets there.That is why i am for a BN ideology,the power sharing that has been proven working between the various races.You now seek CHANGE for the supposedly better management of the country so called.Iam not too sure on that.I think Najib is really working for the Rakyat and is giving back to the Rakyat and walk the talk .This fight against corruption shall be a continuous effort by all of us regardless of political believe. Lets see where BN stands in this coming election and let the Rakyat decide.It is the HARMONY and UNITY that really concern most of us.Lets not take it for granted and believe we all good Malaysians value this.There is a place for every Malaysian here.Thanks

Quiet Despair,  1 February 2012 at 12:21  


Obviously you fail to grasp my message in bringing up my conversation with Paatti.
What I am emphasizing is the attitude of the Malays and the Nons in grabbing freebies from the government.
You all ridicule the government of buying votes by giving out hand-outs.
I don't think so. Its the Nons who are not voting or ever voted BN who are scrambling for the goodies.
The Malays have this misplaced pride or bodoh sombong or malu tak bertempat in feeling ashamed or also lazy to apply for the RM500.
Go back to my remarks about my poor relatives who said malas nak apply. Tak tentu dapatpun. Such defeatist attitudes.
I forgot to insert Paatti's remarks when I told her: "Aiyo, you rich already. No need for the RM500. Give someone else deserving."
Her reply: Why not? It's my son who is rich. But I am poor."
It's different from the poor Malays attitude. All the children give the parents money.
If the parents apply for that aid they will be saying: "Isy toksahlah abah/mak, buat malu kita orang saja."
So much for saying that we are entitlement people. You will be surprised that most Malays don't even know their rights as a Bumi.
And it is so wrong to say the Malays are the beneficiaries of whatever BN implements.
Look at the Sara Trust fund launched two days ago. The ones queueing up at the banks are the Nons.
We are only syiok by the feeling that we are safe under the Malay ruling class. But we don't know how to get the most benefit from it.
If not how do you explain we are still the poorest as compared to you despite the DEB.

mamagomo,  1 February 2012 at 12:34  

sememangnya orang-orang UMNO serta pencacainya tak berotak langsung.

Anonymous,  1 February 2012 at 14:48  

Kenapa you tanya? Boss you (Najib) tak ada telur untuk you hisap?

Anonymous,  1 February 2012 at 15:26  

To all UMNO/BN die hard fans. Please read this article below and use your brains to think.

"It would be difficult to find among the Malays any distinct ethnic traits that would enable anyone to label any group of Malays as being a criminal class.

You cannot say that the Malays from Selangor are more criminally inclined than those from Kelantan.

Nor can you say that rural Malays are more inclined to criminality or illicit behaviour than the Malays in the urban area.

There are no Malay gangsters that could rival Kalimuthu of Batang Kali or Botak Chin. The Mat Rempits are Malays but the most damage they do are to themselves, not to others.

I cannot recall any criminal incident of any significance that the Malays are or were involved in.

In all, the Malays, considering that they make up over 60 percent of the population, are a docile and law-abiding lot.


Anonymous,  1 February 2012 at 15:27  

Yes, there is no distinct Malay criminal class and yet the most vicious amongs us Malaysians are those within PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police). And those within PDRM are mostly Malays.

PDRM’s Malay thugs

These well-armed Malays in helmets and heavy boots with truncheons and menancing riot gear think nothing about wading into unarmed Malaysian turf and beating the life out of these Malaysians – men and women, the young and the old.

And they are a law unto themselves. They have been conditioned by the government to think that they have the right to treat the people of this country worse than the way we treat our animals.

Just consider what they do to people who are cruel to animals in Queensland:

“Queensland’s Animal Care and Protection Act of 2001 provides for a massive maximum $75,000 fine for animal cruelty or two years’ jail. For a breach of duty of care to an animal, the fine is a maximum of $22,000 and/or six months’ jail.”

Here (in Malaysia) what these policemen do are par for the course. Malaysian police officers “murder” suspects in custody and “torture” detainees under the ISA with a familiarity of seasoned operatives skilled in their work.

Their response to queries about these excesses is given in a contemptuous manner like that of the SS troops under Hitler or the Tom To Macoutes under Papa Doc in Haiti.

This is what our police have become – no longer regarded as the defender of the rakyat but an offender capable of inflicting harm and terror on the ordinary people.

Maybe this is what this Umno government wants PDRM to be – if so, then it only shows what mayhem these Malays are capable of doing if they are let loose while in uniform.

I shudder to think what the army would be capable of doing if called upon to do so by this same Umno government.

Anonymous,  1 February 2012 at 15:29  

It is also the Malays in PDRM who are the first face of corruption that the public sees.

Un-Islamic acts anytime, anywhere

Every day thousands upon thousands of Malaysian find themselves in situations with Malay policemen who think nothing about asking for a bribe in order to allow traffic infringements to be “excused”.

And these happens during the Ramadan month, during the hours of prayers. It happens at anytime and anywhere they can get a dollar out of the long-suffering public.

And here again another Malay criminal class can be said to be alive and well!

Those civil servants in the various ministries do the same thing, too.

You go to Immigration. You pay money to get things done and you pay them to Malays. You go to JPJ (Road Transport Department) and Puspakom to get things done and you get things done by paying Malays, too.


Malays are the people who would be involved in the evaluation of quotations, tenders, projects and any spending by this Umno government.

All these people are another class of criminal Malays that has come into being because the Umno government allows for this criminal culture to flourish in order for Umno itself to flourish.

Anonymous,  1 February 2012 at 15:29  


But the biggest criminal class of Malays are without doubt the Malay politicians who are in Umno.

Umno legitimised stealing

Think of it – who are the biggest thieves of our nation’s wealth? Politicians. And the majority of politicians who are in power are Malays within Umno.

And it is these Malay politicians in Umno, to my shame, who have been instrumental in the Malays being labelled as the biggest thieves of our nation’s wealth.

Allow me to quote Thomas Paine: “He who has robbed another of his property, will next endeavour to disarm him of his rights, to secure that property; for when the robber becomes the legislator he believes himself secure.”

Now isn’t this how Umno works? Umno governs our nation. What these Umno politicians take, they take legally.

And when you can legislate to make your taking of the nation wealth legal – you really have got it made.

And yet despite the harm they have done to our nation, we have not seen one politician hanged for their crime because they call what they do “public service” – when actually the only service they do is to themselves.

Umno has got the best Malay politicians that money can buy.

What is our history now for the past 20 over years since Dr Mahathir Mohamad took over?

It is simply a history of how Malays who are Umno politicians have squandered the blood and treasure of our nation. Billions plundered by those Malays in high public office who abused the executive responsibility entrusted to them by the public.

I need not go further than to remind you of the RM$500 million given in commission by our then Defence Minister Najib Tun Razak to Razak Baginda for the purchase of the Scorpene submarine.

And the recent and still unravelling, National Feedlot Corporation (NFCorp) debacle whose mind-boggling purchases of real estate properties by a business supposedly doing cattle farming is not only in the realms of Bernard Madoff, but puts to shame even what Robert Kuok or Li Ka Shing would have done with their money.

And these are all Malays who do these things!

Anonymous,  1 February 2012 at 16:34  

Papa Gomo, Bahasa itu menunjukkan Bangsa.....

Anonymous,  1 February 2012 at 17:14  


Kenapa Dato' benarkan Papagomo letak post kat sini? Kita tak perlu nak tunjuk yang dia tak ada maruah sebab dia memang tak bermaruah. Tulisan dia memang orang tak berakal langsung.
Kekadang kesian mak bapak yang mengandungkan dia, tapi yelah nak buat macamanaa, orang yang sexually mentally retarded, memang macam ni. Kesian jugak kat umno sbb bergantung dengan blogger ni. Kesian, kesian...

Paya Besar

Kampong man,  1 February 2012 at 17:40  

Anon 15.39

You write as though you know more than most of us here.You blame the PDRM and the Malays for whatever your intention.Wondering what the hell this story is for.Don't forget that Sosilawati case in Banting.Whose work is this and yet we good Malaysians and the PDRM has contained the case as nothing to do with race.It is the greed for wealth and MONEY of course.

Compare the PDRM handling of the stupid BERSIH 2.0 street rallies and that of the recent British Police handling of the London rallies/riots,.Our Malaysian PDRM deserved pat on their back for being more professional than that supposedly civilised and democratic Britain !

Lets have more nons in the police force please.Low salary ehh...
I can quote many incidents of racial issues ,it gets us nowhere you silly !

@Kampong man anak polis Sjn 457

Suci Dalam Debu 1 February 2012 at 21:22  


Anak Kampong: Your concept of rasuah is so shallow that you are a disgrace to mankind! Your idol TDM himself said UMNO itu parti rasuah and is rotten to the core.

You have unfairly benefited from the affirmative policy and you crow as if you earned it.

Sedarlah diri. Insaflah sebelum kamu diinsafkan.

Anonymous,  1 February 2012 at 21:23  

quiet despair, you are putting word into poor paatti's mouth. or simply said you are accusing her and her people of being greedy to make yourself feel syiouk.
on theother hand what serendipity said about the rich umno malays getting discount for house ownership is well documented, why don't you try to dispute it.
most of the malays are still poor despite the deb or nep is because the present bn gom is not honest with the distribution of wealth, the gom deliberately keep the majority of the malay stupid so that they have to perpetually depend on gom handout.
if what you said about rasuah or corruption is true, then our home minister should seek the assistance of our petronas management to drum the same message to our polis diraja malaysia, then voila we will have a police force which will not know what is rasuah in no time. then do the same to the immigration and custom and excise authority, as i believe they are recently cited as accepting bribe to allow our cheap sugar and petrol to cross the border. and not forgeting the many ministers in fact petronas should first start with our many ministers especially the one having and affair with the bull (cannot be cow as it will be lesbian affair).
quite despair, you should emulate your good friend kampong man and stop creating racist story, to quote kampong man "to incite racial sentiments to win vote"

Suci Dalam Debu 1 February 2012 at 21:36  


Please allow me to post this.

"All this looks good on the surface. A Malay enjoying the good life because he is a loyal servant of UMNO......"

Apabila kita telah berjaya, janganlah kita angkuh, sombong dan mudah lupa diri.

Anonymous,  1 February 2012 at 21:43  

Sayang orang mcm Dato' tidak kekal lama dalam UMNO. Siapa yang dapat membantu UMNO untuk berubah???

bruno,  1 February 2012 at 22:35  


it is good that Datuk Sak allows comments of immature young kids to be posted.That way we can have some fun with them too.But not to the extent that all sorts of profanities are in that comment.

Some blogs run by pro-party bloggers and lawmakers will not post comments critical of their members and party.Critical means slightly and not outright bashing of their lawmakers.I just avoid these blogs.

That is the reason why I am a regular here and in a few other blogs that will post most if not all of my comments.

Anonymous,  1 February 2012 at 22:39  

Kampong man..

jangan cakap besar la.. saya pernah nampak polis kutip duit RM5.. pemandu lori campak tepi jalan..

ya la bukan semua tapi kalau rm5 pun dia sapu apa lg yng jaws..
siap bela (hantar envlop msk balai).. apa cite..

moga2 ayh kamu tak mcm tu..

putera66,  1 February 2012 at 23:28  

anon 16.34
aku tak ngaku papigomo bangsa aku...

anon 21.43
umNO memang tak boleh dibaiki lagi, samada dari dlam atau luar... so, biar dia mamposss...

bruno,  2 February 2012 at 01:42  

Quite Despair and Kampong man,

latest in the news and still fresh in memories,as Dr Mahathir said Malays have 'very very poor memories'.Cowgate or Mamagate,two political secretaries of the nations top two leaders accused of corruption.And under the noses of the PM and DPM too.Zakat money used as piggy bank by a Deputy Minister and an official in charge of religious affairs.

If Zakat money meant for needy Muslims are not safe from these crooks what are?All these crimes are commited by Umnoputras and their cronies.I am sure that you guys are much more smarter then to defend the indefensible.

Diehard supporters or not,one does not have to swear blind allegience to a benefactor because of all the benefits and wealth one has accumulated due to the policies of them,irrespective of all the harm they have done to the people and country.Please do your selves a favour,go and change new glasses as your present ones are not for color blind people.Then maybe,that is maybe only,that you guys will be able to see the trees from the forest.

JJ 2 February 2012 at 01:48  

I see that Anon 21:23 1 FEB has beaten me to the gun replying to Quiet Despair. Thanks matey, hehe.....

See you over at the other side of the pond ( at KTemoc) Buttercup ya ? hehe.

Anonymous,  2 February 2012 at 02:34  

komen papagomo takde kelas langsung hahahah! sedih..sedih..

rocky,  2 February 2012 at 02:42  

di seremban, yang terima BR1M diberi ceramah seperti multi level marketing oleh orang UMNO dan BN, tapi tidak mendapat tepukan, orang pulak marah, hoi cepatlah...back fire nampak

kee 2 February 2012 at 03:48  

bruno @ 1 February 2012 22:35,

you misunderstood me. There is a big, big difference between comments that are childish and immature and comments that are critical.

PAPA GOMO's comments claims this article to be "tidak berfakta" but did absolutely nothing to try to justify the claim. Instead the imbecile makes childish and immature statements like "patut lu tulis lah, bila tak dicalonkan merajuk keluar parti" and "amacam telor lim guan eng.? sedap lu hisap?"

Such statements remind me of banters amongst us when I was still in primary and lower secondary school. Besides the childish and silly nature of the contents of his comment, he does not even use proper language.

I believe most all of us who spend time visiting blogs do so to gather and learn some useful knowledge. You tell me what can anyone learn from comments such as that coming from PAPA GOMO. I can only think of one useful purpose for publishing PAPA GOMO's comment, which is show to the world that there is such a useless piece of shit hanging around.

bruno,  2 February 2012 at 09:17  

Kee,it is not that I misunderstood you.I understand what you meant.

This Papa Gomo is a paid pro Umno blogger.He was the one who posted the alledged sex tape of Anwar on line.This goon can get away with anything like all the pro Umno bloggers,as they represent the ruling elite.

Let him come so that we can have some fun with him too.Once in a while we got to have some fun too,you know.Now we only have QD and Kampong man to make fun off.The more the merrier.Join in the fun the next time he comes around.Cheers.

Anonymous,  2 February 2012 at 10:06  

This is the first and may be the last time I placed my comment here.Anyway, I don't know about others but to me the more I read QD's and Kampung man's comments, the more I despise UMNO/BN...I will translate that through my vote.

Anonymous,  2 February 2012 at 13:03  

Kepincangan DUNIAWI boleh di perbaiki tetapi kalau kepincangan AKIDAH buruk padahnya..

Kepada semua rakyat MALAYSIA,bangsa Melayu memang tak boleh diharap sama ada UMNO,PAS atau Melayu PKR. Bangsa melayu bil a berkuasa akan putih mata dan bila hilang kuasa akan menyalak macam ANJING..

sama la seperti wakil rakyat MELAYU, bila berkuasa PEMIMPIN DIJILAT tetapi bila dah hilang kuasa menjadi ANJING YG MENGIGIT..

Oleh itu marilah sama-sama kita UNDI wakil DAP berbangsa CINA kerana terbukti diseluruh dunia,negara China,Taiwan,Singapore dll bahawa pemerintahan mereka adil dan mengamalkan metrokrasi.

Kepada bangsa melayu yang malas biar mereka sensara kerana kemalasan mereka.

Hapuskan DEP,NEP dan kouta bumiputera kerana selama ini memang tidak membantu langsung bangsa melayu. Apa salahnya beri kepada bangsa cina yg menguasai ekonomi malaysia untuk membangunkan negara. Biar la mereka nak beli tanah untuk pembangunan. Biarlah mereka bina rumah berharga RM500,000 keatas kerana berniaga nak untung bukan rugi.

Kita juga patut hapuskan semua jenis PERMIT IMPORT kerana bangsa cina banyak modal dan mampu import baran-barang keperluan dari luar negara (walaupun mereka sebenarnya adalah pihak yg menentukan harga barangan keperluan. Kepada bangsa melayu yang nak berniaga kalau gagal biarlah kerana itu lah amalan demokrasi capitalist yg adil.

Tolonglah jangan undi PAS kerana sepanjang kewujudan PAS langsung tak ada PERANCANGAN DARI SEGI EKONOMI di KELANTAN. Semua rakyat kelantan keluar ke Negeri lain untuk mencari rezeki. Apa yg dibuat pemimpin PAS kelantan disana hanya Allah yang tahu. Nak salahkan Kerajaan Pusat tak bagi peruntukan? tak boleh fikir ke macam mana nak majukan kelantan dengan kaedah lain ke? Kata pemimpin sana hebat2 belake?

Kesimpulannya UNDI lah DAP untuk kesejahteraan RAKYAT MALAYSIA kerana LIM GUAN ENG and Family amat arif dalam EKONOMI DAN PENTADBIRAN NEGARA.

Intelligence Test,  2 February 2012 at 15:48  

It's proven .. racism, prejudice and resistance to change are linked to low intelligence. See prejud ice_n_1237796.html

Anonymous,  2 February 2012 at 17:23  

Anon 21:43 Feb 1

Umno tidak bolih di ubah lagi, sudah kena kanker kerala pangkal terakhil, Dotor biasa akan nasihat keluaga nya supaya bia dia hidup dengan penuh selasih and tungu masa sampai aje.
Sementara dotor2 yang merawat pun akan tingkalkan and pergi merawat penyakit lain yang ada peluang di selamatkan.
Kesian orang keluaga nya, semua rasa sedih and menangis.. hu hu hu

Jangan marah atas bahasa saya ya, saya cuma seorang tukang peyapu pendatang asing dari kerala belum pandai bahasa lagi.

Anonymous,  2 February 2012 at 17:41  

Kee 2 Feb 3:48
No harm done by allowing PAPA GOMO to show his stupidity, otherwise he thought he is very clever.
Anyway this type of poor genetic material will die a natural death as in the bloggosphere the bn DEB or NEP is not applicable to provide tongkat support.
I think the only time he made a foray into Dato blogg is by mistake and regretted it. I have a feeling his fingers tremble when ever he have the urge to take a peep at this Blogg again.

What say you PPGM?

Mr Bojangles 2 February 2012 at 18:26  

UMNO Parti Rasuah
UMNO Parti Rash
UMNO Pari Rah
UMNO Pariah

Anonymous,  2 February 2012 at 21:27  

Dato, sorry to digress a little, i hope you don't mind

Suddenly quiet despair is really quiet and in despair, what happen to him?
kampong man gone back to kampong and no internet access.
papa gomo fingers are trembling.

You see, the organism of inferior genes will die of by itself.

Anonymous,  2 February 2012 at 21:34  

Dear Dato,
PAPAGAMO jelas mencerminkan akhlak buruk dan jijik upahan UMNO.Inilah dari golongan Bangsa Melayu yang telah dirosakkan oleh UMNO Baru.
UMNO Baru terus merosakan I Malaysia.Menjadikan semua pengemis.

Kampong man,  2 February 2012 at 22:35  

Anon 13.03,2Feb

Saya sangat tertarik dengan pandangan tuan.Pandangan saya sama macam tuan juga.Negara Singapura yang terkenal lagi tersohor sebenarnya berjaya kerana dasar MERITOCRASY dan secular yang sangat dikagumi dunia kerana kebijaksanaan LKY mentadbir negara.Orang puteh kata survival of the fittest ! ,yang lemah ketinggalan hanya yang baik akan terus berjaya.Untuk terus hidup kita harus mahu berjaya.Sebenarnya orang Melayu memamng tidak perlukan tongkat kerana mereka tidak perlu kereta besar,rumah besar,holiday luar negara makan sedap sedap kerana di kampong dari zaman nenek kita dahulu pun mereka hidup dengan tanam tanaman dan sayor sayoran yang ditanam di sekeliling rumah.Setahu saya tak ada pun yang mati kebuluran.Lagi pun orang melayu kita ini sangat permurah hati,jujur dan tidak kiasu,very high level of tolerance and very accomodating .Duit bukan kayu ukur,budi dan bahasa yang di utamakan.Jadi apa yang hendak di takutkan.Lagi pun Ahmad@Tong Sam Pah ,semua salahkan orang melayu ini dan orang melayu itu...

Kita harus bersatu dan matikan UMNO kali ini tidak dapat tidak.Apa salahnya kita lantik sahaja LIM Guan Eng jadi Perdana Menteri kerana LGE memang pakar dalam bidang ekonomi.Dengarnya beliau berjaya memajukan Penang dengan penuh jaya mengurangkan defisit negeri itu dengan sungguh drastik.Ayuh kita semua undi DAP dan tentukan DAP menjadi teras parti negara ini saperti yang lama di sandang juara perasuah negara UMNO.

Untuk tujuan ini kita harus bubarkan PKR dan PAS dan kita bergabung hanya didalam satu parti ,DAP.Hanya DAP sahaja yang boleh menentang UMNO berhabis habisan.PKR tidak dapat diharap,penuh dengan masaalah. Lagi pun apa yang Azizah tu tahu dan Nurul pula terlalu naive dalam politik.PAS pula dah mula bercanggah dengan isu dalaman mereka. Hasan Ali di Selangor dan juga Azizan di Kedah juga Hadi Awang dah mohon tidak mahu di calonkan.Mungkin sudah tak ada lagi steam atau tenaga dengan kerenah kerenah Erdogan dan pihak Ulamak di PAS.UMNO tidak lagi memperjuangkan Islam,Bangsa Melayu Raja Raja dan semua rakyat Malaysia.Bukankah mereka telah di beri peluang terlalu lama menerajui negara? Ya,untuk berdaya saing dengan negara jiran kita perlukan orang cina memerintah negara ini.Mereka punyai kekuatan ekonomi hampir boleh membeli semua tanah tanah di negara ini kalau mahu di jual.Tak percaya bayangkan Kuala Lumpur sahaja.Sekira kita cabut semua bangunan bangunan pejabat dan shopping mall kepunyaan kaum ini ke udara dan hilangkan terus ke angkasa mungkin yang tinggal hanyalah KAMPONG BARU sahaja.Untuk maju saperti negara Barat kita perlukan Lim Guang Eng sebagai perdana Menteri Malaysia kali ini.Jangan lupa undi DAP tau.Bagi saya orang kampong biarler teman ikut cara lama saje asalkan tidak kebuluran ,dapat beribadat teman dah happy dah ! Kadang kadang penat juga nak berbalas balas pantun kat sini.Maaf jika terkasar Wallahwualam.

@ QD,Kampong man belum durhaka lagi.Lagipun Teman seram nak gunakan bahasa macam Bruno sebut pasal batang lah itu lah.Cheers mate.

walla 2 February 2012 at 23:12  

The Pemandu minister tries to allay concerns about our burgeoning national debt by saying tax collection has increased and we are moving closer to the BCG chart of safe-zone economies based on computing debt as per GDP.

This is dangerous thinking. If it is not, what have the rakyat really benefited from the country having a rm400 plus billion debt? Why do so many need the RM500 payout? What amount of payout it will have to be next to cover the cost of real inflation? How sustainable is such tripwire vote-currying economics? Has BCG been consulted by Greece, for instance?

It is also dangerous thinking because Pemandu forgot one thing - the relative perception of debt. If i owe you rm100 Billion and then i spend another rm10 Billion, i will be extremely cautious how i spend it. But if i owe you rm500 Billion and then i spend another rm50 Billion, i will say since the situation is already bad, i might as well spend more to make you happy so that i can save my hide until i can retire. This is the blind psychological spot the planners have not missed. Thus those Mindef naval boats, KLIA2 and Europlus tolled highway.

And in the full spectrum of third-class unwinnable candidates that make up today's Umno lineup of leaders, this is the situation we have today. They will spin to spree-spend. Because they are clueless how to stop the gravy train or how to dig the country out of the hole. They are now riding on a hungry tiger. Get off it and get eaten. Continue to sit on it and take everyone downhill ultimately.

Malaysia's footprint follows that of Greece. Our lack of competitiveness is apparent. The public sector is not productive enough. The politics is topsy-turvily flip-flopping. Only the dwindling resource, oil, has increased tax revenue but based on zig-zag barrel price increase. On the other reality-jolt hand, there has been massive capital outflow. Probably the world highest on per capita basis. Whether this will translate to more external income remains to be seen. But with each nudge towards internal degradation, there will be less chance it will return. Why park in a corrupt place where it can return more handsome dividends wherever elsewhere which is clean, efficient and more trustworthy? Any investor, including our own Malays, will say the same.

The central focus must remain the principles of good governance. Not QD's neighbour, not kampung man's deflectionary comments, not papagomo's diatribes, not some anon's cheap juvenile shots. Exactly for these examples, no sane and critically intelligent rakyat can escape the conclusion Umno is finishing Malaysia for its own ends.

And that's why "Yeoh"'s hopefulness that Najib will lead the transformation will provide a better deal for all in the future. If a man can't even control his wife, can he control the chauvinists and racists in his midst? And he's minister of finance as well.

Good night.

walla 2 February 2012 at 23:17  

sorry, old and tired.


'This is the blind psychological spot the planners have missed.'


'And that's why "Yeoh"'s hopefulness that Najib will lead the transformation to provide a better deal for all in the future rings hollow.'

Anonymous,  3 February 2012 at 00:03  

Anon 2 February 2012 13:03 !

Aku rasa ko ni baik sikit jer dari Papa Gomo. Walau pun ko menampakkan diri seolah2 menyokong DAP tapi aku tak fikir DAP memerlukan ahli yang bermentaliti macam ko.

Elok ko balik ke rumah dan study dulu perlembagaan dan dasar2 parti dalam PR samada DAP, PAS mau pun PKR sebelum ko terus meroyan separa gila.

Buku Jingga PR ada menyebut tentang negara berkebajikan. Kalo ko baca dan study..ko akan faham. Bila ada istilah "kebajikan" bermaksud negara ditadbir tidak berdasarkan sistem kapitalis mau sistem sosialis 100%. PR juga sebagai pemerintah negara kelak tentunya tidak akan membiarkan kuasa pasaran bebas menentukan segala2nya. Polisi serta peranan pemerintah dalam situasi tertentu perlu bagi memastikan keadilan dan kebajikan dapat dilaksanakan untuk semua kaum tanpa membiarkan kaum tertentu terpinggir.

Samada DAP, PKR mahu pun PAS, tidak ada satu pun dari parti2 ini yang mampu bergerak secara sendiri kalau mahu menguasai politik Malaysia. Atas sebab itu gabungan PR ini dibentuk sebaik masing2 menyedari real politik di Malaysia yang berbilang kaum.

Tak usahlah ko nak provok gabungan dalam PR ni dengan cara bodoh ko tu. Komen yang ko buat ni sebenarnya dah menelanjangkan kebodohan ko sendiri. Inilah jadinya kalau hanya membaca media2 UMNO BN saja tanpa memberi peluang pada diri sendiri untuk mengakses maklumat2 dari semua pihak.

Ministers:99%cow brain,1%human brain for stealing,  3 February 2012 at 02:42  

Agaknya PAPA GOMO ni baru balik dari sessi arak dirumah pelacuran kot.Tetiba menyalak cam anjing gila jer.

Anonymous,  3 February 2012 at 03:32  

Anon 3 feb.0.03,

Pandangan adik saya boleh terima tetapi tidaklah sebernas manapun.Apabila pengunaan bahasa nya menyebut Ko,jer,saya sebagai pemerhati di sini mula memikirkan mat rempit mana pulak ini suka membodohkan orang dengan bahasa baku mat rempitnya .Ada hati hendak mencelah.Apa pandai sangat kah dia ni menuduh orang bodoh.Ko eh... terlupa pulak KAU kau jer ehh..ehh salah lagi SAHAJA.Salam

@Pemerhati Desa

Quiet Despair,  3 February 2012 at 09:30  


Who is Ktemoc and who is Buttercup? I wouldn't use such a pansy-sounding moniker that will Be the target of sodomizers. Sounds like a sissy.
My main source of news is the MSM which includes Rtm, TV3 and cable news.
I only read blogs of credible people like Sak and Aspan who were once UMNO members. The other blog I read is Rocky but as I said earlier I do not comment since i agree with everthing he writes.
Dont believe in reading and commenting in pro-Pakatan blogs which picked up th MSM news and spin it to suit their bosses. No point reading second-hand news and untruths.
I am proud of my QD handle. It is given by my Nanna when I was small. She will said let him be, he's in quiet despair when I come back from school and gramps will ask me how was your day.
That teasing stuck till today and I love it.
It's b

Suci Dalam Debu 3 February 2012 at 11:36  


Please allow me to paste. I hope QD, Kampung man and many anons will not get indigestion.

We want PR not because We Love PR, We just want aCHANGE !
Actually we will vote PR because We Still Love BN. After all it was started by great and honest leaders of the past.
Its for the good of BN that we vote for PR and for better future for the people at the same time.
What happens, when PR becomeNew Government:
We have a New Goverment with Less Experience in CORRUPTIONSand SCANDALS..... good for people
We have a STRONGand RICH Opposition with 50 years Experience in CORRUPTIONSand SCANDALS. They know the ins and out of corruption and scandals, so they can better check the PR government........ also good for people and for BN
BN will do their BEST to EXPOSE those who CORRUPT,because BN has 50 years of experience in CORRUPTIONS
Final Result:
TWO party system is............ BORN
We vote forCHANGE........ because we LOVE................. MALAYSIA
"The world is a DANGEROUSplace not because of people who do EVIL, but because of good people who look on and DO NOTHING ABOUT IT"Albert Einstein

All (including former) Malaysians must know - By Dr. Azmi Sharom
If you have already watched this (and I'm not surprised at all), just pass it on....
Dr.. Azmi Sharom- All Malaysians must know.

Malaysia has never been an Islamic State as our Constitution is very specific on it. It was the Mental Mamak (our equivalent to Singapore 's MM) who lied all the way when he declared Malaysia as an Islamic Country and therefore State in 2001. Lim Kit Siang immediately corrected him but he being the person he is insisted that he was right. Jokers like Ling Liong Sik, Samy Vellu and Lim Keng Yaik of course did not object and quietly agreed with him and so did the other BN leaders. This mamak has damaged our country through and through.

MM also passed the Syariah Law in Selangor in 1995 with the help of MCA, MIC, and Gerakan.

Ask MCA, MIC and Gerakan why they support an Islamic State and passed laws to support it, and now complain that DAP is supporting an Islamic State, when DAP has never ever agreed to do so. The evidence is beyond doubt, it is in the public domain, ask them, the shameless ones, do they have an answer?
Worth listening to this recording. Our constitution is the most altered, amended, and modified constitution in the whole wide world. We must never ever let UMNO get back their 2/3rds majority ever again. If they do, then our country will go to the dogs. UMNO will again start changing the constitution like there is no to-morrow. It will be changed to suit UMNO, just like they changed the constitution/rules/laws to allow for gerrymandering of the consituency, where a rural constituency with an electorate of 5,000 voters is entitled to vote for one MP/DUN, whereas in urban localities, an electorate of 100,000 can only vote for one MP. What sort of democracy do you call this? Can someone out there enlighten me. Whether you're pro-BN or pro-opposition, please, do not, in your wildest dreams ever allow UMNO their 2/3rds majority. Don't ever let Malaysia go the way of Zimbabwe , Somali, or Myanmar .

An interesting speech by Dr. Azmi Sharom; an Assistant Professor of Law at UM. He explains the CONSTITUTION: the Malaysian supreme law. Listen to this, it's interesting and refreshing.

For people who think that only BN can govern properly. Think again. Once BN gets back their 2/3 in Parliament they will start amending the Constitution. Then we won't have the Constitution that protects ALL. Educate yourself about what the supreme law of the land says. Then vote wisely.

Please spread this like wildfire...make it one of the most viewed.
You will help educate people about our law.

Anonymous,  3 February 2012 at 11:59  

Mixed breed Quiet Despair wants to be as Malay as can be. Have to try harder to claim his Bumi status. Give him chance, lor. But whatever it is, he's got a point there.

bicara mak dara 3 February 2012 at 12:46  

i just voted for you for Worlds Bloggers And Social Media Awards 2012.. All the best ya... =)

Plsssss vote me back for THE WORST BLOG OF THE YEAR @ "click vote di link ye Thank youuuu =)

chempaka 3 February 2012 at 13:47  

Papa Gomo cuma pandai menyalak. Dia menyalak banyak sangat sampaikan dah tak ada suara. Rasanya tuan dia pun malu dapat anjing bodoh . Better put him to sleep. Buek perabih boreh.

Anonymous,  3 February 2012 at 15:23  

Sdr Anon 2 February 2012 13:03 tu pun satu. Tulisan beliau terang terang berbentuk provokasi. Terserlah bahawa beliau bukannya penyokong DAP. So beliau perlu lebih bijak ( kalau pun tidak boleh dianggap bodoh ) dalam tulisan dia agar tembelang dia tidak pecah.

Berikut adalah sebahagian dakwaan Sdr Anon 2 February 2012 13:03:

Kepada semua rakyat MALAYSIA,bangsa Melayu memang tak boleh diharap sama ada UMNO,PAS atau Melayu PKR. Bangsa melayu bila berkuasa akan putih mata dan bila hilang kuasa akan menyalak macam ANJING..

Sama la seperti wakil rakyat MELAYU, bila berkuasa PEMIMPIN DIJILAT tetapi bila dah hilang kuasa menjadi ANJING YG MENGIGIT..

Oleh itu marilah sama-sama kita UNDI wakil DAP berbangsa CINA kerana terbukti diseluruh dunia,negara China,Taiwan,Singapore dll bahawa pemerintahan mereka adil dan mengamalkan metrokrasi.

Kepada bangsa melayu yang malas biar mereka sensara kerana kemalasan mereka.

Hapuskan DEP,NEP dan kouta bumiputera kerana selama ini memang tidak membantu langsung bangsa melayu. Apa salahnya beri kepada bangsa cina yg menguasai ekonomi malaysia untuk membangunkan negara. Biar la mereka nak beli tanah untuk pembangunan. Biarlah mereka bina rumah berharga RM500,000 keatas kerana berniaga nak untung bukan rugi.

Soalan saya:

Melayu manakah yang selama ini berkuasa dan menyebabkan masalah negara meruncing ? Melayu manakah yang menyanjung Melayu melayu yang dalam kekuasaan selama ini ?. MElayu manakah yang mensia sia kan lebih 50 tahun kekuasaan sehingga menyebabkan kondisi politik negara menjadi caca marba hari ini ?.

Adakah Melayu PAS ? Adakah Melayu PKR ? Bukankah Melayu UMNO yang dipuncak kekuasaan selama ini yang mentadbir negara sehingga hari ini ?. Jadi apa rasionalnya kegagalan Melayu UMNO ini, Melayu PKR dan MElayu PAS nak dipersalahkan ?.

Anihnya..Sdr Anon 2 February 2012 13:03 juga berkata:

Bagi saya orang kampong biarler teman ikut cara lama saje asalkan tidak kebuluran ,dapat beribadat teman dah happy dah ! Kadang kadang penat juga nak berbalas balas pantun kat sini.Maaf jika terkasar Wallahwualam.

Beliau sebenarnya mengakui masalah Melayu UMNO tu dan seumpama mencadang biar DAP saja kekal dalam persada politik negara. Dalam masa yang sama beliau menyebut untuk kekal cara lama asalkan tidak kebulur dan dan boleh beribadat. Maksudnya beliau rela negara terus ditadbir Melayu UMNO..asalkan cukup makan dan boleh beribadat. Apa Melayu UMNO nak buat..pedulikan.

Pada saya kalaulah golongan Melayu begini merupakan majoriti dalam negara..alamat hancur negara Malaysia.

felcra changkat lada,  3 February 2012 at 15:31  

papa gomo tu haram jadah., mak dia pun haram jadah, bapak di pun haram jadah, pendek kata susur galur dia pun dari susur galur haram jadah., sebab tu bila sampai kat dia, seluruh keturunan dai terdahulu menyumpah kat dia sebab dia togok arak., cakap orang peminum arak ni kalau sepuluh perkataan yang dia sebut atau tulis, 375 adalah karut,kerana idea dia dipengaruhi oleh arak. Mudah-mudahan papa gomo ni akan di sambar petir suatu masa nanti., jangan ada sesiapa pun mandi dan sembahyangkan bangkai dia.

Anonymous,  3 February 2012 at 18:09  

I do agree with you Suci Dalam Debu,

We don't say PR is perfect. But everyone knew UMNO BN failed to perform since the past 50 years. Recent Audit Report stated PR did better in opposition states.

Now we have an option and chance should be given to PR to show their ability and prove to all Malaysian.

There is no reason for us to maintain UMNO BN. We must HIJRAH for big changes towards better Malaysia !

Anonymous,  4 February 2012 at 12:35  

Such dalam debu,

Ha! We vote for PR because we love BN.why you contradict yourself .You are either PR or BN .I will anytime vote for BN because they deliver.PR make too many unfilled promises but don't deliver. .Rightfully so,I think the majority will agree except you PR supporters. PR have been a good opposition all this while and we think we shall keep it that way until your party has substance to lead the nation.PR is so disorganised and even that buku Jingga has been challenged by some PAS leaders.PR tried all sort of dirty tactics to win the voters confidence by challenging BN
good effort for the rakyat .Of course we are not Greece.Malaysia do not need that change and the country is never ready for a two party system.Lu jangan merepek lah such dalam debu.Don't try to dismantle a proven system and start a new system.PR don't even have any good leaders and will remain an opposition .

Anonymous,  4 February 2012 at 14:03  

QD very interesting, even your nanna can speak English you must have come from a very forward looking Malay family.

I presume you are a true Malay and not those constitutional Malay but what is nanna?

Thank You

JJ 4 February 2012 at 17:28  

QD : Who is Ktemoc and who is Buttercup?

Hehe...deny all you want, QD/Buttercup/Bedul

Let's put it this way - many of us bumped into your doppelganger by the name of Buttercup at KTemoc. Buttercup also avers to shunning all pro Pakatan blogs except for Sak, Aspan and Rocky, hehehe. And his main source of news is the MSM too. And he uses the same exact description for RPK in all the blogs he visits - the half breed fat slob, wakakaka

The exact double named Bedul at Rocky uses the same exact words.....

And all three worhsipped the ground that Dr M walks and all three NEVER talk about the endemic corruption that's eating away his beloved Umno Baru. Anyway, how could he talk about corruption when MSM, his main source of news, NEVER delve into this corruption issue in any meaningful manner....nanti licence kena tarik lah, hehe.

So 1 + 1 + 1 = 3. Elementary, my dear Watson

Have a good day, QD aka Buttercup aks Bedul.

Anonymous,  5 February 2012 at 12:47  

Salam Sakmongkol,

a strong checks and balances is the way to forge our nation forward. The Chinese and Indian just want to be treated equally in every sector.

ok, how about the Deputy PM must be an elected leader form the opposition : be they Anuar, LGE, Sakmongkol, etc ; every deputy in every dept comes from the opposition party ?

whereby the funds must be channeled promptly, the human talents are empowered, a more than fair distribution of wealth - more to the medium and low income earners regardless of political alignment, race or religion.

whereby the friends of both wings can sit at the coffee table to brainstorm best solutions, to engage instead of confront each other, for the betterment.

so tired of this segregation by racism, bigotry, insane suspicious started by Perkasa and " the" paper that, I find many mindful Malaysians can't be seen as close friends with those mindful multiracial Malaysians from the opposite wing.

this collaboration will bring out the best of human talents and solutions, foresights and hindsights of accountability and transparency to every dept in the governance.

hdtvrefurbished 5 February 2012 at 18:26  

Too much politics issue..
I'm Confused -_-

Anonymous,  6 February 2012 at 12:25  

Pemberian rasuah secara halal....guner wang negara utk promosi parti sendiri......yg duk kt ceruk tu masih x phm....aku x layak trima BR1M....tapi layak di potong gaji bulanan utk bayar tunai cukai pndapatan...amik duit aku tu x kisah la....tapi ltak bndera kt blakang masa bagi duit...muker x malu

phat_lee 14 February 2012 at 11:54  

duit2 yang gomen duk bagi tu duit pow company lain... BN ada kuasa, so dia rasa semua hak dia.heck~

dengan mentaliti macam ni la buat Malaysia lagi teruk in the future. Anak2 muda di suap dengan makanan yang dibeli menggunakan duit yang tak tahu halal atau haram...

pasal BR1M, ayah saya orang pencen gomen, tinggal berdua dengan mak saya yang full time suri rumah. dengan pencen RM1700 ++ sebulan, dia pun apply la BR1M, tapi x dapat. alasan? sebab diorang kata income ayah saya RM3000 sebulan...

payah nak dapatkan hak kita dari orang perangai jahanam nih...

selagi BN berkuasa, semakin luas la kasta antara rakyat...

phat_lee 14 February 2012 at 12:21  

@ anon 2 February 2012 13:03

saya tertarik dengan kenyataan anda mengenai jangan mengundi PAS sebab tak ada perancangan dari segi ekonomi?

maaf kalau saya menegur, Kelantan seperti negeri2 lain dalam Malaysia amat memerlukan bantuan kewangan dari Kerajaan Persekutuan. Pada tahun 1990, PAS dapat Kelantan sekali dengan hutang2 yang dibuat oleh UMNO. Sebabkan beban hutang, dan Kelantan dianak tirikan oleh Kerajaan Pusat, so memang payah la nak majukan negeri. Tambah pula dengan ketiadaan infrastruktur seperti highway bagi memudahkan perjalanan ke Kelantan oleh pelabur-pelabur luar.

Hal ini dititahkan oleh Sultan Kelantan sendiri, yang meminta Kerajaan Persekutuan membina lebuhraya ke Kelantan bagi meningkatkan ekonomi negeri.

Macam yang kita belajar zaman sekolah dulu, even kalau nak berniaga sekalipun, kena pilih tempat yang easy access untuk customer datang, sama la juga halnya dengan Kelantan. Tempat dah ada, cuma laluan sahaja yang masih belum ada.

Kalau tuan/ puan dah lama tahu mengenai benda2 yang saya sebutkan tadi, anggap la saya cuma remindkan balik sahaja.

DAP dapat Penang, PAS dapat Kedah masa zaman dah ada Highway, pasal itu mereka dapat meningkatkan ekonomi negeri masing2. Kalau hal yang sama e.g; ada highway ke Kelantan dan Terengganu, semestinya ekonomi negeri2 pantai timur meningkat.

Anonymous,  3 March 2012 at 12:11  

Saya adalah anak kepada salah seorang Pengerusi Penaja parti bukan UMNO.

Bapa saya pada awalnya adalah pengikut setia UMNO diawal penubuhan cawangan UMNO disatu penempatan FELDA. Beliau menjadi salah seorang AJK yang setia kepada perjuang sehingga turut serta terlibat dalam Kongres Melayu Kebangsaan suatu ketika dahulu.
Saya amat berbangga membibit Folder tersebut untuk kesekolah diketika itu.

Disebabkan bosan dengan sikap AJK UMNO yang tidak boleh menerima teguran dan kritikan selama berpuluh tahun maka beliau menjadi pengerusi penaja parti bukan UMNO.

Selepas dari itu bapa saya di pinggirkan dan diboikot oleh masyarakat FELDA yang majoritinya adalah ahli UMNO yang man tiada pati lain selain UMNO diketika itu.

Berpaksi kan semangat perjuangan menentang ketidakbetulan, bapa saya dapat menyakinkan anak muda FELDA dan sebahagian masyarakat FELDA tertubuhlah parti bukan UMNO tersebut sehingga kini walaupun bapa saya telah kembali kerahmatullah.

Manakala UMNO telah berpecah kepada 3 cawangan dikawasan yang mempunyai hanya lebih kurang 350 keluarga. Inilah dia cara UMNO untuk mencipta jawatan dikalangan masyarakat.

Yang menjadi saya terpanggil untuk komen disini teringat memori lama pasal kehidupan AJK UMNO, AJK FELDA termasuk pengurus dan pegawai FELDA semuanya mengikut telunjuk UMNO tanpa berkata apa-apa seolah semua tindakan adalah betul betul belaka walaupun ianya terang dan nyata adalah salah disemua espek dari segi pengurusan masyarakt FELDA, pengurusan BLOK, pengurusan ladang, pengurusan belia, pengurusan GPW, pengurusan tanam semula, pengurusan pembahagian lot tanah FELDA, pengurusan baja, pengurusan lot tanah tambahan FELDA malah pengurusan UMNO cawangan sendiri semuanya mengahadapi masaalah.

Disebabkan rasa dendam teramat sangat terhadap bapa saya rumah bapa saya menjadi sasaran dimana projek penurapan jalan tidak dilaksanakan hanya dihadapan rumah bapa saya. Stuasi ini membuka mata saya untuk melihat UMNO secara keseluruhannya.

Inilah semangat AJK UMNO yang sebenar, akan memencilkan dan mensisihkan masyarakat yang cintakan kebenaran inginkan pembaikan pembetulah terhadap organisai satu-satu masyarakat.

Akan menjadi tambah buruk sekiranya ahli masyarakat itu tidak sealiran dan mengkritik terhadap kepimpinan UMNO.

Yang sealiran dan menyokong nya akan menjadi hidup senang hasil habuan yang tak diketahui dari mana puncanya sehingga ketuanya boleh memiliki dari Proton Perdan, Pajero dan terkini TOYOTA Harier walaupun tdak nampak keushawanannya.

Inilah kemewahan yang boleh diragui oleh orang UMNO yang mana satu ketika dahulu stuasi begini tidak ada.

Pemimpin sanggup datang berjumpa rakyat hanya dengan berjalan kaki dan menunggang basikal bersama rakyat dalam perjumpaan bersama rakyat.

Tetapi sekarang amat amat jauh seperti langit dengan bumi dimana wakil rakyat UMNO boleh datang berjumpa rakyat dengan menaiki Helikopter dan ada yang menaiki BAS yang begitu canggih didalamnya dan tidak termimpi oleh rakyat untuk merasanya dan diiringgi oleh pengikut pengikut nya dengan berkenderaan mewah setidak-tidak kereta 4WD dari berbagai jenama ialah semua boleh diperolehi atas nama AP, tapi rakyat tetap susah dengan berbagai kesusahan yang tidak dapat diluahkan hasil dari lapuran kepihak atasan semuanya OK.

Itulah UMNO kini dan selamanya.

Anonymous,  15 May 2012 at 21:23  

Terbaru umno parti haramjadah selepas diharamkan pada tahun 88, maka jadi lah ia parti anak haram. sebab tu ketua dia suka mengharamjadahkan org lain.

UMNO equals to Umno Mengharamjadah No 1

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