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Sakmongkol ak 47

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Bakke’s credentials


Who are we to argue if the PM says Mohd Bakke is right for the job at Sime Darby? He has the right experience and possibly temperament too for the job. He has plantation experience, corporate re structuring experience and experience managing large corporations. Yes sir, picture this- mohd bake hauling bags of over charged fertilizers and carrying the harvesting sickle to harvest fresh fruit bunches.
I am not going to take away anything from the man. Maybe he's good or bad- which needed time to prove or disprove. I wished all him all the best.
When was he part of the managing team of Felda Holdings? From 2004-2008? Well during that time if he led or was part of the  senior management team at Felda Holdings or Felda Ventures or whatever, -that was the time when Felda's cash reserves dropped from RM4.3 billion to whatever it is today. 
Today, perhaps it has no cash reserves although that diminutive deputy minister wak Maslan says, oh..It dropped by just over RM 2 billion. He then provided a breakdown in the application of the drawn down reserves. His explanation was hotly contested because most of the expenditures he cited should have come from opex or categorized as OPEX.
If that is so, then we can expect deeper troubles at Felda because people there are confused as to opex and opex and cash reserves.
Sure Bakke may have the experience indeed- part of the team that oversaw the reduction of Felda's cash reserves. Which team?
But the papers also cited that Bakke was part of the managing team at Bank Islam. Ahlan wa sahlan wa marhaban bikum ya sheikh!
Was Bakkee part of the team at Bank Islam that saw it made losses of RM457 million. This RM457,000,000 came about as a result of Bank Islam making bad loans totaling RM 774 million? During which time Bank Islam had an NPL portfolio of RM 2.2 billion- that's RM2,200,000,000. Let me amplify that: - 2,200,000,000
By consensus, this financial debacle was due partly to mismanagement and poor internal controls. But more probably it's due to years of regulatory apathy fuelled by the misconceived notion of an untouchable Bank Islam because it was a favourite child of the Malaysian government. It was the first and model Islamic bank in the country and region. Islam is a perfect cover to hide misdeeds. The reality was, Bank Islam had a reputation in the market for being the spoilt child of the Malaysian Ministry of Finance; and the perception of the bank was more of a Muslim financial fraternity or government development financial institution.
You know the perception that whatever is done inside Bank Islam must be sanctioned.
But perhaps, the Bank practised ..wa haram-mun kalau makan sorang, wa halal-lun kalau kongsi sama.


Premium Business 20 June 2010 at 10:41  

Dato', nak buat macamana, itu je lah nama nama yang ada. lagipun Najib kata, dah disaring dari pelbagai segi, itu je yang terbaik, Melayu yang terbaik di abad ini mungkin. Dah ketandusan calon nak buat macamana.

Musa Hitam yang dilantik oleh bapa Mertua KJ, Bapa Pembangunan Modal Insan juga gagal menjadikan Musa Hitam modal insan yang terbaik.

Najib sedang memandu negara sendirian di highway, mana tempat dia nak singgah kencing, dia singgah, mana tempat dia nak rehat, dia rehat. Ikut suka dia. Mana tempat dia nak pecut, dia pecut, kalau kena saman, rakyat bayar.

Kita cuma belum dengar Najib merempit, tak tahulah kalau dah cuba try test kat Pekan.

PANJI HITAM 61 20 June 2010 at 11:06  

"If that is so, then we can expect deeper troubles at Felda because people there are confused as to opex and opex and cash reserves. "

Actually, not only in Felda but worst, people in M o F inc. The rot started fron NMY and now it has spread to EPU.

PERKASA and MPM, we must axe these Malay Liberals. !!

Anonymous,  20 June 2010 at 12:42  

As predicted .. Dato will be faced with more and more of these everyday.

Make sure your measure your blood pressure everyday .

Don't join our club. Ours already high and no more cure already. Have to take medicine to bring them down.

... and even medicine is expensive lah nowadays. Have to go to 1Malaysia Klinic.


Voice of the Oppressed, Suppressed 20 June 2010 at 13:18  

I am intrigued and befuddled. How come shady characters get promoted and rewarded.
1. Smuggled millions to Australia. rewarded.
2. Corruption in party elections. rewarded as Chief Minister and UMNO Youth Chief.
3. Cross over from DAP to be Perak BN friendly.Hated by people. Rewarded with Datukship.
4. Burns away marriage cert and bluffs his first wife. Rewarded as Chief Justice.
Many more if I put on my thinking cap.

Anonymous,  20 June 2010 at 13:34  

CIMB chief Datuk Seri Nazir Razak today repeated his call for a review of the New Economic Policy (NEP), adding that the policy has been unfair to the majority of Malays.

He cited the lack of transparency in the allocation of bumiputra shares and the awarding of AP as examples of abused of the NEP.

“In the name of NEP, shares of listed companies are given out to bumiputras, but the question is who is entitled and who is benefiting from it?” he asked.

“And look at the awarding of APs, what is the basis for the award?” said Nazir.

BAGUS nih Adek PM...kalau nak bilang dia marah sebab tak dapat share..tak betul sebab dah di beri berguni guni share CIMB..dah jadi multi2 jutawan. Bukan kena ada modal or take risiko nak jadi kaya...kerja jadi Boss,dapat gaji lumayan..lagi di beri shares juta2 >>bagus deal tu.Tak pernah yang dapat deal begitu baik.Kalau lihat orangnye..tak lah pandai sangat...ramai yang lebih handal.

Tapi dia marah mungkin sebab tak dapat AP kok..sebab ada lagi melayu yang lebih kaya pada dia..

Jangan bersandiwara lah En Nazir..minta aja AP ,tanah etc..kalo tak nak nama keluar saya pun bolih jadi proxy..

Habis lah Negara kita..yang dah cekup million2 nak wallop lagi sampai billion2..

Nik Paradox

Anonymous,  20 June 2010 at 13:39  

Judged by Azman Mokhtar's standard,Bakke is very capable n myb best of the breed.

Azman Mokhtar's standard will bankrupt the country b4 2019.

PM please see through the smokescreen and SEE the real numbers.Cos when the Khazanah shit hits the fan the 1998 Renong,MAS i.e Daim's Boys debacle >>in comparison is only a teeny wheeny fart.

And we are still on Panadols for that.

Anonymous,  20 June 2010 at 13:53  

its 1 Malaysia. From the head its corrupted so what is left, ripp off the nation.

Anonymous,  20 June 2010 at 14:10  

UMNO should take heed at what TRH said during the launching of the book about Shafee Yahaya. To quote part of it :

"Politicians are the villains in this piece, but they themselves are also trapped. The leadership is trapped because they are beholden to political followers who demand that they are looked after. They demand patronage, and turn the party’s struggle for the welfare of a community into their sense of entitlement to that patronage. So they take their slice of the project.

By the time they and each person down the line all the way down to the contractor takes a lot and there is not enough left to do a decent job, bridges collapse, highways crack, stadiums collapse, hospitals run out of medicine, schoolchildren are cheated in their textbooks. Corruption may look to its perpetrators like a crime without victims, but it leaves a trail of destruction".

Will those in the corridors of power have the political will to change? If the answer is a big NO, then just change the government before our daughters and sons(especially the Malays) become maids and labourers in some foreign countries. Sad but it will become a reality.

Anonymous,  20 June 2010 at 14:13  

KluangMan 10:41

Hehe ... Hehe PM dah rempit dah tapi dia pass kat Adnan Yaakob

Adnan Yaakob pass balik kat Rakyat nak "educate" bebudak rempit dengan bagi RM10,000 + Digital Broadband Pekan.

Hidup UMNO! UMNO Boleh! Wa Caya Lu UMNO!

Rompak lah rakyat selagi dikandung badan!

Nasi Dagang

Anonymous,  20 June 2010 at 14:34  

This is the ever so normal modus operandi in nominating people into office in Bolehland.
Recently a scumbag@slimeball of a person at my workplace was promoted to take up a senior post.There is no sensible justification for promoting the above mentioned person but yet the person was still promoted,
The reason why is because its absolutely easy to control this kinda people koz you know their weakness.
But then what can you do? Hanya berserah pada yang maha esa lah jawabnya.

Anonymous,  20 June 2010 at 18:23  

Sounds like his Bakke is a very obedient servant. The kind that cna be trusted to manage a GLC. Sit back and watch the fun in Slime Darby.

Anonymous,  21 June 2010 at 07:29  

If the bottom of the barrel has not quite been depleted, send Bakke in to thoroughly clean it. After all, he would make a useful fall guy later

angela ooi

Anonymous,  21 June 2010 at 18:41  


I dont blame Pak Jib for Bakkee's appointment. For Pak Jib its better to have a devil he knows rather an angel he doesnt know. Of course lah,with Bakkee around both can scratch each others back.....

noor yaacoby,  25 June 2010 at 21:01  

Who is behind straight shooter Bakke?Bakke was named to head Petronas last year?Didnt materialised as Omar Ong came in as a Director.How does a straight shooter works with the demands and commands of Umnoputras

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