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Sakmongkol ak 47

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Jadilah Anak Jantan, wahai UMNO.

This is the time for UMNO to prove that it's a party of anak jantans. Otherwise the last remaining anak jantan in UMNO is Nazri Aziz.
The MCA ADUN of Titi Tinggi in Perlis has resigned. He has sent his letter to the Speaker. The speaker does not have discretion to judge otherwise, his intention other than what was written explicitly. He has said he does not want to be ADUN any longer and as the letter was written in black and white, the speaker is not at liberty to be a clairvoyant and interpret that to be not the true intention of the YB. Dia mau berenti tau- BERHENTI! Ada faham kah YB Yang di Pertua?
This is becoming like a cartoon story. You have ONE frustrated ADUN who wasn't selected as EXCO resigning and the speaker refuses to accept his resignation. Since when does a speaker be invested with extraordinary powers such as reading differently the true intention as was explicitly said?
UMNO will show that it's really in a depraved state if it now induces the YB to retract his letter. It will not be spared from accusations that it's paying this MCA useless idiot millions of Ringgit to retract. Probably, the blank sounding MB of Perlis will create a special EXCO Post for the MCA. Perlis is a state as big as a monkey's straddled legs and yet it wants to have an EXCO as big as Sarawak?
UMNO must show moral resolve by accepting the resignation of this fool of an ADUN. Don't do another PKR coup as in Perak and allow Vincent Tan or the owners of Malaysian Formula One make another special lottery draw.
Apa lagi mau pujuk matlaon macam ini?


Premium Business 23 March 2010 at 22:57  

Apa lagi mau pujuk matlaon macam ini?

Ingatkan Dato' tak pandai kondem peribadi dan maki serta hina orang, ingatkan sopan sangat.. Kalau kita panggil orang lain matlaon, kita pun boleh dipanggil matlaon juga..itu kena faham.

ADUN tu buat kerja dia, meletak jawatan apabila dia merasakan sudah tidak 'diterima' dan matlaon yang Dato' panggil ini lebih mulia dari Menteri yang ada, setiausahanya telan duit, tapi dia masih kekal pegang jawatan Menteri dan MP ??!! Itu bapa matlaon kot..

Adalah bukan sesuatu yang perlu kita terkejut kalau UMNO sekarang kurang jantan kerana penguasaan UMNO merasmikan persidangan atau memberi jutaan peruntukan dan mendapat pendedahan media yang luas bukan lagi dan bukan sahaja dilakukan Menteri dan Pemimpin UMNO tetapi juga 'isteri tersayang'.

Ketua Wanita UMNO kini tidak lebih dari jadi pengiring dalam satu majlis dan Ketua Pemuda UMNO sekarang tidak lebih dari 'office boy' yang turun naik jumpa Presiden.

Walaupun Dato' berbulu sangat dengan PERKASA dan Tun Mahathir, tapi rasanya kalau letak calon bebas dari PERKASA di Titi Gajah Perlis, UMNO dan Pakatan akan bungkus..

Dato' juga tolong siarkan komen ini kalau masih ada 'jantan'.

Anonymous,  23 March 2010 at 23:19  

Good challenge thrown to UMNO.
Will the guys ever listen?

And a strange revelation by yourself that Vincent Tan might be 'inducted' again to handle this through yet another special draw.

So you knew all the while that the recent spate of ADUNs and MPs becoming BN friendly was through the tireless efforts of the guys controlling the gaming companies?

You did not write then about it.

Why only now you want to bring in this factor in the equation?

Just because it is a BN elected rep?

By the same token, you also know the real story of some 'fine' judgements by the courts, involving Perak state assembly matters, the EC's powers etc?

But you are waiting to write about such matters, only if the impact is adverse to UMNO/BN?

No sir, you do not have to wait. Speak up, and pen your thoughts in a timely manner.

Let this great nation see real statesmen in the making, who rise above party politics - when it comes to what is right.

We should nurture such 'above politics' thoughts in the majority of us, so that the racists and corrupted ones will be humiliated by this enormous growing power amongst all Malaysians


Ariff Sabri 23 March 2010 at 23:30  

awak masih tidak faham ya.. oh saya lupa, umur awak baru 3oan. adun ini tidak respect MB perlis- dia kata MB perlis not even fit ajar budak sekolah darjah satu.
dia sesuai disebut matlaon kerana berniat untuk ugut UMNO ambil balik jadi exco atau mungkin berharap di bayar jutaan Ringgit. jika dapat jutaan Ringgit, tidak perlu jadi exco dan ADUN pun ok.
jadi, sebutan apa yang sesuai untuk orang yang menyakitkan UMNO seperti ini?
pejuang bangsa?

Donplaypuks® 24 March 2010 at 00:16  

Now you can see how the situation was manipulated in Perak. It's the same dishonesty and double standards that prevails through and through.

Sorry Sak, as much as I would like to find something positive to say about our Govt, this is indeed an evil regime which MUST be put down, like yesterday!

Jantan? we'd be lucky if (s)he has a single shrivelled gooli!

We are all of 1 race, the Human Race

Anonymous,  24 March 2010 at 01:09  

Truly speechless this level of mentality in state government. For this instance, haven't they understood like war, politics is no different. Is all about employing right strategy to win. Let him go lah. Run another election if need. Loose, so what. At least you learned to prepare better in the next battle which ultimately is to win the next GE.

This MCA guy may have thought long and hard how the reaction going to be before he resign. By the sound of it the Perlis government has fallen to his trap and now down to their knees by asking him to consider and holding to his resignation.

Anonymous,  24 March 2010 at 01:50  


I have seen and read your comments in some blogs. i suggest you learn what is written before you open up yr mouth.

You are trying to be smart, but if only one knows who you are....he would just ignore and rubbish you.

Please go to other blogs which can accommodate your childish opinion..can you?


Anonymous,  24 March 2010 at 04:15  

another chingkie vingkie tan job to salvage a desperate
attempt to 'jaga air muka 'the bn gomen of perlis. Wah my warong
kakis will be having another day extra to judi at the
toto 'dengan ihsan' normohamad ....

if nazri has been declared anak jantan terakhir bn , what
shall we call tdm who was the mastermind of the privatisation
of sports toto . a conduit through which all the 'wang ihsan'
can be chanelled?

Strategis melayu terakhir?

sun zu melayu terakhir?

bapa korupsi melayu terunggul?

Adun as public official

after all the brouhaha on the politics of leaving a party
and joining another and receiving cash inducement for such an
act , one would wonder if such an act is legal.

An adun receives emolument /allowance from the state and
a pension when he retires. Does this make an adun a public

I guess an adun would broadly fall under this definition.
Hence osman jailu . hee and all the aduns who purportedly
received monies for doing the switching of loyalty to another
party is deemed to have behaved in a conduct prejudicial to public policy and
and their acts should attract an investigation by the MACC.

Just a few weeks agao , there were promises by the big guns
of the MACC of cleaning up all the mess and do the right thingies.

Maybe we can look forward to some commentaries by ex court
of appeal judge, N H Chan on this matter especially such cases are
going to be emulated by greedy aduns and mps


Anonymous,  24 March 2010 at 05:48  

Jangan marah Dato', memang ADUN tu Matlaon dan kita tunggu pula UMNO juga persatuan Matlaon.
Yang DiPertua sah Matlaon sebab baca surat pun tak faham dan tak tahu apa nak buat....elok lah pun dia orang ni semua kena tibai!!!
Hidup AK47!!!

Anonymous,  24 March 2010 at 07:06  

very nice reply to kluangman dato. After reading your article, I think that better for umno to face the by election.let's put umno man as candidate since the majority of the voters are Malays.

Anonymous,  24 March 2010 at 08:02  

hehehe... election.. election.. we'll see, who's who.. BN or PKR.. hmm.. maybe BEBAS.. put this three and let gamble... siapa yang rakyat percaya.. Buang saja Yang Dipertuan tak pass skulah tu... bengap sangat la dia..


Richard Cranium 24 March 2010 at 08:40  

Yeap, its open season for all borderline ADUNs to get while the getting's good. If you were a ADUN to be discarded at the next election, what would you do?

We might do exactly the same thing as this MCA fellow.

Yes, we'll sell our own grandmothers to make a buck.

Unknown 24 March 2010 at 08:55  


Its the Season Of Discontent.....

DS Najib will have to face the fact that MCA is no longer relevent...

MIC? Still in Existence Ke?

Tun Dr M's proposal for Direct Membership into BN requires The Leadership to Exhibit Your Jantan-ness. Bubar Umno and Name BN as a Party....That's what Tun Dr M is saying (without giving direct instructions of course for fear of appearing to be too Jantan than DS Najib.

princess jiji 24 March 2010 at 10:26  

mmmm..beranikah UMNO?
tak berani sebab tu kawasan MCA kut..maklumlah takut kena TKO!

Anonymous,  24 March 2010 at 10:55  

How fittingly you called this ADUN an idiot.
He is telling the whole world that he is in MCA for the perks of office, nothing else. Chinese interests can go fly kite.

He is saying "Now I am no more Ex-co I quit. Who cares about those who voted for me, my community or my party.
All that matters is my self interest, My life, My money, My position. My, My, My....."
This is the only language BN fellows speak.
"But if you give me some millions, well, I will reconsider my decision to quit."

Anonymous,  24 March 2010 at 11:06  

Well, finally, we do have a Jantan - albeit 'conditioned' by UMNO's forces like MACC, RMP, EC and AG - with help from Wee Khay Linghum and Win Shen Than.

NST has the story as follows, which also states that the Jantan did actually submit his resignation letter:

Perlis state leaders, who are intent on avoiding a by-election, have managed to persuade Yip Sun Onn to reconsider his decision to step down as Titi Tinggi state assemblyman.

In an SMS which he sent to several reporters, Yip said he was still the Titi Tinggi state assemblyman and apologised for the inconvenience he had caused.

He said he needed some time to think but that he was still a Barisan Nasional assemblyman and fully supported Datuk Seri Dr Md Isa Sabu as the menteri besar of Perlis.

He also said that he would continue to support the state government in developing Perlis.

Yip had tendered his resignation letter to Isa on Monday and had also given a copy to Speaker Datuk Yazid Mat.

This is the role model we want in Malaysia to achieve 1Malaysia's objective.

Malaysia Boleh!!!


Anonymous,  24 March 2010 at 11:50  


lihat pengemis ni...

Quiet Despair,  24 March 2010 at 11:58  

Memang betul Malaon.
Adun tu, Speaker and MB sama kandang bodoh.
Apa yang takut sangat dengan MCA yang kini only paper tiger.
Janganlah negeri kecik sekangkang kera. otakpun kecik juga.
He's like a child, tak dapat gula-gula merajuk.
Anyways his MCA counterpart yang ganti dia, bukannya orang Umno.
If its an Umno man, we will hear national rumblings.
They won via Malay votes.
So declare the seat vacant and hold a by-election.

Anonymous,  24 March 2010 at 13:52  

Nazri, last remaining anak jantan?

hee haaa hee haaa

Anonymous,  24 March 2010 at 14:36  

Dato.. I really laughed good as I read your last two posts.

Wow... wow.. now you know how they run the country under their perceived kind of "democracy" ..and only when it suits them. Otherwise no democracy.

They need to grow up lah .. to know what is real democracy.

Everyday we read about clowns doing this and that except tackling the economy. We have killed the golden goose that lays the golden eggs. In its last breath we are still talking non sense everyday.

Poor poor country.

Anonymous,  24 March 2010 at 18:48  

Salam Dato Sak,

The clock is ticking for UMNO really fast, and the government is spending on this kind of ad hoc request plus banyak lagi matlaon ni kat malaysia bersepah.

Enough lah UMNO, wheres the final blueprint of GST so on and so forth

Plus, present Government is talking too much lah - less talk more action please.

Hahaha Oh yea, nice one on the Pemuda "tidak lebih dari office-boy naik turun jumpa presiden"

Thats sooo Khairys Character.

-Ikan Tongkol-

flyer168 25 March 2010 at 13:49  


Well said & about time UMNO/BN Leaders self analyse.

This another UMNO/BN's "Silver Bullet" spent to shoot itself in the Head.

At this rate, they do not need enemies from outside towards their Self Inflicted Self Destruct Implosion.

But then again, will they "Listen"???

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