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Sakmongkol ak 47

Wednesday 23 December 2009

The Debate: How should UMNO treat MCA?-3


I was watching CNN the other day. It carried news about the dilemma of Arab American soldiers who found themselves serving in Iraq. They are asking the big question- why are we in Iraq? The Talibans are in Afghanistan or in the hills of Pakistan Northern frontiers. We should be there instead of in Iraq.

America didn't find WMD- the excuse given by Bush and American war mongers to justify invading Iraq. When they didn't, they came up with a disingenuous excuse. Regime change. Here is what troubles many of us.

The universally accepted principle is, regime change is an issue the local people have to answer. America can't answer on behalf of others. They can't be the busy policemen of the world. Spread Democracy through Bombs!

This is precisely the same mentality a person like Shamsul Anuar has. How does he justify UMNO meddling into MCA? First because he says UMNO is the big brother just as USA is big brother to the rest of the world. America does what it does, because of what it is- the only unchallengeable super power. UMNO can do what it likes because of what it is, the single dominant political power. If MCA, and by extension any other junior partner do not like it, they can FO!

The perception by people is UMNO gets under MCA's blanket because it wants regime change. Regime change is MCA's problem and issue. It says it's working out party elections soon. So, let it work out for itself. By the reasoning which Shamsul gives which implies that UMNO does not need MCA, then if MCA is mauled at the next general elections, it will be an inconsequential loss. Allow MCA and MCA alone to flush out its foreign or domestic devils. Then, it alone shall answer to the country.

Suci Dalam Debu said...

Aduhai Encik Shamshul,

Perkataan "Apartheid" sungguh menyinggung hati engkau.

Saya nak tanya sedikit

1. ASB untuk siapa dan di mana dividenya datang dari mana dan dibiayai oleh siapa?

2. MARA itu kalau di bawa ke Parlimen Afrika Selatan hari ini, kau ingat boleh lulus tak?

3. Kalau diberi nama apa sekalipun, tahi tetap berbau seperti tahi juga.

4. Affirmative action dalam bentuk sekarang masih mendapat sokong padu from you. Saya rasa malulah.

5. You think Khir Toyo, Zakaria Mat Deros dan sebagainya adalah abberation?

I am sorry to say that despite all the education you have been provided for, you remain an "uneducated" person hiding behind a mask.

You seems to fit the Brahmin Bumiputera group to the dot.

21 December 2009 11:48

Suci Dalam Debu said...


I forgot to add. The buntings you were asking for is like

Mulai hari ini,ASB dan MARA di buka untuk semua orang di Malaysia.

Did you see it somewhere, on TV3 perhaps, or maybe Utusan Malaysia.

Maybe they also mention cows can fly at putrajaya.

Then I can start believing in you.

21 December 2009 11:52

shamshul anuar said...

Dear Suci Dalam debu,

To make 1 Malaysia slogan meaningful, then the only way is to start from young; meaning from school level.

Separate school system breeds separateness. Why not have one school system with compulsory Mandarin class for Chinese and Tamil for Indians. The point is learn under one roof.

Believe me in the land that cries of meritocracy there is also affirmative action. Like in USA where special care is accorded to Native, minority, women, etc.

As for "Brahmin Bumiputera" , there is no such thing in Islam or malay culture. I am from a very humble background. There is nothing to be embarassed about.

As for MARA, please understand that the provision is accorded in recognition on the fact that at eve of independence, Malay Rulers agreed to granting of more than 1 million citizenship to your fore fathers, thus changing them from immigrants to citizens.

As such, something must be given back to malays. I agree with help given to Malaysian irregardless of race. But once you question other rights, so be prepared to have the other side question your rights.

21 December 2009 13:40

Suci Dalam Debu said...

Dear Shamshul,

Please stop trying to assume my identity.

Sekolah berbagai aliran sudah wujud sekian lama dan muhibah di antara berbagai kaum lebih baik di zaman itu berbanding sekarang.

Ingatlah bahawa yang menjadi petualang dan perosak kepada kaum melayu adalah tidak lain dan tidak bukan UMNO sendiri.

Usah menuding jari kepada orang lain. Jangan mengharamkan apa yang dihalalkan dan jangan menghalalkan apa yang diharamkan.

Orang Melayu, Cina, India, Iban, Kadazan, berbagai suku kaum dan khasnya orang asli sudah lama bersetuju untuk bersatu di bawah panji Malaysia.

Yang memecah-belahkan rakyat Malaysia adalah UMNO dalam bentuk yang ada sekarang (mungkin dah 30 tahun)dengan berselindung di belakang topeng DEB, media massa dan duit Petronas.

Tengku Razaleigh pun sudah sedar. Apakah kamu masih dalam lamunan?

Maaf jikalau tulisan saya menyinggung persaan saudara. Semoga tidak cepat melatah.

Marilah kita bersama-sama Dato' Sak membina era baru dan belayar menuju samudra bahagia.

21 December 2009 20:00

shamshul anuar said...

Saudara Suci Dalam Debu,

Sejak bila pula saya menghalalkan apa yang haram dan sebaliknya.

Yanbg memudaratkan umat melayu bukan UMNO tetapi sikap orang melayu yang suka mendengar fitnah dan tidak suka usul periksa.

Mulut berbuih cakap "fitnah lebih dahsyat dari membunuh" tapi setakat dimulut saja. Peringatan Allah swt akan betapa perlu meneliti sesuatu berita hanya jadi hafalan tanpa mahu mengamalkannya.

Berita dari orang fasik dan munafik dipercayai terus menerus. kebencian sesama Islam melampaui batas. Tidak ada tolak ansur tetapi begitu sanggup bertuankan musuh seagama sebangsa. Bagaimanapun ini bukanlah perkara pelik. Raja-Raja arab Sepanyol pun dulu perangai macam itu juga. Berbaik dengan musuh ugama untuk jatuhkan saudara seagama. Kesannya amat buruk.

Kesalahan UMNO Yang terbesar ialah membenarkan sekolah berbagai aliran. Kesannya kita tidak lagi kenal mengenali sesama sendiri.

Saya pun rasa tak ada hormat pada ADUN yang mewakili UMNO tetapi dengan mudah memfitnah UMNO kononnya satu dosa hanya kerana jadi parti teras dalam BN.

UMNO memang dominan dalam BN . Ini adalah hakikat. Dan bukan jadi satu kesalahan untuk jadi dominan dalam BN kerana ia memenangi lebih separuh kerusi yang dimenangi BN.

Mestikah UMNO dipersalahkan bila pemimpin MCA sendiri minta bantuan UMNO untuk selesaikan kemelut MCA. Kenapa dipandang serong bila MCA sendiri minta bantuan UMNO.

Apakah satu dosa bila memenangi kerusi aDUN dan Parlimen dan bentuk kerajaan. Nak harapkan PAS, sokongan Melayu padanya merosot kerana orang melayu tak suka ia berbaik dengan musuh Melayu hakiki, DAP.

Apakah hinanya DEB? Apakah salah UMNO guna kuasa untuk biayai pelajaran puluhan ribu anak Melayu di luar negeri. Nak diharapkan DAP, mungkin saudara bermimpi.

Saya tidak tahu identiti saudara. tapi kalau saudara orang Melayu, saya rasa sedih melihat saudara rasa terhina hanya kerana saudara sebangsa saudara berkuasa.

Lebih sedih lagi saudara suka dengar fitnah yang tak tentu hala. UMNO macam manusia lkain atau Rasulullah sekali pun memang ada kelemahan. Tetapi tak kan saudara tak nampak langsung jasanya.

Mengenai Dr Khir Toyo, telitilah sendiri bukti resit pembelian banglo beliau. Apalah nak heran sangat seorang bekas MB beli banglo harga RM3 juta ringgit. Janganlah percaya sangat fitnah orang.

Jahat sangatkah MB yang anugerah tanah ratusan ekar pada penduduk kampung contohnya di Batu 13 Puchong. Kenapa berita dari orang fasik lebih dipercayai.

Dan saya bukanlah jenis Brahmin. Saya tak tahu saudara siapa tapi yang jelas dalam budaya dan ugama saya tak ada kasta.

Saya berasal dari kampung. Isteri saya anak pelombong bijih. Kerana ada pemimpin Melayu yang sayang bangsanya( dianggap satu dosa kalau Melayu sayang bangsanya tapi bangsa lain boleh), maka saya , beliau dan ratusan kawan saya dihantar belajar diluar negeri.

Kini kawan saya ada yang jawat jawatan senior di MIDF, FRIM, MIDA, Petronas , dan banyak bank komersial. Tanpa pertolongan dari kerajaan( melalui kuasa UMNO) , tak mungkin ayah saya seorang kerani awam mampu hantar saya ke sana.

Apa pun saudara kata pasal Pariah atau Brahmin, saya tak rasa malu. Terus terang saja. Tanpa UMNO, usahkan belajar di luar negeri, pijak tangga kapal terbang pun susah.

Mungkin Pariah atau Brahmin itu "sinonim" dengan saudara . Syukur alhamdulillah, ugama saya tak ada kasta macam itu.

Kalau ada cacat itu bermakna sikap manusia bukan kerana dilahirkan tak boleh sentuh bayang atau kerana kena bagi emas pada Brahmin sebelum tetapkan tarikh perkahwinan anak.

Ini bukan bermakna saya hina bangsa lain atau ugama bukan Islam. Hak mereka dijaga. Tetapi saya fikir saya tak perlu fitnah bangsa saya hanya untuk dilihat sebagai "modern" atau "liberal" oleh bukan Melayu.

21 December 2009 22:39

sakmongkol AK47 said...

i suggest you re read my article on UMNO and MCA. UMNO is not to be blamed for the mess in which MCA finds itself.
my point is, the way by which UMNO is handling this MCA problem is faulty and flawed. it will lead to more damage.
that's 2 different things.

now, as to yr other ramblings about being not ashamed or whatever- you are entitled to that.
my own view is, it is the mark of someone who is not able to argue his case, to accuse his opponent of trying to be looked at as liberal or acceptable. thats condescension disguised behind a patronizing tactic.

hence, using yr tactic, i am able to say this:
you have not been an ADUN before or may not even be an active UMNO member- so dont go around to lecture other people on the ethics of being a true UMNO member.

22 December 2009 00:02

Suci Dalam Debu said...


Sorry for going off topic but I hope you will allow me this space. Thank you.

Dear Shamshul,

Sangatlah baik awak tahu bersyukur kerana mendapat bantuan daripada kerajaan....kerajaan UMNO maksud kau.

You got some crumbs and they took the whole cake, yet you sing high praises for them. You turn a blind eye to their robbing of this country. They gave you a tire but stole the engine, bersyukur Alhamdudillah. Macam partners in crime aje ni.

So you believed that the mansion is worth only 3 million and he made it after 8 years as MB? I wonder what has been clouding your mind dan ada selaput apa kat depan mata?

I got no problems when people have different opinions on a certain issue. If you like a black cat or a brown dog, that is fine by me but if you label a Black cat as a brown dog, that is NOT okay with me.

Similarly, if you like NEP, MARA et al and it suits your selera, it is fine by me. Giving them a nice name and calling it fair is NOT okay with me.

If you say apartheid smells like tahi ayam, it is okay with me but to say apartheid smells like roses, it is definitely not on.

Kalau kau sayangkan UMNO, saya tak bangkang. Tetapi menuduh orang lain tak berjuang untuk melayu dan Malaysia, itu tak betul.

I suggest you read more of Tengku Razaleigh's writings.

Have a nice day.

22 December 2009 09:33


shamshul anuar,  23 December 2009 at 16:04  

Dear Sakmongkol,

It is beyond comprehension that you can draw similarity with USA invasion of Iraq and UMNO trying to help MCA.

USA justified that Saddam has WMD when te whole world think otherwise. USA refused to believe international body in charge statement that there is no WMD.

That everyone knows including Bush himself.

Whereas MCA is in a mess. Leaders are unable to solve it. It am happy if MCA can solve its domestic affair. But sad to say, it is unable to do it.

So, it asked UMNO to help. That is the situation. So, I fail to understand why such a gesture is considered as "lord-vassal state" relationship.

Above all, why an elected representative from UMNO himself( meaning you) gave scathing remark/ On the contrary, you should be able to explain the rationale.

I only explained the obvious which you fail to see; that UMNO is dominant and its dominance comes from winning the most number of seats.

In other words, it earns its dominance in politics and you should be proud of it . If not, the honourable thing is to renounce your UMNO's membership.

THe respect comes naturally. Why not MCA leaders not seeking others help? Why DAP leaders always say UBN , not BN? Because they also recognize UMNO's supremacy in politics.

No doubt , the most inportant reason is to try to depict MCA as being a "vassal" to UMNO. hence increasing hatred among non Malay to UMNO.

UMNO needs not shout of its dominance. It dominance is felt for decades.

Sometimes the truth hurts. Yes. MCA needs UMNO more than UMNO needs MCA. It is not a sign of arrogance but that is reality. Please look and realize where MCA won its seats. Mostly with Malay form a very sizable constituent.

I notics that you like to assume. Unfortunately, many of your assumptions go off tangent. I never ridicule non Malays or their contribution. I never said that UMNO is perfect.

Rather, I do not agree with your assumption that UMNO is arrogant for trying to help MCA. I do not understand that you can claim UMNO interferes with MCA's domestic affair simply when it(UMNO) responded to a request to help.

As for some remarks that Malaysia practises apartheid, well i dare the person to renounce his citizenship and leave the country. Nobody is stopping you. Please find other coubtries that do not practise apartheid to live in.

The problem os that those who like to question others are intolerant of different views.

msleepyhead,  23 December 2009 at 18:53  

IMHO, there is a disconnect on who UMNO, MCA or any political party is.

The UMNO today is not the same UMNO who fought for Merdeka, nor is it the same on that gave birth to the NEP and certainly not the same one that carried out and implemented policies that led to failure in the magic 30% that Dato' Sak blogged previously, or the one associated with the social contract, quid pro quo.. citizenship in exchange for Malay special positions, etc.

The Malaysian football team today is surely not the same as the one with Mokhtar Dahari and Soh Chin Aun in it apart from the Jalur Gemilang displayed on their kits.

We can only talk about the UMNO today with its current crop of leaders. Suci Dalam Debu is right and so is Shamsul, but they are both referring to different incarnations of the same entity.

Are You Gonna Go My Way,  23 December 2009 at 19:43  

The arguments by all parties here are very interesting and you are all winners, but it will never end simply because each party wants a different end result.

In pleadings, there must be an accepted fact where all parties agree to the fact and no need to argue anymore.

Fact is UMNO (BN)is in deep shit.

Fact is most ministers are half past six

Fact is UMNO (BN) is still the ruling party.

Now we come to the argument:
One party argues that….

We need to repair the damage in UMNO(BN) so that it can continue ruling this country

Another party argues that….

Why need to repair when you can just discard and bring in a new party to rule this country

Since each party wants a different end result…the argument will continue forever.

walla 23 December 2009 at 23:35  

I have come to similar conclusions and so would like to add just a few points.

First, the social contract has lost its currency. New Malaysians no longer relate to it. Every day it gets harder and harder to use it as the reason for everything.

The people who cut the constitution at that time didn't see this far. They must have only been concerned with what to do with the situation then.

That situation no longer exists now because people today are all born here under the same sky and cannot think of themselves as other than equal citizens, all the more because they have seen foreign workers here which remind them of the difference between permanent employer as citizen of one country and contractual employee with term expiry from another country.

Not only that, the majority of different races also face the same situations of corrupt and inefficient governance and political division, even when they try to abide as well as they can by policies extended by intemperate interpretation of the scope of that contract. For instance, privileges become rights become indisputable policies.

Second, we have serious legacy problems. There is a millstone hanging over our economy and industry. Wrong policies and heavy siphonages have made stuck our economy and industry in what TRH had sounded as the resource-cursed, middle-income trap.

What he has said at two platforms has also been echoed with quantitative data by the deputy Finance Minister, by Nawawi inside the EPU and, on the oil situation, by the Petronas CEO himself one time. If allowed one remembrance, the general situation about governance has also been alluded by HH the Raja of Perak.

We are in so deep that it will take a miracle to dig all of us out of it. The task is immense because a lot of brains have left and it is hard to re-engineer the education system to turn the human capital situation around fast enough not just to re-excite the FDI which has dwindled but also to develop our own industries and manage our own economy.

Three, while there are still some people in two minds about Pakatan, more and more are agreed that Barisan is the one with the bigger problem.

People reach this conclusion because they have seen through the spins and they are suffering from all the bad administration. How many more roofs must come crumbling down before people wake up on causes and effects?

Even if Barisan, especially Umno, does everything right from now on, the old problems will come up everyday to show that their methods have been wrong from day one.

Moreover, Umno in particular has not delivered the real deal on reforms, especially on true institutional integrity and realistic disbursement targeting a more progressive and nation-building future based on global realities.

So far they have only been making some rumbles on how to deliver. But what about what to deliver, the principles and the necessary motive forces?

And each time there is an impasse, it only excuses itself that it must tiptoe, again on racial terms. In fact, too many times what it should have done but didn't do says more about its real weaknesses which remain in its anatomy and psyche.

Four, given the above points, there will be Umno supporters who will say all sorts of things to try to win back the hearts and minds of the voters. Sometimes the technique is to make noise to deflect attention. Sometimes the noise is disguised as logical arguments but denied of facts.

For instance, they may say that parties like the DAP are racist, and they will say this louder than even their own prominent members are saying that Umno is racist.

But others may ask them if DAP is racist, how come its Lebuh Kinrara branch has many malay members? Won't those members take extreme exception?

It'll be hard to answer back - because there is no more ground to stand against new facts arising from a situation which has changed and which is changing every day.

walla 23 December 2009 at 23:35  

The old Barisan assumption was that voters would vote for their own race-based parties, even for their own faith-based movements. GE12 turned that assumption on its head.

Malaysians voted for each other - across race and across faith - so that you get the ultimate contradiction, namely the Barisan which wanted a united Malaysia was shown to be the one which divided the people who then turned against it by showing they actually walked the talk spun by Barisan but not practiced by its own politicians.

In other words, real democracy thrived because of the rakyat and DESPITE Barisan. Plainly, the rakyat voted AGAINST hypocrisy.

Then there is the recent interesting issue about unified education streaming.

Right until Najib started to show some sensitivity towards the other races, there were Umno diehards and malay 'nationalists' who were so astringent in what they had said and written about ketuanan and about the other races that one can be excused for thinking this country was actually run on racism. To put it mildly, their vitriol was extremist even to one's own race, embarrassing to say.

But the moment there was a small shift, they turned their guns on the vernacular schools.

One asks, could it be the same old zero-sum game....namely since i am slower, i must make sure you can't be faster?

But this is exactly why the non-malay voters hammered Barisan at the last poll.

They voted against the use of policies that checked their progress. And one cannot blame them because no one can stand up to say how crimping natural progress by sidelining government support on educational matters for one group of citizens can actually help the nation progress in the end.

It's all about being ready for global competition, not competition between the races, they argue.

And since most of them think the standards of their vernacular education system are higher than the national single-stream system which seems to be flip-flopping all the time, they will not accept the new proposal, for that matter any proposal that diminishes the nature of their system but increases the inputs from a 'racist party'.

In fact they will ask the proposers to show their own credentials first before talking anymore - because they have seen right through the ruse.

It may however be argued if this continues, how will the people be united?

The answer will be terse - so long as real standards are universally upheld and championed, so long as justice and fairness are really practiced, so long as diversity is encouraged in recognition of the plurality of this nation, but, most of all, so long as all remember the original spirit of Merdeka which apparently has now outlived the original social contract that came with the birth of this nation.

That original spirit of pragmatism about reality must have rubbed off the malay parents who sent their children to a vernacular school in Kelantan whose enrolment was over 70 percent malays.

In other words, the original spirit of this country called Malaysia lives on in the diverse races even after the ink had dried up and turned illegible on the paper.

walla 23 December 2009 at 23:35  

The argument to insist a pro-malay fabric to this country cannot hold because no one, including the malays, can say why any one race should continue to hold primacy over anything.

In fact, it is dawning more and more on everyone that the most important thing right now is to champion high standards. The new standard-bearer for Malaysia should, well, be all about upholding higher and higher standards.

Take Germany, for instance. We admire their automobiles. But how many people know it's not just automobiles that they excel in. Also their fine chemicals, machine tools and research collaborations. Their mittelstands are mostly family-owned but with a heavy input of external professional expertise. They invest tremendously in product research and innovation, and keep personal close touch with their customers across the globe. They take pride in selling solutions which their customers need, not what they want.

Take Japan, for instance. When it started it had nothing. It just copied everything from the west. But because its industries focused on doing their best all the time and at each and every stage from research to design to production, it could take advantage of openings when they turned up. Even that took one hundred years.

The Malays are down. But so's everyone else. Accept these as facts. But to come up, it is important not to fall victim to personal lack of confidence twisted into bravura. Not everyone can be good in everything and even a small progress takes lots of hard work, focus and intelligent thinking. If one already gives up inside but just put up a show out of fear of being swarmed, how can there be real achievement outside in the end?

What this country needs is the scientific nationalism of Japan coupled to the focus and tenacity of Germany coupled to the dexterity and resilience of the chinese, and so on.

If it means copying them, so be it. There is no copyright on copying success factors.

Talking about which race had contributed to what polling result in a constituency in this sleepy country matters not one iota to the state of this nation.

The deciding factors out of the mess we are in have already been pinned on the backdrop of the world's stage.

The sand of our hour-glass is running out.

Actually, i had forgotten the reason why i wrote this overly long piece.

Now that i remember it, here are the two Morgan Stanley reports which made casual mention of the 100 billion. Note it's not in ringgit. It's in USD.

There is something else. Recently there was an article on the ICAC of HK. It has important messages for our country as we coast along towards being another country. No, not Zimbabwe, because it seems we're already there.

Good night, Malaysia. We all love you, literally, to a fault.

msleepyhead,  24 December 2009 at 09:25  

I fully agree with Walla on the copying the success of others, or standing on the shoulders of giants as Newton said, but I have to disagree with him on the hundred years it took for Japan to become industrialized/modernized.

If we look at Japanese history in the past thousand years, then we will see their appreciation of knowledge and scholarship by their adoptions of hanzi to become kanji, philosophy and religion which then became Japanized. This early foreign influence can be seen on everything from pottery to zen garden sand patterns which by mere mention is associated with Japan. They have been 'copying' for centuries not only from the Chinese but also Europe, and are still doing it. It is some form of 'kiasuism' if you will, wanting what others have, but they are willing to learn the basics and make it their own instead of buying technology.

Other well known Japanese products that dates back hundreds of years if not more are soy-sauce and the Japanese rice wine 'sake' which are fermentation based products requiring technical and some form of scientific knowledge for its making. It is a tedious process requiring numerous well-timed steps. Is it also by coincidence that Germany is also famous for its beers?

I'm not trying to say that drinking beer or alcohol makes one smart, but familiarity with technical processes sure are precursors that allow them to make the transition to industrialization possible. And surely it took more than a hundred years.

Even if we look at new nations like America and Australia, then they have their immigrants and knowledge from the old world.

Peter,  24 December 2009 at 10:51  

About 100 years by other countries...

The trouble is in Malaysia the likes of Shamshul want to do it in 2 years(pun intended) because they can just deny others by being the majority. So the other minority have to bear to burden to do it in 2 years to listen and obey the majority.

Anyway , his replies as usual shows his arrogance. I could have been prompted to answer him again para by para... but then what is the use?

You can't change a btn brainwashed guy who still ask citizens to leave the country as though he owns the country. Gosh during
Apartheid South Africa times, could the whites have asked all the blacks to leave South Africa???

This goes to show how shallow one's thinking is... and you want to debate with such a guy? I give up.

Anonymous,  24 December 2009 at 14:13  

At last, we have rational comments. The crux of the matter with the NEP and all other discriminatory policies is not so much that it is to help the Malays, for the rest can agree to help being given to those in need, no matter the race. It has more to do with holding back the rest with talent because the majority are still not there yet. Does it make sense to dictate that just because the average score is 45 marks, the rest cannot score more than 45 marks ? It is not a zero sum game. Holding back the others are not going to improve the lives of the Malays or improve their academic scores.

It is most unfortunate that those with talent are the ones who will be the most mobile. If the doors are shut to them here, they have plenty of options elsewhere. Many of them do, including yours truly because the prospect of coming back and living in the country I was born in just doesn't seem attractive anymore, coupled with the fact that we have been told time and time again that if we do not like it here to just leave.

It is with more than a tinge of sadness that I have done so. My classmates in school were a mixed bunch of Malays and Indians in a Catholic Missionary school. (I am sure this would have created an incident of untold proportions now if any Malays study in a missionary school.) Incidentally, one of my Malay classmate was the top student and is now a cardiologist in IJN. We did not care about race then. But along came Shamsul Anuar and we were suddenly made to feel that we were inferior and unwanted because we are the minority.

To Shamsul Anuar, Parpukari, et el I can only say, don't wake up for when you do, it will be a nightmare and you will still have not caught up with the minorities.


Suci Dalam Debu 24 December 2009 at 14:33  


You are a gentleman for giving space to Mr Syamshul though you disagree with him on a lot of issues.

Indeed, his postings is a blessing in disguise for UMNO. If UMNO is smart, they will use Shamshul as a very valuable yardstick to win the next GE.

Simple, just reverse whatever Shamshul says. Do the exact opposite.

Shamshul is an excellent example of what has gone wrong with UMNO.

Yes, we can indeed get Suci stuff from Debu.

GOD Bless you all and to all Christians, a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Beach man 25 December 2009 at 13:06  

To: Shamshul Anwar
Answering your debate with Sakmongkol.

You may be right if your points were base on mathematical evaluation. But, politically, it does not work out this way. UMNO is not the dominant party in BN as long as it requires the support of other BN component parties. A person needs to own 60% of share by himself in order to control the company, if he own less than 50% on his own, then, he can only control the company with the support of the minority who may only own 5% of share, because, the minorities can always team up to control the company. In this case the 5% share holding is the dominant party.
You are again very wrong. It was because many UMNO leaders think like you and always shouting that it is UMNO generosity that a Chinese can be the chief minister of Penang. That’s why the Chinese of Penang had shown their disagreement and dissatisfaction by voting DAP & PKR into power to prove to UMNO that a Chinese can be the chief minister of Penang for as long as the people of Penang want him to be the chief minister.

In politic there is no such thing as “magnanimity granted”. There are only “you scratch my back, I scratch your back” to gain power. The key factor is “what do I gain if I give a little”.

The Chinese mentality had changed now, besides fighting for the Chinese basic constitutional rights they are also fighting for a CLEAN, HONEST AND JUST GOVERNMENT for all Malaysian. A government free from corruption and judiciously managed judiciary.

Base on my points of view. I can conclude that it is not necessary for MCA to explain to the Chinese the benefit of being alliance to UMNO. It is far more important for UMNO to understand the aspiration of the Chinese and tailor its policy towards a really 1 Malaysia blue print.

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