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Sakmongkol ak 47

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Antara Persepsi dan Hipokrasi

Di dalam debat mengenai calun KP UMNO,khususnya, mengenai keserasian KJ sebagai ketua pemuda, ada dua perkara yang menarik perhatian saya:-

  1. Pertama KJ tidak sesuai kerana TDM menganggap nya sebagai tidak baik
  2. Kedua, persepsi bahawa KJ diselaputi segala lumpur lumpur tuduhan orang keatas nya.

Mengenai penceritaan orang ramai keatas hal kedua, sudah saya huraikan di dalam beberapa artikel saya dalam bahasa Inggeris. Saya menggunakan istilah 'penceritaan' kerana inilah yang sebenarnya sedang berlaku. Penceritaan dan gossip di kedai kopi dan warung2 yang di tambah asam garam oleh suara suara yang di anggap otoritatif seperti..'kawan saya yang sudah lama aktif dalam pergerakan pemuda' dan sebagainya. Saya cukup anti dengan anggapan bahawa tempoh lama bergerak didalam sesuatu pertubuhan menganugerahkan suatu kelebihan luarbiasa kepada yang duduk lama disana. Cuba pembaca bayangkan- seorang tukang kebun yang sudah berkerja selama 30 tahun memotong rumput, adakah pengalaman memotong rumput itu lebih bernilai dari seorang jurutera yang baru berkerja 5 tahun? Pengajaran nya ialah janganlah kita menganggap sesuatu pendapat kita itu lebih mampan hanya kerana ia di sokong oleh seorang yang agak lama aktif dalam pergerakan pemuda. Manalah tahu, yang aktif lama itu rupa rupa nya hanya seorang pecacai upahan.


Sehingga kini yang kita berdepan ialah dengan dakwaan yang tidak mempunyai bukti. Korapsi dan cara mendapat kekayaan yang mencurigakan mesti di kondem dan di kutuk se kuat mungkin. Jika ada bukti, ia nya mesti di tangani dengan hukuman undang undang.

Yang saya persoalkan ialah sikap bermuka dua kita atau talam dua muka. Kita semua tahu korapsi dan cara yang mencurigakan telah pun menyeluruhi budaya UMNO. Mengapa tiba tiba, kita jadi bersih dari bersih dan suci dari suci apabila tiba pada giliran KJ. Apabila sikap ini di tonjolkan, maka saya berhak dan para perwakilan pemuda juga berhak untuk berangapan bahawa kita double standard hanya bila pada giliran KJ. Oleh yang demikian saya berhak menolak penghujjahan golongan anti KJ dari sudut menilai kebersihan seseorang dari cara cara yang korap.

Dua perkara ini, apabila di gabungkan mengurangkan markah untuk KJ untuk menjadi ketua pemuda. Dua persepsi inilah yang selalu di majukan orang sebagai alasan untuk menolak KJ. Soalan saya ialah: adakah persepsi lebih penting dari realiti?

Memang benar, politik adalah mengenai persepsi. Jika begitu, boleh lah saya memahami nya sebagai seruan, misalnya:- kita tidak perlu benar benar alim dan taqwa, ianya mencukupi kalau kita kelihatan bertaqwa dan wara'. Apa yang di pertontonkan lebih baik daripada yang tersembunyi. Kita menilai sebuah buku, bersandarkan kulit luar nya.

Sudah tentu, golongan fundamentalis apabila mendengar penghujjahan seperti ini akan bersegera membantah. Mereka akan melompat bingkas dan menyatakan , mana boleh! Kita mesti jujur dan ikhlas dan mesti benar selalu! Kita tidak boleh bersifat munafik! Ah ha- kata saya: apabila konsep persepsi lebih penting dari realiti di pakai keatas hal hal yang bersangkutan dengan apa yang tersangat hampir dengan kita,maka sebutan ini di persetankan. Ini bererti, bahawa mereka memperakui bahawa KEBENARAN itu lah yang sebenarnya lebih penting dari PERSEPSI.

Perkara ini lah yang mengherankan saya. Penyokong UMNO telah menjadikan tabiat memburu bersama anjing sambil berlari bersama arnab sebagai keperangaian kedua mereka. Akibat nya, kepada orang UMNO,, bersikap hipokrit sudah menjadi amalan biasa.

Ambil contoh dalam penerimaan orang UMNO sendiri terhadap KJ yang menawarkan diri untuk jawatan KP. Apabila tiba turn KJ, PRINSIP KEBENARAN LEBIH PENTING DARI PERSEPSI di buang keluar. Bila tiba turn KJ, kita menterbalikkan prinsip tersebut.

Tiba kepada kes KJ, kita menyatakan, persepsi adalah lebih penting dari realiti. Bila tiba keatas kes KJ, persepsi sudah mencukupi syarat untuk membayangkan kebenaran. Ternyata apabila kita tiba untuk mengadili KJ, persepsi sudah memadai untuk menghukum KJ seorang manusia yang durjana!

Dalam lain perkataan, dengan KJ, tidak mengapa kita bersikap hipokritikal atau munafik! Kepada saya, jika anda boleh menerima persepsi lebih penting daripada realiti,maka izinkan saya menjual kepada anda, batang pokok yang merentangi sungai sebagai sebuah jambatan! Al hasil, kamu bersedia menerima persepsi bukan?


Anonymous,  17 February 2009 at 09:21  


Setuju realiti lebih penting dari persepsi. Soal nya yang mana satu realiti, yang mana satu persepsi. Menjadi ketua Tingkat 4 ada lah realiti.

Setuju korapsi dan cara mendapat kekayaan yang mencurigakan mesti di kondem. Soal nya, kalau tidak ada bukti kukuh tapi ada kecurigaan, patut kah dia di pilih?

Mertua nya pegang kuasa mendedahkan bukti, mendakwa ke Mahkamah, IPCMC yang di syurkan Suruhanjaya yang dia sendiri lantik pun sudah bertahun tidak di tubuhkan. Bukti tidak akan timbul dalam keadaan begini. Bila realiti nya tidak jelas saperti ini, patut kah kita pegang kapada persepsi sahaja?

Budaya korapsi akan berterusan dan negara akan jahanam jika ini berlaku Dato. Memang, yang lain pun tak betul juga. Kita mesti cari orang yang baik untuk jadi pemimpin. Selagi tidak ada, perwakilan patut undi berkecuali/ abstain.

Tak realistik ke? Atau tak mahu terima realiti perlu nya dapat pemimpin baik.

Anonymous,  17 February 2009 at 10:54  

Beginning to sound like ole record repeating itself.

This line of argument is an insult to peoples' judgement and ability to deduce.

It is as though the people's opinion, judgement and deduction is irrelevent. Only Arif's opinion and judgement is sound and rationale.

This is the angkuh attitude of UMNO people dispise and you've been repeating.

Pemuda perwakilan hardly read blogs. This is no way to campaign for KJ.

Remember after KJ lose, your reputation is already down the toilet. It is already slowly diminishing.

Just for KJ? Not worthy a sactifice!

Anonymous,  17 February 2009 at 12:21  

Nak ketawa tengok gelagat Anom-Anom ni. Pagi-pagi lagi dah ada hujah atau spin masing-masing. Ada yang rasakan reputasi Sakmongkol hancur bila/jika Khairy kalah. Salah tanggap tu. Sakmongkol bukan nak bertanding apa-apa jawatan. Macam-macam punya idea dia boleh ketengahkan. Berkembang saja otak dia ni. Sakmongkol sentiasa test range pemikiran dia. Makin hari makin mantap. Sebab berpikiran positif.

Usah gusar. Dia amalkan keterbukaan. Dia sokong Khairy secara terang-terang, tanpa memperkecilkan lain-lain calon. Setakat ni, Anom-Anom ni menyokong calon-calon lain dengan cara hentam Khairy.

Anonymous,  17 February 2009 at 14:25  

I have commented before wrt to opinion of group of my friends and relative about Pak Lah and be frank with you, we don't like KT either...but we are neutral about MM...bottom line is, Pak Lah did a terrrible job...unless KJ also did not agree with Pak Lah administration, and present new set of idea, how KJ could become relevant? Najib may or may not be a good leader...but Pak Lah has set benchmark that so low that any Tom or Harry could do a better job. Not that we are all anti-Khairy or anti-Pak Lah as such...actually we don't think other candidate like KT or MM are better...but having KJ around means creating continue pessimistic future of our country...Pak Lah failed to do his job...the buck stop at him...people all believe that Khairy runs this country...if Pak Lah has done a good job...I think Khairy will not have a difficulty not only to be next KP but the next PM...Khairy needs to prove that first that he has nothing to do with Pak Lah administration and if he is given a chance, he will do it differently...otherwise, people see that he was already given a chance and the result was dissaster...should we give him another chance?

Anonymous,  17 February 2009 at 15:54  

Hai tak habis habis topic ini

Anonymous,  17 February 2009 at 16:04  

During Hishamudin's time KJ was there as his lieutenant..not much progress there. Maybe KJ wasn't so powerful after all to actually influence Hishamudin. However KJ's father in law is the outgoing PM, he might have some influence there, but still nothing positively significant happened..negative yes. We lost 5 states.

Khir Toyo…mmmm We gave him Selangor and he lost it. Now we want to give him the country? No way.

Mukriz, ….this is the tough part…he’s the TDM’s son. He was cold-storage like the rest of TDM people. Not much progress there too..but maybe he didn’t get the chance to prove. Supporting him will make us look like a TDM followers, sympathizer , the old school people..whatever.


Anonymous,  17 February 2009 at 16:12  

Anon: 14.25

It is not your intention to dish out blame indiscriminately; hopefully, given the impressive scope of your networking, and also travels, you are for a freer, more vigorous argument.

1) Pak Lah's tenure coincided with an outbreak of opinion, Internet-driven. Pak Lah's greatest legacy is not to have curbed a new willingness to spit it out. It took considerable courage and steel to endure this. With the benefit of hindsight, there were oversights, surely, intermittent appearance of ambiguity, that in the sum total did interfere with this openess-picture. Media appointments was an issue. Overwhelmingly the mood was that one would not get into trouble for speaking his or her mind.

2) Was there a sense of things getting out of hand as a result? Certainly the institutions were intact. The Monarchy, an enduring feature, pre-empted renewed scrutiny to showcase a Reformist institution. Key spokespersons, with no blemish to their prestige, entered the realm of national conversation. We wish Police top brass will now defend and justify their actions and policies more emphatically. Otherwise democracy is throbbing.

3) The Ketuanan Melayu cameo keeps manifesting itself. Most Malays are ready to listen, and a little dissapointed that their own hard-earned meritocracy credentials are being overlooked.

4) Wondrous tales about the Judiciary had tormented us all. We are comforted by the tweaking with far reaching consequences.

History would peer at all the eras and tenures and proffer its judgment. Khairy is young politician who has earned extensive experience having been the subject of endless ridicule. He is unlikely to have to go through such "lynching" again. That is a huge advantage. Over the shortest possible period he has been (wrongly) indicted, savaged, that he has built up this mega-visibility. As an instantly recognisable name, he enjoys a head start.

It is my hope that he will devote time to specifically answer all those explicit claims. The onus is on the critics to spell out with facts, the source of their discomfort about the man. This is new politics. Everybody is compelled to think harder, not be terribly casual about politics, of what we listen, process and utter.

Anonymous,  17 February 2009 at 16:15  

Cerita ni tak lebih dan boleh dianggap sebagai running jokes, dimana jokes yang baru tak semestinya lawak tapi orang tetap ketawa sebab teringat jokes yang lama.

Sakmongkol tak payah nak drag TDM kat sini, nanti TDM campur tak larat U nak jawab. Kami pun bukan nak dengar TDM tapi si Khairi ni lu tengok la sendiri cara dia cakap kat TV ke, dalam parlimen ke, cara dia tulih blog dia. Mungkin Sakmongkol bukan orang cam biasa cam saya ni. Put urself in our shoe. Temberang budak tu, mentang2 inlaw dia PM dia terang2 cakap nak make use of PM lah supaya dia cepat naik. Persepsi ke bendenya tu? Terang lagi bersuluh. Sakmongkol je ke yang tak nampak. Atau sudah nampak agong?
Dah berapa kali dah saya posting bagi tau Dato' tak payah lah nak pertahan budak tu lagi. Sampai sekarang pun tak nak minta maaf panggil blogger kera? Melayu ni mudah dan pemaaf. Dia tu dajai, hang tau dak?
Pasal jambatan tu, kayu pun kayu lah asal boleh lalu sungai. Kalau projek jambatan nanti KJ sapu jugak , mark up tinggi-tinggi, rakyat marah. Akibatnya pembangkang yang dapat laba...
Mintak maaf Dato' kalau ada yang terkasaq no...

P.S.: SatD, aku tau hang regular kat sini. hang jangan dok gelak tengok nick aku pulak. Suka hati aku la...

Anonymous,  17 February 2009 at 16:38  

KJ ahli UMNO yang terlalu awal masuk dalam politik archaic umno. He is before his time, UMNO today is not prepared for progrssive malays and western educated members. UMNO will always want to remain a grassroots party. most professionals are beetr off remaining A-political or supporting any other party or just help NGO's.

UMNO would rather choose a Tun M proxy to bask in its old glories, than choose a candidate that wants to bring change proper.

Win or lose dato' Sak, KJ will always have a future, but whether in UMNO, we have to wait and see.

Anonymous,  17 February 2009 at 18:14  


Saya setuju KJ adalah yang terbaik di antara calon-calon Ketua Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO. Dan inilah yang menyedihkan saya. Hampas belaka semuanya kalau nak dipertanggungjawabkan sebagai bakal pemimpin masa depan negara kita yang tercinta. Cuba bayangkan kalau anda seorang Pengerusi syarikat yang mega, dan anda terpaksa memilih antara calon-calon ini untuk mengisi kekosongan jawatan CEO syarikat anda. Kalau boleh tak mahu. Tapi apa kan daya. Inilah saja yang mampu ditawarkan oleh UMNO yang telah rosak sekarang ini.

Anonymous,  17 February 2009 at 18:28  

Ali Akhbar said...

"Win or lose dato' Sak, KJ will always have a future, but whether in UMNO, we have to wait and see".

Of course he'll have a future, even several generation after him.

We are talking about our future here...

Anonymous,  18 February 2009 at 00:13  

Salam Tok Sak,
Oklah nampak nya Dato' sudah more or less made up your mind on kj vs the rest... as the saying goes, people believe what they WANT TO BELIEVE; so you believe, based on perception and/or reality, kj is THE MAN for the KP post. On my part, here are some reasons why I beg to differ with you based on what I consider as "REALITIES":
1. Track record kj (in terms of contribution to bangsa, negara & ugama) is at best dismall compared to the other two candidates; he talked too much and deliver minimal substance (e.g. of realities to support my claim: his high-profile "padedoh" campaign to get back K'tan was a dismal failure (in fact it contributed to the failure!); his "contributions" to PP & KT by elections, indah khabar dari rupa; so let me know what are his "contributions" so far?
2. Dia tak ada malu & very unethical - tak segan silu leveraging on his SIL factor to bulldoze his way (e.g. of realities - clearly the EC Libra fiasco is unethical & yet he bulldozed his way through SC & MoF;
3. His meddling in the running of the country through his 4th Fl. baluchis. Do you really need "reality check" here Dato'? Or is this "perception" to you? I suppose if you check the names and their relationships to kj, you'd agree that this is a case of "reality by association". Its like saying, sure, I'm the SIL of the PM, so what? I can be absolutely IMPARTIAL and still make my decision on meritocracy, best-of-breed, etc. but the "reality" is you ARE the SIL of the PM, and in that position there is NO WAY people will have a neutral perception about your intent, neutrality, fair play, etc. The answer is GET OUT of the way and let somebody else do the job!
4. Lastly, I simply.... don't like the bugger, what can I say... I mean its intuition kind of thing...

I guess, that should suffice and rest my case.

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