Malaysians- forget about Wikileaks
Wikileaks's revelation about how Singaporean leaders view PM Najib is only the proverbial tip of the iceberg. Simply put, you can't immediately erase conditioned thinking quickly. Malaysian leaders in general, and not just PM Najib alone, are regarded as 'deficient' in many aspects. So, as BG Yeo, Singapore's foreign minister said- let's not take this out of context. Perhaps, this general patronizing impression on Malaysia's leaders is making its rounds as cocktail circuit bitchy talks only.
Our diplomats and the well-heeled are making the same bitchy remarks about the PM and his wife. So what is new?
I shall leave out some of the more damaging remarks Singapore leaders placed on PM Najib. My source is not Wikileaks but from some source that is well connected to Singapore leaders themselves on a first hand basis. It's better than Wikileaks.
Singapore's rather condescending assessment on PM Najib must have accentuated at the time about the way Malaysia handles the issue of KTM land and related matters some time ago. Earlier on of course, the way we handle Batu Puteh more or less confirmed Singapore's belief that Malaysian leaders from the Information Minster to the 3rd class honors AG are mentally deficient.
But at this moment, the story of the hour is, Malaysians are more interested in accepting as true, what Wikileaks reported on Anwar Ibrahim. Anwar Ibrahim did it, but did it because he was entrapped. If there is any possible means at damaging control, it lies in the spin that can be manufactured around the term 'entrapment'.
Anwar Ibrahim and his people will of course take the revelations as lies and conspiracies and allegations which are not true. Well, if they say what Wikileaks say about Anwar is not true, THEN they will also have to say the assessment on Najib is also not true. PKR people can't say that said about Anwar isn't true but then insist what Wikileaks said about Najib is true, can they?
But Anwar's people can also say, if what Wikileaks said about Najib is not true, THEN, what it said about Anwar is also not true. Wikileaks's revelations about the two leaders cancel each other out then.
But I think, PM Najib's worries about being assessed unfavorably cannot be as disquieting as having him being more worried about whether his NEM and his economic initiatives will succeed. If he isn't focused there, his NEM could easily turn out to be his NAM (American GIs slang for Vietnam). This could be his Waterloo.
Quite apart from the perception of Singapore's leaders in him, the perception of OUR people of his various economic initiatives is even more important. So let's forget about what Singapore thinks of us, forget about Wikileaks and instead let's concentrate on what OUR people think of his policies.
So far, the talks that are making their rounds are that PM has only been announcing this and that. None has been implemented yet. Meanwhile, corporate maneuverings facilitated by dubious interference and manipulation by people close to the PM are creating deep disproval from people. People are not shaken off from this mistrust that all his economic initiatives are just means whereby some privileged and well-connected groups of individuals are making a killing.
The owner of Pavilion for example has been awarded a RM 1.8 billion deal to supply coaches to KTM commuter services. The project has been stalled for over a year when they found that the coaches couldn't run on our tracks. Why did KTM abandon its tender exercise calling for the supply of the coaches halfway and then, suddenly, the owner of Pavilion who has no experience in railway line was given the sweetheart deal? How much is the loss at KTM?
As another example, how could YTL Communications be so brazen as to announce that it has been given the 700 MHz spectrum? The talks going around are that YTL got an endorsement from one of the Malay rulers who then passed the proposal to PM Najib. Najib's minuted remarks on that proposal were misconstrued as approval. YTL was absolute confident, given the endorsement from a Malay king and the eventual written remarks from the PM probably open ended as usual , convinced YTL it had the 700 MHz in the bag.
First and foremost, PM Najib should ignore the snide asides from Singaporeans and concentrate on the number 1 scourge of corruption that has reached endemic levels.
I wonder who that Malay ruler is!
It is scary to know that business tycoons are so close to some Malay rulers that they can be used to approach the country's leaders for projects. Another scary scenario is the inability of the nation's leader to make a clear cut decision that is clearly defined to avoid any ambigous directive that can be interpreted both ways. This is the second time after the football gambling licensce fiasco earlier.
The art of making a propaganda ticks with the masses is to fill the story with Half Truth.
Let the masses determine which is which!
Wikileaks’ revealation about the brouhaha politic of M’sia is just that. And the rakyat got eyes to see.
Anwar was entrapped into a sodomied case while Najib’s (umno’s) incompetency ia as wide as the open sky. So how doe the come-about of Wikileaks's revelations about the two leaders cancel each other out then?
Spinning piece indeed!
Wikilead exposure says, it was a sex trap. Who laid the trap? It must be Najib and Rodwan whom Saiful met 2 days bf the incident. Wikileak exposure shows that Anwar did not ask for it but was provoked into 'doing' it.
In an entrapment case, you need an 'agent provocateur' whose job is to provoke the target to commit the offence. Sometimes the target did not ask for it and also has no intention of committing the offence. The police then has to use an agent provocateur and he unwittingly commits the offence because he was provoked into doing it.
Who is the 'agent provocateur' that Najib and Rodwan recruited in sodomy 2 who is willing to be buggered. It is none other than Saiful. To allow yourself to be buggered in an entrapment case even if the target didn't ask for it, a lot of money must have changed hands. All recruited 'agent provocateurs' for the police are paid handsomely to perform the job, what more if the operation is conducted in collaboration with the rich and filthy corrupt Umno leaders.
So the wikileak exposure shows that what Saiful testified in crt that he was forced into doing it by Anwar is clearly false. He was the willing and paid agent provocateur who volunteered to be buggered to entrap Anwar.
Any fool in ACA/Macc and the Police who are experts in entrapment cases will tell you that during the trap, a raiding party will position themselves around the target area. Once the target took the bait, the agent provocateur will signal to the raiding party for them to rush in and catch the offender 'on the job'. If the trap laid for Anwar had materialized, Anwar would have been a goner. He would have been caught red-handed doing the job by Rodwan and his team and Anwar's photo whilst in action would have splashed worldwide. Politically and personally he would have been finished.
Yes there was a trap laid to trap the tiger, Anwar. A pelanduk, Saiful was used as a bait. Unfortunately the tiger did not take the baid. If he had taken he would have been trapped. The trap failed and they had to manufacture evidences by planting a semen is Saifool's arse. Any ACA/Macc or police idiot knows that when Saiful walked into that apartment where Anwar was already in, Rodwan and his police henchmen were positioning themselves around the area.
Like LKY said, a sex trap was set up and Anwar walked into it. If Anwar had taken the bait, Anwar would have been trapped and there is no way he could run away.
So the wikileak exposure shows that all this testimony by Saiful in meeting Najib at his house and Rodwan at a Hotel to get advice are total hogwash. And so is his story that he didn't shit for 2 days and had to seek advice from a lot of people before summoning enough courage to go to the police is also hogwash. The actual fact as exposed is that he volunteered in a sex trap engineered and laid by Najib/ Police themselves to entrap Anwar. LKY was being diplomatic when he said the sex trap was being set up by Anwar's political enemies when it is clear as day follows night that it was conspired by Najib and the Police.
Expect more fireworks in court with this explosive evidence of a sex trap being laid to entrap Anwar and Saiful being the bait or 'pelandok'.
As for Najib, I am pretty sure, they have this photo of him dining with Altantuya.
ian- carry on wondering. its free.
anon 09:51.
very valid reasoning. howver, you didn't touch on if yu are rady to reject what wikileaks said about Anwar are lies and not true about Anwar, you must accord the same treatment on wikileaks revelation about Najib no?
what wikileaks say about Anwar is a lie but what it said about Najib is true?
Wilileaks' infos r all over the internet, & there is NO censorship.
Yet leaked infos about bolihland have to come FIRST from the Ozzie papers. What takes?
S'pore medias keep their silences, that's understandable, & as clear as open sky.
OSA? Or our MSM r indeed useless?
If we have leaders (Najib, Anwar, et al) who are NOT beyond reproach, does it not follow, then, that fwe can be blackmailed?
Is that why we sold out our interests in Singapore (KTM land) in exchange for, oh, say, a photograph?
I don't dispute the same applies to Anwar if he becomes PM.
Is it any wonder that some are talking about a credible third force, which a lot of us think you should be a part of.
Who really cares what the negara sekangkang kera thinks. A sanitised nation of unsanitised thinking leaders.
Dear Najib, run your country as you deemed fit. To hell with Singapore who thinks they can lord over us.
Concentrate on Malaysia please. Only Malaysians can decide your destiny.
Fix what is right and as you said yesterday, if BN can't win in the coming GE, no one can.
I really love to see the antics of Anwar and PKR lovers on the Wikileaks expose'.
They are clapping hands on Najib but when it comes to Anwar, they decried it as lying.
Fickle-mindedness or plain biasness? Pick your choice. Haha, Anwar.
Wanna run to Australia and America now??
For me Wikileak or not, I have always believed Anwar is guilty of the crime.
Another interesting development is RPK is no longer the hero of PKR fans.
Who in the first place anointed him as the bible and hero of Malaysian politics.
Much disappointment yeah for PKR.
Dear Sakmongkol
“Well, if they say what Wikileaks say about Anwar is not true, THEN they will also have to say the assessment on Najib is also not true”.
There is a failure of logic here. The two assessments are independent events. They are not linked. Both may be true or both false or one is true and one false.
But we shouldn’t care two hoots about what Singaporeans think. What we should care about is what are the consequences of both those two scenarios. Sodomy is a crime because the laws of Malaysia say so. This is simply one possible interpretation of morality. In reality it affects two adults, consenting or entrapped. The effect lies entirely with just two individuals. The “damage” to society is no more than 2 consenting adults who are not married to each other having sex. Sodomy titillates us so much just because Anwar is involved?
On the other hand we seem to care less or place less importance to incompetent governance and to corruption that affects millions by making our standard of living much worse off while those who we entrust our future to enjoy their ill-gotten wealth with impunity. Have we got our priorities and sense of balance right?
For those who need some high drama entertainment we should perhaps pursue this “entrapment” theory – whodunit – and also resurrect this Altantuya murder mystery. The NEM Part 2 has got a bit boring. It reads a bit like a fairy tale, but unlike a fairy tale, this story won’t have a happy ending.
Nice bit of intelligence work on the KTM and YTL story.It seems as if its business as usual despite the NEM/ETP/GTP.And interestingly,the rent seekers are not actually the much maligned Melayus.
The fact is the so-called rentseeking by the Class F contractors is just a drop in the ocean of the big deals given to the YTLs,Gamudas,TanSri Aziz,Naza,TSMs,Anandas of this world.
Hopefully,Pemandu will wise up and define "rentseeking"in the correct context.Right now,their insistent push for MRT/High Speed Trains gives thye impression that they are playing the new Royals.
God save us from the RM 43 billion debt load of the MRT.
whose that fella - is it naquiyuddin?
umno bodoh. tetap diperlekeh oleh segelintir raja raja melayu.
yang sengsara rakyat jelata.
yellow blood my foot.
Yes Msians, forget about Wikileaks. The "revelation" about Najib's being deficient and Anwar being entrapped by sodomy2 are merely opinions of those US/S'pore intels. Let's get out of the mentality of believing in rumours & hearsays. It seems that Wikileaks treat Msians as idiots in wanting us to believe news without producing evidences.
Najib - convince us of the implementation of your NEM and how it will benefit the rakyat at large.
Anwar - convince us that you can actually implement your "merakyatkan ekonomi" programme.
We need to be sure before casting our votes in GE13 as the country's economy is at stake.
Well said.
Perhaps Dato can suggest to DS Najib to revisit the Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People.
First thing first. Focus on combating corruption and NEM will not be another NAM.
Sak, referring to yr queries I have never said that the wikileak reports are lies. They reported the truth but what is leaked or intercepted by them are only intelligence reports which have yet or had not been verified. They are merely opinions expressed by the Singapore authorities and at best could only influence a person perception on particular matter. Whether Najib is involved in the Altantuya killing or not, based on the exposure it is merely hearsay and pure conjecture. Without more, it is a useless piece of intelligence rpt to connect him with the killing. Wikileak reported the truth but the source of the story is weak; hearsay and conjecture devoid of material facts.
Malaysian SBs prepared so many intelligence reports against individuals which saw many being detained under the ISA. Those reports are based on hearsay evidences and none could stand up in a court of law. That is the reason, the malaysian crt has shied away and had never heard an ISA case which touches on the merits of the detention. They also know the intelligence rpt which led to the detention are bullshit and mere fabrication.
As to the Anwar's case, the S'pore SB might have intercepted telephone conversations between Najib, Musa Hasan, Saiful and rodwan for them to come to the conclusion that sodomy 2 was a set up trap case. This is counter espionage work. Foreign spies always spy on our leaders to find out their weakest chink and scandals. Easy for diplomatic talks later on.
But what happens at the trap, nobody knows. It is pure conjecture and imagination to say Anwar took the 'bait'. Nobody was caught. No photo or video evidences had been shown. No recorded conversation between Saiful and Anwar had been played out. Mind you this is a trap prepared and laid by Rodwan, CPO Melaka. At least the MCA snoop squad could get a video recording of Chuah. The only conclusion we can gather is that the trap failed to materialize. The Macc also was involved in an entrapement case in Perak involving the Perak PKR Adun where they also used an agent provocateur to provoke the commission of the offence. At the trap the agent provocateur planted the money when the targets were having a conversation with him and they were caught with the money. So you see a trap will always end with the target being caught. If the target is not caught, then the presumption is that the trap laid failed to materialize or the target had bolted away after taking the 'bait'.
I think I'am being fair to both Najib and Anwar. As to the statements made by Singapore that malaysia is in deep trouble because we have incompetent leaders, you are in a better position to comment. After all we have been trying to kick out the corrupt Umno gov't for years since 1998, albeit unsuccessflly and is still trying. With or without the wikileak exposure, we know Umno leaders are mostly corruupt.
Although there are some truths in what the Singaporeans said, don't get over-excited over them. Singaporeans tend to spice up all things bad about Malaysia and all things good about Singapore. As for a comparison between Anwar and Najib, the different is, if truth be told in a worse case scenario, between choosing a murderer or a bugger as PM. Throw a stone into a crowd and one is likely to hit a gay guy these days. Can't say the same for a murderer.
Well, if they say what Wikileaks say about Anwar is not true, THEN they will also have to say the assessment on Najib is also not true.
What WikiLeaks say about Anwar are supposed to be evidence secured by some intelligence whereas what is said about Najib & Co (opportunist , incompetent) are mere opinions or perceptions.
Evidence can be planted.
You are comparing oranges and apples.
Let's face the bitter truth - Malaysian politicians are incompetent.
I don't think anyone has the IQ of a Singapore Minister.
For a start just look at the idiocy of Hishammudin, Rais, Ahmad Zahid, Muhyiddin, etc.
You expect these idiots to run this country.
Me thinks it is the Sultan of Perak. Second choice: Selangor. But it could be anyone of the nine. They are all the same.
Wikilkeaks revelation : to whom is it more damaging, Najib or Anwar?
As to date, there's no evidence to implicate Anwar for sodomy, whether it be in Sodomy I or now, in Sodomy II. On the other hand, ther'r rampant data to substantiate Najib & his cronies of "incompetency"(putting it mildly) in misappropriatn of our resources &mismanaging d country,only tht he's not indicted under any law,YET,not yet.
Malaysians, remember in this technological age where information is readily & easily available & accessible, remember 2 exrcise yr right : to "SHOW ME THE EVIDENCE"
ahaks! is that a freudian slip or what? we have many rulers but only one king...this is better than careful dato''re probably gobbling more than you can swallow...
"... YTL got an endorsement from one of the Malay rulers who then passed the proposal to PM Najib. Najib's minuted remarks on that proposal were misconstrued as approval. YTL was absolute confident, given the endorsement from a Malay king ...."
Dear Dato Sak;
Lest we forget and to balance things up and in fact this is better than wikileak as it comes in the form of an SD...
I'm fully convinced that Anwar did bugger that pondan saiful but the point is what is the difference between a guy who is a sodomizer compared to a guy who is a womanizer. Or a womanizer who like to have sex in the, shall we say 'unnatural orifice'?
There are tons of umno leaders who are womanizers and according to that SD by that guy whathisname? he now claimed that the first SD is the true one and challenged the Malaysian authority to haul him to court for making a false SD (the second one).
And what's in the first SD? among others he said that Najib had sex with Altantuya and he like to do it in the Ass. So Anwar and Najib are just 2X5???
But i'm tired of this sordid personal and private sexual depravities. Let's not be so bloody hypocritical.I personally think it's quite charming to have a bloody homo for a PM.
Majority of malaysians already know the flip flopping and indecisiveness of the PM and the incompetence of all the government ministers including the AG, IGP, MACC and CJ so we need not rely on Wikileaks or the Singapore government to ratify the facts.
The truth is that Singapore stands to gain the most if the malaysian PM and government remains stupid, lazy and ignorant. The stupidity of the malaysian government in doctoring the photos of Batu Puteh in the International Court exposes the low level (cheating) mentality of the malaysian government to the world and confirm that malaysia is indeed a banana country run by a dishonest government. No wonder FDI is not coming in as who would want to invest in a country when even the government cheats!!!
Not one single right thinking malaysian (unlike the BN scycophants and cronies) pays heed to the PM's 1Malaysia, NEM, ETP, GTP or whatever transformation programs coined by the PM or Pemandu. It's all the same bullshit anyway.
why of a sudden this wikileak things?
dunia ni banyak benda kelakar la bro
I believe rasuah tak kan berjaya dihapuskan even if pakatan rakyat berkuasa , apalagi BN ... dan I beleive semua rakyat pun berfikir begitu ...
Y. Bhg. Dato',
saya merasa pelik sekiranya apa yang Wikileaks dedahkan tentang DSAI betul mengapa hanya dua orang ini i.e. Azizan (1998) and Saiful (2008) yang telah membuat pengakuan yang mereka telah diliwat oleh DSAI, sedangkan mangsa-mangsa lain yang dikaitkan dgn kes liwat ini telah menafikan mereka diliwat. Kalau tak silap tiga orang. Begitu juga kalau benar DSAI itu seorang peliwat tegar besar kemungkinan ada orang lain yang telah menjadi mangsa liwat dan setakat ini tiada seorangpun yang ke depan untuk mendedahkannya. Jadi secara logiknya, tuduhan ke atas DSAI pada saya tak berasas dan lebih bermotifkan politik. Wallahu'alam.
The fact that there was a trap and the fact that till todate there is no evidence like videos or witnesses clearly showed and prove Anwar did not sodomise Saiful even when "offered" as bait.
Otherwise there would have been the bust as those involving curruptions with evidence and so on. STing operations are conducted by many agencies and most of these are prepared with evidence.
As to believing or not Wikileaks, the subject on poor leadership on the part of the country has been common knowledge otherwise how do we explain the shit conditions we are in, in spite of all the resources we have ?
Singapore loves to have poorly managed neighbours. It is for their own good. Imagine guys like Lim Guan Eng helping to run the entire country next to the little red dot? Singapore cannot stand competition.. especially from an non corruptable Chinese leader.
They know they would face stiff and perhaps mortal danger if a really good leader heads this country.
So far Quiet Despair's friends are running it. They are happy with that although behind every one's back they spoke like in a coffee shop the daily stupidities and outburst from lack of English guys like Ibrahim Alis. Yet these leaders condone such stupid voices that bear no sense at all.
If Malaysia is guided by this kind of "leaders' or frogs ... even God cannot save us lah.
The royals leeches are almost ramapant in every state. And they are usually the Wongs, the Tans and the Lees, you name it. These Malays ruler wouldn't give a second glance at those small time Malay contractors and these Malays contractors won't stoop that low to beg for any. So you know whose are those rent seeker really are. I've seen all of them right in front of my eyes....
I don't care if Anwar is straight, gay, or bi. The important thing is whether he is a capable leader to help PR into the federal government and whether he can be a good Malaysian PM. But remember PR is more than just Anwar. As for the BN, it is blady shame that there are so many incompetent and corrupt ministers. That is the more serious problem, not their sexual preferences.
Dear Sakmongkol
“YTL was absolute confident, given the endorsement from a Malay king and the eventual written remarks from the PM probably open ended as usual, convinced YTL it had the 700 MHz in the bag”.
If what you say here is indeed a true account of what actually transpired, it merely confirms what the public generally believes how big business is done in Malaysia. Now, should YTL and the likes be considered cronies, or should they be called carpetbaggers? There is a difference.
A crony usually works hand in glove with the one giving him the goodies, and they share the loot. No one on this side of heaven gives away hundreds of millions or billions without getting something in return. They subscribe to the “wa tolong lu, lu tolong wa” principle.
Carpetbaggers are different. They exploit and take advantage of the poor and ignorant folks for personal gain. Money flows one way – towards the carpetbaggers, and does not involve any loot sharing. Can we for one moment believe that both the Malay Ruler involved and Najib are there to be exploited or made used of for nothing? If so, especially in Najib’s case, then Singapore’s judgment of the quality of our leaders (can we really call them that?) is spot on.
The Chinese are not proud of these YTL types. They don’t represent the Chinese at all. They merely happen to be of that race. But what does the Malay think about the “enablers”, the so-called guardians of both Malay and national interests? It takes 2 hands to clap. YTL’s is just one hand.
one malaysian
i dont know who you are but i salute yr analytical mind. you are approaching dangerous grounds. that being the case, with yr natural ability, i don't have to expand further my article. but take it from me- its true.
The stars must be completely the journey begins from both end i.e top n bottom.
The bottom is easily seduced..cocktails in a 5 star hotel penthouse lounge n small trinkets?The top is persuaded by the promise of luxuries for the next 3 generations?
It helps if the giver is a`suave and completely respectable icon.Its not taking but merely the sharing of good tidings between friends.
The project will give untold benefits to the rakyat anyway.A little reward for the imagination and perseverance surely can't be begrudged.
The small Mamat with the same idea can't deliver cos thet are all empty vessels.Its a game for the big boys.
Its capitalism in a democracy.Winners keeps the spoils.
when countries like Russia, USA, Japan and India launching rockets into orbit and discovering water in the moon, malaysia PM , TV3 and UMNO talking about Saiful's ass for the past 2 years... grow up u stupid pea brains...
malaysia 2020?? what the fuck u people want to achieve by then, u dont even know how to manage garbage disposal properly.....
You guys want transparency, you get transparency. But you refuse to believe Wikileaks on your idol's peccadiloes.
Y'all are trying so hard to justify him like saying it's charming to be a gay and it's okay to have a gay PM.
Sense of value thrown down the drain.
Suddenly you all turn libertarian. Beat even the Americans who are divided on the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy.
Anwar is leaking in his pants. And Mahathir is going to town proving that he's right all this while.
He was on TV tonight, beaming, that LKY knew all along about Anwar's misconduct.
But he said due to political reasons, it was not made public.
"And I am proven right. It's not a trumped-up charges. How can I lie and ask at least 150 people including the police to lie with me," he said tongue in cheek.
And Mahathir still laughs last.
if wiki leaks report on both najis and aljuburi is true than we need new leader .
i nominate Raja Petra , at lest he ,pandai makam dan pandai simpan. and best of he wrote the best article on art of political spinning/ damage control.
Petie, I am looking forward to spin on this political wizardry.
P.s. smomgkol com on you can be more creative than this , the best is yet to cum!!!!.
Dear Malaysians,
I agree.. we should forget about the Wikileaks.
We should stop washing our dirty linen in public.
Que Sera, Sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future is not for us to see
Que sera, sera
What will be, will be
There is a lot of truth in what Doris Day said
When the GE13 comes exercise our rights wisely and quietly.
Remember.. God works in a mysterious way.. and he knoweth the truth best..
Betul tu Dato' Sak. The PM should focus on the future - that of the country and the rakyat. I am praying that he has the strength and support to do what's right. And so should we.
Dato Sak,
Even if wikileads are half true, that can be considered good enough. Just read my lips
"It is scary to know that business tycoons are so close to some Malay rulers that they can be used to approach the country's leaders for projects." Pak Zawi.
Pak, where have you been living the past 50 years?
we are all of 1 Race, the Human Race
Dato' Sak,
DSAI just forget the rat trap and so into it. But trap does not forget his victim. In this case, DSAI is fool and bloody fool... how can get into trap for the 2nd time.
A: 'Sir, do you agree with what was said about our politicians, that they are incompetent?'
B: 'Sofea, i have a problem with what those dotheads down south said. They're wrong. Our politicians are not incompetent. They're nincompoops.
At least when one is incompetent, there is insyaAllah hope they can become competent. But in our case, they can only make dins and poop all over the rakyat.
Take one marvellously competent malay first minister. When asked if development funds can be provided to opposition MPs like how it is done for barisan MPs, he skirted around the question by just saying it's only for barisan MPs to top up federal projects.
Excuse me, but rakyat in opposition sites are not rakyat ke? They don't deserve development funds, is it? Then will he answer if they should pay cukai at all?'
A: 'Sir, you can't say that. You may be branded a traitor.'
B: 'Let me ask you back, Sofea. Which is more traitorous to the country? The PAC team to dare ask immigration about Project M, or immigration to snub the committee by walking away without answering the queries, or the original designers of Project M?
Note that up till today, we don't know how many indonesians have been naturalized in one stroke in our Sabah and Sarawak so that come a few months time they will vote for Barisan including our own Brown Rajah.
Meanwhile our people who have slogged years for the country can have the privilege of being photographed holding the hand of one grandson of one late leader, thanking him profusely for finally giving them the brittle plastic just so that they can be buried soon, considering their age, as proud citizens of this exceptionally competently-run country.
Not good enough an example? Let me ask you again, Sofea. What about spending lavishly over-the-budget on a single residence when thousands of our malay rakyat can't even afford a roof over their heads these days so that they can call this their own country in order to finally have a taste of what is meant by a sovereignty they have been asked not to disabuse?
Talking of which, why did it take so long before people could suddenly have a brainwave to excuse the reason for ketuanan by saying it was really all along about sovereignty and not supremacy? An afterthought, is it? Or the clearest sign of shifting the damn goalpost again?'
A: 'Sir, i sense your frustration for our rakyat and nation. Is that why we are having this conversation in the wee hours of this morning?'
B: 'Perhaps, at my age, i had to wake up to take a leak?
Look, Sofea, Umno spends a huge chunk of our national development funds on defense. Yet, if we are to believe the wikileaks, a foreign intel can be so assured of itself that it can privately say a politician knowingly walked into a sodomy trap. Why, they got hidden cameras all over the place, including one that could unbelievably read his primal instincts ke?
And in the first place, who would knowingly walk into a trap that will not only destroy his career but also vindicate his nemesis?
Now, why didn't the aussies ask singforintel about that, and if they did, why was the transcript not recorded in the same breath?
Secondly, Mahathir triumphantly said it was not an entrapment on the reason that 150 people could not have been coaxed to go along with a lie.
Hello there, all you need in this country of saya yang mengikut perintah is one lie by one person at the top and all the rest will follow the official line.
If this isn't so, why are doctors so adamant they don't need to refer to their patient notes while being cross-examined in a legal setting they may not expect to be comfortable in? Have you ever seen a govt hospital doctor not read from his notes when seeing a patient for a second time, even in his own clinic room?
Thirdly, where's the wikileak on the mongolian case? It is curious that none has surfaced on that case. Surely any foreign intel would be expected to be more than curious over the question as to who had ordered the hit for an order must have been made since it was pre-established in the court that the extermination team only obeyed orders like robots.
So if even a court system including defense as well as prosecution has shown such a curious lack of curiosity about a murder case, how can anyone say that it is impossible to coerce an entrapment, especially when that someone has a project to his name that had emboldened an entire government department, namely the immigration office, to defy a parliamentary query on a possible treasonous deed against the sovereignty of the rakyat?
I have an idea. Why don't we coopt LKY and Mahathir to come onboard Anwar's case as material witnesses? From their elevated heights, they seem to know what purportedly happened in an apartment. Let them walk their talks for once. Let LKY show proof how he had concluded the act happened and let Mahathir show proof why he is convinced it's not an entrapment.'
A: 'Sir, you're mounting a sturdy defense for the opposition!'
B: 'Sofea, don't get me wrong. I am not mounting any defense at all. If it looks like that, it is only because the facts and the fictions don't jive in this country. Besides, i don’t think Anwar is absolutely needed in order to mount a credible opposition for a two-party system in our beleaguered country. It's the rakyat, Sofea. They are the ones who are the hope, voice and destiny of Malaysia, not our brilliantly competent nincompoop politicians.
Let all the truths come out so that our rakyat will no longer have a yolk on their necks, so that there is national moral conscience again, so that leaders and higher-ups don't have to shift goalposts to try and justify the unjustifiable anymore.
Do you know what is dangerous? It's when our rakyat are made insensate by all these shenanigans. People have limits and limitations. Look at our peoples. Most are simple folks with kind hearts and honest minds. But how have they been treated? Like dupes! They have been treated like cows pulled along by the rings on their noses. Today this direction. Tomorrow another direction. One is reminded of aqiqah korban. But it's not FOR the umat miskin. It's OF the umat miskin. Enough is enough lah!
Corruption is the biggest scourge in this nation. Stupidity is a close second. Incompetence is not far behind. Duplicity is catching up fast.
When a nation suffers from corruption, stupidity, incompetence and duplicity, it is finished.
And the last nail on its coffin will be the dirtiest general elections in our maligned history.'
A: 'But, Sir, the country is doing well; bonuses will be declared, investments are up and there are so many exciting projects up and coming.'
B: 'Like the smart tunnel flushing out floods, eh? Did it work in the recent floods? Exciting projects? Come, tell me what will be the price of the ticket? Bonuses and investments? Don’t you know the starting salaries of our graduates today are like what they were years ago? Measure the increase against the inflation and then come convince me things have really improved enough for them to eagerly await their bonuses. Investments? Aren’t they mostly in our opposition-run states, eh? And how many are in the manufacturing sector which is supposed to be the main employer for the lower-income groups?
And look, i have no problems with any wage rise for our defense chaps. They deserve it. In fact i wonder why they have not been the first to get the raise before all others. But what is the impact on the government bottom-line? Has it been timed to swing votes? And how will our rakyat be able to pay for services which the government won't be able to afford when it has to bail-out all these exciting private sector projects whose feasbilities are yet to be submitted long after they have been announced?
Just as we have never seen an entire community anywhere else in the world which is proud to say it needs special attention, I have never seen an economy anywhere in the world bolstered by stating the projects first and then waiting for their feasibility reports after!
Take the menara wawasan, for example. One minister said go ahead. Next thing an ex-minister said he was sentimental for it not to go ahead. And then the next minute the boss said do the feasibility study first. At this rate, it will come out a crooked highrise, like crooked bridge and crooked politicians. If all this is not spin, what the fcuk is it?
No, Sofea, our politicians are not incompetent. They're eunuchs who have lost their frigging, dessicated marbles.'
A: 'Talking about eunuchs. I just saw a chinese movie. Fortunately it has our language subtitles. It was titled Reign of the Assassins and it starred our own Michelle Yeoh.
Well, she was a disciple to one eunuch villain but ended up in one last fatal battle with him after mending her ways. He was confident of winning because he had withheld four strokes of swordplay from her which would reveal weaknesses in defense. But he didn't know she had learned those four strokes from another opponent who died trying to mend her soul. She won the fight in the end but was herself mortally wounded. The last words of the eunuch, said to himself hysterically in disbelief while counting the number of wounds he had sustained by her blade, was "now how did she manage to strike me in eleven places?"'
B: 'But our own eunuchs are so thick-skinned they think they are immortal, Sofea. Our rakyat need to winnow the chaff and see the political, economic and social situation clearly. They need to put everything in the correct perspective.
We have veered from the right track for our nation. We need to give her a future all can be happy and comfortable with. This is a nation where all are pendatangs except our orang asals. That is why cooperation and mutual help must be nurtured. Not divisiveness and racism, not bigotry and stupidity, not incompetency and duplicity, not injustice and lies.
Truth is the ultimate blade to cut the crap.'
And look, i have no problems with any wage rise for our defense chaps. They deserve it. In fact i wonder why they have not been the first to get the raise before all others. But what is the impact on the government bottom-line? Has it been timed to swing votes? And how will our rakyat be able to pay for services which the government won't be able to afford when it has to bail-out all these exciting private sector projects whose feasbilities are yet to be submitted long after they have been announced?
Just as we have never seen an entire community anywhere else in the world which is proud to say it needs special attention, I have never seen an economy anywhere in the world bolstered by stating the projects first and then waiting for their feasibility reports after!
Take the menara wawasan, for example. One minister said go ahead. Next thing an ex-minister said he was sentimental for it not to go ahead. And then the next minute the boss said do the feasibility study first. At this rate, it will come out a crooked highrise, like crooked bridge and crooked politicians. If all this is not spin, what the fcuk is it?
No, Sofea, our politicians are not incompetent. They're eunuchs who have lost their frigging, dessicated marbles.'
A: 'Talking about eunuchs. I just saw a chinese movie. Fortunately it has our language subtitles. It was titled Reign of the Assassins and it starred our own Michelle Yeoh.
Well, she was a disciple to one eunuch villain but ended up in one last fatal battle with him after mending her ways. He was confident of winning because he had withheld four strokes of swordplay from her which would reveal weaknesses in defense. But he didn't know she had learned those four strokes from another opponent who died trying to mend her soul. She won the fight in the end but was herself mortally wounded. The last words of the eunuch, said to himself hysterically in disbelief while counting the number of wounds he had sustained by her blade, was "now how did she manage to strike me in eleven places?"'
B: 'But our own eunuchs are so thick-skinned they think they are immortal, Sofea. Our rakyat need to winnow the chaff and see the political, economic and social situation clearly. They need to put everything in the correct perspective.
We have veered from the right track for our nation. We need to give her a future all can be happy and comfortable with. This is a nation where all are pendatangs except our orang asals. That is why cooperation and mutual help must be nurtured. Not divisiveness and racism, not bigotry and stupidity, not incompetency and duplicity, not injustice and lies.
Truth is the ultimate blade to cut the crap.'
Wikileak did not report that Anwar committed sodomy. Wikileak reported that Singapore believed that Anwar committed sodomy. Just like it also reported Singapore's opinion on Najib and Malaysian leaders.
The commonality between the two statements is that both are opinions. However, the difference is that, while Najib's performance is relative to many factors (economic development, governance, etc), Anwar's case is very clear cut; either he did commit sodomy or he did not.
For Singapore to say that it believed that Anwar did commit sodomy, it must have ample evidence. Can Singapore show us the evidence?
As for its opinion on Najib's performance, the development of this country under his helm will be the evidence to prove Singapore right or wrong. There is noting for Singapore to show except for statistical data.
So, the logic that either both statements must be true or both statements must false is twisted. You are trying to confuse your readers by conditioning them to think that these are the only two conclusions that can be made from those statements.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes, when this question was answered by Plato in his work The Republic, he answered that they will guard themselves against themselves. "We must tell the guardians a "noble lie". The noble lie will assure them that they are better than those they serve and it is therefore their responsibility to guard and protect those lesser than themselves. We will instill in them a distaste for power or privilege; they will rule because they believe it right, not because they desire it."
I put it to you that there is no noble lie in this case, that there are questions you must answer as guardians of corporate governance in this country, that you must feel in you the same distaste for abuse of power and conflict of interest, that you will do what is right, that you will be true to your calling as one of the guardians for the institutions of this great country.
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