Tuesday 9 April 2013

Sejak 2008, ramaikah orang Melayu mati bergelimpangan kerana tidak sokong UMNO?

(1) Bila Najib mengistiharkan pembubaran parlimen adakah itu suatu ceramah mini? Pengistiharan yang mudah diucapkan dijadikan 10-15 minit perlancaran ceramah politik. (2) apalah yang hendak diherankan bila Najib memberitahu seluruh ahli BN mengenai manifesto nya? Manifesto nya pun meniru banyak perkara yang terkandung dalam manifesto Pakatan.
Dia bercakap kepada ahli parti. Yang mengundi bukan ahli parti sahaja, tapi rakyat jelata. Tentulah semua yang hadir akan menyokong paling tidak dalam bentuk jeritan setuju. Jika yang ada dalam stadium itu semua nya mengundi UMNO, tentulah akan kalah juga UMNO.
Boleh jadi UMNO lupa. Ia telah hilang hak untu menjadi jurucakap orang Melayu. Maknya , UMNO memperjuangkan apa yang mereka anggap kepentingan orang Melayu- sedangkan orang Melayu sudah pun memisahkan diri mereka dari format perjuangan UMNO. Format UMNO macam mana?
Menakutkan orang Melayu. 65% dari rakyat di ajar takut kepada 35%. 65% berugama Islam dijar takut kepada 9% yang beragama kristian. Rapuh sangatkah aqidah orang Melayu?
Selagi orang Melayu bodoh, UMNO akan terus berkuasa. Pendidikan yang boleh diperolehi percuma, mahu dibayar oleh orang Melayu. Orang Melayu ini mempunyai pendapatan yang tinggi kah? 8.7 juta berpendapatan RM1500 sebulan. 7.2 juta mempunyai pendapatan RM1200 sebulan. Kayakah sangat orang Melayu yang berdemonstrasi dan tunjuk perasaan hendak bayar PTPTN? Apa yang dimakan oleh orang Melayu sehingga dibodohkan oleh UMNO?
UMNO melaga lagakan orang Melayu dengan bangsa lain. Bagaimana DAP boleh menubuhkan kerajaan persekutuan jika mereka hanya bertanding 50 kerusi parlimen? Bukankah penubuhan kerajaan ganti BN memerlukan setuju dan muafakat dari PAS( majority orang Melayu) dan PKR( majority orang Melayu). Adalah Melayu dalam PAS dan PKR tidak cukup keMelayuan mereka dan akan melihat sahaja jika kepentingan orang Melayu dan Islam di ganggu?
Mana2 parti yang memerintah mesti memperakui fakta bahawa majority penduduk Malaysia Melayu bangsa nya. Maka semua dasar mesti memfaktorkan fakta ini. Jadi berhentilah dari dobodohkan oleh orang Melayu.
UMNO tidak ada mandate untu bercakap bagi pihak orang Melayu. Dalam 2008, calun UMNO hanya mendapat 2.38 juta undi. Jika undi orang Melayu 85% dari jumlah tersebut, UMNO mendapat lebih sedikit dari 2 juta undi orang Melayu. Ahli UMNO , 3.2 juta. Kemana pergi nya 1.2 juta undi dari ahli UMNO? Jumlah pengundi Melayu ketika itu ialah 5.7 juta. Ertinya, 3.7 juta orang Melayu sudah pun menolak UMNO.
Jika demikian, UMNO jurucakap siapa? UMNO jurucakap Melayu yang terpilih, yang elit. Sebahagian besar ahli UMNO diperkudakan oleh golongan elit dan Melayu terpilih. UMNO parti untuk bin Mahathir, bin Tun Razak, bin Najib, bin Muhyidin, bin Shafie Apdal, bin Hishamudin Hussein. UMNO bukan untuk kita Melayu.
Soalan yang di kemukakan oleh Najib pun sudah salah. Ini PRU bukan isiu memilih sama ada Najib atau Anwar. Kepada orang kampong, jika inilah isiu nya , amat mudah. Anwar Ibrahim yang dianiaya dan diaibkan dengan Najib, wakil penganiaya dan penzalim. Nak pilih siapa?
Jenis Melayu macam mana yang sudah UMNO cipta yang tidak merasa apa apa bila mengaibkan lawan kerana hendak menang? Ini bukan prinsip orang Melayu. Orang Melayu bertarung dengan lawan dalam gelanggang bukan dengan cara kotor dan jijik. Apakah yang telah dilakukan oleh wan azizah dan anak2 anwar kepada orang melayu lain, sehingga anwar di aibkan demikian rupa? Apa rasa sang isteri dan anak2 yang tidak berdosa. Jenis Melayu apa yang tidak ada perasaan kesian dan perasaan takut kepada fitnah? Ini jenis Melayu yanh dilahirkan oleh UMNO.
Nah- jika soalan nya ialah memilih antara najib penzalim dengan anwar yang dizalimi, rakyat akan memihak kepada yang dizalimi. Maka orang desa dan kampong akan memilih Anwar.
Tapi ini bukan isiu nya.
Janganlah kita nak sombong sangat dengan baka kita. Yang bangga dengan asal usul ialah iblis dan syaitan. Kerana asal iblis dari api, dia enggan sujud kepada Adam kerana Adam dibentuk dari segumpal tanah liat.
Ini masaalah pokok orang Melayu- kerja kita bukan memilih pemimpin kerana baka dia, kerana nama dia, kerana prestij kedudukan mereka. Jangan kita ingat sebab seseorang itu anak kepada Perdan Menteri, maka anak nya secara otomatik mewarisi kebolehan dan kebaikan bapa mereka. Kita pilih pemimpin berdasarkan kepada apa sumbangan dia boleh lakukan. Sumbangan yang dia boleh lakukan bergantung kepada kebolehan dia, kercerdikan dia, kerajinan dia.
Maka kita tidak perlu jawab soalan yang dikemukakan oleh Najib. Soalan yang salah tidak mungkin mengundang jawapan yang tepat.


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    The BN-led government has failed miserably managing the country’s wealth and resources when for 16 consecutive years; it is running the country on budget deficits. The year 2012 recorded a RM470 billion debt, from about 36 percent in 1998 which is also the highest in the nation’s history.

    The country’s debt now is already around RM502.4 billion of the GDP, exceeding the 55% parliament legal limit which is the second highest in Asia. This amount excludes RM 116 billion sovereign guarantees for GLCs (Government-linked companies).

    What will happen or the immediate damning effects to Msia’s economy if and when the value of our Ringgit falls in the international market? It will be a socio-economic disaster, untold misery and nightmare for Msians except the millionaires and billionaires.

    Apparently, BN’s government has an incurable borrowing habit to finance development and at the same time failed to plug the debauched ground rules that are ruining the economy such as power abused, inefficiency and mismanagement that are causing heavy financial losses.

    The massive debt is an impending danger to the country’s economy. At the country’s current rate of borrowing it will end up with a RM1.6 trillion in debt by 2020. Msia will be another Greece if BN continues to rule.

    Why deeper and escalating debt? The answer is simple: irresponsible and inept fiscal spending, nepotism, cronyism, negligence, wastage and hefty leakage in the BN-led government spending due to rampant corruption by those in power.

    Similarly the privatization of essential public services was supposed to unshackle the government of financial burdens and benefited the rakyat but it’s not happening; instead it has burden the rakyat more with the ever-increasing price of the cost of living.

    Excessive leakages, financial improprieties and continuous corruption have drained RM28 billion from the nation’s coffer annually via the public agencies lead by BN ministers. The country is no doubt blessed with plenty of natural resources and if very well managed, would surely uplifts rakyat standard of living and other essentials development.

    Though there have been numerous cases of BN VIPs exposed for corruption and many UMNO/BN cronies company kaput-ed but the culprits are still treated like VIPs due to their political connection and position and even when these criminals are brought to court they just grin happily because they know the chances for them to be convicted are very slim. Not only that, most of the cronies’ companies stuck deep in the mud are also been bailed-out using rakyat money, which means rakyat others imperative need are denied or neglected.

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    Since 2007 the BN’s govt has used RM325 billions of the hard-earned PETRONAS money; annual average of about RM81 billion. Yet the people are not informed of how the money was spent. It proves the existing govt. has no transparency and accountability towards its rakyat. An example is Dr M pet project; Proton used billions of the nation’s money to sustain the industry but flopped all the way through, due to improper management, bureaucracy and cronies’ greed.

    The rising costs of today essential necessities of living are due to the high retail price of fuel; therefore higher transportation costs.

    Malaysia is the 27th largest oil producer in the world, rolling out 693,700 bbl/day. Only 114 countries are listed as oil producing countries in 2009/2010 but its retail price of fuel is one of the highest among the oil-producing countries. Why is this so?

    Lesser taxes or subsidies for the people would not lead to national bankruptcy. Its unrestrained redundant spending when productivity is not guaranteed, unlimited corruption, mismanagement, uncontrolled financial leakages, mega-projects without much economic activities that will make a nation bankrupt.

    55 years of BN administration has not achieved much in terms of narrowing the economic disparity among races, bridging race relations, curbing govt. bribery and limiting financial seepages. The rich are getting richer while the poor remains poor or becoming poorer.

    Not only the country’s economic situation is precarious, BN leaders have also become arrogance, nasty, greedy and intoxicated by power. They have forgotten that it’s the RAKYAT, which place them high on the pedestal in the first place.

    Moreover, BN has a fascist mentality advocating a one party rule so that they can safeguard their plundering culture by continuing ruling Malaysia.

    Msians can best do BN a favor by sending them to be the opposition in the coming GE13 so that they can have lots of time to reflect and re-ignite themselves. A party incapable of reforming itself is ineffectual of reforming the country.

    It will be a bleak future if Msians don’t change the existing BN’s govt. This is not the time to be undecided or wait and see attitude for the opportunity to save the country will be too late.

    Furthermore, change can certainly make things better especially in a two-party system. Politicians from an alternative party who make promises will then have to honor their promises or else they will be voted out in future elections !!!

    No more hesitation, GE13 is the time for change and true UNITY for all Msians !!!




    Uncivilized Umno Chieftain Threatens To Beat Up Reporter..

    On the 8th of April 2013,an UMNO leader in the Batu constituency threatened to assault a reporter when the latter attempted to ask him over the use of a government department van for BN's campaign there.

    "Hey! You are lucky I haven’t smacked you yet," snapped an irate, one of the the Barisan Nasional leaders Suhaimi Yahya to Malaysiakini's Koh Jun Lin.

    Koh had been referred to Suhaimi by BN Batu secretary Rodzi Tajudin to ask about the use of government department vehicles for the launching of the BN's command centre yesterday. One of the vehicles was a SUV equipped with loudspeakers on its roof to broadcast speeches during the event.

    Soon after Rodzi's threat, another man wearing a BN shirt warned Koh to leave. "Don’t cause trouble...Don’t you dare look back," the portal quoted him as telling.

    The use of public-funded government machinery to aide BN's campaign, especially after the dissolution of parliament, has been frequently cited by observers as a violation of BN's current status as a caretaker government.

    Prior to this, the Election Commission said it has no power to introduce guidelines on caretaker government to prevent misuse of public funds.

    “If EC does have the power on this matter, it doesn't mean that they will follow,” said EC chief Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof.

    Source >> Harakahdaily

  4. Dato',
    Najib is desperate.By the look of the going on, he is indeed on very shaky ground.Desperate people do desperate things as such your message needs to be spread far and wide especially the Malay heart land.

  5. Selagi kes pembunuhan Altantuya tidak dibicarakan secara adil dan orang yang mengupah Sirul dan Hazilah melakukan pembuhuhan tersebut tidak diheret ke mahkamah, tak perlulah rakyat Malaysia buang masa dan percaya PM bernama Najib Tun Razak ni.

    PM dan KPN kepala bapak apa macam ni?. Kes semudah ini pun tak boleh diselesaikan?. Macam mana nak harapkan kerajaan begini pertahankan negara serta mengelak pulau pulau yang mempunyai tuntutan bertindih oleh negara jiran tidak hilang dari menjadi milik Malaysia?.

    Selagi kes kematian Altantuya tidak dibicarakan secara telus, aku kekal yakin bahawa Najib Tun Razak ini adalah punca kematian Altantuya. Kalau PM yang terbabit dengan " pembunuhan " macam ni pun rakyat Malaysia nak pertahankan, nampak sangat manusia yang sokong PM Najib ini buta hati dan otak sewel. Bagi aku manusia macam ini tak payahlah bazir masa cakap pasal Islam, wasatiyah dan sebagainya. Hanya orang yang bengap dan berkepentingan peribadi saja sanggup membodohkan diri terus mengangkat manusia bermasalah begini menjadi PM dan terus menerajukan negara.

    Malaysia tidak perlukan pemimpin dan PM yang bacul dan dayus. Najib tidak saja dayus sebagai PM tetapi juga dayus sebagai seorang suami. Hanya dengan menumbangkan UMNO BN saja, kes perbicaraan kematian Altantuya dapat dilangusngkan dengan adil dan mereka yang terlibat dalam perancangan pembunuhan ini dijatuhkan hukuman hatta ke tali gantung. Muga dengan cara ini akan dapat dijadikan satu pengajaran buat bakal bakal PM Malaysia seterusnya.

    1 UNDI UNTUK UMNO BN ADALAH 1 UNDI UNTUK PEMBUNUH, PENYAMUN DAN GEROMBOLAN MEREKA ! Aku pernah soal perkara ini pada mantan seorang Menteri kabinet UMNO BN. Terkial dan terkedu kedu dia nak menjawab. Kalau dah mantan menteri pun tak boleh nak jawab persoalan ini, rakyat Malaysia kebanyakan yang lain nak percaya apa lagi?. ADAKAH DULU, KINI DAN SELAMANYA sanggup perbodohkan diri mempertahankan manusia manusia bermasalah?. Kalau kes ini berlaku di negara lain, dah lama pembunuh pembunuh Altantuya ini jadi arwah di tali gantung paling tidak menghuni penjara.

  6. Semua Orang Bila mengundi, PASTIKAN seluruh kertas UNDI bersih, tidak ada se titik dakwa hitam dekat Kotak atau kawasan cap Dacing. Kalau awak pangkah "X" kat kotak DAP, PAS, PKR, dengan adanya setitik dakwa hitam kat kawasan kotak dacing BN, UNDI itu dipastikan ROSAK. Awak Di TIPU UMNO-BN dengan kerjasama Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya/Election Commission SPR/EC!

    Buat Degil, Minta dengan SEKERAS SUARA, awak hendak kertas UNDI Bersih tanpa 2 jenis nombor siri. Tanpa titik,detik hitam. Setiap kertas undi hanya perlu ada satu siri numbor dan tanpa titik atau dakwa hitam walaupun sekecil macam mata semut! Jangan takut minta Peguam, penolong PKR, DAP, PAS kat tempat undi. Buat Kacau sistem penipuan project SPR/EC. Jangan di CURI Hak Awak, Hentam semua Perkakas UMNO-BN sampai mereka dikuburkan atau berHijrah kat Hotel Sg Buloh!!

    Kalau tidak semua kertas undi yang ada titik/detik hitam adalah undi UMNO-BN Hantu bila masa undi tutup. Perkerja SPR/EC akan buang semua kertas yang tidak diguna kedalam kotak undi. Ia akan dikira sebagai undi UMNO-BN. Kita Halang penipuan UMNO-BN , Projek IC/SPR pada hari UNDI!!

    Ini Kali Lah!!

  7. Yang dimaksudkan bumi-non-malay ialah:


  8. Yes, even without UMNO, the Malays are still living, breathing and some even prospering. But not much could be said about the living condition of the Malays under UMNO rule. As it happen, under UMNO rule of decades, the Malays still did not get a glimpse of the RM 52Billion share allocated for bumiputra (which has been revealed to be reduced to a mere 2 billion and still in the hands of UMNO leaders and cronies. In other word, UMNO leaders get rich while malays get screwed). Under UMNO, the majority of malays are still living under an income of RM3,000 monthly while UMNO leaders and their sons and daughter get to wear million RM watches, having their pet cows living in condos and go on overseas vacation at our expense.

    Under UMNO, some poor villagers were killed for being a threat the national security (poor folks who only have cangkul, buluh and parang as weapons) while an invasion army from the "sultanate of Sulu" (with mortar, heavy machine guns and assault rifles) were treated with KFC and labelled as old men wearing sandal and therefore NOT Terrorist!

    Under UMNO, millions of Malay household have to have loans to send their children to college and uni while UMNO doesn't think it is worthwhile to spend RM5 billion to provide free education for everyone (this is while the country lost RM28billion annually from leakages and corruption)!

    Yes, without supporting UMNO, the malays are still living and breathing BUT just imagine the state of the Malays if one fine day we woke up and found that UMNO is dead and buried! Then the Malays are not only living and breathing but I conjure that we will be happier, prosperous and proudly acknowledge ourselves as Malaysian. We won't lose anything if we try to live without UMNO (heck, we don't have anything to lose in the first place) so why not we let UMNO die?

    UMNO never cared for the malays before! UMNO never cared for those FELDA folks (otherwise the FGV would have never got through) so why do we care that UMNO dies? I surely don't cos we've never needed UMNO before, to live and to fend for ourselves. So why start caring about UMNO now when UMNO never cared about us these few decades.

    UMNO was so cocky about their 3millions members, so let them rely on those members and we will rely on ourselves and those who truly care about us. Let UMNO get only their members' votes (since they care only about themselves) and lets give our votes to anyone else BUT UMNO. And then let see the condition of the Malays and Malaysian. You don't need a crystal ball to see the future of Malaysian and the malays without UMNO. Heck, even in Selangor and P.Pinang has the result of that change! Let change! Let us do ABU!


  9. Masaalahnya bukan mati bergelimpangan tapi akan jadi papa kedana dan jadi budak surohan Tokong macam Sak.....

  10. You opposition cybertroopers can write and say what you but the reality is you guys have no chance of winning the election. Just wait and see the results. When you guys lose you will start to be desperate and create trouble in the streets lead by your supreme leader Tokong and his father and also the 'rasputin' Anwar.

  11. Anon 14:57 - habis tu yang papa kedana bawa 55 tahun BN memerintah hang tak kira ka? Sampai jadi mcm orang pelarian kerumun lori bawak beras & balairaya / sekolah untuk dapat BR1M RM500. Itu bukan Melayu ke? Diorang bukan miskin ke? Cakap guna otak la wei...

  12. 15:00, your taikoh has been screaming that should be no change to maintain stability. What this means is UMNO will be the first to 'create trouble in the streets' if it loses. You have read your taikoh's mind correctly and repeating the threat on his behalf - he has tons of dirt and filth to clear since October 2006.

    No way LGE will be P.M., not even DPM, and Anwar will only be P.M. if and only if PAS unanimously clears the hurdle for him. Otherwise, he can only dream for his old job. Anyone from PAS will satisfy the PR.

    Stop the stone throwing, cheating, bullying and get PDRM to behave themselves. Tell the IGP, we are watchin, and the world is watching.

    Let us have a clean civilised election campaign before the big day, but 2/3 will not come for either BN or PR. But whatever the outcome, Najib can kiss goodbye to the PM's job - there's someone out to do to him what he did to Tun Abdullah Badawi
