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Sakmongkol ak 47

Friday, 21 March 2025

DAPs pledge of loyalty to Anwar. Tales by an unknown blogger. No 74

1. A few big name political parties were noticeably absent from the DAPs 18th congress. We can assume they were not invited.

2. BN, GPS and GRS were not invited. UMNO is considered BN as mic and mca are considered UMNOs minions only .

3. The fact, they were not invited can suggest they were not considered as core parties of PH.

4. They were just mentionables. They were mentioned by the pm in his speech as a matter of politess .

5. So, the parties that remained were the OG, the originator of the PH group. the lower case g refers refers more to umno-the thieves, morbid racists, the real exploiters of race, religion and King. Avoid it like the plague.

6. However, we do want to discuss who were invited and who were not . Of particular interest to us, was the promise made by DAP that it would be loyal to Anwar.

7. To cut to the chaste, it means don't trust UMNO. UMNO is only a fair weathered friend. While it's leaders in the cabinet may pretend to be loyal to pak sheikh, its people are constantly destabilizing Anwar.

8. There, I say it! Never trust UMNO. Zahid the diffident and vacillating UMNO leader can't control the loose canons in UMNO . always covering it by saying that democracy in UMNO Is alive . The truth is, UMNO is hunting with the hounds and running with the hare .

9. Have we ever heard or seen UMNO declaring undying loyalty to Anwar? No! yes,? It can't as a matter of conscience. It's always plotting to oust Anwar.

10. The fatal mistake, is to invite a mortal enemy to share power with you. Please remember that?

11. Don't listen to a few desperados describing the relationship between UMNO and DAP as umdap. What is that? There is no love lost between the 2. They are strange bedfellows learning to tolerate each other as is allowed. They learn to coexist peacefully for the time being

12..listening to DAP is listening to excellence. Listening to UMNO is listening to mediocrity.

13. Now, let's explore the symbolism of DAP pledging undying support for Anwar.

14. Anwar can only trust DAP and by extension AMANAH. These are the OG which have swum and sank with PKR. They are proven material.

15. By reverse reasoning, never trust UMNO.its a fair weathered friend. It clings on to PH in order to retain power and remain relevant to malays.

16. More importantly, trust in DAP and AMANAH , in the sense of a fukuyama trust involves reciprocity .

17. By pledging loyalty to Anwar, the PM must reciprocate with an instantaneous goodwill gesture. No, not by kowtowing to DAP - that would only please Malay supremacists, that Anwar tunduk kepada DAP.

18. The reciprocity asked is by being always circumspect of UMNO.

19. Itu saja!


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