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Sakmongkol ak 47

Sunday, 2 February 2025

To kill a hummingbird. The attempted destruction of Hannah Yeoh. Tales by an unknown blogger no 46

1. Some clarifications are in order to explain the above title.

2. Why hummingbird you may ask. It's certainly not Harper Lee's to kill a mockingbird.

3. It's a sin to kill a hummingbird. The bird is industrious. It's a joy to watch it flapping it's wings a million times. It helps polynization . The bird is a symbol of innocence and industry

4. Hannah Yeoh is the symbol of innocence and industry. But evil forces are out to destroy her

5. There's an unholy union of religious bigots out to destroy Hannah Yeoh . Hiding behind the infallibility of religion. If Samuel Jackson calls nationalism as being a refuge for scoundrels, then religion is the refuge for crooks and bigots

6. You may wear songkok with the insignia of your group and make police reports and asked the pm to sack Hannah Yeoh, but you actually cannot hide your bigotry and racism.

7. You can't come to terms that chinese can become ministers too and you regard whatever they do must be of sinister nature and endanger the Malays.

8. But you forget by 2030, malays will be 80% of the population.

9. The malays simply can't shirk off the siege mentality. 10. Malay bigots made police reports and asked the pm to sack Hannah Yeoh because of what? For publishing a book imagined to endanger the Malay Muslims?

11. How many malays have been converted to Christianity upon reading that book?

12. None right? Because it's a well known fact that malays don't like to read and if they read do on average 2 pages of a book. And that too they read ghost stories or komik gila2.

13. The truth is, if Islam is diminished its because of the Muslims themselves.

14. Things worsen when some ustazs instead of diffusing the issue complicate it.

15. The don't understand the meaning of the evangelist . Which simply means to serve as pendakwah. They mistook it, deliberately I might add, as using violent means to propagate Christianity.

16. They equate it with groups that propagate using violent means like Daish or ISIS or Boko Haram

17. They then rhetorically and pompously asked why is the government tolerating evangelism and why is the DAP having links with this ' clandestine ' group?

18. Sad, we have come to a stage where a few bigoted groups are exercising the paranoid and xenophobic brand of melayu Uber allies sentiments on anything done by the Chinese.

19. Hence when Hannah Yeoh described her life journey as a Christian hoping that personal experience would inspire others who are not christians to also do the same,these self appointed guardians of Islam are horrified?

20. Where in fact, their irrational emotional responses are the result of their xenophobic and paranoid nationalism tinged with blatant racism.

21. The Hannah Yeoh personal life journey provides the excuse for these groups to go ballistic!

22. Now, let me tell you a bit of Hannah Yeoh. She represents Innocence, hard work and humility - the hummingbird which racist and bigoted groups want to destroy. Hence the title of this article.

23. If I am not mistaken, Hannah Yeoh is the MP for segambut. Included in the area is sungai penchala , populated by 100% Malays.

24. But that didn't deter her from extending her services there - giving food and medical supplies free to the people in penchala.

25. She didn't take the opportunity to evangelize about Christianity but merely showing thAt christians and Buddhists and Muslims are capable of doing good work. Instead of going around looking for excuses to fight

26. I don't know Hannah really well. Only occasionally meeting her at party congresses. My impression of her limited to 2 personal occasions. Enough to size her up , albeit superficially.

27. The 1st time was when she organized a ceramah for zairil khir Johari and I, somewhere in PJ I think.

28. She didn't take to the podium to proselytize about Christianity when it was opportune for her to do so.heck, I didn't even know she's a Christian !

29. At other times, which we don't know of and which don't bother us, she may be active in Sunday missionary groups- spreading Christianity among non Malay people. We don't know that. For example, if these missionary groups are active within orang asli communities, why are Muslims worried? The orang aslis are not Muslims anyway. I know of Muslim dai who are reluctant to live among orang asli.

30. In one particular instance, Lim Kit Siang, I and Hannah Yeoh and Yeoh Bee Yin were doing a ceramah in bandar sungai buluh. We were doing a ceramah on top of a lorry.

31. To get on top of the lorry, we had to climb a mobile staircase. When it was my turn to alright the stairs, Hannah Yeoh was holding the staircase to ensure it was stable.

32. It was just a short moment. At that time she was a Selangor adun and the dun speaker I think.

33. But she was humble enough to do menial work an attitude not shown by many.

34. She has sufficient endearing qualities that to impute she has sinister motives towards Muslims and Islam is irrational.

35. Now the latest attempt to destroy Hannah Yeoh in particular and demonize DAP in general, comes from a perak pas commissioner.

36 . It was a blatant slander and an outrageous lie. The slander has it that Hannah Yeoh is the daughter of magnate YTL.

37. Anyone watching the video knows thats it deliberate, intentional said by a cocksure person, said conceitedly by the pas commissioner.

38. It's not open for him or his children to now say it wasn't a slander. It's how the public understands it to be .

39. It's proper for Hannah Yeoh to take legal action on this person. It's not a case of turning the other cheek. We need to send a message to these religious people that Islam does not give them a carte blanche to slander and not be accountable for it. Sue baby sue Title.


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