Thus spoke cip nazri Aziz. Tales by an unknown blogger. No. 59
1. When nazri Aziz, says he's living in fear as who will succeed anvar ebraheem as PM, many scoffed and pooh poohed his opinion.
2. We can only infer what he means by what he said and not try to second guess what his heart actually said. Here is my take.
3. Of course, physically Anvar Ebraheem is not indispensable. I am sure that is not an intelligent rottweiler like nazri meant.
4. Any Malay Tom Dick or Harry can replace Anvar. Akmal himler salleh, wak jahid, sanusi, the court jesterly mat shabu2 or scrape the bottom Dr shamsuri can replace Anvar.
5. Two things which ' chip' nazri said is of interest. Nazri was UMNO youth chip once right?
6. It's difficult to find a person with the right acumen, temperament and values to replace nana Anvar. A person not constrained by racial biases, religious intolerance and biases in general. A person with these qualities are hard to come by.
7. The other thing which cip nazri said, was our educational and our political system( my addition) are not conducive for finding the ideal fit. And I want to add, much of the deficiencies in our educational or political system is the result of UMNOs melayu Uber alles or Malay supremacist mentality.
8. The extreme right wingers and the Malay supremacist groups are seething with anger and pulling their hair at nazri's opinion. It's expected of them.
2. We can only infer what he means by what he said and not try to second guess what his heart actually said. Here is my take.
3. Of course, physically Anvar Ebraheem is not indispensable. I am sure that is not an intelligent rottweiler like nazri meant.
4. Any Malay Tom Dick or Harry can replace Anvar. Akmal himler salleh, wak jahid, sanusi, the court jesterly mat shabu2 or scrape the bottom Dr shamsuri can replace Anvar.
5. Two things which ' chip' nazri said is of interest. Nazri was UMNO youth chip once right?
6. It's difficult to find a person with the right acumen, temperament and values to replace nana Anvar. A person not constrained by racial biases, religious intolerance and biases in general. A person with these qualities are hard to come by.
7. The other thing which cip nazri said, was our educational and our political system( my addition) are not conducive for finding the ideal fit. And I want to add, much of the deficiencies in our educational or political system is the result of UMNOs melayu Uber alles or Malay supremacist mentality.
8. The extreme right wingers and the Malay supremacist groups are seething with anger and pulling their hair at nazri's opinion. It's expected of them.
9. Now, let's amplify the things which cip nazri said.
10. In our frenzied environment of racial, morality and religious supremacy, it's extremely difficult to find a person ' wide chested' or berlapang dada as Anvar.
11. Yes,Anvar has his foibles - the vacillating and wavering aspects of his endearing character, but these shortcomings can be compensated if he has good people around him. That is another matter deserving a separate article. Not necessarily by a person such as I .
12. The people mentioned in point number 4 above do not fit the bill. Hence the necessity of defending Anvar.
13. We may not like him for 1001 irrational reasons, but Anvar is our best bet
14. Just think of the alternatives. Najib wannabe? We will have a string of the mother of all heists in the form of other 1MDBs. Abah moo? Parliament will be suspended sine die and a thousand janawibawa will bloom. Akmal himler salleh? Racial strife will be the order of the day. Shamsuri? Religious 1984 and fire and brimstone will be the main features.
15. The 2nd part of nazris opinion is a terrible indictment of our educational, read political system. That system is not capable of nurturing the leader that is most suitable for Malaysia.
16. That educational/political system is produced by UMNO and pas.
17. UMNO is responsible for it's xenophobic nationalism while pas is responsible for religious nationalism. Both are grounded on Malay supremacy.
18. That Malay supremacy and melayu Uber alles mentality, can only survive on antagonistic ethnic relations .
19. The system produced by these far right parties and parties of the same kind, can only produced leaders steeped in their traditions. By necessity, the leaders can only subsist in a system based on hostilities, strife and antagonistic values.
20. A leader produced by such a system can only be a constraint on a people who just want to be enabled to pursue the good life. That is, to pursue social, political and economic objectives of their own choice .
21. The even bigger damning indictment is that , such a leader for the benefit of the majority , cannot be produced by either UMNO or pas .
22. Now we see the logic as to why finding others to replace Anvar is fearful. That's why not only cip nazri has to defend Anvar but we too must. Save Malaysia from the KKK minded .
23. Some people think the defects of their regressive system can be overcome if we have technocrats leading us
24. The records of being led by technocrats is by far very dismal. Just look at the outfits run by technocrats. They are plagued by corrupt, inefficiency and failure. Thus having a technocrat leading the country is no guarantee of success. Malaysia will not necessarily succeed on technocracy .
25. The opinions of cip nazri Aziz are not personal, nonsensical and empty talk after all.