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Sakmongkol ak 47

Monday, 23 December 2024

Aspects of an uncommon law. The acquittal of Malaysia's Marie Antoinette. Tales by an unknown blogger. No 31

1. As the character Dr Johnson in the British comedy series Blackadder, c is for contrabularitity says, he interrupted his solo sojourn ie sleep, to complete his dictionary of the English language.

2. My own solo sojourn was rudely interrupted by the news of rosmahs acquittal. She got acquittal for her 17 charges.

3. it was the principal reason given by the presiding judge which interrupted my solo sojourn.

4. The judge said the charges were defective. I asked my lawyer brother, what the CPC has to say on this?

5. The CPC or criminal procedure code, says under its section 242 something like this.

6. No irregularities or defects in the criminal charges can vitiate them so as to render the criminal charges be quashed or prevent them from being concluded.

7. As far as I know, being not a lawyer, you can quash proceedings of civil but not criminal charges.

8. That would be a moot point for lawyers of persuasions to discuss over drinks at the Selangor club . Untill the cows come home, they can argue about it.

9. Oh, at the same time sing long live the queen and hail Britannica!

10. So on what legal basis did the unlearned judge quash rosmahs criminal proceedings? Did he invent a law where none existed before? Did he get a sudden epiphany?

11. A non lawyer such as I will not know. But I believed many professional lawyers are also in the dark .

12. The quashing of Rosies case may herald a new surge in judicial activism. Madam CJ may want to look at this!

13. When the judge ruled that the charges were defective, the ruling has far reaching repercussions.

14. If lawyers won't say it( they protect their kind) I a non lawyer will say it.

15. The ruling reflects badly on the AGC directly and indirectly on Nana Non.

16. If the prosecution brief was written badly , it suggests the AGC is full of lawyers with so so passes at MCE or SPM levels but then lucky to obtain law degrees.

17. That reminds me of something said by a lawyer friend. Lawyers and judges are like eggs-they fall into grades A, B and C. The AGC must be full of grade C eggs!

18. So if the brief were to be rewritten, make sure it's done by grade A eggs. Comprende?

19. It also reflects badly on the leadership of the sungai Long bolshie. It shows him not to be resolute in eliminating a abuse of power and corruption , perhaps he has chosen an AG after his own image,- taciturn, unsure and wavering.

20. Do not think for a moment that the judge himself is free from the slur of being a recipient of possible gratification, aggrandizement or any forms of rewards from persons of interest. I refused to think a sitting judge as a saintly and sacred cow person.

21. People from the legal fraternity may think so. So they become smarmy people, overly respectful and mollycoddle judges. Well, just so these lawyers know, nobody likes an ass licker

22. You would think there is no basis for me casting aspersions on judges's reputation. Well sometime ago, I received a PDF article stating that the incidence of corruption is highest within the judiciary. Higher even than among lawmakers ie MPs and aduns. We hear of lawyers themselves or through runners cutting deals with judges. So don't think judges are sacrosanct people. They are also human. They too fart and fornicate.

23. So it is not advisable for rosy to say in jubilation that this acquittal is a victory of sorts. And to say piously and pompously, that God is on her side. Worse , to say God is a honorary UMNO member!

24. So rosmahs celebratory outpourings maybe premature. The sitting judge may have erred in law. Many things maybe out of our comprehension. A superior court may overrule him and so. The damn thing is not finished yet until the fat lady sings.

25. Nobody gives a rats ass's attention to the mocking write ups of UMNOs cyber troopers, surrogates and fifth columnists on the internet. They were mocking some opposition figures of only soiling moma Rosies name . We know of their game.

26. Beyond the issue of the acquittal of a heavily botoxed housewife lies the issue of the Malay state of mind. What's wrong with it ha?

27. The misfeasance and crimes committed by big moma Rosie were greeted with both temporal and ecclesiastical approbation and approval . This suggests an innate inability of the Malay race in distinguishing right from wrong, of separating the chaff from wheat or in our case, of separating the stalk from the padi .

28. What amazes us is the treatment accorded to rosmahs dirty deeds. The mischief actually took place right? How does one explain the money that got into her account and the valuable chattels in her possession? Explain this Mr thicky judge.

29. Instead, rosmahs dirty deeds is celebrated. The fascist nationalists notably the entitled degenerates of UMNO say this a vindication of the true perjuangan bangsa agama dan tanah air! The religious fakirs fakers say this a triumph of good over evil. The states legal apparatus endorses the hypocrisy by acquitting moma rose .hurrah!

30. Rosmahs dirty deeds are placed on the altar to be worshipped or in our case silently ensconced in the prayer room or offered grace on the prayer mat.

31. There you have it. The operations of an uncommon law. We reward the rich and the powerful but quickly and severely punished the poor and powerless, the lumpenproletariats and the mustad-afins.

32. In the next article I will write of the uncommon law and the non compos mentis that has seized the Malay race. Some say they are a most gentle and agreeable of races. But some say,justifiably so, they are also the sad race.


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