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Sakmongkol ak 47

Monday 14 October 2024

The enemy at the gates. Tales by an unknown blogger. No 19.

1. UMNO is behaving like the Malay says- your index finger points straight, your pinky pulls back. Or like the English says, run with the hounds, while hunting the hare.

2. It's the enemy at the gates- while subsisting and surviving under the enabling structure of PH government, it continues to corrode the structure.

3. Which leads me to thinking- are the PKR hoi polloi a bunch of intoxicated bozos and mofos?

4. They are allowing UMNO to impose its revisionist principles on PH especially PKR, DAP and AMANAH. What's disappointing, these are meekly answered.

5. The hawkish elements in UMNO take every opportunity to run down PH or otherwise berate PH, elevating the importance and relevance of UMNO. They are helped further by UMNO fifth columnists in the social media.

6. The Akmals will irrationally object to anything by Chinese, regarding them as having sinister motives. These Chinese things are alleged to be inspired by dap of course. Dap in turn is enabled by PH.

7. To the Akmals, the mere presence and involvement of Chinese inspired by dap and enabled by PH ,is a source of vehement objection.

8. From running rice retail businesses, running grocery stores, questioning money making crap by JAKIM etc, are all allowed by PH. PH therefore deserves the disapprobation and condemnations .

9. At the instigation of the Akmals, we are moving dangerously to an Aryan inspired melayu Uber alles. Who is behind them. Discredited UMNO is the answer.

10. The Akmals will of course believed their objections as perfectly justified and rational but we know they are suffering from the Don quixote syndrome. They see at every corner, a Chinese dragon devouring hapless Malays .

11. Will sane and cool headed Malaysians step forward to stop them and their puppet master, UMNO?

12. What's next? The banning of pork eating, eaten only by non Muslims? Banning the use of chopsticks forgetting the fact millions of Chinese Muslims eat using chopsticks and ignoring the fact these Chinese were Muslims earlier than Malays? Or going berserk over a visiting China ship . That's blatant racism!

13. Perhaps they are busy karaoke -ing somewhere singing Kuch Kuch HOTA hai or nonaku Azizah. If they do that, I am afraid their beloved and venerated Nana Non will be a one-trick pony .

14. Unfortunately the PKR bozos are not answering the Akmals's irritating diatribes with equal aggression. It's not a case of turning cheek la bozos and mofos .

15. Let me say it again - I support Nana Non but will not shy away from being critical of him in appropriate times. For instance, don't let me start on his pasembok quantitative easing strategies giving out money now and then . Handling the economy is not like eating nasi kandaq beratok, Nana oi.

16. The case of the Nurjazlans is an interesting one. At first the Nurjazlans will say the Chinese are opportunistic. Hey, you can't take out the racists out of them.

17. But if the Chinese give them favours, like even bribing Malays, the Chinese are good!

18. But at least nurjazlan is a more honourable person than I. He went to a Chinese sinseh and got his acupuncture treatment. Thereafter he proclaimed that actually not all Chinese are opportunistic.

19. If it were me, I would have gone to a pretty Chinese lady acupuncturist, allowed her to poke all her needles in me. Then ,if ada chance I'll poke my needle in her! Thereafter I'll proclaim that all Chinese are good maa. All's well that ends happy!

20. Meanwhile don't be comforted and lulled by wak 47s Johny come lately statements. He is acting out the proverbial Malay saying, the house is completed, only then the chisel makes noise .

21. The damage has been done. So Zahids Johny come lately advice was hardly comforting. It's the good cop-bad copy routine. We can read through his grinning hypocrisy.

22. I am telling the PKR bozos, if they want to retain power,they must read Machiavelli. But first, they must answer akmal's, nurjazlan and UMNOs mutinous conduct.

23. Wasn't it Machiavelli who said a fatal mistake is to share power with your enemies? UMNO is always, the enemy at the gates.


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