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Sakmongkol ak 47

Sunday 28 July 2024

Further notes to the white feather article. Tales by an unknown Malaysian. No. 8

1. Declaring the 6 seats as not vacant and therefore there will be no by elections, is a bad strategy.

2. It is a bad strategy because you have interrupted the enemy, PN from making mistakes which would otherwise diminished PN.

3. By declaring that there will be no by elections, you have # you have robbed us an opportunity to say PN is a bloody hypothetical party. # you have robbed us the opportunity to say PN practises political infanticide. # you have prevented natural forces from inflicting immeasurable loss to UMNO.

4. Didn't PN carry out the Sheraton move where it betrayed the 2nd che Det government and caused it's downfall?

5. Back then betrayal was a virtue, a means necessary to gain control. Now when it itself is betrayed, betrayal is a sin.

6. Where got road like this. PN moves from virtue to sin effortlessly.

7. The only thing that can explain the bizzare and erratic behavior of PN is that it is a hypocritical party.

8. We can't believe a hypocrite party can we? Betrayal is in in DNA.

9. Now you can't say all those nasty things about PN as in during elections can we? Because the ubi kayu speaker has ruled that they won't be any by elections. The PM has accentuated that idiocy with a childish riposte. The Renaissance man is not bright after all, is he?

10. Don't listen to lawyers' narratives about the act. One lawyer can say X and another Y. The world doesn't revolve around them. Conflicting views by lawyers means the issue is not settled. You can ignore them .

11. You make a judgment call on it. If it's contested let it be done in court by the force of arguments and not just theatrics and empty assertions.

12. What does it matter if the acts were incorporated in a party's constitution before or after GE15. What is more important is the intent of the act, not when it's dated . If one can say it's not retrospective, you can also say it's prospective. Let the court decides .

13. When the ubi kayu speaker says that the seats are not vacant and there shall be no ensuing by elections, only there can be erections, he is actually shielding PN from being hentam by us to our heart's contents.

14. PN would have make mistakes if the seats are declared vacant but the speaker has interrupted the enemy from doing so. Obviously he has not read Napoleon nor did Nana Non.

15. What do you make of PNs intention to have by elections, err erections? It is practising political infanticide. Killing its own children to secure power at all costs .

16 . It's a Party you cannot trust, greedy and rapacious like catfish-mouthed mahiadin. Can we trust this kind of party to lead us?

17. What is PN anyway? It's an unholy alliance of a wannabe LPG dealer with a party of ularmaks from party ajaran sonsang and a party of a village grocer to wash their bottoms.

18. It really is a spectre haunting us and must be exorcised from our lives.

19. Why LPG dealer? An LPG dealer sells gas right? Gas is used for gaslighting. Gaslighting is an English term meaning preying and manipulating the emotions of people in order to make them follow our bidding.

20. Isn't that what UMNO has been doing all this while? Gaslighting? Preying and manipulating the emotions of the Malays in particular?

21. Terrifying, scaring and instilling irrational fearfulness in the Malays that the nons would overwhelm them. That despite the fact that in a few years time Malays would form 80% of the population? Sheesh!

22. Terrifying and scaring Malay Muslims that the nons have a christianizarion agenda ignoring the fact that most of the time, Islam is threatened from within. Scaring Malays that the government is controlled by DAP. Bollocks!

23. Thinking that their own loyalty to Malay kings is undisputed when compared to the loyalty of the nons. Never in the history of Malay sultans, have the institution being destroyed by the disloyalty of the nons. Except in the case of si kitol during the Malacca Sultanate and that probably happed after he bribed some Malay officials who claimed their loyalty is unquestioned. Bull!

24. This is what UMNO has been doing for over 60 years. So, PN in imitating what UMNO is doing, IE gaslighting is just a wannabe LPG dealer. Let it contest for this uneviable title with UMNO.

25. Again, we won't be able to say these things because the ubi kayu speaker has actually shielded PN from demonisation.

26. It's a minus point, that PKR in particular, doesn't have a Cao Cao character in its ranks, with a devellish and devious mind thinking how to stay in power while weakening it's enemies.

27. Wouldn't it be an opportunity to let PN deliver a 6-0 loss to UMNO had by elections allowed to take place? Then PKR would never have to do anything but watch UMNO being pulverized? PKR should have carried out its own DNAA - do nothing at all and just tengok UMNO be massacred. Then ' it would borrow someone's knife, to kill an enemy'. I doubt the speaker has read the 36 strategems.

28. Many of us feel that the speaker has made an unwise decision. He should have applied DNAA - do nothing at all and allowed PN to be condemned as a hypocritical , greedy and untrustworthy party. Strategically, he should have allowed PN to deal a mortal blow to UMNO. It's now a wasted opportunity.


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