Unsolicited advices from citizen A
When Muhyiddin was asked, by journalists when Najib will be arrested, he answered he will not interfere. Politically correct answer, but wrong anyway.
The better answer would have been, "If Najib were guilty then he will have to face the legal consequences. Muhyiddin cannot be neutral.
Muhyiddin must seize the opportunity to isolate Najib and his, ilk in UMNO. Confiscate the billions he stole. Ban him from politics.
Do the same to like-thinking UMNO people.
Muhyiddin must have the killer instinct to crush these people.
Now is the time to set up Bersatu branches in every UMNO divisions. PBPM must engage the people directly.
It must open itself to engaging all Malaysians and not only Malays.
This is the time to co-opt like-thinking people into Bersatu. By doing this it will cause the dilution of UMNO.
There is a rational reason for not staying neutral. Muhyiddin must show which side is he on.
By deliberately making choices Muhyiddin can earn respect and loyalty of the people.
In this circumstance only Najib hates him, but he has gained admiration of the people. Najib is one person. Can he win against the many?
By making choices, Muhyiddin shows he's making a bold decision. People will prefer a decisive leader. Not choosing side will only show you as an irresolute leader. Its better to be hated by one person than by the many.
Action is more preferable than inaction. So by throwing his hat with the people Muhyiddin shows he is decisive and bold gaining their respect.
Choose a front and fight for it wholeheartedly. Like Hussein Onn once said don't fight on several fronts at once. We are not a fan of neutrality.
By not making a bold decision shows you are timid and indecisive. You will be hated by both sides.
But which side do You choose?
In my example above, in a democracy choose, the majority. Najib is one person. Sacrifice him.
Not making a bold decision must only be done for strategic reasons. Even that must not be overused lest it shows timidity. People say this is discretion and it may indeed be the better part of valour.
This principle was shown in WW2-thw fascist leader Mussolini sided with Hitler while Franco of Spain remained neutral. Although Mussolini was eventually executed the Germans aided him and helped him regain power. Franco because he was neutral managed to stay in power for another 30 years.
Mussolini chose the wrong side BUT gained the respect and admiration of the Germans.
By postponing his decision and remaining neutral Franco remained in power. But today Il Duce is more remembered than Franco.
Even when making a wrong decision but a decisive one gains respect and admiration and is remembered longer.
Hence, don't be neutral and timid, by setting up Bersatu branches and divisions Bersatu shows its presence and deal with problems hands on.
Nowadays it may not be possible to be physically present because maybe you are holding public office and so on, you can appoint personal representatives etc. Hold skype meetings and send e-mails. Show your presence.
Co-opting friendly UMNO members and aiding them to form Bersatu branches is like expanding and acquiring new territories.
Through these people establish beach heads through which to expand Bersatu's influence. Ask them to dissolve UMNO branches but remember not to give them too great power. They will and can undermine you. Use them to put down rivals. That is good politics, unethical but good.
In ancient Greek history Achilles and Hercules were educated by a being known as Chiron. It was half beast and half human.
There are two ways of getting power. One is to use the law the other by force.
The first is opened to man, the second to beast.
When civility and discussion no longer work then fear and intimidation need to be employed.
Hence, the good leader must use both methods. Sometimes, force is necessary to achieve what is wanted.
Be open-minded then. If Najib is guilty use overwhelming force on him. Others too. Confiscate their ill-gotten gains. Close their accounts. Ban them from politics.
Resorting to animalistic conduct be both a lion and the fox. Be strong like the lion and be cunning like the fox.
The good leader will adjust his policies according to circumstances. That is why he never judged something prematurely. Decide the fate of golem Najib when the time comes. Don't judge now.
Adapt or perish!
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