Monday 10 August 2015

The People are United in Revulsion.

Hidung tak mancung, pipi tersorong sorong.
It is monstrously embarrassing. The public being told that PM invited himself to the UMNO Pasir Gudang Meet. There is a Malay saying. Most people will know it. Hidung tak mancung, pipi tersorong sorong.
Your nose is flat, to make it appear pointed, you push forward your cheeks. I don’t know of a similar English idiom.
The president has the thickest skin.
Unfortunately the UMNO president has no shame. He has thick skin, and his heart is black. He cares not what happens to the country, he is interested only in in his survival and his beloved office.
He does not understand a basic principle. Even a divine right is not a right to govern wrong. A mandate given by 3.2 million, which is unlikely, is not a mandate to do wrong. The mandate can be recalled. Which is happening now.
The whole country is united in revulsion and abhorrence of the PM. They want him to leave. He is a menace to this country. Even UMNO members think of him as a liability. But he does not care. He will bring the name of Tun Razak into disrepute.
The crowd in Pasir Gudang was hostile.
It began with the UMNO division head, Khaled Nordin. The Johore MB made a very sarcastic speech. He told delegates about being lucky that the UMNO president invited himself to UMNO Pasir Gudang Meeting. In other words the President gate-crashed.
At the end of the meeting, PM najib was presented with a memorandum. One of the requests contained in there is asking PM Najib to leave. That is actually a polite way of asking PM Najib to leave office permanently.
The UMNO president thought he can neutralise the animosity of the crowd. He thought he can be his charming self. When he asked whether delegates wanted BR1M, the surprise answer was no. Obviously UMNO delegates in Pasir Gudang has more class. There are still progressive material in UMNO after all.
In a place I am most familiar with, RM50, a hamper and 1 bicycle are enough to secure eternal loyalty. Maybe throw in a bottle of zamzam water. That’s about it.
Their rejection of BR1M which is just a euphemism for free money, is a watershed response. This means UMNO members refused to be bought. They do not want his money. They do not want tainted money.
UMNO members think the RM2.6 billion so called donation is tainted money. They say its money from 1MDB laundered. It is like something that has gone through a cat’s digestive system and deposited on the lawn. The people want nothing of it.
It is also clear, the UMNO president considers BR1M as a means to buy support and allegiance. Maybe this was why he spent more than RM3 billion to win the 2013 elections.
He was challenged to reveal all.
Yet he refused. He was only rhetorical. He was the one daring the delegates to listen.
When he asked whether delegates wanted to hear him spill the beans and can of worms, delegates told him go ahead. He declined to do what he said.
People know the truth.
Nobody wants to listen to him explain anything but the issue of RM2.6 billion donation. Everyone wants to know about 1MDB. People want to know why the AG was sacked. People want to know why MACC was stormed by the police. People want to know about these things.
Every umno member knows about donations. But donations to party, as the president said go into party accounts so they can be audited properly and given receipts. In 2012 Najib made that speech concerning donations to party. In 2013, he received RM2.6 billion which did not go into party accounts. They went into his account. .
Why must a donation go through a complicated routing? If it was a mere donation, why wasn’t the money sent directly into najibs account?  Instead the money was sent by one Arab bank to its affiliates Falcon Bank and Tanore Finance to involving Wells Fargo Bank and finally into Najib’s personal account. Why all the serpentine moves?
The UMNO president can claim he has the support of 3 million UMNO members. There are 26 million others out there who are willing to donate Japanese short swords to him to carry out seppuku.


  1. Najib is confident because he has the 'rat' support, Khalid Polis.

    Abu Kassim, Gani Patail. Zeti and Khalid were tasked to investigate 1MDB. Evidences collected showed Najib recd RM2.6 billion corrupt payment and another bribes of RM42million from the RM4billion loan that KWAP extended to SCR. The scale of the corruption was too massive and Najib had to arrested and faced charges for the RM42mill bribes first.

    The 'rat' became the turn-coat and spilled the beans to Najib. Gani got sacked and the 'rat' used his khakis in the police to turn on the Macc and BN/s Zeti.
    What a low down character this rat is. If not for his deceitful & treacherous behavior, Malaysian would have been safe already. Najib being charged in court and going on leave to face charges.

    Now with this 'rat' help, he turn government institution upside down. The country is facing a massive lack of confidence from investors and more shenanigans wld take place.

    The police led by the 'rat' becomes a discredited police force, bent on helping and protecting a very corrupt Minister. The civil service led by the servile sycophant Ali KSN is being used to hamper the performance of Macc officer, by transferring them out of the Macc thus preventing them from doing their statutory job of investigating corruption.

    Everything is upside down in Msia with a corrupt PM being supported by a corrupt police force.

  2. Dato Sak,

    You made my day. I like your last para about donating Japanese short swords for him to commit seppuku. Let us know when is the swords donation campaign starting.

  3. And, a billion ringgit out of that RM2.6 billion as reported in Asia Sentinel recently had been spirited overseas!

    1. How did he do it? Wire transfer? His bank must have received instruction to transfer, did his bank report the outflow of funds to BNM? r cash was loaded into a private jet?

  4. Jika dulu ketika kera-kera Najib melompat menuduh Yahudi punca pergolakkan dalam negara ramai melihatnya sebagai jenaka paling bodoh pernah keluar dari mulut ahli politik. Dan hari ini ketika pelbagai masalah ciptaan 'the ape' dan kera-keranya terus menghimpit negara manakala rakyat sudah tidak mampu bersabar lagi mencari penyelesaian tuntas, adalah perbuatan mengundang nahas dan celaka besar jika terus mengaitkan Yahudi-Amerika sebagai dalang.

    Kera-kera (Bahagian) merampas kuota Bumiputera dan mengagih kepada anak beranak mereka ketika ramai lagi Bumiputera yang layak ke atasnya diabaikan, Yahudi pula dipersalahkan.

    Kera-kera (Majlis Tertinggi) mengaut segala projek kerajaan dan berkongsi dengan anak beranak dan sahabat handai mereka ketika ramai lagi pengusaha dan pemaju berkelayakkan dengan tawaran lebih munasabah dipinggirkan, Yahudi juga dipersalahkan.

    Kera-kera (Singgahsana, Persekutuan dan Negeri) menjual dalil 'bayangan Tuhan di Bumi' dan 'Khalifah terpilih' untuk mencengkam perut pertiwi dan rakyat seolah ianya hak peribadi abadi mereka, Yahudi lagi dipersalahkan.

    Kita tidak perlu bangsa Yahudi untuk menjatuhkan bangsa Malaysia. Negara ini sudah lama ada klon-klon Yahudi berselindung di sebalik busana dan budaya Melayu serta sangat Islamik namanya sedang nama mereka dalam Kitab Amal di Luh Mahfuz adalah Fasiq, Munafiq dan Kufur.

    Tidak salah mendoakan celaka ke atas mereka. Penghinaan Allah ke atas mereka amatlah besar.

    “(Orang-orang munafik itu) sama sahaja engkau meminta ampun untuk mereka atau engkau tidak meminta ampun bagi mereka. Jika engkau (wahai Muhammad) meminta ampun bagi mereka tujuh puluh kali (sekalipun) maka Allah tidak sekali-kali mengampunkan mereka; yang demikian itu, kerana mereka telah kufur kepada Allah dan RasulNya; dan Allah tidak akan memberi petunjuk hidayah kepada kaum yang fasiq". Surah At Taubah 80

  5. house of shame

  6. Ya Allah Ya Tuhan Kami. Kami haramkan dari bahagian Kami hasil yang dikutip penguasa melalui cukai-cukaian menjadi upah, ganjaran dan habuan kepada mereka yang tidak amanah kepada jawatan mereka, tidak adil terhadap penghukuman mereka, tidak mencegah kebathilan dengan kudrat mereka, tidak menghalang pekerjaan fitnah dengan akal mereka, tidak menentang penginayaan dengan ilmu mereka dan tidak jujur dengan janji-janji mereka.

    Ya Allah Ya Tuhan Kami. Sesungguhnya doa hamba-hamba Mu yang terinaya amat dekat di sisi Mu. Dengarlah dan segerakanlah permintaan-permintaan Kami. Jika benar mereka berhajat memudaratkan maka celakalah ke atas mereka sepertimana Engkau mencelakakan kaum-kaum terdahulu yang menzalimi. Dan celakalah mereka yang menggunakan ayat-ayat Mu untuk menipu daya.

    Ya Allah Ya Tuhan Kami. Ampunilah Kami, peliharalah iman Kami, kukuhkan taqwa Kami, hindarkan Kami dari fitnah dunia, tunjukkan dan pimpinlah Kami ke jalan yang lurus yang Engkau redhoi dan mudahkanlah urusan (perjuangan) Kami. Amin

  7. Quote: "Your nose is flat, to make it appear pointed, you push forward your cheeks."

    Sak, to make the flat nose appear pointed surely you have to pull your cheeks backward! No?


  8. I suspect that the original source of the $2.6 billion is from Goldmen Sucks and that's why it involved the Wells Fargo Bank, and that's why Goldmen Sucks said the Malaysians wanted the money in a hurry. It was then routed through a couple of layers in the Middle East with nominees used to hide the source of the transaction. That size of funds could only be raised probably using sovereign support letters and 1MDB as leverage.

    As the situation has become untenable, PM Najib, BNM and MACC must reveal the identity of the so-called "donors" and so-called 4 letters which Shahrir claims even the IRD is aware of. National security demands it. Frankly, everything stinks to high heaven and shows that Najib has no sense of self-respect, dignity or honour!

  9. Anyone do a Video Recording of his Speech at Pasir Gudang?

    It will be very Interesting to see his Body language and the crowd response.

  10. Dato SAK,
    Its time UMNO rids itself of political dynasties like the Bin Mahathirs, Bin Razaks, Bin Husseins but neither should it be replaced by the Ben Zahids, Ben KJs and its ilk. Enough of elite politics and elite businessmen. People power now!

  11. The pathetic excuses, the bullying and hatcheting job to try to distract and cover up his wrongdoings makes it obvious that he is guilty. Any fool can tell us that. An innocent person would not react like he did. He knows very well his days are numbered, but he is dragging the whole nation down with him before he leaves. Like you say, thick skin.

  12. Dato, it looks like UMNO are going to have a civil war. Let's sit back & enjoy watching these clowns & fools fighting against each other.

  13. Read this in Apanama's blog under comments.
    This is an extract of message to Tan Sri Abu Kassim SPRM from DATO HJ ABDUL RAZAK IDRIS, President, ExMACC Officers Association,7Aug 2015.

    " ....May I remind you that MACC hv also their trump cards. One of which is sec 23 MACC Act punishable under sec 24 of the same Act which is like sec 124 Penal Code carries a max jail term of 20 years.

    If l or anybody or MACC itself were to lodge a formal report under this section alleging Najib in collusion wt AG n PDRM ( based on the surrounding circumstances ) had been/are abusing public offices to hamper any action or proceedings etc against Najib ( within the definition of " gratification " ) then likewise MACC can also legally investigate not only PDRM but also Najib and AG. If that happens, AG and PDRM cannot stop or disband investigation against them. If they do then it is anor same offence on them sooner or later. Legally too therefore MACC can arrest rightaway Najib, PDRM officer/officers concerned and AG under various reasons since the case is a seizeable offence and continue the investigation, just like what PDRM had done to MACC.... "

    Wow, is this true?

  14. Affin bank just bought a piece of land in TRX. they mention pricing based on GFA which is RM309.67 psft at a plot ratio of 15.2 and total price paid is RM255mil. well that translates to a price of RM4,707 psft for a 54,174 sqft of land. Tabung Haji paid RM2,773 psft. Lodin is written every where and looks like another bail out. The plot ratio is one of the highest that I know of. Please note the price is for the land that comes with a plot ratio of 15.2 that has been approved by DBKL. it doesn't include the land unless they put another spin to it.

  15. U: We'll pull through this crisis. Umno will return unscathed.

    B: That's not the point, is it? Umno is just a partial derivative of the political equation. This means there are other options and it is time everyone who can vote sees the crisis as the final indictment of Umno, a party worm-rotted to the core and way past its stale expiry date. And by final, i mean habis-lah cerita.

    It must now be completely rejected, jettisoned and put to pasture so that it can take time to honestly review its own reality, relevance and rigmaroled rigged roles.

    If you leave it alone to continue holding power, that power will further corrupt its leaders from making honest reviews because the power has already corrupted their hearts and minds until they can say one thing to the rakyat and do another thing behind their backs for all the pretentious public display of holding out both hands in some act of piety before our Almighty.

    That's why crises happen again and again all these anguished years. Our Almighty Sees through everything. No accountability for all the stealing. Followed by no transparency so that those insufferable crooks can continue to wipe off the trail of their thievery. And when they fail to do so, they use every trick in their black books to deflect attention and distort facts in order to throw the rakyat off the track. So that when even those fail, the institutions that are supposed to protect the rakyat and the nation are instead used against both in order to protect the miscreants, misfits and maleficents. Enough-lah! (lightning streaks across darkening sky, thunder peals, tears of rain tumble...)

    U: (wipes sweat from nervous brows) I hate to say it but you're right. Just as you were right when you noted we have been using the process of race then religion then royalty to rake communal tension, sweep fawning loyalty and tighten our power control. But..

    B: No but's. Just sore butt's. Here are two. One, if you say the rakyat make outrageous statements in the social media and take that as a reason to tighten control over their social media, why can't you just rebut their points one by one as and when they make them? If you next say you have done so, look again at what you had said or twittered, and ask yourself why then must you use twits to arrest the rakyat just because they cannot accept the riff-rafflish waffles you advance as excuses?

    The rakyat ask where's the money and you and your ilk answer you never used it for personal gain. When they expose wrong-doings, you execute arrests on the well-meaning whistle-blowers instead of going after the wrong-doers in much the same way you arrested those whose goods were flicked and bailed out instead the thieves who stole at that mall.

    When the rakyat say the entire cabinet is complicit, your people say they don't know what's going on, a point which is incidentally so telling of how this country has been irresponsibly run all the while. Then they turn around and contradict themselves to say they know a bit more than others because they have fact sheets. Then they turn around again and say they don't understand the deals. You don't even know how to lie logically so what are you all good for? Members of a syndicate running a rogue nation on a mission impossible to achieve? Why not self-destruct in zero seconds right now?

  16. 2/

    U: Hey that's cute but..

    B: I haven't finished. Two, the rakyat are suffering because Umno caused the suffering. You put in a tax that has ballooned inflation while knowing full well the rakyat cannot make more on their own to pay for the hiked prices. And that's retribution for all the Umno years of frivolous excesses and coconut-shell mentality towards real national development. Then you go and steal huge sums of rakyat money that are wired all over the globe to the utter embarrassment of the rakyat before the astonished eyes of the entire world. From those crony accounts, you chew and skim off big parts whose fate is still unknown after years. Now the rakyat are asking whether the desalination plants and coal mines are in hollywood or manhattan. While the rakyat are suffering from nenek to cucu, you pompously flaunt a frivolous lifestyle of marcosian proportions conveyed with the aplomb and gait of a caesar to the beat of hiltonian gyrations not even originated from middle-eastern belly-dancers, and all presumably while you're on a gazetted salary scale that won't even pay for the leather strap of one handbag. Right, Mr El Presidente, and your hangers-on, free-loaders, bangsa-agama-dan-tanah-air tricksters?

    U: (sweat streaks down back) Hey that's not fair. We..

    B: Patience. I haven't finished. You ask that the rakyat forget it, put all behind, that it's just politics you can hire and fire, that it's just a game. Well, let me tell you something on their behalf. The kraken has awakened. They realize to every man, woman, child and cow that they have been fooked by crooks. And hey, that's such an apt new word. Fooked.

    Just imagine. You have the nerve to ask the rakyat to rally again with and behind you. What for? To smell the unsmellable, defend the indefensible, suffer the insufferables? Fook to you all! I am telling you the rakyat are not just revulsed. They are convulsed with a volcanic anger of explosive climax against all the unta's of Umno.

    U: That is so unfair..

    B: You are not going to be the only one to ask the rakyat to shut up. Didn't you say we are a democracy? Shan't we take that to mean this is not an animal farm - for if we are, you'll be the first lined up for the abattoir?

    You ask for unity and teamship again so that development will be what you had promised. Did you promise the rakyat the fate of 1MDB to follow the fate of Felda, TH, what not else? Incidentally, what does 'D' stand for in 1MDB? It stands for development, doesn't it? So if 1MDB is finito, what is it you are now promising? The rakyat shudder to think if you and your bloody conniving crooks had succeeded in getting to mortgage the terengganu oilfields instead, what would have happened to the whole country's economy. Well, we know. More mansions, movies, shopping sprees and fine champagne for some, and kangkung and satu-ringgit ayam for millions.

    So that you don't think the rest of you are absolved just because everyone is now going after N only, let me ask you and you and you and... - how the fook did you afford those expensive wristwatches beyond your payscales ( Aren't you afraid of hudud?

    U: We inherited them.

    B: So what's keeping you from declaring your assets? Too shy or too sly?

    U: Hey that's not...

  17. 3/3

    B: Fair? You want to talk about fair. Let me goreng your telur right now. The pagoh cow said he asked N about that large sum. One, did he ask about the interest earned on it? Two, if he had known about that sum, why the deafening silence all those weeks before when the storm was brewing? Three, what was his role in cow-gate? And four, what has happened to cow-gate?

    U: You're asking me? I haven't received the fact sheet yet...

    B: Fact sheet. Charge sheet. All just shit. Now, this umno puteri girl with the memorandum of a hundred over branch signatures. She wears this shiny uniform. Maybe she should go back to sekolah first because she has only engaged a heart that is misplaced since the akal was left behind in the bilik darjah. Why she never asked about cowgate after she had said she loves Umno and bangsa and what not? That's the problem with our Umno malays. Seeing what we only want to see for the convenience of our own self-appointed myths. Lying to ourselves in order to lie to the rakyat of Malaysia. Racializing problems to only serve our own community exclusively even when those problems are suffered by all communities that pay the taxes which are the money needed to solve the problems, what more buy her shiny uniform. What's that word? Munafiq? Better use the money to help single mothers abandoned by their husbands under the influence of male-supremacized beliefs of camel vintage. no? no? no?

    U: But..

    B: All must go lah. Buang lah semua. If N is out, who's next? Baganlatuk? Beer-drinker? M's Baldie? If what i had predicted about the PAC being toothless is true until its head can be seduced by just a dep seat, what is it that can still make Umno so much the saving grace for the twenty percent of Malay voters who still cling onto the unclingable, the telfonized, the screwed-up racists and crooked hypocrites of the century? M can trace for himself the Umno of his creation after he reads again his own post:

    So remember this. We are no longer churlish to conclude Umno is just a partial derivative or curly. For the twits and uber-troopers, that doesn't necessarily imply curs. But they already know that, don't they?

    U: Actually, i too sometimes think they don't. And, B, all your points are well-taken.

    B: So, it remains for me to ceremonially hand over this pink mop. Clean out completely your own party. It's not just a national and international embarrassment. By His Standards, it's a cosmic revulsion. Go join Pakatan and help it transform into the new saviour of Malaysia. You already know all the bad things that must be avoided. After all, you had so many years doing them.

  18. Whatever happens (country going bankrupt or ringgit exchange rate going to 5.00), Najib intends to stay forever, come what may. He cannot afford to resign as the consequences will be very dire indeed given his numerous escapades.

    As for the Rakyat, the only avenue left is to turn to the Royalty. If and when the Royal Institution says the word "go" (no need to officially sack him), his authority to rule and his power will immediately ceased as all the institutions and the Rakyat will turn on him.

    This is the moral authority of our beloved Royalty.

  19. @Emer 11:07

    ... tidak perlu bangsa Yahudi untuk menjatuhkan bangsa Malaysia. Negara ini sudah lama ada klon-klon Yahudi berselindung di sebalik busana dan budaya Melayu serta sangat Islamik namanya sedang nama mereka dalam Kitab Amal ...

    Tidal terpikir saya kononnya klon-klon Yahudi dah lama bersama kita. Patutlah cepat mengecam saudara-saudara lama.

    TQ brother.

    Selamat usaha-usaha menyelamatkan kita daripada malapetaka economi akibat mainan politik jahat Yahudi tempatan.

  20. it's not worth it to take all those blows for cutie lowblow jho low low job blow mr.bijan.
