Monday 18 May 2015

1MDB ialah lubang hitam dalam cakrawala kewangan Malaysia

1MDB ialah sebuah lubang hitam dalam cakrawala negara kita. Dan lubang hitam ini diujudkan oleh PM Najib Tun Razak. 
Dia dan lembaga pengarah, sebelum dan sekarang, semua bertanggung jawab keatas musibah kewangan yang melanda negara.
Ia melanda negara sebab kerajaan menjamin banyak hutang yang diambil oleh syarikat persendirian ini. Kerajaan tidak ada bisness untuk membantu syarikat yang bukan GLC, bukan badan berkanun dan bukan milik negara.
Kenapa PM jadi penasihat dan kenapa kerajaaan menyokong sangat syarikat ini?  
Akhirnya, rakyat Malaysia melalui kecuaian dan kebodohan menteri kewangan di tipu oleh beberapa orang Cina yang dketuai oleh Jho Low, Li Lin Sit, Patrick Mahoney dan Tarek Obaid. List penyangak ini belum muktamad sehingga suatu penyiasatan terperinci dilakukan.
Sejak dari mula 1MDB ialah syarikat shell atau kosong yang diujud untuk membalun duit Malaysia. Dari mula ketika membuat suatu JV dengan PetroSaudi, 1MDB melabur sebanyak USD1 billion yang kesemua nya, akhir nya, masuk dalam akaun yang dkuasai oleh Jho Low.
Dan ini perkara yang semua rakyat Malaysia mesti tahu. CEO 1MDB tidak boleh meluluskan pemindahan USD1 billion kemana mana tanpa persetujuan lembaga pengarah. Ini bererti lembaga pengarah semua bersalah dan bertanggung jawab. 
Saya sangat berharap, lembaga pengarah  tidak akan kata bahawa mereka mendapat arahan. Sebab hanya yang boleh beri arahan ialah penasihat 1MDB iaitu PM sendiri. 
Jika di negara Cina, semua mereka ini, lupakan jika mereka Melayu- akan dibariskan depan penembak. Kalau di Korea Utara akan di tembak dengan anti-aircraft gun.
Dan kerajaan sendiri- mengapa menjamin peneribitan bon yang pertama iaitu sebanyak RM5 billion untuk 30 tahun pada kadar kupon 5.75%? 
Jaminan kerajaan ini adakah ianya dululus oleh cabinet?
 Jika cabinet tidak tahu, maka yang membuat keputusan mengenai kewangan ini ialah menteri kewangan Malaysia. Menteri iu ialah Naib Tun Razak. Dia mesti bertanggung jawab.
Jaminan kerajaan Malaysia bukan UMNO dan BN punya. Ia melibatkan seluruh rakyat Malaysia. Sebab jika 1MDB tidak mampu bayar mana2 terbitan bon dan hutang yang dijamin oleh kerajaan, maka kerajaan akan bayar dengan duit rakyat.
Mengapa membiarkan negara ditipu oleh jho low dan rakan2 nya dengan mereka mencipta dan membuat akuan palsu bahawa petrosaudi mempunyai telaga minyak di Turkemenistan dan lain2 tempat? Sedangkan pada kebenaran nya, mereka tidak mempunyai apa apa asset lansung.
Mengapa USD 1 billion atau lebih, yakni bahagian pelaburan dari 1MDB ditukar menjadi hutang kepada  petrosaudi?Kenapa tidak ambil tindakan undang2 untuk mendapatkan wang ini?
Sudahlah ditukar menjadi hutang apabila tenyata, Petrosaudi hanya shell company yang tidak ada asset apa2, ada pula perjanjian yang 1MDB mesti memberi pinjaman kepada Petrosaudi.
Dato Najib tidak perlu berdolak dalih lagi. 1MDB is a scam job untuk balun duit rakyat. Ada kes outright embezzlement apabila USD 1 billion atau lebih dibenarkan berpindah kedalam akaun yang dikuasai oleh JHo Low.
Scam ini tidak akan berjaya tanpa collusion antara mereka yang ada kuasa- mungkin dari penasihat, lembaga pengarah semestinya dan juga pegawai2 eksekutif 1MDB.
Orang2 ini, mesti disiasat dan jika mana2 didapati melakukan salah laku  penipuan dan pencurian wang, mesti di hukum.


  1. First of all,I would like to comment on Sarawak Report's on 1 MDB's hanky panky.SR first surface as an anti Taib blog and broadcasting propaganda,all against Taib and concentrated on Sarawak.

    Now it is totally against 1MDB.How much of it's reporting is true,I do not know.But,I am pretty sure that it has the backing and financial support of the opposition.Just think,how can this blog get all the damning information on 1MDB,when even the PR cannot.

    I think that Najib is purposely letting the small fire started by SR grow into an out of control bushfire.He is letting the opposition and his enemies in Umno get sucked into this false feeding propaganda,and finally getting all the firehouses in Malaysia and the neighboring countries come and douse it out.When this bushfire has finally been put out,Jibby and Fat Mama will be standing on top of the ashes.

    In the end,Najib plans of having his enemies all haul up in his trawler's fishing nets,work up to a T.Najib,the fisherman and Mahathir and gang,plus the opposition as fishes.What a script for Fat Mama's son's next Hollywood movie.

    1. Talk about spin and misinformation this certainly take the cake. And it is mischievous to suggest (dirty mind trick) that it was PR who had financed SR. Bloody internet shrill !!!

  2. Jho Low mendakwa PM terlibat menipu Maybank & CIMB dalam penjualan RHB.... baca sepenuhnya di Sarawak Report....

  3. Dato
    InsyALLAH siasatan berjalanan dgn terperinci.
    Mayu d Maysia ni slalu tidak apa tidak apa
    Nasib baik ada Tun Mahdey yg berani bersuara
    LaknatuLLAH kpd orang2 yg bertanggung jwab n yg d beri amanah atas negara yg tercinta ini.


    1. Anon 06:07 anda jngn pandang isu ini sebelah mata saja. Sebenàrnya isu 1mdb ini tlh dibangkitkan wakil pembangkang sejak 2009 lagi tapi pembangkang katakan, semua yang di cakap dikatakan fitnah. Nak buat camna tahap pendidikan rakyat di M'sia ni dari dunia ke3, faham2 sajalah....

  4. In the Sarawak Report latest today, it reads:

    "The most shocking aspect of this illegal plan was that Jho Low’s emails claimed he had the knowing consent of the PM at every stage, leaving glaring questions as to the PM/ Finance Minister’s level of involvement in the plot:

    31st May 2011

    “I had a meeting with HE Prime Minister of Malaysia (“HE PM”) this evening whom has subsequently spoken to the Central Bank Governor and the following has been established:

    Malaysian Government Position:

    Once ADCB Board approves to sell its stake to Aabar at 2.2x Q1 2011 book, both ADCB and Aabar will write in simultaneously to the Central Bank of Malaysia (“BNM”)to request for approval to negotiate…..

    “It is important to put pressure on ADCB Board to ensure they agree on our price and that they only write to BNM for approval to negotiate with Aabar and not the other bidders”….

    “HE PM and BNM Governor has agreed that Abu Dhabi will first be allowed to sell its 25% stake in ADCB to Aabar prior to the CIMB/MayBank bidding war to take-over or merge with RHB Bank occurring. Even in the event of a merger, Aabar’s shares in RHB Bank would be underwritten or taken-out”..

    I would recommend…..Goldman Sachs (Asia) for International Advisory since they .. can quickly assist in the 2nd sale from Aabar to Maybank/CIMB.”

    Does this mean that Zeti and Bank Negara had full knowledge of the arrangements that PM “Agreed” with J Low for Jho Low and his business partners, who were the UK based investor Robert Tchenguiz and the then Chairman of Abu Dhabi’s Aabar fund, Khadem Al Qubaisi to make USD500M (“Minimum”) profit from insider deal against CIMB/Maybank.
    The plan was to orchestrate a quick flip sale of RHB bank shares owned by the Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank (ADCB), in the full knowledge that two of Malaysia’s own banks CIMB and Maybank were in the process of seeking a merger with RHB.

    Zeti must clarify on the above, and Najib on his alleged "involvement".

  5. Saya cadangkan dilihat semula penyangak yg didakwa ambil peluang menipu 1MDB. apakah latar belakang mereka dan adakah pakatan sulit dengan mana-mana parti politik atau negara lain yg terlibat.

  6. Smlm najib skali lg mendapat sokongan dr geng2 mubarak@murtabak di klang sgor....why and why....nmpknya amat sukar menjatuhkan hukum kpd anak tun razak yg dihormati ini....dia semacam ada kuasa kebal dr apa2 rungutan....jawapan dlm blognya pula mcm jawab soalan upsr....yg lg best jho low dan arul kanda boleh tersenyum girang sekarang ni...arul blk dr ofis terus singgah makan di restoran mewah...jho low pulak mlm2 lepak di kelab mlm sambil yam seng dgn geng2 kampung dan murtabak td pun hidup mewah juga sbb najibul ada....

  7. Bruno - where's the RM28 billion? Let's forget about your pro-Najib spins etc, just where is the RM28 billion?

  8. Seet Li Lin, sahabat dan pekerja Jho Low telah mengigau di dalam facebooknya,"I feel the earth moved under my feet" sejurus Good Star menerima US $700 million daripada 1MDB.

    Sekarang saya mengigau tiap malam tak tahu bilakah lanun-lanun akan bertaubat.

  9. When Najib declared AG investigation on 1MDB, on the same beadth PMO announced cabinet cleared 1MDB of any wrondoings after briefing by Deloitte and Arul. In TV3' pre-recorded interview, Najib mentioned keen to know AG's investigation if 1MDB ventures into hollywood moviemaking. Ha ha, talk about preemptive strikes!

    If AG's TOR is to verify Deloitte without any elements of forensic to verify SR and pacify the public's hunger for the truth then expect the preemptives to be perfect on the dot.. no wrongdoings, no movie ventures, zero qualifications by international auditors since inception.. blah blah

    No wonder the keyword now from all sundry for 1MDB is wait for official AG's reports.. from 1MDB BOD, and management, Najib, PAC, PDRM, MACC, KJ, BNBBC. Expect also the boomerang effect allround if AG gives clean bill of health.

    SR whistleblowers' exposure of money siphoning, scam, corrupt practises, abuse of power, heist of the century, insiders' trading at the highest level, all will remain buried as mere allegations by an online blog with suspicious connections to opposition and hellbent to discredit an honest legitimate ruling government and its clean honest leaders..

    In US, what started as whistleblowers' exposure of Watergate scandal ended in the impeachment of a sitting president.. In Bolehland, whistleblowers are not welcomed!!!!

  10. Firestone,what the public,that includes Dr Mahathir and the opposition are getting thier infomation on 1MDB is through the reporting by Sarawak Report.

    Nobody said that they got the information on their own.Nobody wants to get credit for outting 1MDB big fishes.Because they all just jumped onto the bandwagon of the feeding frenzy of SR.Not wanting to know if the reportings by SR is correct?Why not PKR's Rafizi or DAP's Tony Pua come out and claim credit for it?And now insider trading,pula?Go figure.

  11. Sarawak Report is a propaganda blog and also a clandestine radio operator.All I am saying is that we have to take it's reporting with a grain of salt,added,of course.

    The reason PR was unable to win GE 13th,was because of it's herd mentality.They have Rafizi who was very successful in the private sector.Tony Pua was even more successful.He sold off his Singapore listed company for big bucks.But when it comes to politics,they are like bullies in a debating competition,or rather more likely street corner samsengs.

    Now we have Umno,again with their house in disorder.Instead of getting their three strange bedfellows for a pillow talk and capitalising on their opponents weaknesses,they are busybodies in Umno's odd couple divorce proceedings.These people never learn.The result?On GE 14th night,Umno's odd couple will be sitting on their faces.You guys better believe it.

  12. Enough of your spinning for Najib, Bruno... just answer me straight these three (3) questions... straight answers please... don't beat around the bush like your boss Najib...

    i. where is the RM28 billion? Rm28 billion arrived at when we less total debt of RM42 billion less assets in the accounting book;

    ii. if there is money, why borrow RM2 billion from Ananda Khristan plus a RM950 million standby credit from MOF (which was ultimately drawn down....)

    iii. Is the USD1.03 billion REALLY in BSI Bank in Singapore?

    Have a great day, Bruno....

    p/s do you believe the new Airbus flying from Malta back to KL had to detour to Almaty (Kazakhtan) due to bad weather? Like you I also believe... like I believe pigs do fly....

  13. The important question is what is N's role in 1MDB.

    His role cannot be just as advisor because the 1MDB board would have to demur to the Finance Minister on anything regarding funds for 1MDB which is a national sovereign fund. And N is the national Finance Minister as well. Therefore N would have known all along, and hence be ultimately responsible for approvals of any movement of 1MDB's funds.

    Such movements would have been documented in 1MDB's records otherwise how could the three external auditors have proceeded until two gave up?

    And since 1MDB is a national sovereign fund, or what's left of it, N's cabinet would also have been in the know since day one and the members of that cabinet would have known almost as much as the 1MDB board. Therefore those members who said they didn't know what was going on must have had a sudden loss of memory. That the memory loss was unrealistically collective and simultaneous implies it was faked. Therefore all were and remains equally complicit. Accessories, to cut the chase.

    Next. There's a huge sum of money out of 1MDB whose location cannot be found by any man-made GPS. Maybe it's just a sleight-of-hand paper valuation of assets puffed up to some hyperbole even before one brick is laid. But the fact of the matter is the sum is huge and N's government backed it to the last dollar under all conditions. That is as bad as saying the 47% government will guarantee that the rakyats' treasury shall pay if 1MDB defaults any time. And treasury has already coughed one such sum. There's more to come and it is to no credit of both the board and N that Tabung Haji's fund would have been used to mitigate the pressure on 1MDB's debt servicing if not for public exposure. And you know there was bad design on TH's funds because they are now trying to nab the guy who gave the public exposure even as they are now trying to find buyers for TH's investment in the asset.

    Next. What is next? The damage control exercise now is to buy time using the PAC and Auditor-General.

    It is wrong to say the PAC is bipartisan. That's like saying the Speaker of the House is bipartisan. If the latter has to a fault been sitting on only the incumbent's furniture, what has the PAC to show all these years at delivering reforms out of the incumbent from what the Opposition has been driving?

    And while the Auditor-General can report on departmental price distortions, it has never exercised any operation to forensically trace movement of funds. Otherwise by now the jails would have been filled to at least five storey's.

    So neither PAC nor AuG can be pre-qualified to do the forensic tracing of what actually happened to 1MDB's funds.

    Therefore their nomination is just an attempt at deflection from the obvious conclusion that N and his entire cabinet plus the board of 1MDB are in the know about the whole matter. For it is ludicrous for them to call upon the PAC and AuG so late in the scam to try and find answers when two professional firms had already walked out after being paid to audit 1MDB. Unless there was something internally wrong, which firm wouldn't have wanted to add to its resume that it had audited a national sovereign fund?

  14. 2/2

    Next. Why did N categorically deny that JLo had anything to do with the internal operations of 1MDB when there are enough extensive and intensively detailed documents whose veracity has not been denied by the named gentleman and his associates to-date, one of whom recently fired from all his positions by his employers?

    Then, there's the effect on national debt. The cut-off point is 55% based on GDP. This excludes the contingent liabilities of GLCs which if added would hit 85%. Add this new 1MDB contingent liability and the debt level has reached defcon four. Because no one would be crazy enough to buy the assets unless it is a fire sale which means the loan debts accumulated todate out of the fund will have to be footed by treasury. Meaning the rakyat of timbuktoo formerly called Malaysia.

    How is N going to wriggle out of this one? If his PAC-AuG finds that it's all bad investments, he is still liable because he cannot say he didn't know what was going on enough to have stopped it. So that's fiduciary dereliction at the chairmanship level. Which is absolute. Which explains why he has not answered any question clearly on the whereabouts of the funds.

    This 1MDB matter is financial injustice in much the same way the Altantuya case is criminal injustice. In the latter case, the clarion call from the whole world is one simple question, "who ordered the hit?" Since the shooters were his bodyguards, it is inconceivable he did not even lift a finger to get to the bottom of it all those nine years. If he could say it's utter rubbish others were involved, he must have proof that his bodyguards had acted alone. But what motive could they have had to try and obliterate the poor girl using C4 that would have to be signed out beforehand from its store? Why did they have to bring her to a remote place in Shah Alam unless there was prior intention to bomb her out of all traces? Why not bury after bullet?

    These questions but hide the real over-arching question, namely why were both prosecution and defence seemingly acting in concert not to ask those obvious questions?

    Which comes back to 1MDB. The same pattern of putting in people and agencies who would be expected to foul up the process of getting the truth.

    The game of deflection.

    The same game played by M. In tarring N, he had to bring up LGE. He should ask himself what exactly had LGE done that requires him to resign. As it would be done in a formal investigation, give names, places, date and time, and the socalled misdemeanors, plus the principles involved.

    Then all can preempt what will happen next when the Umno leadership tries to pull the final chestnut out of the fire. Use deflection of the usuals, namely in order of progress - race, then religion, then royalty - to buy time until GE14, then gerrymander the electoral boundaries for return of the incumbents. And another five years of ripping, looting and bullying.

    Not just piratical but also lavatorial.


    1. Any particular reasons why Dato' Sak is not in LGE's 'Shadow Cabinets', Walla? Could it be due to intimidation, inferior or because he is a Malay? Luckily, there is one Malay-sounding name in Zairil, but he is Chinese too, sadly. Coincidence or by design? If DAP and PR wants Malay support, it/they has/have to be seen color-blind and not just some rhetorical ideology. We are watching more so brcause Dato' Sak is a fine gentleman and politician. Card to hazard a guess, Walla? Or else I would say that you ars just full of yourself.

    2. Are you sure Dato Sak is not in the shadow cabinet ? your eye must have some big problem n u better go for a check up. I suggest you look through the list again.

  15. Anon 18:02,

    You mean someone must be a cabinet member in order to serve the rakyat? Go ahead and ask all the Umno and BN cabinet members which amongst them have served the rakyat of Malaysia.

    It is indeed tragic that in order to tar the DAP as racial, you have to resort to a RACIAL argument first.

    Ask yourself in full humble honesty WHICH party started all that.

    And show you have gumption to give the answer here.

    Meanwhile, you should be directing your question to Dato' Sak whether he had offered his candidature.

    Another case of the game of deflection. That's how this country has come to this stage.

    People who can't see they are the ones too full of and fooled by themselves. Only.

    Come on, grow up.

  16. Walla, well said.

    All spin and deflection, and yet he doesn't even know which question must be addressed to whom at least to appear credible both to the blog host and the rest of the vigilant crowd.

    So, "...Dato' Sak is a fine gentleman and politician" is condescending, if not fake endorsement of Dato's candidature.

    Good we all saw through this pathetic pseudo-support for Dato' Sak by a glib talker who can't seem to bear the load of all the arguments put forth against piracy and bad book-keeping. A short throw-away paragraph has revealed much more than he was prepared to reveal.

    Grow up, but please don't shut up - we still need to feel the pulse of those who need help until of course when they are beyond help.
