Saturday 24 May 2014

Orang Orang yang tidak Bersyukur.

Sanggup atau tidak kita menggelar bapa kemerdekaan , Tunku Abdul Rahman sebagai tidak bersyukur? Dia dulu UMNO, jadi presiden UMNO, jadi PM. Keluar UMNO sedudah mencapai semua itu. Tentulah Tengku Abdul Rahman manusia yang tidak bersyukur, beterima kasih. UMNO dah jadikan dia presiden, jadi PM, tapi dia keluar juga. Tunku Abdul Rahman, manusia yang tidak bersyukur.
Hussein Onn jadi presiden UMNO, dan jadi PM. Keluar UMNO dan mati pun bukan dalam UMNO. Hussein Onn pun manusia yang tidak tahu bersyukur.
Tan Sri MOhamad Mohd Taib, jadi naib presiden UMNO. Jadi ketua bahagian. Jadi MB Selangor. Keluar UMNO masuk PAS. Tan Sri Mat Tyson manusia yang tidak tahu bersyukur.
Manusia yang paling tidak berterima kasih dan tidak bersyukur ialah Nabi Musa Alaihissalam. Semasa kecil, hanyut dalam sungai. Di selamatkan oleh permaisuri Firaun. Membesar oleh ehsan dan kasih sayang firaun dan isteri. Akirnya menentang Firaun yang dianggap Tuhan oleh rakyat Mesir ketika itu.
Kalau kita selidiki dengan halus, pemberontakan, penolakan dan melawan UMNO oleh 3 tokoh Malaysia sama dengan prinsip disebalik pemberontakan, penentangan Nabi Musa terhadap Firaun.
Semua mereka menjadi penegak kebenaran dan melawan pemerintah yang menganiaya dan membohongi rakyat. kerajaan yang rasuah dan menunggang atas nama agama, bangsa dan tanah air untuk merompak kekayaan negara.
Prinsip nya, menggigit tangan yang menyuap dibolehkan dan boleh dijustifikasi bilamana penyuap itu sudah menyimpang jauh dari kebenaran dan kebaikan.
Oleh yang demikian, orang Melayu tidak perlu dengar cerita dongeng puak UMNO yang menyatakan calun DAP Teluk Intan, Melayu bangsa nya, Islam agama nya yang berlawan dengan calun BN yang bukan Melayu.
Pertentangan calun Pakatan Rakyat dari DAP mewakili komitment untuk menegakkan budaya tataurus kerajaan yang baik, melawan rasuah, salah guna kuasa, keangkuhan puak yang berkuasa, menentang pembulian oleh mereka yang dilindungi oleh UMNO dan kerajaan. Menyokong calun Pakatan Rakyat bererti meraikan kemenangan amar makruf keatas kemungkaran yang diwakili oleh UMNO.
Yang ini kita besyukur. Kita bersukur puak desperado UMNO merempuh dan menceroboh masuk kedalam dewan Undangan Negeri Pulau Pinang. Kita bersukur puak pemuda UMNO mengugut untuk membakar bangunan ibu Pejabat DAP.
Semua perlakuan ini, menunjukkan bahawa UMNO melindungi keganasan apabila menyedari rakyat sudah menolak mereka. Pengajaran ini dilihat dan dipelajari oleh pengundi di Teluk Intan.
Tidak syak lagi pada 31 Mei ini, mereka akan keluar beramai ramai menolak parti yang menyokong keganasan dan tektik jahat untuk menang.
Orang Melaka kalau lama tak jumpa kawan akan berkata- hoi lahabau, cilaka, lama tak jumpe, ingatkan dah mati.


  1. Umno Baru is very ungrateful to the people for choosing it to govern the country.It has plundered the country's wealth together with their cronies.And it has let their own race down by not looking after them.Malays,who are Umno cronies benefitted the most.Those Malays without Umno connections are left out in the cold.

    Dyana Sofya is also a Malay.But she believes in what the DAP is doing.Fighting for equality for all Malaysians.Umno do not like people who do not agree with them.To them Dyana Sofya is not a Malay and is a traitor.That is the Umno mentality.

    And look at what Umno has done to Dyana Sofya.Umno big guns are going on rampage against her.Personal attacks and gutter politics including throwing the kitchen sink and toilet bowls at her.Letting their biker gangs mat rempits trying to intimidate her when she do her rounds of walkabouts. Some of these biker gangsters try to get to her physically but was stopped by her security personnels.

    What a shame for Umno,the most powerful political party in Malaysia,with all its big guns cannot win over a political greenhorn who also happens to be an educated and smart lady lawyer that it has to call in its biker gangs to help scare this young lady away.

    Peace loving Malaysians of all races must come together as a people and send a message to these Umno bullies and gangsters that just because they control the federal gomen,their gangsters and paid goons cannot run loose causing chaos and havoc all over the country.From Penang to Teluk Intan to Kuala Lumpur and Kuantan,the DAP is being hounded on.Politics is a game for people with thick skin not samsengs.

    The only way to send a message to the Umno that enough is enough is to stand as a people and vote Dyana Sofya as the next MP of Teluk Intan with a huge majority.

  2. When a law is broken,a law is broken.Leaders should not give excuses for their followers after they have broken the laws.They should condemn their followers instead of blaming others.Be a leader,but most importantly be a man.

  3. maestro's worse nightmare.24 May 2014 at 21:42

    If the celaka word was not uttered by the thambi in the Penang SA,would the Umno youth still be going on the warpath.

    Yes,they will.They were out to create trouble and were just waiting for an excuse to let sparks fly.Celaka is a very common word used by the Chinese,Indians and others to poke fun,curse and swear at each other during family and other gatherings.

    Just like the Allah controversy,why the celaka controversy now?

  4. PAS mesti kuat kuat kerja overtime in Changkat Jong to ensure a big win for PR candidate Dayna Sofya.

  5. UMNO pembela nasib orang Melayu? Betul ke? Mereka ingat majoriti rakyat Malaysia bodoh ke? Pooi!

  6. the mean machine24 May 2014 at 23:56

    Teluk Intan voters must lead the way to show Malaysians that intimidation,hooliganism and gangsterism is not the way to win elections.That bigots and gangsters afflilated to the ruling regime Umno must not be tolerated,and have to be punish to the fullest extent of the law.

    Nobody causing harm and damage to people and properties can be let unabetted by the law because their masters are cabinet ministera and Umno leaders.Nobody is above the law,nobody.We have seen Umno people get away with rapes and murders.When is all this barbaranism going to end.When they have plunged the whole country into bloodshed and chaos.

  7. Hear hear.

    Zahid promises Rela new uniforms if Gerakan wins Teluk Intan.

    Well Mr Zahid,what if Gerakan loses the Teluk Intan by election.Do the Rela guys run the streets naked?

  8. Zahid dan Muyhiddin serupa abang adek.Otak tiada,kelapa besar ada.

  9. Sunday's Bukit Glugor by election Ramkarpal is expected to cruise to a landslide victory.And Ramkarpal's three opponents stands a very good chance of losing their deposit.And one candidate out of fear of losing his deposit wanted to withdraw at the last minute.Smelling wagyu beef of course the EC said no way.Hehe.

    If all three independent candidates lost their deposit,PR will descend down to Teluk Intan with great momentum,like a mini tsunami.Maybe by Monday all the PR leaders will be in Teluk Intan.Surely the election fever will be burning high with the big boys in town.

    The BN big boys have already had their fun,trying to bully Dayna but to no avail.This young fiesty lady has since made mincemeat out of the BN big boys who had to call in reinforcements in the likes of mat rempits.Soon it be be PR's time to have fun.Enjoy the music while the band is still playing.

  10. Reminds me of Beetle Bailey cartoon strip by Mort Walker. Being bored Bailey and his equally docile comrades took their rifles into the jungle for a hunting expedition. When they came back their Sargeant asked where they had been to. Bailey gave a straight answer and the Sargeant roared. " How inhuman can you be killing innocent animals with a rifle " These weapons are meant for killing people "

  11. Salah tu. Nabi Musa tak pernah disayangi oleh Firaun sejak dari kecil sebab Nabi Musa sering kali menentang Firaun. Dari sirah Baginda, ada beberapa kali Firaun cuba untuk membunuh Nabi Musa tetapi dihalang oleh Asiah, isteri kepada Firaun yang selamatkan Baginda dari dalam sungai.

    Dari tulisan tuan, seolah - olah tuan ingin memperlihatkan yang Firaun tu seorang yang baik hati, menjaga Nabi Musa dengan kasih sayang sedangkan Firaun sejak dari awal berniat hendak membunuh Nabi Musa dengan beberapa cara.
