Tuesday 16 July 2013

UMNO Baruputra: Melayu itu dan Melayu ini, rakyat juga yang ketinggalan

Isiu ini terus dimainkan oleh UMNO. Kalau UMNO tewas maka masa depan orang Melayu akan musnah. Oleh yang demikian, orang Melayu mesti terus menyokong UMNO. Tapi untuk tujuan apa? Supaya mereka yang kita beri kuasa boleh terus mengayakan golongan UMNO Baruputra? Keadaan rakyat Melayu ketinggalan dibelakang. UMNO menjerit sana sini mengenai Melayu itu dan ini. Tapi yang merasai nikmat dari kuasa politik yang rakyat beri ialah putera bangsawan, putera pemimpin UMNO, putera dan puteri kroni UMNO dan putera pegawai tinggi kerajaan.
Perkara ini saya dengar juga selama saya berada dalam persidangan dewan rakyat. Teriakan Melayu itu dan Melayu ini lantang kita dengar. Kadang2 dalam nada yang bellicose dan mengajak kita bergaduh.
Yang berteriak Melayu ini dan Melayu itu lupa bahawa lebih ramai orang Melayu menolak mereka. Dari jumlah 11.23juta yang keluar mengundi, jumlah Melayu ialah 65% atau 7.3 juta.
UMNO dan BN mendapat 3.4juta undi Melayu. Ini bererti 3.9 juta orang Melayu menolak BN berbanding dengan 3.4 juta. UMNO sendiri secara keseluruhan mendapat 3.2 juta undi yakni sama dengan jumlah ahli UMNO.
Maka yang menjerit melayuitu dan ini, menjerit atas otoriti apa? Majority Melayu tidak bersama kamu.
Kita nak tanya, apa parti Melayu yang terbesar lakukan selama mereka perintah. Sejak 1955 hingga hari ini, yang perintah kerajaan persekutuan ialah perikatan dan BN yang dikepalai oleh UMNO.
Pendapatan purata orang kampong yang majority nya Melayu sekitar RM3000 sebulan. Ini angka purata. Dalam kawasan saya Raub, saya tidak tahu bagaimana sebahagian besar rakyat Melayu mencari pendpatan. Mereka hanya berkerja kampong atau makan gaji sebagai buruh menorah getah. Dengan harga getah yang amat rendah keluaga Melayu yang hanya mempunyai pendapatan sebanyak RM200 sebulan pun ramai?
Maka pendapatan purata RM3000 sebulan tidak bererti apa apa kepada orang Melayu. Sebahagian besar berada diluar linkungan pendapatan purata ini. Tapi, kebetulan itulah dianya tahap kelayakan menerima BR1M. maka BR1M sebetulnya pengesahan bahawa orang Melayu miskin selama berada dalam pemerintahan UMNO.
Pendapatan purata orang Melayu 70% dan 85% dari pendapatan purata Cina dan India. Ini bemakna, yang paling miskin ialah Melayu. Setelah berbilion dibelanjakan dan setelah puluhan dasar dijalankan. Setelah puluhan tahun memerintah, 7.2 juta Melayu berpendapatn kurang dan RM1700. 8.7 juta dengan pendapatan RM1500. Pekali gini atau gini coefficient Melayu sekitar 0.421 dikalangan Melayu menunjukkan perbezaaan pendapatan antara kaya dan miskin Melayu masih meluas walaupun sudah diperbaiki semenjak 2009. Pekali untuk Malaysia ialah 0.431. sehingga 2012, incidence of poverty dikalangan Melayu yakni peratusan Melayu yang jatuh dibawah garis kemiskinan ialah 2.2% .
Saya mengajak pembaca Melayu merenung perkara ini. Yang menerpa kepada kita memohon bantuan kebajikan ialah Melayu. Yang menerjah kita apabila ada malapetaka dan bencana alam ialah Melayu. Yang memohon bantuan kewangan untuk ke hospital untuk  mendapaat rawatan khusus dan memerlukan wang nak hantar sekolah ialah Melayu. Jika mak dan bapa bermula sebagai penerima bantuan JKM, anak pun sama mewarisi status ini. Bahkan untuk bayar rumah dan bil api pun yang datang memohon pertolongan ialah orang Melayu.
Yang meraung tidak dapat hak milik tanah yang diusahakan 30-40 tahun ialah Melayu. Jadi, melayu yang macam mana BN tolong?
UMNO tolong UMNO Baruputra. Ketua eksekutif yang bergaji 400 ribu keatas dan 1.2 juta sebulan? Malah ada yang jadi menteri , tahun lepas mendapat gaji dan emolument RM6-7 juta. Melayu jenis ini tidak kisah tak dapat hak milik, tak tahu pun apa jkm, tak tahu perasaan ditimpa bencana alam, tak peka hidup dalam gerobok usang, tidak tertekan mahu menyegolahkan anak dan sebagainya.
Jadi jeritan Melayu itu dan ini yang berkumandang dalam dewan rakyat selama saya bersidang hanya hipokrasi hendak menunjuk2 si penjerit menjuarai kepentingan Melayu. Bagaimana teriakan yang kuat menyelesaikan masaalah kemiskinan dan keterbelakangan Melayu?
Jeritan bukan ganti kepada integriti, tataselia yang baik, kerajaan yang bersih dan cekap, pematuhan kepada pemerintahan ikut undang2 dan akauntabiliti. Jeritan dan pekikan bukan ganti kepada dasar yang jujur dan ikhlas.


  1. Hidup melayu, hidup melayu, tapi melayu yang mana?

  2. Begitu juga di Sabah, insiden rakyat termiskin paling tinggi di Malaysia walaupun mempunyai sumber kekayaan yang banyak, ini kerana tidak ada komitmen dari pemimpin-peminpin BN walaupun sudah memerintah selama 50 tahun.....

  3. salam...mohon tukar link bloglist ngan tuan..jika sudi sila balas.


  4. Bila agaknya orang melayu dikampung akan capai pendapatan minima. .?

    1. Bila umno mampos dan bn kojol. Ini jawapan yg ringkas dan tepat.

  5. Satu hurain yang tepat. Harap dapat membuka minda sebahagian besar orang melayu yang masih tertutup.

  6. Well written, Dato. Hanya Melayu yang mudah di"gula-gula"kan shj yg terus2an mempercayai UMNO. Melayu yg boleh berfikir sedikitpun dan tidak berkepentingan dah lama tinggalkan UMNO!

  7. Dear Sak, thanks for writing yr comments and thoughts in BM. It would be easier for those who live in the rural areas to understand and when written in BM by another Malay yr comments will not be seen as bias. May you be blessed with good health and keep on writing.

  8. Dengan harga getah yang amat rendah keluarga Melayu yang hanya mempunyai pendapatan sebanyak RM200sebulan pun ramai?

    Cuba check it out; paraphrasing other writers' comments : ramai pembantu rumah indon dapat gaji bulanan 600 rm nett, makan minum, dll semua ditanggung, ( syabas majikan yg baik ), belum kira lagi indon yg dapat projek bina ini itu, baiki ini itu, jual beauty products pun boleh jadi jutawan muda, bawa BMW ?! boleh bergaya dgn kereta baru, sedangan Rakyat Melayu hidup papa kedana, silap umno lama, umno baru elite !!! pekik sini sana bawa bendera umno dengan sikap keistimewaan, ramai yg lain pulak cruising dengan kereta mewah, makan angin di Europe, showcase keangkuhan, elitism - fascism ala umno.

    Melayu kita yg terbaik dari segi content of conviction and character dah lama tolak umnoo. Yang setakat pekik-pekik sebagai suara ngo ini itu tanpa sedekahkan harta sendiri yg dimonopolikan untuk anak- anak, menantu bisan, cucu- cicit untuk terus hidup cam firaun, namanya untuk kepentingan sendiri;

    ramai lagi yg boleh buat kerja amal dengan lebih ikhlas secara unassumingly. Tidak mustahil sejuta dua juta lagi akan tinggalkan umno elite ?

    Buat harta secara elok, bukannya melalui polisi- polisi elitist atau collaborate dengan agen- agen asing hinggakan Rakyat kita sendiri hidup menderita, makan petang belum tentu lagi, nak berniaga dengan orang Cina, mereka sendiri pun tertekan.

    Positive changes di mana, di bulan yg mulia ini, konglomerate Melayu, perseorangan Melayu yg berharta banyak boleh melipatgandakan kerja amal yg substantial utuk anak - anak yatim, anak- anak dari keluarga single parents, warga emas Melayu termasuklah rakyat kita yg minoriti, atau memberi sumbangan wang kepada mana- mana wakil Pakatan untuk create peluang pekerjaan atau soft loans untuk improvise sustainable new businesses.

    Agihkan semua peluang pekerjaan serta peluang peniagaan untuk rakyat kita terlebih dahulu, peliknya illegal org asing pun boleh menjadi warganegara Malaysia melalui marriage of convenience dgn putras atau dua tiga orang Melayu kita yg termakan madu serta racun yg dah expired, nak hidup senang lenang tanpa bekerja kuat.

    Siapa yg kata gadis kita pergi universiti untuk cari suami memang BODOH - cave mentality, tapi kalau anak- anak perempuan sendiri, lain polisi pulak cam semua polisi double standards UMNO; men lebih excited kalau terjumpa special gf di universiti - bagi aku aku akan similarly excited berjumpa dgn special gf, jenis yg cool, kurang kontrol, real real smart, rajin, organised serta berhati- mulia terhadap org tua terutamanya dengan orang tua aku, in reciprocation.

  9. yg lapan orang itu macam pondan, lanun, mafia, terlebih pulak ala jaguh lanun buat apa nak serang pasangan Cina yg tidak terlibat, buat Melayu kita malu aje, biarlah MCMC serta PDRM, mahkamah yg hukum mereka, lain pulak kalau berani serang pasangan Alvin, lepas itu semua, termasuk lapan org itu ditahan polis. Puasa ke, sembahyang terawih belum pun nak sebut.


  10. Melayu kena buat macam Cina ,sangup memberi untok dapatkan sesuatu ,tak semua bolih dapat dengan air lior sahaja.

  11. I can relate to what Sak has written regarding the plight of our poor.

    Unlike those who depend on loaded statistics to paint a glossy picture true only in some urban places, and that because of rentier policies, the majority living at the fringes in the rural areas where I have been lately need more than a helping hand.

    In those places there is no power-line electricity and the only water they can get is from the sky. So generator sets and tangki air are a norm. The folks live off the land. You get to see some of them sitting by the roadside trying to sell fruits. For them, it's still subsistence living.

    To be fair, it's not easy to put up electrical cables because once even a small segment is stolen, and that has happened, the grid is off. So we have to think of another solution for poverty alleviation from a more structured perspective.

    We should look at poverty as two-tiered. The first target is to get them off subsistence mode. The second target is to get them into sustenance mode embedded with wealth self-creation.

    The mistake made with rentier policies was to jump the gun and take a short-cut. This has been happening in high places so much so national wealth which could have been properly channeled to lift the poor out of their subsistence mode was diverted too often too much elsewhere, and to hide that, more projects were launched just to make up for the resulting slack or project under-performance.

    But reserves are always finite, and if one tries to draw more energy from the core - like krypton the planet - no amount of juggling will hide the inevitable implosion.

    There are after all no short-cuts in real life. The poor farmer will vouch for that. If he doesn't till, he won't get to plant and harvest to draw fruit to sell to earn enough to buy fertilizers and herbicides needed to improve yield.

    So how do we make a high first impact on those in the first-tier subsistence mode?

    Look to the sky. Since there is plenty of sunlight, harness it through a truly localized solar panel system. This will draw electricity into their homes and wean them off dependence on costly fuel and hard-to-maintain generators. It's also theft-proof.

    Next, understudy how to harness the electricity coursing through their internal home wiring to create electrical broadband that is noise-attenuated. This application has something to do with spectrum allocation which is of course a policy matter.

    Moving forward, assemble the best technical team in the land to understudy how to morph that electrical broadband into wireless applications so that energy from the sun can enable them to make mobile calls using a locally designed rural-mode hand-phone device.

    Meanwhile, assemble a second team on rural mindset transformation to run parallel with the techno- convergence. By that, one means teaching them how to be more resourceful and numerate about their critical success factors whether this be simple record keeping or sourcing for financing or how to repair anything.

    Finally, source and buy the patent on electrode purification of water. I understand one of the better of such devices was designed to military grade in Uzbekistan.

    Once we get to modernize the rural family unit, we can next think about sustenance mode while figuring whether we have a packaged product ourselves to sell to the rest of the world for funds to sustain the program.

    Unfortunately for the racialists, a sustenance mode can only happen if people are networked for honest mutual benefit and brotherly cooperation sans negative policies that breed unsustainable expectations.

    What do you think?

    1. Hi Walla as long as BN are the government of our beloved country, there is no way your brilliant suggestion will become a reality. They will continue to plunder our country resources dry & only enriched themselves & their cronies only. By right there shouldn't be any or minimal poor people in our country.

  12. Who says Malaysia is a poor country? Somebody just spent RM44 million for overseas travel on a private Airbus A319BJ.... and the Youth Rally 2012 in Putrajaya with K-Pop girls cost RM55 million.... so who says Malaysia is poor?

  13. Apo nak di kato Dato' Sak. Najib sendiri belanja jalan sini jalan sane atas tugas resmi dan makan angin luar negara pun dah telan RM 8.5 juta setahun. Hmmm... bagi BR1M RM 500 suruh tahan setahun. Siapa yanG x sakit hati. Skrg harga Barang Naik. BN. Nilai duit turun.

  14. Walla, welcome back to this comment page!

    ‘We should look at poverty as two-tiered. The first target is to get them off subsistence mode. The second target is to get them into sustenance mode embedded with wealth self-creation.’

    Some quote from a distant sage? Or Walla?

    I would like to just add a different angle to what Dato & u have genuinely raised & postulated – some sort of 1+1=2.

    1st a short digress. I’d been away from this country for far too long ever since the lure of chasing the god’s particle, left me unsettled for quite a long time in a circular underground torus. This country’s sopo-economic was so far away & predictorially docile.

    Then I came back to vote for GE13, on my own expense, & staying for the remaining Summer break to hope for a miracle that’s been long overdue for this country. The miracle did not come!

    Now I read that the same old same old story of top grade STPM students were denial entry to their chosen course in local Uni’s. This was the same story that happened to me 20+ years ago & it’s still playing now!

    Make one wonder whether this country is treadmilling on ALL fronts?

    It’s a fact that the Malaysian educational system has been running on zero sum model ever since that Mamak came to be the PM almost 30 yrs ago.

    Under his enhanced NEP on education, many deserving Malaysians of Non-Malay origins were sidelined to give preference to the Malay Malaysians, whom many were of lesser qualitative achievement.

    This was a process of ‘getting them off the subsistence mode’ a fair initiative – to provide models & starting ground for bootstrapping effect within the community, whence the sustenance mode could kick in later.

    This was supposed to be done on an ‘expanded cake’ model, where the Nons were not sidelined.

    Unfortunately, like all things in Malaysia, this time-limited process was abused & transmogrified into a ‘perpetual’ racial policy tied strongly to the ‘maruah bangsa’ by the bigots.

    The key problem in our nationhood development NOW is the damned zero sum mentality. This is especially so in the educational field. Others MUST stayed back, IF the Malays need time to play catch-up, irrespective of the time frame.


  15. 2of2

    The most obvious result is the stagnation of the social-economic developments of Malaysia. She has since fallen behind the likes of Taiwan, Hongkong, S Korea & Singapore, whom were of no match & left far behind in all fronts vis-à-vis the Malaya/Malaysia challenges in 50/60s.

    No for a minute has these bigots thought about the spilled-over effect of the Nons achievement to Malaysia, as a whole, if those Nons high achievers would allow to fulfilled their ambitions. Historically, Malaya/Malaysia had benefitted tremendously in the early years of formation through this contributions. Now, these bigots ONLY want Malays’ achievements to be called genuinely Malaysian. Others Malaysians’ achievements r NOT Malaysian.

    The one side effect of this shallow mind set is that a large section of the Malay Malaysian. mainly rural, has been permanently brain-washed to fear the ‘impossible’ phenomenon of Malaysia turning into a republic, a Christian state, &/or headed by Non Malays!

    Thus, they could not realized that the untold benefits brought by these Nons’ achievements, via expanded economical cake, to Malaysia CAN directly help to enhance the process of sustenance, fully socio-economic, within the Malay community.

    Hence, many of these benefits r lost to other benevolent countries, who r hunger for talents, of all fronts, for nationhood development, irrespective of race & religion.

    In short, these bigots ONLY see self-help by Malay Malaysian as a way out for their socio-economical dilemma. All Others Malaysian’s contributions r judged as selfish & detrimental to the Malay cause (Ketuanan???). Thus the cries of ‘get out of Malaysia if u don’t like the ‘ketuanan’ policies’ to the Nons, even though these Nons r born & raised in this land.

    To achieve socio-economical sustenance, the new Malay Malaysians MUST discard this zero sum mentality, to embrace the fact that Malaysia has the race components of Others. If it so happens that the Others’ can contribute better & faster development to the nation, by all means, accept them, in total.

    There is NO SHAME in admitting deficiencies of whatever fronts. Other races have this shortfall too. One just have to pick up, again, & run – not forever looking for hands &/or excuses. The time for subsistent mode has long passed for ALL Malaysians.


  16. Your ideas given are splendid and feasible, which no amount of money could purchase as, certainly Prof. Michael Sandel of Harvard will be impressed alongside, serious, i know what i am saying, hence Pakatan MPs, adun and their NGOs should take these ideas into serious attention leading to swift practical implementation.

    Yes, migration of development to the rural areas, but the thickened skulls with vested interests sieve through and long deny our poor their rights to improve their livelihood and our rights as socially conscious professionals from the high to middle income tiers to able to have some savings and not slide into the poverty,( there is this innate concern we might slide, with rampant corrupted leaders !! ), some are giving assistance, time and resources to their respective meaningful causes which bring hopes and positive changes to others, hence creating mutual sustainble wealth in brotherhood is important.

    Reading from an equally outstanding blog, to Yang Berkhidmat Mr. Wong who used his own resources to spur free range chicken rearing project to improve the livelihood of our poor regardless of race, keep up your excellent work which will create meaningful subsistence living. Let the people's improved lives and those who slog with you in the nobel cause speak for your sincere contribution to our society.

    The gal in the power suit ( real strange ?? ), abroad, we will be mocked wearing power suits, it is outdated !! ) with DNA for luxury taste, the uber expensive car and raised by a dad and now others had even rebranded as tiger mom's stacks of credit cards, unresolved scandals.

    Closer to home, some Rakyat give unmerited attention to tom, hengry and janes who graduated from the Ivy League universities, think for a sec, the content of the ones from such universities in the UMNObaru, without consistent peaceful positive works of changes impacting the communities.. hence we need to watch " seeker characters" intently like we look at the sky...

    However the same umnobaru and perkasa utusan toady chestnuts, dinosaur umno dalangs wheedle such young person (s) with power suits onto the court ala circus... the reasons are obvious, time for the " elite gal " ( unlike the smart, very pleasant Nurul Izzah ) to pay back for the " unjust freedom" in the UK.... Why ? And why not, the savvy Rakyat and Pakatan MPs bring it onto such for entertainment while multitasking solving Rakyat issues ?

    Such "juggling clowns" with hands in luxury feet on carpeted ground are mocked the similar way by fellow common Arabs abroad against their filthy rich royal brats, check it out on Youtube, one with a red Ferrari was detained by the NY police, some Americans sneered it as not his gf. Elite wealthy Muslims vs poor and commoner Muslims.

    It is rather sad, but expected from umno elites who refuse to fade away, so how return to the nation for good, to serve, when there is this tier of re-engineered umnobaru putras putris, with lots of phantom voters and the ampus voters who decivisively chose to be fed with intoxicated candies of melayu itu ini, these might be their future supporters to come to power in this nation.

    I concur look to the sky... therein lies blessings of many more good sincere people to impact the nation positively..and cooperate with them for massive mutual developments and elimination of poverty, illiteracy, careful sieving out out " stowaways" at KLIA..

  17. Menurut laporan statistik yang banyaknya di ambil oleh Sakmongkol merujuk kepada golongan Bumiputra, Kaum Cina dan Kaum India. Laporan tersebut tidak menggunakan Kaum Melayu. Sakmongkol adalah tersilap jika beliau menggantikan Bumiputra dengan Melayu, kerana Bumiputra di Maalaysia juga termasuk kaum Iban,Bidayuh, Kadazan,Dusun, Murut, Orang Ulu dan sebagainya di Sabah dan Sarawak. Mereka bukan Melayu. Statistik menurut negeri menunjukkan bahawa Negeri Sarawak dan Sabah adalah di antara yang mempunyai pendapatan yang terendah di Malaysia.

  18. Salam Sak dab sdra semua,

    Apa masih mahu salahkan UMNO semua nya ?
    Kelantan dan Kedah dibawah Pas hebat kah?.Salahkan orang melayu yang punyai mentaliti overdependent pada politik. Salahkan orang Melayu yang tidak punyai sifat/sikap PERSEVERENCE, PERSISTENCE, PATIENCE dan SKILL dalam perniagaan.Sifat semulajadi yang sudah menjadi amat natural pada kaum Cina dengan network network perniagaan across the value chain dimana ini tidak ada pada orang melayu.

    Sebagai contoh mudah,saya selalu melayari 'Propertyguru'bagi membeli property yang baik sebagai investment.Berapa kerat agen property melayu disana, very few indeed.Walaupun di kawasan melayu saperti di Shah Alam dan Bangi umpamanya kaum lain masih menjadi agen property kepunyaan melayu.Bayangkan keuntungan mudah 3% agensi fees bagi asset 3Million.90K fees satu transaksi mudah.Susah kah untuk jadi kaya ?.

    Maaflah, selagi orang melayu masih berterusan mahu makan gaji, tidak mahu berniaga dan mengharapkan bantuan politik sematamata keaadaan orang melayu tidak akan banyak berubah.Apa yang Pas dan PKR boleh buat memperbaiki ekonomi orang Melayu?.You tell me.

    Memang mudah munuding jari.Salam ramadhan semua.

    @ KM - ushawan Melayu tanpa politik.

  19. major noor mohamad18 July 2013 at 18:27

    Saya amat 'confuse' dgn keadaan yg sangat sulit [complicated] sekarang ini. Saya tak nampak apa yg PKR atau BN usaha untuk rakyat yg susah tak kira Melayu China atau India.
    Contoh di Selangor dan Pulau Pinang, sama saja. Harga rumah terlampau tinggi. Manipulasi harga ini dibiarkan oleh setiap pemerintah yg memerintah. Ambil tanah kerajaan, bangunkan dan jual kpd yg lebih mampu! Saya anggap semua ahli politik pun sama saja. minta maaf, ini pemerhatian saya.


  20. The Malays have bad leaders as role model to help them to be independent and confident to contribute to the country with pride and dignity.

    But then you can't totally blame the opportunist and self serving polticians for exploiting their fear and insecurity.

  21. 18 July 2013 11:43

    Terima kasih ke atas info yg disampaikan, that is the truth, too, inclusiveness, that's why the factoring in migrating or creating developments to the interior including Sarawak and Sabah.

    Tell us why Sarawakians voted BN !!! The MP who had fought for our poor Melayu's land kalah in the 13th GE ?! Phantom voters..

  22. THE SILENT PRIME MINISTER aka Ah Jib Gorrrr the most sinocised PM, amat bangga dengan transparansi, konsultansi dan inklusive liberal atas perbahasan dasar yang tak mampu mem-popular kan nya.

    Dalam isu undang baru yang hendak di konsultasis kan :
    Soal nya mengapa untuk tarik dan buang undang EO 2 tahun dulu tak cakap pun macam ni ?

    Nak sangat popular ke nak tunjuk hebat 1M ke atau nak tunjuk kuasa barat 1M sangat bagus ke ?(agar dapat agih pujian demi pujian orang putih).

    Kerana kurang keyakinan diri sendiri dan kurang daya memikir Ah Jib Gorr sendiri atas dasar 1M (Liberal transformaci equality engage terbuka kesamarataan kelainan pelbagaian 1M4U )semenjak 2008 Ah Jib Gor, umum maklum, gemar sungguh penasihat(ikut IBAI-penasihat TS Khalid).

    Secara terbuka sikap ini hinakan instutusi2 INTAN MCS dan redundantlah 1,300,000 ahli kakitangan pekerja kerajaan yang menelan belanja RM60 billion setahun.

    Hebat sungguh lah negara ini.
    Hebat sungguh 1M.

    Ah Jib Gorrr tak payah kerja ,tak mau kerja.
    Tak malu buat pengaduan: Susah lah undang undang baru ni !
    Sudah Ada ramai konsultan,mengapa susah pulak ?.
    Ah Jib Gor amat bangga dengan pencapaian negara malaysia
    dan habis pukul canang di Tanzania(1hari setengah) dan 9(sembilan) hari di LONDON,
    dabik dada ,kita banyak betul CASSSH dan ASSET.
    Terlupa Ah Jib Gorrr pada asas nya, 1M melahirkan ALVIVI NameWee ,Nazri JongKONg street,saifudin New Politik Adam Tanjung malim Bersih 3,beruk hitam 505 dan ribuan bekas tahanan EO bermaharaja lela.

    Jutaan pengundi bangsa tetamu asing, tunjuk ajar dengan 505, pun tak faham ?

    Tanya lah konsultan dan WAR Room Strateji Direktor bagaimana nak buat undang undang baru yang adil tegas dan bukan undang Ah Jib Gorrr sotong lembik ta'da taring ta da maya macam Ah Jib Gorrr.

    Ah Jib Gor; Cukup lah dengan kebanggaan liberal inklusive transformaci engage kelainan 1M4U the most sinocised PM bapak sekolah vernakular tsunami cina.

    Tak sampai 65 hari sesudah tsunami cina, masih lagi tak mau belajar,sombong...

    Hebat Ah Jib GOR 1M,presiden parti Melayu terbesar, yang bukan lagi Melayu,sebab semua ahli sudah jual telor setengah masak.
    Hebat Ah Jib Gor, sahabat karib Cameron,Omar Ong, Tony FFFFF,Wong Chun Wai,Idris Jala dan penasihat yang berucap atas nama PM/1M.
    Ah Jib Gor PM Melayu Islam yang amat rapat dengan VATICAN,ta pernah di lakukan di negara Islam. Ada konsult kah KSA,Sudan,Pakistan Bangladesh,Indonesia ?
    Ah Jib Gor THE SILENT PM.
    Bila nak buka mulut ?
    Bila bagi duit duit duit duit duit duit.
    Atau "susah lah nak jadi PM "
    Kalau mahkamah putuskan adakan PRU 14 ,222 kerusi kosong, tanya lah penasihat penasihat, macam nak menang sekalli lagi.
    Bolih twit IBAI: jumpa Jusuf. Bolih tanya Cameron.
    Bolih tanya Obama,(oops, AZZEEEZ LUTH tak suka Obama,sbb Ah Jib Gor lebih POPULAR dari OBAMA).

    Yang Jelas:
    1M membuka luas pintu civil disorder dan sosial disharmony. Jib Gorr ,letak jawatan Presiden umno ! letak jawatan !
    Lagi mulia daripada VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE atau kalah di PRU gantian tajaan IBAI/Lim dinasti.
    arjuna waspada
    changkat lobak

  23. Your writing will encourage Dato Sak and good honest politicians and mindful fellow writers, so pls keep writing !

    - Bruno, have you been walking your pet too much ?

    - QD tutup minda, busy shopping baju till drop dead dgn isteri ?

    - Meatball is actually a supporter of Zaid, what a nice surprise, read his rantings in the latter's blog, so he might have retired from writing and play golf with him instead ?

    - Kg Man and family migrated ?

    - Sumpitan Emas too busy surveying for hidden oil in the Malaysian Tsunami Sea ?

    Great thing Walla is still providing the amazing intellectual momentum and consistency which many a time using his intelligence and flair to tickle the mind in humor, alongside many other writers here, including fellow Melayu writers in Bahasa... bashing UMNO with truths, facts, figures and anecdotes, and suggesting better and peaceful ideas, balanced perspectives to provide the consistent checks and balances for the betterment of all communities in Malaysia.

    My good friends there say nice things about my writings, but when I showed them our nation's celebrated bloggers' works, they were stunned and bought me expensive meals at Coogee, no, no Bondi is just ok during off peak season, short of the infamous commercialised ummmm visuals worldwide haha!

    Leaving again soon to resume work, but will be following Yg Berkhidmat Dato Sak's blog. All the best to Sak and all.

    Dah balik undi, kali ini untuk melawat keluarga, enjoy our incredible spread of really tasty Malaysian cuisines..


  24. Obama ? Ask any mindful intelligent Malaysians and good American friends from university or at work about the unresolved crimes, the suppressive skyrocketing college students' loan, their realisation to improve the quality of their education and educators in regular schools, the escalating inability of many middle class families to pay their morgages, the unemployment of young graduates on top of the past, the environment that push their business people to migrate their businesses abroad therebu causing its effects; properties beyond the reach of the working class, capitalism without tangible social responsibilities and politicians in tango with them for personal vested interests, prepped with glossy data and statistics and feel good policies by both young and senior thinkers with capitalist mentality, etc ?

    No similarity here ? Good thing majority of the Rakyat voted in Pakatan : PK, DAP, PAS and PSM is here as there are many sincere, hardworking, progressive, outstanding young and seasoned leaders, and their NGos, working in postive collaboration, measure their integrity by their work, the programs they do for the communities of Rakyat Malaysia.

  25. Anak pendatang Kerala skrg. boleh ada semua kekayaan negara. Arak, Stesen Minyak Petron, Posche Penjual bukan milik sahaja. Dan beratus ratus billion duit minyak petronas.

    Hello fikir anak pendatang skrg, lebih 100 kali kaya dari anak Raja.
    Siapa bagi hah Anak Melayu negara Kita ini. ka ka ka> Pandainya

  26. UMNO'S sickening tactic:

    Begger the rural Malays so that UMNO putras can be seen as "dermawan" (using rakyats' money) by the rural Malays and indebted to vote UMNO every election.

    Break the rural Malays thinking and obligation and UMNO BN is DEAD (just as what happened in the cities during GE13).

  27. Gwinet,

    You must be thinking hell of good for the nons oblivious of what has been happening here in Malaysia since you have been busy making money for yourself overseas

    There are a lots of educational oppurtunities for anyone with hundreds of universities and colleges here now in the country.Everyone can acquire education now.No big deal.if you are a son of a towkay you can study in Australia, UK or anywhere.For the have not they can secure PTPTN .In fact ,Malaysia has become a hub for education.Don't you see.

    Welcome home anyway.

    Semut Api.

  28. YB, saya duduk Raub, kerja tanam kacang tanah. agak2 berapa pendapatan saya? :-)

  29. Walla's brilliant ideas should be studied and implemented by Pakatan then, there must be a difference.
    His intellect brilliance, elegance, humility and elusiveness is the beyond, too - aesthetic !

  30. Kerja tanam kacang tanah, boleh lebih innovatif - goreng kacang tanah dengan perasa lada, black pepper, low salt, no salt, with salt, with chilly; rempeyek kacang dgn ikan bilis, dgn black pepper + garlic, banyak pilihan untuk pembeli. Jual macam kacang putih direct pada murid- murid, pekerja -pekerja serta famili.

    boleh buat sup kacang.. aku pernah makan yg Cina masak, sedap, lembut kerana masak lama, berlemak tanpa santan...makan dgn " dog bone " takut ?? hahahhaa ... tengok dulu, sebenarnya char kuay lah, tak percaya tanya Bruno.
