Monday 22 April 2013

Melayu mesti waspada pada Gunting MCA dalam Lipatan!

Saya berterima kasih kerana diberi amanah oleh DAP untuk menjadi calun parlimen Raub. Kerana ianya memberi peluang kepada saya menerangkan kepada orang Melayu metos dan cerita dongeng yang UMNO lakukan keatas parti dominen cina ini. Parti2 lain yang satu gang dengan UMNO melakukan, apa yang anjing2 ribaan dan anjing larian lakukan.
DAP bukan milik orang cina, tapi melalui historical accident, ianya menjadi magnet kepada orang cina bergerak dalam politik. Orang Cina yakin kepada DAP kerana DAP berupaya beridentiti cina. Ini suatu yang semua mahukan- UMNO mahukan identity Melayu nya kekal asli- perkara yang serupa diinginkan oleh orang Cina. Mengapa perlu kita mempunyai masaalah dengan perasaan asas seperti ini?
Keinginan tersebut selagi tidak mencerderakan jiran nya yang sebelah, adalah suatu yang munasabah. Dan orang Cina melihat DAP lebih dekat dengan keinginan mengekalkan identiti cina mereka dari MCA. MCA adalah sebuah pliant tool kepada UMNO.
MCA –identiti nya Cina palsu yang menyebabkan matlamat perjuangan nya dianggap palsu. Kebanyakan orang cina telah hilang kepercayaan kepada MCA yang lebih suka menjadi anjing ribaan UMNO daripada mewakili kepentingan orang cina.
Saya bertemu ramai kenalan kebanyakan yang bijak pandai tidak boleh menerima mengapa orang Melayu masuk DAP. Bukankah DAP itu parti cauvinis cina dan mewakili kecinaan yang melampau? Yang hairan nya, mereka boleh terima saya menolak UMNO tapi tidak boleh menerima saya masuk DAP.  Macam mana kita menyelesaikan percanggahan pendirian ini? Tolak UMNO boleh tapi tak boleh terima DAP yang juga menolak UMNO.
Ertinya, menolak UMNO tidak ada masaalah. Tapi yang ada ialah prejudis dan sangka buruk kepada DAP.
Nyatalah orang Melayu tidak ada masaalah jika kita menolak UMNO, tapi ada masaalah dengan DAP. Tapi Melayu yang menolak DAP tapi tidak ada masaalah menolak UMNO, hanyalah suatu jenis Melayu sahaja. Mereka terdiri dari Melayu UMNO.
Apa dia Melayu UMNO ini? Ini golongan Melayu yang tidak ada nilai santun kepada jiran, tidak ada hati perut, tamak dan rakus dalam laku perangai, berjiwa kotor. Ini Melayu yang tergamak mengorbankan bangsa sendiri yang mahu memilih bangsa lain( jika di Raub). Ini Melayu yang tergamak bersekongkol dengan para pemfitnah mendedahkan aib seoarang suami dan seorang bapa. Ini Melayu yang berjiwa zalim sanggup menganiayai seorang isteri selama belasan tahun dan anak2 yang kecil ketika selama belasan tahun juga. Ini Melayu jenis yang Dr Mahathir ujudkan setelah dia merampas UMNO dalam tahun 1988.
Majority orang Melayu tidak bersikap demikian. Mereka tidak ada masaalah menolak UMNO dan tidak juga ada masaalah dengan kumpulan yang menolak UMNO. Kita ada persamaan matlmat. Matlamat nya yang penting.
Mereka menerima saya menolak UMNO. DAP menolak UMNO.  Sepatutnya kerana saya dan DAP menolak UMNO, maka mereka sepatutnya menerima juga DAP. Objektif dari dua kami adalah sama yakni penolakan terhaDAP UMNO . tapi mengapa penolakan saya mereka terima tapi penolakan DAP tidak diterima?
Maka jawapan nya, tidak lain kerana prejudis bangsa terhadap DAP. Jika DAP telah berjaya membuat orang Cina dan pengikut nya menerima Melayu sebagai PM, Agama Islam sebagai agama rasmi, taat kepada Perlembagaan dan Raja Melayu, ini membuktikan bahawa DAP tidak rasis.
Tapi UMNO yang sebenarnya parti yang menyuburkan faham rasis dan menyebabkan orang Melayu yang lemah lembut jadi rasis juga dan mempunyai sangka buruk. Itu sahaja yang menerangkan kebencian dan prejudis rakan2 saya bila saya meanggotai DAP. Rasa prejudis dan jahil mereka akan reality politik Malaysia.
Dan kenapa Melayu UMNO boleh pula menerima MCA yang 100% Cina daripada DAP yang bukan 100% Cina? Kerana UMNO ingat mereka boleh percaya MCA dari DAP. Sedangkan MCA itu api dalam sekam menyembunyikan agenda mereka yang sebenar yakni merasuah dan membeli semua pemimpin Melayu. Sedangkan perjuangan DAP bersandarkan prinsip2 dan boleh dilihat secara telus.
Maka pengjaran nya ialah : Lebih baik kita berganding dengan parti yang menyatakan agenda mereka dengan terang dan nyata, daripada sebuah parti seperti MCA yang menyembunyikan pisau dalam lipatan.  
Katalah kita terima DAP itu parti yang cauvinis cina? Eri nya apa? DAP memperjuangkan kepentingan orang cina seperti melindungi mereka dari kezaliman pemrintah? Orang Islam pun disurh oleh Tuhan menentang kezaliman sampai bila2 pun. DAP memperjuangkan peluang yang sama dan menentang kesamaan keberhasilan? Orang Melayu pun menentang perkara ini.
Mereka benci dan tidak dapat terima sebahagian kecil orang Melayu mendapat kekayaan kerana nama dan kedudukan istimewa mereka. Orang Melayu pun benci kepada Melayu yang mendapat jalan pintas mengayakan diri mereka kerana mereka mempunyai bin yang istimewa, ada kedudukan yang istimewa da nada kuasa yang disalahgunakan. Orang Melayu pun menentang kezaliman dan penganiayaan.


  1. Datuk Sak

    The Malay voters need to be educated about DAP's ideology of social democracy (and what social democratic governments have achieved in countries such as Sweden, Finland, Norway etc).

    On the other hand, the neo-fascism of Perkasa and its patron Mahathir will tear the country apart.

    Phua Kai Lit

  2. Well said sir

  3. Dato,Umno and its lapdogs can called the DAP whatever they want.But after May 5th,2013 the DAP will at least have two Malay MP's and a few Malay assemblymen.And an added bonus Indian MP's and Indian assemblymen too.Plus Chinese MP's and Chinese assemblymen.If the DAP is not a multi racial party,what is?

    Sometimes these Umno/BN leaders and their barking dogs are kidding themselves and their supporters that the DAP is a race based political party,that they themselves are beliving that they are telling the truth.

    After May 5th 2013 the people will know what these stupid fools are barking about.That they wouldn't know the difference between a chicken and a duck.

  4. Bantu kempen pilihanraya Dato' Sak dengan menyumbang kepada tabung piliharaya beliau seperti tertera di bahagian kanan atas blog ini. Tiada sumbangan terlalu kecil untuk diterima. Dermalah seberapa ikhlas.

  5. Chuah Soi Lek and his Umno masters are saying that Kit Siang cannot win in Gelang Patah.

    But the words coming out of the horse's(Ghani's) mouth is if 'Kit wins Hadi will be PM'.So much for over confidence.

  6. we support u.

    however it is not easy to open the mind of Malays who do not understand DAP. my father in law for example rejected PAS because PAS works with DAP. to many Malays DAP is still very Chinese.

    i do hope more people like u in the political scenario. if more Malays becomes DAP, then perception on the party will change.

    May Allah bless you and make you WIN.



  7. Tak ada UBAT untuk sesiapa manusia yang tak boleh lihat bahawa UMNO-BN dah 55 tahun Hina Rakyat Malaysia dengan seksaan harian...cukai naik, tol naik, elektric naik, air naik, ikan naik, beras naik, gula naik....Yang tak naik ialah gaji awak.

    Kerja hanya untuk cukup hidup harian, lepas bersara...mampus lah. Ketua UMNO-BN lepas Bersara ada Hotel kat Eropah, rumah kat singapura, Kandang Kerbau, tanah, balak, minyak, kelapa sawit....

    PRU 13 adalah untuk SIMPAN semua Ketua Korrupsi UMNO-BN & Kroni kat Hotel Sg Bulun sampai nafas terakhir...... 55 tahun adalah masa yang TERSANGAT panjang unutk rakyat hidup dengan sengsarra!! ABU dan ABCD!!

  8. Orang yang menyokong UMNO/BN adalah orang yang otaknya tak boleh berkembang,pendek kata adalah bodoh.Mereka ini akan diperbodohkan oleh UMNO/BN sampai meninggal dunia. Wahai sedihnya ramai orang tak sedar betapa korap BN sekarang.

  9. Satu lagi tamparan kepada Najib dan sahabatnya.

    Breaking news: Saya masuk (PAS) bukan untuk calon atau jawatan - Muhamad Taib.

    Harakahdaily, 22 Apr 2013

  10. DATUK


  11. Algebra politik tidak semudah yang digambarkan.Asal kejadian manusia bermula dengan perselisihan dan kemarahan. Terus manusia itu berpuak-puak hingga bila-bila.Lantas memberi justifikasi siapa yang benar.
    Kebetulannya ujud negara bangsa di zaman moden ini. Lantas demokrasi menjadi sistem yang lumrah diterima pakai sebagai adil. Dalam demokrasi majoriti berkuasa. Apakah landasan terbaik dan identiti sebuah negara bangsa Malaysia akan ditentukan pada 5 Mei ini.

  12. Dato'

    I believe you are the only Politician now who speaks ironically like Tun M direct and no bullshit but unlike Tun M respects the intellectual capacity of the audience.

    Bravo, and the fact that DAP gives you the freedom to articulate matters you feel most important to clear the fog of deception & doublespeak BN is carpet bombing voters is much appreciated.

    Writing I believe let you structure your thoughts and therefore make critical assessment of ideas and thoughts before they are posed.

    New and young politicians should emulate the Sak47 to bring on new ideas to the public.

    Najib and Muhyiddin with funds to articulate their aspiration could never match what's direct and close to heart like this blog owner.

    Raub are so blessed.


  13. As salam Dato,

    Contacted my friends in Sega to canvass for you.
    We, the educated Malays will be with you to dump UMNO.

  14. malay chinese Indian kadazan, dusun, murut, iban...

    United with INI KALI LAH!!

    So WAR with Sabah with Sulu still going on. Have Malaysian Hung any of those terrorist for carrying guns yet?? how come with those Gun holders can Bincang, whereas in Malaysia is terus Gantung? Apa logik UMNO ni?? Nak bincang dengan terrosit jihadist Sulu buat apa? Nak Ulang BOM Sabah bila UMNO-BN di telanjang dulu??

  15. MOSES KATA: As salam DATO saya setuju. Kalau tak setuju cakap terus terang cam saudara KARPAL SINGH. Ne bila MCA menghina ISLAM, senator MEJ JEN diam aja, PRU 13 dia akan bertanding kah kahhhhhh. ABU n ABC. PRU 12 dan PRU 13 PAS n ADIL kawasan saya. Selamat bertanding DATO. Harapan saya DATO akan memperolehi kemenangan. AAMIN

  16. Sir,
    I respect your political conviction, principles and upholding what is morally right and justified.

    Therefore, you will never be politically expedient because your understanding of politics is way more matured and higher-level than a lot of your peers in BN/UMNO. In other words, you should be lecturing political science to these people.

    Terus Perjuang dan lawan tetap lawan

  17. Your conviction and commitment to the DAP cause has resulted in your being nominated for a seat.You have probably faced a lot of ridicule and condemnation from fellow Malays. After more than 30 years of ethnic brainwashing by UMNO, many Malays are still paranoid and parochial. Thus, DAP, though sincere in its desire to be a truly and widely multiracial party is thwarted in its objectives, and have to fall back on Chinese support. DAP has to highlight on the genuine concerns of their supporters and this is capitalised by UMNO as racial issues and being racial. Most Chinese are not racial, we would happily embrace our Malay friends as brethrens if situations allow it. You can probably experience the warm and support of the community now. We are sincerely delighted at your nomination but a bit disappointed that Aspan Alias was not nominated.
    You are more aggressive and hard-punching and will be able to hold your own in the battleworn and battle-torn DAP. (battle-won soon???)Pak Aspan is very much a gentleman politician and will need a little more time to make his mark.Wish you success!

  18. Memang DAP sekarang dapat menerima real-politic Malaysia, PM Melayu, Institusi Raja, serta agama Islam sebagai agama rasmi.

    Hear it myself from Mr. LKS last night when PR introduce their candidates for DUN Nusa Jaya and Gelang Patah parliament.

  19. Greetings from Brisbane Dato,
    I would like to believe you. You have always said the right stuff that resonates with the rakyat. You hit the nail on the head most of the time. You have been to the other side but experienced enough to reject it.
    So long as you continue to walk the talk, you should be alright. But the moment you stray (Almighty forbid), you shall not be forgiven for going against what you preach. The people of Raub shall offer you one term, that I am very sure. Work your butt off for them and you shall become a legend.
    I wish you the very best. To Victory AK47! To Victory DAP! To Victory Pakatan!

  20. As,kum Dato,saya pun hairan mentaliti puak puak yg tak nak memikir apa kelebihan DAP dari MCA,Gerakan,betul ckp Dato,gunting MCA,selama ni MCA berpura pura, dlm diam diam membalun harta rakyat bersandarkan kpd UMNO yg haprak,pabila DAP,menenegur MCA ni berlindung di belakang UMNO yg baahlol,fikirlah melayu yg muslim,marilah kita sokong org yg mencegah kemungkaran umno dan menolak sekutunya,selmat berjuang


    The MCA of today is only a one-trick pony. All it ever talks about is hudud and they have really run out of creative ideas. They cannot envisage Chinese Msians a better vision for the future. Does MCA in reality become a wallflower in the ruling BN, since UMNO is doing all the talking for them? Najib or Muhiyiddin makes statements or policies without the need to refer to them. Najib even goes over the head of the MCA to ask for Chinese support as many postcards are also from Ah Jib Gor soliciting their vote for BN.

    It’s about time the MCA must realizes that it has lost the trust and mandate of most Chinese. No political party can hope to win an election based on instilling fear and fabrication rather than providing an inspiring agenda for the future. Do they still have political strategists in the party? Or have the high-quality men all joined the DAP?

    Most Chinese also knew that by the calculation of simple arithmetic, hudud cannot materializes because it needs 2/3 seats in Parliament (which is not possible in the current political climate) to vote for a change of the Federal Constitution. Even if there are enough seats, not all MPs will agree to its implementation.

    Actually MCA has nomore cannons left. Can they criticize corruption and cronyism? That would surely upset big brother UMNO. Can they talk about clean and fair election? Can they talk about police brutality and freedom of assembly as promised under the Federal Constitution that was denied to Malaysians when they want to march in support of free and fair GE?

    Can MCA talk about the
    liberalization of the economy or about how to help the 40% of Malaysians get out of the poverty trap? Can they ever say anything substantial at all because on all these significant issues they have nothing to say? When they want to speak about Talam in a fake debate, they appear so dumb. So, they fall back on this hudud thing. What a pity that they haven’t checked their sell-by date.

    On the issue of Hudud law and PR, it is only natural for UMNO to confuse the masses over the real important issues pertaining to our law. Whatever law we embrace or believe in, it’s the personality and quality of people who applied the law that’s really matter.

    It is only logical that any law, be it divine or man-made, will only be fine when the people who govern it, implement it and of course enforce it are fully accountable. It is also a fact that any law governed and enforced by appalling men will be unjust, inhumane and no good policies will come forth from bad and evil individuals, EVER!

    Rakyat should be together with what PR want to accomplish; to overhaul the governing system, which has created the condition and socio politics that has facilitate bad, unjust, unscrupulous and evil individuals that had trampled the people with tyrannical policies and polluted the integrity of the Judiciary, PDRM, MACC and EC, thus returning the country and its democratic system to its reputable stature where the government is populated by those who are commendable, reasonable, brave, upheld justice and above all truly represents the rakyat!

    Simultaneously, PR will ascertain a system that will prevent those bad, evil and scrupulous individuals continually using religion, race and hatred to corral the people and hijacked the power that should reside with the people.

    Let’s decide convincingly and remember that the future of our children is at stake! Remained a slave or a free and dignified citizen of Malaysia?


  22. Apa pun saya fikir DAP perlu membuka lebih banyak ruang untuk kaum lain untuk sama-sama menggerakkan parti itu bagi mencapai objektifnya... supaya ianya tidak dilihat sebagai terlalu kecinaan...kerana akan memberi peluang kepada parti lawan untuk meracuni pemikiran rakyat terutama yang diluar bandar bahawa DAP adalah anti-Melayu, kominis dan sebagainya... Harap Dato' dapat memberikan input tentang pandangan orang-orang di bawah ini kepada pemimpin besar DAP supaya DAP dapat dilihat dalam perspektif yang lebih mesra oleh semua rakyat Malaysia dan menangkis racun yang dimomokkan kepada rakyat kebanyakan.

  23. Bos, as promised i have made a RM200 contribution to your war fund at around 845pm, 23rd pail, from taman tun dr ismal. May this small contribution brings u to greater heights!! Hope it is not too late. However, with the receipt of this monies, please promise me to do good to the rqkyat and always fight for us in a very purist and meaningful way!!! Best of luck -Ng

  24. Dato Sak,

    We are with you. 100% of support from us in Penang. Let's bring down the federal government.

  25. Going to throw a vote to you. See you in service in Raub
