Friday 12 April 2013

Dr Mahathir kata orang Melayu pondan dan rapuh aqidah mereka.

Dr Mahathir adalah pengarah PRU UMNO 2013. Najib semacam buduk lembab disamping Dr Mahathir. Boleh jadi Najib lupa pesanan Tun Daim- kalau bawak Mahathir berkempen, kena jaga2. Sebab Tun Mahathir loose canon. Main tembak, kemudian tanya soalan. Disetengah negara, polis tembak suspect dahulu kemudian tanya. Kalau yang ditembak mati, tak perlu lah tanya.
Kepada rakyat terbanyak, penglibatan lansung Dr Mahathir akan disambut baik dengan penolakan mutlak, lebih dari sesiapa, Dr Mahathir lah penyebab budaya rasuah, pencurian harta benda rakyat dan pemerintahan kuku besi. Bila Abdullah Badawi menang besar dalam tahun 2004, majority luar biasa yang di capai oleh UMNO mencerminkan bagaimana rakyat meraikan penyingkiran Dr Mahathir dari pemerintahan Maalysia.
Sekali lagi, rakyat mempunyai peluang untuk meraikan penyingkiran Dr Mahathir. Kali ini, kasi pukul habis.
Semakin hari, semakin sasau pemikiran Dr Mahathir yang sesak. Dia menuduh kalau Kit Siang menang, huuru hara kaum akan berlaku. Orang Cina Malaysia jangan sekali kali lupa bahawa Dr Mahathir lah orang yang mempertikaikan pemberian kerakyatan kepada orang Cina dahuu. Dan orang2 cina dahulu adalah datuk nenek kami. Satu undi untuk BN menandakan kamu mencemar ingatan keatas nenek moyang kamu. One vore for BN means you dishonour the memory of your forefathers.
Cuba para pembaca fikirkan. Orang Cina dalam negara ini berapa ramai mereka? 24% dari jumlah pendudu 29 juta. Ertinya 7 juta orang. Orang Melayu berapa ramai? 55% dari penduduk. Yakni 16 juta. UMNO mengajar yang 16juta takut kepada 7 juta orang. Mahathir ingat Melayu pondan ke? Bagaimana yang 7 juta ini boleh mengancam kedudukan orang Melayu secara fisikal?
60% penduduk negara ini agama mereka Islam. Yang beragama kristian sebanyak 9%.  Tapi UMNO ajar orang Melayu yang beragama Islam yang sebanyak 60% ini takut kepada yang 9%. Ini didikan UMNO.
Yang 9% ini mempunyai kekuatan luar biasa, keyakinan luar biasa sehingga dapat mengkristiankan yang 60%. Dari yang 60% itu, 20% ialah ahli UMNO. Seramai 3.2 juta. Yang 3.2 juta ini amat mudah di kristiankan? Bolehkah mubaligh kristian menasranikan Dr Mahathir, Muhyidin Yasin, Fathul Bahri atau Zul Nordin, atau Ibrahim Ali? Jika jawapan nya tidak, maka demikian juga lah jawapan nya kepada sama ada 9% ini boleh mengkristiankan orang Melayu yang beragama Islam.
DAP akan bertanding 50-52 kerusi parlimen. Jika DAP menang semua pun, DAP tidak boleh menubuhkan kerajaan secara berseorangan. Dia mesti dapat sokongan dan permuafakatan dari PAS dan PKR yang majority nya orang Melayu. Tentulah mustahil DAP dapat mendominasi orang2 PKR dan PAS.
DAP akur kepada perlembagaan Malaysia. Dan ia akur kapada kesemua peruntukan dalam perlembagaan Malaysia. Ini termasuklah kedudukan orang Melayu, Raja2 Melayu, Bahasa Melayu dan agama Islam.
Jadi, macam mana Mursyidul am UMNO boleh beritahu rakyat, tanpa sedikitpun malu dengan pembohongan nya, bahawa DAP boleh mencetuskan ketegangan kaum?
Yang mencetuskan huru hara ialah pihak yang tidak boleh menerima orang sudah menolak mereka. Yang mencetuskan huru hara ialah jenis Melayu yang dididik oleh UMNO 88 buatan Dr Mahathir. Jenis Melayu yang tidak menghormati pemikiran berbeza, yang tidak mampu menangkis penghujjahan dengan hujjah mereka sendiri. Jenis Melayu yang Dr Mahathir sifatkan sebagai pondan dan sebagai rapuh aqidah mereka.


  1. The least of your worries is Mahathir. You are a miniscule fly can just be swatted away. You go back to your kawasan and convince your DAP newly adopted comrades to support you first before talking about Mahathir. Kapish?

  2. Dear Sakmongkol

    This is a good line to take with the Malays, to reassume them that the DAP is not a fearsome ogre. Mahathir paints the DAP as a Chinese chauvinistic party out to promote the Chinese interest and dominate the Malays. Is fighting for a transparent and accountable government being chauvinistic? Or for a fairer and just government? Or for better education? Or for Chinese schools, which already exist, and for which the PM and DPM trip over to give big donations to? Or for a more open and competitive economy that can compete in a globalised world? Or for efforts to help the bottom 40% of Malaysian households dominated by Malay families?

    The DAP’s constitution accepts all Malaysians into the party irrespective of race or religion. It is open to all. The PKR is multi-racial. Even PAS is fielding non-Malays and non-Muslims in the election. UMNO is totally racial and so is the MCA and MIC. So who is racial and chauvinistic? Mahathir. He spends all his time demonizing the DAP because he is really frightened of what the DAP really stands for. He leaves PKR and PAS alone.

    While Mahathir goes about spewing his racial poison, Najib goes around sprinkling money in his wake, buttering up the Malays. RM500 here and RM500 there; a little salary raise here and a bit of bonus there. Is this giving of money a good or bad thing? A bit of money given once every 5 years simply means that the people are so poor that this little band-aid is a big help. When RM500 in 5 years means a lot it means the government has failed us. It has failed to increase our incomes. It has failed to give us meaningful economic opportunities. That’s why it must give this band-aid. If we were rich we have no need for this bit of cash. It reflects our poverty not government generosity.

    The government says we are a middle-income country. We are supposed to have on average a per capita Gross National Income (nominal) of USD9,970 or RM30,800 (in 2012, according to PEMANDU). This means for an average family of 6 in the rural areas of Raub, the average family (Chinese, Malay, Indian, Orang Asli) should have RM184,800 per annum. On your rounds ask those town folks of Tras (Raub Town) or the kampong folks of Dong and Batu Talam, how many families have incomes of RM184,800 per annum. If they say no, tell them that’s what Najib says they should have.

    This should answer Mahathir’s and Najib’s left and right hand attacks on the DAP.

  3. ...and Soros was right when he remarked that this moron is a danger to his people.

  4. How is your campaign in Raub? Your DAP members supporting you? Why dont you get your blog commentors to Raub and campaign for you. After all they think you are God given gift to DAP or they are just paid to say that? So perhaps you should use all your money you make during your UMNO days to pay them, NO?

  5. Saya sedih kerana negara kita ada pemimpin mcm Mahathir..

    harapkan pagar pagar makan padi...

    terima kasih Datuk atas pencerahan ini..

  6. Amboi mentang2 la hang ni calon DAP, hang punya sokong parti Cina ni bagai nak rak. Kit Siang and his family wants to turn his party into PAP version. You will just be appointed as their driver. Well done!!

  7. Dato

    Ini kalilah kita bagi mereka kaw-kaw.


  8. Many UMNO members and some ordinary and 'intellectual' Malays still have high respect for Mahathir. If not for Mahathir, Malaysia would not have been as 'developed?' as it is today. I believe majority of the Malays and rakyat think otherwise. He is the father of corruption, mismanagement, cronyism/nepotism, fitnah etc etc. Of course, he is the father of Mirzan, Mokhzani and Mukhriz too.

    To those with high respect for Mahathir, I only have this analogy to share;

    A person may have done good deeds his whole life. But if one day he takes out a gun and kills someone, he becomes a murderer. And you know how a murderer should be treated, legally and religiously.

  9. Salam Dato,

    Perkara yang sama saya sampaikan dan berhujah dengan ahli-ahli umno yang dibekukan otak mereka oleh Mahathir. Tapi Alhamdullillah, lama kelamaan ramai yang dah mula faham. Yang akan membuat huru hara dalam negara ini bukan cina, bukan kristian atau orang India. Cuba lihat apa yang dipertontonkan oleh TV1 sehingga TV9 dan media cetak Perdana. Yang membuatkacau adalah pecacai-pecacai umno yang diupah oleh pemimpin-pemimpin umno. Lihat saja Perkasa setiap hari melemparkan perkataan rasis dan berdemonstrasi. Mana mereka dapat peruntukkan untuk membiayai program-program Perkasa jika tidak dibiayai oleh pemimpin umno.

    Mohd Zuki

  10. Rata-rata orang Islam Malaysia sedar yang rapuh aqidah ialah Dr. Mahathir Mohamad sendiri. Namun demikian kita yakin pendakwah Kristian tak akan berjaya kristiankannya sebab keadaan beliau sudah berstatus selesa. Cukup dengan keadaan tersebut. Dalam keadaan sekarang beliau dapat berperanan lebih baik lagi daripada beliau dikristiankan. Kalau beliau berjaya dikristiankan mungkin akan merugikan pula sang jeneral (Lucicer). Kemusnahan yang dibawa beliau sebagai 'Islam' versi sekarang adalah lebih baik bagi 'Lucifer'.


  11. Dr M

    Bahasa Melayu : batu api

    Bahasa Cina : kau see kwan

    kau = mengacau, goyang
    see = tahi
    kwan = tongkat

    Bahasa Inggeris (Manglish)= shit stirrer

    Bahasa Inggeris (formal) = troublemaker

  12. Memang betul. Memang jelas.
    Dr M is just so worried if PR comes to power, all his cronies & sons will be prosecuted.

    Dr M adalah sebab ada pertikaian kaum.
    This country was & is headed for ruins if BN
    remains in power.

    For every one ringgit he gave us & our country lost 99 to his gang.

    Cukup. The rot has got to stop.

    Bravo Dato. You got my vote.

  13. Dr Mahathir always make fun of Malays because he is a keling.
    He has mocked the Malays many times during the UMNO AGM and the Malays will clap. Apa tak pondan?

  14. Skrg politik jijik dimainkan lagi. Video sana sini. Gila babi mereka ini yg jahat !!! Esok isteri depa jadi pelakon video tu baru mereka tahu.


  15. Fast Forward June 2013.

    A shabby little ex-captain of industry with unshaven face and unkempt hair ,leaning on the railings of the overhead bridge of chow kit road with a begging bowl in his hands and singing an english song 'brother spare me a dime'. A passerby stood and listen to the song and on enquiring about the singer was told he is Mokksani Mahatieu a victim of ge13.
    He also informed that his dad mahatieu is resting at the bamboo river resort for free.Also a casulty of ge13.
    Contd. as you wish.

  16. itu la kehebatan umno, mengajar melayu sampai bodoh hatap lembu, campai citer mengkristiankan malaysia pun ada orang percaya.

    lepas tuh kata lagi DAP nak bergabung dengan singapura, ala... lee kuan yu bodo ker? buat per la nak bergabung dengan Mesia? logic apa ni, benefit aper dier dapat?

    nanti kata anwar bagi autonomi kpd sabah, cakap anwar mau beri nur misuari menjadi menteri.. astaga.... citer merepek betul.

    Kalo DAP masuk putrajaya kononnya melayu akan pupus... PUPUS ujar derang... pupus...

    hebat la umno membrainwash budak mesia. lagi hebat daripada komunis Kim korea utara... tahap dewa tuh.

  17. Bung Sak,
    Mahathir lagiii??
    Lagi2 Mahathir!!!
    ha ha ha..Agree!!
    Dia lah punca segala.
    ..ABU=Aku Benci Umno.

  18. Sak,
    Kesimpulannya, UMNO tak pandai Matematik.

    Tengoklah siapa Menteri Pendidikan...IQ pun tak sampai Semangat 46.

    No pun intended!

  19. Dato Sak, BN is getting desperate,MCA Port Kelang organising a 55000 people dinner.Let say it cost them RM30 ringgit person that will come up to a whopping RM 1.65M.The talk in the Kopitiam,some pseudo corpoate figures are corced to foot the Bill.Then the "Lu Tolong Gua,Gua Tolong Lu" concept will come into play.If BN win,Port Kelang,Samy Road will be the new Haadyai.Mai Aw! Malaysia Bolih!Narng Bo Ti Narng,Kui Bo Ti Kui! Hui Boot! Bo Ek Say! Hu Ti!


    1. It was reported that one "Tan Sri Ta" will foot the Klang dinner bills. Guess what? He is a license holder for slot machine gambling joints.

  20. IS DAP truly a multi-racial party or is it still pondering where to field its Malay candidates? Or are the party leaders still in discussion stage stage with their Pakatan Rakyat (PR) partners in Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) and PAS about which seats go to which party and the Malay members in DAP would only be named at the last minute? The party has only decided to field Datuk Mohd Ariff Sabri or popularly known as Sakmongkol in Raub, Pahang.

    But Aspan Alias, a former Umno strongman from Negri Sembilan who crossed over with him, is still in oblivion.

    Aspan and Sakmongkol were welcomed with open arms into DAP in January last year at a big big press conference.

    With that, Malaysians had expected the DAP to shed its Chinese image and be more Malaysian.

    However, until today the party has still got a lot more to do to convince the Malay voters it is not a chauvinistic party as claimed by some.

    According to friends close to Aspan, he has yet to know where he would be contesting or whether he would be picked to contest at all.

    They claimed the DAP leadership has not been in communication with him and he has not even been invited to talk in ceramah.

    They said Aspan has been travelling round the country giving talks in PAS ceramah because that is the only party that has been inviting him to do so.

    They said he does not care about being picked or not but political observers dismiss such notion saying Aspan would have thought DAP would field him as a candidate given the lack of "influential Malays" in DAP.

    Aspan’s close friends who monitors his facebook page and blog since last year claimed he has some 15,000 daily interactive readership.This is excluding some 250,000 hits he gets through links to his facebook and blog.

    Therefore ignoring his ‘importance’ may cause setback for the party among the Malay voters in one way or another, they said.

    Late last year, there was talk among DAP members that he would be fielded in Seremban Parliamentary seat and Temiang state seat. But this has suddenly fizzled out and at present even Aspan’s name is not mentioned by DAP members in Negri Sembilan and anywhere else.

    Of course, Aspan’s friends who are in Umno are laughing at the treatment DAP is giving him now saying: “He deserves it.”

  21. Dato Sak, This is the Modus Operandi Of the Man who lost RM100B of our hard earn money. 1) Write a book Malay Dilema,get the Masses on your side,be their hero wait for the right time. 2)1969 When Alliance lost heavily,forced Bapa Malaysia to retire. 3)Be patient,wait some more. 4)The untimely death of Tun Razak bring the goal nearer but must bid for the opportune time coz the baton was passed to the BIL Tun Hussein Onn. 5)Instigate the unknown Palestin to challenge Tun Hussein Onn.Knowing that he don't have the majority support of the delegates he passed the throne to TDM after TR refuse to take it(He live to regret it till today). 6)Play Musa Hitam against TR,the divide and rule tactic work for a while,but if they join forces,he will be dead meat. 7)Must look for a young n capable youth leader to bring in the new blood n kick out the old veteran. 8)Targeted AI but he is in ABIM but refuse to join UMNO.Rope in the help of Dato' Harun who is the good friend of AI father.Sweeten the deal,promise AI the UMNO Youth Chief Post. 8) AI bring in the Wawasan Team,Rahim Ngah,Rahim Thamby,Muhidin,Mohd Taib etc. 9)Sucessfully fend off the Challenge of Musa Hitam and TR. 10)Impose Executive Power Over the Judiciary n Police. 11)Start sloganeering Bersih,Cekap Amanah,Look East,Vision 2020. 12)Put his Key Man in Petronas,that's the Golden Cow,it will come in Handy in the future. 13)Start Big Scale Piratisation to benefit cronies. 14)Since crony don't have money to start with,Give them the cash cow Toto,Magnum,1+3D,Power Station etc. 15)Get them listed ,create paper wealth. 16)Get the Turf Club to sell the land to the 3rd Party who then sell to Petronas for a handsome profit of RM600M in 3 month. 17)Use the crony to jointly develop Twin Tower with Petronas. 18)Change the RPGT to 0 then Cash Out.Save a lot of tax. 19) Change the Land Code so Gomen can acquire private land on behalf of 3rd Party for any Economic Purposes.This is in layman term Land Grab.Famous Land Grab Bandar Baru Klang(BBK) n Stamford Holding. 20)When the owner complain of the underhand tactic in the Land Grab of BBK,To pacify them the Selangor Gomen approve North Hummock Estate 4000 acres for housing Development.The owner immediately sold the land to SP Setia for 600M cash and it was develop into what is today Setia Alam. The list of abuses go on and on.So Malaysian vote with a clear mind on 55.Ini Kalilah

  22. Dato,

    Hari ini 13/4/2013 Mahathir Mohamad berkunjung ke tempat saya ( Pendang ) untuk satu perjumpaan dengan penyokong UMNO BN. Khabarnya 7 ekur lembu ditumbangkan untuk jamuan.

    7 ekur lembu yang ditumbangkan ini akan menjadi simbol kepada paling tidak 7 negeri akan jatuh ke tangan PR. Kami ramai ramai akan hadiri majlis jamuan. Lepas makan minum dan kenyang kami akan terus tinggal majlis. Undi tetap kepada PR kemudian nanti.

    Berdasarkan cula ketika ini..parlimen Pendang tetap kekal ditangan PR dengan majoriti yang meningkat banyak. Begitu juga Tokai ( Bukit Raya ), PR leading lebih 2000 ( belum termasuk undi bukan melayu ). DUN Sungai Tiang akan berlaku kejutan kali ini.

    Kehadiran Mahathir ke Pendang akan memberi kesan " reverse effect ". Majoriti kemenangan PR akan lebih melebar lagi kerana rata rata orang Pendang telah lama menolak Mahathir ( mereka lebih menyukai Pak Lah ). Usaha Mahathir ke Pendang sebenarnya adalah satu kerja sia sia dan akan menyebabkan UMNO di Pendang lebih terpukul. Malah kebanyakan kawan2 kaum Siam saya yang sebelum ini sangat setia dengan UMNO BN, kini mereka akan mengikut rentak " ini kalilah " yang dilaung laungkan di Sabah. DUN Sungai Tiang buat pertama kali akan ranap, bertukar tangan ke PR. Satu sejarah akan tercipta.

    Penduduk Pendang tidak mahu ketinggalan. Mereka akan mengikut arus kesedaran majoriti rakyat Malaysia untuk humban UMNO BN kali ini. Sokongan solid masyarakat China kepada PR diseluruh Malaysia secara tidak langsung mula mendorong masyarakat Siam untuk mengambil tindakan yang sama.

    Jadi 7 ekur lembu yang dikorbankan hari ini adalah tanda UMNO BN Pendang akan terus terkorban. Dan paling tidak UMNO BN bakal hilang 7 negeri kepada Pakatan Rakyat. Kunjungan Mahathir dan majlis kenduri UMNO BN di Pendang hari ini adalah simbolik " upacara talkin " buat parti melayu tertua di Malaysia ini.

  23. EXCELLENT POINT.. Di 2004, Orang Melayu MNENOLAK MAHATHIR, siapa kata orang Melayu tidak boleh sekali lagi?

  24. Dear Datuk Sak

    Kebudayaan tradisional kaum Melayu, like Japanese culture, emphasises good behaviour and courtesy. This is why the term "kurang ajar" is such a grave insult amongst the Malays.

    Tetapi, UMNO Baru's culture (under the influence of "Constitutional Malays" like Dr M and his ideology of Mahathirism) has denegerated into a culture of
    aggressive lack of shame (e.g. the NFC scandal), total disregard of the law, street level hooliganism and intimidation, greedy materialism, religious hypocrisy, fitnah in the form of faked sex videos etc.

    Isn't it time for more and more decent people from the Malay community to take action to cleanse itself of this Mahathir-inspired bad influence which has turned some into Perkasa-type fascists?
    (like Japanese fascism degenerating traditional Japanese culture during the 1930s and 1940s into aggressive, violent nationalism etc)

    Phua Kai Lit
