Tuesday 7 February 2012

Warkah dari warga FELDA

 Ini warkah dari warga FELDA yang saya turunkan secara verbatim. Tidak syak lagi, walaupun selesai penyenraian FGV kelak, isiu nya tidak akan reda. Mudah mudahan ianya akan meningkatkan kesedaran politik warga Felda yang lain.- Sakmongkol.


Woit cukong-cukong mengaku pemimpin belia Felda! Dah buat homework belum apa yang berlaku di Felda Global Venture tentang peluang pekerjaan belia Felda akan datang selepas penyenaraian? Makin kencap kencup kempis dan terus kempis...Kah Kah Kah.

Apa bukti???? Tanya si cukong. Woitt!! Cukong-cukong tahukah apa maksud Outsourcing? Ini kata lebai Google “Outsourcing is the act of one company contracting with another company to provide services that might otherwise be performed by in-house employees. Often the tasks that are outsourced could be performed by the company itself, but in many cases there are financial advantages that come from outsourcing. Many large companies now outsource jobs such as call center services, e-mail services, and payroll. These jobs are handled by separate companies that specialize in each service, and are often located overseas” Apa makna ini?? Maknanya anak dara Jengka melepas jadi kerani payroll...dara sunti Trolak melepas jadi receptionist....janda berhias Lok Heng tak ada can jadi sumber manusia...Kah Kah Kah. Mat-mat belia Felda lagi la melepas terus join Pas...Kah Kah Kah.

Kapitalisme duniaberasal dari Wall Street. Kapitalisme Malaysia berasal dari Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur. Konsep kapitalisme mudah iaitu memperbanyakkan wang dengan cara paling murah. Kalau ada tanggungjawab sosial cuma cara tipu rakyat tak mahu bayar cukai. Faham tidak??

Woit cukong-cukong! Kepala kapitalisme dalam Felda Global adalah Sabri Ahmad. Siapa dia ni?? Sime Darby tendang dia sebab kena kencing RM120 juta. Tak sampai setahun pegang Pengerusi MPOB pun kena tendang juga tak cerdik buat kerja. Sapa sudi ambil dia kerja dan kasi upah lebih RM2 juta setahun? Felda....Kah Kah Kah.

Woit cukong-cukong! Kapla jingga kapitalis Sabri Ahmad ada idea meletopp...untuk fokus teras perniagaan maka kerja remeh temeh perlu kita kontrakkan keluar. Jadi kita lebih berjaya dan tak kencup macam Nokia katanya...Kah Kah Kah. Sabri rasa dia lagi pandai dari Nokia, jadi Sabri mahu kontrakkan kerja-kerja kepada syarikat luar. Ini kerja hebat...anak Melayu yang hebat ini Sabri. Orang Finland yang asaskan Nokia dan korporat dunia patut datang berguru dengan Sabri. Macam mana FGV syarikat rugi bakal jadi syarikat besar sebab pakai tanah bapak 360000 hektar dan gadai aset Felda milik Koperasi Felda di BSKL...Kah Kah Kah. Tak perlu susah payah macam Nokia kena buat R&D, bina kilang dan macam-macam...Kah Kah Kah.

Projek Outsourcing Felda Global Venture ada nama menarik...Shared Service Centre. Untuk potong kos buruh+kebajikan+bonus (overhead), kapitalis Sabri Ahmad rekrut bekas CEO Proton Edar jadi kapla jingga. Kalau mahu rekrut CEO kenalah gaji sama CEO Proton Edar atau lebih...berapa gaji kapitalis Sabri bayar ex-CEO Proton untuk kurangkan pekerja? Ironi sungguh..Kah Kah Kah. Kita tumpang bangga kapitalis Sabri kepala hotak bijak...bayar gaji tinggi untuk kurangkan pekerja..Kah Kah Kah. Kita lagi bangga kalau ada Call Center Felda Global di Mumbai.... “Yellow...Felda Global Venture Call Center Here. Yes Sir you are calling Felda Global Call Center. You ask me Anak Peneroka mana? Of course sir I'm from Felda Bombay not that far from Felda Kampung New Zealand, only 3500 miles far only.” Kalau ini berlaku sudah sah anak dara Jengka cuma ada peluang jawab sms dan telefon balak...

Cukong-cukong Belia Felda tak percaya...anak-anak Felda tetap ada jawatan banyak dalam Felda Global Venture selepas penyenaraian. Itu janji Kaki Lutu pada kami...Kah Kah Kah. Woit! Cukong-cukong tengok nama-nama dalam projek outsourcing ini:

1.         Sri Asnita Mashat
2.         Masrina Wijee
3.         Andrew Lee
4.         Kavita Rekhraj
5.         Glenn Tann
6.         Lee Pooi Chie
7.         Cinty Chandrasekharan
8.         Therese Tan
9.         Lee Sok Chen
10.       Farahana Azmin
11.       Dennis Cheek
12.       Christine Kon
13.       Frank Chai
14.       Lasti Hardiani
15.       Kania Adityarani

Woitt!! Ini betul-betul 1 Malaysia. Kalau betul-betul Felda nak jadikan 1 Malaysia cakap saja Melayu Felda tak marah. Ini sudah Kaki Lutu sudah janji kerja-kerja keutamaan Melayu sebab Kaki Lutu mahu cari makan dan populariti dalam parti Melayu. Kaki Lutu janji belia Felda dapat banyak kerja lepas penyenaraian. Sebelum penyenaraian sudah jadi 1 Malaysia, nasib-nasib awek Melayu No. 10 itu anak Felda, kalau tidak 0%, zero..yilek...anak Felda...Kah Kah Kah. Woitt!! Nama-nama tersebut bukan direka-reka...ada susuk tubuhnya, yang slim, yang gedempul, yang cokelat, yang hitam yang sepet...semua wujud di Balai Felda tempat Kaki Lutu bersemayam.

Cukong-cukong mengaku pemimpin belia Felda berani lagi jamin beribu-ribu pekerjaan untuk anak Felda akan terhasil selepas penyenaraian....Kah Kah Kah.

p/s: Anak dara, dara sunti dan janda berhias sila mogok dari melayan cukong-cukong ini berkaraoke dan ambil kesempatan atas diri anda lagi sampai Out Sourcing ini dibatalkan....Kah Kah Kah


  1. Dato'...
    very interesting... sapa tu?

  2. Dato,

    Tak syak lagi usaha untuk menggembirakan bakal pelabur dalam Felda Global sudah bermula. Outsourcing, pengecilan pekerja, berkurangnya kebajikan kepada peneroka dan fokus kepada anak2 Felda dan macam2 lagi in the pipe line.Boleh juga ikut formula Idris Jala jual sana sini,untung-untung Dato Sabri jadi Menteri PEMANDU ganti Idris Jala.Tak boleh lari apabila Felda join tempat kapitalis berkumpul, Felda akan menjadi mangsa serakah player-player yang jauh lagi besar sumber modal bermain saham dan tukaran wang.Bukan rahsia player-player ini punya backing Fund luar negara dengan modal melebihi GDP negara-negara membangun sekalipun. Masa Felda terjual semakin hampir...

  3. dato,

    -penyamun kasi juan orang felda, tak lami lagi orang felda pakai seluar dalm kat luar macam superman lah gamaknya.

    -cam superman, duit tak dapat tolong orang. semuanya nanti cukong-cukong sapu.

    - list nama ni dah melampau over dato'. orang melayu punya reta benda apsal lain bangsa yg dapat kerja. belambak mat-mat, janda-janda. nakdara-nakdar felda yg terlopong takdak keje.

  4. Dear Sakmongkol,

    real furious, outsourcing when many of our IT graduates and local SM IT companies are struggling to stay employed ?

    all those name ares just good enough for mega cosmetic smiles.. sub-zero substance as the head leads the dance. what "berkaraoke" ?

    there are many mindful voices who speak for the farmers, orang kampung, to read this .. it's absolutely stunning !!

  5. Dato,whether one is a maths genius or rocket scientist,don't have to figure it out and have gray matters on one's scalps.Outsourcing
    or whaever we called it is an insource of income to someone else's pockets.

    The last time I read,half of the bachelor degree holders in Malaysia
    are an dissapointing lot with salaries of RM1,800-RM2,100 while around fourty percent of diploma holders are getting under RM1,200.(khookaypeng@straighttalk dec 16th 2011.youth dilemma:employment and remuneration)

    With so many of our graduates under employed and underpaid,and if government agencies and GLC's are outsourcing,Umno doesn't need more enemies.

    Maybe my buddies Kampong man and QD should start opening their eyes to what is happening in their own backyards.Just because they are among the lucky few who have benefitted a lot,when Dr Mahathir
    was in a hurry to implement his multi millionaires list,the majority of their fellow Malays and Malaysians are left behind.

  6. Anon 7 Feb 19:09 You sounded racist !!
    - orang melayu punya reta benda apsal lain bangsa yg dapat kerja. belambak mat-mat, janda-janda. nakdara-nakdar felda yg terlopong takdak keje...

    ha ha ha kerja habuk, pedicured manicured, berkaraoke ? orang melayu punya reta benda, melayu yang pimpin, apsal Felda takdak jadi ?
    harap pagar ..... hahhahhaha FELL DAH !!

  7. WOIT!! Kan United Malays National Organisation bermoto 'Dulu, kini dan selama lamanya untuk bangsa, agama dan negara' HEBAT!!

  8. Belum pun bermula " round 1 " Felda Global untuk bertinju di gelanggang, kita dah nampak tanda2 FG akan kena pululan KO.

    Melayu kian layu selepas 50 thn lebih di bawah kekuasaan UMNO BN.

    Apa kabar DEB para pemimpin UMNO oii ?

    Puhh..ekuiti bumiputra telah mencecah 70% ! Syabas para pemimpin UMNO ! Korang memang geliga ! Tu belum ambil kira puluhan malah ratusan kejayaa2n korang membelit trillion RM duit rakyat !

  9. The corporatisation of Lembaga Padi Negara ended up as an entity called BERNAS.
    BERNAS got exclusive rights to appoint agents to import rice from outside Malaysia.So the agents went to outsource their supply from Vietnam, Cambodia , Burma and Thailand.
    So local farmers had to sell their harvest only to BERNAS approved millers. BERNAS fixed the price per ton. The padi farmers had no choice, they have to sell at the price fixed by BERNAS . Imported rice was cheaper than locally produced by farmers who has to toil in their land . They have to rent machinery for ploughing and planting and harvesting. The cost was higher than the return when sold to BERNAS. So many farmers left their fields to work in the factories. It was not worthwhile to work in the fields for months with pesticides and fertilizers .The return was not compatible to their cost in terms of money and time and effort. So their sons and daughters too left the padi-fields to work in the factories even as 'jagas.'Their padi fiels are left to be abandoned or overgrown with lalang till today.

    Business was booming for the mill owners and BERNAS. Nobody close shop. BERNAS was listed in KLSE. The padi-farmers got nothing.BERNAS has changed hands from Shahidan to Syed Mohktar. Poor padi farmers in Kedah and Perlis are working as security -guards in town.

    I can see the future of FELDA.

  10. There must be an independent body to protect the economic interests of the Felda settlers completely.

    Once you get politicians running the show, the settlers will be exploited. This has happened so often everywhere else you cannot doubt it has not happened in Felda.

    The reason why we are having so much angst about Felda now is because the settlers have no direct representation for their cause and interests. Those who try to defend them internally are shafted and transferred out.

    Their voice has been diluted by layers of politically-biased bureaucracy and drowned by new-fangled new-era spin.

    And because of their economic plight, the social structure of their family unit has disintegrated. It's like what has happened to our orang Asli's who remain the poorest in the country.

    This is extremely unfair. How can any government of by and for the people end up running schemes of by and for others not even in the projects meant for the people?

    In pulling in professionals from Deloitte and so on, it seems alternatives were not considered hard enough. We have too many unemployed graduates fallowing in the fields with nothing to do except stare at coconut trees. Why not organize them to help?

    To start some suspicious scheme and then operate it using external players is to disenfranchise further the very reason why in the first place Felda and other such bodies were formed.

    The Felda settlers are left out in the wilderness. Unlike members of the MTUC, they don't have enough representation to talk about their real plight that will never see the light of day in the MSM. This is what it all boils down to.

    And for those of us who may not empathize enough with this, think of the same situation befalling EPF holders today. Who represents your interest in how your shrinking retirement fund is being used?

    Our Felda settlers are not to be made slaves to capitalist roaders.

  11. Is that Hishamuddin Rais? Sounds like him, talks crude like him. And the kahkahkah is a dead give-away.
    He wants FGV to be a flop. He wants Felda votes for the selfish reason of Pakatan victory. Not for the concern of the settlers.
    Takut sangat kerana jika UMNO dapat undi warga Felda dan kakitangan kerajaan, sudah tentu BN menang besar.
    Kalau tak, takkanlah Pemimpin PKR seperti Anu-War terhegeh-hegeh atau orang Pahang cakap tersongkok-songkok sering berkempen di Felda schemes.
    Sorrylah ya, Mr Kahkahkah. Najib will not let this happen. He's sticking his neck out for the Felda folks.
    The settlers are his favorite people. He has vowed to make it a success.
    That is his dad's legacy and will also be his legacy. If Felda goes down, Najib will also fall.
    Felda never had it so good. They are given preferential treatment, better than the traditional Malay kampung folks.
    Baru-baru ini saya pergi ke kenduri kahwin anak felda. Woi, grandya, mengalahkan anak orang KL. Yalah, nak seakan-akan sama dengan wedding of the year celebriti anak Felda Memey dan Norman Hakim.
    And the old folks are so upbeat there, with many venturing into all kinds of business including home-stay.
    Felda ni like Astro macam-macam ada. Ada jutawatan, ada celebriti, penyanyi, penyangak, penyamun dan kaki hisap dadah serta Mat Rempit.
    Tapi mereka orang istimewa di mata kerajaan. Mereka diberi biasiswa khas untuk ke foreign U world-class, masuk IPTS, lap-top dan kemudahan makan dan tempat tinggal semasa belajar. All on government money.
    How I wish I am a felda settler's son. Don't you? And I see many green-eyed monsters.
    That's the reason they want the FGV to fail.

  12. Bro Sak, I am sure you heard of the latest buzz about GE being held on March 11. That Parliament will be dissolved on Feb.17.
    It's a welcome news for me. Can't wait for it to happen. Though my hunch still feels it's gonna be in May, until the civil servants pay scheme is resolved.
    That's also the talk of the people in the four kenduri kahwin I went to in our home-state during the festival holidays.
    Yeah why not. Najib should capitalise on the feel-good feeling now. He is now the toast in town. Pakatan is now in disarray.
    Ah Jib Gor is donning kaftan at the Vel-vel fest in Batu Caves saying nambikei. Tossing Yee Sang sky-high with the Chinese mandarins.
    Everyone getting AngPow at the CNY functions. Xie xie.
    The only thing not done is Aunty Rosie throwing oranges in the Putra Jaya lake. LOL.
    Having it later would be an anti-climax to the long and heated campaign on both sides of the political divide.
    Of course, you being a DAP cadre was also the conversation topic at the khenduri.
    Several of the Pahang UMNO big-wigs present were saying how you cancel yourself in joining the DAP. Not that they missed you since you have damaged the party, one said.
    "Tapi pandai sangat. Kenapa pilih DAP. Kalau bertanding bebas, kan bagus.
    "Dia nak jadi menteri. Kalau bertanding sebagai calon PAS atau bebas, maybe boleh menang.
    "Tak nampak macam mana dia nak naik menerusi DAP," to quote another.
    I nod in approval.

  13. Dato!,
    Felda akan hancur musnah, kalaulah begini ceritanya.
    Saya pernah menulis didalam blog Tukar Tiub mengenai penyenaraian FGV ini, saya suroh semua warga Felda kakak2,pakcik2,abang2,adik2 dan Juga gulongan hartawan anak Felda dan Peneroka Felda agar lihat sendiri bagaimana dan apa jadi kpd GLC companies yang telah disenarai diPapan KLSC, hancur bagai gelas jatuh kebumi,
    Hari pertama dan tahun pertama harga saham akan naik mengila, akan tetapi selepas itu harga akan merundum keparas rendah mungkin 50 sen sahaja, ketika itu apa jadi kepada pemenggang saham @ share beratus-ratus lot atau beribu-ribu lot shares, nak simpan harga rendah nak jual rugi teruk.......
    Org luar atau bangsa asing akan mengambil alih saham-saham tersebut, contoh Air Asia,Mas,telekom,Plus,Hicom,DRB,Proton,Ranhill,dll.
    Untuk renungan saja.

  14. "All on government money."..mr QD

    is that right??? puuuhhhhh...
