Wednesday 8 February 2012

Berikan kepercayaan kepada Rakyat bukan sebaliknya!

Nampak nya, bila PM Najib menyeru kaum India mempercayai nya, dia sudah lupa kepada slogan dia sendiri. Suatu ketika dahulu, semasa berkobar kobar semangat liberalism dan terlalu taksub untuk meyakinkan dunia barat, PM Najib telah berkata bahawa zaman dimana pemerintah lebih tahu segala nya sudah berakhir. The age of government knows best is over. Translated, it also means, the age of big brotherism is over. 
Tapi kita tahu, PM Najib kadang2 tidak tahu apa yang sudah diucapkan. Maklum sahajalah, sebahagian besar ucapan mengenai dasar2 negara, di sediakan oleh con-sultans. Slogan itu sedap di dengar, tapi perlaksanaan nya tidak ada. 
Dan baru2 ini, kita dengar PM Najib berkata perbelanjaan keatas kebajikan rakyat akan memufliskan negara. Adakah bantuan kepada rakyat yang susah, bayaran melalui jabatan kebajikan masyarakat misalnya, akan memiskinkan negara? Kenyataan ini amat sukar di terima memandangkan dalam masa 10 tahun( 2000-2009) sebanyak satu trillion atau 1000 billion telah hilang dari negara akibat pemindahan wang ke luar negara secara haram!. Bayangkan jika jumlah tersebut di aplikasikan kepada kebajikan masyarakat! Maka yang sebetulnya membengkrapkan negara ini ialah rasuah dan pemindahan wang secara haram.
Pemindahan wang secara haram ini seperti nama nya, ialah pemindahan wang yang di perolehi secara rasuah atau haram kedalam akaun pemilik nya di luar negara. Tentu ada cara nya, kerajaan yang jujur mahu mendapatkan wang ini.
Slogan zaman kerajaan tahu segala nya sudah berakhir ketika di ucapkan menimbulkan perasaan gembira di kalangan rakyat. Apakah ertinya slogan itu bila di terjemah dengan jujur? Apabila di terjemah, slogan itu bermaksud, segala inisiatif bermula dari rakyat bukan dari pemimpin. Ertinya, PM Najib mahu memindahkan kuasa kepada rakyat. Tetapi itu semua untuk menyedapkan telinga. 
Dari dulu, sekarang dan selama nya, UMNO tidak akan memindahkan kuasa kepada rakyat. Kepada UMNO, rakyat bukan nya tahu apa mereka mahu. Kerajaan lah yang super tahu. Sebab itu PM Najib kata percaya sama saya. Lu tolong gua, gua tolong lu. Beri saya nambikei, tembikai atau apa pun- maksud sebenar yang mahu Najib katakan ialah, kerajaan tahu segala nya.  Itu sebab, caya sama gua. 
Tapi, bila PM Najib berkata percaya pada saya, he has got it in reverse. Yang patut di sampaikan kepada PM Najib ialah, percayalah kepada rakyat, bukan sebaliknya. Jadi kita ulang- PM Najib, percayalah kepada rakyat. Kita tahu apa yang mesti di lakukan. 
Tidak pula kita dengar PM Najib kata percaya kepada UMNO. Dia hanya sebut percaya pada saya. Mungkinkah Presiden UMNO pun tidak percaya kepada parti nya sendiri. Malang nya, inilah yang terjadi kepada UMNO. Ia sebuah parti yang tidak di percayai dan tidak boleh di percayai. 
Bagaimana rakyat mahu percaya kepada UMNO jika UMNO sendiri tidak yakin kepada rakyat? Bagaimana orang Melayu mahu yakin kepada UMNO jika UMNO tidak mempercayai orang Melayu? Cuba kita tanya- kepada siapakah UMNO mempertaruhkan masa depan nya? Kepada orang Melayu atau kepada ahli parti yang seramai 3 juta itu? 
UMNO sebetulnya tidak mewakili orang Melayu. Yang di wakili oleh UMNO ialah orang Melayu terpilih dan Melayu yang berkepentingan. Malahan, orang Melayu yang berada di luar UMNO tidak di anggap Melayu oleh UMNO. Siapakah UMNO yang merasakan diri nya, berhak mendefinisikan siapa Melayu dan tidak Melayu? Bahkan, jika mahu di kira, ramai orang Melayu yang menyifatkan Najib Razak dan Hishamudin Hussein Onn tidak cukup Melayu. Mereka Melayu, tapi quotient Melayu mereka kurang.

Jangan lah kita percaya sangat apabila PM Najib berkata dia insaf dan merasakan apa yang RAKYAT rasakan. Najib mula jadi Melayu bila dia menggantikan Tun Razak sebagai ahli parlimen Pekan dalam tahun 1976. 
Lihatlah kepada UMNO wahai bangsa Melayu. UMNO adalah parti yang mempertaruhkan masa depan nya kepada majority ahli nya yang berjumlah 3 juta itu. itu pun kesetiaan 3 juta ahli nya di perolehi melalui ugutan dan rasuah dan bentuk2 pujukan yang lain. UMNO di dominasi oleh golongan tender-preneur bukan oleh penyokong yang meyakini perjuangan UMNO. 
Parti yang menaruhkan masa depan nya diatas sogokan dan ugutan dan bukan diatas perjuangan untuk satu SERUAN, tidak akan bertahan lama. UMNO ada jasad tetapi tidak ada roh. Ini ancaman terbesar kepada UMNO. 

Orang Melayu tidak ada masa depan dengan parti politik macam UMNO hari ini.


  1. Alaaahai Dato'

    Next GE is still a long way to go.Can't afford to wait anymore

  2. Dear Sak, you have written and criticise a lot and now I think it is time for action which means taking part as a candidate in election.

    Afterwards,as a show of support,I will bank in a small amount of RM 113 (which mean yat yat sang or everyday alive) into your account.

    I would recommend one seat in KL that is Titiwangsa.

    It would be interesting if you would fight in Titiwangsa against ORANG YANG PALING CASH RICH DI MALAYSIA hari ini iaitu MD C.I Holdings Johari Abdul Ghani yang mengatakan DIA TIDAK MAHU UNDI ORANG CINA,India dan lain lain kaum.
    Total voters in P119 Titiwangsa is 55,000 and 30% IS NON MALAYS VOTERS.
    If you contest in Titiwangsa,all you need to win is 15000 malays votes together with the non malays votes.
    Think about it and if you agree with me ,go and see PAS.
    I will campaign for you FREE in Titiwangsa.

  3. Vanakam Bro Sak,
    People believe that the indian votes are for BN.How they are mistaken.
    Being an indian, i will tell you that 85% of indian votes will be for PR.Let 'them" dream of getting indian votes but reality dictates otherwise.Maybe the older generation will blindly voted BN but not anymore.
    The youngsters especially the graduates have an axe to grind and know that they have been had.
    They want change.Change it will be.
    You can be very sure of indian support wherever you contest.
    We have formed a network that will take annual leave and help out any PR candidate at no cost when elections are announced.
    Gone are the days of being blindly led by the nose by mic/bn.
    Indians for ABU ABU ABU

  4. Dato,

    Selama 54thn Umno memegang tampuk kuasa; di mana Umno kuat, di situ umat Melayu hidup merempat.

    Enuff said. CHANGE we need. ABU!

  5. Dato'

    Ucapan " Lu tolong gua, gua tolong lu " betul2 dihayati oleh Ah Jib Gor. Jangan perlekeh dia !

    Dulu Ih Sa Gor dah tolong Ah Jib Gor kat PD, sekarang giliran Ah Jib Gor tolong Ih Sa Gor jadi "taiko" Felda Global. Ah Jib Gor kotakan janji dia Dato'. Itu amalan baik maa !

    Ah Jib Gor pembela rakyat susah. Ah Jib Gor juga satu2ya PM Malaysia paling pemurah. Lihat saja..Ah Jib Gor sanggup membantu pelajar gagal U seperti Saiful Bukhari untuk mendapatkan biasiswa. Sebut kat gua Dato'..mana satu PM Malaysia lain yang sepemurah macam Ah Jib Gor ini. Satu dalam sejuta belum tentu kita boleh jumpa orang baik macam Ah Jib Gor ni.

    Bukti pemurahnya Ah Jib Gor, PM kita ni banyak..tak terkira la Dato'. Yang terbaru ialah bantuan kebajikan RM250 juta kepada yayasan anak2 miskin NFC yang disumbangkan oleh Ah Jib Gor dan parti pembela rakyatnya iaitu UMNO BN. Ini tanda Ah Jib Gor prihatin pada rakyat susah, bukannya rasuah, kronisme atau penyelewengan. Simpati beliau pada anak yatim susah si Shahrizat tu satu amalan mulia sebenarnya. Tak patut sangat lah amalan baik macam tu diperlekehkan.

    Gua tabik spring kat Ah Jib Gor kerana sanggup hidup dalam susah serba kekurangan, kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang semata2 kerana berkurban harta benda demi membela rakyat Malaysia !

    Tolong lah gua...please! Jangan sama kan Ah Jib Gor dengan Na Jis Gor. Itu tak adil !

  6. Di mana saja jika Dato bertanding, saya pasti membantu!

  7. Di mana saja jika Dato bertanding, saya pasti membantu!

  8. bab2 lupa ini boleh terjadi kat sesiapa pun. Tengok diri sendiri pun boleh lupa bila diucapka n20 thaun dulu atua 10 tahun dulu. manusia macam ni not perfect, jika manisia jenis VIP lagi nampak diaorang pelupa. Hair-hari pun jumpa orang macam ni. Mungkin kaluan dengar ceramah ugama pagi2 kat radio dant TV dan kurang kan FB dan blogginh mak macam uztaz cakap kita akan kenali diri kita sendiri kenapa ada ketikanya kita lupa apa yang kita buat dan kita janji dan kita cakapkan.Memanglah katak2 uztaz tak galmer tapi dunia akhirat itu dalah permanent dari dunia yang kita amat kagum keran kecantikan dan keindahan dan keseronokan yang ada di dunia ini.

    Memang topik ini tak sama dengan apa Datuk tulis tapi orang boleh berubah mengikut keadaan. inilah kita katakn manusia biasa tak makmum tak setia macam malaikat.

  9. Kepada Dato' Sri Najib Razak,
    Saya dengan ini berasa rendah hati agar Dato' Sri membeli dan menghadiahkan saya syarikat China Railway High-speed. Dan saya berjanji akan sentiasa berada dibelakang PM 1Malaysia. Lu tolong wa..wa tolong lu..

  10. Dato'

    Would you believe me if I told you that elephants can indeed fly?

  11. Next GE should be announce soon but Najib needs to make sure their front lines are strong enough first..

  12. Tuan,
    Saya sangat yakin dengan kepimpinan Najib yang sangat bersunngoh sunggoh menerajui BN untuk semua rakyat.
    Rakyat telah lama mempercayai BN malah sejak adanya BN dari merdekanya negara ini walaupun terdapat sadikit permasaalahan semasa. Rakyat mahukan kesenambongan bukan change for the sake of change. Kemenangan besar di 2004 di mana BN hampir sapu bersih dan Kekalahan sadikit 2008 yang ada kaitan dengan isu isu semasa ketika itu tidak akan meruntuhkan BN saya kira.Isu Hindraf dan juga dalaman MIC ketika 2008 membuatkan kaum India berpaling tadah seketika bagitu juga dengan MCA dengan leadership problem mereka membuatkan parti itu lemah seketika dan kaum cina memilih DAP.Isu DSAI mendapat simpati orang melayu kerana ketidakadilan tuduhan keatasnya kononnya. Sekarang ini semua sudah berubah dan UMNO sendiri sudah mulakan Transformasi politik mereka mengikut keadaan dan kehendak semasa.

    Bagi PRU 13 trend kekalahan begini tidak mungkin berlaku lagi.Najib telah membuktikan beliau deliver dan Walk the talk cuma beliau belum di beri mandat sepenuhnya lagi.Benar ada yang mahukan perubahan tetapi tidaklah ketahap PR memerintah negara atau bertapak di Putrajaya. Mana mungkin ini berlaku kecuali komponen dalam PR benar benar bersatu, kuat dan mempunyai wawasan teguh yang boleh di terima baik rakyat.Pada ketika ini masih ELEK kata orang India.Kelantan masih di takuk yang lama di bawah PAS, masih mundur dari segi pembangunan nya. Nik Aziz,81 tahun yang bermatian mempertahan dan sentiasa di belakang DSAI masih tidak mahu melepaskan jawatanya kepada pelapis muda.Kelantan tidak boleh di bodohkan PAS lagi walau pun saya akur tidak mudah BN berjaya di sana kerana sifat rakyat Kelantan yang melihat Tok Guru saolah Ayatollah Khomeni di Iran dulu. Kedah juga begitu tidak berkembang.Perpecahan erdogan dan ulamak lah yang akan menumbangkan PAS di Kedah.Itulah sebabnya saya yakin Kedah akan kembali balik ketangan BN,insyallah.

    Saya meramalkan peningkatan kerusi DAP di Dewan Rakyat kepada 38 maximum (DAP bertanding 44 kerusi sahaja) daripada 28 sekarang. Kemenangan ini bukan ada kaitan tuan berhijrah ke DAP. Penghijrahan tuan tidak memberi kesan apa pun malah penerimaan orang Melayu kepada DAP masih di tahap yang sama hanya peningkatan pengundi cina di banadr,itu sahaja.
    Sekira kaum cina memilih meninggalkan MCA dan bersama DAP mereka akan kehilangan suara di Parlimen bagi BN yang bakal memerintah .Chinese voters are smart anyway.They know what is best for them.They are realist.

    Untuk tuan saya cadangkan bertarung di Penang kerana hanya di sini sahaja DAP boleh menang dengan majority.Lupakan Pahang kerana tuan akan gagal di Pahang kecuali di Kuantan.DAP harus menonjolkan orang melayu di peringkat tinggi sekira mahu di terima sebagai parti yang multiracial.DAP juga harus tidak lagi melaungkan Malaysian Malaysia dan menerima Islam sebagai ugama resmi negara tanpa ragu di mana hukum hudud boleh di terima.

    Kemenangan lebih UMNO/BN juga adalah datangnya dari kekalahan PKR yang lemah dan PAS yang belum lagi mendapat keyakinan rakyat sepenuhnya.Jangan lupa dengan The THIRD FORCE yang terang terang tidak menyebelahi PR.Tanyalah Zulkifli Nordin dan yang lai lain dulu yang berdamping dengan PM wananbe Anwar dan jaguh PAS Hasan Ali sendiri.Sabotage begini tiada dalam UMNO/BN saperti di 2008.

    Akhirnya hanya pengundi juga yang akan menentukan walau apa pun yang tuan bentangkan.Saya sekadar memberi pandangan dari rakyat biasa sahaja. Wallahwualam.

  13. Salam Dato' Sak,
    Terimakasih link semula blog WZWH. WZWH ucap selamat maju jaya kepada Dato' Sak dalam destinasi baru politik Dato' Sak. WZWH appreciate and respect Dato' Sak's political views. Thank you.

  14. Kmpong man,

    if you can forgot to spell your name correctly,you might forget to go to the right/correct voting centre too.Hehehe.

  15. I really want to see Sak as MP or Exco member after the GE.
    In fact I do pin hopes of Sak becoming our Finance or Economics Minister.
    But that's well nigh impossible since Pakatan will not win enough seats to form a government.
    So I agree with Kampungman's suggestion that Sak be given a seat to contest in Penang, the only sure win.
    And I hope if he wins, DAP will make him a deputy CM.
    Sak won't win in Raub. Nor in Kuantan.
    Fauziah will lose in Kuantan since she's proven to be cheating the innocent Kuantan folks on the Lynas issue.
    If I am not mistaken, there is a clause in the DAP regulations where you have to be a member for two years before you are allowed to contest in elections.
    But LKS and the warlords can easily circumvent this to have Malay faces as candidates.
    George Choo is recommending Sak for the Titwangsa post. If Sak is a PAS member like the late Loq Loq maybe he can win.
    But under DAP banner, I don't think so. Infact i think the seat will revert back to BN since they have been working hard when LoqLoq fell ill.
    The only seat Sak can win in FT is Pandan which is now held by Ong Tee Keat.

    George Choo

    Haha so laughable that you think of giving RM113 to Sak as a token for contesting in Titiwangsa.
    Keep that for your wife's marketing money.
    Sak and all of you are so against giving of money which you all said are a form of bribe for voting.
    You are a typical Chinaman who thinks money can easily buy the Malays. Shame on you.
    You may say that's goodwill on your part. So it is with Najib who has goodwill but is being accused of gua tolong lu, lu tolong gua by people like you.

  16. Anon 11.31

    Good show. Applause. Then you won't have Indians in the government.
    Can't you see what happened to your Indian deputy CM in Penang?
    What happened to your DAP reps in Perak?
    How I wish Najib is not so kind as to give senatorship to your Indian leaders as a back-door entry to the Cabinet.

    P.s. By the way Paatti, my next door neighbor is pleased to announce that she got her RM500 Bantuan Rakyat 1M voucher. She's happy, I am not.

  17. seperti biasa, cara umNO mesti tabur duit dulu...
    tak kira melayu, cina sekarang india di batu cave...

    tapi duit rakyat dikatakan duit umNO... cehh!!!

  18. Dato Sak,I think your star is shining brightly,I suggest you contest in Bkt Bintang to test 1Malaysia sloganeering.When PKR form the next Gomen,you should hold the post of Minister Of Information I will love to read Dato'Wong Chun Wai Editorial LoL Ka Ka Ka.-

  19. kmpg man.. bodek lebih ..ada masyuk ke..
    mesti umporno tau anda siapa kan.. teruskan perjuangan tekak anda

  20. Quiet despair,

    how about Sak standing in Selangor,Negri Sembilan,Perak or even Pahang.Kampong man and yourself have the tongkat and clutches inferiority complex attitude if you guys think that Penang is the only place Sak can win.

    The problem with you guys are that you cannot even see the difference between a tree and a log.The signs are all out there that Umno/BN is overdue for a humilating public spanking.Didn't your Uncle Jibby tell you the reason he kept pushing back the date of the GE.

    When you see your Aunt Izzy step down as Federal Minister and wanita Umno boss,the GE will be three months after her handing in the letter.

  21. Aku jadi quite despair sebab berkawan dgn kampong man yg terlalu lama duduk dibawah tempurung.

    BN mana boleh menang besar lagi.Kalau menang pun jalan tipu.Sebab tu la tak announce GE13,menunggu lampu hijau script penipuan dari EC.

  22. Kalaulah calon lembu vs BN sekali pun,tetap undi lembu.Sekurang-kurangnya lembu boleh buat kerja dan tiada DNA rasuah,kroni,pencuri lembu dan lanun.

  23. Ministers:99%cow brain,1%human brain for stealing9 February 2012 at 03:36

    Lembu mamak Sherry tambah 2 lagi koleksi kondo mewah diSpore.

    "Gua tlg lu 500rm,lu tlg gua dan geng gua balun juta2rm".

    Lu tak adil la.

  24. Quiet despair,

    by the way my neighbour Minah got her RM500 too.her son Abu drives a porshe cayenne and daughter in law Sharifah a beeam,i asked her why she needed the RM500 as her son is drop it at the donation box at the simple reply,very smart lady this Minah.
    much smarter and has more brains than QD.hahaha.

  25. Bruno buddy,

    Perhaps i should enlighten you in english what i meant since you cannot comprehend my bahasa or you may have forgotten your bahasa he..hee.. Pahang as you and most people know is another BN fixed deposit (kindly refer to all previous BN performance for Pahang ) It is about putting winnable candidate at the right place.My kampong boy LGE from Melaka contested in Penang because it is impossible for him to win there and be CM for Melaka because must i say it again that Melaka will always be under BN,you get me.For all you know my dear buddies Sak and Aspan will not even be named if DAP constitution really said one has to be a member for at least two years before one may contest.However,knowing DAP BOLEHLAND party they can bend their own constutions and rules to suit themselves just like our villain DAP Kapal Sink who can despise Anwar at one point and can also turnaround to fight for that PM wannabe Anwar by whatever means untuk menegakkan benang yang basah. Both Anwar and Kapal have one common trait,very susceptible to change depending on case.In short Sak must be placed in a chinese dominated constituency for him to win due to mainly the non-acceptance of most malays on the DAP struggle.Dont forget DAP merely secure 28 MP seats out of 222 seats offered the last time and even the weak PKR has more !.But what significance is it to have Sak in N9 anyway.It will be the same scenario as Melaka and Pahang, a BN playing ground !

    What do you mean by tongkat and crutches attitude?.It has no relevence to the discussion .You sound desperate bruno.We all want Sak to win and secure an at least a deputy CM in a state and only Penang allows that ok.Dont forget that incident of PAS Penang deputy CM who lost faith on LGE style of management and finally left the post,remember?

    I am glad Shahrizat choose to stay on because she believe she is innocent.A company and Shahrizat are two separate entity.Remember when we learn accounting about that Solomon Vs Solomon ? about being a separate entity lor..
    Shahrizat is very close to the Rakyat and everyone knows he work really hard anything for the women welfare regardless of race.I lived in her Bangsar constituency for 16 years and i know.My dear wife who is twice a cancer survivor get assistance and encouragement from her you know.Shhrizat is innocent until proven guilty,so far none that i know except from the fault finders PR.Lets not overly speculate to win election.Let the Rakyat be the judge whom to vote and which govt can rightfully represent them.We shall all respect that decision when once is made.We are all going to begood Malaysians ,united and live in harmony.Must stop here as it is past 6am i have to do do my duty to the almighty because he finally decide not me.Good day all.

  26. It would seem that there are still many UMNO die hard village ignoramus who at the same time are experiencing "jiwa kacau" (that's "quietly despairing" for those not familiar with Malay slang) trying to peddle their illogical logic (mind boggling, right!) here in dato Sak blog. Writing long and winding post interspersed with their own delusional facts and made up stories about how strong UMNO is, how weak PR is (or they hope actually) and we must not forget their trademark cari makan "my Glorious Leader" salutation to Najib's miraculous transformation (flip flop to ordinary thinking Malaysian) and magical act (shopping and holidaying at our expense) as "THE PM" ala North Korean hero worship, which sadly couldn't even manage to convince a PATI let alone a full and lawful Malaysian citizen (to vote UMNO).

    Come on, you despairing village simpleton! Give us something solid, hard facts on UMNO strength and BN invincibility NOT mythical make believe propaganda refuse such as Third force cartoon character such as Zulkepli Nordin and Hassan Ali. Don't try to mock DAP support from the Malays, instead prove to us that UMNO and Najib could get a full audience in the ceramah and "kenduri makan free" without the enticement of money, goodies and especially the importation (and exploitation) of schoolchildren, teachers and the civil service (who are ordered to attend with the issuance of warning letter from their dept head..err..lice).

    Let's admit the real facts of life that UMNO is in decline and is sliding towards oblivion (and it has been for quite sometime now) and NOT "kalah sedikit" in the last GE! Look at the real grass root situation and listen to the real ground voices. Even Najib and his "big head but small mind" deputy admits that the next GE could well be the biggest challenges that UMNO face and yet you are still cowering under a coconut shell, quietly self assuring yourself that everything is well and dandy since TV3/4 and utusan Meroyan said so. It looks like the only people that believe those spinning mass hysteria media are UMNO die hard fanatic who are still in denial and still believe in fairy tale (kisah dongeng dewa2 kayangan).

    On another note, your reverse psychology ploy to subtly push Dato Sak and many other Malay DAP candidates from contesting in UMNO vulnerable states such as Negeri Sembilan and Pahang (Perak is already a doom state for UMNO) is pathetic to say the least. Anyone with half a brain would know that Penang is DAP strong hold and in contrast, UMNO no longer has any state they can claim as their stronghold. Even the big talk about UMNO taking over Kelantan is nothing but pillow talk in lullaby land, good for a laugh but worthless nonetheless (just like what UMNO has really become, no more no less). Come guys, you can do better, right but on second thought, its hard to keep churning out fiction and fairy tale, huh?


  27. Lu caya gua, gua caya lu; lu tolong gua, gua tolong lu - apakah itu? Ianya macam perbualan budak budak. Pokoknya, adakah pentadbiran Najib dapat mejaga kepenting rakyat bukan kepentingan mereka sendiri. Kalau ya, apakah perlu gau caya lu, lu caya gua? Apakah perlu gua tolong lu, lu tolong gua? Memalukan.

  28. Kampong man,

    My buddy Kampong man,long time no hear from you.As always it is election year,so we are always talking politics.Well,Pahang may be a fixed deposit for BN in the past,and may still be,but BN is sure going to win less seats than in 2008 in Pahang.

    But sure you have heard me putting my two cents worth asking that Sak should stand in Negri Sembilan.Why not think big,but not impossible and go for the top one.In my personal opinion NS is ripe to fall into PR's hands.Maybe a CM'ship is better,but of course a federal ministership is even better.

    Kampong man,this coming GE is touch and go.It may go either ways.My personal opinion is that if BN wins,it will win small,by a nose.But if PR wins it will be by two to three lengths.

    Let's ask ourselves why PM Najib is not in a hurry to seek a mandate for his PM'ship and kept pushing back the date of the inevitable GE.Because Umno is weak due to the many Brutuses in the party.Just ask Dr Mahathir and he will tell you the truth,that BN will get a humilating spanking if it goes to the polls now.

    As for Shahrizat,whether she is involved in corruption or CBT is another point.But it is definitely a conflict of interest.Have you heard of the SNB central banker.The Swiss Franc was going through the roof against the Euro and US dollar,and the SNB was involved in several failed intervention.

  29. So the SNB decided to peg the Swiss Franc to the Euro to weaken the Swissie against the Euro and US dollar.But the wife of the central banker was trading in the FX markets,and made around seventy thousand Swiss franc(RM210,000).

    Did the husband know.Public perception was no.The husband would have kick her butt if he knew.The news about the wife's trading came out.The husband was ask to resign.He refused because he actually did not know anything about it.But one week later he quit due to pressure.He was earning SF600,000(MR2,000,000)a year.

    Whether Shahrizat is innocent or guilty is of no importance anymore.If she had an iota of principle,she would have headed for the exits months ago.Just for arguing sake,with no bias.Take an opinion poll.Public perception will be guilty as hell,even among Umno members.

  30. See, see. Hear, hear. We are village simpleton, ignoramus and jiwa kacau just because we happen to be realists. Yeah, right.
    Like my kampung folks say, benda ni ke depan. Bukan ke belakang. So let's all witness together. Agree?
    And we are spinning fairy tales, says Nicki-ee.
    Bruno, like my American pals say, go hug a tree. The tighter the better.
    You may need Rapunzel's (my fave fairy tale) hair to climb the balcony to kiss the soon-to-be defeated toad Anu-war.
    Buddy, you suggested Sak contest in Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Perak and Pahang.
    No problem in the former three states. No harm trying his luck. But for Pahang it's a no-no for Sak.
    We want Sak to win. And the best bet is Penang. We really want to see whether racist Chinese voters will vote for him.
    We also like to see whether LGE is really sincere in wanting Malays as DAP candidates. What better move than offering Sak a Penang seat and made him number two in Penang.
    I salute him if he does that.
    Who's to say if he fields Sak in n unsafe seat and when he loses, will say we did indeed have Malay candidates but he lost.
    I am sceptical that racist DAP voters will vote for a Malay candidate. They are unlike Malays who can vote for MCA and MIC candidates.


    LKS and family are Batu Pahat born people. They know Johore is a BN fixed deposit state, so LKS ran to Malacca.
    The dear leader ran away from his home-town to Kota Melaka simply to be an MP.
    But he knows Malaccans will not tolerate another Lim dynasty. That son cannot ever be Malacca CM.
    So LGE entrenched himself in Penang.


    You cakap BN tak boleh menang lagi kecuali dengan jalan penipu dengan skrip dari EC.
    Tak usahlah main rekod lama.
    Semua di sini cakap BN tumbang, jadi Pakatan yang menang tu atas penipuan dengan help EC ya. LOL.
    Kalau BN menang tipu, Kalau Pakatan menang, ia kehendak rakyat.
    Patutlah pemimpin anda tak menang dan tak akan menang kerana guna logik bodoh macam anda juga.
    Janganlah memperlekehkan pengundi yang tahu apa sebenarnya Pakatan.
    Cantik sangatlah tu. Pengundi pandai kalau undi Pakatan. Pengundi bodoh kalau undi BN.
    Samalah macam menuduh kami yang menyokong BN sebagai dungu.

  31. Whether there are indian representations in the government or not, nothing have changed in the last 54 years under UMNO/BN for the indians anyway.So there is nothing to lose for doing ABU.

    Many indians that i have come across have said they are keen to do ABU no matter what happens and i'm equally glad when i hear the same from the malay and chinese brethens!

    I'm doing "Pay it forward" - distributing Sak's and Aspan's eye-opening articles to all my friends,family and relatives who in turn doing the same "Pay It Forward to spread the message - our ultimate goal is ABU this GE13!

  32. Anon 0350

    I got your point. That you are telling me that even rich Malays got it.
    And you are saying her redeeming trait is giving it to charity.
    My answer: That's disgusting. It's like robbing Peter to pay Paul. Jika like the Ah Beng who got it and donated it to DAP.
    Maybe she's like Paatti who used her kampung address.
    They shouldn't be applying for it at all. It's a testament of my grouses that this Najib goodies will land into the wrong hands. That the deserving did not get it, but the unneedy will.
    At least Paatti is honest, just like the Indians who said on TV, mau beli barang la.
    Paatti is buying a saree for her grandson's wedding in June.

    Here's the conversation which made me angry with her.

    Paati: Boy, I got it. I told you I will get it and you say I will not.
    Me: Aiyo, how you get it. Some other poor don't get it.
    Paatti: I used my Batang Berjuntai estate house address.
    Me: No wonder, that's cheating.
    Paatti: No what. It's in my MC.
    Me: So you are voting at Batang Berjuntai. Remember you said you will be voting for BN, like you always did.
    Paatti: Nolah. Too tiring to go there. So farla. I won't votela.
    Me: Better change your address. The post office is so near. And you got driver to send you.
    Paatti: See la, Maybe nexc week.
    Me: Make sure you do. There's still time.
    Me: So what are you doing with the money?.
    Paatti: Buy Saree for Vinesh's wedding. You know my Saree costs at least RM3000. With the money, I will pay less.
    Paatti: I also give your maid $50.

    Oh my, even Indon maid got the share of our wealth. No wonder I heard her saying Syukurin. Terima kasih Datuk Najib.

  33. Quiet Despair,

    speaking about long time no hear from my buddy Kampong man and out comes my other buddy Quiet Despair,Kampong man's tag team partner.

    QD says Bruno,like my American pals say go hug a tree.You mean the silver pole on top of the stage,or the dancer.For the dancer I would hug her the tighter the better.That is the difference between a tree and a log,buddy.

    Like you say your American pals,didn't they tell you that Obama won was because the American people wanted change.Who would have ever dreamt of an African American as US president.Now don't Malaysians wanted change.My personal opinion is that Malaysians wanted and needed change much more that the Americans.

    First corruption and cronism is umteen times higher in Malaysia than in America.Second if race was an issue,Obama won not have won,not in a zillion years.

    And QD said,'I am sceptical of racist DAP voters will vote for a Malay candidate'.If Sak does stand in Penang in Chinese majority constituency,his opposing candidate whether from Umno,Gerakan or Mca will smell dust.I would not be surprised if they lose their deposits too.But wherever Sak will be standing,he will be a winnable candidate.

  34. Quiet Despair,

    Forever asking for tongkat, ye????

    ‘We also like to see whether LGE is really sincere in wanting Malays as DAP candidates. What better move than offering Sak a Penang seat and made him number two in Penang.’

    1st, I sincerely believe that Dato Sak has more honour than the kind like u. Why should Dato Sak must win on Chinese vote, as a DAP candidate? Why couldn’t he win as a DAP candidate elected by ALL M’sians, on whatever constituent that Dato Sak choose to contest? If Dato Sak has the conviction, he should be allowed to contest anywhere he chose. That’s substance to u, man!!!

    Ha, no point trying to put Dato on yr level, yes?

    ‘I am sceptical that racist DAP voters will vote for a Malay candidate.’

    Tell that to that Mamak; ironically, Mahathir won the 1999 general elections mainly due to Chinese votes, when the Malay grounds were split over his quarrels with his deputy Anwar.

    BTW, I’m equally skeptical that racist umno voters will vote for a DAP candidate. The kingmaker here is the middle-path voters who r colour-blind & religious tolerant. & these people r knowledgeable too, to know who to choose as their elected representative.

    Thanks to the gerrymandering of the election commission, on instruction from umno, there r now less than 30% diehard umno seats in P M’sia. The ground sentiment is just not with bn this time now. Mamak knows it. Ah Jib Gor knows it. Only spin doctor likes u, is still in denial mode.

    Keep dreaming, the next time, that’s after GE13’s result announcement, u should seriously consider packing, & move back to USA. Don’t forget to ask yr kampongpal to tag along & hopefully both of u can still talk c**k while in that Mat Salleh land. Thing aint pretty for u people there, that’s for sure.

  35. Dear Sakmongkol,

    George Choo's recommendation is right as my Chinese friends in Titiwangsa have only good words to say about the late Loq Loq's equal sincerity and commitment in assisting them.

    Kampung Man sure took much time and mind to write his thoughtful comments with clarity, but his suggestion has a tinge of the benefit of the doubt. He should himself renegade and join DAP and stand in election. And i will definitely impress Chinese and Indians to vote for Sak, Aspan and him.

    Quiet Despairi's absolutely right,
    Pandan Jaya's a high probability. OTK is totally irrevelant. Heard a university tutor shared a few times about its the high crime rate, snatch thefts, gross side activities, youth terrors terrorizing lone students and LRT users in the early morning or late at night.

    Predominantly Malay, and a good percentage of Chinese and Indian.

    Sak, if you can offer workable and tangible solutions and commitment to trash all the issues mentioned, plus changing their Malay youths' recalcitrant behavior...

    And ensuring all the three races have new jobs, new businesses, safety with police bases, high hygiene for living and business environment, strict enforcement, upgrading of the surau, the filthy wet markets, create " a reawaken progressive social economics growth with muhibbah spirit for Pandan Jaya " in all fairness ( like the late Lok Lok in Titiwangsa or even better ), you will win, Sak.

    I will inform the university tutor to visit your blog and influence others to vote for you.

  36. Vote for a NEW MALAYSIA! Forget 1Malaysia!

    * credit to Nick for this slogan *


  37. QD,

    PRU 2008,BN sedang dibuai mimpi indah,terkejut beruk 5 negeri ditawan PR.Waktu tu BN tak bersedia utk menipu kerana over confident.Tapi kali ini,mendengar ucapan Ah Jib Gor yg akan membuat apa shj,tentulah termasuk penipuan,terutama diSelangor.

    6000 pengundi utk BN,1 kerusi parlimen.30000 pengundi utk PR,1 kerusi parlimen.Apa benda ni, kalau bukan tipu.

    Parlimen dibubar,BN masih lagi menyebut BN kerajaan dan PR pembakang.Mana ada kerajaan dan pembangkang bila dah bubar. Bukankah putarbelit namanya ini.Tiada saluran media milik rakyat utk parti lain selain BN dan menggunakan setiap harta dan agensi rakyat waktu berkempen macam atuk nenek BN punya.Adil ke?

    RM 1trillion duit lesap keluar negara siapa pulak tuannya kalau bukan BN.Mungkin awak tunggu rm100trillion,baru terkejut dari mimpi awak.

    Saya,seorang warga Selangor kalau jumpa 10 org,hanya 2 org yg menyokong BN.Mungkin rakyat Sel. dah serik dgn BN kerana semuanya ada DNA toyol.Itulah hakikatnya.

  38. Sdr SAK,
    Bukan semua orang Melayu umno, bukan semua orang umno Melayu. 3 juta ahli, memang orang umno cakap besar, adakah semua ahli sukarela? ikhlas?'. Umno tak boleh di baiki lagi, mati kali ke 2?. Zaman orang guna kris(tak bersarung pulak tu) telah berlalu, Presden sendiri telah membeli senjata canggih bernilaai ratusan billion RM, jangan duduk nak kekal orang Melayu (3 juta) ahli umno nah di kongkong dengan cara lama yang kuno dan feudal. Cukup2 lah kita ni sudahnya mati juga, Janganlah tinggal harta kat anak2 bertimbun2, anak2 orang umno yang kaut laba negara sekarang ni bukanlaah Melayu sangat, Lihat sekeliling dan celah2 internet, nilailah sendiri..mmmm

  39. Kampong man,

    Sharizat is so close to the rakyat that she has to sneak into parliment as a senator. Did she get her butt kicked but a young firstimer who ran against her ?

  40. Bruno,
    9 Feb 13:25

    When the African American won the US presidency, the world, including the UAE erupted into euphoria. I was working alongside the Americans. Some western media tagged Obama as the president of the world. ha ha ha. Our PM then went on to comment that one day Malaysia will have a PM from the minorities.

    Fast track forward, to have the elected Nizar as the MB of Perak, the Speaker then, the remark's hilarious that could translate into intense energy to scale a pole, without the baggage - the log.

    It is now, GE 13 or slide into bankruptcy, it is GE 13, Malaysians must vote for a new nation, without all the baggage !

  41. anon 10.28
    ahli 3j tu sapa bayar yuran?

  42. To kmpong man and quiet despair, we know who you are@ your real identity. Since yu guys are so confident on BN's ability, we wish you luck.As for Dato Dato, he will win any of the MCA seats in Pahang. So he doesn't need to go to Penang coz Penang has enough of local talent. As for the paid cyber troopers of UMNUuuuu/BN try harder to convince us. hahahaha

  43. kmpong man or kampong man...but you are really KOMPANG MAN OR UMNUUUU/BN. hahha. 'Innocent till proven guilty', ha! What about opposition leaders who are put on TRIAL in GOVT CONTROLLED MEDIA AND SENTENCED EVEN B4 THE COURTS CAN RULE. FINALLY, THE COURTS ABIDE BY THE MEDIA VERDICT. 'INNOCENT TILL PROVEN GUILTY', MY FOOT! Yeah what about TEOH BENG HOCK. Doesn't he deserve JUSTICE. What about the NFC whistleblower. Why, bring the judge to the hospital, is his crime so serious compare to the 'shit' goping on in the UMNUUU/BN party.
    Now, Nazri says, Shahrizat settles RM250juta and she doesn't have to resign. IS THIS YOU CALL INNOCENT TILL PROVEN GUILTY? We know who you are. So don't bring ALLAH into your act. You can do what millions of real Muslims do everyday 5 times a day. Only the HYPOCRITES WILL DECLARE and show the world how PIOUS THEY ARE??!!! i HAVE SAID B4, Dato SAK can contest any of the MCA held seats and win in Pahang. Tidak perlu berhijrah. Kita rakyat Pahang perlukan dan kehausan pemimpin tempatan.

  44. Everyone knows poor BENG HOCK jumped to his death to cover his DAP bosses CORRUPTION .No one pushed him out of the windows.Proven I thought.

    Pahang is not for Sak.He was there before and he was not even an exco .What can he do in Pahang when Pahang is definite BN traditionally and will be,insyallah .He might Possibly even lose his deposits there.He deserve to be in the safest seat possible.If you think he should be there might as well put him back at his previous Pekan against Najib.Sak being Najib info chief surely know how to win against Najib at his own backyard.

    alamin, or Al- amin it is the duty of us Muslims to perform our prayers daily and it is not something new just that I was late and was carried away writing and I have to stop writing,that's all.I will have to remind myself all the time as not to be carried away and I am not that pious as many other people like you.Why perasangka buruk and membuat
    tuduhan buruk ? I don't know you and you don't know me and how can one make that judgement. Who are you anyway to make a judgement.Even Allah do not make a judgement until the end of the world.Maaf kalau itu yang
    anda fikir anda berperasangka buruk dan membuat satu tuduhan.

    After all when Sak be the deputy CM for Penang, a sure win for DAP ,he can then influence that LGE about changing their Malaysian Malaysia stance and changing the Malay perceptions of DAP as being chauvinistic and racist .Tak Ada apa yang Sak boleh buat di Pahang bawah BN.

  45. Alamin, it is good you reminded about the tragic death of Teoh Beng Hock.The visual of his aggrieved parents throughout the trial and his little toddler aged 17 months being robbed of his father etched a sombre mood of some 400 people who gathered to commemorate the second anniversary of his father’s death.

    And to rejolt our memory about the NFC whistle-blower who is alleged. Both deserve justice and it is long overdue.

    For Kampong Man to write his thoughts in the wee hours could be that of a writer who gets inspiration at the break of a new dawn in its absolute quietness. And yes,time just flies without the writer’s realisation. Worse if one types on the tablet in a car or while on transit. If you read his blogs, he is certainly a very pleasant and genuine hearted chap when it comes to recommending others to his good buddies, Sak and Aspan’s blogs and having diplomatic intelligent discussions so long they do not touch on his one top favorite leader(s).

    However, his comment on the late TBH’s death is highly perplexing. Perhaps he could include praying to the merciful Almighty who gives justice to victims as what true justice is about.

    Thank you Sakmongkol. Wishing you well and much favor for victories as unto the Rakyat for a better and greater future for all Malaysians.

    Why is election so lewat ?
