Monday 12 July 2010

UMNO: Stepping up to the next level.

Ibrahim Ali formed PERKASA he says on a very non event note. Some 30 people got together in one restaurant and Ibrahim Ali started the ball rolling. He never dreamt the group he assembled hastily would steamroll into something big. As a result he became emboldened. Now, Donald Lim who is probably of the same height as Ibrahim Ali wants to set a Chinese PERKASA. This is clearly retaliatory politics. Stupid move.
What's this with height-challenged people? They have this Napoleon complex where short people overcompensate their shortness with audacious ideas and thinking?
I suspect the government will not disallow the MCA people, if they want to set up a Chinese PERKASA. I thought they existed already- Suqiu? Wasn't this an organization operating on all things Chinese agenda? DAP is already here. With its brand of Chinese first politics, no matter how strenuously it tries to deny, DAP has a clear advantage over MCA. MCA must, like UMNO show it is the voice of reason.
Similarly UMNO must show it's the voice of reason. Yes it performs its role as keeper of Malay interests but does so in a reasonable fashion acceptable to non Malays. For that reason, it must distance itself from the PERKASA approach.
What's happening is, by default, by doing nothing, UMNO forfeits its role for the Malays. It must overcome this by reassuring that although, UMNO is for Malays , it governs all in Malaysia. Those who want to rule and govern over their ethnic groups only, are welcome to play the politics of extremism.
The more important question, what is the government doing? If these two organizations are allowed to flourish, its governance gone stupid. By default, through your elegant silence, you allow ethnicities and racism to set upon each other's throat. The government cannot sit idly by.
UMNO cannot allow its legitimacy be undermined and undercut by PERKASA. The issues that are championed by PERKASA are the issues that UMNO has always fought for. The fact that Malay leaders are not more attracted to the PERKASA's choice can only signal, that the present day UMNO is on the wrong footing. All these talks about liberalism is giving the impression that Najib is distancing from UMNO's core beliefs of championing Malay interests with reason.
The impression is not true. Affirmative actions will still be in place but they are going to be leavened with transparency, merit and competitiveness. Unfortunately, UMNO hasn't articulated its core philosophies clearly and reassuringly. Its inaction allowed Perkasa to gain the upper hand. The reality is Perkasa is an upstart that is gnawing at UMNO's base. Ibrahim Ali is nothing but he appears bigger than life, because UMNO has developed rigor mortis.
Clearly the UMNO leadership is at fault here. It hasn't move quickly enough to snuff out the spark that is Perkasa which has alighted the whole UMNO prairie now.
The UMNO president is onto something worthwhile for every Malay and Malaysian to adopt as a cause. It isn't a new cause. It was what Tun Razak began when he set out the NEP- which had the overriding objective of national unity. Except now, its rehashed in a new and contemporary term- 1 Malaysia.
Because the PM believes and it's a belief that is worth sharing, that the more integrated our society is rather than ghettoized, the better the country is for economic development and political stability.
The problem with many of us, particularly the Malays is, we defend a proposition more because it is politically correct. Hence anyone, who opposes what Perkasa champions can easily be labeled as not Malay enough or not nationalistic enough. The advancement, the prosperity and the elevation of Malays do not require the prescriptions offered by Perkasa simply because they are not based on factual foundation.
What is the factual foundation?
The factual foundation is, economic progress and prosperity require whole societies feeling driven. You need that drive and the feeling of being driven. Simply put, Najib must develop Malays into go getters.
I think the PM is on to something when he says affirmative action will stay but they will operate on driven principles- work, merits, transparency and competitiveness. The problem is, he hasn't asked his people to develop these ideas into coherent whole and he hasn't asked his people to develop his ideas into a practical package.
The faster he has a new team infused with the same cause, the better it is for UMNO and Malaysia.


  1. Transparency.meritocracy is not equal to lesen judi,36 bil MRT dan lain2 se-waktu dgn nya.

    Nasib lah..

  2. anon at 20:48

    gee, i didnt know that. saya lulus s.a. sahaja, sekolah atap

  3. Perkasa and Ibrahim Ali are hot potatoes for UMNO. Damn if I do and damn if I don't.

    It is unlikely Najib and UMNO leadership will take a strong stand against the racist undertones of Perkasa and Ibrahim Ali.

    Perkasa and Ibrahim Ali is weakening the non Malay (Chinese and Indian) base of BN. BN-UMNO will suffer in those constituencies with significant non Malay voters.

    Perkasa and Ibrahim Ali are seen as anathema to Najib's 1Malaysia and they both erode UMNO's standing as a Malay party able to look after the interests of non Malays when governing the country.

    If Perkasa and Ibrahim Ali are seen as closely linked to UMNO, or if voters perceive UMNO-BN unwilling or unable to rein in Perkasa and Ibrahim Ali's racial extremism, BN will face a rough ride in the coming GE.

    Pakatan Rakyat's wish is for Perkasa and Ibrahim Ali to stay in the limelight as long as possible and as close to the GE.

    The stronger Perkasa is perceived by voters, the weaker UMNO appears to nonMalay voters. Does it matter? Yes it does when UMNO wants non Malay votes in racially diverse constituencies and when UMNO wants its component partners MCA and MIC or Gerakan to win seats for BN as a coalition.

    At this point, Najib is taking a very short term view of UMNO and BN's stakes in the GE.

  4. Dato'

    Nazri Could be right when he said that Perkasa would fail to continue the moment Tun Dr M is no longer around. There is no doubt that Perkasa's legitimasy is due to Dr M's participation.

    Hence the Problem is not Ibrahim Ali but rather Tun Dr M!!
    Say what you like, Dr M is essentially trying to Hijack UMNO through Perkasa.

    Joe Black

  5. If PM use more s.a grads instead of oxbridge myb our life much better..

    Nasib lah kita semua..

  6. Dato' Sak,

    can you write up in the near future about insider view on the Altantuya case / Razak Baginda dan Najib from UMNO grassroots? The French government has opened up investigation on DCNS submarine corruption kickback to Malaysia, Pakistan and Taiwan....ex Special Branch/ PI Bala has testified today in Paris.

    Or the so called interference by Najib's 2nd wife Rosma in the running of government??

    Or how UMNO feels about the APCO Israel issue?

  7. What is all this champion this or that? What has actually changed foundamentally? Nothing much except for superficial changes.

    Perkasa is yepping all the way to doomsday and yes, we are heading already before even Perkasa was formed. That was why the people woke up and 0308 happened.

    Only change we see are more prudent spending by certain states like Penang.

    But these would do little to foundamentally what is wrong with our Malaysian society which all know why but refuse to admit or willing to give up.

    The trend would countinue as our competitive industries go downward, the Chinese businessmen no more a force compared to yesteryears, the brights will move to where there are opportunities overseas (since with or without NEP), the lack of investments will dry up good jobs.

    Nothing has essentially changed except that nowadays our leaders are more occupied to getting voters support than running the country in the correct ways.

    We continue to get super hyper inflated costs for projects where with the same amount of money we could have three times the items we receive.

    We have Sarawak's super tycoons and now seems another 10 dams will be opened up (as though they do not have enough electricity already) .. and able to log clean all the virgin forests leaving disastrous non functioning dams (nobody wants.).

    These are just a few of the examples how our coffers are drained bone dry and we can just sit and watch helplessly.

    Ibrahim Alis ... yep somemore and see in the end if you can get even 1% not to say 67%.

    These guys just don't know how to run a country!

  8. Sir

    what's wrong with Perkasa defending the Malays rights just as Suqiu fighting for the Chinese interest.

    Maybe some of you don't like Ibrahim Ali for some personal reason but Malays do need Perkasa for more important issues.

    So don't blame Perkasa just because of Ibrahim Ali while Umno, Pas and PKR are doing zero to really help the Malays.

    FYI - The British colonials did mention in their reports that Malays are only good at blaming the others but did nothing to improve themselves. Read the books.

  9. Sniper at 2212 said

    "FYI - The British colonials did mention in their reports that Malays are only good at blaming the others but did nothing to improve themselves. Read the books."

    Exactly, that's what Ibrahim Ali and his Perkasa are doing, blaming the Chinese and Indians for the Malay's failures.

  10. sniper,

    there is nothing wrong with Perkasa and Ibrahim Ali.

    If the Malays feel they do really need Perkasa and Ibrahim Ali and his ilk in 21st Century Malaysia, after 50 years of independence, and 40 years after the start of NEP, that is the choice you and those Malays have made. Nothing is wrong with that.

    The point being made is the impact of Perkasa and Ibrahim Ali with all the negative racial undertones on the country's delicate racial situation, the economy, and on UMNO/BN and on the UMNO as a Malay party running a government that can also look after non Malay interests.

    Unless of course, you also agree that every race should also have its own version of Perkasa as one MCA leader suggests for the Chinese.

    See it from the perspective of the country, not as a Malay, Chinese or Indian.

  11. shamshul anuar12 July 2010 at 23:15

    Dear anonymous (21;00),

    I beg to differ. PERKASA is not racist. It voices up the aspiration of Malay community.

    PERKASA actually is a blessing to Malay community. It serves as a potent reminder to both UMNO and PAS to take care of Malay interests.

    Meaning now both UMNO and PAS realize they are notsacred to Malays. Important yes, but not indispensable.

    If Ibrahim does not form PERKASA, someone will. UMNO and PAS better listen and appreciate the support of Malay community.

    Malays are upset that they feel their rights are eroded . That is a reason PERKASA receives overwhelming support to the point no Malay leades can afford to ignore or dismiss.

    If Nasjib distances himself from PERKASA< he will find that Malay support to UMNO will decline.

    And Najib must get real. UMNO can never match PR's offering to non Malays. Anwar is willing to sacrifice Malays just to earn Chinese votes. He does not want to realize that actually Malay support for PKR is on decline. And quite considerable too.

    PAS suffers the same fate. Malay support base on PAS is eroded simply because Malay in general feels that PAS is "kowtowing" to DAP. And DAP maintains a very anti Malay attitude.

    As for UMNO, ignore PERKASA and it will anything but wipe out in next election.

  12. Are You Gonna Go My Way12 July 2010 at 23:42

    Perkasa is not umno...perkasa only represent a large number of malays...not all malays. So why worry MCA? Umno can still look after the malays and other races. Perkasa been seen closed to umno now because umno is the one in power and can decide what perkasa wants. If Anwar is in power, perkasa will breath on anwar's neck too.

    Why chinese so afraid of Malays getting together on issues that effect the malays. So only you can have persatuan tong, taek, chin, peng and the malays cannot.

  13. Dato,

    Najib is a ball of nerves over the past weeks.

    The french judiaciary is digging up the scorpene deal.

    Najib is pee-ing in his pants....slightly incontinent lah...kepala pusing dan tidur tak nyenyak lah.

    Mana ada mood nak fikir tentang hal rakyat.

    orang kampung

  14. Najib should ask the special branch to kau tim Ibrahim lah.

    Mulut Ibrahim mesti di sumbat oleh special branch.

    Katak ibrahim tu merepek sangat. Tapi tentang lesen judi, dia diam aje.

    orang kampung

  15. I laughed like a horse to see Ibrahim Ali was blowing himself up thru the broken trumpet!

    He's emboldened by Perkasa going strong?! My goodness!

    To most of the people at large, less people have not known of the great boxer Mohd Ali whereas who is Ibrahim Ali, no one didn't know of him being just a croaking fat ass toad!

    He is not far akin to a roadside paddler or a riff-raff who is selling the very cheap stuff in the flea market with a rotten loud hailer!

    Wasn't he not?!

    When he's talking about he's meant for the Malays and to protect the Malay interests, did he really go into research and study the psychology of the new intellectual Malays of what in their dire needs of their rights to a better prospect and livelihood, and a prosperous and an advanced Nation which would bring them pride and dignity?!

    He's still propagating his cheap kampung produce - the Tongkat Ali - and selling crutches to his cohorts with the same kampung mentality! Hence he self-proclaimed to be a jaguh kampung!

    Jaguh or Jagung like that his little thingy encased in the bushy hairs?!

    As i said, the new Malays are at play now in the new era of elitist and intellectual they would treat the tongkat as a mock of their intelligence and prides! They know fairly well that there is no longer a tongkat like the witch woman's broom which could fly them far and high unto the peak of success in lives!

    The crutches of 'M' brand is a disgrace to them when they can afford the exotic hydraulic jack to prop them up!

    Only that Ibrahim Ali is still touting for the cheap 'tongkat ali'-NEP- as an effective concoction for his own consumption!

    A niminy-piminy hopeless thingy that's what he's likened!

  16. Many dismiss Ibrahim Ali as a loud-mouthed airhead unworthy of being taken seriously. That may be unwise.

    We all know that life can sometimes throw surprises at us that rock our complacency, like for instance:

    * Nobody thought much of Spain's chances when the World Cup began a few weeks back. Yet, the Spanish team is now flying home with the Trophy securely in their hands.

    * The Shah was seemingly unshakeable on his peacock throne in Iran whilst the Ayatollah Khomeini was just an obscure cleric residing in Paris churning out criticisms of the royal regime. As we know from history, Khomeini eventually knocked the Shah off his pedestal and became Numero Uno in Iran.

    * Hitler, at the beginning of his career in politics, was dismissed as nothing more than a pesky gadfly. But this fly soon turned into a fire-breathing dragon that almost burned to ashes the entire continental Europe.

    The point here is that great changes can begin as small, imperceptible movements which gradually gather momentum, then reach a tipping point and crash over and obliterate everything in its path like a rampaging tsunami.

    Ibrahim Ali just might shock people by turning out to be one such surprise. As someone observed, although he was referring to the stock market - never underestimate the madness of crowds.

    Hitler probably understood this well and exploited it to the full by playing to his listeners' fears and prejudices, and thus succeeded in getting millions of Germans to back him.


  17. i dont know why but comparatively, malay woman are more hardworking, study harder, get better education, dedicated and strive to propel themselves up if you compare to the malay men...

    But not to say all men are malas. But if you look even in Kelantan, females are the rajin types, have business while the men hang out lepak and omong kosong at kedai kopi....

    Even in university, all females including from other races score higher than males. Maybe something wrong with all males...

    Maybe we need to try out a female PM just to humble these males .....

    Maybe Wan Azizah or Nurul Izzah or others in the future, If Indonesia can have female President, why not Malaysia....

    but not Rafidah or Shahrizat...I wont even trust them to babysit or become Maid in my house.....

  18. Najib menerapkan semangat 1Malaysia.
    Tetapi sifat perkauman kita semakin menebal.
    Kita dah ada DAP, Raja perkauman, dah ada Perkasa, dah ada Suqiu, dah ada Hindraf. MCA nak menubuhkan lagi satu platform yang boleh menandingi Perkasa.
    Yang tak faham, kutuk Perkasa tetapi nak meniru pula lagak Perkasa.
    Orang Puteh kata imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
    Kita semakin menjadi kalut-malut.
    Apa ke hae ni Najib? Takkan nak berdiam diri saja.
    Baik bubar saja 1Malaysia.
    Tak ada siapa yang mengamatinya.

    P.S. Just dont understand the growing envy of the non-Malays towards the Malays on the issue of JPA scholarhips.
    They are really scrambling for it like there's no tomorrow.
    Gone are the days when the Chinese and Indians are so proud that they obtained foreign law or accountancy degrees on mom and pop scholarships.
    Even the ice-seller down the street can affort to send their kids to study overseas.
    They take a jibe at the Malays for taking hand-outs to get an overseas education.
    But the tables have turned. For the last three years, many more non-Maays have been getting JPA scholarships, thus reducing the quote for poor Bumis.
    Najib has appeased the ciomplaints of the Cinese in the papers by awarding scholarships to all with 9As.
    This means the rich Chinese and Indians will also get the scholarships.
    What happens to the poor Malays?? Priority for JPA scholarships must be given to the poor and those whose parents work in the government.
    MCA and MIC are compiling the lists of their rejected JPA applicants to get the sholarships.
    What about UMNO? There are Malays with 10As whose applications are rejected.
    But Malays are not fond of making noises in the press or going to Istana Negara to force pressure.
    Ibrahim Ali should also do it, instead of having shouting matches with Wee Ka Siong.
    Janganlah menang sorak, kampung tergadai.
    Baik buat Tok Him. Kalau ya pun dia orang dah tuduh mu perkauman.

  19. Shamshul Anuar said.. PERKASA is not racist. It voices up the aspiration of Malay community.


    Isn't what every racist will say after he/she makes an obvious racist remarks to everyone else.

    You hear the same stereotypic denial from the Ku Klux Klan, from the Nazi skinheads in Europe and from racists in Malaysia.

    Come on, it does not take a linguist or a rocket scientist to know from what angle Perkasa and Ibrahim Ali comes from.

    You know a racist the moment he/she opens her mouth. A standard six pupil from a rural school can even tell you that and you don't need to rebutt it here.

  20. Dato,

    A correction – ‘…UMNO is for Malays, it governs all in Malaysia.’

    Umno doesn’t govern all in M’sia! BN does – with certain caveats!

    ‘UMNO cannot allow its legitimacy be undermined and undercut by PERKASA.’

    It does – simply bcoz Perkasa is a front for the hidden part of umno that’s only now become visible. Umno is playing the superficial 1Malaysia theme now to appeal to the general M’sians, while Perkasa strikes to maintain the old mahathirist’s umnoism, which the mamak had successfully hijacked to championed his cause to the cheers of the tie-hard rent-seekers!

    BTW ‘Affirmative actions will still be in place but they are going to be leavened with transparency, merit and competitiveness.’ is oxymoron.

    The first action is mutually exclusive to the rests; simply bcoz umno’s affirmative carries in itself a sense of FIRST-SERVED priority where any modes of competition are abhorrent to it!

    Moreover, true affirmative actions MUST have a timeline, otherwise it becomes a positive feedback chain reaction that leads to perpetual rent-seeking as of now.

  21. Dato,

    ‘..Suqiu? Wasn't this an organization operating on all things Chinese agenda?’

    Care to study the proposal submitted by Suqiu to mamak before making judgement?

    Wasn’t mamak commented that Suqiu’s proposal was worth to study as it encompassed all M’sians in a fair & just environment?

    Then the chameleon mamak changed his stand after the election & claimed Suqiu to be Chinese chauvinistic!

    One Question – how many of u had truly gone through the Suqiu’s proposal & came to a conclusion that Suqiu is/was all things Chinese agenda?

    Or was it because the mamak said so?

    Talk about pulling by the nose…….

    No surprise that that mamak can squandered off the country for 22 yrs at his fancy.

  22. Quiet despair,

    Even now, those majority chinese n indians n lain lain who seek JPA majority comes from a lower middle class family or Poor, I dont think rich n upper middle class family will mengemis in government offices....except BN politician relatives.

    Does Najib paying for his children education in UK and US or Malaysian taxpayers?? Does Najib even pay tax??? Why cant Najib kids study in UM?? I studied in USM Perak....Tak ada standard ke?

    Why does US president declare his income every year publicly and taxes, even Indonesian President but not Msian PM?????????

    Just make all JPA as loan and wajib dibayar balik oleh semua orang kepada agensi kerajaan....

    Why those malays who studied under JPA, pinjaman Mara no come back n work in malaysia once they have got work in western countries and seen the dollar?? Not patriotic??? At least payback the Malaysia gov. Why cannot even do that????

  23. Dato'

    Question is, can UMNO step up to the next level ?

    In term of its original mission, UMNO has regress instead of progress.

    But in term of money politics, UMNO truly excels.

    Sadly only money can motivate UMNO to step up to the next level now.

  24. Schenker 78

    Care to go to JPA and find out how many rich Chinese got JPA scholarships?
    With the blanket 10As and 9As which Najib has given on the pressure of MCA and MIC, it's the Chinese who got the most.
    Did you see the 1Malaysia scholarship winners. Chinese and Indians have more if you compare the population ratio.
    And you know what, many Malays do not apply for JPA sponsorship anymore.
    We think it should be for children of pejabat kerajaan and the poor Malays.
    There are so many prestigious scholarships which the soclled smarts can scramble for.
    If they cant get one, they are exam swottoers. Not a well-rounded student.

  25. quiet despair,

    i dont count this chinese and indians like you do...

    how do you know they are rich. Did you actually do a survey on it with some forms to fill??

    If they are rich, they should spend the money themselves... anyhow, i would say no more scholarship. make it all loan and force ppl to repay back so gov will not be in debt.

    i dont give a damn about mca or mic.... they will get their children JPA, but let the ordinary citizen with nothing.

    I hate any kind of lobbying with any political party for education. The gov should have policy and not let anybody incl PM to give short cuts to some one to get scholarship.

    Just answer me this..

    Why failed and sacked from University guy, Saiful Bukhari gets to see Najib TPM for scholarship...'Budak ini jumpa saya pasal nak dapatkan biasiswa'....after a while Najib changed story and said ' Budak ini datang komplen yang anwar jolok belakang dia'

    Apa punya hantu najib ini??
    Awak jawab saya....

  26. cont 2of2

    ‘many Malays do not apply for JPA sponsorship anymore.’

    Simple answer is that JPA sponsorship has become very tough to qualify WHEN it was made opened to Other M’sians by T Abdullah around 2000. Before that only token Other M’sian can get the JPA scholarship.

    This glaring trend can be easily deduced from out of 300 scholarships on merit, only 59 or 20 percent were given to bumiputera students while 241 or 80 percent went to non-bumiputeras.

    Before 2000, majority of the JPA scholarship was given to ‘connected’ Malay M’sians, who r mainly in the top earning group. Surprise?

    For the race quota, bumiputeras received 557 scholarships (61.8%), non-bumiputeras 343 (38.1%), Sabah and Sarawak races 150 while the socially disadvantaged 150.

    The above exclude those scholarships that have been freely given under the MARA!

    So number speaks louder than BS, no wonder u r so quietly despair!

    BTW – ‘There are so many prestigious scholarships which the soclled smarts can scramble for.
    If they cant get one, they are exam swottoers. Not a well-rounded student.’

    is a real sour-grape.

    Perhaps all those well-known & well established M’sians, who stayed & achieved some names for themselves oversea r all not well-rounded ex-students.

    My foot!

  27. Quiet Despair said...,

    Care to go to JPA and find out how many rich Malay got JPA scholarships? For that matter make it ALL govt scholarships!

    Sour loser! The Other M’sians got the JPA scholarship through meritocracy, while u-know-who got them through ‘bonus’ marks. Tau kau?

    ‘Did you see the 1Malaysia scholarship winners? Chinese and Indians have more if you compare the population ratio.’

    Still cannot see the proverbial forest? Still want to talk about quota even when NOT ENOUGH qualified Malay M’sian can fulfill yr beloved quota? So for u, every Malay M’sian, whether he/she is a 2nd best or borderline achiever, as long as the quota needs to be filled – semua masuk!

    At the end WHAT do we get – unemployable ‘techies’ thinking +/- r only mathematical sign, ‘doctors’ thinking scalpel is for peeling fruit, confused ‘number crunchers’ mixed up mean & medium & get that ONLY good at bean-counting. Funny izzint?

    Yes, there r REAL life examples & the saddest part is that the end sufferers under these ‘educated products’ r mainly their own kindred. Talk about ironic!

    Let get something into the thick & slow thinking brain;

    Scholarship can be a social attribute for the disadvantages BUT the main purpose of scholarship is to help academic High Achievers to further their advancement under a carefree environment so that they can continue to excel & hopefully achieve some gainful results for the good of the nation. The background of the achiever IS NOT relevant factor for scholarship selection.

    That’s the only reason WHY top brains r been head-hunted by all nations, with the exception of bolihland, where brain drain is a growing business!

    U want social engineering for wealth distribution? Fine – don’t do it at the expense of the ‘brains’ that the country‘s future depends. ok? BTW how to create wealth for re-distribution if there is not brainy experts of all fields. Oh - zero-sum game again!!!!!


  28. Anon 14.53 and 14.54

    Scholarship is not a right but a privilege.
    Get that you knuckle-head.
    Hey smarty pants and world-class racist.
    Don't you dare denigrate my race.
    What I am trying to say is that we Malays now can afford to go on our money. Many went to Cambridge and Oxford wirhout begging (or is robbing) for handouts.
    The scholarships we take are also from the private sectors.
    We dont want to be so shameless and take what is not our due.
    Unlike the ravaging, hungry shameless Chinese.
    You ridicule Najib and the government. You tear the police apart. You castigate our judiciary.
    You insult our government departments.
    You dont want to work in messy jobs, nor donate blood. You enjoy being a take and run specie.
    Working in govt department is beneath you. But take the scholarship, best mah.
    Terhegeh-hegeh go begging for JPA scholarships. Take, take take that's what you guys are good at.
    Dont bother to vote. Only now politically aware. Will vote for DAP, the king of racist party of course.
    Dont get scholarships, rant and rave in the papers.
    Jealous of our affirmative action. Last time even the pork-seller can send kids overseas to study. Now since Meley can get one, we want five more la. Why should we pay one. Go for free gifts. First at the door during aale. Dont know how to queue.
    And yep, only allowed to take 10subjects. Of course kiasu will take 12 subjects. Alwats want to be one-up.
    Not a squeak of gratitude after all 9As of your race got it. haha lower the bar for the Chinese. kesian ya.
    Now writng and complaining that JPA gave you all small jobs after graduation.
    Hey, JPA dont owe you a living. haha, depend on JPA to get you a job. What happened to all the tycoons. Not helping ah.
    Its good there will be no more overseas scholarships. Kiasus will no longer apply. because you want to go overseas to study that's all.
    Uncle Lim now very quiet because the lame MCA is fighting for the JPA scholarship to shore up their party's dwindling support.
    Isn't the kiasu taglime is I, Me, Myself, my race.
    P.S. It's cool ya to enter the as usual accepting UMNO member blog where you can spew filth. Better go to Zorro's blog where you have cheer-leaders.
    You cannot find in the oh-so-liberal PKR, a single line condemning them.
    LONG LIVE THE KIASUs. Take over the country can??
    Even in China, the same race, different relgion, you can quarrel.
    You know why, greed. Greedy like the animal you eat.

  29. Warga Malaysia13 July 2010 at 19:59

    "DAP is already here. With its brand of Chinese first politics, no matter how strenuously it tries to deny"

    Datuk Sakmongkol, tell us in what ways is DAP practicing Chinese First politics. If you cannot, you are no better than that empty upstairs Ibrahim Ali that you yourself despise.

  30. Quiet Despair,

    u have not answered at all at my comment on 10:44.....

    especially about najib TPM giving biasiswa to saiful...

    by the way, what DAP talk about chinese.....just take this year.....did they talk about chinese school or chinese??

    DAP and Lim Kit Siang raised issue about submarine, anti Sports Betting, APCO, bloated and cost over runs of projects, Tony Pua on e-procurement, Penan rape issue, PKFZ and many more concerning national issues that affects all.

    If your UMNO party and Quiet Despair are so stupid in labelling DAP as chinese chauvinist, go ahead. Your UMNO has failed in all to manage this country resources. So stupid UMNO...

    Najib and Ibrahim Ali licking Vincent tan for Haram money , UMNO is run by VT haram money and wins election thanks to Vincent tan and his Robin Hood son... yuck.....

    malulah sikit, awak reti halal haram ker....

    awak pi tengok jam 6pm ramai melayu berbaris beli nombor ekor dengan Sports Toto Vincent tan dengan sembunyi2 pakai helmet atas kepala....

  31. Quiet Despair said...

    Good… u finally show yr true colour. Let me add a few more number to yr raising blood pressure.

    Here goes;

    ‘Scholarship is not a right but a privilege.’

    Right! Now u r talking. But… but who has been claiming that ‘right’ by shouting article153 hoarsely all these years? The choir boys of deminegara & now the Ibrahim katak.

    So get that - u knukle-head & world-class racist, hiding inside the cocoon waiting for hand-out! Ouch.. ouch2x!

    Nobody is questioning about the ability of the Malay M’sian to go to Cambridge and Oxford, whether through merit or otherwise. After all all one need to go to Oxbridge is ONLY 3 distinctions. The question is the zero-sum game that u people r ass-u-med to be good at.

    By all means get yr own fund to go to the uni, while doing so DON’T deprive the deserving poors of the Other M’sians. Get this, into that thick slimy piece of ‘thing’ between yr ears, NOT all Other M’sians have rich sugar daddy like u people do, ok?

    BTW, r u sure u knew how to feel SHAME? Shame means that u must membalas budi when the opportunity arises. Now that u r comfortable through NEP, what have u done to uplift & bootstrap yr other poor kindred to the minimum level of yr current living standard. No standard, ye?

    Unlike the other M’sians, who contributes twice yearly at least – one for govt income tax to pay for yr NEP opulent craps & the other for the maintaining of the vernacular educational system. Talk about shame….tsk…tsk..

    ‘You ridicule Najib and the government. You tear the police apart. You castigate our judiciary.
    You insult our government departments.’

    Hei, u have forget about all those conscious Malay M’sians, who do likewise. Or they r penghina bangsa in yr eye? BTW, there r Indians M’sians, Sabah/S’wak M’sians, & Orang Asli M’sians too, doing what the Chinese M’sians r doing/saying.

  32. cont 2of2

    ‘You dont want to work in messy jobs, nor donate blood.’

    Messy job? Who put in blood-sweat-&-tear to develop M’sia’s land, agriculture, mining resources so that now u can enjoy shamelessly. Go for yr history Malay 101 & make sure u read widely- NOT the BTN type, ok?

    Nor donate blood – next time during Puasa month make very sure that u don’t need any blood infusion to keep u alive. Most of the blood u get r from the take and run specie. Idiot!

    ‘Working in govt department is beneath you.’ Why should I work in govt department when my race is a glass-ceiling to my advancement in career. More so when I’ve to work under a nincompoop, who sit on top of me just so happen that he comes from the right colour group? Will u? Or sorry-lah, that scenario does apply to u!

    ‘Last time even the pork-seller can send kids overseas to study.’ U think that pork seller got his money just like u? Or sorry-lah, u people don’t understand blood-sweat-&-tear efforts to etch a living & reinvest into the children for better future. U kind r the hand-out type where everything sugar daddy can take care!

    ‘And yep, only allowed to take 10subjects. Of course kiasu will take 12 subjects. Alwats want to be one-up.’

    Bloody ignoramus – remember yr 17A ‘genuis’ some time ago? Go & check what others spin-off subjects from religious studies that helped to achieve that score, ok? Talk about one-up & kiasu – iff u people can u will definitely outdone all – just like all those in the M’sia Guinness book of records.

    ‘Isn't the kiasu taglime is I, Me, Myself, my race.’ My foot 2x!

    U mentioned about greed? Ok let’s talk greed! Why should rich Malay M’sian get special discount for property – for that matter high-end bungaloo & Malay M’sian who can afford that shouldn’t be living hand-to-mouth, yes? Or must have standard-lah , how can all the pricy real estates been occupied by the Other M’sians only. & yet u don’t want to pay market price like everyone else. U want discount so that that housing estate can have a balanced racial mix!

    Greed for just this glaring example - PNB has been getting seed money from the M’sian public for years & yet the M’sian public get zilch from the PNB’s return. Only selected group of preferred people get returns after returns, even during economic challenging time. The right thing should be returning the seed money to the M’sian public & used the profit for further investment. No! What’s yrs is mine & that return + principle is also mine! BTW PNB IS NOT the only example, Felda too & same as many other outfits that u people championed!

    Talk about greed! Hei, greed is spell as G-R-E-E-D not my grand father’s heirloom, ok?

    Go check yr blood pressure & ready for the ambulan. Oh! btw make sure NO kiasu blood infusion, ok?

  33. cont 2of3

    ‘You dont want to work in messy jobs, nor donate blood.’

    Messy job? Who put in blood-sweat-&-tear to develop M’sia’s land, agriculture, mining resources so that now u can enjoy shamelessly. Go for yr history Malay 101 & make sure u read widely- NOT the BTN type, ok?

    Nor donate blood – next time during Puasa month make very sure that u don’t need any blood infusion to keep u alive. Most of the blood u get r from the take and run specie. Idiot!

    ‘Working in govt department is beneath you.’ Why should I work in govt department when my race is a glass-ceiling to my advancement in career. More so when I’ve to work under a nincompoop, who sit on top of me just so happen that he comes from the right colour group? Will u? Or sorry-lah, that scenario does apply to u!

    ‘Last time even the pork-seller can send kids overseas to study.’ U think that pork seller got his money just like u? Or sorry-lah, u people don’t understand blood-sweat-&-tear efforts to etch a living & reinvest into the children for better future. U kind r the hand-out type where everything sugar daddy can take care!

    ‘And yep, only allowed to take 10subjects. Of course kiasu will take 12 subjects. Always want to be one-up.’

    Bloody ignoramus – remember yr 17A ‘genius’ some time ago? Go & check what others spin-off subjects from religious studies that helped to achieve that score, ok? Talk about one-up & kiasu – iff u people can u will definitely outdone – just like all those records in the M’sia Guinness book of records.

    ‘Isn't the kiasu taglime is I, Me, Myself, my race.’ My foot 2x!

  34. cont 3of3

    U mentioned about greed? Ok let’s talk greed! Why should rich Malay M’sian get special discount for property – for that matter high-end bungaloo & Malay M’sian who can afford that shouldn’t be living hand-to-mouth, yes? Or must have standard-lah , how can all the pricey real estates been occupied by the Other M’sians only. & yet u don’t want to pay market price like everyone else. U want discount so that that housing estate can have a balanced racial mix!

    Greed for just this glaring example - PNB has been getting seed money from the M’sian public for years & yet the M’sian public get zilch from the PNB’s return. Only selected group of preferred people get returns after returns, even during economic challenging time. The right thing should be returning the seed money to the M’sian public & used the profit for further investment. No! What’s yrs is mine & that return + principle is also mine! BTW PNB IS NOT the only example, Felda too & same as many other outfits that u people championed!

    Talk about greed! Hei, greed is spell as G-R-E-E-D not my grand father’s heirloom, ok?

    Go check yr blood pressure & ready for the ambulan. Oh! btw make sure NO kiasu blood infusion, ok?

  35. Warga Malaysia14 July 2010 at 20:02

    Ha looks like sakmongkol AK47 has no answers to the many criticisms here. See - not even a squeak. DAP Chinese first policy? Mana? Show me. List them out. A commentator has listed the issues that Lim Kit Siang brought up. Which one is Chinese first? I have a lot of things in my heart I want to blurt out over the hurts that Sakmongkol has dished out to us kiasu race.

    So since Sakmongkol has no answer to my request to list out all the "Chinese First policy" by DAP but has labelled DAP such, from now on I will consider Sakmongkol of the same categories of empty headed Ibrahim Ali. Go join Perkasa Sakkie

  36. Warga Malaysia14 July 2010 at 21:39

    Ha looks like sakmongkol AK47 has no answers to the many criticisms here. See - not even a squeak. DAP Chinese first policy? Mana? Show me. List them out. A commentator has listed the issues that Lim Kit Siang brought up. Which one is Chinese first? I have a lot of things in my heart I want to blurt out over the hurts that Sakmongkol has dished out to us kiasu race.

    So since Sakmongkol has no answer to my request to list out all the "Chinese First policy" by DAP but has labelled DAP such, from now on I will consider Sakmongkol of the same categories of empty headed Ibrahim Ali. Go join Perkasa Sakkie
