Wednesday 24 September 2008

Our Corrupting Ways

The observation which caught Sakmongkol’s attention was:-

Mr Liao Ran, TI's senior programme coordinator for East and South Asia, said factors contributing to Singapore's ranking included a
strong commitment from political leaders; education, which has bred a culture of integrity among citizens; a sound and comprehensive legal framework; and an effective anti-corruption agency.

It was reported that Singapore was ranked 4th in the world as the least most corrupt country. And corruption is defined as:-

It defines corruption as the abuse of public office for private gain and measures the degree to which corruption is perceived to exist among public officials and politicians.

Dr Johann Graf Lambsdorff of the University of Passau in Germany, who draws up the index, said Singapore's long tradition of strong oversight is an example for best practices in Asia.

Asian economies which placed significantly are Hong Kong (12th), Japan (18th), Taiwan (39th), South Korea (40th) and Malaysia (47th).

Perhaps our political leaders need to look at their commitment to stem out corruption. One of the root cause for endemic corruption in our society is the inbuilt mechanisms that encourage corruption. In India during Nehru’s time, the negative moniker of the license Raj comes to mind.

A society that constructs artificial devices of regulation and control, which are in effect means of monopolies, are in fact encouraging and inducing people to beat around corners and practice corrupt ways.

UMNO as the main political pillar has elevated the art of the license Raj to a respectable habit. It institutionalises the practice of a quota system that pretends to weed out cranks and busybodies to contest . In practice it has led to political apparatchiks applying their really abundant devious ingenuities to circumvent that ruling by employing the oldest trick in the world- buy your way to get office.


  1. Sorry if Anwar can not help now then we have to have an alternative plan of action to free RPK. Remember when Anwar said he has a number of PKR parliments seats to choose from for a re-entry to Parliment.

    What better time is now then to have one of the opposition MP resign his or her seat and force a by-election. This way we can see if they are willing to help and payback the support RPK has given to the opposition parties. Get RPK to stand as a Independent or a PR candidate supported by all PR parties. He should not stand for PKR , DAP , PAS ,or PS but as a apolitical candidate. support his and make sure the BN candidate looses his or her deposit. This will remind BN how unpopular they are.

    The ball is now in PR’s court and what do you all say


  2. dear rababa,
    sorry my friend, yr comments are not related to my posting at all. pls comment on this posting, criticise it if you may.

  3. The quota system in umno nominations had smeared umno’s image. The breed of leaders that were elected from this system in one way of the other may have been involved in vote buying. Imagine to secure nomination from a division with 300 delegates. Do you think they will vote to nominate the president and his deputy? Seldom happens. The division leader would persuade the ahli jawatan kuasa to unanimously accept the incumbent president and his deputy. That’s the power of money. The divisional leaders are normally getting access to the higher level of the government for projects or business. So being indebted to them the leaders will offer non resistance deal to the branch leaders should the nomination uncontested. Cuti cuti makan angin pun ok. I agree with dato mukhriz that some leaders are scared to voice out their thoughts for fear that they might not be getting anymore business in future. So dato, do you think that you can defy the affluent KJ for the youth leader post? From the online votes you seem to be a winner but what about on the ground? I hope you will. We need more people like you just like your dad.

  4. Since their leaders are amongst the best paid politicians in the world, Singapore has stood to test that one can be clean and still be well-off.

    That itself should be a telling lesson for our political leaders. Yet it isn't. And maybe the real reason lies in something else. Money to campaign and to sustain ongoing public relations with voters has to come from somewhere. Certainly there is an allocation from the party funds for each adun. But how much is enough to sweeten one's image before an increasingly dissatisfied electorate? Not enough. So the funds have to come from private supporters and sponsors. And they will want something back in return. That's where cronyism takes root. Once taken the forbidden fruit, forever in its lascivious grasp.

    The immediate gain today for our politicians end up being the ultimate loss for everyone in a nation labelled corrupt. Investors are what we need, for obviously we don't have enough funds to bolster our flagging economy, already whacked every now and then by globalization. But they will go elsewhere less costly if they can. Why should they choose us when our domestic market is too small for them and we don't have the human capital to make their proposal to relocate here more attractive than elsewhere? And when people who produce don't park here, how will the economy grow to afford higher compensation for political leaders so that they can avoid the temptation of being on the take at the expense of the millions of unseen citizens who have to pay more for shoddier goods delivered or poorer public service?

    How to get out of this dilemma when the commitment to fight corruption cannot be wholehearted from the start because the people who are supposed to initiate and sustain the commitment are themselves suspected of being on the take?

    And it all starts with their rise up their political careers. So to unroot the unrootable, maybe the rakyat (people, ahem) should fight for something else first. A system of political development where no candidate may use more than X ringgit for his level of position applied for. But how to apply this to the current system which is already money politics in all but name? And how to apply it equally to the opposition so that the playing field is seen to be level by both sides?

    These are indeed hard questions to answer. But not to try would only be to resign ourselves to the continuation of a system long identified as the root cause of all that ails our country.

    We owe it to our young. We owe it to this flag we defend. We owe it to the thousands who have given their lives in the past to uphold the vision of Malaysia as a fair and good place to be, whatever their different roots might have been. Malaysia is more than a country. She is a dream, a quest, a place where common folks can join forces to build goodness.

    And corruption stands in the way of it all.

  5. why so touchy sakmongkol M16

    Open up a article of free RPK or unless you do not like him


  6. Rababa

    You cant force anyone to like RPK. He has duty to perform as a liar to discredit anything that he wishes. He has nothing to lose as he is financially menopause. He can’t even rebut shafee Abdullah’s suit but rather adamant as if he lives in the world of vacuum. So, let him unwind for two years hopefully by then he will write good children story books instead of politics.


  7. There are exceptions to the rule - at least at the micro-level - but I will also admit that it was one isolated case. I shall relate (if I may):

    I was once stopped by a police road-block and was about to be done in for driving a motorcycle without valid road tax and insurance. In top of that, I wasn't wearing a helmet nor did I have a valid licence. Pretty serious, huh?

    Then the policeman got chatty and I (almost tearfully) told him my life story (all true, I assure you). He was so consumed with sympathy that he let me off the hook, and on top of that, gave me RM10 to tied me over! To this day, I think this was a first.

    My point? There is still hope, my friend - at least, at the micro level

  8. Mr Bankai,
    U can either be a good actor or sober politician. I was told by a friend in n sembilan that khalid yunos used to cry a lot when visiting his electorates. relating your experience I now realise why politician cries.. desperate ma..

