Wednesday 24 July 2024

White Feather in parliament. Tales by an unknown Malaysian. No. 7

1. The conduct of the speaker over the party hopping issue is ignominious. I thought that total disregard of public odium could never be surpassed until I heard the PM's comment on the issue .

2. When the PM said that it's the fault of Bersatu, that the seats occupied by the 6 Benedict Arnolds could not be declared vacant, I think that that was a not so clever statement.

3. The speaker can insert a white feather in the speakers songkok and Anwar can wear a bandana also with a white feather inserted .

4. The white feather is of course a symbol of cowardice and that is what it represents by the conduct of the ubi kayu speaker and Nana Non.

5. The gol dan gincu and the grandfather bicycle in the office rider can deny all he wants that it's not cowardice, but people can see the farce. It IS cowardice!

6. The idiocy of the statement by the ubi kayu speaker is superseded only by the lunacy of Nana Nons State. To the ordinary man, the literal intention of the anti hopping act is clear .

7. The intention of the act is to ensure that MPs who fundamentally disagree or don't toe party principles must resign their post. That will allow elections to take place

8. If a minister disagrees fundamentally with the PM, he ought to resign doesn't he? That's the principle of cabinet collective responsibility. Similarly if an MP doesn't toe party lines he ought to resign. Let's call it party collective responsibility.

9. It's not for the speaker or PM to frustrate the intention of the Act by verbal gymnastics or manipulations. If the oppose the act as parliamentarians, they ought to be referred to the rights and privileges committee. This is because they do so with malice aforethought

10. The only concussion we can deduce from their contumulious acts , is that want to avoid PH and PKR in particular from suffering a 6 telur trashing.

11. Are you not scornful of their cowardly conduct?

12. It's not the business of the ph government to interfere into the affairs of opposition parties using constitutional constructs. The act ought to be given its intention. It's not there to wash the speakers bottom .

13. If today, the UMNO presideng decides to expel it's maniacal youth head, we wouldn't care would we? Like Napoleon said, if the enemy makes mistakes we wouldn't interrupt. UMNO wants to implode , let's ease them!

14. Hip hip hooray, belts off , pants down, dicks out, isn't life's a scream?

15. If that were to happen to UMNO, I would do the mission impossible thing, walk away from the destructive tape

16. As to the infamous 6, the scoundrels, the urchins don't you be gloating. Don't count your chickens before the eggs are hatched. Or the Malays say, don't pour water from the earthen jar upon hearing the thunder .

17. The betrayal to your party reveals your true nature. You are men with no honour, amour-propre and are a distrustful lot.

18. When you don't toe the line of your your party, you cease to be a member of your party. Effectively you have self expelled yourself. We say self expelled to stop these now proven degenerate people from saying they are expelled from the party by others . Stop them from saying they are passive victims .

19. Without the enabling structure which allows you to become MP no longer exists, it behooves you to vacate your position as MP.

20. Vacating their positions as MP is the right thing to do. Even an idiot knows to differentiate between what is right and wrong. Lets not talk about honour and dishonor. For by now, it's obvious that the infamous 6 have none.

21. Don't be saying your betrayal is justified because you put the welfare of the people in your constituency first. That doesn't make your betrayal any nobler. Besides the other MPs will say the same thing

22. Ali baba stole and perhaps helped destitutes. But he stole. Robbin hood stole from the rich and helped the poor. So, that is the myth. But he stole. Najib stole from SRC and claimed he helped orphans, widows and single mothers. The act of stealing does not become virtuous. Similarly he plundered through 1MDB and gave some to UMNO people and BN parties. These doesn't make his plundering any nobler , does it?

23. The same principle applies to the betrayal of the 6 scoundrels. Claiming they did what they do because of some gratuitous care of the people is so farcical. And securing such by declaring support for your opponent which is so fundamentally against your own party, is unconscionable and shameless.

24. In truth, these 6 idiots are privileged and entitled scumbags. They feel entitled to change party as and when they so feel like to. They view the services they provide as MPs as a privilege to the people. Plus they are dishonorable.

25. If they betrayed PN, they can also betray PH. In the end they are trusted by none. The people ought to be weary of them. Their loyalty is fluid, whimsical and ephemeral.

26. The 2 protagonists in the party hopping saga are PH and PN. PH is sending the wrong Message. It's encouraging and celebrating, not pragmatic support but opportunistic support secured through the acts of betrayal

27. The underhanded support for the acts of betrayal, shows that PH is an unprincipled, unscrupulous and an opportunistic political grouping. It shows that PH is an expert in turning over .

28. The party hopping episode is particularly scandalous to PKR in particular. It's not beneath using underhanded means to secure what turns out to be a phyrric victory. It damages the esteem of PKR more.

29. In securing that temporary triumph, pH and in particular PKR, shows its more into form than substance. A party doing that shows its incapable of delivering substantial's and instead focuses on image building to hide it's deficiencies.

30. PN of course will make political capital of PH's political faux pas, telling all sorry of unproven narratives and lies. The solution is to bring the matter to court. Admittedly they will profit from PH's faux pas.

31. The ubi kayu speaker has made an interpretation of the law. He may have erred. The final arbiter is the court. This is where PN should go , instead of gas lighting the public on this issue.

32. I used the term ubi kayu not as a symbol of people's resilience but a symbol bringing derogatory connotations. It means imbecilic, stupid, idiotic , useless and many more.

33. It pains me to speak ill against allies; I have been to ceramah at Sungai petani a few times as I did with the PM on a number of occasions. But this is something wrong I feel PKR has committed and I would be remiss in my duty to not speak honestly about this.

34. They may revile and despise me now but I don't give 2 hoots about's no skin off my nose. In the words of a famous poet:- Aku ini binatang jalang Dari kumpulannya terbuang Biar peluru menembus kulitku Aku tetap neradang menerjang

Luka Dan duka kubawa berlari berlari

Hingga hilang pedih peri

Dan Aku akan lebih tidak peduli

Aku mau hidup seribu tahun lagi!

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