Sunday 23 June 2024

Tales by an unknown Malaysian. No. 2

1. In this article, I want to give my 2 cents opinion on the pardon given to Najib. He is a Malay by race but one who swindled millions thru SRC and billions through 1MDB. His race is of no relevance to the crimes he has committed. Nor does his religion.

2. My opinion is, I repeat is enough for me. I reserved the right to have it defended against any majority of opinions, consensus, any nd conventional opinions. I will defend it, as Karpal Singh says, anytime, anyplace, anywhere (if in court).

3. If anyone does not like it, despises and hates it, they can que up to kiss my ass.

4. I feel nauseous when hearing many lawyers explaining why the pardon is justified and then the disgraced robber in chief can be eligible for house arrest. They will cite all the acts that serve only to intimidate us. Then they will regurgitate all the legal argle bargle to sound so intellectual.

5. These are arguments by inbred lawyers to affirm the privileges of the rich and powerful and to maintain the status quo. The point is to overthrow and dismantle the status quo and to fortify the sentence. Not to use sharp arguments to lessen the punishment of the offender more.

6. These arguments only prompt me to cite a famous phrase. These effers have hitherto mechanically interpreted the world, the point is, to change it.

7. Changing it, to my mind is to break away and decouple ourselves from the stranglehold of retaining the status quo and finding clever ideas to maintain the ideas of the bourgeois class.

8. The foremost member of this bourgeois class is of course Najib and we must do everything to save him and save ourselves.

9. Aren't we all are playing a board game supported by kowtowing masses and if they all stand up, it's game over for us?

10. The whole pardons board is a farce. It's composed of 5 individuals from the upper crust of society of individuals who have arrived. They can't be expected to have proletarian sentiments.

11. Not coming from a section of the real community, they can't be expected to give an unbias advice to HRH.

12. The advice the gave to HRH must by necessity reflect their social station in life. And must by necessity be tilted in favour of the criminal in chief . The fault lies partly in us for believing these nobs by definition, must reflect the higher and virtuous values. Thus giving clemency to a known criminal is an accepted bourgeois value.

13. Our trust in the pardons board, whose composition does not reflect a cross section of the community is misplaced. It is a monumental wrong on our part for believing that the upper crust and arrived people have the people's interest at heart .

14. The people want the chief architect of the crime punished and the judgement of the courts affirmed. Yet the decision of the pardons board negated these very interests.

15. To add insult to injury, the spokesman or rather spokeswoman for the board appears to mock our sensitivities by never answering our questions and by exhorting us to accept any decisions of the pardons board . We shall have none of that. We just want our pound of flesh.

16. The unintelligible noises coming out from the spokeswomans mouth confirmed the truth in this observation.

17. That the less intelligent they are, the more vanity, pride and arrogance they exhibit. And they will always find crowd of fools to applaud them.

18. To many of us, the decisions of the pardons board are unconscionable. They are bias. The board does represent a cross section of the community, the decisions went against the findings of the courts and is also objected because we refused to believe that only these denizens are capable of distinguishing rights from wrongs. We the people claim the ultimate and residual rights.

19. We object the decision by the pardons board because we believe Najib does not deserve any clemency. Here are the reasons for our objection.

20. Stealing money, plundering the country's coffers, using a legitimate vehicle to effectively convert monies is an unpardonable crime. The betrayal of the trust of the people by a leader is more damaging.

21. Claiming the monies were used for orphans, widows and single mothers was deceptive and possibly an outright lie. If the intention was to help the unfortunate beings, why not create an official SPV and budget it officially? Najib was the bloody PM what?

22. What is the basis that allowed Najib to jump que and had his request to be pardoned heard first? What about those whose application for pardon dealt with?

23. Is it because Najib is the Putera in the term Bumiputera, that he is naturally entitled for preferential treatment and privileges?

24. This sense of entitlement is only claimed and falsely owned by UMNO inbreds. The pardons board by kowtowing to Najib's demands is only perpetuating the entitlement myth.

25. It's a myth because an entitlement or a right you fought for, worked for and qualifed for. It's not something falling like manna from heaven.

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