Friday 14 April 2023

Clemency and pardon for a convict- in- chief.

1. An umno leader from batu pahat, prayed in front of the holy kaabah. He prayed for the release of ds Najib.

2. He can pray for whatever he wants. But don't be angry if there are people who pray and entreat God to punish the thieving felon . Comprende?

3. That's typical umnoist behavior. When they are in trouble, they think God will only help them.

4. That's the trouble with umno people. They think God is an umno member just as the republicans think God is a republican.

5. Hence, they presume that their doas and supplications will be granted by God.

6. Most fair God does not distinguish between the dia of a plebian and an a patrician . The doa of a fuad zarkashi is not given more weight over the doa of a wak sontoloyo or wak jarwo.

7. Fuad may doa for the release of the convict while wak sontoloyo is praying the convict pays for his sins.

8. Umno doesn't have complete faith in doa , that's why it asks it's members to sign a petition asking clemency from the king.

9. But there's a glitch. The letter or warkah asking for clemency has not been sent yet by Najibs lawyer, prison lawyer or a lawyer representing Najibs family.

10. That's a bloody faux pas, gaucherie or peccadillo on the part of umno. Because of the indiscretion, umno enters the prn in the 6 states, as the weak link.

11. The faux pas is a poor reflection of umno.
It does not respect the law
# it will bend the law until it suits them
# it will use political pressure to subvert the law
# opens up umno to all form of criticisms imaginable.

12. So, it's not a good strategy for PH to sacrifice seats in all the 6 states. In fact, PH needs to limit umno . But as usual, umno will act as if the tea spoon is bigger than the dinner spoon .

13. Meanwhile , convict Najib is behaving like a privileged prisoner. Special rights of BUMIPUTRAs perhaps? He goes to court not handcuffed and escorted by a fleet of cars and a phalanx of state paid escorts.
He is seen carrying a hand phone
He wears zegna or Gucci suits instead of prison garb .

14. Hey,sob sob other daddies are also spending raya with fellow inmates.

15. It is a demonic and fiendish evil move by umno to circumvent the law .

16. So I must say sorry beforehand as I shan't leave this subject of clemency and pardon to the Agong alone. The issue is of paramount importance and it's significance wide ranging, that I shall be remiss in my duty as a loyal subject if I do not give my opinion on it.

17. Whether my opinion is listened to by HM is immaterial. I am one of the many conscientious objectors who wants Najib to pay for his crime .

18. Clemency and pardon ought not to be given cavalierly. The issue must be studies meticulously,all round. It's not like playing polo at padang polo or plucking pauh in permatang pauh or eating temosa raja.

19. Let me give you the irrational reasons first. Why Najib alone? Why not pardon too the rapists, murderers and the incestuous convicts?

20. Najib raped and murdered this country by his corruption. He is the same class as the other degenerates .

21. Will the pardon if given, also cover possible future convictions? There is a strong possibility that Najib may also be convicted for 1MDB offences. Let's not kid ourselves. The tributaries are polluted, it's impossible for the main river to be pristine.

22. The other supporting actors in the 1MDB scandal have all been convicted, it's impossible to believe Najib will be exonerated. Hence to give the felon-in-chief a pardon, is like giving him a carte blanche to murder .

23. We must not allow umno, Zahid and Najib to make a mockery over the law. If we believe that no one is above the law, it must also mean to refrain from doing anything that prejudices the law .

24. Asking for a royal pardon is therefore inimical to the concept that no one is above the law. On the other hand, it sends the message of ' break the law, ask for pardon later '.

25. Asking for a royal pardon is not just asking for a relief of one person. Imagine the damage and hurt it does to the country, it's reputation, her good name, the trust to it, national amour propre and the country's value system.

26. The country will be seen as having no honor, it has no dignity, no respect for universally accepted values system. It is the refuge and den for crooks .

27. Is Najib the felon in chief bigger than Malaysia, or is Malaysia worth fighting for. Shall we abandon this country for a crook?

28. Consider also the damage done to the King, PM and the judiciary. All these people and institution will not be unscarred.

29. The king will no longer be seen as a fountainhead of justice. He no longer protects the weak and the powerless. He will be seen as protector of the privileged and the rich. He is seen as a compromiser , siding with the secondhanders ie those who compromised for convenience. All these caused by red lips Najib.

30. We are looking at the king to protect the good name and reputation of the country. Malaysia is a law abiding country and not a haven for privileged crooks

31 . People are looking at the king to affirm what is right and not to bend the law for the pleasure of one person.

32. The PM's reputation will also take a bad beating. It's good to know he's in the pardons board. He is expected to do what is right .

33. And the right thing to do is to uphold the sanctity of the law. If he were to support clemency, it could only mean he has sacrificed the law for political gains. Or it could mean, umno has blackmail him into capitulation.

34. I hope, he has not forgotten the fact that he himself had to spend a long time in prison before getting pardoned.

35. Ignore the opinions of the council of kangkung professors. They are a fraternity of sexual perverts wanting recognition for something. Najib is a bane for the unity government. It's wrong to say that Najib is popular among the malays - perhaps popular only among the sex starved ignorant makciks, ah sos and achis . There are enough God fearing malays who will support the unity government.

36. The judiciary too will be scandalised. After conscientiously rebuilding it's image after being butchered by Mahathir in the judicial crisis in 1988 I think, the judiciary will be seen as being buyable.

37. It has sold the scales of justice for political expediency

38. The judiciary will lose its credibility and along with it, the trust of the people in the judiciary. That will happen if it bends over to rescue one crook. When it bends over, it will get a good shagging.

39. Seems to me, the basis for clemency and pardon is based on 2 faulty premises. One is the one dissenting judgement over 4 concurring judgements. Is 1 bigger than 4? Is that BUMIPUTRA math? Second, is the conspiratorial findings of sprm when it acted ultra vires, when investigation Mr justice nazlan.

40. Judge Rahman sebli must have rue the day he made the dissenting judgement. To eventually know that his judgement is going to be mischievously used to get a pardon for a bloody crook.

41. I think, at the high and apex courts, a dissenting judgement is just a difference in opinions. We should not read it as more than it deserves.

42. In my opinion, the findings of sprm are essentially wrong. It was supposed to investigate corruption on the part of justice nazlan. Where is it?

43. In particular, the case of the rm 1 million . Instead it made findings on the judge code of ethics which it is not authorized to and is no authority on. It has therefore acted ultra vires.

44. So, minister Azalina aids and abets an ultra vires conduct, when writing a letter to Najibs lawyers.

45. That would give the impression than an umno minister is conspiring with sprm to get Najib pardoned. The PM and the judiciary must stand firm against this unholy alliance .

46. The people of Malaysia must be mad to condone and countenance the pardoning of a crook . As to why they are afflicted by this mad cow disease , I can only conjecture.

47. Many years ago, I read a book edited by the famous Indonesian literati, hb jassin it's a book called langit Kian mendung .

48. It contained the short story langit kian mendung by a fictitious writer, kipandjikusmin.

49. The short story caused a religious furore much like kassim Ahmad's sidang ruh

50. A group of angels petitioned God to 'turba' or turun bawah to earth, particularly a place called Malaysia.

51. The wanted to research because of late, few Malaysians qualify for heaven. So they rode the celestial buraq down to earth .

52. Suddenly, kaboom! they crashed against an American satellite but were catapulted to Malaysia.

53. There, they observed people have gone mad and drunk because of ridiculous fatwas from mullahs from a religious party and the web of deceit spun by Najib and his minions.

54. So, dear readers, I can't in all conscience leave the issue to the Agong alone. He needs all the opinions he can get, including from a lowly person such as I.

55. There you are, I have given my opinion. A pardon should not be given to Ali babavum Najib.

56. Whether you agree or not with my opinion, is no skin off my nose.

57. As to my opinion, I would like to paraphrase Christopher Hitchens. My own opinion is enough for me .And I reserve the right to have it defended against any consensus, any majority, anytime, anywhere,any place.

58. And if anyone doesn't like it, pick a ticket, que up and kiss my ass.

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